BolshevismBourgeoisieBujarinCominternCommunismEngelsEnglandFascismFranceGermanyHitlerIV InternationalItalyLeninMarxMarxismRussian RevolutionSocialismSocialist PartySovietSpainStalinStalinismStrikeTrotskyURSSUnited FrontWorkers MovementWorking ClassWorld War

UNITE THE MILITANT REACTION HOUNDS TROTSKY. Weekly Organ of the Communist League of America VOLUME VII, NO. 16 (WHOLE NO. 220 NEW YORK, SATURDAY, APRIL 21, 1934 PRICE CENTS Organize a Fight for the Right of Asylum in the Spectre of Communism in The Fourth International How Trotsky Lived and Worked in Exile Before And Was Deported from Country to Country The deportation of Trotsky by in fighting for his right of asylum With a fury and venom reminis action wants the head of Trotsky!
the reactionary government of here we can be true to the prolecent of the mad campaigns against Let the workers take heed and raise France and the campaign of hound tarian spirit of comrade Trotsky the Bolsheviks in 1917 and ident the alarm!
ing and incitement which puts his only if we join with other workers cal with them in content the at. French Fascists, Russian White 11fe in imminent danger at the organizations and parties and fight Picture tack of world reaction is concen Cuatrds and reactionary forces ev.
hands of Russian White Guards or as resolutely for their partisans as trated today against Trotsky. erywhere cry out against Trotsky Inspired Fascist assassins, raises for our own immediate comrades.
In France, where the forces of and the dread spectre of Commun.
sharply before the advanced work. While appealing first of all to of Comrade fascism on the one side and theism, rising again on the world ers of the United States the ques the class solidarity of the workers, working class on the other arearea in the Fourth International.
tion of a tight to secure the right and seeking a common front with LEON speedily moving toward the decis. And the Stalinist bureaucracy, of asylum for him here. At a mass the various organizations and poive struggle that will have fateful which has facilitated the march of meeting Sunday night, at Irvingutical tendencies in the labor moveconsequences for the entire world, Cuscist reaction throughout Europe, Plaza, 15th Street and Irving ment, the fighting movement for TROTSKY the reaction is striking with full joins in the chorus. This infamous Place, the Communist League will the right of asylum ought to inforce against the leader who person representative and carrier of corraise this demand and will appealclude all advocates of civil liberty Taken at His ities revolutionary struggle and ruption and treachery in the labor to the various workers organize and all elements of the population Tuy victory of the proletariat.
movement reveals its perfidious tions to join in a united front willing to aid the struggle. It goes The summary order deporting Cunction once again in the united movement to fight for the right of without saying that the socialist Desk in Prinkpo Trotsky from France, the closing front of reaction. For the mortal asylum for Trotsky as well as for Party should be invited to take a of the doors of other European Manger to Trotsky life in the presother political refugees. Cannon, prominent place in the movement countries and the rabid incitement aut circumstances, and for what Swabeck and Garrett will be the and that all groups and factions in against him in all this there is to ever may befall him at the hands of speakers at the mass meeting. the political movement should be be seen not only a reactionary po White Guard, a ascist or a StalIn view of the sweep of reaction enlisted. Beginning with the pollitical campaign but also a direct inist assassin, the revolutionary in Europe which compels thousandstical organizations and radical and immediate threat on the life of workers, taking stock of all the of working class militants and op groups the movement, according to the organizer of the Russian revo events which have led to this climponents of fascism to live in emi the opinion of the Communist lution and the herald, of its in ax, will not fail to place the regration, the question of the right League, ought to be driven deeply ternational extension. World responsibility where it belongs.
of asylum in the United States be into the trade union movement, accomes an issue of direct concern companied by a campaign of enThe Political Meaning of the Attack for every political tendency in the lightenment as to the meaning of labor movement, and particularly fascism and the need of a united The accusations against Trotsky. com, and the emergence of a movefor the fighters against fascism. The front against it and a common supwhich have been made the basis of ment for the Fourth International case of Trotsky has dramatized the port of its victims in other counthe deportation order, have un. these three events, each separateissue and raised it concretely. But tries.
