AnarchismAndrés NinBolshevismBourgeoisieCapitalismCominternCommunismDemocracyFascismHitlerIV InternationalImperialismLeninismMarxismSocialismSovietSpainStalinStalinismStrikeSyndicalismTrotskyURSSUnited FrontViolenceWorkers MovementWorking Class

Alliance in Spain and vance.
Starving Men Steal OL PAGE THE MILITANT SATURDAY, MAY 19, 1934 EDITORIAL Toward the National Workers REVIEWING THE NEWS the point where the possibility of reforming this Mike Gold the Mathematical Wizard electric lines, did not come to his Needed Now: New Defence organization und be seriously debated among workAt last the secret is out. great committee but to the Assembly LaOrganization in class militants whose eyes are open and whose (Editorial in La Antorcha. new throwing obstacles into the path or stery to all readers of the Daily Lor and Industry Committee. How heads are in working order. After the treacherous fortnightly organ of the Spanish the revolutionary movement, and period has been: What system of Associated Gas and Electric that Worker since the start of the 3rd ever the worthy Senator wrote the Kubotage in the cases of Morgenstern and Goodman, Communist League. Bolshevik the stubborn sectarianism of the mathematics is used in estimating they could depend on him to kill it.
NE of the most promising developments in recent Tellusst, the marine workers and many others; after Leninists May 1st, 1934)
the miserable Trungling and complete disorgunization Catalonia gave the signal and it Federation (F. which is sur mass meetings, purades, etc. and sang leaders are honorable and uplenders of the Iberian Anarchist the numbers in the unious, Ilorze thieves. kidnappers and visional Committee for You Partizan labor Defense of the Mooney movement; after the cynical prostiresounded with an echo of clamor prisingly close to the anti Marxist also who are the mathematical right men compared to such demoand the hearty acclaim which has greeted its initiatution of the to the factional needs of the ous tive in mumerous circles of the progressive labor enthusiasm throughout the ultimatism of the official commun Ponzi in charge? In a recent copy gogic swine as this who spout about clique of Stalinist bureaucrats serving private inter country. The idea of the united ists, do not substantially alter the of the Daily Worker the whole thing democracy and then sell the lives of movement. The profound impulse of the militant cxts and not the interests of the class or the class front was translated into a hope reality of the general adhesion of workers to get together for a common fight against is revealed.
war prisoners after all this, the question has become inspiring reality, the Catalonian the workers to the Workers Alli electric line men for thirty lousy reaction, which was the driving power behind the kleur beyond all dispute: a new defense organization Workers Alliance became the first ance movement. On the other hand and a new Stalinist form of GeoMike Gold is one of the experts pieces of silver.
great May Day denionstration at Madison Square, is is an most ponable becessity, step towards the formation of the the idea of the united front is mak metric progression is the system expressing itself also in this response to the moveIn uttr opinion the new organization should not proletarian block, towards uniteding its way irresistibly among the all carried on under the general We Are Challenged ment for union of forces in the field of labor derepresent at mystem of committees but a solid organ action of all working class political anarchist and communist workers slogan Down with soclul lascist tures on the fourth lnternational The series of Sunday night lecfense.
ization bitsed on individual members assembled into and trade union organizations, in This sweeping movement will in Facts. Writing on the Union by Comrade Camon at the Irving There is both a reason and a necessity for these permanent brunchos; labor organizations of every order to withstand the ever increas evitably crush all who oppose its square May Day demonstration, Plaza hall, are attended by capacity manifestations. With the fearful examples of Europe kind, sympathetic to the aims and purposes of the ing Fascist menace.
before them, with the terrible threat of war and borement, should be affiliated collectively. In its The Catalonian pact contained at But it is necessary to build this only one capable of doing justice to night to discuss the questions of Mike cried for a Shakespeare as the crowds who stay until almost midfascist reaction menacing the world, the need of attitude toward class war prisoners and other victims least one virtue: that of instilling movement, it must be organized it. After this display of becoming War. Trados Unions, Pascism and solidarity in action becomes ever more imperious.
of capitalist iwrsecution, at home and abroad, the into the Spanish proletariat conti rapidly and without losing a single The great idea of the united front is making its way in spite of everything, It can and must be realived on the labor defense front without delay.
