AnarchismBolshevismBourgeoisieCapitalismCentrismCominternCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyFascismFranceGermanyHitlerIV InternationalImperialismLeninLeninismMarxMarxismNazismRosa LuxemburgRussian RevolutionSocial DemocracySocialismSocialist PartySovietStalinStalinismStrikeTrotskyURSSUnited FrontWorkers MovementWorkers PartyWorking Class

PAGE THE MILITANT SATURDAY, APRIL 21, 1934 REVIEWING FOR THE FOURTH INTERNATIONAL Reactionaries Strike at Leon Trotsky THE NEWS THE HISTORIC DECLARATION OF THE FOUR ORGANIZATIONS AT PARIS In full realisation of the great The Third International Fascism; the perspective of a new as on an international scale. WithThe expulsion of Leon Trotsky bistoric responsibility which do which grew out of the October recycle of wars which threaten to out the freedom of criticism, with(Continued from page 1)
In the hall of persecution and from France, and the attack which volved upon them, the undersigned volution laying down the principles destroy the whole human culture out the elections of functionaries slander directed at the person of has been launched against him by organizations have unanimously de of proletarian policy in the epoch of these are the conditions which im from top to bottom withut the must be driven away like a dog. Trotsky, first by war mongers and the entire reactionary and counter aided to combine their forces for imperialism and giving the worla Peratively demand the welding to control of the apparatus by the How clearly and forcefully the social patriots during the war; revolutionary press is dealt with joint work for the regeneration of proletariat the first lessons in the gether of the proletarian vanguardrank and ble, no truly revolutionary political issues, eventually become then by the whole camp of reaction elsewhere in the Militant.
How unmistakably, through all the in the Kerensky days and in the The the revolutionary proletarian move revolutionary struggle for power, into a new (Fourth) International. party is possible.
undersigned obligate them The need for secrecy under con fog of slander and falsification, the first period of the Bolshevik revopress attack reveals that the unit ment on an international scale. Astell victim of a chain of historical The The treacherousselves to direct all their forces to ditions of illegality changes com cance of the eleven years strug lution; later taken over and magnied front from below is not the the basis for their activity they lay contradictions only kind practiced by Stalinist down the following principles: role of the social democracy, the the formation in the shortest pos pletely the forms of the internal Ble of the Bolshevik Leninists Bed by the Stalinist bureaucracy Jackals. The mortal crisis of imperial immaturity and inexperience of the sible time of this International on life of a revolutionary party and makes its way in these expressions after the death of Lenin; and now ist capitalism, which has taken the Communist parties led to the break the firm foundation of the theoretic makes wide discussions and elec of the bourgeois governments and unfolding again under the leaderL Humanite and Liberte prope out from under reformism down of the post war revolutionary and strategic principles laid downtions dificult. if not altogether in newspapers! In the above quota ship of the blackest forces of cap possible. But even under the most tions the capitalist spokesmen of italist reaction, with the Staliniste In the yelping chorus of attack (social democracy, the Second In movements in the East and in the by Marx and Lenin.
the blood hounds are led by the ternational. the bureaucracy of the West. The isolated position of the While ready to co operate difficult conditions and circum. Europe testify to their unalterable in their train In these campaigns Stalinist Humanite and the International Federation of trade proletarian dictatorship in a back with all organizations, groups and stances the basic demands of poses imperatively the ward country gave an extraordinary factions which are actually develop healthy party regime retain their able representative of the revolu concentrated on Trotsky the adDescedat cromberitance lice should be question of the break with reform power to the ever more conservative ang from reformism or bureaucratic de pereterest in de rendition and tionary program which they hate vanced and thinking workers of howls the reactionary organ. Aist policy and of the revolutionary and nationally limited Soviet bu centrism (Stalinism) towards reche party, freedom of criticism and and fear.
real inner unity between the leadthe world are beginning to see what despicable character and a rene struggle for the conquest of power relucracy. The slavish dependencevolutionary Marxian policy the un The treacherous policy of Stalis really involved: the struggle of seconds Humanite. The hirelingsarlan dictatorship as the only the Soviet top led, in its turn, to that the new International cannot be suppressed and crushed the will chain of events, is demonstrated And, more than that, the elevenon seal fronte in the social Demo capitalist society into a socialist bureaucratic degeneration to the reformism or centrism. The nee sector del Oeste manier to to the entire world in the present sandwiched in between the two great be contain Whem conta not stomach a means for the transformation of a new series of grave defeats. to tolerate any conciliation towards are celuise volutionerey worked the once again before the workers of years campaign of the stalinists, cracy to prevent Hitler coming to society.
power are not so squeamish when The problem of the proletari nist parties, to their organizational movement cannot be attained by unions into impotent bodies despite is torn aside; the ordinary stand and fusing more or less openly with bears by Its very wet and more than that, the the blurring of refor and revo their membership numbering mallard of labor ethics espoused by the latest one, stands out now more it comes to attacking and driving an revol from France Lenin co worker nature, an International character. Comintern proved not only incap lutionary conceptions or the adapt. lions. Having stitled demo levery simple and decent trade un clearly in the same light. Trotsky.
the organizer of the Red Army.
