BolshevismBourgeoisieCentrismCivil WarCominternCommunismCommunist PartyFascismGermanyHitlerIV InternationalLeninLeninismLiberalismSovietStalinStalinismStrikeTrotskyURSSUnited FrontViolenceWorkers MovementWorking Class

THE MILITANT SATURDAY, APRIL 7, 1934 PAGE REVIEWING THE NEWS Letters to the Editor 1014 Organization Notes MARCH OF New Subs!
EVENTS ally.
American Organized Labor Under the 12 Pledge Fund From a Member understand why the party refused take back such very valuable New York City Conference Dear comrades: especially in view of a recent am a member of the Commu appeal addressed to the Comintern Delegates from tho six branches, rendered by the organizer of the Manuilsky Blames Stalin nist Party who has finally come by the for the setting up of the Communist League in New city Spartacus Youth Clubs, Manny The Period of Concessions Closing Ignoring the old saying that you to the conclusion that real working of a working bloc, for the purpose Over the Top!
York City, met in conference Sun Garret. There are three clubs at capitalists, having can make a silk purse out of a class unity cannot be achieved of carrying out united front tac Over the top, and more! day, April 1, to review the work present functioning in New York gained respite thru a policy of apsow ear, all the flunkeys of Stal through the medium of the officialties against reformism, centrism The goal set for the Club Plan of the League in this city for the city, with others in the process of parent concessions based on the Inism are busy trying to paint Communist Party.
and Trotskyism.
sub drive was 1, 000.
past six months and to elect a City formation. The Spartacus Youth NRA, now breathe more easily and Stalin as the loved and victorious Committee for another term. took the trouble recently to Last week, the total reported was in his report to the conference, scope, with the Young Spartacus the organized workers.
Clubs are at present national in begin to show their bared tists to The German events trst stirred leader of the world proletariat, me to the realization that there through the literature of the Left 02 new subs. This week were the City Organizer, Morris Lewit. the official organ of our youth xec tense that the NRA gave recogniThe preVanuilsky over reached himself in his real to praise, and actually with a Communist party that could man Situation and the Soviet Un total to 1014, which should bring canization in membership and in each issue and winning a place forganize trade unions, is being rap placed the blame for Hitler vic muster 6, 000, 000 votes in time of ion, and so have been able to see the drive to a close. However, we lluence; the fact that our work has itself as a popular propagandist for aly discarded. The drive is now tory on Stalin. His (Stalin ap elections and then be decreed out through the veil of lies and distor received several requests for its been spread over a greater terri communism among praisal and forecasts have deter of legul existence without eventions that the and its Love continuation. The question is be tory, with branches in the major workers.
the young on for the open shop. Even the mined the path which the comin shaking it fist at the fascists. stonite apologists have spread reing considered and a decision will sections of the city: the participaA. of unions alarm the bosses, tern has travelled during the last who only a day before were already garding Trotsky position these be announced in the next issue of tion of the branches in the last sub imous endorsement of the city con ment of its leadership for the work All the reports received the unan not because of any real accomplish ten years without Lenin. His Bolbeing defeated on every front.
questions. have just been roused the militant.
shevik adherence to principle, as scription campaign of the Militant, ference.
Recently met a former party from that stupifying and plous acing class, but because of its pohard as granito and his revolution: member who is now a member of ceptance of the doctrines of the Davenport, Iowa Branch wirtes: virtually doubling the number of This conference, in reviewing the contialities as a rallying force for ary tactics as pliant as high grade the Lovestone group. After some Comintern gospel, and have Please see that we get the sub New York subscribers. The major past activities, in analizing the the unorganized. The first steps steel teach the communists of all persuasion on bis part finally learnt to look around me a little cards immediately. We would also part of the report, however, was shortcomings and the tasks ahead to build up Industrial Mederal countries to fight and conquer.
like to extend this drive for our devoted to the trade union work for the League, has registered the unions in the mass spoduction inbranch at least, till April 30. and the work in other mass organ fact that we have turned the cordustries, arouses the utmost fury of Cutting out the usual blah blah consented to attend their National bit more.
