CapitalismCommunismCommunist PartyFascismGermanyMarxismSocialismSocialist PartySovietStalinismStrikeTrotskyUnited FrontWorkers MovementWorkers PartyWorking Class

means MAYDAY After the Minneapolis Workers Fight Hunger Program CONFERENCE me: FASCISTS IN The Labor Front PAGE THE MILITANT SATURDAY, APRIL 14, 1934 ed front. They stated that the job anywhere else, this members of the would, that the numbers will probably nevertheless, participate in the continue almost as large as ever, demonstration in support of the despite Mr. Hopkins assurances demands.
that only 1, 500, 000 to 2, 000, 000 of At the demonstration a member (Continued from page 1)
junemployment becomes now the the 4, 000, 000 will continue to of the volunteered some need help.
information to one of the speakers. The New York Muy Day confer into powerful unions. As in the most important issue in the unenNot only does the editorial comployed has been reached. Continued from page 1)
reinstate pletely ignore the actual facts, of These Instead of welcoming the informa ence held in the Rand School April factory of an individual capitalist, mediate struggles. for discussion, so in the government relief setworkers in ever increasing numbers tion, which was valuable at the 7th, after a lengthy the corner of 5th St. and 3rd Ave are beginning to see that the New time, and asking the support of all elected a broad Arrangements Com ups, there is a systematie and content on relief work, cash relier, no mass dismissals from relief work discrimination, etc. must land home relief, of curtallment of be where the speakers were. With Deal is even worse than the old organizations of workers, the speakmittee, representative of all major sclous aim of keeping the workers Joined relief funds, but goes to the length little resistance from the workers one.
They are beginning to real er launched into a violent and organizations and political tenden in changing relationships, uncerDespite the grim realities which of wondering why since, by its the cops cleared a small space ire that the unemployed army is a slanderous attack on the cles present to arrange for what tainty and tux, instability and de show through the Roosevelt dema own theory, the change from cwa shower of tear gas bombs came sail permanent one under capitalism This is the Stalinist united front promises to be the largest May Day moralization.
gogy, many Illusions are current is no real change demonstration ever held in New As workers in the factories fight among workers as to the intentions and that it is necessary to organize from below in action. The President and Mr. Hoping down from the upper windows to defend their interests. To every this alm by organizing and stabil of the Government. Many believe, kins certainly knew when they The Minneapolis Central Council York.
of the courthouse. The workers, serious worker the question of of Workers bas as its corner stono The call for the conference which izing their status, regulating the for example, that the new shift of made their dramatic announce taken by surprise, began to fall HOW to organize the unemployed the idea that the interests of tho was issued by the was ad amount and cost of wage labor administration of relief to the local ment, that the CWA workers back to escape the fumes, is surely the most important one. organized and the unorganized, the dressed to all trade union and available to the bosses, so the unauthorities is merely a technical would still be cure for, and that But now it was the cops turn. In this period, in which one of employed and unemployed workers fraterual organizations, thus iguor employed must take as their chied change. Actually it means that the no oue would be allowed to and they got the surprise of their the greatest strike waves in the are identical. It is convinced that ing all other political parties and task of the immediate future the Government in abandoning its pre starve. Why was it necessary.
lives! Instead of dispersing the history of the American workers is the policy the united front from groups. The delegates of the Com regulation and legalization of their viously asserted responsibilities to then, to frighten all these men and Dose of this deliberate attack, the developing the greatest need organization to organization will suunist League of America, the status. Instead of shifting relict the unemployed, is covering up its their dependeuts ucarly out of their wits by neglecting to emphasize of anger and indignation, broughters, employed and unemployed, or problems that confront them. It can Workers Party were stopped at of amounts of relict, there must be the firing and the reliet curtailment this important fact The resident neglected to em about by five years of misery and fronts against the boss class. The croployed has only begun and it the hall until the credentials report stable form of Federal unem cases, as in New York City and phasize the important fact that the shattering of NRA illusions, be only means of achieving this united attempts to bring the entire work was made at 10:15 motion ployment Insurance at living wages state, the same officials do the fir everyone would be taken care of gan to fight back bombs with their bure hands they UNITED FRONT. The united front support of the unemployed.
