BolshevismBourgeoisieCapitalismCivil WarCommunismFascismFranceGermanyImperialismImperialist WarInvasionLeninLeninismNazismRadekSocialismSovietStalinStalinismStrikeTrotskyURSSUnited Front

UNITE THE MILITANT PRICE CENTS Weekly Organ of the Communist League of America VOLUME VII, NO. 20 WHOLE NO. 224 NEW YORK, SATURDAY, MAY 19, 1934 The Johnson Bill and Credits to the SECOND STRIKE WAVE UNDER THE New Court Battle For Freedom of Mooney Trotsky Remains Without Place of Asylum; Nazi Paper Demands Banishment to Distant Island German 67: The Case of Mr. Dillinger second powerful strike wave is bor history. The strike wave now seab cargo and railroad workers in the making. From the Atlantic in the making is likely to break all have declined to lend their services.
The Johnson Bill barring the pillage of crops and livestock, the to the Pacific, from Maine to the previous records.
In Butte, Montana teamsters, black purchase or sale in this country of lovastation of cities and towns, the Gut of Mexico strikes are now in Pitched Battles smiths and electricians joined the petition upon behalf of Tom The fact that the right inbonds or securities of governments destruction of railroads the im progress, involving longshoremen, In the Alabama strike area Negro copper miners in a solid strike Muoney for a writ of habeas corpus volved is of such a character that in default on their debts to the mense havoc wrought by the at. automobile workers, iron ore and and white workers fight together front. In the southwestern bitumin has been filed in the District Court It cannot be denied without viohas been interpreted by the Attor lor of insatiate capitalism for the workers and many others.
government of the United States tempt to satisfy the rapacious bung copper miners, coul ininers, textile shoulder to shouler. itched bat ous area strikes are spreading and let the United States for the Northlutine those fundamental princ.
ney General as including the Soviet Soviet murket.
tles provoked by company thugs, picketing is concluded in defiance ofern District of California, Southern iples of liberty and justice which Union in the category of defaulters The Russian Market These strikes have penetrated police and national guards, have re the militia which has been called Division at San Francisco. The lie at the base of all our civil and counsel Aling the petition are rank political institutions. citing because of the traditional refusal The appetite of the protit dechly into the industrial South, sulted in several killings and many to protect scabs.
Two Strike Waves Under NRA Walsh, New York City, John ANN) is obviously one of those of the Soviet to pay the loans made makers has not decreased with the centering in Alabama. New strikes injuries. But the casualties were Washington, and compelling considerations which to the Czarist und Kerensky gov years. On the contrary, it has can be expected to break out soon mot all on the side of the workers. The first strike wave since the inerty ernments. The ruling will make it grown upace is its dificulties in the steel industry as well as the governmental authorities are inauguration of the New Deal rose George Davis, San Francisco, mest prevall in determining whedifficult for the Soviet to get cred getting markets multiplied The where the main supply of iron ore now straining every possibility to to its highest point lust September. California ther it is embraced within the due The basic grounds of the petition process clause of the Fourteenth its here for the purchase of much crisis is whetted it now to the produced in the Messabal Range raise a red scare Workers meet According to the figures of the Amendment.
inery and necessary inuterials. kueness of a razor edge. Every The ardent attempts of the auto have been banned and an in Bureau of Labor Statistics, which are four in number.
there The first ground is based on the It should be understood in conThe United States knows it will market is doubly, triply, ten times bosses, their labor boards and their junction is issued against picketing, are obviously inadequate never get even the better part of as important as it was. Among the labor agents to contine the strikes still the striking ranks are solia were in that month a total of 180 language of the Supreme Court Innection with this petition that the the colossal sums its rivals owe it markets of the world the land that in that industry to a minimum 40 against the campaign of suppresstrikes involving 235, 071 workers, the Frank case, 237 309, where Attorney General of California, inte under the head of war debts. To runs eastward from the Polish us not to interfere with the orderly sion, defying the murderous at with a total number of man days the Court said at pages 327 and 328. ter Mooney conviction and the dislost of 3, 642, 431. This strike wave In fact such questions are pre covery of the Oxman perjury, impay them is a sheer impossibility. border to the Pacific Ocean and progress of the industry. as Mr. tacks.