doubtedly ly and all together, have contribbeen manufactured by nited mightily to the revival of the the extreme reactionaries to serve will and capacity of the workers to The United Front. For and Against Asylum Leon Trotsky expulsion from, volutionary heritage of Marx and sky have their locale in New York: this manoeuvre is only the supert stitute an assurance that the a momentary political interest. But night against Fascism. They conThe fight for the admittance of Stalinist Party. By way of pay Paris is only the latest of a lon Engels. In Vienna, Iu 1908, Trotsky Half the restaurants and tallorcial expression of powerful motive French workers will take the road Trotsky will meet with support and ment for his appointment. Browder series of expulsions and exiles began to publish the road on white shops in Sew York, claim Trotsky torces for the reactionary attack. Of the week front and struggle was indicated in the report of the sage remarks in the same issue of ary activity since his early youth. to write, under instructions from his solo profession in New York which advanced with seven league cism. The ideas of the InternationNew York Evening Post, April 18th, the Post. His first exile was to the Siberia the Central Committee, for the Rus was that of a revolutionary Hoelin: boots atter Hitler effortless vic Communists, and of Trotsky in on the initiative taken by the Com. Leon Trotsky is a counter rex of pre revolutionary Russia munist League and its interviews Iutionist. We re not interested in sted in 1898, at the age of 19, as military correspondent for one of America entry into the Warheory in Germany thanks to the the first place, were expressed and of Mirror of the same date contained from the working class wherever. and feels impelled to strike of Trotsky, and the screams of with prominent people. The Daily where he is except to isolate him one of the leaders of the South these papers that. in september. arrived here January 13, 1917 as has taken alarm at later dever verlied in these events. The blows a rabid editorial against the ad he happens to be.
mittance of Trotsky.
The New York Daily Mirror ech WLS exiled after two grim years in the prelude to the World War wasbraries of the economic history of Moscow Prison.
being played what he saw with the United States, editorial work on quickly.
rage and fear directed against the his own eyes led him to predict and Novy Mir with Bukharin, Volodar The herole resistance of the Aus Fourth International, have, there The united front against the ad oes Browder sentiments and adCopies of Iskra having been smugtrian Socialist workers, the great fore, logic and a profound signimittance of Trotsky is the same vocates that Fourth Internationalists Eled to him in Siberia, Trotsky re prepare for War and Revolution. sky and Chudnovsky.
bizarre combination witnessed in be deported from the United States solved to take part in this imporWar and More Deportations Through the many members of French general strike and united ficance in the French and InternaWar again brought exiles and the various national federations of front demonstrations against Fas tional struggle of the classes.
France and other European coun and now by Doumergue. No Haven ia and, at the urging of Lenin, made expulsions. Ordered to leave Aus the Socialist party who read Rustries. The extreme nationalist re for Homeless Trotsky. screams the his way to London to begin his tria on the outbreak of war, members of the Russian federation, Why They Fear the Fourth International actionaries lead the way and the Mirror. There is no reason on work with Lenin.