Selxlug the hot action is through the policy of the ingclass movement to the active to seat all delegates was then car for all those to whom capitalist in ing and cutting, only now they have for the simple reason that they are ried.
dustry and government do not make inanicipal titles.
not going to be taken care of. But them back at the cops with tactic is simply the joint action of Trade union workers especially, The carly part of the conference work available.
The belief that Roosevelt will, what has happened is that the New ran like scared rats into the court. unions ete. com a specific tesue, should urge their organizations to revolved around a discussion over Need of Unemployment Insurance, under whatever name and set up: Republie has invented a churucter house. The battle continued for such as for example, increased re ment of this character. The Instinc demonstration. The and lot workers and unemployed. The siduously cultivated by the major semble him in the lust. No won.
some time with the workers brax. Hef for the unemployed. These or tive desire of every worker is for some other unions bad decided in the best immediate assurance that ity of the capitalist press, which der, then, thut the New Republic ing tear gas aud ocmpletely deganizations, irrespective of feating the attempts of the cops to different opinions on other their unity of the class and the united favor of holding an indoor meeting workers on the job can have that continues to picture Roosevelt as a ends on the fantastic note of calling que front points the way.
at Yaukee Stadium. The decision the unemployed will not be driven humanitarian who, though bent on the country to learn from the resdisperse them.
tions, come together, agree on a Bombs thrown back by the mill common program and carry it out. of the Conference was to go ahead to underbidding them or scabbing saving capitalism, will save the ident: with preparations for an outdoor on them is Federal unemployment workers, and especially the unem The important thing is that tant workers crashed through winSuch a policy can weld the emdemonstration and at the same time insurance. If the employed workployed, from any attendant hard the country should realize, as the dows of the building, forcing ployed and the unemployed here in judges to adjourn their courts. Minneapolis and elsewhere into a Brownsville Branch to try to convince the to ers fight for the intersts of the un ships.
Prosident and his advisers now take part.
employed, the unemployed will help No less philistine is the picture do, thut to go ou muddling These judges, according to news solid front to the advantage of both.
OPEN FORUM motion was made by a delega them when they strike, by fighting of Roosevelt policy expressed by through with the unemployed is police use machine guns and a num is idea and should subscribe to it. The United Front from a Socialist tion of the to send a dele scabbery and joining on the picket the liberal press The New Reput a crime, etc. etc.
gation to meet with the Conference Lie, in a long editorial of April 4, Viewpoint ber of these were set up inside the The Now Repulbie editorial is Stalinist Policy The fight for Federal unemoy takes the following attitude toward worth quoting at such length in entrances. Byre apparatus, which From this point of view it is im Speaker: HAROLD LUXEMBURG called by the Communist Party.
Friday, April 13, 1934 was called to the scene, was not order to emplasize to what extent The chairman ruled, amid some mont insurance at the expense of the new relief scheme: used as it was feared that the demperative that we examine the poldisorder, that one speaker for the employers and the government, It is now quite clear that the the fight for immediate relief and SOCIAL AND DANCE onstrators would wreck it. The icy of the United Relief Workers for a real systern of unemployment and one against would be allowed. at living wages for the duration of CWA has died only to be born again under another name. Ev. insurance is bound up with the task tremen clearly showed a relue Assn, and the Unemployed Councils.
