BourgeoisieCapitalismCominternCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyEngelsEnglandFranceGermanyIV InternationalLeninMarxMarxismSocial DemocracySocialismSocialist PartySovietStalinStalinismStrikeTrotskyURSSUnited FrontWorking Class

Old and New Organization REVIEWING THE NEWS Forms Oneal on the Communist Paterson Silk Sickness Workers Club or PAGE THE MILITANT SATURDAY, MAY 5, 1934 small Industries and in wholesale distributing centers for farm areas.
Such localities give birth to a clus.
ter of retail establishments which when combined with the other factors, make up a tremendous petty bourgeois section which dominates The militant and progressive The class struggle of the Amerl. committee and industrial union use or wields tremendous influence in EDITOR NOTE The fol. fit appears in Lenin LEFT WING workers of Paterson have organized Democratie Traditions can workers bas been known the old vehicle, which successfully shaping, the immediate course of lowing answer to the crusade COMMUNISM the United Silk Workers Club, with Secretary of State Hull assures throughout the world for its min. co ordinated the old craft, language the class relations.
against Communism conducted by In order to be able to belp the the headquarters at 80 Market St.
publishers New Deal will conform tancy and its sudden flare ups and territorial structures, the ef. On the other hand, the basic in James Oneal in the New Leader masses and to win their sympa. The club sets as its goal the orto traditions of Democracy head. Likewise, among the workers offectiveness of the new weapons are dustries of the country are so was written by a member of a thy, confidence and support, it is ganization of all silk workers naline in Times. Considering the advanced capitalist countries, reduced tenfold.
cated and concentrated that they group which recently left the So necessary to brave all difficulties, tionally into an industrial union.
that the first year of the New the American workers have been Shop Delegate Bodies lend themselves readily to the in cialist Party in Waukegan, Wis. attacks, insults, cavils and perse. Such a national organization of the Deal has seen strikers killed, known as the most politically back Craft and territorial forms called austrial form and to the shop dels and joined the Communist cutions by the leaders (who, being workers in the silk industry is necclubbed and jailed, company unions ward. The expression of their po for centralization through confer. legate bodies.
Such industries as League.
opportunists and social chauvinists, essary for them to gain and mainorganized on every side, negroes litical backwardness was not con ences and permanent bodies by steel, coal, auto, textile, etc. ada are, in most case, directly or in tain improvements in their working lynched, profits increased and more tined to the spheres of Ideology and heaping together as many of these weight to the new form of organiza Recent dissentions in the Social directly connected with the bour and living conditions. Since Patbillions spent on war preparationstheory. It was expressed most organizations as possible. Shop tion.
ist Party ranks due to the failure geoisie and the police. and to workerson is the largest single silk cenand more reactionary measures esglaringly in the sphere of organ units and the industrial form of Utilize Federal Unions of the Social Democracy in Ger by every possible means whereverter, and since it is the only organtablished with more demagogic ization.
organization call for centralization The struggle within the Federal many and Austria, and especially the masses are to be found. Jized section as yet, the workers in claptrap and eyewash peddled than the highest developed capitalist through shop delegate bodies and unions must be utilized by those sentiment for a Fourth InternationUndoubtedly the leaders of oppor Paterson must necessarily take the In any recent year of the Ola nation with the lowest percentage committees. If the object is to who support the industrial union al, are causing the Socialist Party tunism wili bave recourse to all lead in this direction. The workDeal. it would appear to us that of organized workers in the ele solve working class problems in one and shop committees as embryo or leaders great alarm. Mr. Oneal, in the tricks of bourgeois diplomacy, ers in Paterson, whether weavers, the wealthy publishers scarcely mentary trade union form of organ industry the centralization of these sanizations for industrial untons, the columns of the New Leader has will appeal to the help of bourgeois dyers, warpers, loom fixers, needed the assurance.
