AnarchismBolshevismBourgeoisieCapitalismCommunismCommunist PartyCuban RevolutionDemocracyFascismFranceGermanyHitlerIV InternationalImperialismLeninLeninismMarxismNazismRussian RevolutionSocialismSocialist PartySpainStalinStalinismStrikeTrotskyUnited FrontWorking Class

PAGE THE MILITANT SATURDAY, MAY 12, 1934 On Shorty Buehler Cora Duff and Terror in the Minneapolis Rail Workers Imperial Valley Organize ury.
the attendance at their own meet lover into the Communist Labor gence and insight, undeveloped Groups all of which is directly choosing will shortly ferment an 21 separate and independent labor And there is to be no appeal from suppose it is only fair that ther Communist Party for holding true the ranks of labor vanguard.
REVIEWING MARCH OF THE NEWS EVENTS Brawley, Calif. In this great Death has taken a heavy tolly his bookstore in Kansas City as a hot house of America, the land of Minneapolis Minn. on Sunday. ployed members entitled to same.
Death of Woodin among the fighters for revolutionary means of earning a livelihood. citrus and honey, of wide open April 22nd, a meeting was held by Unemployment insurance, the The New German Decrets Woodin, a millionaire, internationalism in our growing Buehler book store was an oasis spaces, of desert and the brolling Employed and Unemployed, Mem cost of same to be borne jointly by Fascism is a governmental system director of the Remington Arms Co. outpost in Kansas City. The grim for revolutionists in the years when sun, under the legal and heavy bers and former Members, of the Industry and the Goverument. under capitalist rule, based on the and one of the largest American in reaper has swept from the scene of reaction and Stalinist persecution hand of that infamous Gen. Glass of of old age and Disability pen uprooting of all the elements of vestors in Cuba, save 35, 000 to battle without regard to age and and slander held sway. Buehler ford who led the attack on the of and of Sions, cost to be levied on Industry proletarian democracy, when these weapons of the workers forged with was made Secretary of the Treas riors in that plucky band in the purchase Marxian literature, it was worked up all through the Valley, with the growing problems of un That all agreements entered such dificulty in courageous strugAs head of the Treasury he Middle West. Cora Duta symbol a bee hive of revolutionary discus in conjunction with the local Am employment among the above men into for the railroad workers besle, are turned against the ruling became famous as a composer of of the new generation that will holaslon and congregation. More than erican Legion Posts. The melon tioned crafts. The call for the National in scope, and not State, class in a challenge for power. Unmusic. His name was found on high our banner and Shorty Buch one young recruit received his first season, about to begin in a week or meeting was signed by five mem System, or District Agreements. der the bloody dictatorship of the Morgan Preferred List. Thatler the steadfast old guard devot lesson in communism in the Book so, has already been prepared for bybers and former members of the That the local movement for fascists all the independent, volunmade his retention in a cabinet that led to our ideas and sacrificing in store on West 12th Street. the pontifs of the Valley. In every two Enginemens Brotherhoods. unemployed rail workers, when or tary organizations of the working claimed to be driving the money service have been spatched from The sudden, sbocking death of town in the Valley, such as BrawThere were about 130 in attend sanixed, join hands with a similar class are destroyed, smashed to bits.
changers from the temple a uttle our midst, creating a chasm that Shorty Buehler is an irreparable ley, Indio, El Centro, Vigilantes are ance.
movement, already started, in the Thus May Day of last year suw the unwise. So he was gradually and will not easy or soon be filled. We loss to the Communist League and being organized, directly and open The following program was dis of Unions in Minneapolis dissolution in Germany of the trade gently ousted. Last week he died. salute them as they puss from the the revolutionary movement.
The capitalist press did itself proud struggle and promise to carry on. star of Buehler will take its place the American Legion, Chailleux, cassed at length and adopted by a to handle local and City rellet prob unlous and the cooperatives accomsecret ballot of 104 voting Yes lems.
