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UNITE THE MILITANT Weekly Organ of the Communist League of America VOLUME VII, NO. 17 WHOLE NO. 221 NEW YORK, SATURDAY, APRIL 28, 1934 PRICE CENTS All Out to Madison Square on May Day!
Revolutionary Workers! March Under the Banner of the Communist League of America!
May Day On May Day this year New York will witness the the Union Square demonstration represents the revo That is true. But it is no less true that the unfalsi is the need for unity and so powerful the sentiment most imposing demonstration of the workers and the lutionary workers. The workers who want a united tied doctrine of revolutionary internationalism will of the rank and tile workers for it, that if our promost tangible advances toward their united struggle front of action and defense are called upon to choose also be represented there this May Day, and only posal had been adopted and carried out honestly and Important Notice!
against the common enemy that has been seen for between the socialist Party and the Communist there. Not the banner of Stalinism, splotched with consistently it would have been extremely ditricul, League members and sympathimany years.
The participating workers organiza Party. This ultimatum contains three propositions crimes and treacheries, but the bunner of the Inter ir not impossible, for tbe Socialist leaders to refusesers mobilize on May Day at 126 national Communists this is the banner of Com we shall continue to tight for this policy as we tions will march together in a single parade and hold which have to be dealt with separately.
a common demonstration at Madison Square. The munism. Every revolutionary worker ought to march have fought consistently for it in the past. For years, East 16th Street at 11 sharp.
SOCIALISTS AND COMMUNISTS Communist League (International Communists) will bebind it and no other.
as a faction working for the reform of the we May Day, the workers holiday the parade under its own banner and will It is uite true that the Madison quare demonPARTY MEETING OR UNITED FRONT?
continuously advocated the adoption by the party of born in the great struggle of be represented by its own speakers at the demonstra stration will be predominantly socialist and trade the policy of the united front in the same sense that 1860, baptised in the blood of the tion.
unionist and that these organizations have by far The third fallacy in the ultimatum of the Stalin. we present it today. The victory of fascism in GerHaymarket martyrs. The idea that the political and economic organthe main weight in the conference. But that is not ists and their apologists consists in the posing of many is directly due to the rejection by the Stalinist May Day has witnessed mighty izations of the workers, regardless of their differences aseration Com the contrary, it is the duty of the and contitet between the socialist Party and the cracy and the reformist trade unions which the best deatonstrations of the marching in principle, must form a united front of action communists to march with the socialist workers and Communist Party, and the demand that the workers Opposition insistently demanded. The weakness and against the class enemy, this idea, which was reworld. It has wituessed the dark jected with such fatal consequences in Germany, has the trade unionists and to raise the banner of com choose between the two parties. March with the disorganization of the working class movement in days of the World War and the brought a host of organizations together and governs munism in their midst. As long as the communists Communist Party, not with the Socialist Party. Is this country, after four and one half years of the miserable capitulation of the their practice in carrying out all the arrangements ure permitted to march with their own banner and the formula of this ultimatum. For our part, if it unprecedented crisis, sin large part also the result Second International. It has seen to be represented by their own speakers at the dem is a question of party preference, we choose neither or the same fatal mistakes, systematically repeated the glorious days of the Russian of the united front May Day parade and demonstration. The no less important condition that each onstration and these rights have been expressly the e. nor the and follow neither. If the Breaking with the Comintern because of its ob Revolution when the workers, risprovided for all the participating organizations by May Day meetings are to be construed simply as vious and irremediable bankruptcy, and taking the ing in their might, overthrew organization shall preserve its own identity and march under its own banner is likewise respected the joint urrangements committee they have no need meetings of different parties then the revolutionary and observed by the participants.
and no right to present any other demands as a condition for united action. March separately, strike have no choice but to abstain from both demonstra Opposition) in no way alter or modify the principles, the streets which they had won.
Workers supporting the Communist League would al, the International Communists (formerly the left their oppressors and marched in These features of the demonstration signify a together this is the fundamental basis for the united tions and to organize their own, however small it strategy and tactics with regard to the broad labor Through bitter struggles, victory for the idea of the workers united front and front of the workers.
might be.
movement which they formerly proposed for the through defeats and victories, the beginning of its realization in action. For these reasons alone, the Communist League, which Insis We do not demand that the socialist workers But this is not how the question presents itself adoption of the official Communist Parties. The sometimes the few stalwarts of leave their organizations as a condition for common to us. Quite the contrary. General political meetings only difference 1, that we carry out in practice now, the vanguard, again the marching tently fights for the united front of the workers organizations, would duty bound to take part in action with us. We do not demand that they cease of the parties can be conducted apart from the dem as a completely independent organization, the tactics millions, have proclaimed to the the work and actions of the May Day Labor Confer.