He defense bosly should be honestly non partisan, Idence of its own strength, of over minute, if we wish it to reuder the modesty. Mike decided to don thelle New luternational. Through the celeading them against the class enemy without coming the momentary discomtiture Commons potential efficiency con Shakespearian mantle and do some great majority of the audience lave conditions and providing material aid without any that might result from the electoraltained in it. And the first step in justice himseli.
been won for the Fourth InternaA significant aspect of the rovisional Committee strings attached to it. At the same time, the Non victory of the rightints. With ex his direction and which may be out. There were 200, 000 in Unionsentatives of practically all tendeuAnd this is how Mike Ogured it tional, there are however, repreis the presence in its composition of a number of Partisan Labor Defense organization should be miliraordinary rapidity the idea of the decisive is the constitution of the Square and 200, 000 more along thecies in the movement present who people who in the past have been prominently identiTant in its policy and should proceed in all its activ. Alliance won great sympathy among workers Alliance on national line of march. That made 400, 000. holy question the position put for fled with the work of defense organizations in adities from the standpoint of the class struggle.
This ministrative, publicity and executive capaciti The composition of the new organization, in its roundly affirmed it is the burning isms will accept the pact now in and that leaves 200, 000 (what avance their own.
the masses, and it can today be scale. If the leading central organ. But, said Mike, let cut it in hall ward by Comrade Cannon and adtaken together with the active cooperation of experi leading bodies as well as in its branches, ought to aspiration of the immense majority effect in Catalonia, Valencia, and ofth of a million to a free hearted enced militants of various organizations which the rprent coalition of all the bouest, progressive of the working class.
At the last lecture a member of other localities of the country, therellow like Mike. Initiating group has already enlisted, constitutes a and militant forces, in the labor movement and symSection Two of the New York StalVitality of Alliance united front can within twenty four Take the 200. 000. Is it not a fact, inite Party challenged Comrade certain assurance that the task as well as the way puthetic to it, who are willing and able to cooperate The example of Catalonia was im hours become living reality Mike naked, that every Communist Camon to debate with a representato accomplish it is understood.
Isyally in the Ught against reactionary persecution mediately followed by Valencia. throughout Spain. This would be as sympathizers and friends: tive of his party. On Cannon This confidence has been further reenforced by Communists, socialists, anarchists, syndicalists and the Catalonian Alliance demon or immense importance, it would that makes a million. According statement that he would be glad to the efficient handling of the Bellussi case and the trade unionists they all should band together in the strated its vitality on the 13th of produce overflowing enthusiasm into my figures that would total 200. accept the challenge, the protest movement for the four young German Communists who were handed over to the Hitler police lefense of the rights of the workers and their organ. Pvbruary, cleclaring a sener alihe whole working class and would 000 but of course what is a small member and that he would izations. The new defense organization can become strike, which, while it is true that radically change the course of po matter of subtracting 200, 000 when go back to the party and demand by the Dutch authorities. The work done in these the medium for such a united front. At any rate it it failed in Barcelona due to the litical events, altering immediately you can always multiply by five. that the dette be held. So we Instances is now to be followed by the organization should strive to do so.
of a movement in behalf of the imprisoned hotel Much depends on it. An honest defense organiza period of transition through which the correlation of forces in favor of At this point, overwhelmed by either have a debate or another striko plckets, Robins and Cras, who have entrusted ton. conscientiously carrying out in practice the the working class movement is the proletariat.
For a National Conference passing. was carried through sue the intensity of the Stalinist move member will learn that the Stalintheir case to the Provisional Committee. The method polley of the united front, will be a support to the cessfully in over forty towns ment in New York, like says, its so tot debate with InternationIn the Regional Conference to Let not labor the point. But al Communits.
pursued by the Provisional Conumitted directly or labor movement as a whole and a star of hope to the throughout the region. At the pres take place in a few days, the Work why not? Let us look at it again. iocture on the United Front le will At next Sunday ganizing concrete defense activities while simultanindividual victims of reaction. In addition, it can ent moment the Veleucia Alliance ers Alliance of Cataloniu will take The average family in New York bring his answer and the answer eously negotiating with other organizations to broaden set an example which will stimulate the formation is showing its numerical strength the initiative of calling a National consists of four persons.
the base of the movement strikes us as the correct of the united front of the workers in other fields of and efficiency in combat.
