AnarchismBolshevismBourgeoisieCominternCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyFascismFranceGPUGermanyHitlerIV InternationalImperialismLeninismMarxismNazismSocialismSocialist PartySovietStalinStalinismTerrorismTrotskyUnited FrontWorkers MovementWorkers PartyWorking Class

PAGE THE MILITANT SATURDAY, MAY 19, 1934 Doriot Expelled From French Statement of Non Partisan Labor Defense on German Deportees Organization Notes MARCH OF We are informed that the Sparte nation. At the Atlantic ses border. sized bundle each week. Two study action against events. There is no as. badly relation to people here and more than The League is undertaking a re The League is Growing on the EVENTS (l ress Service of Non Partisan are free from jail No answer has cruiting campaign to win new Pacific Coast Labor Defense)
been received Jacques Doriot, a leading mem buite, the Stalinist organ, sland An international confereuce of Our Committee is informed that function more effectively in the Following successful participation in various meetings in Oakland, Amter United Front with Fascists ber of the French Communist Party. ered and abused him, but printed workers youth organizations met the Revolutionary Socialist Party creation of new revolutionary Merkely and Richmond by League Like burning landwriting on the Gains have been made rehas been expelled, according to dis nothing of his remarks in the in Laren, Holand on Feb. 24. It was and the Independent Socialist Party party, patches in several New York cap meetings. The bureaucrats scurried dissolved by police and all foreign of Holland have jointly retained cently which show the vitality of speakers results of a positive nature wall, the lessons of the catastrophe italist newspapers. Doriot, it has about trying to isolate bim from the delegates were deported. Four were Attorney Stockvis of Amster the organization and the growth of bave been obtained. New members of the German proeltariat stand have been gained. new headquar out, clear for all to behold. For all, been known for some weeks, bas Party.
German political refugees oue a dam to go to Germany for informa Its Influence.
In far away Richmond, California, ters has been established at 1020 that is, but the Stalinists whose been leading a fight in the Central Then the news got out! Doriot member of the League of Commun tion as to the fate of the deportees.
Committee of the French Stalinist was advocating the Leainist united 1st Internationalists, three members He appears not to have obtained several workers have joined the Broadway, Oakland. It has a book eyes are shut tightly to all lessons, Party on behalf of the Leninist front! He was bringing Trotsky of the Soziulistische Arbeiter Par any as yet.
League and a new branch is in for shop with considerable literature on who have become impotent to check hand. Militant sales reach a good theory against practice, courses of theory and practice of the united ist ideology into the ranks of the tel. They were delivered to Hitler in Bangor, front. His expulsion, expected stalinist organizationThe rumors border police. No word has been cus Youth Clubs, the Young Peoples Fades decided, after weighing the class testify to the progress made limit to the depths of degradation daily, was apparently held up be became les vague. Two weeks ago heard of them since. If still alive, Socialist League and other labor position of the various currents in by the League. Our second class to which such a party can siuk, It cause the bureau ats of the LA Verite, brother organ of the Mil they are surely in grave danger.
feared that the Party rank and cle itant, priuted Doriot speech to the Having been inforned from Solnt actiou in this matter. For the movement, that their place is consists largely of shop workers makes a horrible caricature of would not tolerate such action. The French workers had their abroad of this event, our Commit Committee will gladly cooperate in the League. We have found new from the largest oil, chemical, every policy and principle of ComRecord of Doriot tirst opportunity to compare bis tee drew up a protest statement and further action, whose need is uncountry, but it is important that East Bay region, all of them young The latest brilliant application of Dorlot hus for years been a lead position with that of the spokesman demnand for asylum in Holland for questionable.
Stalinist tactics is Amter exposiing gure in official Communist of the Stalinist clique, an irretriev. German political refugees. The pro We further suggest that all or and responsibilities of the organisthey should now assume the duties native born workers.
