AnarchismBolshevismBourgeoisieCapitalismCominternCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyFascismFranceGermanyIV InternationalImperialismItalyLeninLeninismMarxismMussoliniOpportunismSocialismSocialist PartySovietSpainStalinismStrikeSyndicalismTrotskyUnited FrontWorking ClassWorld War

SATURDAY, MAY 5, 1934 THE MILITANT PAGE Foundations for a Communist Hearst Speaks Decisive Struggles Approach Youth League In Spain Out Large 18 133, 106.
Opportunity for building a revo ated exposition of the Communist strata of the youth to its own ban. Several weeks ago the bela Events in Spain are moving rapid. the Socialist controlled the part of the leadership.
lutionary youth movement in the polnt of view What is declared ner or around its bona fide sympa a demonstration in Harlem. They in the direction of a definite test trade union center. are giving un sections of the are in open United States is at band as never here is that a Communist Youth or thetic auxiliary bodies. Social, New York Daily Mirror had an of strength between the working reserved and enthusiastic support revolt against the anarchist before. Nor are the difficulties for canization which does not put the sport, and cultural activities need editorial on the subject charging the class and reaction. The rupture of to every step towards united action leadership which controls the centhe development of a mass Commu problem of anti militarist propa to be systematically developed. The affair to the Communist Party. It the Republican Socialist coalition and a revolutionary policy. tral organs of the Federation.
nist youth organization especially ganda and activity at all times as a youth movement needs to build its contained the following remarkable and the triumph of the rightists in At this time, when the Spanish Large syndicalist groups are movunusual. The Spartacus Youth foremost task, is no Communist dramatic and musical groups and statements. the November elections clearly indi working class is girding its loins ing towards political action, and clube already in existence in a num Youth organization at all. This is like mediums which attract the The tendency is to attribute cated the trend toward both ex. for the decisive battles and the headed by such groups as the Synber of cities in the United States a touch stone for the youth move youth. It can be done; who says all such disturbances to Moscow tremes and it cannot now be long selure of power, the Stalinista dicalist Libertarian Federation, are the groundwork on which to goment.
otherwise needlessly narrows the machinations. Quite probably before the historic question Fas leave nothing undone in their efforts (with 200 local branches plus a forward with the task of mobiliz of other tasks, some of the out possibilities for rallying youth ele Moscow never heard of Stein cism or Communism will be posed to hamstring the revolution. They Youth movement. are approaching ing the growing numbers of class standing ones are outlined. The ments to the Communist cause (the demonstration leader) We While Spanish Fascism is indulge in adventurist attempts to the Marxist concept of the state and conscious working and student widest degree of activity of the through divers methods. Particu have our own disturbers who find not yet a real mass movement, all call partial and general strikes, revolution.
youth in the daily class struggle youth in the class struggles of the larly must the Communist Youth the Moscow hatrack convenient. of the conditions for its growth ex under any and all circumstances, Expulsions and desertions are and for Communism.
In this task the stalinist youth saying. Nevertheless, it would be movement of which it must be a the Soviets there was an express victories in Germany and Austria, demonstrations day is imperative, it goes without foster broad Workers Sport when this government recognized ist. Encouraged by the Fascist for partial demands or as political rife in the Stalinist party as de Organization, the Young Communist a decidedly short sighted and op culding participant. The insidious understanding that all propagan the party of Gil Robles has been it is essential to prepare decisive crease in the ranks. To the InterInternational Communista, if there ist Youth movement allowed itself bourgeols sport movements, both ernmental policies and principles But the proletariat also has drawn attempt to dissipate the energies of Leninists. whose prestige grows is to be realised the much needed to be involved, under pressure or professional and amateur ls im should cease on this continent. its lessons from the German and the working class in a thousand fu daily despite their slight organizamase organisation of youth, will pretexts of all sorts, in all kinds of mense, and systematle efforts are So far there has been no evidence Austrian events and all indications fulle partial struggles. As is usualtional strength, falls the task of bave to all the need.
routine activity, and to be made required to counter act this influ the Russians have not lived up are that the Spanish workers will with them, all who disagree with rallying these diverse leftward movFrom one source or another come into a wagging or running tail toence on the mass of American to their promises be in a position to take the offen them are counter revolutionarying forces, assisting them to break confusing and false notions as to other bodies, political, trade union, youth. general social and cul. The paper which thus exonerates sive before Fascism is strong cabs etc.
