CapitalismCominternCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyFascismFranceGermanyHitlerIV InternationalItalyLeninMarxMarxismMussoliniSocial DemocracySocialismSocialist PartySovietStalinStalinismStrikeTrotskyURSSUnited FrontWorkers PartyWorking Class

THE MILITANT SATURDAY, APRIL 28, 1934 PAGE REVIEWING THE NEWS Cleveland Convention of the 400 Hail Move Stalinist Hoodlums Attack For New Defense Shachtman Meeting At Bellussi Meet. it mage into the door. Then we San Francisco Meeting May Day The Eighth Convention of the out all the more in contrast to the this disorentation, was able to asofficial Communist Party and all dismal capitulation of the Commu cend to power, they could not disits artificial ballyhou is over. Ac nist Party and the Social Democratinguish it from the previous recording to the Daily Worker it is cy of Germany. Who would dare gimes; they could not light it; the Los Angeles The Stalinists carry on the fight on the inside of Statesmen at Albany to live in the minds of posterity, deny that precisely in the events Party was paralyzed. The German cheering, singing, wildly en scored another one of their victor the ball, but they they were adeSenator MeNaboe and President epitomized by the exellent. the of this period is embodied the les revolutionists were filled up with thusiastic gathering of more than les. they broke up the Shachtman quately taken care of. One came of the Senate Dunnigan were de masterly and historical. the clearsons to which a party, to be worthy the spurious ideas of social las 400 people converted the simple oe meeting last night. But we got two half way up the steps, put his hand bating.
and forectul analysis. the mas of the name revolutionary, wascism casion of a farewell dinner to Com new members on the spot. These on the inside pocket and yelled that Said Mr. McNaboe, He (Dunniterfully applied Marxian combina duty bound to apply the most in Repeat the Old Errors rade Anthony Bellussi, at Stuyve two are really promising workers. it we moved down on him he pull gan) went to City Hall and tolation of clear and general statements clsive analysis, the most critical At the Cleveland convention this sant Casino, into a demonstration They re not new to the movement his gun. Right on top of that they that honest man of sterling char with concrete examples. the bril examination, and draw a balance was not only repeated but glibly ela for honest non partisan labor de and only needed this emotional push sent one of their husky women, and acter, Joba Curry, John am with Lantly outlined. etc. etc. reportsheet.
borated into various shades and defense that heralds the early launch to send them to us. Undoubtedly right behind her they were in a you against the world, and then of Earl Browder, the best report They Learned Nothing grees of right and left fascism. In ing of a new defense organization. the branch will be a much bigger mass. They outnumbered us by six went out and worked for the Re ever made at any time in the bis All that was entirely absent such a maze of confusion the varThe dinner was to honor Bellussi, one because of last night. The suc times at least, and swept us to the covery Party. He has been a doutory of the Party. together with from the Stalinist convention. And lous working class tendencies could anti Fascist victim of the Federal cess of our first Shachtman meet door. Not numbers alone did it.
ble crosser ever since knew him. his remarkable tinal speech. as far as future history is con never be properly distinguished nor Government vicious deportation ing (a little over two bundred were They had acquired many new weaAnd Dunnigan came back with: This report, if we are to believe cerned this convention can only de could the falso ideas be guarded polley, and to raise money for his there) probably inspired the Stal pong, sticks, crowbars. They had feel sorry for McNaboe, be is a Sam Don, influenced the work and note an empty space. Marxism, as against. But such an exposition of fare to another country in order to inists to attack the second meeting everything there. Wo barricaded mental case. He went to the ke the discussion of the convention a living doctrine is a generalization the question by the bureaucratic prevent his deportation to Fascist last night.
ourselves against them. They tried covery Party and offered to sell out from the first to the last session. Of all working class experience, leadership is not merely a matter Italy. The right of voluntary de gang of ers and local to throw broken chairs at us through Tammany Hall but they turned him and Jack Stachel, in recounting the constantly drawing its strength of confusion as far as they are parture granted by the gov. hoodlums. pugs and even gangsters the door but that was the end down. They thought he would act progress made by the Party, tos from every new experience. concerned. It is a mirror of their ernment being contingent on his were rounded up and brought until the cops came (the radio as a spy.
