BourgeoisieCapitalismCommunismDemocracyEnglandFascismGermanyIV InternationalImperialismSocialismSovietStrikeTrotskyURSSUnited FrontWorkers Movement

L AGE TIJE MILITANT SATURDAY APRIL 28, 1934 The United Front MARCH OF EVENTS The Friends of the Militant Club Chicago in Sends its hearty, comradely May Day Greetings to the entire International Proletarian Class.
May this traditional holiday awaken and intensify the class consciousness of all workers, sharpen the revolutionary spirit and unify all working elements into one whole under the banner of the new Fourth International for the attainment of the final goal: a victorious Social Revolution all over the world.
Japan Monroe Doctrine for Asia The ruthless policy of Japanese militarism requires no documentary proof. During more than a generation the Japanese ruling class has made abundantly clear its inflexible aim of Axing the colonial yoke on the necks of the Chinese masses and to do this before the other imperialist robber powers gain too strong a foothold in China. The notorious Twenty one Demande made on China during the War and the Tanaka Document merely set forth the obvious, the unrestrained, cold blooded bandit ambitious of Japanese militarism.
Why then the startled reaction of the capitalist press when Amau, chief of the intelligence division of the foreign office, mouthpiece of Hirota, formulates Japan Monroe Doctrine for Asia, with its warning that Japan will resist by force any encroachments others on its preserves in China? The answer lies in the fact that capitalist peace is merely a truce between wars for plunder that Amau brutally frank statement disturbs the present truce and sets up the tremors that betoken the nearness of the next war.
May Day Greetings to THE MILITANT, the International Communists and our comrade Harold Robing and his fellow class war prisoner comrade Gras, now in prison for their activities in behalf of the striking hotel and restaurant workers.
BRONX BRANCH, New York Payless Furlough for Teachers Organize the unemployed! The capitalists and the Board of EducaGREETINGS tion want to use them to lower the standards of the employed.
to the Restore democracy in the union. Mass Basis for Common Struggle lences here in America.
Often Neglected in Dealing with But our hopes were short lived. right to vote on and decide quesIndividuals. Thus runs the sub No sooner did one group of gentions of policy! Put a stop to the MILITANT title of an article dealing with the erals without armies step out than United Front tactic by Harry Yar another group was named to re red buiting of the administration of BAY RIDGE BRANCH, is (in the Daily Worker. Very place them. The new generals the union! Every teacher should good! One would conclude from are Harry Ward, commander of bave the right to his own social, BROOKLYN, this that the had drawn some the Union Theological Seminary Political and economic views!
Organize miss demonstrations!
lessons from their recent expert a real mass organization of workences with the Congress against ers Robert Morss Lovett, protes Arouse the teachers. War and in the League against war sor at the University of Chicago: cuts. This is the road on which to and Fascism.
Therefore when Matthews, Hen Lester Mondale of Evanston, mu: march to defeat the coming attacks.
son, Fox, Muste and other leaders Prof. Colton Warne; Rabbi Gold GREETINGS of the League resigned one would stein and Winifred Chappell, secre ordinarily conclude that this new tary of the Methodist Federation of to the orientation would be the guiding Social Service.
GREETINGS truly notable principle re organizing the leadership the struggle against War and Fascism. Now we can League.
MILITANT Pearl Friedman, Chicago United Front with Individuals really hope that the struggle Joseph Fischer, Chicago Yaris article goes on to say: against Fascism will take on a mass Helen Judd, Chicago PHILADELPHIA BRANCH In our efforts to set up some form character.