Fortunately for the with reformism, anarchism and what a Young Communist organiz ete. in order to achieve a wame for tural life, in addition to the basic Moscow from any anti governmen enough to nelze power.
future of the Spanish revolution Stalinism, in order to lay the basis ation should be. Yet, If one accepts activit There are some, per tasks outlined before, will tend to ta activity in this country is owned the foundations on which the Youngbape, who believe that this very attract young workers and students by William Randolph Hearst. Mr.
The Workers Alliance the Stalinist influence is quite lim for that new Communist party, desited.
tined to be forged in the fires of the Communist International was routine work, doing some of the around us. If the new forces are Hearst is a leading capitalist, Big Definite steps in the right New Alignments of Proletariat revolution, the creation of which is founded and to which comrades distasteful work for the adult com approached sympathetically, made Navy advocate, war monger, imper direction are being taken by Lenin and Trotsky gave so much as rades, is the task of the youth. But to realize our genuineness, they will lalist, anti laborite, open shop advo the Spanish proletariat. WorkUpon the background of these essential to the complete victory of sistance, et ta not hard to outline it is in the Communist Youth or either join the Communist Youth cate and general reactionary. helers Alliances, permanent united events, the political forces of the tho proletariat.
CHICAGO NOTICE (Spartacus Youth) needs to be and worker or student) must make their sympathetic, even if not ready to be wants He speaks his mind in numerous cities and provinces selves. Hvery one of the traditional CONCERT and BALL Given by the Like. Communist Party, the oughly the fundamental principle munism. Numerous other tasks for let just clean up the local com antine provinces and Catalonia, the has been divided for decades, is ITALIAN SPARTACUS Communist youth movement a and theory of the Communist move the youth can be posed, but space munists and then all is well. Workers Alliance already embraces now cracking from top to bottom LEAGUE politically functioning organization. ment, its history, etc. in order real forbids.
The Socialist Youth, a large secAnother Hearst Editorial all proletarian groups with the exIt accepts the political leadership ly to be prepared for intelligent Sunday, May 27th, 1934 Anal, but basie point, and this on April 18 and April 22 the ception of the anarchists of the tion of the membershp and WEST SIDE AUDITORIUM of the adult organization, but reparticipation and leadership, at alin reply to the false concepts cul same newspaper contained editorl: Iberian Anarchist Federa many of the unions are completely malos organizationally independ later period, in the adult organiza tivated and practiced by the Stars als expressing more of Mr. Horretation. and the Stalinists. While out of control of the reformists and 1201 Taylor Street, Cor. Racine ent within the spheres of youth tion, the Party. It has to be sata inists and others. There is no need views. The papers of preceding days these two sects are screaming in a split is. averted only by continual Concert. Dancing from p. till?
Tickets 25e functions.
Its relations with the plainly that in the adult organiza of another so called broader or had been full of the news of the unison for the united front from and ever increasing concessions on adult organization are developed on tion, the opportunities are often too peripheral youth political organiz persecution by the French police below each, of course, demandthe basis of mutual exchange of limited for serious and necessary ation, whatever this organization of Comrade Leon Trotsky. Here is ing undisputed leadership. the RAILROAD PAY CUTS representatives between the units study by the ranks. Lack of time may be called, besides the commu what the Daily Mirror, organ of great mass of syndicalist and soof both organizations and through and the need to carry through num aist Youth organization itself. reactionary capitalism, said on that and political organizations, have If we restore the 10 wage cut. Seaboard Airline 1933, 343, 460. the greatest possible degree of col berless concrete tasks after work the Communist Youth organization subject. laboration in all fields of work. ing hours are the main reasons. Spartacus Youthis properly Among the Fourth Internation agreed on mited action against of 1932, we will be ruined, shriek 1934, 765, 454.
The Communist youth movement therefore. The adult members have directed and functions along the al disciples there are undoubtedly reaction and Fascism!
the railroad magnates on the front Not so bad for bankrupts, eh. or Spartacus Youth alto place a great reliance, perbape path given here. It is the organiza many aliens. They should be Although the Socialist Party pages of the press, which everybody The St. Louis Southwestern rebroad organization of all the youth, too much, on experience and the tional expression sufficient to at promptly sent back where they leadership claims to support the reads.