And so, comrades, pledge myabout granite and steel, it these Coveution which was then in pro Subs received during the past ixations, reviewing the policies purner, that from a propaganda organ big business which proceeds with words mean anything at all, they res to bear Lovestone report on self to carry this work of enlightsued in these organizations by our ization we are developing along the out delay to open up a sharp counenment into the ranks of the party week 12 Davenport Brr.
mean that Stalin and Stalinism de the International Situation. won take your time up with so that the working class will not line of agitation and action, broad ter attack on the of The serve the credit if any and the too many details. Suffice it to say, again have to suffer the same deWaukeegan Br.
Comrade Swabeck, reporting forening our base in the labor mass threat of the auto strike was the blame for the present conditio in that with the exception of a criti tents as our German and Austrian Kotx the National Committee, spoke pri organizations, gaining increased in signal for this attack.
the and the present situation eisin of the party dual union pol comrades. Forward to a new ComQ. Parker marily on our Immediate perspectuence and laying the foundations in the world, that is tuso far as a icy which it was gradually chang munist party. Forward to tives and the tasks of the League for a genuine Communist Party in TOTAL 22 in the building of a new party, a this country.
The Open Shop Drive or change it. Let us see what Man lug und the fuct that they (Love the Fourth International. PARTY MEMBER.
The complete record to date fol section of the Fourth International.
In the sharpening struggle, Rooullsky says on that. this shows stone Co. were not at the head lows: The growth of the League in the Shachtman Tour Los Angeles sevelt and Johnson obey the behests the weak work of the Communist of the party nothing else differed New York Local 404 past period, has not been confined of the big capitalists and act as the Minneapolis Br.
Partles who have not taken advance stentially from any of the party Fron a Member Boyle Heights Lecture 128 to New York. New branches have spearhead of the attack. meet tage of the world economic crisis to Kansas City Br.
48 been organized in a number of lo Sunday, April 15th, P. ing of Afty iron and steel companIn Germany suld Lovestone the To the Editor of the Militant: consolidate their positions in the Boston Br.
32 calities, and altogether the League at ies, convened at Pittsburgh recentworld labor movement. If the Com defcat of the working class did not chanced to go through some Pittsburgh Br.
32 has doubled its membership in this 25262 Brooklyn Avenue 19. hailed Roosevelt leading statemunist parties had not lagged be challenge the principles of commu old copies of the Daily Worker re Davenport Rr.
28 country and has taken the lead in ment on the auto industry: The Speaker hind in the winning Over of the min. but only condemned the taccontly and came across a story in New Castle Br.
important struggles.
24 government makes it clear that it majority of the working class, the Lical of the party. The solu the December 18th issue about Youngstown Br. 20 The report for the youth was MAX SHACHTMAN favors no particular form of emtempo of the development of the tion of the conditions in which the Charles 11. Houston, Brown 20 ploye organization or representaworld revolutionary crisis would be working class finds itself today can attorney who Helped Lynch Court Chicago Friends of tion. The goverment only duty different and the whole course of only be solved by reforming the sentence Crawford, negro worker the Militant Club 16 is to secure absolute and uniuluevents in Germany and throughout party from below. That disposed to life imprisonment Cheadline. Chicago Br.
16 enced freedom of chole without the world would bave been differ of the German situation.
One would judge from this that Kota 15 coercion, restraint or intimidation ent too. The Menace of Trotskyism Houston would be a good man to Parker 13 from any source. Quite correctly So, the results of Stalin fore The rest of the time was taken to stay away from. On turning to the Oakland Br.
12 The Auto Settlement the machinery in advance to hold the companies interpret this statecasts, appraisals and teachings, discuss the menace of Trotsky next page it is announced that Philadelphia Br.
