CommunismFascismHitlerIV InternationalSocialismStalinStalinismStrikeSyndicalismUnited FrontWorkers MovementWorking Class

UNITE Weekly Organ of the Communist League of America VOLUME VII, NO. 19 WHOLE NO. 223 NEW YORK, SATURDAY, MAY 12, 1934 PRICE CENTS New Trends in the Trade Union Movement Young Socialists and Spartacus Youth Sponsor United Front Minneapolis Union Prepares For Action Wolinsky Gang United Front In Chicago PocketbookUnion trary, he is a leader of one of the stating that their organization had Youth Clubs as chairman and see. Fenetionary elements in the union, There is an unmistakable trend actions of this powerful opposition in the trade unions today which delegation culminated in the conBULLETIN New York City The youth con for the defense of the four deported Three Thousand Transport Workers Organize foreshadows the tempestuous de vention adopting the following provelopments to come. It is shown in gram: The National Committee of the Youth Clubs and the Young Peoples organization sent delegates or reits boldest outline in the steel work Immediate presentation of de Spartacus Youth Clubs and the Forces to Fight For Demands Socialist League in this city for a plied to the invitation. The ers union and come particularly to mands to the steel Companies for National Committee of the Young demonstration on May 30th against made a motion that the incoming the fore at the recent convention. Union Recognition and a substan. Peoples Socialist League nave war and Fascism, for the release of executive committee of the ConferMinneapolis In the hands of the and important strata of workers The rank and fille delegates deliv tial wage increase.
agreed to sponsor local united the four deported German youth, ence propose to the Stalinist con men who drive the trucks and vans, who store, preserve and warehouse ered some severe blows to the pres give a ten day ultimatum front movements for May 30th in and to protest the beatings and arference of May 13th a joint com the delivery equipment of modern the food that constitutes the daily ident, old Grandmother Tighe, to the trust, with preparations for Philadelphia, Chicago, Kansas rest of Yipsels on last May 30th bymittee for the preparation of a city, lays a mighty power. Not a ration of the people, we have a and rode rough shod, breaking down a general strike it the demands are City and Los Angeles. The dem the American Legionaries, unani common demonstration on May 30th whit less important or powerful are group of workers whose soclul inall the fences had so carefully not granted.
built up. The trend is shown in For good measure the delegates against war and Fascism and for lerence of the Youth Section of the jectives.
onstrations on that day will be mously decided to approach the con along the lines of the accepted the men who transport and serve portance is enormous.
the gasoline and oil which makes That these workers, in the gaso.
the newly constituted federal undecided to set up a special conven: the release of the four German League Against War and lascism Yipeel Amendment this vast industry a living thing. line stations and in the warehouses, fons organized in several of the tion committee to be in charge of youth who were delivered to the (Stalinist controlled) for common The Yipsels introduced an amend Taken together with that numerous on the Alarket, in the paper trade, mass production industries where the offensive action. This drew Hitler police by the Duteh Gov. action on that day. The objectives ment which stated that the condiin the food stores as well us the a struggle is beginning for a status (Continued on page 4) ernment.
helpers and drivers of the trucks in of the conference were broadened tions for the united front with the of Industrial unionism. It was shown to include a protest against the Stalinists are: 1) their support of the various lines, have now realized in the automobile workers Bituathe strategie position they hold is tion, where at one time Collins had un valday 31st and in Solidarity with four deported German youth, and Seize Control of home unione organization where to wield his gavel leavily to pre2) the repudiation by the of vent a representative delegate con help.