Stalinists follow. General Lee earth why he should be allowed to London Congress thence, as military correspondent Novy Mir made powerful inroads The fact that the Austrian work labor movement, and the fusion of Bullard, retired president of the come here, and some very good for the same Russian democratic into the pacifist philistinism of the ers were defeated does not suffice this movement with the revolutionNational Security League, sputtered ones why he should be barred. Writing regularly for Iskra and paper, to France. Nashe Slovo, a Socialist party. The German, Rus to reassure the French reactionar ary aims and international organ with indignation when the evening after advising the Department of lecturing on the continent for the daily paper published in Paris, was sian and Lettish federations were ies, nor is the circumstance that ization. This is the spectre that This is what they about Trotsky coming to the Unit of the Communist league and as ognized leader of the Russian revo sojourn. It kept alive, as many of the Finns were coming over; the only in the formative stage, and strive to exorcise when they strike ed States. He is quoted as tol serting its meeting places are lutionary vanguard at the use of the Zimmerwald delegates testified. powertul Jewish federation with without a broad organization basis, at Trotsky and the Fourth Internalows: breeding spots of unrest and dis 23. He was chairman of the 1903 the internationalist anti war spirit. its fourteen story palace from very consoling to them. They have tonal. May as well invite. what loyalty. the Mirror concludes. The authorities. who have no Congress in London at which the But Trotsky participation in Zim which two hundred thousand cop seen the spirit of the Austrian so Among the Fourth International split between the Bolsheviks and merwald famous anti war conferies of the Forward were daily disclatist workers mirrored in the reason to fear a bureaucratized and those man who ele temaereas toe Yobe disciples there are undoubtedly Mensheviks took shape. The split, ence of the revolutionary Socialists, sorked. newspaper with the menacing demonstrations of the degenerated communism Inviting a crazy man to come in promptly sent back where they decided him to go back; he went Slovo, led to further exile. On the tine socialism, always ready for the alarm at them, especially at the Germans, dy into a panic at the An in came from. If Trotsky should un to become the President of the St. request of the Czarist government, most perfidious betrayals (Trot unity as well as the militancy told manifesto of the Fourth Incendiary, that the word.
dertake to set foot on American Petersburg Soviet of 1905 and the Trotsky was ordered to leave sky) was being penetrated when which the French workers have dis ternational, summoning the workers General Bullard was reenforced soil he should be given the same most popular leader of the first le France; when Switzerland refused the Russian revolution intervened played. And they remember all too to the struggle for power. Chargin his antagonism to Trotsky by medicine. As for the rest, they volution.
him admittance and England re At that moment Trotsky and his well when they wtness the first ing Trotsky with a plot to set Earl Browder, recently appointed should be rounded up and tried for Reaction brought prison, and tused him the right of passuge to comrades were preparing to launch appearance of the Fourth Interna a dictatorship in France, the keader in chlet of the American plotting against the Government. ngain exile to Siberia; but exile Scandinavia, Trotsky was forcibly an Euglish language Marxist week tonal how revolutionary socialism, authorities quote the demand of had scarcely begun before otsky put across the French border into undermine the ocuous that is, communism, reduced festo for the creation of Once a Refuge for Exiles made daring and dangerous es. Spain.
small spark during the war, was a workers militia and its clear, cape across Siberia behind a deerA look at the Museums of Madrid 1917 Revolution rapidly kindled into a gigantic sharp warning to the workers: Despite the imposing combination aries of every shade that the mill team, back to St. Petersburg, by while waiting for the secretary of flame In 1917.
en eller per here comes on cor Trotsky tant workers of New York are on steamer to Scandinavia and thence the Socialist Party to be released can weekly were in full swing, when combination of the herole spirit of fun between them. There is no The two forces have just The preparations for the Amerito the United States we intend to guard against the danger of tas once more into the revolutionary trom prison and again arrest and the cables brought the first con the Austrian workers with the possible peace but in a fight to start the fight and to broaden it, cism. It will be a sign that they stream of Western Europe. This again expulsion, this time to Cadix, cused reports of the uprising In United front policy which guins the death.
In the street, by force.
with the help of other organiza stand shoulder to shoulder with the time bis exile lasted ten years where he was to be put on a boat Petrograd.
for the reestablishment of the right mean to fight unitedly against the brought him back to Russia as lead written of the continuous route of red flag over the Winter Palace tions, into a united front movement anti fascist Aghters of Europe and until the February Revolution bound for Havana. As Trotsky has York celebrated the Hoisting of the ground every day in the French) will be decided the future.
of asylum for political refugees menace of fascism in the United er with Lenin of the October Revo expulsions and exiles: from Bere with meetings which Trotsky, even No Refuge in Capitalist Countries generally. There was a time when States.
