BourgeoisieCapitalismCentrismCominternCommunismDemocracyEnglandFascismFranceGermanyHitlerIV InternationalImperialismInvasionLeninMarxismSocial DemocracySocialismSocialist PartySovietStalinismStrikeSyndicalismTrotskyURSSUnited FrontWorkers MovementWorking ClassWorld War

SATURDAY, MAY 12, 1934 PAGE The Imperialist Conflicts Over the Chinese Markets THE MILITANT their great Illusions about the NRA.
They propose in the main to rely upon the power of their organization. In this they press the union officials for action. They put the officials to the test and the failure to head their demands will be clearThe International Position of the Revolutionary Policy Committee ets Militant Builders the rank and file.
On the one hand preparation is White supremacy in the Orient is economic contradictions that 18 The and England made for many of them to be swept In an objective situation marked by the manifest No, that is not possible. Whoever gives the work again being seriously challenged. Lional internal reorganization was To some this implies a united into discard. On the other hand, decay of capitalism as a social and economic system, ers such advice is no revolutionist at all. Whoever This tme it is not the workers of supposed to have moulded, if not front of the United States and Eng. the militant currents become streng and rotten ripe for revolutionary advances, the pro preaches the lle about the reform of the Second In the world who are demanding eliminated altogether. The only and against Japan. But In reality thened. Already today these new letarian movement of the world staggers under the ternational makes himself its accomplice in the Ger Hands on China. in the interest stage that can follow this under a trade war by England aimed at mass numbers in the unions are in blows of catastrophic defeats. This state of affairs, man and Austrian betrayals and prepares new Ger of the Chinese Revolution. Now it capitalism is the stage of open Japan, which galus the support of the position of defending the unions, for which Stalinism and Social Democracy bear the manies and new Austrias.
is Japanese Imperialism which is urmed contlict expressed in imper the Empire, will at the same time of lighting for their recognition and soint responsibility, has induced the deepest crisis This section of the program of the Revolutionary demanding that the American and Lulist wars and civil wars between become an intensified force against of driving them into action on a the labor movement of the world has ever known. Policy Committee stands in irreconcilable contradic British imperialism check their as classes.
the American Imperialists in their large scale against the leaders who Great organizations, resting on the support of millions tion to the other sections which challenge everything gressive action in the Chinese mark The main contending forces con search for markets. This will in yield to the company unions and for workers, have been put to the historic test and the Second International stands for and which it will China, the main country concerned in this struggle in the Ori tensify the antagonisms and, unless accept the class collaboration basis proved completely bankrupt.
continue to stand for in practice as long as it exists cerned, bas little or nothing to sayent are: Jupan, the United States agreements and concessions between instituted by the NRA. The trends What else could result from such catastrophe but and pollutes the working class movement of the world.
and must continue to play the role and Great Britain as the main im British and American imperialism which are now in the making point distintegration of the old organizations, on the one If the Revolutionary Policy Committee wishes to be of expressing her bourgeois needsperialist contenders; the oppressed can be arranged, it will result in an toward a new stage of militant hand and since the class struggle is not suspended come a revolutionary force it should lose no time in through imperialist spokesmen. millions of China; the Soviet Union extension of the trade war to new unionism, for a single day new ferment, critical analysis and demanding an immediate break with the Second InThe declaration of Amau of the and the proletariat of the worla heights and bring the war just that ARNE SWABECK. the search for new paths on the other? One of the ternational. Otherwise it will hopelessly discredit Japanese Foreign Office which was which will defend the much closer.
expressions of this search for a new road, and a most itself with the revolutionary workers in the Socialist the unofficial announcement of of against imperialist attacks.
This increasing war danger and xignificant one, too, it must be said, is the emergence Party and love the possibility of regnining their condicial action taken two months prior The pressure of the crisis of growing reaction in Europe wil Minneapolis Union of the Revolutionary Policy Committee of the Social fidence.
in communications to China, was world economy upon Japan was al. lighten the grip of world economy ist Party with its straight out challenge to the polley Prepares For Action of social reformism. BAD STRATEGY followed up by government declar most as great as that which effect around Soviet economy. With StalIf the international relations section of the proation which affirmed the Japaneseed Germany before Hitler took pow. in at the helm, the Soviet Union (Continued from page 1)
WHICH WAY FOR THE gram of the 14 not seriously meant, if it is policy of the Monroe Doctrine for er. But Japan was faced with a will undoubtedly give more concosWill it carry out this challenge to the end? That Strategy. then it must be said it is a bad strategy Asiu. Japan, the leading imperial wore favorable capitalist variantsions to world imperialism. The Local 574, by the other unions.