These decisions were adopted at the slanderous attack on the organference from taking strike action Workers Flock to Union for union recognition, Yes, also, Stalinists Celebrate May Day by Hooligan Attack on ter thorough discussions in which izations which signed the protest all the representatives partook. The petition on the four German youth During the past several weeks the change of front of the railroad International Communists in Parade organizations atteoding, in addition sponsored by the Non Partisan La.
union executives in actually preto the sponsoring groups, were the bor Defense Committee. The sectorced out of the Pocket book Nakhundreds, into General Drivers UnThe notorious Wolinsky who was these workers have streamed, by the senting demands to the carriers, re Chicago. The Stalinist controlled The Leader of the Hooligans Student League for Industrial De ond section of the amendment was ers Union in 1925 while he was ion No. 374. More than 3, 000 have flects the pressure npon them from May Day demonstration being the The leader of the gang, character mocracy, the Youth Committee sharply criticized by the delegates manager of the union, and a part been eurolled. They have not were the workers only one held in Chicago, the istically enough, was Jack Spiegel. Against Fascism (Socialist. the of as an ultimatum ner in the firm of White and Co. iy joined the union. With the leadLeaders Under Fire League decided to participate in it. This loathsome creature has built Vanguard Jrs. the youth group of which would be a serious obstacle at the same time, has been usbered urship of u capable and experienced The high priced labor leaders in spite of the two rebutts. Accord up quite a reputation for himself the Communist League of Struggle, in the road toward a genuine unit back into the union at a general Organization Committee they have sense the quickening tempo. Some ingly about 70 members and symby leading a group of members the Young Communist League (Op ed front. After a beated discussion membership meeting, Tuesday, May grouped themselves along seven of them are already hit squarely by pathizers gathered at the headquar and sympathizers into a police trap position. and Ploneer Youth. The and a recess for consultation, the 8th at the Stuyvesant High School. malu lines, according to type of the impact and fear themselves rlaters of the Italian Spartacus Work in Melrose Park three years ago, National Student League had two ipsels withdrew their amendment This was done through a coup etat job, and have set up committees to ing the whirlwind Others are try ers League on May Day, formed a disappearing, and leaving his fol observers present, with the statement that they will that was staged by the present ad carry on the detail work. These ing to adjust at least their language line and marched to the starting lowers at the mercy of the police Discussion at the Conference consider the acceptance of Roinistration.
rank and tile committees have functo the pressure from the workers point of the demonstration in Union machine guns. The same hero was The NsLers launched into an at our proposal for the united front At this meeting the Joint Counci cloned with whirlwind speed. They All of them are endeavoring with Park, headed by the red tag and one of the leaders of the Stalinist tuck on the conference as planning as an implicit repudiation of the of the union was supposed to bring have acted with the dispatch evimight and main to hold back and under appropriate banners. mob that attempted to break up a rival demonstration to that of slanders. The Spartacus del a report on the pending negotia dent everywhere when serious work.
to keep the movement within sate Hooligan Attack Comrade Swabeck meeting last the Young Communist League Na egates made a statement welcoming tions with the manufacturers for a fers set themselves to serious tasks.
channels behind Roosevelt and the As soon as we took our places in November. At that time be also tional Youth Day. They proposed this action and adding that it also new agreement in place of the old The monumental detail work turned New Deal.
BM Green, who is still a deacon mediately tried to isolate us from courage by being the first to run constituent organizatious attend the the Stalinist youth accept our pro whole meeting was confined to the plished, under severly adverse conthe 9th division, the Stalinists im save a demonstration of his great that the conference dissolve and the would draw the same conclusion is one expiring in June. Instead, the out, the research work accom.
in the Baptist church of his native the main body by placing a cordon downstairs as soon as the tight 13th. The Lovestoneites The original motion for common report was confined to one point up the manifold demands formulatWolinsky issue. The Joint Council aitions, the precise schedules drawn teach Sunday school, released a May were waiting to start, a stalinist In Grant Park, he again disting co). sharply criticized the Xipsels action with the May 13th Confer presented to the membership: the ed in conjunction with the continuDay forecast in which he says: hooligan jumped upon Spartacus uished himself by performing the and Spartacus Youth for the facence was accepted unanimously election of the Conference Commitous organization campaign carried ing this refusal a concentrated drive the banner of the Spartacus Youth who starts a fight in order to give Labor believes that notwithstand Youth Club member and tore down function of an agent provacateurcoal way in which the conference Au executive committee consisting tee to meet with the bosses. on at ALL times, will stand as a was organized.