ports a deficit of 546, 730 for 1983 young workers or students, who ac theoretical knowledge they managed tract to its banner the widest poscept the principles and alms of the to achieve beforehand. The much sible strata of youth forces ready undertake to set foot on Ameri sabotaging its formation on a na which is read chiefly by Wall Street charges have been deducted. In recame from. It Trotsky should united front they are in practice However, on the financial page and 327, 376 for 1934 AFTER fixed organization and are ready to par needed theoretical back ground can to participate organizationally in can soll he should be given the lonal scale, fully realizing that they indicate that things are not ality, according to its own statetelpato in its work. But the Comor should to a large degree be ob the class struggle. These were the same medicine. As for the rest, they may soon be called upon to going so badly with them. The foment the road earned for these two munist youth organization does not tained by the youth in the years concepts of the Communist Youth they should be rounded up and demonstrate the seriousness of their lowing is a comparison of the net months of 1933 and 1934. 6, 985 and make a demand upon the youth who they are a part of the Communist organization in the days of the tried for plotting against the gov new orientation towards armed in operating income reported for sev. 184, 200 respectively. For the same wishes to join, that he be already youth organization. This knowleadership of Lenin and Trotsky: ernment. April 18. surrection and the proletarian die eral railroads for the first two period of 1933 the Southern Pacific Communist before he is accepted ledge, coupled with their activities these were the views that in the This country passing tatorship. However, with the pos months of this and last year (after reported a deficit of 2, 342, 620; for What is required 18 readiness to otherwise, will serve as a strong best years of the Young Workers through a grave crisis. The ing of the united front, in such a all expenses for wages, fuel, taxes, 1984 the deficit had been cut to learn the principles, theory and safeguard aganst opportunism and League of America gave it vigor, Government cannot afford to look sharp and categoric manner, the etc. and probably interest on bonds, practices of a Communist organiza adventurism.
intelligence, activity and growth. on complacently while social reformist leaders find their backs are deducted. We reserve the right to be a little tion and to carry out the tasks asIn the above sense, the slogan of There is no need to revise these sangsters prey on the emotions of skeptical about any reported defsigned. Membership is, hence, for Clarity and action sums up the at concepts for a genuine Communist them to riot. In a room en split in their ranks they have Erle 1983, 398, 605. 1934, 892 cits on the railroads. good the youth who want to loam to be titude of the Communist Youth. Youth organization in the United East Sixteenth Street there sits entered the Workers Alliance in al642.
bookkeeper can do wonders with come Communists.
In this sense, while stressing education and class states and in the new international a man today who is perfectly most every locality where it has Lehigh Valley 1933. 161, 391; gures. Even granting, however, together with the broader scope of struggle activity, a Youth move communist Youth movement that willing to chat casually about his been set up. The Socialist Youth, 1834, 1, 285, 127.
that SOME roads did run at a loss activities than is the case with the ment, Communist or otherwise, can must again be bullt. What is need work in attempting to organize a together with several of the nation Reading. 1933, 1, 311, 292; 1934, the fact remains that ALL the adult organization or Party, the not live by these alone, especially ed is for the Spartacus Youth to movement to overthrow the Gov al labor federations and unions of 2, 587, 269. workers had their pay cuty Young Communist organization is also it the Communist Youth organ build on these bases.
ernment of the United States.
broad movement, sufficiently so fortation is to attract the wider MARTIN ABERN. This man name is Swabeck. He any youth who accepts the class is secretary of a publication struggle and the necessity to par.
called The Militant, organ of the ticipate in it, and who is ready to Communist League of America, learn the problems and needs of which has its headquarters in the revolutionary movement. But New York and branches in ChiLet us analyze what, if anything. charged by the hundreds under against the share croppers. Induswhile broad in these respects, it is The numerous articles appearing fields, when world trade has been cago, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Labor has gained since the Roose trumped up charges of inefficiency, trial and mining sections of Illinois and Pennsylvania are said to still not a loose, amorphous body open in the capitalist press on the ques subjected to quotas and bargains Salt Lake City, Minneapolis, velt New Deal went into effect. etc.
Kansas City, Pittsburgh, Boston When the Roosevelt administration Civil Liberties Survey present classic pictures of the causments of the youth. Still, a genu dicate that there is a genuine dead aments have been lavishly and and Philadelphia took office a year ago it was faced Over two hundred codes have les and results of the denial of civil Ine Communist youth movement lock on this question among the big recklessly increased, it is hardly Talks of World Revolution with two problems: first, to see that been signed by Presldent Roosevelt rights.
not, it must be emphasized, the car imperialist bandits.
the wheels of industry began to so far. This man frankly talks of The National Complaints Protecting Labor Rights to be expected that sufficient moIcature of the ones the American The report of the Civil Liberties and have been for so this time that the capitalists have permit a reduction in military and It should be clear to everyone by tual confidence should be found to world revolution. His hero is turn; second, to put some of the Board has received from organised Leon Trotsky.
