BolshevismBourgeoisieCapitalismCominternCommunismCommunist PartyEnglandFascismFranceGermanyIV InternationalImperialismLeninLeninismNazismRussian RevolutionSocialismSocialist PartySovietStalinismSyndicalismTrotskyUnited FrontWorking Class

PAGE THE MILITANT SATURDAY APRIL 21, 1934 Triple Unionism Nazis Violate Tomb The Stalinist Conference MARCH OF EVENTS the that Militant Builders Shachtman Tour UNDER THE Of Eckstein NRA The Draft Resolution for the reactionary leaders, agents of the The May Day Conference beld, War Conference. They say we are Eighth Convention of the pro bourgeoisie, labor aristocrats Breslau (T. The Indescribable moral jects a trade union policy that bourgeoisified workers.
in Webster Hall last Saturday af too conservative for them. But destruction which ternoon, was another monument to our Anti War Conference is a genshould be fool proof. They are takThe party. the Resolution Nazism brought in its wake, is the united front from below pol uine united front including church Injunction Based On NRA ing no chances this time. Since the continues, must conduet sharp borne out once more by facts. Nazi All Eyes To France!
Some of the first fruits of the of untons have organized struggle against any liquidatory criminals have violated and partly. cy of the Stalinists. T16 delegates es, American Legion Posts, NRA are ripening in sunny Call in them millions of workers and tendencies and expose the slanders destroyed the tomb of the leader of representing the CP. and unions and A, and so forth. Can The lessons of the victory of HitSuplemen bere indeed Cohl injunction than heretofore. because of the in, who call for the liquidation of the Eckstein, who was murdered last of the officials with an attitude ap they want us to make united fronts sorbed by the bourgeoisie of other these restraining the officials of the Cenflux of new members and the efT. unions. decisive May in a concentration camp.
with the Norman Thomases.
tral Labor Council and Waiters Lo forts of the government to force turn towards the work in the The tomb of Eckstein wife, the The election of credentials and countries. The pattern of bloody tad number 17 from picketing the workers into the of unions of for what purpose. greater former Socialist municipal council: resolutions committees proceeded trades specialist, declared that ent epoch, it becomes all the easier Koretz, Stalinist needle reaction once supplied in the presBrown Derby Cate in the Hollywood in many industries. Any underesti attention to the work in the inde 10r Clara Ziels Eckstein who died smoothly from lists proposed by the Trotskyist contraband was being for the capitalist class in any coundistrict of Los Angeles.
mation of work in the of pendent unions. says the resoluthree years 180, was treated in chairman. The discussion. by a smuggled into the conference. Then try, faced with The Injunction says the closed unions is incompatible with the line tion, implies not a weakening but similar vandalic fashion.
danger to it of shop is illegal under the NRA. In of the party. Daily Worker, strengthening of the work in the strict official orders to the press of George Siskind report, mono by Carl Brosky which clinched the militant proletariat, to basten the prearranged schedule of speakers, came the finished pronunciamento radicalization of the masses and a part the Judge said, it would be March 28.
contrary to the provisions of both Very good! But does that inean New Method of Disruption the NEA and the Restaurant Code at the rival unions By what new form for personing cussions a procedure Womande de lever phrases and slogans of Stalinism. social fascists have their own unit aictatorship. It is in this senise and would be in effect prohibiting should be liquidated so that the it is deduced that by working in speakable deed became nevertheless Comrade Carl Cowl, one of the ed front. It clears the air. We that a wave of reaction spreads an employee the right to join or not Communists can again work in the the of and independent un miraculously known in the workers delegates of the Communist League, can now build our united front in from country to country, just as a to join a labor organization as such mass trade unions and be a force in ions you are thereby strengthening quarters and led to considerable er got the floor and read a statement solidarity with the working class. successful revolution brings the It would exposing the bureaucrats and win the is not revealed. The citement and open mutterings which ing for the establishment of a gen passed by acclamation including a It is in this sense to that the de few resolutions were read and workers to their feet everywhere.
be an agreement upon the part of ning the workers over to class only conclusion one can draw from the Nazl authorities preferred to uine united front for May Day, to manifesto to all members and fol. feat of the proletariat of one coun: the employer that would compel struggle program? No! Not at all, this tactic which is well substan overlook.
said employee to join the labor unanswer the Stalinites. The bulld tiated by history is that it is a clude all mass organizations and lowers of of unions, the try, is a defeat of the working class Ion. ing of the unions must re new method of disrupting and split AustrianFighters Sentenced duence of the Communist Party of time, the chairman announced the orance reactionrmeres capace political groups not under the in and so forth. Due to shortness of the entire world.