Earl Troffman, Chicago of united struggles, a tendency has This is the new line of the Party.
cropped up to form United Fronts They have learnt nothing by the Pierino Arquilla, Palos Park, IN.
with certain. Individuals. some experiences. Germany. Aus Di Giacomo, Chicago very doubtful left elements in the tria. Amsterdam Congress. Maris, Chicago trade unions and in the Socialist Cleveland Conference, etc. Those Cesario Parisi, Chicago Party thus substituting for the lessons referred to in the Daily United Front with masses of work Worker article, were promptly for Spinelli, Chicago ers, the United Front with individ gotte Ed. Lipensky, Chicago uals, who in many cases represented Playing the Fascist Game Mancini, Chicago FRIEND generals looking for armies. By pursuing this kind of united Friends, Chicago Further. front policy the party is playing John Castarra, Chicago The United Front consisted right into the hands of the Fascists.
Youngstown, Ohio Friend, Chicago solely of certain conferences and Every day there are reports of new meetings with these individuals. Fascist outbreaks throughout the Rio, Chicago It was never really brought down world. While solemnly professing Mary Camera, Chicago to the broad masses of workers in to believe in a genuine united Guido Galassi, Chicago the form of united struggles. This front agreements from above with Thomas Sabatini, Chicago is one reason why the organizations every type careerist, representing created by the conferences and the no mass organization, and to whom Sam Manglapelo, Chicago conferences themselves died so soon any kind of militant mass action 18 Alfonoso Clavarotone, Chicago after birth, e. Tom Mooney Coun anathema. This type of united Giuseppe Porro, Chicago GREETINGS cils of Action, American League front only paves the way for Fas Friends, Chicago Against War and Fascism as a Dacism.
to the tional organization, the Cleveland Joe Gorodetzer, Philadelphia In New York recently, within the Conference, etc. We have very period of a year, the scists have Hardy, Philadelphia little to gain through United Fronts managed to build a considerable Philadelphia MILITANT with individuals. 11 no practical mass following without any eftec Philadelphia struggles result, if the movement is live resistance. They are able to NEW CASTLE BRANCH Harry Allen, Philadelphia not raised at least one noteh high hold large mass meetings and parer, then we have not moved for ade through the streets to spread Max Kaufman, Chicago, New Castle, Pa.
ward. our emphasis Mrs. Weiss, Chicago their vicious propaganda. unit New Generals for Old ed front of all labor groups is imCant, Chicago Well, we thought, it the Partyperative if the hydra headed men Lepes, Chicago has not learnt anything from our ace of Fascism is to be crushed. Rubin, Chicago criticism of the Anglo Russian The time to do it is NOW beMay Day Greetings Committee and the Amsterdam Con fore it becomes too powerful and Clara Kaufman, Chicago gress they are at last beginning to crushes us.
Welk, Chicago from the learn from their own bitter exper. Mrs. Krupka, Pittsburg, Pa.
Sam Verman, Pittsburg Kansas City, Mo. Branch Mrs. Mchelson, Pittsburg Friend, Pittsburg May Day Greetings Basin, Pittsburg With the passage of the LaGuar, beaten back. For that the teachers Dave, Pittsburg from dia Economy Bill giving the mayor must Aght. There are thirty six the right to furlough city employees thousand of them working in the Nick Leperes, Pittsburg BUEHLER BOOK STORE without pay for from seven days to schools; Afteen thousand more are Friend, Pittsburg one month and accompanying bin unemployed. United by a common Albert Wolfe, New Haven, Conn.
Kansas City, Mo.
whose passage by the New York purpose and animated by a spirit Bernard Wolfe, New Haven State Legislature is indicated of resistance against their attack Teacher, New Haven empowering the Board of Educa ers, they can strike heavy blows in Yale student, New Haven tion to furlough teachers in about defense of their standard of living the same proportion the teachers and the institution of public educaSamuel Sandelman, New Haven have lost a hard tight. In effect the tion.
