AnarchismBolshevismCominternCommunismFascismFranceGermanyHitlerIV InternationalImperialismItalyLeninismNazismSocialismSocialist PartySpainStalinStalinismStrikeUnited FrontWorkers MovementWorkers PartyWorking ClassWorld War

UNITE Weekly Organ of the Communist League of America VOLUME VII, NO. 15 WHOLE NO. 219 NEW YORK, SATURDAY, APRIL 14, 1934 PRICE CENTS Movement in Behalf of Four AFTER THE Deported Germans Grows 000 by March 22, muss dismissals liquidation of relief work and cutMovement in the United States Fight Starvation Program Order May Day Railroad Robins Special Edition and Grasfor Work Of the Militant in Hotel Strike Conference Cannon to Speak Against War Is On War and the Pacifist Affair 4th International uside the police massed there and With official figures revealing the unemployed is over. With the that the supposed 4, 000, 000 on CWA anniversary of the New Deal cele as large as that of the Old Deal, since that date show that the Gov. ting down of rellef means a ghastly ernment program involves the al future for the workers, unless they most complete liquidation of relief fight back. New York figures in Important Notice Militant Demonstration of Ten Thousand Aroused by the recent deporta ganizations which have lodged pro work. The local authorities were dicate what the Government plans. An important meeting of all tion from Holland to Germany of tests with the Dutch government merely supposed to take over the According to Welfare Council sta members and sympathizers of the Unemployed at City Hall four German workers, one mem are the Socialist parties of GerOWA projects and payrolls; the tistics, 187, 000 familles were receiv Communist League in Greater New ber of the International Communist many, France, Italy and Holland. Liberal press, like the New Republic, ing home reliet February, and York will take place this Sunday. Minneapolis, Minn, Friday, April board, added greatly to the dissatis League, Anerican labor groups and the British the Norwegian pronounced the change merely about 160, 000 were on CWA Jobs. April 15, at P.
advocates of civil liberty plan Labor Party: the International change in name. Hopkins, Federal That is, 350, 000 families, number6. In the largest and by far the action of the unemployed.
to ask Comrade James Cannon will most militant demonstration here! Last Tuesday morning at the rethe Dutch government League of the Rights of Man; the relief administrator, declared abouting at least 1, 500, 000 persons, were report on the developments in the in recent years, over 10, 000 anem gular meeting of the Welfare Board through its local Consul General League of Communist Internation 2, 000, 000 would still be employed. living on reliet or CWA wages. movement for a new Communist played workers volced their opposi in the Court House, some 5, 000 unfor asylum for political exiles. Aalsts (Bolshevik Lennests. the But the first day the La Guardia Even at this point, the peak of the Party in this country, our relations tion to the starvation program of employed led by the United Reliet joint statement of protest against French General Labor Confedera regime in New York took over the Rooseveltian honeymoon, home re and negotiations with other groupe the Roosevelt NRA administration. Workers Association gathered and the Dutch government policy of tion. The Dutch Independent 8o payrolls, at least 40, 000 out of 150. lief (for the 187, 000 families, and next steps. Discussion will fol. This demonstration, which marks sent its committee of 23 to present acting as deputy for the Hitler Fastcalist Labor Party and the Dutch 000 were tired. Similar wholesale approximating 845, 000 persons) low the report.
cist police will be presented to the Revolutionary Socialist Party bave dismissals are occuring everywhere. amounted to the munificent sum of a new stage in the development of the following demands: Dutch Consul General in New York. Jointly retained Attorney In sharp contradiction to Hopkins 50 per person per month. The Irving Plaza, 16th Street and Irv came as the result of the ending of crimiantions; Continuation of the The meeting will be held at the the struggle of the unemployed, 40 increase in relle: No dis The organizations signing the Stockvis to go to Germany on be promises are his own oficial esti total disbursed for home rellet, in ing Place. Sympathizers will be ad the CWA work and its replacement CWA on a cash basis; No RWA or Communist League of America (by Thus far, however, no information total cost for work and relle on however, with no rise in employ: to be secured at the City Office of on a pauper basis. The endless red diate teltet for all dismissed CWA protest include, in addition to the half of the four deported workers. mates that 65, 000, 000 would be the February was 7, 216, 000. Now. mitted on special invitation cards by the RwA scheme of work rellet other foreed labor schemes: Imme It National secretary, Arne Swa has been obtainable as to their dis April Just one fourth it the moments ment in industry, both CWA and the Communist League, 128 Fast tape of investigations, the discrim. Workers formerly on relief without beck. the Young People Socialist position by the police.