tifies that it was all made possible party calling itself Marxian, which own degeneracy. It is an effort to fare being paid.
down by truck. They congregated car. That finished the meeting, Moronic shysters, like this pair, are under the leadership of the General fails to absorb into its very marrow cover up their own failure to meet As speaker after speaker raised outside the door, waiting for the After that we gathered at a comto investigate the Power Trust Secretary of our Party, comrade the lessons of these recent decisive all other tendencies within the the broader issue of a united front signal that Shachtman bad started rade house. Nympathixers were and its purchasing of votes at Al Browder. enthusiastic applause. events, and fails to learn from them, working class on the basis of a re against Fascism, however, the gath to speak. They were noisy and there and also some members of the bany! What an investigation that The Events of Four Years can in no case escape the disinte volutionary program as real party ering, a mixed crowd of workers tried to argue, and of course they different labor groups. Plans were will be!
Our expectation grows irresisti grating tendencies that brought So leaders would do. Such covering and working class sympathizers of tried to get in on their usual plea immediately drawn up for a united bly to its natural climax. What dla lal Democracy into its sticking up, however, becomes the worst varying shades of political beliet. unemployed. One big fellow front protest meeting against Tammany Gang Chief Dropped this report say!
What does this swamp of decay. It cannot at all form of disorientation and, car began to sense the genuineness and whose nose was flattened and ears fascis hooligan Shachtman There are no charges against Party leadership propose. be counted upon as a leader of the rying it to its logical conclusion, importance of the appeals. cauliflowered, told Harry Rose: drew up the leaflet and a commitme. No one can say have not been Between the Seventh and the masses in a crisis. It will collapse the Stalinist leaders stoop to the Here was no fake call for unity. The trouble with you guys is that tee was appointed to go around the an honest man. complained John Eighth Party convention almost as ignominously as did the German lowest levels.
issuing from the tongue of sec you don believe in God. You can different organizations. They are Curry, Tummany chief, as the such four years have elapsed. Four Communist Party.
To shun the honest workers away tarian bureaucrats, and prefaced by Judge how close to the labor move now at work at it.
ems and other warriors sharpened years of world shaking events, Instead of drawing a balance from an objective examination of slander and abuse of the people apment these young lumpens were Shachtman coming here put their tomabawks for his sculp. We chief among which, as far as revo sheet from these great lessons the what the actual revolutionary cur pealed to.
Speakers Warmly Received We were only about six on the plenty of life into the League all like and respect you. said one lutionists are concerned, must be misguided workers at this conven rent in the movement stands for, outside of the door. Around us was branch here. It had a tonic effect of the district leaders. John, every counted the catastrophic defeats in tion were served the same general all the Browders, in their deadly The speakers, by their example, this mob of about thirty five, led on everybody. Especially after the man here holds you in the highest dicted upon the proletariat in Ger. line which lead to the catastro fear of it, can only repeat their by their carnestness and honesty. Wy Olsen, the District or first public meeting, the effect on esteem and are for you 100 90 many and Austria. Four years in phie defeats.
usual base slanders. Lumping us were putting the Stalinist labor ganizer.
outsiders was surprising. The most cially. said another, holding the which the wave of reaction rolled The delegates were told in the among their various brands of fakers to shame. The gathering Shachtman arose to speak. Olsen important thing is that be certainly sensed this and responded, opened forced himself to the door and the Austrian question.
cleared up a lot of things, notably scalp of chief John iu his hund. Ion with powerful sweep, crushing magnificent etc. speech that the social fascism. although they havetbeir hearts out to the speakers yelled out: We re unemployed, and can vote against Curry, be been and smashing a working class move New Deal is not developed Fas previously pronounced us dead at 80 good to me. sobbed a female ment in its wake. period which cism. But in political essence and least dozen times, they say: cut loose with cheers that contained we want to get in. They shoved sachem.