Morris, New Haven furlough is a wage cut and will What is required first of all is a Sympathizer, New Haven further lower the teachers stand program of struggle and an organ Another Sympathizer, New Haven ards of living. It appears to be the ization corresponding to that pro An Architect, New Haven May Day Greetings strategy of the economizers to grama trade union. In view of institute the furloughs during the the recent experience of the teachGertrude Duell, New Haven summer vacation when the teachers ers the first plank of this program Joe Harris, New York City BOSTON BRANCH are dispersed and their organized should be: no faith in the bourgeois Cora Duff, Kansas City, Mo.
resistance, consequently, will be at politicians; the teachers can rely Jean Rall, Kansas City its lowest ebb.
only on their own efforts and the Fred Simmons, Kansas City Boston, Mass.
Second Wage Cut support of the organized working Nell Tygart, Kansas City The payless furlough is the sec class movement.
The aim of such Chas. Warner, Kansas City ond wage cut the New York City a program should be to put PRESJefferson Rall, Kansas City teachers have received. In Decem SURE on the capitalist state Jenny Rall, Kansas City ber, 1982 they got a cut of from through mass meetings, demonstraOtto Zulauf, Kansas City to 10 percent through the efforts of tions, protests and united acdon Theo. Croner, Kansas City Walker who was then mayor. with the labor movement.
Alfred Caplan, Kansas City The Teachers Union democratie administration asked the Kassen, Kansas City teachers to make a small sacrifice. There is a union in the field, the Comrade, Kansas City in the interests of economy. When Teachers Union, Local of the Fred Nesson, New York City NORTH PHILADELPHIA LaGuardia was campaigning for American Federation of Teachers, mayor in 1983 he made much of this affiliated with the of Ls. It is Compliments of SPARTACUS YOUTH CLUB point in his attacks on Tamamny. as yet, a weak organization having CONSOLIDATED LUNCH BAR Yet only a few days ago he crowned only some 1800 members and is Third Ave. 15th St his first 100 days in office, among more of a lobbying organization New York City Philadelphia, Pa.
other things, with a pay cut for than it is a trade union. Its proteachers in the interests of eco gram is confined, in the main, to nomy. It should be clear that there deals with bourgeois politicians in GREETINGS 18 no essential difference between Albany to introduce support or opWalker and LaGuardia, Democrat pose legislation favorable or unCOMPLIMENTS TO THE MILITANT 1c, Republican or Fusion adminis favorable to the teachers interests, YOUNGSTOWN BRANCH trations and politicians.
as the case may be; maintaining a Behind Walker stood the bankers and the lobby in Albany and issuing propaof Youngstown, Ohio realty Interests who cracked the sanda to raise money for this pur economy whip. Behind the LaGuar pose.
dia mask the teachers will find, Nevertheless it is a trade union Irving Plaza Hall they look, the same capitalist face in form; most of the teachers at Irving Plaza 18th St.
May Day Greetings from carrying out the same capitalist work are eligible for membership INDEPENDENT program. protect profits at the ex in it although the ten thousand unpense of the standard of living of licensed and unemployed are barred, NEW YORK CITY WORKMEN CIRCLE, the masses, including the teachers. supervisors (foremen) are eligible, Branch 989 The Teachers Enemy and the present membership conThe enemy the teachers face is sists, in its greater part of the Minneapoils, Minn.
the overlord of society, the wall higher salaried teachers. By and Street banker, a powerful antagon largo it employs the practices of 1st. This does not mean, as many the conservative trade union move May Day Greetings teachers seem to think, that the ment and has taken to its bosom Compliments of ight is hopeless. PAY CUTS CAN the methods of the of bu SPARTACUS YOUTH CLUB BE DEFEATED! And the attacks reaucrats in stilling democracy in REUBEN which are impending now can be the union. At a recent meeting the Executive Board recommended the Kansas City, Mo.
admission of fifty five new members THE MILITANT but refused to divulge their names. Entered as a second class mall Reform the Union matter November 28, 1928, at the GREETINGS Withal the union has the possibilPost Omos at New York, Unity more than any other of the sevder the act of March 8, 1879.
to Published Weekly by the Comenty five organizations in the field munist Longue of America of becoming mass organization COMRADE TROTSKY, 126 East 16th Street, Now York, with a militant program. But for Phone: Grammerey 9524 that several things are necessary.