Ipanied by the contiscation of all thinking up lies about his good We cannot but puse a while to in the firmament of proletarian who is on tour with a star.
and voting No and one simply Lower dues and salaries in their property.
qualities. The President attended grieve for them, so truo were they fighters, among the immortal Jim Methods of Intimidation writing on the blank ballot, For the Unions, the funeral. Enthusiasm for the to our ideals, so dear to us as commie Higgens without whom the At a meeting recently of an in Thirty Hour Week.
10. Full democracy in the Un.
Iron Heel Legislatiou New Deal and the fame of Woodin rades.
cause of Communism, the advance vestigating committee. to investi The program reads as follows: ions, and repeal of all gaglaws, obwhch were nurtured on ballyhoo August Buehler, better known or the proletarian revolution would gate red and union activities, Program of Demands ligations and secret work.
But the wiping out of the organcould be placed in the grave with to us as Shorty for his diminutive be impossible.
held at the Barbara Worth Hotel Twenty Six Days or 2000 Executive Committee Elected izations of proletariau democracy him. All belong now with the for size, was a landmark for the revo Don Mourn But Organize at El Centro, Gen. Glassford per mile to constitute maximum work Special stress was laid down by does not satisty curaged, terrorgotten man.
lutionary movement in the Middle With these inspiring words from suaded the agricultural workers to month for all railway employees. several speakers on the necessity stricken capitalism. The new epoch West. For almost twenty five years a poem by Joe Hill, song Join a union of his own choosing. Cut maximum work day from for reduction mbers dues and of civil peace must be guaranteed!
The Police and the Crooks there has been no Jimmie Higgins ter, Comrade Buehler concluded the Mexican Consul Terrazas Un Sixteen to Twelve hours. officers salaries and for full free Xo opportunity must be lert the When La Guardia became Mayor, east or west of Kansas City who is letter to the writer on the death ton, a carbon copy controlled direct Organize all railroad workers dom of expression for both officers workers to reforge their weapons and Ryan was made Police Commis carried on his work so splendidly of Cora Duff who passed away but ly by the barons of the Valley, in behind the movement for a six and members alike.
uf struggle. The Nazis fulminate aloner, orders were given: Drive and instintingly as Shorty.
two short weeks before him. preference to the Agricultural Hour Day without reduction in pay. An Executive Committee, of about rubidly against the shameful Verthe crooks out of New York. The Revolutionist Since 1913 Cora dled young. Her life in the Workers Industrial Union which is Take organization steps to Fifteen, was elected at the close of sailles Treaty imposed by the Allies shoe, now, seems to be on the other Shorty solned the revolutionary revolutionary movement was all too known to the workers as a militant have constitutional amendments the meeting from the various rail after the war with the aim of rem But driving. It a great game between aght in Kansas City in 1913. From time that was allotted her she of the which attended the tutions providing for unemployment to detail matters between the gene Nazis insist on their own Ver birds of a feather, but the uniforms that time until his death the us earned a monument for her courage hearing left the Barbara Worth, stamps or receipts for all unem eral or mass meetings sailles Treaty imposed internally on the cope make it easy for the tiring forts of Shorty have con energy and devotion. It was under several of them were pounced on, This executive committee was also after their bloody suppression of onlooker to keep score. So far the tributed heavily to the propagation her guidance and leadership that arrested and then released, when or the bona fide union of the ordered by the meeting to send the workers in the class war.
score is 40 in favor of the fans be sters.
Marxism in that Mid Western Am sas City was formed and took on infamous Gen. Glassford called a with, at the end of a rope. Call the Railway Labor Executives As class under entorced disunity, he erican city.
flesh and blood as the only commu bit of embarrassment in the sud fornia is after all a classic State sociation, in care of Whitney will render them powerless to resist The Daily Worker and the Shorty was one of the active spir: nist youth movement in Kangas denness of this intimidation. for barbaric reaction.
