BourgeoisieCapitalismCivil WarCommunismDemocracyFascismGermanyIV InternationalImperialismSocial DemocracySocialismSovietStalinStalinismStrikeUnited FrontWorkers MovementWorking Class

THIE MILITANT SATURDAY APRIL 14, 1934 PAG Shachtman on Tour REVIEWING Letters to che Editor THE NEWS The Furriers Again no black list.
These provisions will only be strictly enforced in those shops where there are a sufficent number UNDER THE in the party ranks spread Silvers of the union members to enforce tortions, and succeeded only in furwas immediately withdrawn from them, Williston, ther discrediting himself in the eyes NRA the League and brought up on ex SAMUEL MEYERS of the workers present and especial To the Editor of the Militant: pulsion charges. The charges The Convention Williston, North Dakota. Com the coal yard workers, The majority of fur workers claimed that he had misrepresented rade Shachtman delivered a lecture St. Paul Meeting Federal Unions and Company Judging by reports in the Dally loathe the International not only be the supported an anti Pacifist Morass in the courthouse at Williston, The St. Paul meeting was by far Unions North Dakota, April of the International was the main corrupt, stupid and ineffectual, but enemy and used the to supNew Haven. The New Haven Over two hundred city workers and city under our auspices. An audi new organization forms developing at P. the best meeting yet held in that The two outstanding types of purpose of the convention because the Union was FORCED port an enemy plans. Silvers in League Against War and Fascism Carmers From loud and prolonged applause UPON THEM BY THE BOSSES. his defense pointed out that the held an anti war meeting on April more than two hours while he de eral members, was visibly im. Unions of the of and the listened attentively forence of 60 members, including sev under the NRA are the Federal lasting several minutes for the This is an undeniable fact, and party had been unable to substan6th in Central Parish Church. This livered his lecture on America pressed by comrade Shachtman Company Unions.
leaders and disciples. Stalin, once it is recognized, the mystery tiate it charges; that as an meeting, together with the entire Heading Toward Another War. speech on the Lessons of the Aus. The labor agents of the capital Browder, Stachel, etc. down to a lof why the Industrial Union has delegate he had every right to pro program of the anti war weck, He also dealt with Fascism which trian Events.
simple ovation for the Martyr of the furriers and not the cloakmak test against injustice to another was endorsed by various ministers has destroyed the workers organ ture several party members took eral Union to prevent the crystalFollowing the lec ists are attempting to use the Fed.
Madison Square (Hathaway. the ers or dressmakers, is explained. working class organization, and and rabbis of the town.
izations of several countries of Ruthe floor and made the most miser ization into genuine industrial un.
delgation went through the whole since the day the dual union, the that the had no right to ex. The usual Stalinist argument for or rope.
gamut of ovations. They were Anal International, was formed, fur pel him for opposing a charge so the League is that it gives the Com. He blamed the official Communist have ever heard. After the meeting terposed by the bosses to the trade able defense of Stalinism that lons. The Company Union is coun1y so well trained that any men workers consideerd it an appendage false that even one party member munist Party a chance to present party (Stalin group) for its falso several of the workers left their unions of the workers. It is the tion of granite and steel. brought of the Association. And with justio on the League Executive Commit the revolutionary program before a policy and indifference while the names and addresses saying that instrument of the dominant capitalthe entire convention to its feet. fication. For without the aid and tee had voted against the exclusion larger audience to the discredit of Fascist Woodhounds were organiz they wanted to learn more about its who feel strong enough to reThey knew that meant Stalin. And backing of the bosses, the union attempt and continued his oppost the pacifist program. Such an aring their forces to crush the work the communist League and its project the class collaboration program by the way, atfer Hathaway 11. COULD NEVER HAVE EXISTED. tion until the motion to refer to gument, however, would never sut ers.
fated exploit at Madison Square, he Today, for the sake of argument, the credentials committee was tice to justify this meeting as no Comrade Shachtman showed how and a considerable amount of litgram. good collection was taken of the conservative labor leaders.