When the voting was over and and corruption of Social Democracy, program. Thus is being prepared not understand that Trotskyism and sage that has long been awaited.
started, mostly with bare fists. We Curry was out, he made a few re and also demonstrated the bank the same fatal disorientation as in the Trotskyists are not a branch The speakers were Carlo Tresca, sent them down the steps, but not San Francisco. Comrade Shachtmarks, Mr. Keneally, didu I call ruptcy of the Cominteru under the Germany and the same justification of the Communist movement, but editor of 11 Martello; Quincy Howe, without casualties on our side. They man meeting in San Francisco you up on Monday to tell you was Stalin regime.
for capitulation. In Germany the rather a police agency of the cap editor of the Living Age; George ran for the lavatory, and pleaded was a huge success. Held at the making you suchem Three But, at the same time, a new and revolutionary workers had drilled Italist class. What would they ab. Novak, of the Provisional Commit You won hit us it we walk out. Labour College, a known labour laborers jobs would have suited me powerful ray of hope appeared in Into their minds the ideas of the swer if any worker was to take toe for Non Partisan Labor De We let them go. Two minutes meeting place and headquarters of better. was Keneally scorutul an the very last of these events, in Bruening fascism, the Von Papen them seriously at their word and tense: Muste, of the American later we were sorry. They got one the Proletarian Party, the meeting swer.
the magolticent battle of the Aus fascism, the von Schleicher fas say: Give us the proof so that we Workers Party, James Candon, of our members (a young kid) and was singularly well attended with There was rejoicing in Washing trian Socialist workers, standing clsm. When the real fascism, by can properly substantiate the con of the Communist League of Amer. beat him into practically insenst 276 workers of all tendencies pres.
ica, and Bellussi. Comrade Can bility. He was down on the floor Comrade Shachtman in his talk tention!
tou. Harmony in the division of spoils by Federal, State and City But this is all empty bravado non acted as toastmaster.
and they sapped him and kicked Democratic leaders, will belp in the handed out to cover up their own Tresca opened the meeting with Him, the whole damned gang. At Wory ally pointed out the bankruptfall elections. The hands of Roosefailure to meet our Marxian argu a militant call for a fight o mere this writing he still reating in bed sy of the 2nd and 3rd Internationvelt und Farley were seen in the ments. For the heavy blows of de newspaper campaign, no debates at home. Another of our young als, demonstrating their impotency ousting of Curry. Not the wbole. Continued from page 1)
Communism, Leon Trotsky. The own false political orientation and common enemy. You can editor six stitches were taken over his and concluded by calling for the sale graft, robbery and banditry whole reactionary forces of the dismal incompetence, the stalinistsialize Fascism out of existence. he eye where somebody had struck him forentionnell. a new revolutionary that went on under Curry leaderfirst test of strength were met by ship was the cause of his removal increase their slander of the revo said. You have to fight it with its with a heavy jagged stick.
the proletarian call for a general actionaries in the incitement lutionary current.
The reason was that he guessed multaneou own weapons, on the street, with strike. The brench working class They weren During the discussion period a scriminating against Trotsky, in this they had every possible measure is drawn your lives. It is war!
wrong in 1932 and supported Smiththus served notice on the lasciat the support of the discredited all. They struck our women with leader got up and announced against As Curry went out, scum that the road to power in organizers of defents, the Stalin upon to elevate a hand picked bu Quincy Howe reviewed the his rubber hose. One woman member the meeting the was holding the leaders in revolt, the ones who France was barred by the 1st bureaucracy. reaucracy artificially to a position tory of deportations, and the trans of the Proletarian Party was mired to answer Mr. Shachtman.
