BourgeoisieCapitalismCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyFascismHitlerIV InternationalImperialismMarxismMussoliniSocialismSocialist PartySovietStalinismStrikeTrotskyURSSUnited FrontWorkers MovementWorkers PartyWorking Class

The Revolutionary Policy Committee The Crisis in the Pocketbook Makers Union United Front Against Hooliganism in GREETINGS Wipe Out This Hooliganism PAGE THE MILITANT SATURDAY, MAY 5, 1924 worker was discharged from Kadin Bros. shop, ostensibly for going to the toilet. The real reason for his discharge was that be would not be bull dozed by his employer. He bad demanded equal division of work and similar things.
He was in the street for three weeks while their was enough em STATEMENT OF LOS ANGELES istic, hooliganistic and fascistic (Continued from Page 1) its position in the fight for uniform Editor Note: This article, re In order to show how hard up ployment.
and social basis of society. party principles by removing, all methods against the members of other workingclass organizations, This position, to be sure, repre ambiguities, and by filling out the ceived last week, was unavoid the administration is, it is inter When the case came up before At a regular meeting of the Los and sents a sharp break with Social blank spaces, in its own program onably held over on account of esting to note that a part of the the impartial chairman, Dr. MosWhereas, in the face of the agDemocratie dogmas and fetishes re The Road to Power. Omissions space limitations in the May Day Fraternal Club gung is trying to kowitz, the decision was a warning Angeles Branch of the AMERICAN garding bourgeois democracy and and ambiguities in the program issue. Other contributions from bring back the notorious taker to the worker not to sabotage on WORKERS PARTY, after hearing gressions of the capitalist class, the the possibility of utilizing the so constitute hiding places for desper the pocket book makers are invit. Walinsky, to save the union, Wal the job. Dr. Moskowitz is a great the eye witness report of one of fascistic tendencies of the Roosecalled democratie state to usher ate reformists and centrists seeking ed.
insky was forced out of the union humanitarian and calls himself a our members, who reported the velt administration, the growing in 1925. While he was manager of Friend of the Soviet Union. Impar brutal breaking up of a meeting war danger, the assault upon the in the socialist society. On three a temporary radical shelter. Such After nine months of negotiations the union he was a partner in the tial? Oh yes. This gives a picture held by the Communist League of workers standard of living the essential points the dictatorship elements are a source of weakness, of the proletariat, the Workers not of strength, to a revolutionary between the NRA administration, Arm of White and Co. Under of the inhuman conditions under America on Sunday evening April danger of Fascism, the increasing the bosses, and the union officials, his leadership, expulsious, terror which the pocketbook workers are 15 in the city of Los Angeles, Calif. anti liberal and anti workingclass Councils (Soviets) as its concrete grouping.
form, and the arming of the work. Necessary Amendment to Program to Washington, the code for theism were introduced into the union.
and after running back and forth ization of members, and gangster slaving these days.
said meeting being deliberately sentiment arising among the capiers to suppress counter revolution broken up by recognized Communist talist organizations in the city of Program of Demands Party members thru the use of Los Angeles and thruout the United on each of these fundamental as the state and revolution should pocket book industry bas been Walinsky and his Gang pects of the question of the state state clearly that the government blow added to the already rotten held a meeting at the Rand School, wages to the 1929 scale. 2) a 30 bodily Injury upon any and all in a united front against ALL acts of be our This code is a dreadful on April 17 the Waliusky sang the employers as an increase in clubs. sticks, rubber bose and phystStates, and the takes the revolutionary of the capitalists whether fascist Whereas, the crying need today is Marxist position and rejects the re lor democratie, it makes no difrer conditions existing among the pock. at this meeting Walinsky delivered hour week to relieve unemployment. dividuals present, the following re aggression regardless of its source, formist position of Social Democra enco must be overthrown by the years.
et book workers for the last few a demagogic speech promising evcy. Incldentally, the position of workers and replaced by the dic On March 15, Louis Waldman, came manager of the union. It is inery which is an agency for the erything under the sun it be be. Abolition or the impartial mach solution was unanimously passed. Therefore, we members of the the on these questions is tatorship of the proletariat. The Socialist lawyer and one of the no secret that Walinsky lost his bosses and a club against the workLos Angeles branch of the AMERIWhereas, such tactics following CAN WORKERS PARTY propose the ambiguous formulations of the the workers councils (Soviets) are at the code hearing in Washington, ing to the union ouly to recoup his be made only if the workers wages that the official Communist Party cognize that the danger of terror clearer and more to the point than program should state further thaP. chiefs who represented the union money, and is interested in returulers. 5) Settlement out of town to So closely upon the Madison Square a united front conference of all Garden incident, it is obvious to us workingclass organizations who resame questions contained in the the organs which mobilize the came to our meeting at Stuyvesant finances. He is not at all interested are gradually raised to the New not only does not condemn but of istic platform draft of the American workers for the revolutionary asigh School, and report on the in the union members. The Wal York level.
fascistic very pertinent sault as well as the organization wouderful code.
held in Workers Party.
question arises in this connection. form of state power after the vic happy to report that the code was ranks of the union.