Some of our comrades have done Lion in the Daily Worker of the drcles. He is one of the founders able bureaucrat named Thorez. test was delivered on April 17 to Sanizations which have not yet ation and become members. excellent work and are very active United Front from Below with of the Young Communist Interna. This was too much! Expulsion was the Consulate General in New York come into the protest movement Our contribution to a Leninist in the CWA Organizations. Others fascist rank and tile workers.
tional and a leader of the Stalinist the sole remedy.
with request for forwarding to send statements to the Dutch Am united front policy as shown by the engage in trade union work in the The great leaders and teachers of youth movement throughout Eu French Workers Begin to Act Hollaud.
bussador or the local Consul. Full New York May Day demonstration, longioremens union, among others. our movement, faced with the conrope. He has been a leader of the Stalinist fraction in the French Loriot bas not delayed as did cer: the statement were: American of the joint protest are available in mon action with the Socialist Party ment of a couple of comrades in a divided among reformist and revoThe organizations which signed information on the cuse, and copies in which we took our place in com But most notable is the accomplish itlon of an organized working class Stamber ore Deputies, where he tain leaders in Germany, until it is workers Party, communist League this ofice. It should be realized and the trade unions, gained for us nearby lumber camp some time ayo. untionary organizations, the ushtrime once created a sensation by intro lou late. The news is of America, Communist Party Op Ichat, whatever the Consul does of the respect of serious minded workducing resolution congratulating Luld before the eyes of the whole position, Jewish Workers Party tically, he will forward all proers and raised new hopes in the succession in all Pacific Coast Communists utilize the united front Headlines appeared three days in great value of the united front the rebellious Abd el Krim for his French working class at a favorable (Poelt zou Left. League for Iu tests. It is important that there possibility of a genuine united front. mer dealing with the demonstra established between workers organVictory over French imperialist moment. Tou Cluss bas drawn a dustrial Democracy, National Un should be many.
arms in Morocco. In addition to deep breuth, and has begun to act. employed League, Provisional ComThe partics which retained At ward future actions on a similar serted Lynch Throat. success sciousness of the class and to teach being a Deputy, be is today Mayor The catire Saint Denis section of imittee for Non Partisan Labor De torpey Stockvis for the German trip basis.
of Salut Denis, one of the key work ho Staliu arty of France had rense.
ful tight had been carried on in the workers in the course of struggle Spartacus adopted a resolution supporting Workers Uneployed Youth Clubs, ask financiu alu for his work of On the other hand the increased camp for better conditious.
ing class districts of Paris.
Union of investigation and defense. Our but futile assaults directed against the absence from the cump of the policy as against the betrayals of Thus the correctness of revolutionary Dorlot accepted the Stalinist re Doriot against the Stalinist Greater New York, Young People Committee wil gladly The significance of this fact is Socialist League transmit us by the Stalinist bureaucrats, majority of the mon, one comrade, reformist policy. nounced Trotsky and his comrades enormous. Saint Denis, which elects addition, there were siguatures by uccounting to all contributors.
America. In funds to Holland and render an their attempts to break up meetings who bud actively led the organizuon Shachtman tour and their phy tion of committees to carry on this No Communist Muyor and a Commu Alex Bail, Editor of The Workers counter revolutionaries.
Completing the Cycle of Folly doubt be, like others, waited silent mist Deputy: Suint Denis, one of the Age; Hoger Baldwin; James CanIt is our hope that this protestsical attack upon our contingent at right, was set upon by two legionThe Stalintern, failing to grasp is only the first of many actions the Chicago May Day demonstra Jaires and professional pugilist, the faintest significance of the events would force a turn. France. Saint Denis where the very man Guud, General Organizer of pression in which we will be able cognisance of the gains we are mak: the 200 workers on their return to lity The futility of such hopes children are brought up on the pol the Amalgamated Food Workers to cooperate with other organiza heir hooligan function at the the three thugs. Material improve nists deepened the rift between the ity of acting as a unifying force of again clearly demonstrated. No son of the theory of Social Bas Union; and Carlo Tresca, editor of tions expulsion of the proletariat. Instead the stalHERBERT SOLOW, Secy. Shachtman meetings the result was ments in camp conditions, change in Social Democratic and the Commuimagined than that which developed ranks, flying the banner of Stalin More signatories could have bocu rovisional Committee for new members added to our ranks. the office personnel and a greaternist workers, first by denounong as in Germany more than a year ago. is still has step forwaru 1or ultained bad it not been for the Non Partisan Labor Defense in the steel city of Waukegan, 11. solidarity of the workers clearly counter revolutionary any attempt Fascism made its bid for power, the united front. The muscled hand and the German Stalinist Party of the treuch working class drops need for speedy registration of the a League branch, recently organ brought out the results of the good at the united front; later, driven ized, represents one of the first work done.