of unemployed back to labor over six thousand complaints, Union gives an interesting example many years is sufficiently broad no intentions of disarming. On the naval armaments. He will explain blandly the work. To accomplish these things and over ten thousand workers of how workers rights are protectnon sectarlan, to admit of all youth contrary, a furious armament race This marks distinct change Trotsky plan is to win the workthe new Government passed a bin have been fired for joining the uned under the New Deal. Only where forces open to conviction. From Ls in progress which promises to from the altruistio internationalism ing man and thus obtain power Industrial Recovery Act. This is shows how big business bas violatodized and has struck with determinin Congress known as the National ions (by patriotic employers) This labor has been powerfully organthis we have to observe that the break into the open any time which permeated the meetings of through sheer force of numbers.
political, industrial, educational, with new wars of plunder and de the League of Nations and other The Communist League of part of what has been called the the codes it drew up and signed atlon have labor rights been resocial, athletic and cultural activistruction America may not amount to New Deal.
International conferences. The capitself. Not one of the big sharks has spected.
tles of the Communist youth move. a vice president It may never amount to In the NRA there is a clause been prosecuted for violating the ment have to be of a kind able to so called disarmament conter Jantagonism which are con coberehe much. It is but one alien hatched under section 7a that recognized so called law and the spirit of the for the of and se most resc attract the completely raw, Iner: ences which serve to vell the bitter part of the capitalist mode of pro borer eating at the roots of the the right of workers to organize New Deal. On the other hand, tionary labor leader, supports the perienced but ready to learn youth struggle among the imperialists for duction. From now on the struggle American democracy.
and bargain collectively. The em the survey of the New York Times New Deal of Roosevelt. When he of America.
supremacy in the world market. will take on a more open character Organized crime is bad en ployers in the basic industries such of February 11, 1934, tells another was speaking at a luncheon at the The activities of the Communist ffering un. Rand School on Feb. 17, 1934, he Not Disarming, but Rearming as steel, automobile, etc. refused story of what laboris until the world is again thrown into ough. Organized bigotry is as bad.
Youth organisation are varied. Inmade an attack on the NRA, saying The various conferences on the mortal conflict.
These are American born prob to meet with the workers repre der the New Deal: sofar as possible, it participates in Too many employers confuse that the NRA is predicated on the subject of disarmament never prolems which we shall have to solve sentatives of the Code hearings in all phases of the class struggle: in posed disarming but only dealt with Congresses Agains War Cool welfare of industry, not the welfare While the capitalists are arming in our own way.
Washington. In spite of that our Roosevelt New Deal with dustrial, trade union work, united the extent of rearming. Its sole to the teeth, the Third Internation Organized conspiracy against humanitarian President signed the idge New Capitalism. The methor advancement of labor. Woll, you front, etc. Independently and in the Alnerican social order is alien. codes which are for open shop in ods of the latter era are used flag know, is one of the hundred per conjunction with the adult organ purpose was to try to limit the al deludes the workers with Conrantly to smash labor effort to cent fingoes in the American 18Ization.
It must be met as an alien plague (dustries.
arming of its rivals. As the gresses Against War and Fascism, must be met.
Violating Codes organizel despite the NRA. At no bor movement. In the New Yort Times correspondent from Europe which content themselves with passYouth and Militarism time has there been such wide Times of Feb. 26, 1934 the Federal noted: The world is not disarming ing pious resolutions which re They killed rats by thousands, This was not enough for the cap spread violation of workers rights Reserve Board reports an increase major task is anti militarist but rearming.
main on paper. The mass trade not so long ago, to end the allen tains of industry. No sooner were by injunctions, troops, private. in production for January and the activity and, self evident, today as The break neck naval race be unions which at the critical moment bubonic plague in San Francisco. the codes signed than they began ice, labor spies, deputy sheriche, arst part of February. In the same never before. So far as the indus tween the u. and Japan is re can be decisive in mobilizing the War on alien social rats is the violating every stipulation contained and vigilantes, etc. Store than 15 column Green, President of the me trial proletarian youth particularly dected in a report issued by the workers for the struggle against Diggest and most important job in them. For instance, the workers strikers have been killed, 200 in of Lo reported that unemplos: Industry or in proletarian families) spite the limitations of the wash united fronts with bourgeois in today (April 22. De the oppressors are spurned for facing the Federal Government in the automobile industry are sup jured, and hundreds arrested since ment has increased nearly a million posed to work from 40 to 48 hours July of 1933. More than forty for December and January. He esthey are extremely unlikely to be ington and London naval treatles tellectuals. This gives the reacInfected with the peclnst virus or says the report, the United States tonaries in the unionea chear tena, are not being spoken by the Daily week during the busy season. it injunctions of sweeping character timated that 11, 000, 000 workers can attitude on the issues of war and and Japan have embarked on the The second International, true to Worker. No, indeed, it is not clear the American Federation of Labor agricultural workers, bakery work means to earn bread for their woBorn into largest naval building program since its colors, has not even seriously cnce Hathaway who is denouncing through affidavits that the com ers, shoe and leather workers, food men and children.