In a few President of the of who is by a firmly continued policy of re Renegades its in one of the first post war lett city, Eight workers who were recently weeks the papers out of the Valley Chairman of the Association. pression. Hence this May Day the In an editorial of the kind that wing groups that helped lift the The names of those women who released from the jail at El Centro, and the Liberal weekly magazines Copies of the program will also promulgation of new Iron Heel made it famous as a slander sheet, socialist movement out of the bos have come to the fore as outstand were driven out of town by a mob will be weeping tons of tears and be sent to Labor. the Washing legislation. Any propaganda against the Daily Worker deals with rene of reaction and which sathered ing advocates of the cause of the of thirty Vigilantes, and were told tons of ink at such nhuman treat ton weekly, and to Frances Perkins, the National Socialist state is degades in the May Day parade. around the Workers World, edited working class are few. We must that if they returned there was a ment: these gentlemoen can be in secretary of Labor.
clared high treason, punishable by miserable 200 in all hanging to by Comrade James Cannor and agree with Shorty who stated in his chance that they would be decorat dignant but never too much so.
The Railway Labor Executives death if need be. An undisguised the same like a tail to cow the workers Educational League last letter that comrade Duft had ing the end of a rope. Every paper The damnably low wages of the Association consists of the 21 lynch court is set up in the form rump class enemies to be do which spread the message of the the stuft out of which leaders are in the Valley, weekly or daily, car workers and the terride hours work presidents of the 21 Railroad Broth of a People Court, the judges to stroyed. The Stalinistsform of Russian revolution and Lenin to the made. Pretension, artifciality, pet rics long articles ou communism: ing in the broiling sun and in aerboods, and as stated, Wait be selected by the present rulers, arithmetic is seen here in the re workers of the Mid West.
Together with others Shorts to her. Por earnesty and sincerity ley News, today, has three articles, heat rising to 106 degrees, all this, Chairman of the Association.
ty bourgeois caprices were all alien the menace of the Reds. The Braw semi torrid climate (the desert. the ney, the Tralumen President, 18 Even the defense attorney in any verse.
case sent before this tribunal for Considering that in estimating helped to swing the entire Kansas Cora Duft took first place. She one of them headed Leglon Chlet with the terror of the Vigilantes Cause of High Dues terrorizing the oppressed, must seCity branch of the Socialist Party possessed that proletarian intell Lays Gage of Battle with Red and the Legion, and their own It is this set up of maintaining cure the approval of the judges.
ImeDarades, cetera mulherer always Party. From that time up till 1928, though it was, which is so uncom inspired by the methods of Capt. other militant struggle on the part organizations in one single industry, their decisipa!
10, of 20, in Hisnues of the Los Angeles Red of the agricultural workers.
each one with a full set of highly Squad.
What is essential now is Valley paid officials of its own, which to the ideas wbich had motivated The Value of Organization should practice division when esti. his life struggle, Shorty was an in us of another of our valiant soldiers Comrade Dutt death has robbed Red Scare in the News wide organizers! Defense groups to makes the membership dues so riAs if to point to the bitter mating the numbers With the melon season about to cope with the extraordinary tactics diculously high. This arrangement rene spiring persevering member of the in our young army. We salute her begin, the red scare issue is being of the Vigilantes! And publicity is against the best interest of the bossene be fully absorbed gade parade.
As far as the order of March 18 Moving Spirit of Kansas City Branch even as Shorty did and pass on to pushed into the forefront of the in the workers press as to what is Brotherhoods members from every by every worker from the situation concerned, it is true that our secIt is to comrade Buehler more Don Mourn But Organize.
news, and is being worked up, so taking place and will take place in standpoint, but the overpaid official in Germany, there comes the illus tion was towards the end, being that any militant action on the part the Valley. This must be done!
bureaucrats who prout by it, havetration of the impotence of a workfollowed only by the POCKET than any other single comrade that CLARKE of the agricultural workers outside HARRY ROSS.
succeeded in smuggling a lot of gaging class without its own independBOOK MAKERS, a section of the we owe our rapidly growing branch laws into their respective constituent organizations. In the shop elecS. and the UNEMPLOYED of the Communist League in Kansas tions to prevent the members from Lions for worker representation rethe United Front and so united liciting subs for the Militantno uting leaflets, visiting contacts, 80pointing out needed changes in or clourest indications of opposition to The Cuban revolution is now on approximately ONE HALF OF THE Jalism the Stalinists who want to ganization, program, and leadership. the Nazi regime are visible. Altho gago in Est fights every time we The movement and its program under the terce social pressure Shorty.