were not exposed as were the Mcworking class. The movement for of infallibility with a Browder sit formation of this country from a up in it. They raised great big Around this arose a strenuous disNallys and McCormacks, prepared united action in France, which The Struggle in the pinnacle haven for political refugees into welts on her arm. most active cussion of various policies, at the conclusion Not only in Europe, but in the 88 on the VORNE SWABECK. one of the most forbidding and re of which Comrade to double cross each other in the lead to the general strike, if given actionary of all lands. lle call Woman member of our group took shachtman challenged the CommuUnited States, Fascism raises its struggle for first place at the public leadership, determined and revo (Continued in Next Issue)
head. Alongside of the attacks trough. Our Democratic instituutionary, can lead to the crushing quite a beating.
for a fight to regain the right of few of the stalinists tried to marking that for five and a half nist Party to debate and after retions must be preserved. as the of the French Fascists. And, over launched against the basic organ PHILADELPHIA BRANCH AND asylum, President said.
izations of the working class, the Simply, quietly, earnestly, Comyears they had refused to do so, and above that, in the further trade unions, by the organization, THE MILITANT rade Novak explained the circum he development of the struggle it History by Sam Don with state sanction, of company Along with the activities of the stances that had led to the forma challenge.
can lead to the crushing of At the Communist Party Answer unions, goes the rise of Fascist Philadelphia Branch of the tion of the provisional committee.
Sam Don has a simple recipe for French capitalism and the found bands: Blackshirts, suvershirts, the Militant is one of the outstand. The group of intellectuals that to Mr. Shachtman meeting, Comsuccess, that has worked well with ing of French Soviets.
Brownshirts, spring up like mush ing features of activity. In the formed this committee were formrade Shachtman was called Trothim. Last week he mixed a fresh Such a movement would again rooms. Fascist bands are organ last subscription drive, 50 subscrip Jerly active in the IL. and the sky lackey, loader of the Lovebatch (two parts quotations from awaken the German and Austrian Coming on the heels of the in stoneltes, and violently accused of izing, arming and drilling. Mass tions were obtained. That is, we National Committee for the Defense Stalin, three parts lies about the working class and change the meetings and demonstrations of carried out the decision to double of Political Prisoners. One member ternational fury against the ideas never having worked for a boss renegades. a few lines from Marx whole world situation. Not reacof the Fourth International and and Comrade Trotsky was said to of the group was former secretary Nazis are held in New York and the sub list.
and Lenin to make it palatible, tion, but proletarian revolution, its leader Leon Trotsky is the In the present drive, we are pre of the Three were exother cities.
place in the Daily Worker and then would be on the ascendency. It be politically dead, opposed to receipt of a memorandum at the Against company unions; paring to obtain 100 subs for the members of the National Committee collectivization of the land in Russit back and awalt promotion) would arouse the international offices of the Militant notifying against the starvation of the un. Militant. We ve placed Militants of the Another was ex secsia and for taxing the poor peas In 1928 29 our party was torn consciousness of the proletariat in it that the Department of Rev. antry to Industrialize Russia. No employed; against the lynching at the following stands, which we retary of the League for Profes.
by a raging, unprincipled taction the Soviet Union now stilled by enues has prohibited its importa attempt was made to answer in de of Negro workers against the ask the readers of the Militant tosional Groupe.
al struggle. The Lovestone Trot the reactionary dogma of national growth of Fascist movements; popularize among their friends, in All had arrived, in the course of tion Into Canada.
tail any thoretical arguments adskylsts were singing hosannas to socialism. Between a Soviet UnThe reactionary Canadian gov. vanced by Comrade Shachtman. To against the growing danger of im. order to increase the sale of Militheir work, at the same conclusion the almighty power of American ion, again alive with the spirit The crying need in the labor move ernment, rabid in its persecution their slanders, we reiterated our perialist warnow, as never be tants at the stands: capitalism. The party leadersbip of international solidarity on fore, the united front of all workN. Cor. 19th and Market Sts. ment was united action. Not only of militant workers and revolu challenge to debate and called upon was dominated by the opportunist which it was founded, and the ingclass organizations must be Cor. 13th and Market Sta. did the and the other groups at the ideas of internationalism or not the would answer.
now renegade Lovestone group. young Soviet France, the Fascist It opposed the building of independ governments of Hitler, Dolfuss formed.