To Celebrate the opening of our Wm. Matheson, a delegate of the tance to join in this despicable These organizations, controlled by aseryone in actual need throughout of exposing the Roosevelt demagogy sault upon working men and wo the Stalinista, reject the united new Headquarters at 1770 Pitkin Communist League offered as a supplementary motion a series of Brownsville Relief the United States and heretofore and showing the workers the realifront tactic. Their method of or Avenue.
employed on a CWA project is to ties behind the Roosevelt program.
proposals for a united demonstraExtra, Comrade Sarah Meyer, tion in line with tho statement isganizing the unemployed into orArrest of Committee be cared for through local nu As the workers feel the effects of ganizations without connections formerly secretary to Leon Trotsky, sued to the delegates and published Demonstration thorities.
the Roosevelt program in their belIn the meantime the committee with the labor movement In general, will give ber Impressions of the in the last issue of the Militant.
of 23 had presented the demands to results in a division of the work life and work of the Exiled Revolu The Chairman ruled this out of So assured is the New Republie lles and bones, the illusions will the City Council and after much ingelass. Many workers are de tionist.
order. The motion was then put On Saturday, April 7, the streets in its tone, one would think it a disappear despite the liberal. cap And, in fact, italist chromo of Roosevelt but we wrangling the Council voted their ceived by the Stalinist policy of and defeated by the overwhelming of Brownsville and East New York the clitorial goes on to counter must not wait until then. By the approval. Upon leaving the Council United Front From Below. This An apology to our comrades. The room the committee was arrested. policy is false because it prevents social and lecture by comrade majority composed of Socialist and resounded to the march of 500 inwand the orders of Federal relier remorseless facts, first of all, we trade union delegates. motion dignant unemployed workers. Most must expose the Roosevelt program Outside, the workers, not knowing labor organizations as such from Meyer scheduled for April 7th was by Zimmerman of the of them having been recently fired Administrator Hopkins. Since very few have worked against the unemployed.
the fate of the committee, were now partielpation and calls upon indicalled off due to conditions beyond RELIEF WORKER.
waiting for its return. The police, vidual workers to leave their or our control. Comrade Meyer win that the name of the conference as a result of the discontination of for the CWA if they could get al adloped unter a police their attachi canizations and leaders. Further, positively appear Saturday, Apraklarda bo The Labor Committee strators are engineeredenen You are coridally invited to amendment by Hendin of the So Deal government and its hunger waiting. The leaders now made a thelr united front and the accept attend.
serious mistake. Instead of raising ance of their policies in advance.
cialist Party that the Conference program, marched through the a demand for the committee which This is a perversion of the genuine should be known as The Socialist streets, shouting militantly for ade It is reported that Nazis of bothinist bureaucracy, will not budge and Labor Committee for Mayquate relief, an anti eviction law had been gone two hours, and mak. United Front in which all organizing preparations for an orderly ad. ations collectively, decide what polDay was carried. With the pas and unemployment insurance.
German and home grown varieties from their disastrous united front journment, they allowed the demoniey shall be pursued.
sage of this motion the Conference. The demonstration having reached are holding open air meetings in from below line unless compelled to.
of became a bedlam, many delegates Loew Square, it balted and held Reports from every section stration to drag along for an hour more. By this time the crowd was of this perversion. Last Thursday la new strike wave, unprecedented tives of the trade union movement dressed by the delegates who were semitic, Nordke doctrines. Symp but chances for fat jobs either Flere are two concrete exames the country seem to indicate that demanding the floor. Representajan open air meeting, which was ad Yorkville, expounding their reac. The leadership of the Socialist tionary anti working class, anti Party canuot see anything ahead committee of the was selected Minneapolis Central Council of in the history of American labor, is withdrew from the Conefernce, elected to visit the assemblymen toms of the lasciate contre Symen through winning an election at the to find out what had become of the Workers went to the United Reliet in the process of fermentation, many others were striving to get and aldermen of the community is destroying all progress and an polls as Mayor Hoan in Milwaukee, committee of 23. Two of these men Workers Asso. and proposed united Whether this movement will take the door as the Conference ad. The spokesman for the delegation, progressive thought as well as all or going over to a Fusion party They were also arrested. Seeing that action of the two organizations in on a militant character or will be journed.
seen in do not want to take any kind of At a meeting of the Arrangements of Amelrca, properly exposed the working class organizations in Eu. as Blanshard in New York the workers were restless the cops the demonstration. The bottled up by the of bumilitant action which might enstarted to drive wedges into the which represents a number of labor reaucracy depends ou how edfee Committee held later, it was unant fake representatives of the people Americare danger this respectability. Becrowd and succeeded in splitting It organizations in the city working on Lively the conscious elements work mously decided to drop the name for what they really are: capitalist solid united front of all work tween Socialist respectability on up. But not without fierce hand to a united front basis for the unem in the mass trade union.