zov by deer via the Urals and starter revolutionary Petrograd and The United Press dispatch com Austria is definitely closed be this country was a haven for the Ten Years of Exile Petersburg, thence by a circular Moscow, recalled as extraordinary exiles of Europe who were driven 50, 000 MANIFESTOES ments significantly that there was cause the governments distrust Trotsky had the advantage over route to Austria, from Austria for their size and enthusiasm. Refrom their native countries by re The Pioneer Publishers plan to most of the Bolshevik leaders of through Switzerland to France, volution in Russla meant the end of some indication that the govern his activities.
ment was anxious to get Trotsky England has not been approud of the distinction. This is copies of the manifesto of the in of the Revolution of 1906; for him, across the entire Iberia peninsula forth for the scenes of his revolu out of France before May Day and proached because it was said at adds one of the richest traditions of the ternational Communist League for this was a rehearsal for October to Cadiz, the general direction betionary boyhood.
the British Embassy that London country. We ought to appeal to the Fourth International. and prepared him fully for his hising from Northeast to Southwest But between America and Russia Though secret police said they would refuse. Turkey will not who take pride in that tradition and The manifestoes will appear in toric role. Ten years of exile from There the continent ends and the las a British concentration camp believed that the Fourth Interna tolerate his return. France will invoke it in our fight today. the form of a four page bulletin 1907 to 1917 not only completed his ocean begins. But it was not to at Halifax. Trotsky and other tional was largely in the forma not permit him to go to Morocco, tive stage, European governments Sunday night meeting, where with a short statement about the preparation for October, but pre. Havana as the police wished, but Russian revolutionists were forcAlgeria or any other African col.
seemed to fear it, and were rethe campaign will be opened, will Communist League of America and pared him for the leadership of the to New York that Trotsky this ibly removed from shipboard and ony. Belgium and Switzerbe a preliminary test of the sent the Militant.
world revolution. In those ten time journeyed, fortunately accom interned at Amherst, Canada luctant to give the exiled Com Tand, because of their sympathy ment of the radical workers of New Every member of the organiza years, travelling in Europe and panted by his family who, despite among German prisoners.
Here a munist shelter.
with France, are not believed York on this highly important question, every sympathizer and friend America, exiled and expelled many similar difficulties, had managed to valuable month. April, 1917 None of the capitalist govern likely to grant him asylum.
tion, as well as an indication of of the Fourth International should times, he learned at close range the reach him in time for the westward dragged by, the British being egged ments offers a refuge to the van Meanwhile, the incitement to their sympathy with comrade Trot help us in this effort. Every dol many forms that reformism and journey.
on by secret instructions from the guard of the counter revolutionary drive him out of France in the sky in his great difficulties and lar that you send will enable uscentrism can take, and the varieties New York in 1917 democratie Provisional Russian bourgeoisie. as Trotsky is de shortest possible time. if not to dangers. We strongly urge every to print 500 bulletins for free dis of capitalist dictatorship which While this is not the story of government. At last Lenla spokescribed in the precise and felicitous assassinato him, proceeds with unreader of the Militant to attend the tribution must be overcome.
Trotsky thought and deeds, but in Prarda, the Soviets spoke, and expression of Stalin (who expelled abated fury. He reeks with the meeting and to exert special efforts RUSH your contribution without Exile also gave him positive merely the bare itinerary of his Miliukoff had to bow. Trotsky was him from the Soviet Union. Says blood of our soldiers. says La Lib.
to bring others.
delay. We want at least part of riches: his acquaintance with Lox enforced exiles, his stay in New released and sailed for Russia for the United Press. erte. His residence in any part rousing demonstration Sunday the bulletins to be distributed on emburg and Liebknecht and Mehr York deserves a few words, for October, for his great work with Flight to Italy, Germany, Po of France would be a scandal. He night will be a notice to reaction May first.
ling, the direct links with the re Imost of the legends told about Trot Lenin.
land, Greece, Jugoslavia, Spain (Continued on Page 1)
that to IRVING PLAZA Speakers: Mass Meeting IN DEFENCE OF LEON 15th St. and Irving Place JAMES CANNON TROTSKY Sunday April 22. p. ARNE SWABECK