that works a double evil. If they want to make a ist power in Asia, long ago decided and found an outlet in the armed American imperialist recognition of With one or two notable exceptions, remains to be seen. The program, as it now stands, Union, which that the American imperialist pol Invasion and further conquest of the Soviet revolutionary fight and carry it out to the end the was the officials to the other unions act incomplete in some respects and wrongly formulated icy of America for the Americans China. With this military strategy cloaked as a peace move and her as though the General Drivers were in others, toes not of itself give a definite answer to most important thing is to attract the revolutionary the question. If the Implications of the first declar socialist workers and give them a clear lead on the is a good policy for Asia.
Japan was forced to intensify her alded by the Pravda as a big step in the way.
In 1915, wben Japanese Imperial trade war with the other imperial to further world peace, was in realTis attitude must be changed. Itation are developed to their logical conclusion, and most important questions. Among these internationIsm endeavored to impose the twen ist powers and has successfully inity a strategic move in the war pres a menace to the whole labor the program is rounded out accordingly, the alism takes first placea primary interest in interThe General Drivers can undoubtedly become a rallying center for the nationalist is the first mark of the revolutionist.
ty one demands upon China, while vaded and challenged the Western Durations of America, aimed on the movement.
the western Imperialists were en robbers on every continent, making one hand against the new Hitler can and must be made the corner revolutionary socialist workers, and especially the Serious revolutionury workers will never forgive those who play hide and seek with such a question.
gaged in armed conflict, everyone inroads in strongholds of the United Germany and on the other hand stone for the trade union structure socialist youth.
On the other hand, a strategie insincerede knew that this meant the establish States and Great Britain. against aggressive Japanese imper as a whole. This corner stone is failing to adopt these amendments and corrections ment of a protectorate over China.
ialism in the Orient.
claration for the reform of the Second International not yet in place. The entire work in time, the Revolutionary Policy Committee will be Enlarging the Contradictions That is, can defeat the aims of the genuinely revolutionary Japan did not succeed in 1915, and er movement will see to this job likely to sink into the morass of centrism.
Upset Balance of Power all Indications are that she has not Japan way out of the crisis and clements in the by converting the group into The successful invasion of China and bring the unions into action to serve as a force to head off the revolutionary trend in the party and help to bolster up the tottering a shelter for centrists, that is, for the most dangerous succeeded this time. But Japan is the contradictions of world economy by Japan and the victory of tas this end.
in a far more favorable now to continue bera proving no more successful than cism in Germany upset the bal The General Drivers Union is structure of Social Democracy, hopelessly discredited enemies of a revolutionary polley at the present time, whose function is to blur the distinctions between the way attempted by Germany orance of power. both in the Orient faced with a vast problem, faced on a world neale, decaying with the decay of capipolicy of acting first and speaking any other imperialist power. Jap and in Europe, and called for a with a real struggle. Not a workers talism which it has served, and organically incapable revolution and reform and to bluut the edge of the revolutionary weapons.
the path say what cermalished by regrouping of forces iu preparation organisation, not a single worker, of regeneration We hope for the former outcome of this promising THE ROLE OF CENTRISM The Struggle for China Every revolutionist worthy The struggle for domination over out is accomplishing in Europe. It also called for increased arma forces. The trade unions as a unit development in the Pseudo radicalism centrism represents in fact Chlou, which can only be accoin is extending and enlarging the comments, a mad race of imperialism must back this fight to victory. of the name will be ready to aid such a development. the predominating tendency in the parties of the At the same time, without casting the slightest doubt plished at the expense of other in tradiction and causing a concentra for war supplies and instruments on the seriousness of the signers of the declaration, Secoud International today. After the debacle of perialist powers, to say nothing of tion of the war clouds which in of death.
social reformism in Germany, followed by the Ausit is necessary to point out the danger of a different the interests of the Chinese work Jevitably lead to war.
