BolshevismBourgeoisieBujarinCapitalismCominternCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyEnglandFascismFranceGermanyHitlerIV InternationalKamenevLeninLeninismMarxismNazismRadekRussian RevolutionSocial DemocracySocialismSocialist PartySovietSpainStalinStalinismTrotskyURSSUnited FrontWorkers MovementWorkers PartyWorking ClassZinoviev

SATURDAY, MAY 12, 1934 THE MILITANT PAGE Before the Socialist Party Convention World Revolution or World Fascism Nazis Exploit Winter Help LOUIS FISHER SLAYS TROTSKYISM AGAIN the deal first with the Congress of the beld in August 1933, the present situation in the and, finally, the situation in America.
Only on this basis is it possible to understand what is taking place in the American Socialist Party and orientate oneself to that situation Editor Note: This is the first mendous internal disruptions on the ternational congress of last year that is, in viewing the situation The development of fascism has It has been held by Marylan, ings of the inner contradictiotis of of a series of four articles by basis of the series of defeats sut did not and could not settle the in here, not as an isolated event, but today become a central question of theoreticlans, since fascism ap capitalism. The resulting chaos Comrade Glotzer on the groupings fered by it. This we lenve for a ternational situation in the as the logical sequence to the In world politics. Viewed from a peared as a political phenomenon, compels sections of the most deterand issues at the forthcoming later discussion.
but has only raised them in a more ternational Congress and the dis world standpoint the ebb and flow that its growth parallels the growth mined and militant among the cap convention of the Socialist Party. Roots in the International Situation acute form, so the coming conven cussion that took place therein fol of fascism has varied inversely of the revolutionary movement and italists to seek out a mass base to It is impossible to explain the tion of the American Socialist Party lowing the German events with the ebb and flow of the world that its triumph comes about only support the struggle for the estabThe Socialist Party of America situation in the American Socialist will not settle the questions in dis. ALBERT GLOTZER. revolution. The appearance of because the proletariat is sufficient lishment of a more adequate form will hold its annual convention in arty, the existence of such a var pute. The situation in the AmeriItalian fascism on the historic horly strong to threaten the further of class rule. If the working class Detroit on June 1, and The lety of groups, with different views can Party is a reflection of the inIzon has not only marked the en existence of capitalism. The truth in any given country, is not sutrientire Party is now engaged in pre in. some respects and views that ternational situation. The left wing trance of a period of political re of this formula is unassailable ir ciently strong, politically and or paring for this meet. Discussions coincide in others, without seeking groupings here are a part of the action has given definite char view it from a world standsanizationally, to overpower these have already begun and groupings its roots. The background of the international left wing groupings, acteristics to the whole epoch. The point. However, whatever atten Forces of reaction a fascist dietataken shape. The membership is internal situation in the American all of them arising under the presvictory of German fascism hustion has been centered on this questorship will follow. Fascism may in a state of agitation somewhat re Party is the European situation sure of great European defeats. Irstrengthened and accelerated the tion bas been approached from the then come in a particular country, miniscent of the time when the first The defeat in Germany, carrying respective of the outcome of the Nazidom seems to be convinced tempo of fascization throughout the application of the formula to the though the working class does not left wing struggle broke out. with it the destruction of the dean Detroit convention the main issues that the Dutch authorities will in capitalist world.
particular country under considera seriously threaten to establish its The present condition must na of social democratie parties, brought that agitate the Socialist organiza no way interfere with its assumed While fascism as a form of caption. This approach has been un own class rule at the moment. In turally be contrasted to the almost into existence an Internationaltion today will continue until a def tutelage over Germans living italist rule exists only in some of doubtedly due to the unevenness of this latter instance fascism acts as decade long period in which the Congress (August 1933. At this inite solution, both politically and abroad. Another efficient method the European countries; fascism as capitalist development.
a preventive for the revolution.