ization, and with a Socialist and shop units takes on the form of The key to the change does not begun war against such Com governments, to priests, police, twisters In short, workers in every Capitalist Democracy which later Stalinist party that were the industrial union as its highest rest with the shop unit and indus munist sickness.
courts, in order to prevent Com department of the industry must be hanged the leaders of the eight no more than caricatures of their expression. If the object is to solve trial unions, although they consti Nr. Oneal tells us that he, for munism from entering the trade amalgamated into a single strong hour strike in 1896, electrocuted European sections, clearly revealed some broader problems on a local tute the foundation. The key to one cannot criticise the Social De unions, by all and every means to Industrial union. At the same time, Secco and Vanzetti and has kept this backward organization state or national scale the shop units are the change is in the United Front mocracy for, he says, With my put them out, to make their work an Intensive drive must be underMooney and Billings in jail for 18 of affairs. Beneath these outstand brought together in a centralizing of all existing workers organizaclass facing life and death can inside these organizations as un taken to initiate and complete or shortcomings structure by delegates from all or tions.
years is in safe hands. Its tra ing organizational By this force conferences not, in the comparative case and pleasant as possible, to insult, sanization in other silk centers, in ditions are being conformed to and there was concealed a more funda the shops in the city, region, or and organizations of SHOP DELE security we have on this side of hound and persecute them. It 18 Pennsylvania, in the South, and in mental one that is now in the first nation. The councils GATE BODIES can be established, the with a vengeance.
Atlantic, play the role of a necessary to be able to withstand New England where the bulk of stage of change as a reflection of in a city elect delegates to the next with ample provisions for the rep scolding fish wife. And as for all this, to go the whole length of the workers are still outside the Tricks of the Press the fundamental economic and class bigher body, and so on up to the resentation of workers political those rude persons who are so un any sacrifice, if need be, to resort framework of any sort of organThe World Telegram, April 27. the United States.
relation changes taking place in national conference.
organizations, the organized ethical as to criticise, well, they to strategy and adroitness, Illegal ization. transition stage from the old shops, the organized unemployed are just gulity of a free will type proceedings, reticence and subterprints the following cable from Remoulding Workers Organizations organization forms to the new is workers, and with fraternal dele. Tot reasoning which assumes that fuge, to anything in order to pene To Extend Organization Paris: The club proposes to work and All forelgoers who participate by the American workers for ele cial attention and guidance on the Banizations, with no discrimination lost ground or had been defeated, in them, and carry on Communist fight for the consolidation of the in May Day demonstrations Tues mentary industrial struggles up to part of the class conscious workers against race, nationality, religious the workers could bave won but did work inside them, at any cost.
workers in Paterson for the imday will be expelled from the the highest political struggles bave The transition will result in a for political opinion. These bodies not will to win So now is it not clear why Oneal mediate Improvement of conditions country at once, Minister of In. existed so long that every one takes struggle between the old and the to constitute the new organizational What critics are there who as was so brief? Could he have found locally and for extension of organterior Albert Sarraut announced them as a matter of course. Now new forms. Both forms will be forms of the workers united front sume that the working class dia fault with this quotation if he had ization into the outlying centers, today as he awaited news of Leon that the basis of the old forms is used but it should be our deliberate for their demands.
not want to win? Oneal knows given it more fully? He could not The as the largest Trotsky passage over the fron in the flux it is vital that the class polley to replace the old with the At the start such shop delegate very well that no one questions the have done so without disclosing his union in the field must take the tier to a new home.
conscious element help remoula new as rapidly as possible until the bodies will only be able to take root desire of the workers to win. Itown nakedness. If he wants us to initiative in this drive.