He said am insky gang may cause u split in the ficially condones and recommends common, and that ways and means POCKET BOOK MAKER There is a the use of Hitler and Mussolini tae of organizing in common defense is How can the American Workerstory.
Regular reports will be printed. ties in its relations with other an immediate issue of the day. We Party possibly become the center The soviets are not formed after demagogic speech a la be in The Labor Committee pubsigued by the President. In strong sentiment against bim.
workingclass organizations, and are ready to participate in such a of attraction of the revolutionary the revolution. They evolve out of formed the workers what a hard lished a statement in the Forward Socialists if it lags behind them in the developing united front move job he had in Washington, to bring a week ago advising Walinsky to Whereas, the point has now been conference at once.
reached where no language or critFraternally yours, the matter of a program. ment as the revolutionary crisis ap the workers this victorious code. stay out of the Pocket book Workicism can be strong enough to preALLEN STILLER The Workers Councils and the proaches and organize the struggle What the Code Provides The following Greetings came too vail upon the official Communist ers Uniou. suppose the Forward Sec y Branch Struggle for Power to power. The soviets (workers Now let us analyze Waldman und the Labor Committee will be late to be included in the May Day Party to refrain from such terrorAmerican Workers Party But, for all that, the Revolution councils) should be described in the and the union officials Victory against Walinsky till be is back in issue: ary Policy Committee does not give program. It should be explained for the pocket book makers. The the union. What is necessary is Boris, Montreal, Canada a direct answer to the most importhat they are an expression the code provides 14. 00 a week for un united action of all opposition tant side of the fundamental que highest expression. of the united skilled workers, and 18. 00 a week groups against Walinsky and Co. Clement, Montreal, Canada Gilbert, Montreal, Canada tion of the revolution. That in front, that they consist of represenfor semi skilled workers. There is clear statement should be issued How will the dictatorship of the tatives of all the workers organizuo classification for skilled mech By the united group against the Cook, Montreal, Canada The Whole Labor Movement of Los, UNITE TO BURN HOOLIGANISM Bloom, Montreal, Canada proletariat bo established?
Guretsky, Montreal, Canada Angeles Must Unite to Prevent OUT OF THE LABOR It is not enough, in a program, and that they are not under the anics, for cutters, operators, fram false anessiale Wallusky.
MOVEMENT. Repetition of the Brooklyn New Administration Needed Katz, Montreal, Canada to speak of acquiring state power. formal control or leadership of any ery, are left out of the code entirely. Montreal, Canada Hall Scandal!
Since the administration lost the The working class and its organIt is necessary tell the workers party.
zations must defend the right to Under the collective agreement in contidence of the entire membership Ostrow, New York City Fellow Workers of Los Angeles how they are to acquire power. It These explicit statements are in New York the scale for skilled they must be forced out of office at Krakofsky, New York City free speech with their lives. If we quite false and misleading to dispensible in the program. If the workers is supposed to be 32. 00 the next membership meeting.
On Sunday, April 15, 1934, one allow our meetings to be broken up Party Member, New York City hundred workers gathered at by one labor group today, tomordescribe the Workers Councils only German experience has shown the land 36. 50 a week, and for helpers committee composed of all groups New York City meeting organized by the Los An row the ancists, the Silver Shirts as instruments of state power of the tragie consequences of the failure 23. 00 week. But in many shops who are iuterusted in a radical New York City workers and say nothing about to fight, the Austrian tragedy has the bosses do not pay the scale, and change in the union, not a reacgeles branch of the Communist will march into our meetings to Comrades For the 4th Interna League of America (Left Opposi break them up. If we do not put a their role as the organs of struggle demonstrated the no less fatal re the union officials are not doing a tionary one, should be elected to tional, New York City to overthrow the state power of the sults of the neglect to prepare and thing to make the employers live up take charge of uulon affairs till tion) to hear a lecture by Comrade stop immediately Comrades For a New Party and Max Shachtana on The Defense able imitation of Buscist methods this abomincapitalists. Nor does it suffice, in organize the workers for the fight to the agreement.
uew agreement is reached with the a new International, of the Soviet Union. program, to refer to the violent and to explain to them in advance tomorrow we will fall easy vicM. Fisher, New York City As a result the employers who employers. Then elections should character which the class conflict the organization forms and meth made every attempt not to pay the take place. This united group must Gathered outside the ball was an tim to the horrors and tortures of Cooper, New York City organized group of members of the black Fascism itself.
assumes when the decisive hour ods of the struggle for power.
scale of wages will bave chauce map out an immediate plan for an Booth, Chicago Communist Party and the Young Because this is no mere affair of approaches.