The proletariat can build a com able of fulfilling its bistoric role ation to the Stalinist policy, but cracy, the Stalinist bureaucracy ionist, which dictates ar attitude the person, is the target of the atIn 1918 the reactionary press de plete socialist society only, on the but became more and more of an only by combatting the poliices or stided also the Comintern. The of labor solidarity with a victim of tacks of capitalist reaction because nounced both Lenin and Trotsky as basis of the world division of labor obstacle in the way of the revolu both bankrupt Internationals. To new Internationul, as well as the capitalist persecution even this is he more ably and consistently remain equal to its task the New parties adhering thereto, must lacking in the conduct of the cyni than any other, has pointed out the Despicable characters waxing fat and world cooperation. The under tionary movement.
signed categorically reject, there The advance of Fascism in International must not permit any build their entire inner life on the cal bureaucrats of Stalinism from way to the revolutionary struggle on German funds. In this attack, At that time, they were joined by fore, the theory of socialism in Germany put the organizations of deviation from revolutionary princ basis of democratic centralism. Moscow to Paris and from Paris to and victory of the workers.
many Mensbeviks who are now on one country which undermines the the working class to a decisive test. iples in the question of the insur 11. The undersigned created a New York.
The campaign of Stalinim the Stalinist payroll. The list in very foundation of proletarian included, in America, the confirmed the desiguation given it ship, the Soviet form of the state, representatives and assigned the class against the class enemy, but paign against his ideas, and that, No less energetically must be by Rosa Luxemburg and revealed etc.
Moisseye Olgin.
following to it.
a united front with fascist reaction in turn, has been at bottom a fulrejected the theory of the Austro itself for second time as thej By its class basis, by its so (a) The elaboration of a pro this is the essence of the Stalin Allment of the commands of alien Stalin and Kemal Pasha Marxists, centrists and Left re stinking corpse The overcoming cial foundations, by the incontestgramatic manifesto as the ist practice in the campaign against classes. The whole anti Trotsky formists who, under the pretext of of the organizations, ideas andably prevailing forms of property, charter of the new Interna Trotsky. Frothing at the mouth, course of Stalinism, studded along In 1928 Stalin, fearing the reactional; tion to the murder of the best the international character of the methods of reformism is the neces the remains also today every jackal of the apparatus, every the path for eleven years with disknown and most capable of Russian socialist revolution, advocate an sary prerequisite for the victory of a workers state, that is an instru. b) the preparation of a critical corrupt functionary of regime organization and defeat of the revolutionists, decided Instead to expectant passivity with regard to the working class over capitalism. ment for the building of a socialist analysis of the organizations that is corrupted to the core, barks workers movement in all countries, The German events revealed society. The new International will and tendencies of the pres at the heels of the international is true to itself and more self re deport him. By a united front with their own country delivering thereent day workers movement revolutionist.
Mustapha Kemal Pasha, murderer by the proletariat in reality into with no less force the collapse of inscribe on its banner as one of its of Turkish revolutionists, Stalin se the hands of Vascism. proletar. the Third International. Despite its most important tasks the defense (theoretic commentary to the Drive him away like a dog. de conclusion is clearer and more invealing than ever now. And the Manifesto. mands the Fascist newspaper. And escapable than ever: Stalinism is a cured an agreement to confine Trot ian party which evades the seizure fourteen years existence, despite of the Soviet state from imperialsky to the island of Prinkipo. The of power under the present historic the experience gained in giganticism and Internal counter revolu. c) the elaboration of theses on the spokesman of the Soviet Embas reactionary force in the labor move all the fundamental questions sy in Paris adds: The Soviet Gov ment of the world.
motion for his exile was carried crayals.