But the The government is particular these organization forms into a new forms dominate and oversha in certain sections, cities and re is only the correctness of their be honest to Green Company and present leadership of the union has ly anxious to get Trotsky out be higher type for our class struggles. dow the old ones.
glons. But later they will be able program and the wisdom of their all the rest of the reactionaries and failed even to enforce those condifore Tuesday, because Socialists The old forms primarily revolve New Forms to the Fore to spread nationally as the heat of leaders which is doubted. opportunists, then surely be woulutions in the industry which were and Communists, after years of around the craft structure for the The crisis has brought the new the class struggles remoulds the And what sort of a philosophy want us to be just and merciful to supposedly gained by the workers enmity, have made common trade unions, language and territor forms to the fore. In the past this new and higher organizational is this which asks us not to analyse the capitalists, that is, he would during the last strike. Not only cause.
ial structures and local and nation form only cropped up in the propa forms for the workers struggles. critically? Surely it is not Marx condemn the class struggle and are there many rat shops still op The staff of the Dally Worker, al central bodies. Conferences and canda of the advanced workers. It The shop delegate bodies shall be ism. But we are mistaken, for would thereby prove that he was erating under non union conditions, April 28, rewrites the cable as fol permanent bodies, that were formed made its way in life only when the democratle bodies representing all Oneal admits that he is a Marxist. no revolutionist or Marxist at all. but within supposed union shop lows: on a city wide or national issue, heat of the class struggle reached shops in the given area, regardless And for the benefit of those who it is for this reason that Oneal wage scales are paid below the All non citizens who particl merely knitted together the exista stage where the old broke down of what union the workers are at doubt this, and for those who hav would rather confuse, distort, and agreement, chiseling on yardage is pate in the May Day demonstrating forms, which meant merely and the workers picked up the new Aliated to. The unorganized shops ing read a little of Marx, might conceal, than argue in a clear prevalent, and payment for smashes tions Tuesday will be expelled heaping together a quantity of the forms. But in this whole period shall also send representatives and doubt that the Social Democracy and straight forward manner. is made in very few shops. Installfrom France immediately. Minsame backward forms.
the old forms dominated the situa place on the first order of business followed a revolutionary course. WATTERS. ation of clocks on looms which was ister of Interior Albert Sarraut class that is politically back tion.
the organization of the shops into Oneal explains that Marxism is a promised. has not materialized.
declared today.
ward, with a low class ideological The new organizational forms are units of the industrial union of the growing body of thought which has TWO SIDES OF THE NRA The union officials have made no The new restrictions are seen level, can tolerate such antiquated now pushing forward. Already country.
expanded and has been modified effort at all to organize the centers as expressions of the French forms. But a rapidly developing hybrld and distorted forms of the The Answer to the NRA since Marx and Engel death. Capital is assisted by the govern in Pennsylvania, to say nothing Small bosses deadly fear of the grow. class in motion, such as we find in new organizations can be noted. This organizational structure Evidently Marxism is now growing ment in organizing strong national about the other centers.
ing unity of Communist and So America today, already shows sigus The Federal Union is an attempt to should be the workers answer to into manhood with the aid of Oneal associations of employers and car wonder, then, that as a result of cialist workers.
of a struggle to grasp new and answer the demand by sidestep the NRA. This should be the an. We must admit that under bis tels. Labor is hindered in organ such a wishy washy leadership, the of course all refernce to Trotsky higher organization forms. ping the issue. The employers, in swer to Green class collaboration guidance it is growing to such an izing unions of their own choosin workers in Paterson were given a was omitted. The coupling of the The higher forms we must work turn, sº the labor lakers one bet NRA plan. These shop delegate extent that we can no longer recog and in striking for better conditions. wage cut only recently, and are deportation of Trotsky with the toward revolve around the shop ter and answer the demand for bodies shall fulfill the needs of the nize its relation to the original.
faced with the immediate threat of United Front between the Socialist meeting and the shop committees as Federal Unions in the Auto Indus class and safeguard and extend its Not being content with a modest Brownsville Open Forum another wage cut not nominal one, this time.