The questions of the state and to bring down wages to 14. 00 and organization campaigu out of town Sol Gurerits, Chicago The worst offense in a program is the struggle for power have been 18. 00 a week, if the workers are and in towa. Twelve capable or Communist League, led by the or one little group versus another, but Ralph Levitt, Chicago ganizer of the latter body. No soon a matter of coucern to every work ambiguity. The Itself has considered first and at some length not mobilized to put up a light. At sanizers should be selected who are Buckley, Chicago er had the meeting begun with the declared in so many words that the in this review because of their preunion meetings it us not mentioned Willing to work without pay, for Angel Gomez, New York City er, we are organizing a united front program mus opening remarks of the speaker, mass meeting for labor right to clearl defined eminent importance. In next week even ouce that wages should be their expenses only. Colay, New York City than this group made an assault tree speech and assemblage, and as as to make it impossible in the fu article other sections of the proraised, due to the high cost of livtare for Party members to bola gram of the will be dis ing, and due to the fact that in the workers in There are enough intelligent Un Simpatizante, New York City upon the door and the ushers in an a protest against hooliganism. We union who would attempt to break into the ball with are inviting every progressive labor diametrically opposite principles. cussed.
The will greatly strengthen. JAMES CANNON. reduced from 40 50 last few years our wages have been to willing to work and sacrifice for the obvious purpose of disrupting organization to send representatives the union. The committee should the meeting. Having had bitter ex to this meeting for the purpose of Role of Fraternal Club tempt to choke off ant stifle labor also ask the International, the Amperiences with the same abominable displaying solidarity of the It was also pointed out that due algamated, and the Millinery Union, conditions imposed obe ete working to the general unemployment situs euch to help out with an experi: MAY DAY GREETINGS in other cities, the users of our woodiumism. We invite every work class by the NRA, Roosevelt and Lion in our industry, hours must be encou organizer for out of town organization resisted the attempter to come to this meeting to exto Johnson forge new weapons and shortened under the code in order work. The Pocket book Union has to break up our meeting.
press his solidarity with the rest.
place new obstacles in the path of somewhat to relieve this situation, a perfect right to demand help from In the fighting that ensued, a THE MILITANT All together for the united front the oppressed. Every strike brings the Fraternal Club administra these unions in the present crisis.
number of workers were seriously agalust Fascism and lascist methhome more keenly to the working tion in both cases did not carry out The Pocket book Union injured. Half a dozen of our memods. from the bers were beaten about the head LOS ANGELES BRANCH COMDiplomacy at the Breaking Point class the lesson that all the forces the wishes of the membership. The has helped every organization final of the government are at the ser 40 hour week remains as it was becally, and it is the duty of the laand body, and two of them so serSPARTACUS YOUTH CLUBS MUNIST LEAGUE OF AMERICA The diplomatic staffs, those vice or the capitalists and are ar fore the code was signed. In other bor movement to help the pocketiously hurt that they had to be Boards of Directors for national rayed against the workers.
words our misleaders have brought of New York given medical attention. number capitalist Imperialism, have brought The intensive drive under Roose us a code as they did in the unior book workers in their present situof the attackers were also injured America First Parade the next war a long ways nearer by velt direction for the open shop sanized steel industry.
Brownsville; Bord Park; ManMobilize the Worker their none too veiled challenges to and against the real organization of The pocket book workers have Our agreement with the employhattan; Bronx disgraceful attack was the inter Fiasco at Minneapolis each other. The pleasant European labor, reveals the use of every ag been organized for the past twentyers expires in June. There is little vention of the Los Angeles police.
vacation of Charles Schwab during ency of betrayal. the creation of years, and at one time they were time left. Every effort must be We immediately announced that (Continued from page 1)
which, by one of those peculiarly fake impartial boards (National among the best paid workers. In made to mobilize the workers in though order had been established come forward and say so. Such fortunate coincidences, he hap Auto Board. the use of company many other organized and unorgan New York, and launch a vigorous by that time, we refused, as a workers will be given a chance to pened to bump into several rather unions to prevent the closed shop, ized industries wasse bave been campaign out of town, to prepare working class organization, to hold prove that they wish to make influential Chinese benchmen of the use of the courts for strike raised and hours reduced recently. the workers for a national strike.