12 The auto settlement was a com the forces in check.
ment as encouragement to build are weak work. lagging be ism. Why do we bother so much Bernard Ades, attorney who Hamilton 12 promiso Roosevelt got the glory, The workers interests is not in company unions, which will be rechind. not taking advantage with Trotsky? asked Lovestone, defended Eul Lee was being brought Teacher Capital got the real concession and the Code Authorities, nor in any ognized by NRA officials and will and finally the victory of reaction. Because we ahve to admit that before the Federal Court for dis Los Angeles Br.
labor got the crumbs. The next class collaboration boards of the meet collectively with real trade Ten years without Lenin and with Trotsky bothers some of our com barrment. And who do you sup Berensmeier day the New York Times headline bosses. We must go to the NRA union representatives in negotiaStalin ten years of Stalinism cudes.
pose headed the defense counsel? Simington sald, Auto strike ruling viewed as labor boards with OUTSIDE prestions with the bosses.
against Leninism, and the result From here on all gathered was None other than the same Charles Steinbach of set back. Yes, the sure of the ORGANIZED workers Even the bourgeois press press can be summed up in one word that Trotsky was plagueing the Houston who, in the same Daily Marcus treacherous action of the labor in their own organizations. labels the acceptance of the terms HITLER.
International working class move Worker, Helped Lynch Court.
fakers enabled the capitalists to of the auto agreement as a major ment with his counter revolutionary Ruby It is about time that we had a strengthen their position and The Wagner Bill defeat of the of and there Senator Thayer and the Power ideas. He was organizing strug Defense organization where crazy Papeun caused the working class to take since the President has issued bis fore of the working class. SimulTrust gle against the Soviet Union. stuff like this would not be toler8. Hardy a defeat without a battle. new interpretation of Section 7a, taneously the steel barons condemn The latest politician who was not The International Communist Opated. Goodman Roosevelt reactionary interpre and on the heels of this ruling, the the Wagner bill, outlawing company careful enough in concealing his position (Brandlerites) had to Hurwitz IL. MEMBER.
tation of section Ta of the NRA has Wagner Bill has been transformed. unions, whereupon this bill, never dealings with his masters is Sen break with the of Sweden beBuffalo Br laid down a ruling and a precedent Wagner started out with the bally intended seriously except to lull the New Haven Br.
that will always guarantee capital hoo about passing a law to outlaw workers into passivity thru the ator Warren Thayer, chairman cause it went over to Trotskyistof the Public Utilities Comission centrism. Trotsky was for a new its company unions. The fact that company unions. In the process of false hope that government would Hollod a union has a majority of the work discussion on the bill he consents to aid the workers in attaining their of the New York State Senate party in the Soviet Union which a rather fine looking, well liked meant Civil War. Trotsky says Ellis ers organized in a shop does not amendments that safeguard and aims, is unceremoniously scuttled.
member of the senate who was very the Soviet Union is not a working The Club plan sub drive was inD. Fogel give them the right to represent legalize company unions.
influential in the legislature, though class government. etc, etc. Gendelman the shop under the new ruling. The Legalizing company unions is not itiated with the view of reaching Dividing the Movement president formula gives minority outlawing company unions.
he spoke infrequently.
All these accusations were noth (1, 000 new readers who were unable Hoffman The Mill cause for the potency of his in ing new to me because read them to pay the regular rates, but were Nor is it by accident or thru representation. This favors the in bowl about labor dictatorship being Salt Lake City Br.
dependent unions. But nine out of established if the Wagner BILL 18 Electric Co, the steel mills and the sheer generosity that the General fluence was shown in his letters to every day in the Daily Worker, and anxious to read the Militant. Toupin ten times it means the company passed seems to be the smoke screen coal minds grant wage increases the Associated Gas and Electric became more and more puzzled There are at least another thouH. Sukut unions.
Company enclosing his expense ac as to why the party had to expel sand who want the paper at this that hides a move to strengthen the and concessions in hours at this The committee of three appointed capitalist dictatorship. Sukut counts and hoping that his services anybody who agreed so wholeheart low price, judging by the requests Dwyer time. Organized labor must be preto take up the grievances, like all in killing any bills that might in odly with it own viewpoint.
which have come asking us to ex. McLeod terfere with the profits of the power From there on he discussed the tend the drive. This can be done other such committees established Railroad Sruggle Left to President vented above all else (for that St. Louis Br.