Multiply of the statinist bureaucrats.
Conference. No moment could be the million by four and we have and business like way to proceed. Patently, the trungle, For the moment only these two more opportune for this step. All formation of a real defense organization on a firm Let us hope that the near future will see the Alliances exist on a regional scale of the necessary premises exist for at friends! Such a force is sure 4, 000, 000. Pour million Stalinists American Traditions. Fable foundation is in the making.
consumomation of the program of the Provisional but very shortly, the united front the immediate establishment of the to gain the leasiership of a section in and international jabberwocky Breaking completely with all alIt is high time. The strangulation of the Committee and the detinite launching of a new or will be a beautiful reality in Astar national united frout. The gravity of the petit bourgeoisie, say another movements and traditions by the Stalinist adventurers bas long since passed anization for non partisan labor defense. lns, and in the rest of the country of the situation, the dangers threat million. No, after all Browder and of professors in the America for group it has already becu established in ening the working class, demand it. Minor my be routing New York Americans Party have delved into Crime and Econoimcs Crimes against property with violence. 25, 0670 process of formation in many others. labored untiringly throughout the and actually building up socialism carly history and dung tips the story Larcenies. 86, 000 Fnally, the proletariat of Zaragoza, whole country, in favor of the unitin one city.
of what may have been the first Xo. Mike, the Daily Worker does American Revolutionist.
In 1930 in Great Britain, then, without even having established the cd front, which has already expendon need a Shakespeare. Possibly a This was no immigrant of the In Buffalo, New York, it young reach the basis of crime. The against property. Great Britain calists, communists, anarchists and new hope from the initiative of ca estimating parades, meetings, etc. alien theories, who came to America which 96. were crimes the effective tnited action of syndi achieve a national puct, will derive Cervantes might do justice to Don 17th, 16th, or 16th centuries. None unemployed worker is shot dead for swanpy soil of crime is the econo total indictable offences increased socalists, las sustained an udmir mulonia, and will not rest until it yon taking a loaf of bread. In Chicago. mic poverty of the masses which roughly by 12, 000, or just under able general strike which consti uchevey, with the aid of all willing u can heat Baron Mike and the with Columbus or in the few centhree Negro workers are killed for leads to their intellectual and moral 10 participating in a protest demon hverty. Abolish want and starva British courts have been impos the Spanish labor movement.
Facing such an increase rutes ote of the brightest pages in to cooperate sincerely, the task of rest of the Munchausen family who turies since his arrival, contaminforming the proletarian block, in stafl. 1, 000, 000 Stalinists and symf professors speaking the American the present Daily Worker ate this tradition. No, this group station against eviction. In New tion and you stirke directly at the ing longer as well as more sent Lesson of Experiences order that the Spanish Workers utbixers in New York City! Vas language, drinking American whisYork City scores of inen have been roots of 90 of the crimes that are ences to penal servitude.
The lenson to be drawn from Alliance may become a reality with beaten and jailed for demanding committed daily. Abolish poverty One more set of criminal statis these experiences is that the cause the rapidity required by the gravity you dere, Mike?
key, and digging with American adequate relief. All over America by socializing wealth so that nonetics, those taken over several years of the united front is definitely of the situation. The local organxhovels, have dug up the story of in 1933 in Los Angeles, Detroit, of us need go hungry or unclothed in New York City: Politicians and Their Price Ajayjaybee, a mound lweller who Minneapolis, Philadelphia tens of then will you see crime disap won, in the sense that it counts on various and Regional Committees Senator Warren Thayer, the led the mound dweller in battle Burglary, Total Total libe adbesion of the immense major should consider the achievement of thousands of unemployed workers pear as does log under the noonday Jarcenes, police police dept. ity of the workers. The stupla this end as the central objective of State Senator who never made against the aristocratie clip dwell have been given jail sentences for sun.