Socialist Party was a small ineffec congress, in spite of the endorse organizationally, of the questions for converting Germans abroad into a movement is making headway From such regulative principle. The question of reorganization of tual organization. Since the crisis, ment it gave to the policies and in dispute takes place.
docile instruments of the Hitler dic everywhere and particularly in however, the conclusion is one that industry according to plan has however, it has grown steadily in activities of the Germany Party, Probing the Disputes tatorship is the Winter Help and those countries that have long been emphasizes fascism as a national formed an important section of the influence and numbers, so that the there emerged a definite left wing discussion of the coming con other alleged charity institutions considered as models of capitalist problem without its international fascist programs. The promise of Party approaches the convention point of view under the leadership vention cannot be held without con which have been extended to Holl democracy, France and England. correlation. This leads to isolated, economic reconstruction after the with a membership of over 25, 000 of the Polish Bund. This point of sideration of: and under the protectorate of the Spain which but yesterday freed national appraisals of fascist phe assumption of power has been very Supplement of the Milwaukee policies pursued by the German August 1843, in In the National Headquarters view disassociated itself from the The international congress of German ambassador and other herself from monarchy and military nomena and undermines the possi alluring to the masses.
which the conflict prominent German officials. Under dictatorship is now the scene of bility for effective struggle against The characteristic form of econothem.
Leader of March 3rd, are published and the Labor and Social between the right represented by the cover of alleged charity thoa thriving fascist movement.
numerous resolutions on the lead ist International (2nd) which was the German leaders and the interna German representatives have commic organization introduced by It is not much different in the It has now become necessary to fascism is, as we have seen the coing questions facing the Party: dominated by the German Party.
Declaration of Principles; Na while the left wing received but and the left wing led by the Polish Nazi sympathizers.
tional Old Guard on the one hand piled extensive lists of Nazis and United States. Here, not only are clarify and bring up to date our operative state. This is the logical the transplanted fascist movements theoretical evaluation of fascism in outcome of all tendencles of capttional Recovery Administration. eighteen out of three hundred votes Bund (supported by a majority of The German Consulates are also among the Germans and Italians the light of the experiences of the talist state power to Interfere in Labor Unions. Agriculture; cast at the August, 1983 Internathe American delegation. on the in possession of the names of all growing but an indigenous variety Inst decade and the present altua the economie life of the country. the United Frout; Socialist tional Congress, since then it has other, broke out in sharp form over German residents in Holland who as well. The Silver Shirts Legion tion.
It is the aim Press; socialist Tactics; brown everywhere. The Austrian the fundamental questions raised in voted for Hitler on November 12. is the outstanding organization and fascism is, as we have con evolve a state rule representing the International Relations, Pascism, situation also acted as an impelling connection with the most decisivo 1933. Those who oppose Hitlerism according to all reports is growingcluded, a universal manifestation, fusion of politics and economics Democracy, etc.
force on the left wing in all coun event since the Russian Revolution aro blackmailed, threatened and and expanding rapidly. Its pro its appearance and existence in under one unified administration.
With respect to the decisive fun tries. The left wing takes shape. the victory of Fascism in Ger often exposed to denunciations. Sram and agitation mimic those of each country is a variation of this to achieve this the class struggle damental questions, a series of dir as an international grouping dis many: Petitions and circulars emanating the Nazis in many details.
larger concept. It advances or rehas to be abolished and a prolonged ferent viewpoints are presented as associating itself from the whole The international groupings of trom official German sources bear the basis for the pre convention course of the pursued up a left character and the reflection the signatures of diplomatic and one Mannhardt the leader of the motivating, interacting factors at As this stands in violent contradiccedes, therefore, because of certain peaceful development take place.
discussion. These views vary from to and through the German and of these tendencies in America; and consular representatives, of the Amsterdam local of the German fecting world capitalism which cantion to the general laws of capitalthe crassest reactionary Right Wing Austrian events, demanding a com The possible outcome of these presidents of the coordinated Ger Nazi Party. These facts prove be readily analyzed.
ist development in the epoch of imposition on the class struggle to the plete revision in theory and prac Internal struggles, or more precise man societies in Holland, and, last that all German denials of Nasil Democracy and the institutionsperialism and the nationalistic 88Left, including also a tendency fav tice, of social democratic policy. ty: what to do but by no means least, of one Witte, propaganda abroad are deliberately created by it are in a state of gen pirations of fascism, the final acoring adherence to the movement Just as the decisions of the in The forthcoming articles wil Nazi commissary for Holland, and misleading.