an ers of world wide military con the World War.
flicts, obeerving dally the race for are competing in the Mediterran against war and Fascism in the uncomrade swabeck and the exterm Corporation and many other cor strike districts. Criminal syndical from 16 to 18 millions of people un France and Italy raised the question of a struggle Trotsku isma land the securitate interes pany forced workers to slave from workers, hotel workers. Troops students of labor it a real statistipowers in preparation for war, as to maintain its relative position in Mussolini, however, and his Fas ination of the CL. It is William porations have violated the most ist charges are again being used employed in the United States un well 98 noting the necessary build Europe as well as overseas.
cist cohorts are preparing for the Randolph Hearst, reactionary, cap important clause in the code, se against the active strike leaders. der the New Deal.
ing of the Soviet Red Army, the proletarian youth is not prone to creased as high as 700 percent over Chamber be made his position clear. my of the workers throughout the It was pointed out at the hearingsfits regionall boards have backed the for the workers under the new bear kid himself with pacifist syrup 1931. Her armament purchases We must fortify our navy and world.
about disarmament by capitalist has been doubled. Whle her navy make our air force so strong and Jin Washington by union organizers, power and the will to overcome the have not been improved. In many As the Daily Worker itselt might banditry. What the working youth, is limited by the Washington and numerous that its roaring motora say in one of its more earnestland even by Mrs. Pinchot, how the defiance of employers who fear instances workers are worse or with greater or less consciousness London treatles her army is con will drown all other sounds, Ite moods. Does this not prove that steel. companies are terrorizing and neither General Johnson nor Attor than a year ago; especially the conCaliforn ditions of the better paid workers, Mrs. ia, Alabama, the Eastern shore of whose wages have been reduced.
for the probleem od war and militar stantly growing. It is also said shadow hide the sun over Italian Trotsky is the vanguard of the intimidating the workers into Jooney General Cummings.
1sm, wants to know is what he can that she will demand parity with soll. We will be able then, between counter revolutionary bourgeoisie? the company unions.
Pinchot explained how she could Maryland, Pennsylvania, and These many facts ought to be a do about these most menacing of the and Great Britain at the 1988 and 1940, when believe there not hold any meeting with workers nols are called the worst areas of warning to radicals and some soall danger involving his very naval conference next year. will be a crucial point in European ATTENTION HARLEM WORKERS nor speak to the workers in many repression. On the black list of the cialists who are still under the 11fe. Here lies the taal thel The bas embarked on a history, to make our voices heard House Warming Party Pennsylvania steel towns, not to union California is placed first, for lusion that labor will benefit under Communist Youth organisation to naval building program which will and see our rights recognized.
and speak of organizers who had come brutal attacks on agricultural the New Deal. Al this talk that present and act upon all phases of make the Navy the most pow. To meet this challenge a new InCelebration to organize the workers into legiti workers trying to organize. the New Deal will lead us to a new the Communist position and pro erful in the world. Great Britainternational is needed an Internaof the mate trade unions. She forgot to double lynching over which the civilization and finally to a planned gram on war and militarism. This has increased her military budget tional based on the principles of Harlem Brancb point out, however, that in Pennsyl governor gloated, and the continued economy is nonsense. Under a prorelates itself to propaganda, atti and is devoting a good deal of at revolutionary Marxism from which of the vanla her own husband is the Gov. imprisonment of Mooney and Bill Gt system it is impossible to have tude toward and activity within the tention to building up her air forces. the Comintern has departed. Only ernor. In the steel towns it was ings. The survey holds too that a planned economy planned Communist League of America militartet and semi militarist organ In a time of extreme nationalism such an International can carry on explained that the companies em attacks on independent and left economy is only possible when you arttons of capitalism the army. like the present. writes the and spread the lessons of Red Oewill talost place plog sples and spotters who betray wing unlons have been particularly do away with the capitalist system navy, national guards, etc. Times, when nations have deliber tober.
SATURDAY, MAY 5th, 1934, P. workers that go to unlon meetings. severe. Alabama is cited on the which is based on profit and ex etc. These matters are not gone ately rejected international cooper Forward to the Fourth Interna at the headquarters As a result those workers partict black list for the Scottsboro case, ploitation lato here; they belong in an elaboration in the monetary and Industrial tonal. 130 East 107th Street, Ipating in union activities are dis lynchings and the reign of terror FISHER.
Labor and the New Deal Preparing For War millions