to be socialists in order to make a united front with oustration under the auspices of the respective parties which we previously recommended to the This world on May First their interence which culminate in the parade and demonstra communists. We do not demand that our leader the Communist League, for example, will hold its is the meaning of our decision to participate in the national solidarity and their de tions on May Day. But there are other reasons of ship be recognized beforehand, and we do not repeat own meeting in the evening. But the demonstration Madisou Square demonstration and parade with the termination to be free no less weight and importance which make the the insune gibberish about the united front from and purace on May Day ought to represent a united Socialist Party, the trade unions and other political The Record of the Past Year course we have taken mandatory upon us as Combelow. It is such ultimatums, which the Stalinist front of all the parties and workers organizations in groups and tendencies.
Again we meet on May First to munists.
bureaucrats are in the habit of laying down to the in a single demonstration against war and fascism THE ROAD TO THE UNITED FRONT look back on a year of defeat.
The Stalinist Party (C. and the organizations front and make it impossible. We hope to convince workers, which negate the very idea of the united and for the immediate needs of the workers, Our comrades in Germany lle It is precisely the inability of the Staliniats even The parade and demonstration organized by the prostrate under the bloody Fusunder its control are conducting a separate parade the workers, in the course of common action of the lo comprehend the question in this sense, their shop May Day Labor Conference, lacking the inclusion of cist heel and demonstration at the same hour. Thus, although Our comrades in Austhe preponderant weight of forces is with the Labor inadequacy of reformism and the necessity for revo keeper conception of the special interest of their the stalinist organizations, is obviously not com tria, who fought a herole struggle lutionary policy and leadership. But we do not own party apparatus and their fear of competition. plete united front and should not be represented as stand defeated. In a capitalist Day Conference, a serious elenient of division re demand that they be convinced of this in advance that impelled them to organize the Union Square such. But this is not reason to abstain from partic world, rotten to the core, long malns in the workers ranks. Such a division is not Therein lies the fundamental difference between the demonstration as a demonstration for the Commu pation. After all the divisions and demoralization over ready for its grave diggers, is utopian to expect that the idea of the united we see Fascist bands, the scum the workers organizations and will continue to light Stalloist and the revolutionary communist conception mist Party. Their stubborn refusal to merge their for it in the future. Nevertheless, the division, and of the multed front.
party interest, for a single occasion on May Day of front will take bold everywhere with the same force of the nation, rising and striking all days, with the general class interest condemns the and that it can be realized organizationally over down the powerful workingclass the holding of the demonstrations at the same hour, WHO ARE THE REVOLUTIONARY WORKERS demonstration to Isolation as an atlair of the night.
organizations one after another, compel each organization, and each individual millThe second false assumption in the ultimatum of and its auxiliaries, despite all the crooked ballyhoo The building of the united front of the workers and with them every progressive tant to make a choice.
the Stalinists and their ideological captives is the about unity and the united front.
is a process. This process involves agitation for the Institution and every progressive We have made our choice in this matter with full argument that the Union Square demonstration is a And by the same token this policy of the Staliniats idea, experimenta in cooperation and tests in action. thought.
deliberation, and our decision is not an isolated one, demonstration of the revolutionary workers. that and the whole line of conduct flowing from it, not including all the tendencies of the more or less pro Italy! Germany! Austria! And applicable only to a single occasion. It corresponds, the Stalinist leaders are the representatives of forgetting the Madison Square Garden affair, this gresive section of the labor movement, with the now the barbaric monster raises rather, to the trend of developments in the labor Communism. This contention, false to the core, is policy and conduct made it easy for the Socialist single exception of the Stalinists and their satellites, its head everywhere throughout movement. And this, in turn, determines the tactical especially repugnant today in the face of the cynical leaders, who are no more favor of an all inclusive the May Day Labor Conference represents a tremen the world!
course of the revolutionary Marxists.
united front of Stalinism with world reaction in the lighting united front than the Stalinista, to counter. dous step forward. From this point of view it must In the face of this danger we MADISON SQUARE AND UNION SQUARE hounding of the organizer of the Russian Revolution. act the pressure of their own members for a single be bailed and supported by the revolutionary workers. see the dominant parties of the At the same time efforts must be made to broaden working class, the Second and The Stalinists, who reject the united front with Many workers with the impulse to be revolution united demonstration.
all organizations not under their direct control, de out its composition and extend it to other fields of the Third Internationals, followists will undoubtedly participate in the Stalinist THE STAND OF THE COMMUNIST LEAGUE activity in the class struggle.
ing in one country after another mand that the workers demonstrate on May Day only demonstration. But Stalinism as a political current The fact that the Socialist leaders felt obliged Needless to say, our participation at Madison the policies which lead to defeat.
under stalinist auspices. This ultimatum is repeated contributes nothing to the labor movement but ideoto agree to Joint action with every other group and Square does not apply in any way the slightest reby their camp followers of various kinds in varying logical disorientation, demoralization and dereat.
stages of confusion and demoralization.