for the Fourth International.
eral collapse because of the work complishment is easily predictable.
of immediate concern to us, howGroupings in the Party Jever, is the question of whether The emergence of definite left program of state capitalism pursued wing groupings in the American in a democratic country facilitates Socialist Party may be received by the advent of fascism. Our thesis, many with surprise and doubt. An In a recent issue of the Nation, Fischer, but he did not suppose from Stalin Problems of Leninism on these world shaking events? It ment officially proposed a resolu as we shall see, holds this to be examination of the pre convention Mr. Louis Sacher, in a much ber that socialism could thus be ob. unexpurgated. is a painful piece of work explain tion at the International Econom the case.
material, however, is all that is nec alded article, invokes the death of tained. Quite so! And in so thinkWhat Stalin Once Wrote ing why Europe looks so dark and ic Conference in Geneva in May, Let us consider recent develop essary to convince one of this fact. Trotskyism for the hundredthing he was in full agreement not To overthrow the power of the beyond bope. Mr. Fischer knows 1927, which enunciated the idea ments in our country. The RooseThus one sees the following groupe time. It seems however that Trot only with Lenin who conceived of bourgeoisie and establish the full well that the responsibility for that the two opposing forms of velt regime as soon as it took over and tendencies preparing to do bat skyism always Dope up again, socialism as the creation of a un power of the proletariat in on this state of affairs rests largely on society could live together in helm introduced the New tle for their respective points of much to the dismay of its oppon. ited world wide economy, regulated country, does not mean to guaran the nationalistic policy of the Stal peace and cooperation. On all Deal. The National Industrial view: The Revolutionary Polics ents. The reactionary capitalist according to general plan by the tes the complete rectory of social inist bureaucracy. That is why the recent occasions Soviet spokesmen Recovery Act, the main part of this Committee (patterned after the couver une touch Europecuhtwerer uredbetartate pof Bolesnation internatiboutism. The chil task of socialism Comintero is a dismal failure have emphasized the same propo New Deal. was passed only as a British Independent Labor Party. olutionary Trotskyism. dead or allst prior to the epoch of Stalin duction lies still aheadCan Communist League (Left Opposi That this is not just Pront for day, neither friend nor toe questions the Militants, the Chicago Left alive.
this task be accomplished? Is it thon) has been strikingly confirmed the benefit of the capitalists but an the permanency of the NRA set ups.
Wing (Senior and Krueger. The Ar. Fischer, like most Stalinist would seriously recommend to possible to attain the final victory in the most critical events of the integral part of the new philosophy the government not only organizes ultra reactionaries of the Forward scribes, does not feel impelled to Mr. Fischer, and to the American of socialism in one country, with past decade. And no Stalinist apol of the Soviet bureaucracy is indt and strengthens associations of the Association under the leadership of substantiate his Farsamente against stalinists whose history begins with out the combined efforts of the ogist can white washa the treacher cated in a speech madg by Litvinom various branches of industry, but Abe. Hear the Other Side. Ca Trotsky by any facts, but resurrects the year 1924, that they devote a proletarians of several advanced ous nationalistic role of the Com before the Central Executive Com participates itself to an ever inhan, the Old Guard, the Wisconsin the old fiction manufactured by little time to the study of the countries? No, it is not. The intern to make it appear as revolu mittee of the Soviet Union (not a creasing extent in the management History chamber of Commerce. and regulation of industry. The who follow and support the positioner. Fischer chapter in the nin preobrozhensky text book which for the overthrow of the bourgeoir nas stripped the stalinist Interna. my conversations with codes granted possess sweeping Doof the Polish Bund. In any case, ternational campaign of columny was formerly the official handbook sit this is what the history of tional of its last claim to the con. President Roosevelt convinced us lice powers.
there is variety.