Year Robbery force expenditure sabotage of the Stalinists who, with their activity.
xech but who had great intluence ers.
stealing food, clothing, money. In 1982 and 1933 the following 1900 5, 585 on the Senate, is being investigated. Unfortunately the revolt was not 7, 426 11, 494, 398 a consistency worthy a better cause. ANDRES NIN.
While chairman of As the depression deepens it is part offences were known to the 1927 45, 018, 725 Culoll their fundamental mission of Barcelona, April 22, 1934.
Senate Pub successful and Ajayjaybee was beevident that the crime wave grows police of this country lic Service Committee he was also headed, cooked and eaten at mid19:29 13, 611 17, 780 48, 705, 918 in intensity. Even a cursory exam Nostnegligent Negligent Rape 1931 on the payroll of the Associated night sonetime following the Inst 13, 054 19, 333 03, 910, 282 ination of the latest criminal stat Man slaughter Man slanghter Gas and Electric Co. and in this ice age. Ilonoring the memory of More Criminals. Bigger Jails isties will disclose the fact that the 1933 3, 230 2, 016 2, 806 capacity was instrumental in killing this hero, and in order to strengthen 3, 514 vast majority of crmes are petty 1983 2, 285 2, 922 numerous bills, which in one way the purely American tradition, the In New York City crimes against crimes against property. The rea Robery Burglary Larceny Auto property bave detinitely increased The recent period has been dis Fourth International which brought or another would have interfered America for Americans Party are son for this is not hard to find; the fountain bend for the overwhelm 1932 51, 007 179, 072 331. 327 171, 105 standard of the worker has been tinguished an intens. activity out an audience of about 100. This with the privileges of the Utusty holding a midnight sugier at the Katr Kaxx Cafe. At the supper a ing majority of all crime is poverty 1883 50, 719 187, 883 374, 662 168, 608 pushed lower and lower. And yet York, and campaign to bring proceeded to arrange a whole series. One bill. providing for the safety collection will be taken up for the and want the big bourgeoisie, who suffer from known Part crimes, of which 722. is to inerease its police force, pour forth the program for the building of lectures covering the primary of workers engaged in the repair benefit of the lineal descendants of want of food and clothing; it is the one, or 98. were erlu. es against ster iufestet police department, in opened with a lecture by Comrade of the new party of the Fourth In barning issues confronting the and construction of high voltage Ajayyaybee more millions into its rotten gangternational This campaign was working class today.
To date these lectures have taken the petty bourguisie the declussed. In 1933, despite vast increases in struct its courts and judges to band Cannon on the program of the up War and the Fourth InternaThe Johnson Bill and Credits to the the diapossessed federal and state relief, there were ont more and sterver sentences, tionnl, The Trade Union Question and the Fourth International, Fas. Continued from page 1) Soviet officials. The ruling of the Petty crime, then, has a class 780, 193 crimes, of which 771, 472, or build bigger jails.
Attorney General is to put pressure basis. It arises from the worker 98. were crimes against proper All Great Britain can think of to sentment amongst the workers.
cism and the Fourth International.
Issue is Organization fight for life. It is on a different ty (robbery, burglary, lacency, auto combat crime is to Impose longer still this tells only part of the At these Sunday night lectures, Militant has discussed the question on the Soriet Union.
class basly than is gangsterism, for theft. and more plentiful sentences to penstors. The main issue in the press comrade Cannon addresses an in many times. Here let us note from of agression characteristic of the instance, which arises from bour The Economic Factor in Crime To move to strike at the causes ent strikes is the struggle for ortensely interested audience which Litvinor figures to what extent strategy and methods of the world geois greed (in Chicago, for just one example, where has been traced not even available, or have been of the masses which leads to the the company union monster. igures for previous years are of crime, to relieve the destitution ganization and the struggle against manifests a greater enthusiasm for the Soviet Union dependence on dominant capitalist power. It gives The our point of view with maca wice the world market has grown with the lie direct to the Stalinists and the connecting links binding togeth suppressed, such is the its economic successes and what their Lovestoncito apologists who er the quixotic commission of crimeah, no. Trea demand for union recognition and coeding lecture.