The position of the United States trian tragedy, social reformism bas been fearfully result and to show the source of this danger in the discredited. And the dismissal of the Social DemoTherefore, China, as the most im in regard to Japan was as firm as ers and peasants, has been the con program as it now stands.
sistent polley of Japanese and other portant, market for Japan, as well the position taken by England, but cratie flunkeys in favor of Fascists in a number of Nor is it altogether excluded that the or imporialist powers. While the main us for the other imperialists, is at could be presented in a different countries has induced even the most incorrigible and a part of it, in recolling from social reformism, can strategy of American and European the same time the base for Japanese fashiou. The battle of diplomacy even land in the blind alley of Stalinism, the accomloathsome traitors, including those who offered to imperialist powers, for domination war supplies in the struggle against over China is only a spark of what coordinate themselves to the Hitler regime, to inand markets, revolved around hege Western Imperialism. Japan canis really going on under the surplice of Social Democracy in the assassination of dulge in radical bluster. For example, the German mony in Europe, and, in turn, in the not let go of China and retreat. face. The moves and preparations The Club Plan Sub Drive for an revolutions and the enthronement of Fascism. Against Social Democratic Party now adopts a revolutionary colonial countries as the outcome of Diplomatic retreats will only cloak of American imperialism in the race other 1, 000 new readers was exsuch a calamity, also, programmatic clarity is the program!
domination on the continent, the economic and military advances and for the Chinese markets, and other tended at the request of several of Erst and most important preventive.
The new centrists declare for the most revolution main strategy of Japanese imperial preparations for Japan defense of markets Japan is invading, are lay our branches. It is being conducted INTERNATIONALISM PARAMOUNT QUESTION ary principles, for the dictatorship of the proletariism for the whole century revolved her rights to domination in the ing the basis for a gigantic explo for the express purpose enabling Formal programs, however, are meaningless today at or anything else you want, but on one condition. around the struggle for domination Orient.
workers who cannot afford the reg unless they candidly face the determining feature of keep within the framework of the old Social Demoof Asia.
Great Britain sees this problem America Imperialist success in ular rates. It goes without saying the crisis in the labor movement of the world the cratic parties and the Second International with all imperialism won its position as clearly as do the American im Latin America, and her strategic that this low rate does not cover bankruptcy of both the Second and the Third Inter the scoundrels and traitors and King Ministers and of domination in Americas as the perialists. But England does not position in relation to decadent the cost of production. We are able nationals and the fundamental problem of the never do anything to carry out tho revolutionary broader base of operations for the hold the same favorable world po Europe, make it necessary to chal to do this only through the help epoch the reassembling of the revolutionary van principles in action. The Kuntorovich group, now struggle to place Europe on rations. sition. This forces the British im lenge the Japanese or any other im of the Pledgers.
guard in a new organization, under a new banner. apparently fused with the Militants. are representaJapan seeks a broad Asiatic base asperialists to take more drastie steps perlalist power aiming to dominate For the benefit of those who do the catastrophic defeats of the working class under tive of this centrist current in the United States. her first step in an attempt to pre at once which are resulting in the Orient. Otherwise, America not know how this Club plan works objective circumstances highly favorable for revolu. In this way the revolt of the socialist workers is vent American imperialism from gigantle trade war between England desire to organize the world for her we wish to explain. tionary victories present a contradiction which means curbed their revolutionary impulse for action is organizing the world to her own and Japan. It has reached the point economic needs will receive a blow club consists of four cards for one thing above all others: the leadership has broken restrained, they are held in the strait jacket of the liking.
where British diplomacy must op which it will be difficult to recover 00 paid in advance. Each cara down, the organizations they directed were inade old bankrupt organizations and the way is prepared America attempt to organize the enly and bluntly speak of a trade from.
is good for a six month sub. The quate.
for new betrayals and defeats.
world presses heavily upon Great war with Japan. HUGO OEHLER. idea is to buy four or more cards! This is the crux of the whole question of the re THE MARXIST FIGHT AGAINST CENTRISM Britain, Japan, France and Gerand dispose of them later to reim generation and revival of the revolutionary labor Under these new conditions in the labor movemany in all parts of the world. At Durse yourself for the outlay. movement. Every party, group and current, now as in ment the formal criticism of social reformism misses present it finds one of its main foTHE SECOND CLUB PLAN the period following the betrayal of the workers into the mark. What is needed now, above all, is a Marxcal points over the struggle for heDRIVE WILL TERMINATE AUG the world war, is tested and its whole course is deterist tight against centrism and an exposure of its role.
gemony in China. It expresses it. Continued from page 1)
locals proposed secession from the UST 1st.
mined by its approach to this question of internationl or this, a formal program of general principles selt in opposition to Japan closed of and found support from BUY YOUR CARDS NOW! alism.
along is inadequate the centrists, hard pressed by door policy.