Green and Company issued a circeive the greatest attention.
ing bona fide trade union organizacular some time ago which states What, then, is the purpose of tions which are not stalinist conbor Declaration of Inde having the communists work in the trolled and therefore, ipso facto, in Vienna (T. 128 particl tion of a committee to confer with would be mailed to the respective tional concentration. to which has pendence was signed June 16, 1983 Of There can be but one the last analysis company unions. pants in the four day Austrian civil the Socialist controlled May Day organizations. The motions of the been assigned the task of usbering When the National Industrial Rereason, it one is to be logical, and After making this brilliant ana: mary courts of Vienna, Graz, Leo the basis for a single May Day Repeated attempts of delegates to to get rid of parliament so as to covery Act was signed, especially that is to split and disrupt.
take the floor on the question were rule by decree. measure is about referring to Section 7a. This is the Lenin on Trade Union Tactics an Independent Federation of LAben, Poelter, Steyr, and Linz, a demonstration.
section which now This speech injected a flicker of hammered down. When finally the to be proposed to permit the PrestLenin, already in 1920. polemic bor. Evidently things are not 80 statement of the Austrian Ministry becomes the basis for the legalizing of company ized against the attempts of the ing so well with the RED trade of Justice says. Twenty defendants life into a conference which would representative of the Left Poale dent to dissolve the House of unions and the open chor and out new and puro workingmen uteg have ever is need to as were executed on the gallows while the delegates responded to testo loculs be directly invited to receive the entire initiative in mations. In order to be able to help with the So a new as the death sentences of the remain proposal with applause and enthu participate, the motion was defeat ters of finance also Thus the exthe masses. wrote Lenin, and to leaf is needed for the discredited Ing twelve thanks to the outspoken stasm. In dismay the machine und by the Stalinist clique. ecutive arm of the government is Trust Busters Plan Fight win their sympathy, confidence and Industrial Unions. And since our criticism abroad, were commuted tombered. Communist League. The credentials committee re to be strengthened before the open The small industrialists, the trust support, it is necessary to brave all philosophers of the Third Period life long incarceration. 23 persons shouted Tallentyre. Do you know ported shortly before adjournment offensive against the working class.
fight against the powerful central and prosecutions by their leaders creating new organizations they from five to twelve years; five were ist renegades! These are the peo people in the hall who had already Uniting of the Forces of Reaction izing effects of NRA on industry (who being opportunists and social now proceed to bulld an Independ freed. The charges against the reple who refused to join our Anti voted the business of the conference.
The strong resistance of the and economic life. They hoped to chauvinists, are in most cases, dient Federation of Labor. This of maining elghty have been turned workers to the attempted Fascist open their big guns through Borah rectly or indirectly connected with course in no way conflicts with over to the ordinary courts which coup etat during the March riots, and to League Statement to Conference has served to unite the entire reacments to the NRA when it would be work by every possible means wherpendent unions. Quite the contrary, sands of other arrested Socialists.
tionary wing of the bourgeoisie.
up in the Senate for a renewal of ever the masses are to be found. All this merely strengthens the Such organizations as the Action the Licensing Power which expires (our emphasis. And further. Not SUBSCRIBE TO THE MILITANT.
In the face of the rising Fascist of social fascism negates the Francaise, the Jeunesses Patriotes this June. In this fight they count to work within the reactionary This is the new trade union line danger in this country, and with possibility of reaching broad mass (Patrotic Youth. the Solidarite ed on the support of Green and the trade unions means to leave the in of the party. They have forgotten the tragic examples of Germany es in organizations not under Francaise (the armed bands of other class collaborationists who sufficiently developed or backward nothing and learnt nothing.