The struggle for industrial unis considered such a pushover that ll grant Koenig that the leader nassed. Communist speaker was allowed inactive the nationalistie Stal erature was sold at this meeting.
ions under class struggle leadership even Browder has pushed him to ship is more honest, but this docs new member of the stood to present his position.
inists were in this tight. The next The Minneapolis branch intends is the order of the day for the class not negate the fact that once again up and stated that when he had page of the Daily Worker.
The chairman, Murhps, a morning we heard he was hired by to follow up this begnning the council had to depend on an joined he understood that the divinity student at Yale, opened the Wall Street to fight the American Paul with future public meetings St. conscious workers of America, Convention Highlights agreement with the Association to was a non partisan organiza meeting and introduced the main This of course came from a and discussions with those workers Dr. Wirt and the NRA (Extracts from the Daily Worker FORCE workers into joining it. tion. The vote to expel Silvers soon speaker, Dr. Mendenhall of Columi mind of the party. We want who are interested in knowing more The sensation mongers have not represent the work convinced him that he They report of the Convention)
was mis bia University. The latter gave a Comrade Shachtman to come back about our program with the hope found their revolutionary plot in When we make mistakes leters. And today, as in 1927, furriers taken.
plea for anti war activity, Intimated to Williston again in the near fu that in the near future we can lay Dr. Wirt story to Bulwinkle rebel against being coerced into a. NEWARK WORKER.
them be new ones. Delegate that wars were caused by armature.
union the base for a St. Paul branch of House Committee, which chagres tremendous ovation greeted unton against their will, ments manufacturers, and asserted MILLER the League.
Tugwell and other members of the Browder. His clear simple words they had never wanted, never liked. Brain Trust with conspiring to Bere listened to with bated breath. and, slven a free choice, wouia Los Angeles Milliners followed the program of the League.
destroy the social order. Olgin never vote for in a referendum.
The concluding speaker, Sapir, Minneapolis More About St. Paul We know nothing about the con After applauding and cheering. The question, then, centers down to the Editor of the Militant: chairman of the New Haven League, Last Sunday, April 1, comrade versations of these Brain Trust this: Should the Communist In their sectarian antics tbe and a Stalinist supporter, reiterStalin for several minutes, the delMinneapolis. The meetings ar Dunne gave a lecture on the 4th reformers and defenders of capitalegation sang the International.
League be a party to herding work stalinists do not consider the interated the last remark. In short, the ranged by the Minneapolis branch International at the St. Paul Muni ism. But we do know that a social ers into a union they correctly re ests of the workers. It was only when we opened fire card a bosses agency? To do so, Altho several hundred workers one.
meeting was entirely a pacifist for comrade Shachtman were very cipal Open Forum (non partisan. change, from decaying capitalism to on the Social Fascists in Southern think, would be a fallacy, for any belong to the local of the Internasuccessful. Three public meetings making the first presentation of our a socialist order, cannot be brought The about through the NRA and the In the question period, originally were held, two in linnen polis and point of view at this forum.
Illinols, especially the Musteiten, sroup which proposes such a step. tional Millinery Workers Union, scheduled to be discussion persone in St. Paul all three meetings members on the executive other machinery set up under the that we made the first inroads will be viewed with suspicion by Local 48, the policy of the Stalinist schedule hiyo ordered the counter works were well attended and were to committee of this forum spoke New Deal. We know that the With Comrade Browder leading among the furriers. Just what poland isolate the handful of active and expressed disagreement with testifying to the increasing interest Give the talis, but the two hundred bourgeois state to the ground, along us we can and we will so forward sey the International Communists unionists at their command from the tenor of the meeting and had of the workers in the program of workers present voted almost ununi with the class collaboration mechmously to hear what comrade Dun anism now being constructed under workers We will go forward to measured from all angles, the situa maintaining the Millinery Branch tion. The audience, mostly Stalin The house party was attended by ne had to say.