of one representative from each of should be made to compel, through League. He did not however escape the police a chance to intervene Reactionary Elements monument to the union loyalty and The delegates of the Spartacus the organizations present was conthe use of forceful methods if nec lunpunished and that discouraged And yet he is no mere rank and Joe Carter, replied to both the Ben Fischer of the Yipsels and recommended by the Joint Council, Youth Clubs, Manny Garrett and stituted The Conference elected The Conference Committee, assincerity of the workers who have taken the lead.
And, by the same token, they will the hours of labor. There is no time at that point.
also stand us an accomplishmeut other remedy available.
When the demonstration finally sections of the party.
Of course, he has sald that begot under way, we broke thru the fore. We do not harbor any ill cordon of stalinists and joined the Before the demonstration was action of all radical youth groups. committee.
been and was in favor of common retary respectively of the executive supporters of the Wolinsky gang. that gives the sharp and proper anDavid Meyer, a Socialist and one swer to the contented labor official sions that he, or any of the others main body of the parade. Every over, the latt Poate Zion were also it was pointed out that both the This is a big step toward rear of the leaders of the Progressive dom who sat back in their chaira in exalted positions of leadership. thing went well until we reached the victims of a cowardly attack, Young Communist League and the united front of the youth. The re roup, led off the fight against the and said: Sit can be done! Today Drivers the But the truth is that they all find ion was to wind up. There, took Communists.
largest and by far the most importa invited to the national conference seen.
It numbers themselves confronting new condi place a most dastardly attack upon Thus, May Day has come and Block and Rothman of the rank and tant union in the city.
us by an organized gang of Stalin gone in the city that gave birth to he group also spoke along similar in its ranks thousands of militant It takes New Forces in the Unions ists.
New forces in large numbers are Grant Park was full of police and martyrs gave teir lives fighting for that be represents. But the machine in as members, besides the drivers coming into the unions. They are detectives. They stood about in the hour day and the right to free was so well oiled that very few of and helpers, gas and oil workers, May Day the greatest May Day appeals of the Stalinist press, was the opponents were given the floor, market and food store workers, duction and baste industries. They by the stalinist gang made its at only provided the Stalinists with in the history of New York Cits attracted no working class groups while the Wolinsky supporters spoke trackers, wrappers, counter and is not too long past for discussion not already under the Stalinstone after another.
platform men etc. in short, those of struggle and as means of pro slugging right and left. In the brief selves as a reactionary force in the land controversy. The issues raised thumb. The others marched to the administration as a whole workers who are daily connected to use them for this purpose. They rades gave a good account of them 1984, also disclosed something new other at Union Square are still rejected by the League as no alter insky which they read to the memThey mean space that the tight lasted, our com labor movement. But May Day by the two huge demonstrations Aladison Square The alternative, therefore, was Wolinsky with a letter from Wolportation and delivery.
Coal Yard Workers in Vanguard bring forward the basic interest of selves but quickly withdrew at the something of vital importance to That the coal yard workers are the class as a whole, themselves siglt of the police rushing to inter the workers of Chicago the crysl perspectives that justify a fresh re the Socialists and trade unions tended that he wants no paid job members of this union needs menlively issues. Time has lent certain native. The League marched with bers. In this letter Wolinsky pre representing its lowest layers, vene. Had the police planted their talization and growth of a group of We are no longer in the condi agent provocateurs in the Stalinist International Communists small in view.