and falsitication starts off with the of the Workers School. The Com our revolution tells us. For the Adence of the working class. It both of the absolute possibility of The Reconstruction Finance Cor What are the chief points of thesis that Rakovsky recantation munist revolution. says the book, Anal victory of socialism, for the stands exposed today as a brake on the closest relations and coopera poration, an agency of the governstruggle First and foremost is the spells the death of Trotskyism. can be victorious only as a world organization of socialist produe the revolutionary movement. tion for peace by our two coun ment, which was set up even beprincipled question of: Reform ver His whole argument revolves revolution. Since 1924, how tion, the efforts of one country, e Trotsky World Revolution tries. One cannot but admire fore the New Deal. has been sus Revolution. Allied with this around this axis. As if the capitu ever, the history of the party has pecially a petasant country like and flowing out it is the question lation of an individual impugns the been turned into a palimpsest.
In September, 1982, Mr. Fischer President Roosevelt perspicacity Hranted authority to loan directly principles of that we must have the efforts of the wrote an article in Current Historyness of continued struggle with us the systematic buying up of shares, in realizing not only the useless to industry. No less significant is In a book edited and with an inof the proletarian dictatorship. Out fundamental of the disputes over these two fun movement. History can not be troduction Lenin, Stepanov. proletarians of several advanced on Trotsky World Revolution in the name of capitalism but the by this institution, of the nation damental questions of Marxiem over written so simply. The socialist Skvortzov wrote: The proletariat countries. Such in general are There he endeavored to compare value of relations with us not only largest banks; until now it owns Which the workers movement has and communist movement has been of Russia never thought of creating the chwracteristic features of the Trotsky views on the world situ. for the sake of America national 25 of the banking stock of the already split into well defined pock marked with desertions, yet an isolated socialist state. sell Leninist theory of the proletarianation with those of Stalin. Here is interests but for the cause of country.
groupings (social democracy and the principles of communism remain sufficient socialist State is a petty revolution.
peace. In Germin Trotsky urges a In so far as labor ls concerned, communism. there has logically as unshaken as ever.
bourgeois ideal. certain approach developed differences on all phases Causes of Rakovsky Capitulation to this is thinkable with an econoIt is only because Lenin is pinned government policy is striking out Industrialiution bloe between Communists and under mausoleum and Trotsky new paths. Whereas in the past of work engaged in by the Socialist if Mr. Fischer wants to find out mic and political preponderance of We will come back to this point Social Democrats to fight fascism.
exiled that they dare mouth such the traditional policy of the governParty. The questions of Trade Un the real meaning and cause of Ra the petty bourgeoisie in isolation shortly. For the moment let us Moscow declares, however, that vicious, reactionary views. And to ment, if indeed there was one, tav.
ion work, the United Front, Tho kovsky capitulation, he himself from the outside world it seeks a proceed to Mr. Fischer next point. this is menshevism (sic. an old think that these statements are ored labor organizations of the struggle against War, Labor Party, bas given us the clue.
means of consolidating its economic Accepting wholeheartedly the can. Trotskylt malady. and that broadcast throughout the world to craft or horizontal type now the Soviet Union, and a whole series of At a recent party conference forms, which are converted by the ards of the Stalin hool he goes since the Social Democrats had delude the workers into believing tendency is to favor organizations other questions are in dispute.
in Eastern Siberia, writes Mr. new technique and the new economy on to say that. collectivization supported the former Bruening that the capitalist nations are real that will encompass whole indus Basis Causes of the Groupings Fischer, Emilian Yaraslovsky, into very unstable forms. never present itself to him (Trot Government, alliance with them ly interested in peace!
would bolster up the sky) as a major solution. German tries and manufacturing enterprises.
The stuation in the Socialist member of the inner Bolshevik Trotsky Position Close up of Stalinism Here the National and Regional Party belies the Stalinist position circle, spoke of the counter royoOne might suppose that after bourgeoisie.