osters, Capone, Madden, manner in which war government son! God forbid! Why this might struggle against discrimination The next lecture in the series will demands on the market its further maintained in the face of what the Not world saw to be untrue, that the Donnell, Durkin, etc. the Pinker treats its criminal problem. But lead to an acknowledgment that an for union activities stand out di deal with the United Front and the progress makes necessary.
ton and u. was forced to grant recogniMurphy and other leaders, the In: crimes are crimes against property. petty theories worked out by our rived at by the mutual connivance 20th, at the Irving Plaza Hall the AP of trades unlons, Tim that the overwhelming majority of would be a betrayal ortam hose peridious automobile agreement, ar this coming Sunday evening. Muy for the United States in March action because of its desperate interternational Harvester Company, the And crimes against property are. Setentibe sociologists and crimin of the auto bosses, President Roose.
In protest against the hounding ment were also less than one mil What the demands, what Chicago Tribune and other man for the greater part, committed beologists.
velt and the of officials of Conrade Leon Trotsky by the lion dollars while from Cuba the the Soviet Union offers we do not facturers and newspapers; the judg cause the offenders are poor and, es, chiefs of police, aldermen, bank not being able to find employment. Second Article NEXT WEEK)
some time ago, while allaying tem reactionary French government, and. Imported more than two and know. The discussions are taking. CARLOS HUDSON.
porarily the storm that was brew the refusal of asylum to the leader a half times that amount.
place according to the best rules of ers such as Melvin Traylor, Insull are forced to seek elsewhere for ing tben, has since serred to bring of the October Revolution by the Why doesn the Soviet Union Stalluist capitalist diplomacy in city corporation counsels such as th the condicts to a head.
capitalist world, the New York buy more, the export more? the dark. No word has leaked out.
Ettleson, state attorneys, etc. selves, to keep a roof over thetr Second Strike Wave This Agreement legalized the Local of the Communist League The Soviet Union has explained that is what fills us with misgiving.
Prison Statistics heads.
Fight for Soviet Credits! surveyal of penal justice in the Yes, the economic factor is the Under the NRA sweep into the discard all that of held at the large hall at Irving plentifully up to the hilt, if it gets United States, and the penal code all important one in these crimes.
as it is functioning today, enables And do you doubt that this same. and (Continued from page 1)
The big corporations, stiffened by York workers who came to this treaties signed by Stalin and Comintern that it moblline the one to draw some interesting con factor counts powerfully in the clusions. Let us look at the follow cases of non negligent and negle In the main the efforts of the unions to make an end to any further andignation against the treatment of governments the Soviet has been seen the capitalist countries ing statistics, which indicate how gent manslaughter, in rape; and in to enforce the provisions of the ion advance and began to apply the Comrade Leon Trotsky were an unable to get credits on the scale to bring pressure on the capitalist governmeuts to grant the credits, crime increases in direct proportion the execution of minor offences, NRA. Now the situation is differ iron hand and discriminate against eloquent testimony to the growth of required.
by this means to assist the Russian as the proletariat becomes increas such as boot legging, dope peddling. ent. great deal of disillusion union members left and right. The our movement in New York, to the until now the United States has workers in building up the cconomy ingly impoverished. Here is the lete?
ment with the NRA has set in struggle has become a struggle for increased popularity of the move discouraged trade with the Soviet of the country and to relieve their prison census for seven years, the THE CAUSE OF CRIME 18 Simultaneously the pressure of an the future of unionism. The gov ment for a Fourth Tuternational. Union. Its policy was motivated own situation through the employfigures being taken from the LOVERTY! Let us turn for mo ever rising cost of living, mounting ernment is called upon ever more Another indication of this was to wy fear of the October Revolution meut trade with Russia would creBureau of the Census covering Statement to foreign shores. Here is a more rapidly than any of the few to execute the wishes and orders of seen at our May Day mass meet and the hope of preventing its ate.