Quick work has been made of subsided, reaching its lowest point sented under the due process mediately confessed error on MoonRoosevelt is trying to put a squeeze southward from the Arctic Circle Collins puts it, will hardly succeed.
on them to get better trade terms, to China, India, Persia, Turkey and the American workers are getting cubbing everywhere in these strikes in December last year. But these clause of the Fourteenth Amendy appeal to the Supreme Court of to force down the enormous tarike the Black Sea is certainly not the into a fighting mood. The splendidly powerful picket lines. In Seattle, heures, even at the bigh point, may ment thougls sometimes discussed at sinte, and asked that Court to militancy already displayed by the Washington longhisoremen raided be dwarfed in comparison to what is it involving merely the juris Net aside the conviction. The Sn.
walls which impede the flow of ex least.
cliction of some court or other preme Court of California held, ports from the What it can mean to Wall Street many new recruits in the trade un eleven ships and took the scabs is now approaching.
The first strike wave represented tribunal, in a larger and more ac however, that under the ConstituPurpose of the Loans which is rising from a sick bed to lou movement is something quite ashore. On all of the struck piers (Continued on Page curate sense involve the power thou of that State the courts are With the Soviet Union the ques sunite the world can be seen in the unequalled In recent American la teamsters havo refused to handle and authority of the state itsell. denied the power to set aside or tion stands somewhat differently. Commerce Department foreign The prohibition is addressed to modify a judgment in a criminal The loans to the Cuar were used trade figures for March.
Exports the state: if it be violated, it case except for error of law in the for the brutal suppression of the to the Soviet Union which can abmakes no difference in a court of roceedings of the trial court, and workers and peasants. The loans sorbon favorable credit terms acthe United States by what ageney canot set aside a conviction because to Kerensky were a mite of the cording to Litvinov figures at the of the state this is done. of the subsequent discovery and golden Hood the poured into London Economic Conference one Under this ground the petition proof that the evidence upon which the treasuries of the Allies of whom billion dollars in machinery, materalleges that the then District At he conviction was obtained was it considered Russia one, to beat inls and the products of light intorney of San Francisco, Charles Perjured.
German Imperialism to its knees. dustry, were less than a million The Bolsheviks served notice before dollars, a little more than one half First Appeal to Courts Comrade Trotsky is still without to nothing but personal literary en of America. ropaganda for all Pickert, and his assistants, obtained English speaking countries is issued the convition of Mooney by the It is the position of Mooney they came to power that they would of one percent of the total export a place of asylum. All attempts to uwavors.
This attitude, of seemingly from here.
knowing use of perjured testimony, Counsel that the Federal courts repudiaty the loans and they kept for the month. Compare this with secure entrance to another country and that the knowing use of such unst free Mooney unless those Trotsky Undermines Germany!
their word. Moreover against these the export to little Cuba, wracked than France have so far falled. harmless character, found its denThat goes particularly for Gerlestimony by them as an agency ofcourts are willing to hold that it is claims which the United States by a social and economic crisis Neanwhile reaction continues its iat soon after the arrival of Trotsky incitement in Paris. Knowingly, Roseufeld and many, in which Trotsky placed the and abuse by the state of California cor the State of California, merely the state, constituted such misuse consistent with due process of law makes ugalust the Soviet there about four and a half million dol Curious campaign of against him. We reprint verbatim his Communist colleagues publicly greatest hopes up till March 1933. or the process and procedure of the Because that state has provided no stands for settlement the costs, in lars, four times as much!
sofar as they can be calculateul, of Soviet Union Needs Credit Below a provocative attack pab complicated the French govern. Unecasingly Trotsky from his place trial court, as under color of due Judicial process by which Mooney the invasion of the territory of the by the allied imperialists. Noviet Union should be obvious Wochenshau and republished in the country the greatest of uuti fascists against the uutioual socialist move in law to deprive Mooney of hison Mooney for life after that State What trade would mean to the lished in the Nazi paper Deutsche went Tor huving called to their or exile carried on the struggle process and procedure, in fact and can be freel, to continue to imprisincluding the the murder of trom Litvinov figures alone. The paris reactionary journal Le Matin at the very time when it is neces meut or Germaus.
sury to tight the National Socialist veritable Instructions of civil war to in violation of the Fourteenth was obtained by perjury, and the And he gives liberty without due process of law has admitted alooney conviction peaceful workers and peasunts, the continued on page 4) April 22: TROTSKY BEHIND THE regime in Germany by every means his agent Grylewicz.