We of the Communist League of Cor. 5th and Market Sts. want genuine unity of action, but by the prohibition of its outstandAt Comrade Shachtman meeting end militant unions. In 1929 our and Mussolini would go down like America call on the workers in Colture Book Shop, 5th and Mif they blocked the efforts of all who Ing exponent in the English lang.
a great deal of literature and all party received an open letter from a house of cards.
all organizations, Communist, flin sought it.
available Militants were sold and, the which cleaned our party The Road of the United Front Socialist, Trade Union, to raise Also at our Headquarters, 118 Advocate Non Partisan Organization While no reason is attached to contrary to popular custom which of Lovestone Trotskylte renegade Master St.
the demand for gengine united Slander and shut of the banning of the Militant from ends most radical meetings at 10 elements etc. etc. That history The road which opens up such front action. Let nothing stand from active work because they vista, is the road of the united Canada, we wish to call to the o clock, the meeting continued until Sam.
in your way front. The armed struggle of a Be not put aside dared raise the issue of a genuine attention of our readers that ev.
CHICAGO NOTICE 12 o clock when the landlady turned by the rehash of past errors, de united front against Fascism, the ery piece of literature issued by off the lights.
The Foots united working class against Grand Annual mand that the united front be CONCERT and BALL group had abandoned the Stalinist the Internationalist Communists Comrade Shachtman meeting Fascism in France is the first First, the Trotskylte elements built now!
Given by the camp in disgust. Now, since their is now banned from the Domin. was the needed impetus to the furwere not in the Lovestone group. step ou such a road. Socialist ther growth of the local branches.
For the United Front of labor ITALIAN SPARTACUS experience and capacity was prim ion of Canada.
Secondly, in 1928 29 the Lovestone and Communist Party leaderships against war and Tescism LEAGUE arily in the direction of defense Already, as a result of the enthugroup, with the somewhat shame in France, Instead of leading in For the defense of the Soviet work, they were seeking nonSunday, May 27th, 1934 faced cooperation of the Fosterites, such a direction, hung back, still Union. WEST SIDE AUDITORIUM partisan, muss defense organiza: YOUNG SPARTACUS siasm raised at this meeting, and the farce of the Stalinists answer.
were expelling the Trotskyltes, chanting their defeatist slogans.
For the defense of the workers tion.
1201 Taylor Street, Cor. Racine burglarizing their homes, and with Alone among the political forces our prestige and fufluence among rights They were YOUNG SPARTACUS, pub the working class has been strengthunder no Illusions knives, black jacks and lead pipes one voice was raised for the unitConeert. Dancing from pum, till that they, themselves, could or lished monthly by the National ened and we are making headway For the right of asylum!
breaking up their meetings.
ed front, that voice was the ComTickets 25 For unemployment insurance, should form such an organization.
Committee of Spartacus Youth in winning over many worthwhile The Hosanna Chorus munist League of France, a volce the six hour day and the five day It was primarily the task of work Clubs of America, April 1934 elements to the position of the Left It Lovestone was singing hosan that is gaining increased attenBrownsville Open Forum week!
ing class bodies. But they had Appearing in late April, the car Opposition.
nas to American capitalism includ tion in the French proletariat.
For the new party of the Fourth THE MARCH OF FASCISM taken the initiative in inviting rent issue of the organ of the FLORENCE WYLE.
ed in the chorus were not Trotsky Striking back at the danger International!
IN EUROPE recent world working class organizations to form features ites but such good Stalinists as which they clearly, the For Soviet America. LUDWIG LORE a united defense body, and they youth conference and the protest Jack Statchel, Winestone, Rob French reaction hit at the outFor the International Proletarert Minor, Amter, Harry Wicks standing leader of International Friday, April 27, 8:15 would promise their cooperation to against the deportation of the four SHACHTMAN TOUR SCHEDULE Fri. April 27 Staunton or G11lan Revolution!