The think of it! deand Federal Prisons and Reforma report by Mr. Negley Farson on wage increases, sets the workers the capitalist monopoly concerns. ing. After a whole day marching crowth economically and conse nounced the idica as counter revotories: crime in Great Britain: into motion.
it mobilizes its troops, police and despite the fatigue of our comrades quently in the military sphere as lutionary and weut hat in hand 1926 91, 669 Increase in crime coincides ex Index figures from the same courts which, together with the pri and friends who were in the march wol, boy withbolding from it what to the capitalist governments.
1927 97, 001 actly with the industrial depres source quoted above inform us that vate gunmen of the corporations, at with us, we were pleased to see the required most. machinery. To Today the which has no 1928 109, 346 sion in Great Britain. Per million in the 89 industries covered by its tempt to suppress the strikes. These ball filted, and that the weariness large extent they failed. Despite real existence cannot mobilize the 1920 116, 390 population, we find that burglar survey employment rose in March, present struggles are becoming ever of the day did not affect the enthu the capitalist blockade and the false masses for a revolutionary strugle 1930 120, 496 les were 3, 000 in 1913, 3, 500 in 1934 to 81 percent, with the same more political in character.
slastic spirit of the audience in the course of Stalinism the Soviet Un to assist the Soviet Union. The 1931 129, 050 1928. 8, 000 in 1931 the rise of month a year ago showing 50 per Militancy, turbulent clashes with least. The New York local distrib. Son achieved sigantic and historie Marxists must do it without and 1932 137, 516 4, 500 or 150 during the last two cent (1923 25 equals 100. On the the forces of the capitalist govern uted in the line of the May Day Successes Yow the American Imperialists of the League and all those workagainst the That is the duty 1933. not yet available years proves ont Sir Herbert same scale the payroll increased ment and increased hostility to the Parade 10, 000 four page leaflets Isn it obvious that our American Samuel (the British Home Min from 37 to 65. The actual per cap NRA these are the outstanding with our statement on May Day are vitally concerned with the Far ing class organizations whicli really school of criminology, with its cruel ister) contention that crime in ita earnings of the workers is sup features in this present strike wave, which explained why we participat. Eastern market. In the Soviet Un mean to defend the Soviet Union sentences, its fantastic jalls and creases in exact ratio with the posed to have increased 15 percent It centers entirely around the ed in the Labor May Day Parade strength they see a check to and especially of those which deJallors, its unrealsitic outlook, has industrial depression. The indus in this period, according to the of L, the so called revolutionary rather than in the stalloist demon Jenna They are not averse to care for the revolution internationnot been able to lessen crime. On trial depression has not increased same source of information, while unions of the being in evi stration. About 5, 000 Militants, in lend it cautious band in strengthen ally and in the the contrary, America has arrived crimes of passion, although rob the cost of all food commodities dence only in the statements they addition, were glven out and a large ing the Soviet Union a little on. STAMM.
their terms. And, if they can get at a morass of vice which increases bery with violence is daily more increased 20 percent and clothing issue from their paper organiza supply of literature was sold.
yearly with frightening speed. The prevalent. Roughly, the crime 25 percent.
It is certain at least tions. No erort is being spared by Twelve New Members in One Wook it thes want the Soviet market for HARLEM BLOW OUT!
stark truth is, of course, that noth sheet for Great Britain for 1930 that these statistics are not twisted the of officials to sidetrack All these activities did not remain ing can ever be done to combat works out as follows: in favor of the workers. Added to the movement and lead it to defeat. without any organizational results.
Pressure on Soviet Union Dance and Entertainment crime so long as capitalism reigns; Crimes of violence this direct economie pressure is the But for the real militants this can only within the last week twelvo Trade and credits are the subject SATURDAY, MAY 19, 1934, P.
for u capitallam cannot guarantee against persons 2, 000 increased intensity of the speed up only spur them on to greater vigt comrades applied for membership of the discussions taking place in at 130 East 107th Street that no one will starve, it can not Sexual crimes. 3, 400 system, causing an enormous ro lance. into the organization.
Moscow now between Bullitt and Admission 10 11, 491 16, 973 New York Organization Notes BILL