TROUBLES IN FRANCE the Constitution of perjury has been proved.
The Old Firebrand Organizes the mau in times of stress will render example o page 21 of a pamphlet: the Colted States.
This application for a writ of Each factory inust become an antiThe remaining three grounds are habens corpus in the United States Secret Headquarters in Paris.
They must possess at map of the led on the language of the Sa District Court is the first attempt BULLETIN the issue of the four deported Ger. The Myth of the Harmless In this manner the reasons they Fascist concentrutions and other reme Court of the United States in made by comsel for Tom Mooney In San Francisco a meeting of man youth!
Trotsky. Extracts from receive this vicious opponent of Fascist organizations in each city its recent decision in the Scottsboro to present the merits of the Mooney the representatives of the Young The representative stated Appeals to Civil War AdNational Socialist Germany will be und in each section.
At the end case, Powell Alabama, 257 case to the courts of the United Peoples Socialist League, the Spar that the more general slogan would dressed to German explained. This explunation is of of this text Trotsky spouses the 15, where that Court said at page states as distinguished from the tacus Youth Club and the Young also imply a protest in this case, Communists.
prime importance for Germany.
Communists local California courts.
with this Communist League is to be held to It was finally agreed that the dis Under this headline the NationalFor France the presence of Trot warning: There is little time left.
considera comatua demostratiou puted slogans would not be the slo Socialist weekly, the Deutsche sky is not quite so simple, for this Trotsky attaches particular imon May 30 against war and Fascism. gans of the entire demonstration Wochenshau, publishes the follow. red refugee has revealed himself to portance to the formation of a cumIn other cities the and the but only of those organizations ing interesting article: be a double bladed sword. Cs. are conducting similar ac which accepted them.
Communist propaganda, to the order to measure the seriousness of nou socialist communist front. In Communist propaganda in France, Our hero shoots another federal torneys, etc. No, we can assume tivities Point of Conflict a dally dispatches indicate, finds of ye eised the secret police clue clvil war actions of the Trotsky man, the federal men kill another that Dillinger preys directly on the The real point of contiict was a more and more favorable ground creased in a considerable and dan turly notice their exchange of let mad search goes out with the re rectly exploited the workers by the New York City Last Sunday again revived in new form: Was every day. Everywhere the com gerous fashion sinee the presence vers with the assassin bands of the sult that the newspapers gratefully breaking of a strike, the combing of conference called by Section of the American League in the complete sense of the term, mits carefully prepared acts of vio so that the French ministers had tious of house protection. In Gry of dollars through their extras anu railroading of a militant labor leadAgainst War and Fascism (Stalin or was one conference to attillate lence against right wing elements to hold a secret conference where lewicz home there was found a file special editions with which they er, or by performing any one of too ist) accepted the proposal of the Lo the Stalinist conference. While Witness Youth Committee for the May 30th favoring a joint demonstration, the Thionville, Henta Lietard, incidents in Paris, they examine the Communist ques of directives for the conduct of have flooded the streets during the myriad little tasks by which the Demonstration Against War and stalinists inststed on either retain: Aw indisputable Communist danger The Solitary Writer Seeking Refuge uitaselt writes to Grylewicz that erlod.
these murderous actions. Trotsky past few months: the Dillinger ordinary gangsters serve their masFascism for a joint manifestation in the name National Youth Day is rising in Western Europe. Even ters. Dillinger is an enemy of the on Memorial Day. It was agreed or permitting the American League Now it is opportune for us to bourgeoisie.
that the joint arrangements commit conference to call it such in its lit. how, Radek, the strategist of worlal What Was Found in Neukoelin the time bas come for the revolurevolution, rejoices in the Pravda tionary group, that is for ours and take a look at Dillinger, to examine Should we not, then, take him to tees would work out the detluite crature. The other conference op on the favorable perspectives for The writer of these lines bas bad he remaius with the best commu und interpret this one man crime our bosoms: The enemy of our enslogans and details of the joint ac posed this with proposal that communism in France. The for the opportunity to investigate the nist greetings, your Trotsky. In wave from the Bolshevik point of any is our friend. This, AS tion.