gave out a leaflet. On that OCCRsion we were in the tail end of the Sometimo in 1027 Shorty opened ado out of the seat of power, hurtled staggering debts to the Wall Street can property. In our opinion the lis will, no doubt, take on further cumbed to Nazi success. there of the workers which drove Mach. CROP. No moratorium on the who promise not to attack Ameri rail men last Sunday in Minneapo of reaction, many workers have sucparade. And if it is simply a choice De Cespedes into the abyss and un banks has been declared; no reduc revolution will traverse the ground growth and organizational form still remain many class conscious of being a tail to a Socialist cow Shachtman Meeting wisely tolerated Grau is now retion in them, despite optimistic from which it retreated with great and will be a source of inspiration workers bitterly opposed to the reor Stalinist bull we chose nelther.
treating before Mendieta and Bat White House pronouncements, has speed and arrive quickly at the de for progressive thought and action gime of bourgeois terror. llence But between the cultural organ In Davenport ista, that is to say, before the Cuban been put on the agenda of current cisive questions. There will be no among the employed and unem despite the fact that a ballot cast izations which formed the maservants of American imperialism problems. The approach of the end escaping the problem of state pow. ployed, members and former mem for anybody other than the listed jor part of the parade to Union Davenport, Ia. Comrade Shacht Not the workers, but the imperial of the harvest means that tens of er. Failure to seize it will mean, bers, of the Railroad Brotherhoods. Nazi candidates was to be voided, Square, and the organized trade un man meeting in Davenport was a ist bourgeois reaction ousted Grau thousands of workers will again be not the step by step reaction of RALL. large majorities in various locali lon movement which dominated the huge success in spite of the vicious and replaced his vacillating regime thrown out of the process of pro Mendieta, but the bloody heel of Lies, as reported by the National Madison Square parade, we chose drive the Stalinites made to prevent with the black puppet act of Men duction with no prospect whatever milltary dictatorship.
Zeitung of Wesen, voted aguinst the the latter.
As for class enemies to be deter Hall which we had engaged and from the bourgeoisie ideal of a of the year! The convocation of to maintain power is another quessiendieta was far lot working again until the late tun Whether the workers will be able PLEDGE FUND Nazis.
it from being held. The Unity Cen dieta Batista.
stroyed we have heard that before paid for a month in advance of the strong man to deal with the situa the Constituent Assembly has been tion. No one can give an answer But the ballots are merely voidWe stand for the United Front with meeting was taken away from ustion. that is put down the workers postponed unti some time before the to that question now. That depends The pledge fund idea is beginning izations ready to enforce their exed! Having no independent organreformist and other working class but a few days before comrade with blood and iron. He began by end of the year, the exact date has on many things: principally on the to take hold among our members, pressed will, this protest of the organizations against Fascismo. Wo Shachtman meeting through the returning the electric company not been set. And the liberties of world situation. If we are to a friends and sympathizers.
are against National Socialism. We efforts of the Stalinists.
plant to its owners and sending the workers and their organizations sume the victorious sweep of Fas the month of March a total of 39 Had they fought, arms in hand, for During German workers remains impotent!
are opposed to Stalinism and also But the young comrades of Day soldiers to force them to work. The have been curtalled.
cist reaction over Europe with the was remitted by the pledgers. Dur. the existence of their parties and to sycophancy. We stand with the enport set to work. Two precious workers responded with a hunger Perspective of Struggles strengthening of reaction in the ing April the total increased to 55: trade unions, the enemy, the caplworking class for the INTERNA days were spent looking for a hall. strike. Other workers threatened to The approach of the end of the Western hemisphere then the doom If this fond continues to grow at TIONAL Revolution. If that makes At last we were successful in se come out in sympathy. Mendieta Barclass enemies of the Wickses and curing one. Then they burrled get decreed all strikes illegal in the barvest raises the perspective of the Cuban workers state would this rate, the Militant will be well tulists, would today be impotent, not Browders, 80 much the worse for ting out of leaflets and other ad filght, Water, telephone, telegraph Further struggles by the workers. be pronounced. But it, on the con on the way toward stabilization.
the Wickses and the Browders.