The victorious proletariat of the Soviet state and the plenti defense of the places of the revolutionary strategy ernment is making no effort to inThe accusations brought against of the proletariat; terfere. We assume the French Trotsky by the French police remaining members who had served of one country must strengthen its ful means for propaganda, the Com upon us the imperative task of (d) the representation of the Government is capable of handling veal the whole essence of the maton the party Polburo with Lenin. national dictatorship by socialistmunist Party of Germany revealed freeing the revolutionary forces of construction, which remains of nec its incapacity under conditions of the entire world from the corrupt undersigned organizations behim. United Press, April 18). ter in a few compact sentences.
Later when all of Lenin co essity incomplete and contradictory grave economic, social and politi ing Influence of the Stalinist Com fore the outside world. He advocates a revolution by They accuse bim of working for a SIGNED: an armed workers militia. say united front of Socialists and Comworkers were removed from the until the working class seizes pocal crisis, conditions exceptionally intern and of building a new Interleadership and only Stalin, of all litical power in at least a few ad favorable for a revolutionary vic national. Only under the condition Bauer International Left the French authorities in an munists to prepare for massacthose who served on the Polburo vanced capitalist countries. Simul tory, and thereby showed concluso complete independence of the Opposition (Bolshevik Lennouncing his deportation (Associton They charge him with adin Lenin day, remained, Trotsky taneously, the victorious working ively that despite the heroism of international proletarian organiza ated Press, April 18. Humanite, vocating the formation of a workinists)
citizenship was taken away. He class of one country must direct all many of its members it had become tions from the Soviet bureaucracy organ of French Stalinism, replies: ers militin to repel the Fascist Schwab Socialist He is a renegade and a despicable attacks and to take the offensive who had made Soviet visas pos its efforts to the extension of the totally incapable of fulfilling its and the tireless unmasking of its false methods before the working Workers Party of Germany) character generally. Herald Trib. against them.
sible found himself without a Visa socialist revolution to other coun historie role. Schmidto. In une correspondent, April 16. They indict him for by Stalin, the one member of the tries. The contradiction between The position of world capital masses is a successful defense of dependent Socalist Party of During the February clashes be that they must ight to the death.
bis solemn warning to the workers Polburo, who in Lenin estimation the national character of the seiz ism; the frightful crisls which the Soviet Union possible.
tween the police and mobs. the And they drive him out of France was disloyal, overbearing, an abus ure of power and the international plunged the working masses into 10. Party democracy is a neceser of power and unfit for leadership character of socialist society can be unbeard of minery: the revolutionary prerequisite for the healthy de Sneevliet Re French police charge, he sent because summons the workers resolved only by courageous revolu ary movement of the oppressed col velopment of revolutionary prole. volutionary Socialist Party agents to the Socialist and Com to reorganize their ranks under the George Inyents a Plot tionary action.
Tonial masses; the world danger oftarian parties on a national as well of Holland)
manist leaders urging a monster banner of the Fourth International.
In 1931, when Trotsky applied joint meeting to prepare for mass actions. Associated Press, Aprilgram to strike terror to the hearts That, in brief, is indeed a profor permission to visit Czecho SloRobins and Gras Sentenced 18. And the New York Freiheit, of all exploiters. In those clear, which is vegetarian mess which he served against that kind of a simple words there is the prescrip united front, explains in an edition for the workers struggle and to the readers of the Daily WorkDutch Government Following the conviction of Her refused to allow testimony in favor torial on April 19th, that Trotsky victory. If the workers will hoed er, attacked Trotsky with a viciousald Robins and Andres Gras, two of the accused, while he permitted. Is a man whom the revolution these words in time, and carry ness exceeded only by the White Aroused by the recent deportation to Germany from Holland to seek militant workers active in the hotel the jury to be prejudiced by the ary workers the world over hate them out in Jeeds, they can reform George, using his imagination to from Holland to Germany of four information about their fate. The strike, on a framed up charge of testimony of detectives that Robins and despise. For the class con their ranks and halt the march of Guard press of Czecho Slovakia.
concoct a story that would gain German workers, refugees from deported workers were delegates to assaulting a scab, the labor hating was a Communist and a strike agisclous workers the Trotsky matter reaction. The can smash the dread him prestige with his masters, Hitler persecution, American labor a conference of independent 40 judge Corrigan, who presided over tator.
is no more than an incident among menace of fascism and clear the stated that the Czecho Slovak Gov groups and advocates of civil lib. cialist and Communist parties and the trial and who used all the Immediately after sentence was capitalist governments and ther way for revolutionary victory.
ernment, Kerensky and Trotskyerty yesterday asked the Dutch groups at Laren, Holland. When means in his power to secure the passed, both Robins and Gras were servant.