Soviet America. delegate Hudson tion becomes complex and dificult. of the in a the codes, through a social revolu To some the Open Letter is a think, however, that a more cor form.
sectarian ists, did not protest the chairman 70 people among whom were several it is interesting to note that al tion.
secret letter Delegate rect attitude would be to take the The criminal results of this polperemptory action.
new contacts. Comrade Shachtman most all the objection and criti Talk of revolution by a few del The entire party must have a position that: Parts controlled un icy came out most cically in the member of the Communist save a short talk on the history of cisuus offered even those from the reformers and partor pinks like no significance dally consciousness of control tasks tons, so far, have proved ineffectuone day general Strike called the League then arose and asked Menthe Communist Ikugue of America membersharped on the tune Lawrence Todd and concentration polnts. Ge al; they did not succeed in winning the International Milifpery work denhall 18 he thought that war and its perspective for future de. that the points raised by comrade in itself. But the investigation and don know whether have a lion is successful? Even the Indus Instead of furnishing leadership to rertuaro wingar!
over the masses. What Red un ers Union, Tuesday, March 21, 1984. could be prevented without the velopments of the labor movement Dunne were all maybe valid enough Ballyhoo about these conversations capitalism, the as a whole, and the need for a new out of no immediate concern to us is good propaganda for the opporI really have an ambition to go to trial Union has the following of the workers on strike the members breeder of wars; and if capitalism International as well as a new re here, as we have our hands full tunists and social reforners who Congress. think we can find five only one section of the needle of the Stalinist union were in many could be overthrown by any other volutionary party in America. The with our local problems that it is tell the workers that the NRA is enses excluded from shop meetings means than by a civil war. Refus talk was well received; those pres au inner Communist dispute, etc. an instrument that can be used by or sit who ought to be convinced trades, the furriers.
The duty of class conscious ele of the strikers.
ing to give a direct answer, the ent showing their sympathy with However, in the limited time althe workers for their own interests.
Berlous election campaign.
of the necessity of making a really ments, it can be argued, is to form in the pen shop town of Los An speaker returned the questions and the work of the by contrib lowed comrade Dunne (45 minutes)
he was able to convince a number Open Shop and Company Unions Browder.
the vanguard of wherever the mass seles the conciliatory policy of asked what our comrade thought. uting liberally to the collection.
Speech on Austrian Events of workers that both Internationals Already throughout the country es are. If they are in the of Zaritsky did not arouse any enthu The latter answered his own quesThe largest number of delegates, then that is where the left siasm among the bosses until severtions in the negative and sald that Sunday morning. March 25th, are bankrupt and that it is abso signs Indicate that the capitalists lutely essential for th furth pro are taking full advantage of Presi.
Joined since the Open Letter was Wins should also be, not divorced al hundred workers walked out on the spreading of the idea that warcomrade Shachtman spoke at the gress of the revolutionary move dent Roosevelt interpretation of issued last summer (And will no from the masses, but in its midat. a one day strike.
can be prevented without the end Labor Lyceum. The subject of doubt be out in time for next sum With this premise, think a11 Disrutpionist Polley ing of capitalism was harmful to this lecture was the Lessons of ment to build a new revolutionary Section Ta in the auto strike settlemer self criticism. 1th International, and also that it ment. The interpretation guaranfactions, including the Party, will the workers and should be con the Austrian Events.
The disruptionist poltey engindemned.