a mutually acceptable name beeign press, in the same vein, points secret activity of Trotsky and his another letter Trotsky fulminates View.
matter of fact, is the actual view On Tuesday evening, when the adopted, which is not connected out that the most dangerous facerents. That took place during one against the Brown Post and says The bourgeoisie can condemn him, that is held by an astounding numCommittee of the American League movenient; that the common leaflet Trotsky, now residing in France, is troops) against the principal agent group in Llamburg receives a secret their press. And for a very good petty bourgeoisie. Everywhere, one unrest in Europe, Leon of the actions of the Storm to pas8 over to attack. The Trotsky and do, a hundred times a day in ber of workers and members of the Conference informed the other group state the fact that the two conter lone of those who holds the keys Grylewicz. On this same occasion tions concerning the actions of the them; furthermore, they live in iinger. He is called a Robin Hood, of of Trotsky in Germany, Anton circular on this occasion, instruc reason. Mr. Dillinger frightens lears the weirdest opinions of DIthat it will be permitted to particences (by name) were working in this Communist menace. We are. be ipate in the arrangements or the joint committee for the demon in receipt the wing they found the names of Bolsheviks masses.
details of the demonstration at the stration.
mortal terror lest be be apt to steal a friend of the oppressed.
situated in other European coun. After these few extracts on their ing article from our collaborator, tries as agents of Trotsky, and all legal activity of the great Bolshe have in turn squeezed from the crom the truth, of course, than enmeeting of the American League. The delegates of the Committee Walter Korodi, who has spent a from them that money which they And nothing could be further committee The latter would elect for the May 30th Demonstration great deal of time in fighting Bol the correspondence of the Trotsky vlk leader, it should be understood Nides of the workers. The frantic visaging Dillinger as a saviour, a their own chairman, arrange the stated that a principle question was shevism group in Germany, named Bolshe why Trotsky, in 1929 needed to appeals on the editorial page, urg friend of the workers. True, be it appear that the Stalinist confertonal Youth Day would mean dobe made several months ago that the in the colony of barracks, Neu ner intervened very warmly at this When the announcement the and hidden in a barrack of boards republicans. Ted Front, Reichsbaus as the whole nation to rise up expropriates the expropriators. But wrathfully and destroy Mr. Dilling to whose purpose? The workingence was in charge of all arrange ing the Stalinist conference, acceptments and that other groups maying the so called traditions of this red butcher Trotsky alias Leib koelin, near Berlin and which be time in order to secure for him theeled as Public Enemy Number One, Purposes, and those of his hencher, are really amusing. He is lab. class, or Nr. Dillinger own selosh affiliate to it was definitely reject day (much of which it cannot agree Bronstein, had received the right longed to the Communist Grylewicz. right of asylum. And the Vossische the greatest menace society hasmen?
Dillinger robs the possess ed. It was made clear that what with. To have no common name of asylum in France and had taken it is impossible to give a resume of Zeitung for March 16, 1929 wrote known. Help us capture this fiending class, but only in order to beWas wanted was a joint meeting or the demonstration and permit up residence in Royat, the world the documents of Trotsky and Co. these very emotional lines: In Finally this was granted and a mu the Young Communist League and press asked this question: Why has which were found, for they consist Istambul, among rows of books a you or hold you up!
you workers, for he may kidnap come a member of that class himsell. No worker is a whit better tually acceptable chairman accepted. Jother organizations to call it Na France which had proscribed toes of correspondence with nearly man waits for weeks, a man who What tripe this is! The workers of because Dillinger has tapped the tional Youth Day in their litera this man the right to set foot on all countries. few examples will desires a rest. Trotsky wants to know full well who the real public golden stream Slogans of the Day the extent of one After the discussion of objectives evitably lead to a disharmonious tion, when he made his trip from though banished on the Isle of the entire world: he wants to live Mellon, a Ford, Rockefeller, Hearst, the slogans for the demonstration demonstration which would nullite Marselles to Copenhagen om door Prinktre is the Aegean sen, was in Germany. At bottom this is not the lone Dillinger ranks scarcels Flower of Capitalism To understand the rural commun.