Party and the Communist Party the basic units of the industrial try by establishing Works Coun democratic rights. Such a struc effort, Oneal decides that while be in France doesn fit in with the union. This form has been propa clls (employee representation con ture must be separate and apart is about it he may as well expose WAR AND THE FOURTH If every militact and progressive idea of the advance agent of the candized for years. Now it spany unions. However, shop del from the NRA or any other class the great fakir, Lenin. It is in INTERNATIONAL worker in Paterson Joins hands with his fellow workers in the egate meetings based upon shop collaboration machinery.
bourgeois. And then, of course, within reach of tulliment.
teresting to see just how he acSpeaker: they had to make it the unity of The shop committee and indus meetings and industrial unions are the completion of the transform complishes this. in the March 3rd JOHN WRIGHT United Silk Workers Club and pats Communist and Socialist workers Irlal union call for a new central becoming more than talk and pro ation from the old to the new forms issue of the New Leader he says, his shoulder to the wheel the Club Friday, May 4, at 8:30 to conform to the united front Izing and co ordinating structure it paganda among the American work cannot be carried through artif The year of the united front polwill be able to realize its program we are to be effective in combatingers.
cially by the radicals However, Icy was also the year of Lenin Auspices: Communist League of much more easily than the most from below.
It the May Day edition had ten the centralization, the concentra. It is very difficult to organize proper propaganda and agitation to pamphlet instructing the conscripts America Spartacus Youth Club sanguine militants now believe.
times 24 pages and it every buroton and cartels developing through abop delegate bodies in the cities popularize the new forms, with their of the Comintern to lie, intrigue 1976 Pitkin Ave, Brooklyn, SILK WORKER crat in the Stelintern wrote It, still the aid of the NRA. If the shop dominated by the diversified and use wherever possible, taking into and slander all who stood in their it would not be able to explain consideration, at the same time, the way. Now we might suppose that fact that the of the such a as away the Stalinist united front with can enable to of the writer Trotsky.
quite rapidly.
was referring, but none is given in Some weeks back Jack Hakver, my reach until we, the workers. Continued from Last Issue. ers of the New Masses were looking There is no short cut to working this article.
dian was expelled from the overthrow this reactionary and murBert Wolfo for wben bestowing their praise in class results. Some argue that However, there must have been tions. Comrade Hakverdian, an build a society where the tollera on charges of Trotskyist deviaderous system of capitalism and Answering a question on TrotWe recall Marx speaking in the an even more intellectualizea way this process is too slow, that work some inquiries for this information Armenian militant who belonged to have the right to live and enjoy sky theatrical personality. Bert Elehteenth Bramalo their cream than the humbler Daily Worker re in the NRA will be faster. Yes, since in the very next issue of the the party since 1928, did not know the trults of their labor.
Wolfe says, Trotsky has personal stances and relationships that emporters. They predicted that Am taster in strait jacketting the work New Leader Oneal says, Let us desirable in a leader. Workers strut about in a hero garb. And and its Molotovs.
attributes that are not altogether abled a grotesque mediocrity to erica will also produce its Stalinsing class. Inside the NRA appar take a text from Lenin pamphlet bything at that time about the Here will admit very frankly Age. truly, at times of back wash of the With the enormous bureaucrati class collaboration. The NRA ap IPATE IN REACTIONARY TRADE Trotskyists. His criticisms of the skyism except those well known atus the workers are harnessed into SHOULD COMMUNISTS PARTIC platform of the International Com. that did not know anything until munists whom the Stalinists call very lately about so called TrotTrotsky was the head of the first mighty waves of history, the second Lenin advised the boys official policy arose from his own and time worn slanders that used In 1905. He organized the October most exalted positions. But only rising pyramidically to its pinnaclelers as visitors, with the under to practice trickery, to employ experiences and observations.
Soviet established in St. Petersburg or third raters often occupy the mastion of the Stalinist apparatus paratus can be entered by the work UNIONS.
to road in the Dally Worker and Insurrection in 1917. He organ antil the rise of the new wave again of the General Secretary, which is standing that only the organized cunning, and to resort to illegal His expulsion for Trotskyism in other party organs. Now will ized the Red Army and led it until sweeps them out.
every bourgeois army and every Browder has apparently earnedbullabaloo sientes, there is a rush the NRA can win the workers de took or conceal the truth. So aroused in him an interest in the tell you how began to lose my White Guard bandit was run out of the spurs bestowed upon him from to get on the band wagon. Vor all mands.