Socialist and to call the Commit Hunkeys, who neither can nor will hand fighting in which more copsployed, asked for representation on tee The Labor Committee for May take up the strugglo in behalf of ing class organizations is the only the one hand and Stalinist infantile road to save our organizations from nonsense on the other, the bridge Canteloupe pickers in Imperial Day. Committees were elected to the workers.
who were foolish enough to leave at the demonstration. These were Valley are refusing to load melons draft the program, drew up ban The demontsration had been concomplete destruction. divided for Fascism to ride to power is befront today means the hanging created here. Workers Comthe protection of their squads were logical and fair requests, the grant unless their wage demands er pet. ners, make complete arrangements sciously sabotaged by the Stalinist man noose tomorrow. The infan munists, Socialists rouse yourselves severely beaten. Once separated, ing of which would have been of The bosses Protective Associa for the demonstration, etc. Despite Unemployment Council which arthe demonstrators were quickly great aid in broadening the repre tion has organized vigilante bands the continued refusal of the ma ranged a counter demonstration for lile chattering of the Stalinists in time. Compel your leadership to dispersed. 38 workers were arsentation from the labor movement to break up workers meetings and fority of the Committee to make an the same day only a few blocks about the united front from he move or get out of the way. orlow, Social Fascism and Only canize the united front of labor.
rested, including most of the lead as a whole. They were turned have kidnapped and beaten up effort for a real united front, with away.
under our leadership means no Crush the rising Fascist monster.
ers, on charges of disorderly con down.
active organizers in an attempt to the Stalinist Conference, they were The demonstration was arranged united front at all. Along that The opportunity is ours today.
stem the discontent of the workers. compelled to clect a committee to by the Workers Unemployed Union road lie the concentration camps, Seven workers and cops For the United Front meet with the and work out of Brownsville and East New York. the tortures and the beheadings of were injured in the fight.
The demanded that the THE PROGRAM OF THE Fighting Qualities of Workers In Camdon, the bosses un amicable settlement for the use a number of working class organ. an American Faselst state. SocialL. sign a statement endors company union was unable to in of Union Square without the medi izatious cooperated, including the ist Party reliance on capitalist deFOURTH INTERNATIONAL This demonstration which again ing the policy and its de timidate the 2, 300 workers of the atton of the mayor, if at all pos Communist League of America, reveals the admirable fighting mands. The delegation Campbell Soup Co. who voted to sble.
Spartacus Youth Club, Socialist or that friend of labor or this or. ARNE SWABECK qualities of the American workers, stated that it could not sign such strike for recognition of their union Party, Workers Circle, that oe of Fascism, in a word once arroused, indicates that a new a statement since the policy of the and increase in wages.
1330 Wilkins Avenue etc. This demonstration was only the road travelled in Germany by stage of the struggle of the unem JU. was not that of the unitSunday, April 15th at P.
the beginning of an extensive organ the Social Democratic Party, leads 7, 300 workers in Syraizational campaign inaugurated by to the same result here.
Admission 16e Discussion cuse and Onondago County won a Questions the Workers Unemployed Union wage increase from 40 to 60c after which aims to bring in every un The leadership of the Stalinist Auspices: Bronx Branch of belng out days. While strike employed worker in Brownsville party, part and parcel of the Stal wil analyze the reasons for the Leaders were meeting with the Adinto its ranks.
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etical Magazine, THE NEW IN Plenum of the EOCI and other 84 Fast 10th Street, New York, All those interested in participat.
TERNATIONAL Write or call for your copy ating in this club or aiding in its Speakers: Anthony Bellussi, Muste, James Cannon, the Militant ofice, 128 16th 8t. work, may send in their communiCarlo Tresca, Quincy Howe, Herbert Solow. SUBSCRIBE TO THE MILITANT.
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