In these issues, so fateful for the an attack on the Soviet Union. The sul General for guarantees of asy can delegates were also deported. 18th of April. Harold Robins was Sing Sing pennitentiary. once again and it is by accl has.
given the maximum sentence under dent that they direct it against the Driving with breakneck speed toWhite Guard press in Prague de lum for political exiles. joint chief exponent of the revolutionary ward the establishment of a fasnounced Trotsky as a murderer and statement of protest against present Labor Conference Sends Protest the charge, from two and a half THE INTERNATIONAL years to five years in the penitenan enemy of civilization. TrotskyDutch policy was presented to the doctrines which they trample in cist regime in France, they scent was not granted a visa stalinism Consul General odice, 17 Battery the Dutch authorities against ex from one to two years.
Aroused by the hostile attitude of tiary. Gras was sentenced to serve BULLETIN the mud. They deported him from danger in the program of Trotsky and the White Guards again saved Place, by Herbert Solow George lled German workers and Socialists, The whole case was a conspiracy eight pages, is now off the press and with the Turkish police to Immure against him. By the same token The English edition, printed form the Soviet Union; they dickered and launch a furious campaign civilization.
Provisional Committee for Non the left abor Conference to Combat loe the Hotel Association in the at can be ordered directly from the sim on an island as in a prison; the workers or France and te kan Vanguard of the Bourgeoisie Hitlerism a sharply Wrecks of what once were revo up and circulated the protest.
Partisan Labor Defense which drewworded letter to the Dutch Ministerlers and to stem their militancy. copy and cash must accompany alternments to keep him out of Encountries ought to rally to his ala without delay.
rope. under the guise of calling at Trotsky life at the present moThe defense of lutionists, like Bill Dunne, and The statement read in part in Washington, Jonkeer van Haersma de With, protesting against Attorney Jacob Visbman has orders.
spineless chatterers who never follows: could be revolutionists, like Sam persecutions and asking that nec been engaged to appeal the case on For a worker to cherish oppo essary guarantees be given to the the grounds that the two workers ORDER BUNDLE OF MIL protection at Prinkipo they incited labor movement in order to defend Don, again and again denounced siti Trotsky as the advance agent of is to risk prison, concentration constant threat to humanity, free to the Hitler dictatorship victims of a regime which is a did not get a falr trial. The judge TANTS ONE CENT PER COPY. White Guards (if not stalinist itself.
agents) to assassinate him; they JAMES CANNON.
imperialism. That snivelling Ur camp brutalities, even the execu dom, peace and progress. The acorganized demonstrations against lah Heap. Earl Browder, whose tloner axe. We wish you to thon follows the initiative taken in his admission to France and now to Losovsky belly crawling WILL FASCISM COME TO they salute his deportation by a reStalin won him the leadership or forward our demand that your the case by the Provisional Commitactionary government that paves AMERICA?
government immediately and pub tee for Non Partisan Labor Defense.
the American Party at the recentlicly guarantee to all German poThe Pledge Fund for the stabilization of the Militant took a big the way for Fascism! And all this Lecture By convention, cautioned new members tical refugees safe conduct The letter, protests specifically JAMES CANNON of the Party from considering Trotthrough and asylum in Holland. against the breaking up of a confer Leap forward at a closed meeting of sympathizers and members, helu cynical cooperation with the class skyites as a branch of Commun Until such guarantee has been ence of representatives of young at Irving Plaza on Sunday, April 15th. At this meeting comrade enemy is passed off as revolutionary Friday, May 4, 1934 ism.
at 8:00 workers organizations at Laren Cannon reported on Developments in the Movement for a New Com Bolshevism! Revolutionary workagency of the capitalist class acquaint the masses of America They are rather police made, we will do our utmost to Holland, foreign delegates to which munist Party, our Relations and Negotiations with Other Groups, and ors, learn to despise this bureau By his interview in the Evening with the attitude and activities were arrested and deported. Four Next Steps. Following the questious and discussion, an appeal for cratic canaille which defiles the Elm MIU Building, 532 Warren St.
Opposite Waumbeck St.
Post, Browder shows himself to be of the Dutch government and to though they were refugees from the teen of those present made detuite pledges for regular weekly and The advanced workers all over delegates were sent to Germany al Militant supporters was made and met with gratifying results. Seven The Real Issues Break Through Roxbury, Mass part of the united front with the arouse them to effective expres Hitler tyranny and were wanted by monthly sums to the Militant.
capitalist police agency that ission of the profound horror and the Nazl authorities.
the world in increasing numbers Admission 15 Cents hounding Trotsky from France.
anger we know they will feel.