age cost for each previous month home relief rolls have been cut 16th Street. You can call for these inations and the arrogant hostility investigation, League of America (Arthur Me fund will be raised to aid in since CWA began.
ruthlessly. During the past month Dowell, Chairman. the League for the defense fight.
The honeymoon of Roosevelt and in New York City at least 60, 000 cards at the office all week, prior of the welfare board, particularly Refuses to Receive Committee to Sunday, April 15.
of Joseph, a member of this The Welfare Board refused to reIndustrial Deteocracy (Mary Fox, have been dismissed from CWA Jobs Secretary. the National Unemand more than 50, 000 dropped from ceive the committee on the pretext ployed League (Louis Budenz, Orthe relief rolls, so that officially the that 23 were too many. The ganizational Director. the Sparta needy have dwindled to less than workers who crowded the corridors cus Youth Clubs (Joseph Carter, 250, 000 families. And those will were infuriated at this reply and crashed through the locked doors of National Secretary. the Communnow receive sharply curtailed relier ist Party Opposition (Jay Lovewages or home relief. Even the the Mayor Reception Room, where stone, Secretary. the American social workers do not pretend that the Board was in session, sweeping Workers Party (A. Muste, Chairthese facts figures indicate imman. and the Left Poale Zion. In provement in conditions. As Jane were greeted by the retreating backs of the Welfare Board memaddition, the statement was signed Hoey, director of the Welfare bers who had hastily adjourned.
by Roger Baldwin, director of the American Civil Liberties Union; Bundle Orders. Now in preparaThe Hotel Owners Association Council, cautiously puts it in her exacted vengeance for the militant report: It should not be assumed Anti war conferences, sponsored War and the Fourth Interna The leaders then announced that Carlo Tresca, editor of 11 Martellotion is the SPECIAL MAY DAY strike of the hotel workers last from these figures that there has by prominent individuals, which tonal will be the tople for a lec on Friday morning a demonstration James Cannon, editor of the Mil EDITION. It will be crammed Friday in securing the conviction been any decline in the amount of substitute generalities and futlleture by comrade James Cannon would take place at the City Audiwar ou Sunday, April 22, at P. This torium, where the Welfare Board Itant; Herman Gund, General Orull of high powered political ma lo Harold Robins and Andres Gras need; there has been a decrease pacifist fulminations against sanizer of the Amalgamated Foodterial most effective for the cover on charges of second degree assault only in the amounts available for for a concrete program of united is the first of a new series of lec was asked to be present and hear Workers Union.
action by workers organizations, tures on the international program. the demands of the workers. It Protest Movement Grows ing of May Day mass meetings, in the court of General Sessions. relief.
Disproof of Roosevelt Claims are the order of the day. The Stalparades, demonstrations and all the conviction, which carries with In his lecture on the program of the Board was not present the The statement will be presented working class gatherings. Com it a penalty of two and one half to This attack on the relief workers inists set the fashion for these mas the Fourth International several workors would then march to the to the Consul General by a deputa rades should not wait but should Ave years in the penitentiary, was and unemployed sufficient dis ered the rivalry of the socialists in with the question of war very present the demands.
querades. Now they have encount weeks ago, Comrade Cannon dealt Court House and again attempt to At o clock tee for Non Partisan Labor Defense, send in their bundle orders imme frame ups yet perpetrated to the that he seeks to raise the wages of Following the departure of the mit an extensive treatment of the unemployed gathered outsde the briefly since the time did not per Frday morning a large number of a recently formed independent group diately. Undoubtedly you will need court presided over by the notor workers. One of the best guaranse privirilen sonu il caut parles de lente more Militants this year than bewus labores ballenge Juded Corrigan. Lees of high waeos for the employed water and from the segura de contre esteve received in manyte requested tulede tomowoWelfare Bosne According to Herbert Solow, secre message of the New Party and the Sentence is to be passed on April the unemployed; this was, in fact, ferences, engineered by individual that the more important phases of were formed and the demonstration Although all traffic tary of the group which drew up drive for the Fourth International. 16. Friends of the two victimized the basis of the reactionary objec soclulists and pacifists, have been Cannon programatte lecture reproceeded, and circulated the statement, they will continue to seek further ad. of revolutionary greetings this year.