What are Trotsky views on this making a Mr. Fischer continues. Labor Boards play supervisory and on Social Democracy, They have lutionaries hired by the bourgeoicategorical statement. This however did not prevent the od of the cond Five executive roles and continue to regard the social sie, and the delegates remarked question?
like this he would at least mention Comlutern from supporting the democracy as on solid, immovable that Trotsky too was in the pay Socialism. says T, is the or when or where this was true. But plebiscite in 1981 in which the Ger Year Plan in 1937, according to assume greater authority as time social fascist mass incapable of of the capitalists. Yaraslovsky did ganization of a planned and har no, the readers of the Nation are man Communists voted with the sanguine Bolshevist. claims oes on.
The government support of the moving in the direction of commun. not have the courage to deny this monious social production for the left high and dry, for there is no Hitlerites. That united front was socialism will have been establishsatisfaction of human wants. Col. accompanying explanation.
ed in Russia. despite the per of in preference to company ism. Marxist approach to the infamous accusation. His failure What all right.
lective ownership of the means of Trotsky are Trotsky views on this ques shafts and aimed against Stalin most poisonous question will demonstrate at once to do so was beneath contempt, sistance of capitalism everywhere unions is not due to its deatre to production that conditions which made possible as Stalin effort to rewrite not yet socialism, tion?
else. The Russian Communists promote independent labor action.
the emergence of an International let history so that Trotsky role but only its legal premise. The The proletariat. writes T, for his role in the Chinese revolutherefore, are devoting themselves on the contrary, it is due to a deproblem of a socialist society can tion of 1924 1927 and in the presto the tasks at home. They are sire to take labor out of control of left wing in Social Democracy dur either disappears or becomes be cannot create a new society not be abstracted from the prob without bringing the peasantry to ent German crisis. Trotsky maining the war years, resulting in the smirched beneath contempt.
more introverted than ever be the thousands of business and intains that Stalin policy in China fore Foreign politics interests dustrial enterprises and centralize creation of the Communist Interna Yes, and this is but putting it lem of the productive forces, socialism through series of which at the present state of hu transitional stages, the peasantry tional on the basis of the old, re mildly. It is to be wondered that was not an accident and not a them largely as a means of neu this control within the of tralizing outside hostility and of in order to curb strikes and eventucur once more in different form. not more of the thousands of exiled man development are world wide mere mistake, but an inevitable being a considerable in a numIn their very essence. The separate Outstanding victories of the pro and persecuted Bolshevik Leinnista, result of his rejection of the doce obtaining credits. Anything that ally more serious class action on ber of countries a predominant trine of Permanent Revolution.
may interfere seriously with dom the part of the workers.
letariat (the Russian Revolution) isolated from any contact with state, having become too narrow part of the population, and a And so, without a fascist governfor capitalism, is so much the less estie improvement is avoided.
are not the only motive forces of world historie forces, systematicalknown majority on the earth as The acceptance of that theory, the international working class. ly misinformed and deceived, not capable of becoming the area of The Bolsheviki would say that ment in the United States and with whole. Does this sound like Trotsky insists, would have preMajor defeats likewise prove to be only as to the activities of Trotsky backwardness of revolutionary capitalists will do more than in the framework of the democratic underestimating the peasantry. vented Stalin from supposing that the communists to undermine cap apparatus, state capitalism and the influences upon the workers move but also about the tremendous a successful socialist revolution The solution of this most difficult ment, pushing it in one direction or world shaking events of the last it the danger of being thrown country, moreover, increases for of all problemas depends in the last could have issued from a union italisin. Today, despite the uni features of a cooperative state are another. Thus if the Russian Rev. decade, have not also lost their versal depression, they view the making their appearance. That analysis upon the quantitative between the petty bourgeois Kouback to capitalism. In rejecting world scene soberly. and, the taking of power by fascism is olution had the effect of finally bearings. In view of these factors, mintang and the workers and and qualitative correlations bebreaking off large sections of social Rakovsky capitulation is but a the perspective of an isolated sowhile discerning a gradual shift made easier by such development, tween industry and agriculture.
peasants, in which the Koumintang was the dominating influence.
to the left, are skeptical about a there is no doubt.