This meeting was sponsored by the Labor is vitally necessary for the Ameri tees the open shop and the company The reports that Brow agree. Speaking of the Party, it is eered by Miller of the C. war vet then stood up Lyceum Open Forum Committee. can workers to draw the lessons union. In the new period of labor der masterly report lasted for six possible that from the current weakened the strike. The dragging hours. We pass by the masterly Cleveland convention, such an or of workers to the Industrial Union and urged that we take the capital About 15 people listewed attentively from the recent experiences of the struggles that we have already en sentation will be more clearly dehall Instead of strengthening theists bullets and use them against to the lecture. Shachtman traced European workers in Germany and tered such a guarantee is a powerDespite the recesses given to cheer will be cleared up instantly. For workers joined the International lably be reprimanded for his tact ship, showing how at the crucial on some of the most immediate coupled with the existing NRA Destir endurance of the delegates: some situation among the furriers ter directives. Most of these the new Party line. He will prob. Democratic Party and its leader opportunity to address this forum italists. Especially when this is straight jacket and the outlawing Stalin and sing the International this sir hour record undoubtedly the Industrial Union proposes and turned against the Industrial lessness in embarrassing the P:s moment it was unable to defend questions of the day.
Wm. CURRAN. of strikes under the codes.
new pacifist allies. After this, the even the most elementary rights If the bosses can bo asured of sets a new mark for collective en basis of tree elections, it is a 90 to The settlement registers a slight chairman, red in the face, hastily and the very existence of their orDavenport Meeting such a labor policy from the libganizations themselves which the durance and discipline. bet that the Communist led slate gain for the workers that can be adjourned the meeting.
THE COMING WAR eral Roosevelt for the coming Horse Thieves and Politiciang will be swept into office. Then and greatly improved upon by the work. The pacifist talk of the meeting workers had built up through many period they will be satisfied. How Fascisin or Communism?
Assemblyman Lawrence Ham only then will the seemingly imers in the shop if they will take awhich only served to confuse the long years of struggle.
ever, the workers have not yet He also demonstrated how the Lecture by stand to enforce the provisions of class conscious workers, was made spoken. When they do, the Rooseilton, nephew of Morgan, de possible One Union be achi JACKINSON.
MAX SHACHTMAN the Agreement, which include: all the more ridiculous by the fact pernicious theory of the gradual velts, Johnsons, Hillmans sund nied last week that the legislators Member of the Equal division of work, Recognt that there were scarcely two dozen transformation of capitalism into Greens had better run for cover.
at Albany were horse thieves. We socialism, when applied in practice, are ready to accept bolts denied and Expulsion from tion of the shop committees, raises non Stalinists at the meeting.
lead to the blackest reaction. Sev of from one to four dollars and Unity Center Hall, 3rd floor eral members and sympathiz Whitaker Bldg. 3rd and Brady Sts.
Mrs. Pinchot Says Wall Street Rules Johnson ery were in the hall but only one are cattle rustlers either. The let. To the Editor of the Militant: Mrs. Pinchot says Wall Street ters of Senator Thayer to the Aswas so unaffected by the arguments Davenport, Iowa rules Johnson and that the general Following is a report on the exsociated Gas and Electric Company as to defend and try to justify the show that at least one senator pulsion of Sam Silvers from the Socialist policies. It was quite Monday, April 30, 1934 at pm. Is using his high office to thwart didn have to do any small time Newark clear to the audience, however, that Admission 10c. Tickets obtainable the workers and small business stealing Times change and so do Sam Silvers, one of the two An Appeal to Our Sympathizers AND MAIL TO US AT ONCE. despite the heroism of a small min from Betty Rowland, 2224; Rock men.
We thiok it is best to tell the customs. The horse thieves of yes delegates to the Newark branch of It is easy to be a sympathizer of NEW PLEDGERS jority of the Austrian leaders who ingham Road, Davenport, Iowa.
whole story. The NRA and all that Contributions to the Pledge Fund stobd beside them on the barricades.
terday become the honest politi the League Against War and Fas a movement if all it means is placians of today.