The Stalinist hooligans corrupt every principle of organization except the Stalinists, to give up their conciliation with the Socialist Party. The united armed themselves, and when the They always original demand that the May Day Labor Conference front of action on concrete questions does not signify whole situation cried aloud for a The ultimatums of the Stalinists have no interest Communism and defile its very name, be labeled as Socialist and Labor. their agreement political collaboration. No blurring of principle united front of all labor organfor us. We reject the leadership of these political subordinate the interests of the working class to the that all the participating organizations be represented issues. No mixing of banners.
izations to crush the rising men.
hooligans and condemn them as a menace to the labor special Interests of a bureaucratie apparatus. The with their banners at the head of the parade as well Stalinists disrupt and sabotage every attempt of the movement. But to the conscientious left wing workOur principle differences with social reformism ace, we saw on the one hand the ers, who may have the mistaken Impression that the workers to unite thelr forces for common fighters on the arrangements committee and on the speak remain. We shall fight them out to the end. Not by Stalinist German with its ers platform all this is powerful testimony to the lies and slander, not by hooligan violence, but through insane policy of the united front conflicting May Day demonstrations present a choice against the class enemy. Stalinism is poison in between Communism and reformism, we owe a frank the veins of the labor movement, and its harmful in deep rooted sentiments of the Socialist workers for argument and example we shall endeavor to convince from below and its so called genuine united front.
explanation of the course we have taken. Our refluence derives precisely from the assumption by the Socialist workers of the necessity of a revolu. theory of Social Fascism refusThe Communist League fought in the conference tionary policy and leadership. In intransigeant ing to make any effort for a unitmarks on the question are addressed especially to many workers that it represents Communism.
and arrangements committee for an invitation to the principled struggle against social reformism we shaled front and disdainfully rejectthem.
It is necessary to attack this illusion in deed as Stalinists, but without success. We also sent dele work for the new party and the new International. ing the feeble overtures made by It is argued by the Stalinists and their camp well as in word and to put the question as it really gates to the Stalloist conference to propose that a Meantime, now as always, we shall stand for the sections of the Social Democracy.
followers that the parade and demonstration at stands. Stalinism is a reactionary force in the labor direct approach be made to the May Day Labor Con united front in concrete struggles of the day with On the other hand the German Madison Square, organized by the Labor Conference, movement of the whole world.
ference for a single demonstration. Our proposal the Socialist workers through the medium of their Social Democracy, relying on the will be composed predominantly of the socialist poll The Madison Square demonstration will be pre was rejected with the usual barrage of epithets and chosen organizations. friends of capitalist democracy tical organizations and reformist trade unions while dominantly reformist in composition and leadership. slander. Nevertheless, it can be asserted, so pressing. JAMES CANNON. in the enemy class, refused to take action of any sort to arm the League and co operate in the tries the workers are already pro and to prepare the workers who great task of unifying the working claiming this. There was a timein their majority followed Socialclass in the struggle for their in and not so long ago when they ist leadership terests. It time that we Russian also didn have the right we are Result of False Polieles This May Day leaflet of the What do we see? We work long us in slavery, they arrest and im the courageous sturdiness of men, workers smashed the chalns that deprived of now, the right to give The result of these policies was, League for the struggle for the and hard. We produce endless prison every one who shows any who refuse to submit to the greed the bosses and the government have voice to our needs, when they were as could have been and was again Emanelpation of the Workingclass wealth, gold and apparel, satins and signs of resistance against the op of the capitaliste. whole series placed upon us. It is time that we in such slavery as we are in now.
and again foretold, the victory was written by Comrade Lenin silks. From the depths of the earth pressors. we are forbidden to of black reaction and, worse than in prison in the year 1896, and we extract iron and coal. We bulld struggle. Ignorance and slavery of strikes has swept thru various joined our fellow workers of other But thru relentless struggle and was distributed among the Peters machines, we outfit ships, we con these are the means thru which Russian cities. Most of these strikes lands in the struggle under a heavy sacrifice they have won the that, the ignominous capitulation, without any struggle, of the pow.
burs workers in forty factories to struct railroads. All the wealth of the capitalistema the overnment that they threw the bosses into Workers of all countriel, unite. far of labor. Let us with our ended successfully, especially in common flag bearing the words. Iright to take up collectively the aferful German labor movement.