democracy already dissatisfied with hollow victory by which no clear cialist development, the BolshoThe peasantry will the more rolred uprising, even in Germany, When democracy finally breaks Trotsky above all, criticizes the the banner of kautsky, Bauer, sighted revolutionist will be misled. viks had in view, not a mechan.
untarily and successfully take the road of collectivization, the more Comintern for restraining the Scheldeman, et al, and pushing them Let us now examine some of Mr. leally isolated problem of internot to speak of other countries. down, fascism will be the only road vention, but the whole complex of in the direction of Communism and Fischer arguments. Trotsky. generously the town is able to German Communist party from. But how would the Commun for the capitalsts, no matter what ists in the Soviet Union behave their present democratic asseverathe banner of Marxism, there is no says Mr. Fischer. believed the questions bound up with the infertilize their economy and their decisive revolutionary action.
revolution were imminent in some tions may be. When such time reason why a catastrophic defeat, New Economic Policy would bring ternational economie basis of soPropaganda of the Hirelings important country? What it Ger comes, will the workers, be prepared such as took place in Germany back capitalism. Where he ever cialism. Starting from the Who Killed the Comintern. and followed in Austria) should got this information is not indicatworld wide division of labor, the have quoted Mr. Fischer at many or France or Japan were on to make a bid for power? And yet, not bring about similar movements. led, but you may be sure it did not task of socialisim is to carry the his remarks to the Soviet Union. question of misstatement and mis social upheaval?
Mr. Flacher conveniently limits length so that there will not be any the very threshold of a national the only way to stop fascism is the international exchange of goods The historical united action of the proletariat The defeats in Germany and Au come from Trotsky ricarichy as you and services to its highest devel think of the events which have led well bears out the claims of the The Reich had been impoverished lane revole bloom It is indeed very disqueting to interpretation. And since he so precident is Germany in 1923. leadng immediately to the proletarstria demonstrated the bankruptcy may, in Trotsky writings you will of Social Democracy and Stalinism. not be able to find such a state opment.
to the catastrophic defeats of the Bolshevik Leninists as to the revis by inflation. Bread riots had oc It will be one of the first tasks These two events are responsiblement. Following this, Mr. Fischer have attempted here to give the working class throughout the world. Ionist policies of the Comintern, curred in numerous cities. The of the new international revolutionfor the movements within the so contradicts his own statement by party view on the question of build Ag Mr. Fischer puts it: will, at the risk of being tedious, German Communists were plan ary leadership to organize the decial Democratic parties the world saying that Trotsky was one of ing socialism in one country from Europe never looked so dark conclude with a few choice excerpts ning an uprising. With one hand cisive fight against the encroachover. The specific political and or the first to suggest the New Eco the mouths of the officlal spokes and beyond hope as at the present from his article in Current History. the comintern helped them. But ment of world fascism. At the outganizational conditions associated nomic Policy. Yes, Mr. Macher, man of the Comintern up to the time. Yet Communism makes no There is no better way to refute the Stalin said: In my opinion we set it will have to distinguish its with the Social Democratic move and you can even go further. Trot stalinist epoch. Similar views by headway. The Cominter is Insidious nationalistic propaganda must restrain the Germans and Marxian methods from those of the ment explain why it is going sky was the first one to suggest it, Zinoviev, Kamener, Radek, etc. are dismal failure.
of the Stalinist hirelings than with not encourage them.
hysterical Stalinists. Only the through another internal upheaval: fully year before its adoption. all Included in the history of the Has Mr. Fischer given some the words from their own mouths. Is it any wonder then that Hitler slogan of World Revolution can reand similar reasons, from another Socialism in One Country party ap to 1924. It will only be thought and study to the problem Since 1927 Stalin has defended 18m and not Communism triumphed arm the workers with the necessary point of view, explain why Stalin Trotsky advocated Industrializa necessary for me to close this phase Why hasn he devoted a little space the thesis of capitalist Communist in Germany. weapon to stay the advance of tasism, momentarily, ids such tre tion on a vast sacle. continues of the discussion with a quotation to the position of the Trotskyists co existence. The Soviet Govern. cism. JOSEPH GIGANTL by to