cism, was expelled from the tonic friendship. We feel, how came from Weisbroth, Coney the leadership and policy of the Shachtman Tour Salt Lake City goes with it is the attempt of the for demanding that the party sub lever, that our readers and sympa Island, One Dollar: from Jos. Kel Austrian Social Democracy stand Wednesday, April 18th P. American imperialists to reorganLaGuardia stantiate the false charegs on which thizers are more than that. That ler, Cleveland, Ohio, Five Dollars. condemned once again in the eyes ize the internal economic structure, HALL of Bay Ridge, pledges of the world working class for this Thanks to the leadership of the it excluded the Communist League they are ready to participate acto eliminate the weak and small Salt Lake City, Utah 250 weekly sections, collossal betrayal of 1934 Subject: solidate and and the working class of America from the tively in the life of the organizaentralize industry and capital through of New York is shown the edifying The main charge was anti Soviet tion, whenever and wherever por Holly of Newark, pledges Downtown Meeting THE FUTURE OF THE cartels and, at the same time, to spectacle of the mayor being called activities.
sible. One way of doing this is to 506 weekly.
At the downtown mass meeting NEW DEAL hold the changing class relations in in to settle disputes between these at the first Executive Committee help in our efforts to stabilize the of Manhattan, pledges 00 comrade Shachtman addressed an Admission Free the straitjacket of class collaboratwo revolutionary parties on the meeting of the League Against War Militant. To make it possible for weekly.
audience of 250. Speaking on the Questions and Discussion tion.
question of the use of Union Square following the exclusion of the Com us to broaden the circulation. To PREVIOUSLY REPORTED subject of Do We Need a New Re On the following day, April 19th.
The NRA is of, for and by the on May Day. Last year the police munist League, Silvers and others enable us to send the paper to all Brooklyn volutionary Party in America. he shachtman will address a group of capitalists. Johnson and all the arbitrated the difference. This year raised the demand that the party who want to read it regularly but Paul King. 29 weekly went into a detailed description of Salt Lake City university students others, down to Green and Hillman, an impartial committee apointed by introduce evidence to support its cannot afford to pay the full rates. Subway Worker 00 monthly the birth, the life, and the death of on the subject, The Events in are their flunkies. The frletion in LAGuardia te to serve as arbitrator. charges. This demand was carried in the sub column we print a Manhattan the last two Internationals and Austria.
the camp of these enemies of the The united front from below cer and referred to the next Executive letter from a worker that tells this Wright weekly gave the reasons for the necessity workers, from Wall Street direct tainly leads to strange maneuvers Committet meeting.
Wel Konikow The party story better than we could.
25 weekls of building a new revolutionary 4th Shachtman Tour Kansas City, Mo. representatives to the of as Stalinism tralls the name of falled at the next meeting to in have many more such letters. Beardsle 00 weekly International. The lecture was fol SUNDAY, April 22nd, P. lenders, is not over the question of Communism in the mud troduce any evidence and Silver Help us send the Militant to all Victor weekly lowed by a question and discussion MASS MEETING exploiting the workers or not exmotion to recommend to the Cre of them. Weber weekly period which lasted til 12:30 AM Workers Modern Library ploiting them. They disagree, rathSuicide dentinls Committee that the be Denonstrate concretely that you Gordon 50 weekly with approximately 100 workers re 1621 Grand Avenue er, as to how to exploit the workers The problom of unemployment, cleared of the charge was passed are interested in the life of the Kling. 50 monthly maining in the ball until finally the Subject 10.
in such a way as to create as little the constant anguish of increasing by a to vote with the o. Militant. Bleeker. 50 monthly caretaker threatened to turn out DO WE NEED NEW REVOLU friction and class war as possble.
poverty, the losing struggle to keep and Jack London Club delegates MAKE YOUR CONTRIBUTION Kujawsky weekly the lights and the meeting was TIONARY PARTY IN AMERICA?
a home for his children ended today supporting the motion.
OR PLEDGE TO DAY. Spithos weekly forced to adjourn.