gave up the battle without a tight. The papier mache bludgeon with protest stressed by European correspondents. It is of interest that by events to a treacherous course on the heels of this ignoble sur wbich Stalinism armed it, and in Europe the protest movement Romain Rolland breaks in the Socialist Party. Its In Los Angeles the Stalinist as of covering up rather than examinrender came the February days of reaches out to grasp the precise embraces liberals (League of the active members there, deeply im. sault upon one of the meetings reng alud admitting its previous Vienna and effective revolutionary Instru. Kights of Man. Social Democratic Joins Protest pressed by the European events and cently addressed by Comrade criminal blunders, they opposed the February Events ment which Comrade Trotsky and parties, indepeudent labor parties, disillusioned with the deceptive so Shachtman served as a boomerang Marxist united front with the meanThe events of February were the the League of Internationalist Com: the the Communist Interhoal stimulus. In various parts of munists have been forging for nationalists, anarchists and trude dressed to him on behalf of the four ward course. The stalinist party work immediately organizing a pro me that workers break the disci In response to an appeal ad they then belonged, adopted a Left to the initiators of these disgrace ingless united front from below.
This ultimatist tactie of demandthe country, district and section these many years.
Leninist Influence Grows unions (Confuderation Generale du German youth delegates to the could not attract them. It did not test meeting and invited the vari pline of their own organization to Organizations of the Communist and Travail etc. Socialist Parties, reacting to the Laren Conference deported from offer them the revolutionary poslroyallst patriotic rlots, came togeth position and go forward in his fight, our Committeo the Socialist Party land, famous writer and anti Fas League Whether Doriot will maintain his Two organizations approached by Holland to Germany, Romain Roltion they sought. They joined the one workers organizations to parsecure the blessings of united ticipate, to join in the protest and struggle with Stalinism entirely er in joint actions which, however or lose heart in the face of the and the Labor Conference to Com cist, has issued a statenent of pro The recruiting powers of the to defend the right of free speech under its own banner, this puerile incomplete and temporary, were un avalanche of slander and terrorism bat Hitlerism (chiefly the questionably the first steps toward a which the Stalinist bureaucrats will unions) declined to sign the joint icy. The appeal was addressed to a good many instances. Our branch. organizations invited responded and made impossible the urment test against Dutch governinent pol Leag have been demonstrated by in the labor movement. Most of the caricature of dialectic thinking, genuine united front. Presiding now loose against hira, cannot be protest but sent to the Dutch Am bim in the form of a resolutiones are preparing to take full advansent their representatives, others against fascism and the achieving over these joint actions was the foretold. His first weakness is evi bassador separate protests based on adopted in Paris on March 15 by a ſtage of this fact and making ar seat resolutions to the meeting con of Communist leadership over the spirit of the Internationalist Com denced, however, in his silent con information supplied by our Com mass meeting of working class rangements to press the recruiting Idemning the Stalinist assault. The wide masses of workers in the munist League of France, our com sent to the dastardly physical at mittee.
rades in arms, the former Left Optacks made by the Stalinites upon youth called by the youth organis campaign to result in further protest meeting was a real success course of struggle.
Fascism proceeded in Germany to The Communist Party Igation of the International Commu strength to the League. This is in The Los Angeles police appear not utilize the lack of proper guldance position of counter revolutionary members of the French League dis nored our Committee request for nist League of France (Young Bol harmony with our course to bulld at all convinced that there can be of the working class organizations ment of such actions was marked But in any case this much is its endorsement of the protest, as shevik Leninists. the Socialist the new party. Several forces are any truth in the slanders calling us and their split ranks to make inthe Socialist Student or heading in that direction. The fer counter revolutionists. Their actions roads from above by winning over circulation throughout France ofis penetrating deeply into the Stal International Labor Defense ex the Pupist youth organization.
by a concurrent rapid rise in the clear: the ideology of the League Defense of Political Prisoners. The ganization, the anarchist youth and ment in the Socialist Party promises show a different opinion. Two of petty bourgeois elements threatened La Verite, official weekly organ of inist Party of France.
new forces to be added. The League our comrades were arrested for with puuperization, fearful of being the League. Nor is it to be overtariat of France, led by that of letter of April 11, Wm. Patterson, hesitation, Rolland writes.
The prole pressly refused endorsement. In a respond to this call without has entered into the process devel. Leaflet distribution and got 180 days driven down into the ranks of the It oping toward the new party and each. They served five days with proletariat. and from below by looked that the crime charged to Suint Denis, is raising its voice Comrade Trotsky by the French against its misleaders. And because its National Secretary, wrote: does not matter to me that the del has in fact become its standard the balance of the sentence attracting, thru demagogy and bribtackal bourgeoisie, for which he is to be these misleaders will not answer am atrald. our presence egates who were turned over to bearer. To hasten this process oured. But these combined ery, sections of the desperate un deported, is that of sending emis. but will seek to strangle that voice, would force the withdrawal of Miss Hitler belong to one fraction or sympathizers should take the step have served to strengthen the employed and the lumpenproletariat.