ST. LOUIS and Austria before us, we find the Communist Party influence. The Coty. and the Croix de Heu, reacthey hoped, could drag along a good working masses to the influence of.
two dominant parties of the work disgrace of the Madison Squaretionary veterans under the influence share of the workers support.
Mar Shachtman will speak in St. ing class, the Socialist and Com Garden was seized upon by the So of the notorious munitions makers, Louis Wednesday evening. 7:30 munist Parties, making no serious cialist Party bureaucracy The Monopolists and their benchmarsh the Comite des Forges, have closed April 26th, at the Crunden efforts to build up a genuine united al support against a real united ranks against the working class.
man in the NRA apparatus under Branch Library auditorluel, 14th front of workers organizations. In front.
stand what is before them. They and Cass Avenues, on the subject. stead of a united front, we are con Despite this, the Communist cuts in pensions imposed by DouThe Croix de Feu, in accepting the alm to avert any difficulties by a Why We Need a New Revolution fronted with the spectacle of the League of America believes that mergue, has given him an ultimamanuever to keep the NRA out of ary Party.
the Senate at this critical stage.
Mayor of New York and the police there is still a chance for one unit tum to take clear steps toward FasTo do this they will sacrifice the On Thursday evening. April 26th, department acting as arbiters bewed front demonstration on Maychem before July 1st when the cut Licensing power vested in the Presia banquet will be held with Sbacht tween the two parties over the use Day. We propose that this confer is to become effective. Weygand dent and rely on public opinion and man, for the benefit of the Militant, of Union Square for two united fence should now take the initiative, and other Generals of the Clerical injunctions for enforcement. If the Schedule at 1719 Latayette Ave The new campaign to add a secfor all front demonstrations against war not by empty appeals to followers persuasion, are playing identically Injunction issued in California is ond thousand new subs to the Miliand members but by adopting the the same role as the Italian and a forerunner of what is coming the tant mailing list is under way. The Sun, April 22 Kansas City, Mo. sympathizers and friends of the and Fascism.
The same policy that led in Eu Collowing course: German Fascist generals in arming Mon. April 23 Kansas City, Mo. Left Opposition big capitalists have all the weapons arst thousand mark has already rope to the destruction of an work Elect a representative com and drilling reactionary sections of Tues. April 24 Kansas City, Mo.
they need been passed. As an Illustration of Wed. April 25 St. Louis, Mo.
Davenport Meeting ing class organizations by the Fasmittee at this conference to meet the middle class. And Doumergue The sweeping reorganization in how it was done we print below a cist beasts are being followed in directly with the Labor Committee has already begun to disarm the Thurs. April 26 st. Louis, Mo.
THE COMING WAR the NRA, the change from the stage letter from one of the champion America by these parties. We pro for May Day and propose the merg workers.
Fri. April 27 Staunton or GNFascism or Communism?
of formulating codes to administer sub getters: pose a policy that will prevent such ing of the two existing May Day lespie, Ill.
Lecture by ing them, through the Department catastrophies, a policy of the real conferences into one United Labor Fascist or Proletarian Dictatorship?
Sat. April 28 Springfield, in.
MAX SHACHTMAN of Justice, will more than compenunited front organization to or Committee for May Day for the The French workers have shown HOW COOVER DOES IT Sun. April 20Davenport, Ia.
Member of the ganization for the fight against buildng of one united May Day splendid readiness to unite to de site for the dropping of the Licensing power.
Minneapolis, Minn.
Mon. April 30 Davenport, Ia.
at Fascism and for the defense of all demonstration.
feat fascism. It was their revoDear Comrade Stamm: That this conference and parutionary outpouring into the streets Tues. May Chicago, Ill.
workers organizations.
Unity Center Hall, 3rd noor Yours of March 16 requesting a The Communist Party which ticipating organizations go on rec that shut the door to an immediate Profits Increase Under NRA story about getting Militant subs.
Wed. May 2Chicago, Ill.
Whitaker Bldg. Bed and Brady Sts, dominates this conference proposes, ord as ready to make mutual pleds Fascist coup de etat. But the ques.
As part of the middle class cam. Well here are the facts, you write Thurs. May Chicago, III.