150, 000 social reformist groups, it is true, in the union, that he merely wished tion only for the benefit of those tions of the past where the most ranks to furnish them with an ex. size as yet, but determined in its marched in the two demonstrations fers headed lettwards, and quickly the present dificult situation and told her sections Benedite ale workers workers but containing thousands of work to offer his services as an adviser in workers who do not live in Minnea powerful unions concerned them cure to intervene and break up the effort to build the forces for a new the one under the auspices of the responsive to appeals for militant in the negotiations. The manager in het beroende forse per makes notes selves almost purely with the in demonstration, they could not have genuinely revolutionary party that May Day Labor Conference, and the and united action.
terests of privileged sections of done better than the Stalloist hood will lead the workers to victory.
skilled crafts. Concessions could was planned and other called by the United Front lums. SATIR.
This, the League holds, was a gic speech, said nothing in opposi organization wrung from the employers for this conference of the Stalinists. The true united front tactic. This was tion to Wolinsky, keeping in mind launched by the coal yard workers, privileged section on the basis of lines of march ran parallel, circling a correct revolutionary policy. Its his own hide when Wolinsky is these same loyal workers are again keeping the masses of unskilled and the center of Manhattan, and never strength was demonstrated at Mad back in the union, giving the best they have to the semi skilled without organization met. Both parades were orderly ison Square, and has been sluce When the composition of the Congoes without saying that and on a low standard of living.
and disciplined; each raised separ proved.
ference Committee came before the they have been reinforced by a verThese concessions became the breed Baltimore The first strike of the broken off several times, with the lately and challengingly as if they The most significant happening on Membership for vote, the adminſitable army of eager and militant ing ground for bribery. graft and dental mechanics ever to take place bosses refusing to come to terms were rival slogans the call for May Day, the big lift in botain their favor and 350 Against The tions. These new workers not only istration tellers counted 616 votes workers from all of the other sec corruption amongst the officials. in Baltimore was called on April 12, The men held solid and, although united front against Fascism.
The exclusive craft unions became 1934. The response was almost alentirely inexperienced and with a The Communist League of Amer. the League me ist youth. As the wake Wolinsky its legal adviser. sponsible posts and leading roles in demonstrations, was the greeting next move was a motion to give the supplement the older and more exthe instruments to keep the rest of 100 walkout.
very small treasury at their com ica marched with the Socialists, the militant recelved from Conference Committee full power to perienced workers, but take rethe working class in subjection.
Before many days had passed the mand, continued the strike for trade unions, and other organiza: League group, carrying revolution After heated discussion, this mo the general work.
Now new problems begin to face local bosses were reinforced by the teen days. At that time the dangersions in a suited front this excluded ary banners and shouting revolution too was voted, the Administra The agitation and organizational these union officials national organization of the bosses. that work was leaving the city, per only the Stalinist organization and tionary slogans, marched past the tion counting a victory for itself work spreads out, in the hands of ated Association of Iron Steel and more than an event of only locat possibility to get relied brought square mine marched under Its own speakers stand in Madison Square. The vote according to the announce these willing workers, with more these new problems. The union has tion of the bosses was determined mise. The union voted on a second introduced revolutionary slogans. It form around the stand, raised Tin Workers is a good example of importance. The National Associa about the necessity for a compro banners, it had its own speakers, it the young socialists, pleased in Brut ment was 672 for this proposal, and and more emiciency and, for the 442 against.
bossesterrifying witnessed a considerable influx of to stop the spread of the union agreement and unanimously agreed gained thereby in prestige among clenched fists in greeting, and the Progressive Forces Divided Role of Labor Board new members, rising from pract. which had already brought about to it.
the workers; it proved thereby that Square rang with their cal: While both the Progressive group The Labor Boards, when they act cally nothing to what, in the varl agreements in New York and Pbil. Partial Victory for Union it was prepared to support in action Long live the United Front!
and the Rank and File group fought at all, shuffle back and forth be ous estimates, range between a adelphia.