Our membership has in the aid to fascism of treacherous saries to the and pro the inner struggle in the Stalinist Fox (Secretary of the and another of the Communist Party or now and become members of the branch.
posing united defensive action, ranks can mean politically but one others who are inclined toward her (if this be the case) to some other League.
Stalinism was rewarded by the along Leninist lines.
thing: the growth in France and point of view.
anti Fascist party. In the struggle complete annihilation of the ComC. Rejects United Front internationally of the ranks of the This letter was received by our against Fascism, refuse to dismunist Party!
It is an honor to Doriot that at Bolshevik Laninists, the strengthen committee April 16. reply was tinguish among its irreconcilable And now in America it is prothis point, in a meeting of the ing and deepening of the current sent at once, pointing out that the enemies of whom am one. We are actly the same course! Amter he proposed that the Party take up nowing toward united class action was refusing to support an all allies against Fascism, the com the united front on a national scale, on immediate questions, the build action which has deservedly won mon enemy can it be sheer insane mockery?
condemn the offering a practical, militant, sining of new revolutionary parties the support of diverse elements op Indigrtantly proposes to apply the tactic that cere program of joint struggle to and a new, the Fourth, Interna posed to Fascism, and which is an shameful deed of the Dutch police was intended to unite the workers all reformist organizations. Hu tional.
essential part of the fight against whch has made itself an accomplice The European public, deeply up Communists. Most of the prisoners for militant struggle against tasHitlerisin, and that whoever with of Naxl crimes by denvering up to set and visibly shaken by the deeds are workers. They are divided into cism, not to the organized workers, holds or withdraws from the action the National Socialist butchers, must bear the responsibility for his free men who had sought refuge on and policies of Hitlerism, has been detachments of 250 to 270 people but to the organized fascists, the each; each detachment is divided khaki shirts! Finding some demorattitude. Notice of endorsement by the soil of Holland.
it is an out thrown again into turmoil by re into five sections.
aralizeul workers, lost forever to any collect telegram was urged.
rage to the very honor of Holland, cent statements of the German press Detachment No. is the so called heightening of class consciousness, On April 19 a letter came from which at one time was the country which describe the notorious con disciplinary detachment which, as in the ranks of organized fascism, Patterson deprecating the need for of heroes revolting against despot centration camps us most desirable its name indicates, is used for in the Stalinists propose to win them protest on the ground that the fourism, the sacred refuge of freedom. and highly successful educational corrigibles. Detachment No. is back by applying to the ranks of free While the international protest institutions for people with wrong composed of social democratic and the worst enemy of the working (From La Verite Paris. Rakovsky remained in Barnaoul his trom jail and torture, and refus movement on this case thus begins political and social ideas.
The Tass agency communicates friends in the circles called Trot ingan endorsement on the following to draw in its train lending examples among other well known publica: No. of Jews only. The prisoners from below, the same false tactic Communist workers, Detachment class the tactie of the united front for the second time this month skyist did not wish to divulge about the capitulation of Rakovsky these facts in order not to cause ground. The leadership of the re praised by the Communist Party as come back with a slashing attack rigible prisoners, meaning those to fascism to begin with by destroy Stalin.
any harm to the deportee. gards you (the Secretary of our honest friends of militant working on Nazi Germany, amply supple. who refuse to turn traitors to their ing the unity of the proletariat!
We are informed from an abso. Now that the capitulation is con Committee) as an enemy of the class action, the itself still remented by a blood curdling article of enuse and give important inside in. The cycle of folly is complete! The lutely authoritative source that summated these same circles con working class. It regards you as a fuses to raise its voice on behalf of one of its German correspondents formations, are confined to dark, stalinist Parts, having lost its matters happened in the following sider it necessary to make known provocateur, an agent of the enemy, the four victims of Dutch reaction on conditions in the Bavarian con wet and unheated solitary cells, moorings, utterly demoralized, beway. In the early part of 1929 the the true significance of Rakovsky desperately seeking to secure a footary policy.
centration camp Dachau. The They are wearing heavy chains. comes incapable of distinguishing old president of the Council of capitulation.