But this in no way a declaration from Tighe, that he locals in other parts of the country. The New Subs It seems incredible that a group which denounces the revolutionary sentiments of the masses, are very signifies a lessening of the antagon washes his hands of the whole Danger of Premature Splits Boston Branch social reformism as a rond that led to death in apt to sign it! The formula for this fight, as for all isms to England.
Cleveland, Brody In this action, however, tbere is Germany should retain the slightest allegiance to the Officials in Dilemma The Chinese market for all purthe other fundamental problems of the time, is: The Chicago Branch 12 Ja great danger of a premature split International which led the socialist masses to defeat struggle for the Fourth International!
poses, is the prize and most impor Mike Tighe may yet try to de which can be isolated and led into Minneapolis Br.
40 und death, not only in 1933 but before that in 1914, The perfidious game of the centrists in the Social tant conquest of the imperialist feat and nullify the convention ac the void. The center of gravity of New Castle Br. and which systematically betrayed them in all the Democratie parties is facilitated for the moment by needs today. No one realizes this tion. Sell outs are not merely a the trade uplon movement is still San Francisco Br. years between. Surely, an analysis of the fundathe circumstance that events which discredited the better than Japanese imperialism. thing of the past but can be ex within the of continuaSt. Louis Br.
mental causes of the treacherous role of the Second Social Democracy in a second historic test have reThe steady encroachment of the pected to be repeated on a moretion of its policies and betrayals Toronto Youth Club International, and the declaration of an irrevocable vealed also the complete bankruptcy of the CommuWestern Imperialists since the deserious scale. But this is an en will unmistabably lead to the possiLocal New Yorkbreak with it, are elementary requirements of revo nist International. Given a revolutionary policy and feat of the second Chinese revolutirely different matter now that the bilities of new militant unions emCity Office lutionary socialists. Yet all the program of the leadership in the Comintern the masses of disillution compels Japan, as a life and workers are in motion toward alerging. But such moves can become Harlem Br.
Revolutionary Policy Committee has to sty on this sioned socialist workers would today be streaming death matter, to answer cach step higher level of class consciousness successful only after the rank and naramount question is the following: into its rauks in an irresistible food. From the time of further penetration by other im Outlaw strikes and outlaw file thoroughly absorb the experl88 The Socialist Party of America must make of the launching of the Comintern in 1919 until 1923 perialists with a more aggressive movements can be expected to ocences after a period of crystallizaLast report 53 every effort to get the above principles adopted by the Lab policy for her own ends. This is cur. Today, however, such are nottion of forces and a better underand Socialist ternat this process went on continuously. Under Lenin the order Comintern gained at the expense of Social Democracy leading directly to the new imper so easily defeated. The union of standing of the purposes and tasks TOTAL 141 that it may be the effective instrument of proall along the line. No such movement is observable ialist war.
ficials are in a dilemma with the of militant unions. Above all it can moting the world revolution.
today. Caught in a vice between bankrupt Social International Policy Decisive company unions pressing from the become successful only under the AMERICA AND THE COMING When the second International collapsed in 1914 Democracy and Stalinism, and trusting neither, the ant betrayed the laboring masses into the bloody REVOLUTION The reorganization of the differ one side while on the other side direction and influence of a conworkers are held in the old organizations by the shambles of the war, Lenin and the other revoluent imperialist nations within the hange the shadow of more militant scious left wing movement. Neverformula of centrism. And by that the crisis is prodepression cycle has passed the inl organization and action by the theless this trend shown amongst JOHN WRIGHT tionary socialists, even though they were only a longed and deepened.
tial stage. The Internal reorganiza workers, the automobile workers is highly Saturday, May 12th, at 8:30 handful, declared the organization to be dead for the THE REVOLUTIONARY WAY OUT tion, based on one form of nation. In the automobile situation the indicative for the future, Harlem Branch, Communist League revolution and turned to the preparation of a new of America International. Everything the Second International The first condition for the solution of the interalism or the other, through infla union officials accepted the Roose Within the federal untons trends 130 East 107th Street tion, currency devaluation and revelt agreement which legalizes the in a progressive direction are visand its leading and most representative party in national crisis of the labor movement is to assemble (One flight up)
duced wages, and concentration and company union; BIU Green great ible. At a conference in Washington Germany did since that time, only served to contrm all the awakening revolutionary forces for a common Admission 10 Cents centralization of finance and capital, est strike in history was won for the latter part of January delegates the analysis of Lenin, struggle. It is unthinkable that this assembly can has reached the stage where the in the time being by the auto bonses representing almost 100 federal unThe party and the International that had failed take place on the basis of either the Second or the ternational with the internal policies of the special mediation board whose duty of 250, 000 formulated demands to policies, coordinated The union officials accepted the tons with an estimated membership ATTENTION BRONX WORKERS in the great historic test was irrevocably lost for Third Internationals. It will take place, rather, in Special Lecture Imperialist nations, become decisive is to forgtall and defeat action. As the effect. and treacherous force in the labor movement, an ally not both bankrupt the present crisis of capitalism This phase primarily expresses a result an outlaw movement is That the organization of fed The Life and Work of Trotsky the revolutionary vanguard. That is why they formed fascist reaction.