Admission 150 The champion sub getter of the for Richard Fairservice. He had When news of this rebellion with SIGN THE BLANK BELOW 13. Tamás weekly Once again, we had the good for New York local, Ilarry Ross, is Questions and Discussion lost his job, his money, and saw Harlem tune to have with a certain touring the country, on his way to his two children sent to live with Cochrin weekly Walter Frank, who attempted to Salt Lake City. Max Shachtman excellent work wherever he goes, California. He will continue his relatives. Today he was handed an Beecher WAR AND THE weekly discredit the work of our comrades eviction orderHe stretched him16. Clay Weekly in the recent coal strike by some will speak Wednesday night, April and comrades are asked to cooper self on the floor and fred a bullet 17. Marsh. 25 weekly cheap domagogy and factual dis 18th at Hall, 41 Post orate with him, so that the Militant fice Place, Salt Lake City. The sub sub drive goes over the second through his brain Evening FOURTH INTERNATIONAL 18. Smith weekly Fject of his lecture will be The Fu thousand mark.
Post, April 19. Teacher 00 weekly 35. Becker ture of the New Deal.
Another one in the endless stream The Finst of a New Series of Lectures on the International (paid in advance for 16 weeks) 36. Cleri weekly of suicides, workers driven to deProgram with Special Reference to America Bronx 37. Social Worker. 25 weekly) on Thursday, April 19th, comrade THE MILITANT spalr by the insane capitalist sysBy Brandmarck 25 weekly Symapthizer weekly Shachtman will speak to the StaEntered as a second class mail dent Group at the University on matter November 28, 1928, at the tem. Is it not about time that the 21. Saul Youngstown weekly problem of unemployment, the con 22. Ramlofr James Cannom. 10 weekly 30. Friend 00 monthly The Events in Austria.
Post Office at New York, UD.
stant anguish of increasing poverty.
23. 1. 00 weekly West Virginia der the act of March 3, 1879.
the losing struggle to keep a home ST. LOUIS At Egstadt 00 monthly Published Weekly by the Com 25 for his children be ended for us Dryer munist League of America. 25 (paid for 10 months in advance) Max Shachtman will speak in St.
all? Not by stretching out on the Louis IRVING PLAZA HALL 26. Lipsbitx Wednesday evening, 7:30126 Fast 16th Street, New York, weekly Name door and fring bullets into our own Phone: Grammerey 9524 April 25th, at the Orunden 27. Shulman weekly brains but by standing up on our Address 28. Sher 00 monthly Branch Library auditoriutn 14th Vol. VII, No. 15. Whole No. 219)
feet and collectively blowing out, 15th Street and Irving Place Saturday, April 14, 1934 and Cass Avenues, on the subject Boston Amt. enclosed.
what passes for brains in the inEDITORIAL BOARD Why We Need a New RevolutionJ. Chiplowitz weekly Martin Abern pledge.
sane head of rotting capitalism.
James Cannon SUNDAY, APRIL 22nd at P. weekly ary Party. Henderson Weekly Max shachtman. monthly BILL Maurice Spector On Thursday evening, April 26th Schechet. 50 weekly Arne Swabeck ADMISSION 15 CENTS QUESTIONS AND DISCUSSION or, contribute. la banquet will be held with Shacht32. Wienr. 50 weekly Subscription rate: 00 per year State whether we may print man, for the benefit of the Militant, SEND DOLLAR FOR FOUR Other lectures to follow on successive Sundays: Fascism; the Newark 50 per half year. Canada PREPAID SEX MONTHS SUB Trade Union Question; the United Front.
your name in full.
at 1710 Lafayette Avenue for all and Foreign. 50 per year; 33. Kots 25 weekly The Militant CARDS ON THE CLUB PLAN.
sympathizers and friends of the 76c for six months, 34. Nagy 15 weekly 126 16th St. Lett Opposition.
Bundle rates one cent per eogr.
on Pledge Fund. 50. 50. 50 12. 10. 25 25 14.
15. 10. 10. 10. 50 21. 10 Weekly. 10 20. 10 24.
Weekly 40.
Weekly. 25 50 City.
29 30.
31. 50. 50