In Germany as both Soviet Russia. Wolfe may consider above. He became one of the early the lesser bureaucrats it is not at and its use upon this basis will from Lenin and it is not strictly its literature. As a result he has ternational.
correctness our friends and enemies know, that in this Trotsky showed per: tallacies of stalinist in this coununstable and too often changing to expose it as a capitalist struc the preceding issue of the New of our platform, finding in it a ver there was the strongest Communist itication and generalization of his Party outside of the Soviet Union able in a leader. Of course, be try. In 1929, at the time of the reglme. Then there is also the conture against the working class.
Leader. Nothing appears bere might have gone to Mexico during formation of the he pom stant fear of becoming scape goats.
about slandering, and no reference own proletarian criticism of the with millions of followers. This the stirring days. Sober protes pously informed all those willing Hence the Stachels and the Amters is made to all who stood in the policy and practices of Stalinism. mights force, which used to know about from very close range (beThe following is his statement. way. Also, it is unfortunate that sorlal study would no doubt have to listen that: We will no longer sing their praise in unmeasured cause was a seaman and used to appeared less theatrical and waste our energies and time in dis terms of the infallibility of the read with great pleasure in a have many contacts with German Oneal is so brief in his quotation, UNDER THE Possibly we might be still further column of Panvor, the semi weekly comrades in Hamburg) was a real would also have been much safer. astrous attempts to work with leadership of the general secretary.
It would appear that the French these fake progressives. He en Fluctuations of Membership enlightened if we could secure and organ of the semi developed Arm mass party that was rooted in every government agrees with Wolfe that rely ignored the fact that it was more real picture of the official read a little of what precedes and enlap Stalinist bureaucratic elique, section of the working class. On Trotsky has personal attributes the work with the progressives, Party is afforded in certain figures follows this short phrase among the announcements of the short notice it could mobilize not that are not altogether desirable both the mild and the more ad presented by the general secretary.
In our examination, we find an decisions of the District and Cen only its own forces, but was able. BILL.
vanced types, which had made it He reported that from 1930 until possible for Communists to connect February 1984, the Party had re ploiters. To decrease the real wag IPATE IN REACTIONARY TRADE pelled from the Communist Party such a tremendous force and re To increase the profits of the brother irregularity. This pamphlet (tral Control Commission, state Ito create a mass movement at any SHOULD COMMUNISTS PARTIC ment that have been declared ex time in any of Germany. With themselves up with large masses of cruited 49, 050 new members. Butles of the workers.
Shachtman Meeting at workers.
The admitted that two of every three UNIONS is out of print, but it hap on charges of being sympathetic to volutionary traditions: How could New Federation of Labor had not been retained by the Party. monopoly over prices, throughpens to be only a section of a larg the renegade Trotsky ideas and it be possible for such a party to Kansas City As a result of But Browder thought it quite use. claiming for it now a membership Comrade shachtman visit impetus tess to monkey around with the ot 25. 000we, of course, undices codes; while the 100 untonization not disclose this. Can it be that with a sharp warning, something sistence or even a sign of it?
ISM which is in print. Oneal does lily. The announcement ended Hitlerism without the slightest rewas given to the work of the conservative mass trade unions and stand the degree of reliability which of the shops is called a monopols he hopes we shall not secure any like this: We recommend to our Mo.