hold within the ranks of the work. As yet no information has been Dachau camp is cited by the Nazi The guards treat the prisoners between the decisive layers of the Peoples Commissars in the Ukraine Tomorrow the Soviet authorities ing class, in order to better carry obtained concerning the fate of the papers as the peak of the new Nazt with utmost brutality. For the working class and the rill raff of and the Soviet ambassador to Paris will possibly impone upon Rakovsky on your disruptive tacties. It retour young workers although an at educational system, slightest reason and often without society.
was deported to contral Asia, Barn to issue a denial of these facts. cards many of those in your united torney is conducting an investiga The correspondent writes that the reason at all they are beaten with aoul, where he remained for more This will not be the first example front as of the same character. tion in Germany. Friends are asked camp usually houses 2, 200 to 2, 400 henvy leather whips enforced with Petty Bourgeois Cringing!
than five years.
eled him with an ever tightening procedure deceives no one.
The OGPU encir of such acts by Stalin. But such on April 25 letter was sent to to write protest letters to local prisoners, among them approxi steel and wire. The usual punish By this application of the United Patterson asking the source of his Dutch consule.
mately Afty Intellectuals, sixty re ment is 25 to 75 lashes. It is a front tactie the American regrip. During the last two years, Paris, April 19, 1984 statement that the four deportes bellious Nazis, five hundred Social fixed rule to welcome Socialist and veals unmistakably its petty bourhis wife who shared his exile was SUBSCRIBE TO THE MILITANT. ists, two former army officers, fic Communist newcomers with a heavy geois character. For it is an indeprived of the possibility of corteen foreigners, and a number of beating. Other instruments are no delible mark, to the discerning eye, responding with her son, a young JOIN THE COMMUNIST LEAGUE common criminals.
The rest are less llberally employed.
of the same capitulatory tendency doctor practicing in Paris.
Seven rebellious Hitler storm that caused the German betrayal.
At the end of 1929 the old revotroopers were so savagely treated Amter very tone lacking comlutionist made a bold attempt to OUT IN MAY!
SUBSCRIBE NOW. by the hands of their former pletely in ultimatism and denunciaescape and, despite unprecedented comrades that two of them died. tion when speaking of the fascists surveillance, he succeeded in makTHE NEW INTERNATIONAL Other prisoners have temporarily that was characteristic of the aping his way to the frontier where The Fourth of a New Series of Lectures on the International he was wounded by Soviet guards.
An Organ of Revolutionary Marxism lost the use of their limbs or are proach to socialist workers beProgram with Special Reference to America permanently paralyzed. The Com trays a shameful cringing.
It was at that time that the enmunist Sepp Goetz, was shot in cold We must not make the mistake. tire world press wrote of the sick By Published Monthly by the National Committee, Communist League blood after a perfunctory examina says Amter in the Daily Worker of America ness or even the death of Rakovsky.
In reality the wounded man was Mar Shachtman, Editor tlon had proved that the beating for the whole world to read, that Martin Abern, Bus. Mgr. had made him an incurable cripple was proposed in the opportunist shipped to the Kremlin hospital.
Station Post Office Box 119 More than afty prisoners have slogan of some comrades of the GerHere, despite careful treatment, At New York, been killed, among them well known man Smash the fascists formidable moral pressure WLS One Year, 50; Seven Issues, 00; Single Copy, 15 Cents; labor functionaries and political wherever you meet them which was brought to bear on him.
IRVING PLAZA HALL Canada and Foreign countries One Year, 75.
personalities. The correspondent rejected by the of the CP.
But Rakovsky did not yield.
concludes his tragic report with But it is only by smashing the tasHis wound hardly healed, he was enclose herewith. for which please enter my the remark that he knows the names cists at the very inception of their sent back to Barnaoul and placed 15th Street and Irving Place subscription for the NEW INTERNATIONAL: of nine Nazl guards who are ring. movement, only by sectional strupunder redoubled guard. Every leaders and main actors in the ungles against every smallest germ of perspective was completely lost.
Name SUNDAY, MAY 20th at P.
ccasing mistreatment of the pris fascism as it shows itself, that the Sbaken by the failure of his suAddress worker, Joined in a real united preme attempt, sick, his morale ADMISSION 15 CENTS QUESTIONS AND DISCUSSION front, learn how to crush fascism broken, this 61 year old man signed Cits State ORDER BUNDLE OF MILI in the major battle to come.
the statement of capitulation. While TANTS ONE CENT PER COPY. JACK WEBER Truth About Dachau Told and see by Manchester Guardian The Real Significance of Rakovsky Capitulation THE UNITED FRONT AND THE FOURTH INTERNATIONAL James Cannon oners