Get your pledge card today.
Already there are signs of the com trary, we envisage a victory in vertising, notifying comrades and and other services. The workers ing storms. Like the gusts that pro France where the workers can take We are not printing the names The New York Post and the Middle sympathizers who had bought tick responded by calling strikes for the cede the gate the students are now power, with the incalculable ad for the individual pledgers because Class Dope From the Hop Joints ets of the change of the hall, The bought defenders of the cap Religion is the opium of the Both local papers refused to give strike began to loom up. Already again in the center of the stage vantages for the labor and revolu many of them, for obvious reasons, protesting against abuses. Tomortionary movements everywhere that cannot have their names appear 10 italist system, which category inpeople. few quotations from the a notice of the change. The secre on the third of February Mendieta row they will be followed by the must ensue, then we can hold forth our paper. However, each month cludes the bourgeois press, are well sermons preached last Sunday in tary of the Unity Center put in a declared that the problem created workers who will give a deeper so a more encouraging perspective for we will print the names of those aware that the big bourgeoisie rule New York churches will give a notice that the meeting was cancel by the return of the electric plant la tone to the music of the class the Cuban revolution.
who have no objections, and a total only with the aid of the petty bouridea of the miserable opium dished led at their hall. When the Stalin. and the strike might contribute to struggle Strikes are again begin Situation in figure for the others. At present geoisie, including the farmers. Genout to the church goers in Nowites learned we were going to hold the fall of his government.
ning to plague the government. We More immediate to the resolution we have 64 individual pledgers. erally content to follow in the wake York.
the meeting in spite of them they Advance of Reaction have already seen with what Carri of the issue is the factor of the in We wish to take this opportunity of the big finance capitalists, so The very Reverend Milo Gates were wild. One of the women Stal. But there was no party to give bean speed and fury these storms ternal situation in the United to publicly thank these pledgers for long as things run smoothly, the proposed Rogation Days as a sub inites phoned one of our comrades leadership to the workers and the come up. Mendieta hopes to lull the States. The great wave of strikes enabling us to extend the Club Plan middle class becomes disoriented stitute for farm relief. The drud calling her vile names, telling her favorable moment passed. Step by storm by a few reforms which which are impending in this coun. sub drive for another 1, 000 new the moment a crisis supervenes.
gery of American farm life would that it we went through with the step the reaction has advanced with settle nothing and by the extradi try will not be without its effoet readers, and so enable workers to Baced with ruin and pauperization, be relieved by processions going meeting they would bring forces the harvest driving the workers at tion and trial of Machado! on the Cuban workers. No one can read the Militant who cannot af. witnessing the obvious anarchy and out into the fields blessing the fields, and break it up, that we would the point of the bayonet and per What course will the workers foretell how far the strikes will go ford the full rates.
chaos of capitalist production, those and praying for a fruitful season bring this on ourselves by expound secuting their organizations. Thus struggles take? Will they contine in weakening the imperialist colosclasses immediately above the proas in Spain.
ing Trotsky theories in this city. the Havana Federation of Labor themselves to the demands for the sus. But there is no mistaking the Manifestoes for the FOURTH IN letariat are subjected to a process Troxler: But the comrades went right on which was under the Joint influence improvement of conditions, the rumbling of the volcano which may TERNATIONAL out. 500 copies of radicalization during crisis. Real freedom is the ability to move with their preparations for the meet of anarcho syndicalists and the shortening of hours, increases in burst with tremendous shocks to 00 plus postage. Cash must ac. It then becomes possible for a wisewithout hindrance in our proper ing, also calling on friends and sym Bolshevik Leninists passed over to wages, the discharge of an offensive capitalist terrain. Will they devel company order. Readers of the ly led and united proletariat to win spheres. The worker free to move pathizers to help defend their meet the side of the latter and was illeg. police official? Or will they take op in a revolutionary direction Militant should try hard to distri over wider sections of these op within the sphere of his wage slav ing. In spite of the sabotage of the alized by Mendieta. Other organ place under political slogans wiu Will we succeed in arousing the bute the Manifesto 50 copies will pressed masses. Faced with this ery, and the boss free to roam the Stalinites and the local press we izations too have suffered like the workers demand nationalization workers of Latin America? on the be sent postpaid for 266. Order danger the bourgeoiste must resort tate.