and support of capitalism. This was understood by would have led to revolutionary victories instead of itself in a war for markets. Trade already in its inception. It started eral unions be continued aggres by SARAH MYERS the Communist International. Socialist workers, who Forces making for the revolutionary regeneration wars and dumping intensity all the trom St. Louis where the union sively, Secretary to Comrade Trotsky at assimilated the lessons of the war and post war ex2. That the members of the fedof the Interhational movement converge from three Prinkipo and Barbizon, France periences later, expressed their revolutionary stand different sources. They are: the International Comeral unions be not segregated into SATURDAY, MAY 12, P.
craft unions.
point by leaving the Second and joining the Third munists (formerly the Left Opposition of the Cominat International tern. independent socialist parties and groups, and That a bureau be established the Headquarters of the within the of to ald and AGAINST THE SECOND INTERNATIONAL! the bona fide left wing developing and growing rap Bronx Branch of the C, stimulate the formation of such in 1739 Boston RoadRoom Now, when on top of every other perildy, the Idly in the Social Democratic parties. The task is dustrial unions.
German Social Democracy, with the full support of to bring them together, to unfurl a clean banner.
the Second International, held the masses back from The Third of a New Series of Lectures on the International That where a reasonable and The Revolutonary Policy Committee indubitably Program with Special Reference to America sufficient number of such federal There will be food, music and the presidency in order that he might open the door coming regroupment in the United States. clean Social will follow the lecture struggle against Fascism and litted Hindenberg into has the possibility of becoming a serious force in the By unions form national organiza dancing. Admission is free. for Hitleris it possible now that revolutionists break with the Second International, not only as a tion and apply for a national or international charter, same shall be should advocate adherence to this corrupt and rotting program but also as an organization, is its necessary immediately granted.
Theatre Party next step on this rond.
part of decaying capitalism, that they should tell the Trend Toward Industrial Unionism workers to hope for its reform and regeneration. JAMES CANNON.
At Here the trend very definitely New York Local of the Comtoward industrial unions to be es munist League arranged for a WAUKEGAN MEETING ent and they took part in the dis United Front May Day meeting IRVING PLAZA HALL tablished on a national scale for the theatre party for the play Steve Waukegan, II. Shachtman cussion Shachtman dealt them a here, so the Finnish Progressive respective industries. Unquestion dore at the Civil reportoire.
This meeting here in Waukegan was a hard blow and turned each of their society and our group had to or15th Street and Irving Place ably, that trend will take further play has been hailed by all review. success. The crowd was not large, arguments against them. He cre sanize one of our own on a few hold and fally take on the formers for the quality of its production about 65 or 70, but all political ated a very favorable impression. It days notice. We had a good program SUNDAY, MAY 12th at P. be alricult for the reactionary of class character. Comrades and deal of interest was shown. The he visit, within a short time we the first place and had one of their of a definite movement which it wil and it is of distinctly working ralths were represented and a great would not surprise me if we ob and about 150 attended. The SocialADMISSION 15 CENTS QUESTIONS AND DISCUSSION ficials to check or to defeat.
Next lecture to follow on succeeding Sunday: The The workers from the mass pro buy the tickets ranging in price strongly when we had to break up shall send a write up to the MIN own on April 28th. Glotzer from tant within few days.
duction and the basic industries, from 30 cents to. 50 at our office at 12:30 United Front.
the Chicago branch spoke at our who are now joining the unions in 126 16th Street, for the perform The Stalinists were very peaceful meeting great numbers, have lost some of ance Monday, June 18. although there were a number pres The Stalinists broke faith in thal WATTERS.
New Trends in the Trade Unions Speaker: on FASCISM AND THE FOURTH INTERNATIONAL James Cannon