2, 000 copies.
brothers that their struggle soon For this defeat, for the tortures.
hands, of our sweat and blood. And terror and forced them into concesHow can we then improve our sions. They showed that we were other lands where the workers In France, England, Germany and lead to the desired goal, to a soclety humillations, exiles and death In preparing and distributing what kind of wages do we get in which there will be no masters this leaflet we felt that we were for this forced labor? If this conditions, raise our wages, shorten no longer cowardly paupers but have already closed their ranks and no slaves, no capitalists and no working class, the treachery of sentences heaped on the German accomplishing a great revolution were as they should be, we would be the working days protectseluese e that we had taken up the struggle. and won Important rights, the First wage workers, but all will work the Social Democracy and the ary act. month and half later living in fine houses, we would wear from insults, win for ourselves the As is well known the workers of of May is a general holiday of an together and all will enjoy the good criminal blunderings of Stalinism there doveloped the great strike sood clothes, and would never have opportunity of reading good books?
things of life together.
bear the blame.
of the splets and weavers that to suffer any need. But we know Everybody is against us and the many shops and factories have or labor.
Refusing learn by the bitter unitedly began and grew precisely under well enough that our wages never better of these gentlemen are, the sanized the League for the Struglet and only waited for the occa push down wages, force us to work nothng from them, we can rely only Workingelass with the aim of ex lip well ordered lines with flags and far or when we too will be in the influence of the May Day Tours suffice for our living our boetes worse oft we are! We can expect for for the Emancipation of the tories and parade the main streets and together, then the time is not experiences of Germany the leadership of the Austrian Social Democracy followed the same treacherous and cowardly course, form. This strike showed to us us in a word oppress us in every in unity, our method is the united struggling against the shameful op their power crown strong and join struggle of the workers of all lands.
until the wrath of the aroused.
and to the whole world that our way. And then when we give voice stubborn resistance against the pressions and swindles of our con in numerous crowded assemblies to without distinction of race or creed, bosses. Our masters realize of sciousless exploiters. The League listen to speeches in which the viengainst the capitalists of the whole working class forced action. It feelings had not betrayed us. The to our Strice began precisely in those thrown into prison without further course in what our strength lles and a stickbutes learlets at the sight of tortes achieved over the bosses are world. Our strong action will rise and was then too late for a victorious they try In every way to divide us which the hearts of the bosses and recounted and the plans for future the chains of slavery will fall. The beetle But to the everlasting places where accidently our leaf lado and to hide the identity of inter their servants, the police, tremble. struggles are developed. tollens of Russia will arise and ter.
lets had been particularly well We have convinced ourselves only ests of all workers.
credit of the Austrian proletarwent down fighting.
distributed. Gorew Goldmann. too often that all those to whom we leaflets they are terrified at the ror will striko the hearts of the lat, they Out of the Party Past.
Because they are afraid of strikes capitalists and of all other enemies fighting heroically, men and woturn for help are the servants and But It a long road that has not possibility of our united resistance, no individual boss daro fine or of the worklogelase.
men side by side, and by their the friends of the bosses. They turning and even the best of patho sign of our great power that punish the workers who are absent LEAGUE FOR THE STRUGGLE Itant spirit of the action awakened again the milCOMRADES!
keep us workers in darkness, they tlence comes to an end. In the past we have already manifested more from work on this day. On this day workers Let us consider our position very keep us ignorant so that we should few years the Russian workers have than once. We, Petersburg workers, the workers also fing their chlet FOR THE EMANCIPATION OF thro hont the world, carefully let us examine the connot dare to fight for an improve shown their masters that the cow. members of the League, call upon demand in the teeth of the bosses. THE WORKING CLASS.
The French Fascists in their ditions in which we spend our lives. ment of our conditions. They keep ardice of slaves has changed into all the rest of our comrades to join Eight hour day. In other coun Petersburg, May 1, 1896 (Continued on Page 4)
LENIN MAY DAY APPEAL TO THE RUSSIAN WORKERS Madison Square and Union Square Why Two May Day Demonstrations?
Speakers: May Day Mass Meeting Who Is Responsible for the Division of Forces? 15th St. and Irving Place Cannon. Swabeck Tuesday May 1st. Sp. Carl Cowl. Geo. Clarke. Reva Craine What is the Road to the United Front?