We want a really impressive list workers are now making plans to tions to CWA when it was arst be formed in various cities. The New celve special treatment in separate cops had been brought into the po Rice concentration at the Court appeal the case.
gun. Roosevelt new curtallment Yorld conference held a three hour lectures.
House the march throughout was herents to the movement on behalt of the four German workers and it will add appreciably to the pool Robins and Gras had been among of relief means that the New Deal Session at Town Hall Friday, April In complying with these requests. characterized by its orderlinese, at we have chosen the question of war testing to the mood of the workers.
the demand for asylum for all to litical force of the issue to see na the active spirits of the union picketers have come to see eye toege 6th.
as such, were with the most reactionary industri.
Like the Stalinist conferences on as the first lecture in the series. As the demonstrators circled the ture refugees from the Hitler dictionary good will from the move attempt to get comrade Robins Undoubtedly among the reasons meeting than a gathering to discuss International was put to test in the side the numerous entrances.
tion wide expressions of revolu marked for persecution. previous al elements.
the same subject it had more the War is the primary touch stone of Court House character of a ceremonial mass a revolutionary party. The Second in evidence, massed inside and outpolice were much tatorship.
ment. Naturally we expect the cell through as a result of the clum for hastening the dissolution of The movement of protest contin branches to act first. There should Isness of the frame up and inexpertOWA was the fear of bosses and and plan a serious fight against im World War and it revealed its cominternational scale recently a mass meeting on units throughout the country coacering of state witories on the government that the medios de ist prototype, the Friday conference the Third International, in combat completely surrounded the building The marchers and onlookers, by perialist war. Also like its Stalin, plete bankruptcy. The policies of this time numbering over 10, 000, was called in Paris by a united Then sympathetle organizations, bench, the wheels were oiled and grouped together for any length of was consecrated to the spirit of ing the danger of war through the which occupies a square block.
front youth committee composed of representatives of the Young Len those who appreciate the siguin the conviction railroaded through time they would become organized so called anti war congresses, in Mounting the low stone wall which Extending the collaboration of which it uses all sorts of liberal runs around most of the building, At the trial a man named Bonnainists (formerly Lett Opposition cance of our drive for the New In (Continued on page 4)
youth. the Young Socialista, the ternational should be approached faux claimed that five men had asthe Communist League and the intellectuals and pacifists as its the leaders, after a short speech or American Workers Party step front, reveal that there is nothing two, called upon the committee of saulted him. Robins had four witSocialist student organization, the to send in their greetings.
further, the two organizations pre to be expected from this quarter in 23 to assemble on the wall. The youth organization afriliated with And finally, we will make room nesses who testified that he was Cuban Arrests sented a joint resolution to the the fight against the impending committee then proceeded and enthe and the anarchist youth for the host of individual comrades, home at the hour of the alleged conference. In the resolution, read war.
organization. The Young Commu friends and sympathizers who de attack. Gras had his wife as wittered the courthouse, without any nist League was invited to particlsire on May First to express their ness to the same. With the vicious The reactionary Mendieta govern to the conference by James BurnOther lectures to follow in the interference from the police, to with the movement attitude of the Judge, the conspirment, in its service to American ham of the American Workers series will deal with the Trade Un present the demands to the city peting meeting in another ball in Start immediately. Make a system acy of the Hotel Association and imperialism, has instituted a vicious Party and in a speech on the ruso ion question, Fascism and the council which was then in session.
pate but refused and called a com solidarity order to draw workers off from the atic canvass for greetings, explain the complaining witness (who has campaign of terror agaipet the orlution by James Cannon of the United Front The crowd remained orderly and mass protest meeting.
ing that peeudonyms or initials will been paid wages by the Hotel ganized labor movement in general Communist League the Communist Among the other European or be used on request.