Vol. VII, No. 17. Whole No. 221) The methods and policies of the and to the League of International Communists SATURDAY, APRIL 28, 1934 present leadership must be scrapped.
EDITORIAL BOARD That means, in the first instance, Forward to Martin Abern James Capnon that masses of teachers should be Mar shachtman Maurice Spector drawn into the union. beginning THE FOURTH INTERNATIONAL Arne Swabeck can be made by lowering the dues.
Subscription rate: 00 per year Hundreds who remain outside to and NEW COMMUNIST PARTIES 50 per half year. Canada day because of what they consider and Foreigo: 50 per year: excessively high dues will join the 76c for als months union tomorrow if the dues are lowPittsburgh Branch, Communist League Randle rates one cent per copr. erent Japanese Uncertainty It has been clear for some time that the Japanese ruling class 18 divided in counsel. Recognition of the by the gave pause to the shrewder spirits among the militarists who realized the suicidal nature of a war against an alliance of two such formidable powers as the and the The perspective of immediate intervention in the Soviet Union slowly fad ed and a change in foreign policy resulted, the effort being made woo America away from the Soviet alliance. Simultaneously Japan bas been seeking assurance from British capitalism that England would balance the in case of war with the Soviet Union. Does the present turn signify that these assurances have been gained? Or is this merely the result of the pentup emotions of those Japanese reactionaries who cannot await a more propitious moment for attack?
The Danger of Waiting Waiting too is a dangerous pol.
icy. It permits the Soviet Union to strengthen its defenses. It gives the a chance, not merely to build a powerful navy, but to seek what has become essential to imperialism, military base in China. The Japanese properly interpret the aid given Chiang Kalshek by America in the training of aviators, the selling of planes, the building of airports and communi cations, and the setting up of an airplane factory, as one step in the direction of establishing a military foothold on the Asiatic mainland.
Waiting means also the sharpening of the class struggle internally in Japan. The Intense struggle to maintain her aims in foreign trade, so severely under attack by the jealous powers, involves the ever fiercer oppression of the Japanese masses of workers and peasants.
The militarists are acutely aware of the volcano upon whose top they sit. The explosive internal forces, they delude themselves into bellev.
ing, can be directed outwardly and dissipated. History will show how deluded they were.
May Day Greetings to THE MILITANT, and all the International Communists on this historic day.
Forward to The Fourth International!
from the MINNEAPOLIS BRANCH OF THE COMMUNIST LEAGUE OF AMERICA GREETINGS from the MANHATTAN BRANCH, COMMUNIST LEAGUE OF AMERICA LOCAL NEW YORK Roosevelt and Nationalization Roosevelt continues to attack the Living standards of the workers to assure dividend and interest pay.
ments to the capitalists. Again, after a polley of temporizing and delay so as to dull the edge of the railroad workers fighting spirit, Roosevelt Insists on maintaining the wage cut. He insists that he does not want nationalization of the railronds but will be forced to take steps towards rigid control unless the railroad magnates reform the capital structure of these public utilities.
By such deception Roosevelt hopes to gain the sympathy of the middle and upper classes in his tight against the railway workers.
For there is not another field of capitalist enterprise that offers a clearer picture of capitalist plundering and looting of public finances than the field of railroad transportation.
Roosevelt attitude towards netionalization is that of his class He fears nothing so much as a real political struggle supported by the masses and the middle classes, for nationalization of the railroads.
The capitalists fear that this would be an entering wedge which might precipitate a real struggle for state socialism.
It was in this sense that RailWay Age recently answered Jor dan of the National Industrial Conference Board when he predicted nationalization. The editors stated that the resistance to state sociallam would prevent nationalization of the railways. JACK WEBER.