the following slogans were accept the entire purpose of our common ember 1932, suddenly considered never the solitars ed. Against Imperialist War and action: The display of unity against him as a not inconvenient guest?
writer looking a bad advertisement for this coun above the pick pockets in our modity from which Dillinger comes, Fascism; Protest the Persecution imprin list war and Fascism. Besides Trotsky had once before His desire to be received in physicians. This is not a bad com But Dillinger has, up till now at which impregnated America until and Murder of the Anti Fascist No Agreement Reached Fighters: Against the May 31st No agreement was reached on shevik activity. In 1916 when be able with these secret papers of the lieves, he says, in the virtues of our and the Gold Coasts rather than the linger; a somewhat unique flower been exeplled from France for Bol: France becomes more understand oliment for our science. He be least, been working the boulevards 1020, is to begin to understand. Der Naval Maneuvers; Protest the this question. The announced edited the Russian emigrant paper, Neukolln barrack Murder of the Cuban Masses by the that its conference would go ahead Nashe Slovo, in Paris. Despite that prove, in fact that in Paris, 45 sick, but not to death, only let me occupants are bawling out their growth only in the deadly competihand. They thermal sources, he says: am avenues and the slums. The dainty of capitalism, one that could attain Agents of American Imperialism, with the details of its demonstra the hospitable doors of France are boulevard de la Villette, the Ad meet my German physicians. That 30th Demonstration (Yipsels, versed its decision it could join in one of the greatest in history, and ternational Left Opposition is to making of the world revolution. no morab öpdignatione xes, Dillinger Halte states every where rite in the is expropriating the expropriators. United States Lovestoneites, LID. etc. the march and demonstration! The who certainly has not become less eated and another bureau of the which he always worked for with hope to do? Let us look a bit fur age should have no significance for In any case, the Dillingers of this proposed three additional, slogans. Committee for the May 30th Demon harmful since 1916. What is the Trotsky agents on the rue de Milan. the assistance of his agents scat ther into the matter.
the workers. It is very like the For the Release of Thaelman and stration replied that it was ready clue to this mystery?
It is from there that the Interna tered in every country is proved by Torgler: For the Freedom of the to meet with the committee of the This is what it might be: Whentional Bulletins are sent to all the the documents cited above. But High Class Bandidt words to Dillinger, and ignore ev.
Press to devote tens of millions of Four Deported Young Germans: American League at an early date Trotsky arrived in France he countries of the world in the lan there are also police reports in and Protest the Beatings and Arjit the latter could find its compro made special efforts to impress upon guages of these countries in order numerous European capitals which Dillinger is no run of the mill gang people, events such as the various As far as can be ascertained, ents involving tens of thousands of rests of the Yispels last May 30 at mise proposal acceptable. public opinion that in the same to furnish instructions to each announced in the past weeks of ster. That is, Dillinger is not on strikes now occurring which are of the Memorial Day march of the At the time of this writing there manner that he had abstained from group for the Bolshe the numerous arrests of Trotsky agents the same level as the Capones and immeasurably more fportance to American Legion. These three slo is still hope that a common agree all activity in Prinkipo, where he country where they are located in possession of considerable sums. Maddens, obvious agents of the humanity than are the exploits of a gans were rejected on the ground ment will be reached which can was located up till then, he would For example, the American police Let us finish then with the myth of capitalist class, working hand in paranoic bandit.
that the points were too particular start a new phase in the American similarly abstain in France. He will be happy to learn that the the poor writer Trotsky and let glove with the detective agencies, Let the parasites fight off their no names should be mentioned so labor youth movement. genuine would really be nothing else than Trotsky group is located in New them send this political srebrand the of unions the larger in parasites It does not lift the heel as to avoid partisanship! This was united front action against the com a man retired from all political ac York at 126 16th Street under into exile on an island of a distant dustrialists, newspapers, Judges, from our necks.
a not very clever way of avoiding, mon enemy!
tivity, isolated and devoting himself the name of Communist League ocean.
chiefs of police, bankers, states at CARLOS HUDSON.
Lyon. Lion Barrack for refuge.
Max Shachtman Speaks AMERICA TODAY Friday, May 18th P.
IRVING PLAZA HALL 15th Street and Irving Place