Davenport, Iowa instead of such a united front, the es to the Labor Committee for Maytlon now resolves itself into one of paign against the big business lead the story.
Fri. May Waukegan, II. united front from below under Day not to interfere with or attack organization and leadership. Only ership of the NRA, Senator Nye is Sat. May Detroit, Mich. Monday, April 30, 1934 at pm. leadership. Such a false the marchers, banners or speakers Soviets, guided by a militant policy. always have sub cards with me stumping the country, telling a few Sun. May Detroit, Mich.
Admission 106. Tickets obtainable united front can be built only of other participating organiaztions, leading the workers from a defonsfacts about it. He says that the and every opportunity get when from Betty Rowland, 2224 Rock with its own subsidiary organiza and that the same guarantee for ive struggle for workers rights to present program helps the monopo talking to an acquaintance, a friend, JOIN THE COMMUNIST LEAGUE. ingham Road, Davenport, Iowa. tions such as are represented here real united front be asked of the the transformation of this struggle lists. It administration has been or a worker, ask them if they read in this conference. But the Fascist Labor Committee for May Day. for the seizure of power can save the Militant; most of them don menace rides roughsbod over such FOR THE REAL UNITED Brance from fate of Germany.
Ital far beyond any increase encriminal masquerades.
FRONT OF ALL WORKING Joyed by labor. he says. Indus show them the paper and tell them The Labor Committee for May CLASS ORGANIZATIONS ON The Farmer and American trial Recovery under the New Deal It six whole months or 26 issues The puppet government of Amer betray the revolution and the estab. Parts, containing a large section of FOR THE UNITED STRUGGLE Day, dominated by the Socialist MAY DAY!
Imperialism was to be won through the break for only a 25e piece.
ing up of the forces of greed and of course having been a memberican Imperialism established in Culishment of the dictatorship of the the trade unions, as well as other AGAINST WAR AND FASCISM!
American Imperialism is faced monopoly. Under the NKLA, mono of my union for 27 years and the INTERNATIONAL with the dilemma common to the poly has been more strongly in Minneapolis local for 24 years through the defeat of the revolution the property is owned by American huge May Day demonstration. The SOLIDARITY OF THE WORKING capitalists of all the advanced intrenched than ever before. slves me quite a field to work in is endeavoring to stamp out the m1l. imperialism.
policy followed by the Communist CLASS!
dustrial countries. That dilemma period of struggle against re Party the united front from be New York Local, involves the imperialist policy of This information is not new to that many of the younger comrades tant labor and revolutionary organthese years izations. Trade unions are sup action is abead. period of re: low. based on the infantile theory us, but we can at least see that it don have. Also, Communist League of America monopoly capitalism for the native farmers. The home farmers are Is soaking into different layers of since belonging to the party and pressed, the workers press smashed trenchment. perlod of building of the classes in America. The work the League, having been very out jailed. The terror of the agents of shevik Leninist Party of Cuba is prohibited, leaders killed and a strong foundation. This the Bolo the competitors of the farmers fog class must be on guard against spoken in the movement and baving American imperialism against the preparing.
the backward and the colonial countries to whom the imperialists They need, above all, these middle class reformers who stood, think, pretty consistently Cuban workers and peasants is in the financial aid of their American must sell their surplus production have behind them an increasing on the same political and trade uncomrades and friends.
over and above what can be sold number of restless followers. The son ground all this time, have creasing.
Reports from the Bolshevik Lon Now is your chance to do more in the home market. The backward workers interest does not call for gained the respect of many workers PROBLEMS OF THE CHINESE agricultural countries can only buy reform of the NRA. It can only be that disagree violently with my po Inist Party, Cuban section of the than the average toward revolution Help the Cuban com REVOLUTION 160 pp. Cloth 50, paper 00 goods if they in turn can sell to served by buildng our labor organ litical views. Sometimes get their International Communist League in America THE PERMANENT REVOLUthe advanced nations thelr farm izations outside of and in opposition sub and their agreement to read the inform us that many of our leading rades prepare for the coming revoTION comrades have been arrested. In lution, to oust American imperial180 pp. Cloth 00, paper 50 products. The American capitalto the NRA apparatus of the capto paper.