Assn. and the District Attorney, and its revolutionary vanguard in point of view on the question of The lectures will be held at the listened to the speakers.
Cops Throw Tear Gas Bombs they were found guilty.
particular. direct result of this war was briefly outlined and con Irving Plaza, 16th Street and Irv. few minutes later a file of cops Hostile Rulings of Judge terror was the recent arrest of crete proposals were made for unit ing Place. Questions and discusThe Judge refused to allow testi coomade Sandailo Junco (see lasted front action of the workers or sion from the floor will follow the began to push through the crowd to (Continued on page 4)
mony regarding the payment of week Militant) and other militant ganizations, with political parties lecture. Admission will be 16 centa wages to the complaining witness and leading comrades of our Cuban and groupe taking the initiative in The national tour conducted by a similar turn out. All these meet by the Hotel Association. He also are being deported to Spain. The Those of Spanish origin their own names.
No action was taken on the recomrade Shachtman nowings were held under the auspices refused to allow testimony toom: fate of the others is yet unknown. solution except to refer it to a conhas reached the Pacific coast. There it of the League.
Our Cuban comrades who are tinuation committee for considerawitness which plaining would On his will take in the cities of Portland, return trip comrade playing a militant and leading rolotion at its first meeting. In view. dinner to Anthony Bellussi, Bellussi spent miserable San Francisco and Los Angeles Shachtman will make another stop have established the best possible in the heroic struggle of the Cubanſ of the provisional nature of the trade unionist and anti Fascist, months in jail, and was finally or Since comrade Shachtman started over in Chicago and be available motive for an attack on him by working class against American conference and the possibility that who has been ordered deported for dered deported to Italy, whero At the others than the strikers. For years out from New York on March 4th for a May Day meeting.
practically every day has been same time he will make a visit and he was shaking down men who imperialism and its native lack exists of securing a consideration his activities by the Federal author death or torture in the hands of des of the resolution in the continuation Ities, is to be given by a committee the Fascist butchers awaits him.
We have just committee, which will contain rep of his comrades and friends at Through the intercession of friends taken up with meetings in a num speak at Waukegan II. where a worked under him and depended oss find themselves in a received an urgent plea for financial resentatives of all the participating Stuyvesant Casino, Second Avenue and militant labor orgnizations, he ber of important industrial cities new branch of the League has been on his favor for their jobs.
Detectives and police on the wit assistance. It is the duty of every organizations, the Communist and Ninth Street, Friday, April 20, is temporarily spared this fate.
and new and valuable contacts organized during the last couple of weeks.
Less stand accused Robins of being revolutionary worker to help our League decided to remain with the at 7:30 He has been granted the right of have been gained for the League.
After leaving the Twin Cities Communist and strike agitator as imprisoned Cuban comrades who conference in order to bring the The committee includes Roger voluntary departure to South AmChicago had a record audience at part of the process of prejudicing are in desperate need. Send funda revolutionary standpoint forward. Baldwin, Louis the main meeting where comrade comrade Shachtman put in a buy the jury. Despite this, the jury immediately. The need becomes notable feature of the confer. Burnham, James Cannon, Elliot raised, however, this right will be Budenz James erica. Unless the tare can be Shachtman spoke on the New Party week in Winnipes, Canada. He ad was out over five hours before armore urgent daily. Don wait. Auence was the failure of the Left Cohen, Max Eastman, Herman lost, and he will be sent to Italy.
project. It was not like the mpet dressed a delegate conference of riving at a verdict. The biased ral communications should be addressed Socialists, in particular the Revolu Gund, Sidney Hook. Rose Karsner, He must leave before May Ing held on the previous national unemployed organizations repreings of Judge Corrigan and his to Communist League of America, tionary Policy Committee, to appear Muste, Elinor Rice, James Speakers at Dinner tour of comrade swabeck which senting some 7, 000 workers. He and hostile instructions to the jury un. 126 East ihto Street, New York and present an independent point Rorty, Herbert Solow and Carlo To raise his fare, and to protest had an extra large turn out of dressed the main League meeting doubtedly had a determining influ City.