On Sunday, April 22, Comrade he became the particular exponent, can be placed in figures issued by lof labor and is fought as a closed curtber information about the mat fraternal organizations to look out now, and clear thinking workers The fault of Stalinism is plain also in 1929, of building red trade the Stalinists. But even taking shop ter? Anyway, although the trans for this counter revolutionary tool who see things in their true colors for a new revolutionary party in with a new Shachtman gave a talk on the need unions all along the line, together these figures at face value there is national trade union something ominous in this enorm The average minimum hours sd lation seems to be somewhat dirI will just leave it to the reader are taking steps to build a new America center, the Today he fous luctuation. By no means all opted under the codes are far above Cerent, here is the same fenotation of my statement for thelr Judgment. movement. Only the self contented On April 23 Comrade Shachtman Sponsors a new idea of enlarging of those who left are the poorest of the workers demands and inter with a few preceding sentences, as My social standing before and at bureaucrats, whose personal and gave an informal talk to about 30 the to also embrace the revolutionists. Many of them re lesta.
ter joined the Party has been clique interest is paramount can sympathizers and members of the independent trade unions and con volted against the bureaucratization THE MILITANT similar to that of any ordinary still try to convince their followers Left Opposition. during which he stitute a single Independent Trade of the party and its false policles The average minimum Entered us a second class mal worker. One of the reasons en in a thousand ways that time was discussed the world wide drift to Union Federation. But this is the and tactics.
adopted under the codes are far matter November 28, 1928, at the rolled in the revolutionary move not ripe or similar rubbish in order ward the idea of a Fourth Inter same old red trade union policy in The Stalinist Party has today be below a living standard.
Post omor at New York, Un ment was that had more or less to justify their unfitness for leadnational and answered many ques an enlarged format. And the main come the crowning height of the der the set of March 8, 1879. chances for self study after myership.
Publlabed Weekly by the Com tions concerning the tasks of build trouble with that is that only paper contradiction in the United States The exploiters have organized working hours and had contact with No, no, comrades. Class coning new party both here and unlons came out of the disastrous between an advanced industrial de themselves into national associa 126 Past 16th Street, New York, more experienced and class conscious worker revolutionists will split policy which isolated the mill velopment and a backward political tions and their slaves into company Phone: Grammerey 9624 scious orkers. Finally Jolned not endure any more such costly The Kansas City Comrades are tants from the mass movement. Ideology of the masses. It reflects unions, while the organization of Vol. VII, No. 18. Whole No. 222) thought, was the only genuine lead clearly that the time has come to the Communist Party which, then defeats. The events show us very well pleased with the results of this new version cannot fare any all the vices of international Stal unions and big labor struggles have SATURDAY, MAY 5, 1984 Comrade Shachtman meetings. In better, particularly when its execu inism. It is unable even to attain been prevented through the macher and organizer of the working break away for good from bureauEDITORIAL BOARD addition to substantial collections tion is in the hands of an ever the virtues of a mass movement. Inery of the NRA and the labor Martin Abern at both meetings, several new more bureaucratic Stalinist leader The American Stalinist party has fakers.
Communist Party and a new InterMax Bhachtman slavery.
Maurice Spector friends were won for the Left Op ship.
become a serious force of disorienArne Swabeck As a rank and Ale member from national to justify and to carry out position and young and decidedly it is in these wrong positions tation and disorganization. It can. The exploiters are willing to give Subscription rate: 00 per year 1926 until 1933, in all these years the principles of Marx, Engels, capable sympathizers were added that Browder has shown his most not lead in the revolutionary tasks. crumbs to the workers as their re 50 per half year. Canada did my utmost for what thought Lenin and Trotsky, the true repre officially to the ranks of the Kan magnificent, brilliant and remark For that a new Communist Party ward for not objecting to the cap and Foreign: 50 per year: was good and well for the working sentatives and leaders of the tolling sas City branch of the Longue. able, etc. qualities. Perhape that is required.
talists taking the lon share under 7be for months.
class. And will still serve my masses of the world. was the particular quality the writ. ARNE SWABECK. the NRA.
Rundle raton one cont pe croy. class and its party by all means in JACK HAKVERDIAN, Statement of Jack Hackverdian etione ou de route meon Cleveland Convention of the struggle are working in our favor, woua be accompanied by the name of NRA wake James Cannon class for its liberation from wage eratie Stalinism and to form new