That Agreement, while by no its own doctrine of a united front.
against Wolinsky return to the tween the bosses and the workers membership of 50, 000 and 100, 000. Labor Board Steps In means getting the original demands, The Union Square parade and It was a vote of confidence in hon leadership of the union and this spokesmen. They stand between, Its president, Mike Tighe, counted Early in the days of the strike, marks distinct step forward. demonstration was a typical Stal est revolutionaries. It was a chal is what his advisory capacity will they talk of peaceful settlements upon his office as a life time job the unton was suddenly called on by Hereafter the bosses cannot single inist United Front. without even lenge hurled in the face of the bo mean ne effort was made to bring They talk with tongue in cheek. No and always relied upon his good a representative of the National La out any man for discrimination the usual united front of liberals reaucrats, Socialist and Stalinist about a unity of the two groups in reliance can be placed in labor friends amongst the owners of the bor Board. It is quite clear that through firing, indefinite layoff, and theologians. It was a united alike, who are splitting the working the struggle. The progressive group boards. nor the decisions that come means of production, this was done because the union etc. without dealing with the com front of Browder, Minor and Hath class ranks.
must find a way to unite all the from them. We rely upon the union, Rank and Filo Revolts had by this time become a recos mittee elected by the membership away with such non party ele. Hence, the new fury of the Stal groups and all the progressive ele upon the workers organizations. It 10 his consternation at the con pized force in the industry. The to represent them in any grievancements as William Patterson, of the inist attacks upon the League; the ments to save the union. The rule can be made strong by an alert and vention the rank and file delegates Labor Boards had shown no such against the boss. Other gains, such non partisan and Jack Daily Worker post May Day editor of Wolinsky means a reign of ter militant membership and, by a began to take charge. First they interest in New York or Philadel. as an almost universal 10 in. Stachel, of the non partisan ial: These are not oppositions to ror against the best elements in the FIGHTING policy.
overruled his ideas, that delegates phia in the attempts of the union crease, etc. were won. Under its banners and slogans be refuted, but enemies of the work union. It means the suppression of The workers organized in the coming from local lodges who had to call to task the violaters of the What is most important is that rallied the Stalinist controlled ingclass to be destroyed. The all the democratic rights the General Drivers Unton occupy a not paid their per capita tax be miserable code brought forth by the the strike, under the guidance of unions, Staliniat controlled mass stalinists fear and hate the growing members. It means, in a word, the strategic position in industry. They cause of unemployment due to black: NRA. This move Immediately con Leonard Darvin of Baltimore and organizations, Stalinist intellectu prestige of the League and its pro same gangster rule that prevailea bave power to win their demands.
listing of union members should not solidated the laboratory owners in Herbert Capells of New Fork, als, students, professionals and so gram. durnig his administration prior to the position this gives them in the be seated. Secondly, they saved the that it brought them together as aj taught the men an unforgettable cial workers. It represented the 1925. Such a unity particularly trade union movement in Minnea convention from the disgrace of group and interfered with the plana lesson of their need for organiza full strength of the official Party. ORDER BUNDLE OF MILI imperative for the mobilization of polis, is one of central importance.
listening to puddler Jim Davis of the union to approach the bossestion. That lesson is the surest But that is all.
TANTS ONE CENT PER COPY. the workers for the coming struggle Par too little aid, to say nothing of (the senator from Pennsylvania) individually.
consideration, has been given to guarantee of a strong union for the! To this Stalinist united front. to improve their conditions.
and forced him of the floor. The Negotiations were opened up and future.
despite the tricky and emotional. JOIN THE COMMUNIST LEAGUE POCKET BOOK MAKER. Continued on Page 4)
his for the entry were to be seen in het New York May Day In Reveiw, depuing watered and und determines were Dental Mechanics Strike at Baltimore Lecture By AMERICA TODAY Max Shachtman Who is just returning from a two and a half months tour from coast to coast, studying conditions first hand.
He will deal particularly with the ferment among the American workers and the sentiment for a New Party and a Fourth International.
Friday, May 18th, 1934. p.
IRVING PLAZA HALL 15th St. and Irving Place