Havana alono over a dozen are in Ism and establish Soviets.
THE STRATEGY OF THE ists would like to arrange matters talists.
In short, just ask workers to jail.
The class war prisoners in Cuba WORLD REVOLUTION 86 pp.
paper 25 so that this happy state of exchange take the Militant in whatever man The heroic struggle and the en need your aid. The Bolshevik Len GERMANY WHAT NEXT? 192 pp. Cloth 65, paper 35 is brought about at the expense of Social Origin of Crime ner seems to be the best under the tablishment of Soviets in parts of Inist Party of Cuba, which carries THE ONLY ROAD for Germany 96 pp. Cloth 65, paper 25 the American farmer. Roosevelt COMMUNISM AND SYNDICand Wallace are engaged, underResults of a detailed study of it the first time, ask again and have not been in vain despite the imperialists, must have your finan ALISM 64 pp.
paper 16 neath all their programs of imme.
2, 600 prisoners made by Dr. James again, until do, or else get a Mat treacherous middle class action and clal support.
SPANISH REVOLUTION IN diate farm relief, in carrying McCartney, director at Elmira further use for six months or so. Stalinites issued instructions to the Latin American Department of Send your contribution at once to DANGER 64 pp.
paper 15 through this aim of monopoly capRUSSIA, PROBLEMS OF DEitalism. They would like to cut the parents of the prisoners were then can ask again if they have their Cuban section not to selzo the Communist League of America, VELOPMENT OF 48 pp.
down the export crop acreage as changed their mind about taking American property. This means to 126 East 16th St, New York City.
tradesmen or laborers who made a SOVIET ECONOMY IN DANmuch as possible.
very small wage and consequently the Militant. The sub cards are GER 72 pp paper 10. The Farmers a Social Anchor were forced to exist on a low econot hard to sell. Just keep trying. COOVER.
IN DEFENSE OF THE RUSBut here is the rub. In England nomic scale. 55 of the prisoners SIAN REVOLUTION 48 pp.
paper 05 Enclosed And 00 for 20 came from families of more than this process was carried to compleMY LIFE. publisbers pr. 00) 600 pp. ONLY 00 tion by the wiping out of the farmer children and 10 from families of Militant sub cards. have about THE HISTORY OF THE RUSclass. If this occurred in America, 10 to 21 children.
15 on hand but will get rid of most FOURTH INTERNATIONAL SIAN REVOLUTION vols. pub. pr. 10. 00) 60 what class in society could the capof them before Max leaves italists depend upon for support in THE MILITANT The First of a New Series of Lectures on the International NEW SUBS case of proletarian revolt? The TEN YEARS, History and PrinProgram with Special Reference to America Entered as a second class mall capitalists are few, the workers ciples of Left Opposition Chicago Br.
By matter November 28, 1928, at the 80 pp.
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UNEMPLOYMENT AND THE properly, can be made a bulwark of der the act of March 3, 1879.
James Cannon Los Angeles Br.
Published Weekly by the Comreaction for the defense of social AMERICAN WORKING CLASS 24 pp.
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ists are forced to compromise in Toronto Br.
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nothing better than to establish a SATURDAY, APRIL 21, 1934 The PIONEER PUBLISHERS can supply any book you need. peasant class living on a subsistI. Borsook EDITORIAL BOARD 15th Street and Irving Place BUY PIONEER PUBLISHERS. 00 CERTIFICATE ance level and not producing capMartin Abern James Cannon Leeser which will entitle you to a 40 discount on all its publications italist crops. But this is not easy Max Sbachtman Maurice Spector Osborn and to a 20 reduction on all books of other publishers. AdSUNDAY, APRIL 29th at P.
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Subscription rate: 00 per year JACK WEBER Total For Week 50 per half year. Canada ADMISSION 15 CENTS QUESTIONS AND DISCUSSION PIONEER PUBLISHERS and Foreigo: 50 per year; Previously Reported 1014 Other lectures to follow on succole Sundays: Fascism; the 84 Baat 10th Street, Now York, SEND DOLLAR FOR FOUR Trade Union Question; the United Front 76c for six months.
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