of view on the question of war.
against the deportation policy of Stalinist hooligans who attempted held at which 350 workers were inence on the result.
for several hours to break up the attendance. addition to this he Bellussi had to flee Italy in 1924 the Government, the dinner is being because of his opposition to Musso held, under the auspices of the meeting. It was in vain. But that also addressed the Workmen Cirfailure, plus the good preparations cle Club and the Fort Rouge IL Fascists Attack River CLUB PLAN DRIVE FOR 1000 MORE SUBS Ini regime. He came to this Bellussi Anti Fascist Dinner Comcountry and worked as a coal miner mittee.
now made by our three Chicago open forum. Since returning once The Club Plan drive for a thou without saying. It is only through in Pennsylvania. He was active in Bellussi at present free on ball branches, prevented the repetition more to the States, comrade Shachtof such dastardly performance man had meetings scheduled in The bloody band of Fascist ter sand new subscribers terminated the assistance of the regular contrithe United Mine Workers Union supplied by the Civil Liberties Unand secured this time an excellent Williston and Plentlwood, Mexico. On April 2, two gunmen sults of 1014 new subscriptions, as we are able to supply the paper to ror has openly shown itself in last week with the gratifying re butions of the Pledgers that that Arrested June 17 ion is to speak at the dinner.
Various tendencies in Montana, from which we have no invaded the home of the world fa reported in the last issue.
Other speakers will be James the thousands who want it but are On June 17 of last year, Bellussi Cannon, of the Communist League the labor movement, the Stalinists, report as yet.
mous revolutionary artist, Diego Today, in response to the many not able to pay the full rates. was one of a crowd listening to an of America; Muste, of the the the Yipsels the United on the whole the national tour Rivera, and fired two shots through requests which came to the office. ON TO NEW 1, 000 SUBSCRIB open air meeting held by General American Workers Party: Quincy Workers Party and its minority so far has been most successful. It his bedroom window. Police In we begin drive for a second thou ERS!
group, participated in the discus has brought home in a striking vestigation disclosed that Rivera sand.
sion and all remained to the end. manner the constant advance made had been the recipient of threatenBUY YOUR CLUB PLAN CARDS Smith is the same khaki shirt lead Herbert Solow, of the Provisionai er who now faces trial in Brooklyn Committee for Non Partisan Labor Several Meetings in Chicago by the ideas represented by the ing Nazl letters because of his The rules are the same as in the WITHOUT DELAY!
for his perjury attempt to rallroad Defense, and Carlo Tresca, editor Another meeting on the develop League. The tour has been an enor treatment of Hitler in his American last drive a worker, Ternant, to the electric of Il Martello.
ments in Austria was held on Chi basis for the actual creation of a mous help in laying a preliminary murals. Club consists of four new six THE INTERNATIONAL chair.
BULLETIN Tickets are 50 cents each, and Attempted assassinations of this month subscriptions at 260 each, cago West Side. The audience Federal agents, scattered in the may be obtained through Elinor new party It has stregathened the sort can only serve as occasions to paid in advance. For every dollar The English edition, printed form, crowd, pounced upon Bellussi when Rice, treasurer, 151 83rd Street, Whichereas all that could be packed League in every important elty emphatically reaffirm our position you receive four prepaid sub carde eight pages, is now off the press and he sought to argue with the speak New York City wood can which you dispose of later and man can be ordered directly from the ler. He was detained for que Poes of Fascism, enemies of reside a meeting was addressed by ly, in new membership gains.
not, we dare not wait until Fascism in as you secure them.
comrade Shachtman on the subject The remaining schedule of the begins to consolidate its forces in That this low rate done not pay copy and cash must accompany all and radical literature found. Bel of whatever shade of political be The future of the New Deal with tour appears on page four. the western hemisphere. for the cost of production, goes orders.
lusal was ordered deported. hef, are urged to attend.
Rousing Meetings On Shachtman Tour Anti Fascist Dinner For Bellussi 10 Tresca.
into the small hall. On the South taken in, expressed most concrete lon anti Fascist activity.