We urge other branches to follow the experiment made by Local are beginning to see the issues as The Labor Conference to Combat New York.
they really are and to draw the Auspleos: Boston Branch Communist Against Fascism for the Fourth Organizations Signing Protest Hitlerism is composed of workers They are League of America International Among the organizations endors organizations and trade unions in In the last issue we reported 40 regular pleelgers in addition to necessary conclusions.
Quotations published in the caping the protest are, besides the Pro the United States. Its headquar three new ones, making a total of 13. Today we report another 20 breaking out of the circle that has been drawn around them the dev. SEND DOLLAR FOR FOUR Italist press, from the stirring man visional Committee, the Youngſters are in New York. David Dupledgers, of whch 17 pledged at the meeting as stated above.
il circle of lies and calumnies, of PRE PAID SUB CARDS, EACH ifesto of the Fourth International, People Socialist League, the binsky, President of the InternaTHE PLEDGERS perversion, fakery and disorienta GOOD FOR SIX MONTHS SUBshould be enough If anything was League for Industrial Democracy, tional Ladies Garment Workers 43 Previously reported.
SCRIPTION ON THE CLUB PLAN needed to show, that Leon Trot the National Unemployed League, Union, is chairman; Charney 44. Toven, Bay Ridge 0) monthly sky today, is the self same revolu the American Workers Party, the Vladeck, treasurer, and Bela Low.
45. Becker, Manhattan weekly tionist, the organizer and leader of Spartacus Youth Clubs, the Com secretary. The executive council 46. 25 New Haven weekly OUT IN MAY. SUBSCRIBE NOW.
the revolutionary proletariat, as he munist League of America, the consists of Sidney Hillman, Presi47 Tonasin, Bronx 25 weekly was when he organized the insur Communist Party Opposition, and dent of the Amalgamated Clothing THE NEW INTERNATIONAL 00 monthly rection in Petrograd, when he or the Jewish Workers Party. In ad Workers 48. Sydney Manhattan of America; Joseph 49. Pauline Manhattan An Organ of Revolutionary Marxism ganized and led the Red Army to aition it is endorsed by Roger Bald Schlossberg, secretary treasurer of 255 50. McAbe, Bronx weekly victory and as he was when Lenin win, director of the American Civil the of A; Danish of the 51. Geltmans, Manhattan 00 monthly Published Monthly by the National Committee, Communist League in his last message to the Party Liberties Union; Carlo Tresca, edi Zaritsky and called him the most capable man tor of Il Martello and anarchist Spector, President and Secretary, 52 Sympathizer weekly of America on the Central Committee.
53. Samuel Manhattan leader; Herman Gund, General Or respectively, of the International 00 monthly Max Shachtman, Editor Martin Aborn, Bus. Mgr.
Even Station 54. Cyril Manhattan if murdered by White sanizer of the Amalgamated Food Union of Cap and Millinery WorkPost Office Box 119 Guardists, or assassinated by Stal Workers Union; James Cannon, ers; Weinberg and Baskin of Manhattan 00 monthly New York, in agents as was the sterling re editor of the Militant; Alex Ball, the workmen Circle; Guskin One Year, 50; Seven Issues, 00; Single Copy, 15 Cents; 56. Lillian Manhattan 00 monthly volutionist Blumkin, of one thing editor of the Workers Age and Finestone of the United Canada and Foreign countries One Year, 75. Cornbo, Manhattan weekly both stalinists and White Guard. Solow, Secretary of the Provis. Hebrew Trades, Ph. Zausner of the 18. Manhattan 00 monthly ists, in their united front, can be lonal Committee, said the refusal Painters District Council 9; MilE. Manhattan. 50 monthly enclose herewith. for which please enter my sure the International Communist to transmit the protest will cause ler and Hollander of the Amalsubscription for the NEW INTERNATIONAL: 60. Clara Manhattan 00 weekly League which Trotsky organized a further intensification of the pro gamated Joint Board; Norman Tho61. Anna Brooklyn and inspired will go forward in the test movement. Many European or mas, Socialist Leader; Nagler of weekly Name.
building of the Fourth Internation ganizations, Solow said, have regis the Cloak Joint Board, and other 62 Bronx 00 monthly Address al that will lead the workers of the tered protests and a fund is being labor leaders.
63. Friend, Manhattan 00 weekly City.
world to final victory. paid 25 weeks in advance)
raised to help defend the four vic. State. BILL. tims. An attorney has been sent JOIN THE COMMUNIST LEAGUE Once a month a complete list of all pledigers will be published.
wake Harrison core in the Labor Groups Protest Action of and Pledge Fund 50 25 Weekly. 50. 25 weekts 55.
25 50 25