and control That depends on whe answer to that question which will from Pioneer Publishers, 84 10th to new means, left methods of Rev. Herbert McConnell: The meeting was just started But the question is not yet set ther the workers assimilate the les be given in the fire of the class st, canalizing the anger and protest of miracle is wrought as one looks into when the Stalinites arrived. Firsttled. No decisive battles have been sons of the past period. And that struggle and in which we must have this necessary ally. Hence the the cup of communion for there is they tried to get in by the usual fought. The apparent strength of in turn on whether there is a van an influence we will have our an THE MILITANT series of muckraking campaigns the vision of the crucified Saviour. plea of unemployed, but when that the bourgeoisie is two parts the guard capable of helping them learn. swer to the question of whether the The world must accept the Communiailed they tried to heckle an old failure of the workers to advance from this point of view the situa Cuban workers who may selte pow matter November 28, 1928, at the Entered as a second clan mall conducted by the Post.
Of course workers picked up and ton Cup to bring peace among the Socialist into using his influence to on the road of decisive struggles tion is promising. The influence of er will be able to hold it. We are post office at New York, Un misled in process will do no nations and the peoples.
harm either. Thus we see a camRev. Dr. Christian Relaner. in that quarter. Then they began the United States military forces. ideologically and organizationally contempt the perspectives of Published Woolely by the com paign on retrap Tenements and The church is being impoverished. to make nuisance of themselves Mendieta has not solvet a single by its adventuristic treacherous those revolutionists who see only on Milk Prices. Also campaigos on The government thru the owa alde generally so our comrades told them one of the grave economic, social course the influence of the Bolshe the strength of American Imperial 126 East 16th Street, New York, banking and inance scandals and 80 called social agencies that exto get out. So seeing that it would and political problems of the counvik Leninists is increasing. ism already rotting with gangrene. vol. VIL, No 19. Whole No. 223) when it comes to war the pacifist now on the Mortgage racket. But clude religion, but nothing is given not be healthy for them to start try. The quota assigned to Cuban Democrate Demands In Cuba as everywhere the fate to the Church that does real social trouble they left. One told us that sugar for export to its chief mark If today it is necessary and it of the workers, of the entire popSATURDAY, MAY 12, 1934 Post leads its deluded readers to service.
Rev. Dr. Edwin Keigwan: just bluff. Our young comrades tle more than one third of the pro for democratic demands, that does civilization itsell, depends on our Mar Sbachtman Maurice Spector countries that are imperialist rivala more would come back, but it was et, the United States, is still a st is necessary to advance slogans ulation, of culture. and possibly, of startin Abero RT James Cannon belleve that at direnly the best pran Faith begins where science ends, were ready to defend their meeting. ductive capacity of the island not yet by itself indicate within success or failure in building the of Japan in the East, not goodwhere proof is wanting, where Comrade Shachtman talk on crope and its INDUSTRIAL TECH what framework these demands Fourth Internationale. Let hope Subscription rate you. 00 Dec 2011 winning the middle class 13 vital hearted America. The problem of gument falls flat. In other words, War, Fascism or Communism? Was NICAL organization.
where knowledge, and intelligence well received. Questions and discus No progress has been made in what is the perspective? We have Cuba at the head of the masses will and Foreign. 50 per year; and must not be left to the paid ends, religion and ignorance begins. slon followed.
liquidating the huge surplus in stor nothing in common with the craven go forward to victory.
Tbc for six months.
demagogs of capitalism.
BILL BETTY ROWLAND. lage in Cuha of one million tons, grovellers before American Impert STAMM. Bandla ratos en contra JACK WEBER.
was the front that we had to en task was too menial, or too big for the defensive. The grandiose sweep QULTA FOR THE CURRENT struggle for municipal power. and which was launched for unemployed created and exerted by the forces Rev. Dr. Charles Arno Swabeck