any meeting under police protec amends. No worker should be Chiang Kal sbek and what is more breaking injunctions, the interven In our trade wages have come down, No tricks or demagosy will help the GREETINGS tion. The meeting was consequent cooled by the miserably small parcharmingly natural than the com tion of the NRA machinery for cap and hours remain the same. Is it a situation only hard organization on this historic May Day ly adjourned.
ade that was finally started from This is not the first time such the Auditorium into thinking that bining of little business with italist defense, and above all the wonder the pocketbooks workers at al work and preparing the workers pleasure proceeded to arrange for resort to the labor lieutenants of the last two meeting stormed for the coming struggle.
to scandalous incidents have taken there is no danger in such maneuthe sale of vast supplies of muni capitalism for class collaborationist against the Fraternal Club ad It will be of interest to review THE MILITANT place in recent years. Coming on vers. They constitute the breeding tions to China, called forth without sell outs.
ministration and their allies, the briefly what took place in the pockthe heels of the Madison Square ground for all sorts of shady eledelay the threat of force contained In the Fisher Body strike the gang?
et book industry the last few years.
and to in Amau statement of Japan pro meaning of the refusal of Johnson Garden meeting, which the same ments hostile to labor. It is but a Who is responsible In 1929 the pocket book industry TROTSKY.
gang of Communists. who dis step from these kind of loyalty tectorate over China.
to permit the majority of th ork Who brought the pocket book employed over six thousand workgrace and discredit the name of marches to the preparedness This document, issued to all Japers to bargain for all, becomes ob makers to their present miserable ers in New York, nationally 10, 000.
All Power to a Genuine Communism. also broke up. itparades.
anese consuls in Ching some weeks serves to place ineradicably upon This kind of loyalty means loyUnited Front ago, is thus made public most in vious. The fake company union ap condition? The present administra This shows that 60 70 of the work their foreheads the stigma of peals to the courts to prevent its tion, who has been in power for the was turned out in New York and alty to the bosses whims and the discretely but also most opportune members. a minority, from being last two years and especially our vicinity, including New Jersey. In from HOOLIGANS!
acceptance of his fair play. The ly. Called upon to explain by kept out of the plant by the pickets manager (pardon, damager. Stein. 1931 a radical change took place in PROTOMAIGA Hooliganism is a shame, dis merchants and factories will startled American and British of the vast majority.
When the strike of last summer the New York market. Of the 6, 000 capitalism, the Japanese rulers, far credit and a menace to the whole cooperate to keep the workers was settled in New York, there was workers employed in 1929 only 4, 000 Greek Workers Club working class movement. This af divided and without union organizfrom disclaiming the document or Who Is Aided, Who Is Not?
New York manufactur were employed in 1981. What hap 633 Eighth Avenue fair is not merely a matter of a ation. The fair play that suits rejecting its viewpoint, merely state The Weirton case became and re ers who also had non union shopspened was this: in 1980 31 an epiNew York difference of political opinion be their kind is the shouting of the that it is not official. Magle word. mains the touchstone for the disil olsowhere. These employers in demic of running out of town began.
tween us Trotskyists and the of slogan of loyalty. the issuing of At the same time Matsuoka, former lusioning of those workers who cluded Morris White, Resnick Bros. Manufacturers opened shops out of ficial Communst party. No! It is guns to the workers with which to League delegate and defender of the thought Roosevelt was helping Chle Bag, and others. In New York town in order to escape union cona matter of concern to the whole have our class brothers shot down.
Manchurian adventure, is permitted them. The NRA can apply pres these employers have to pay the trol and operate with cheap labor.
OUR MAY DAY GREETINGS labor movement. Today the mem Remember what the press had to to be sure in a private capacity sure upon the workers to yield upscale of 32. 00 and 35. 00 a week. While in New York employment bers of the Communist party are say about the tear gas barrage let to launch the sharpest, most their living standards at the will of out of town our manager Stein bas decreased, out of town employare mobilized, at the direction of their loose by the police when the workplain spoken attack yet made on the bosses, but it has no power oversettled with the same employers ment has increased. This situation cowardly officials, to break up ourers militantly demanded more relief American imperialism. AII of the big capitalists.
when they gave their workers a has continued for several years. In Forward to a Daily meetings, ta prevent workers from and jobs at decent wages.
which indicates that diplomacy Weir has floyted the government raise of 00 00, which meant 1929 the union controlled 192 shops, MILITANT listening to a lecture or to attend Fight for the United Front with its maneuvring for advantage, with impunity and lo and behold! that, with the increase their wages in 1931 only 152 a 20 loss.