1776 Pitkin Are.
German youth.
the utmost.
and Max Bedacht, not forgetting Articles on the strike wave, the lespie, Muste and Cannon, following tbol Sam Don himself who sang with The open letter did cause some bosSat. April 28 Springfield, II.
speaker, at once pledged their sup dental mechanics strike, the student either Weinstone or Bittleman ac. terites who were privately expressport, and the support of their or anti war strike, the Dr. Wirt ex Sun. April 29 Davenport, Ia.
cording as the wind blew from the ing support for the Left Opposition ganizations. It was their stirring pose. and on the recent Philippine Mon. April 30 Davenport, Ia.
Volga. No, the Lovestone oppor. but who understood the secret of response to the call, their generous independence law cover the outtunist leadership are not all ren success. to see in the ousting of Tues. May Chicago, IL.
walving of rights, priorities, prece standing current events. The probegades. the most unprinciple of Lovestone, great prospects for Wed. May Chicago, III.
dent, their palpable sincerity on lem of unionizing the young workthem are now in the party leader themselves and, of course, for the Thurs. May Chicago, Ill.
The First of a New Series of Lectures on the International the issue, that drew the cheers ofers and the revolutionary attitude ship party. They had a head start on Fri. May Waukegan, ill.
the Minors and Stachels in the race Program with Special Reference to Amerlea the crowd, and set the tone of the towards the proposed child labor gathering amendment are treated in editorSat. May Detroit, Mich.
The Rorolutionary Unions By for Stalin favors. Maybe Don or Another fact which both Love some other would say a few words In the same spirit of solidarity. Lals. Activities among the students Sun. May Detroit, Mich.
the gathering unanimously passed a are covered in Student Notes.
stone and Sam Don would like to on this at the next Bedacht BirthWILL FASCISM COME TO resolution protesting the expulsion The preparations for a new war forget is that the revolutionary day Dinner. It would be much of Leon Trotsky from France, and are covered in the feature Cover AMERICA?
unions. the the Needle more interesting to all then the At demanding rjght of asylum for him the War Front. article on AmTrades Industrial Union, the Tex eternal hossanas to Stalin and to Lecture By here in this country. This resolu erican munitions production and tile Workers Industrial Union, etc. Browder.
IRVING PLAZA HALL JAMES CANNON tion also drew enthusiastic ap items on the An article on were all set up under Lovestone Sam lleg may go down with plause.
the Silver Shirts is printed as the Friday, May 4, 1934 leadership and Lovestone direction. some of the 1983 recruits who are at 8:00 PM The sum of 228 was raised for first of a series on the growing 15th Street and Irving Place passing through the party. The old Bellussi a large sum for the com Fascist movement in the United Elm Mill Building, 532 Warren St.
The Open Letter timers, however, will understand paratively small, and predominant States. The lessons of the Austrian The open letter from the tbat Sam is writing with an eye on SUNDAY, APRIL 29th at P.
Opposite Waumbock St.
ly working class crowd.
events are treated in popular form.
did not clean out Lovestone Trot the chlet and a mind on the Finally, the activities of the SparRoxbury, MARS skylte elements. In the first place higher and better things such as the ADMISSION 15 CENTS QUESTIONS AND DISCUSSION SEND DOLLAR FOR FOUR tacus Youth Clubs are included unAdmisslon 15 Cents there were not any such animals editorial chair now occupied by the Other lectures to follow on successive Sundays: Fascism; the PRE PAID SUB CARDS, EACH der organization notes.
and boaldes the Trotskyltes were Martyr of Madison Square.
Trade Union Question; the United Front.
GOOD FOR SLX MONTHS SUB The May isuus is planned for the Ausplen: Boston Branch Communist already publishing the Militant BILL SCRIPTION ON THE CLUB PLAN early part of the month.
League of America From Canada according to.