a meeting with which these people The Communist League was an is close to the breaking point. he receives a PWA sub contract were from 00 10. 00 a week. Wage Standards Destroyed do not agree. Yesterday, they were active force in building the United SALT LAKI CITY (Utah)
through the loan made by Sec. Ickes This was done without the know In 1929 the average earnings of mobilized to break up the meeting Front that launched the Minneapolis And indeed how could diplomacy to the New York Central Railroad, ledge of the Joint Council or anyone a pocket book worker including BRANCH of the Socialist party in New York Central Council of Workers. It besolve the life and death problems although Ickes has the right to re elso. Right winger, Lederman, framers, operators, cutters, pocketMadison Square Garden. For five lieves that the most powerful inof imperialist capitalism? The ject the sub contract for violation pointed this out in an article in the book makers, helpers, and general Communist League of America years, they have been trying to strument for workers unity is the and Japan are driven with irre of the law.
Forward of March 22. At that helpers, was 1, 887 a year, which break up our meetings throughout United Front. The acts sistible force to seek abroad their The railroads receive most subst time Lederman was an organizer, meant 36. 83 a week, although in the country. Tomorrow, they will as a United Front body in support salvation from the internal contradies while the railroad workers and made a similart settlement for those days helpers earned not more decide that they do not want to of the unemployed. We urge workdictions that suffocate them within starve. report that is being sup a dollar more a week. These out than 15. 00 a week, and framers as permit you and your organizationers to join its branches, to become their own national boundaries. pressed by the government, shows of town settlements encouraged the high as 100. 00 a week. In 1932 the GREETINGS to hold a meeting and they will act active in the field of this pressing China is the last, albelt the vastest how severely these workers were employers to fight for a code of average earnings of a pocket book or try to act accordingly. work; the organization of the unmarket that remains, still undivided bit by the crisis. Homes, savings. 14. 00 and 18. 00 a week.
To the MILITANT and workers were only 531 a year or And what will be the inevitable employed.
and ripe for colonial exploitation. Hiving standards, insurance, health, Incompetence of officials a little more than 10. 00 a week.
The Fourth International That the fierce struggle to conquer recreation, all were sacrified due to result? As happened last Sunday. It is a tribute to the clean comThe union officials did not mo These are government statistics the capitalist police use the oppormon sense of the Minneapolis work this market will be ultimately wage cuts and part time employ. bilize the workers, but deliberately from the Department of Lafrom transformed from the tunity to intervene in the internal Jers, that the America First parsphere of ment, if not total unemployment helped the employers to bring down bor. This shows what a situation disputes of the labor movement. ade had less than FIFTY marchers diplomacy to the field of battle, 18 And yet Roosevelt, defending the wages and undermine further the the pocket book makers are facing OAKLAND (Calif. BRANCH They will use the opportunity to when it started one hour late)
inevitable. Under the present con profits and dividends of the big aeplorable conditions of the work today.
prohibit all working class organ from the Auditorlum. Nevertheless ditions of rivalry, with each new capitalists, tried to force these ers. Our bureaucrats have demon In order to save the situation and Communist League of America izations from meeting, on the pre this experience should be a warndevelopment diplomacy merely re miserably exploited workers to be strated to the entire labor move maintain more or less decent conditext that we cannot keep order in ing to every honest worker. It is veals its utter Impotence to do satisfied to continue living under ment how Incompetent they are tions in New York, the out of town the labor movement.
the job of the class conscious workanything but seek justification for these conditions and to accept the even from a conservative point of shops must be organized. Other This hooliganism of the Stalinisters, the revolutionists, to so prepare the unrestrained banditry of capl. wage cut for an indefinite period. view. Every worker in trade wise the workers will find Manifestoes for the FOURTH IN Communist party is therefore the road toward the Labor MoveThe railroad workers have not yet must realize that if these people themselves without shops. Is it a TERNATIONAL out. 500 copies MENACE TO THE WHOLE ment and also inside the workers answered Roosevelt. They have stay in office and negotiate a new wonder that bosses are abusing, in 00 plus postage. Cash must ac LABOR MOVEMENT organizations that the workers are The Attack on Labor Deepens been sold out for the moment. agreement it will mean suicide for timidating and terrorizing the company order. Order from Plonger It is imperative that every work not marshalled under the banners 78 uado ou Atou apoyi u JACK WEBER. Ithe pocket book workers.
Publishers, 84 10th St. ler and his organization should of the dark forces.
MARCH OF EVENTS a group talism.