The paid question of a new party which only if we get a sufficient number after strikes, is just a polite way trust were satisfactory.
Eastman has been able to pacity might prove decisive in the strugL. Murphy of mopping up for the bosses.
gles to come) from spreading in the and postpone the struggle of the steel mills, and workers must be spokesman of the power trust must lead to capitulation to Trots of pledgers who will remit regu Koehler The bosses strategy, with the railroad workers for a wage in pacified in the mines while the doesn depend on his fine looks for kyism and Centris. The larly. Genfan labor fakers help, stemmed the tidecrease but was unable to settle the major offensive is conducted to his influence over the mess of and the were united Carlson of the labor revolt. But it only afferences. This has been left for halt the influx into the unions and statesmen spewed into Albany by by anti Soviet and anti communist! We appeal again to our readers the Tammany postponed it, and in the very near the President who will see the rail to assure the open shop. Besides and Republican sentiment.
Waukeegan Br.
and sympathizers, to pledge definite machines. And these are the most He went to quite some lengths to weekly or monthly sums for this future, with increased inflation, it road managers and the labor fakers this, the ending of the cwA and TOTAL 1014 honest people known to Postmas explain away resolution which specific purpose.
will fare up anew within the on April Eastman says he has the shutting off of all relief to milE. of If possible, outside, as out at least prevented a strike for the lions of workers, makes it necessary ter General Farley.
was adopted at their Convention in Don delay.
Send your pledge at once.
law strikes, it necessary September, 1932 that a new Comtime being, and for that the capital to divide the employed from the 20 NEW PLEDGERS Holy Joe McKee munist party was justified under NRA Tightens Grip to Prevent Str railroad workers really mean bust unemployed workers will unquesists should give him credit. If the unemployed. This movement of the In the last election campaign in certain conditions.
Boston An order for the reorganization of nese about a wage increase they tionably take on a militant charac.
New York and for months before Merely Tactical Differences. Chiplowitz. 50 weekly the NRA code authorities has been have to fight the labor agents of ter in the present situation, and oceans of ink were used in popular Needless to say, that to a worker Henderson 50 weekly issued. This means that the period the capitalists within their own hence the preparations of the boss izing the name of Honest Joe who was nurtured on party litera Schechet. 50 weekly of forming codes is being left be ranks in a more energetic way and class to isolate it.
McKee. The Recovery Party with ture for the past few years, there Winer. 50 weekly hind and the period of administer amalgamate the twenty one unions a key for a symbol and McKee for was very little new to be learned Newark ing them is before the capitalists. Into an industrial union.
Clearly it becomes our task to a candidate was organized by Far from Lovestone. Their differences Kotz. 25 weekly Schedule Codes will continue to be forinubelp reduble the campaign for orley and Roosevelt. That the kes with the policies of the Comintern, Nagy. 15 weekly The schedule for the tour, in addi lated but they will be moulded into ganizing the workers in the basic Wage Increases Herald Further to recovery was just another Tamas Lovestone made sure to empha Becker. 26 weekly tion to the cities already covered, the pattern already laid out. Now Inflation mass production industries; to exmany Hall burglars skeleton key size, was merely tactical and not Clerk. 10 weekly is as follows: the problem confronting the capi.
pose the open shop and company for robbing the unfortunate unem Cundamental, was at a loss to Social Worker weekly talists is to keep down the growing The betrayal of the auto strikeunion drive, aided by Roosevelt and Sun. April 8th San Francisco.
ployed and looting public funds is Sympathizer. 10 weekly shown by the revelations of the Re ies, knows the way to the hearts Mon April 9th San Francisco discontent within the working class Green and Company has been also by the corrupt of Youngstown while they continue to drive collowed up by the granting of wage bureaucracy; to unite employed and covery Party activities in the of public officials just as well as Friend Tues. April 10th San Francisco through their reorganization of creases in the other basic indus unenployed in a militant struggle 00 monthly Wed. April 11thC. Tammany could pilfer the the power trusts. And stuffed shirt West Virginia Thurs, April 12th Los Angeles. American Industry at the expenso tries where strike struggles threat on all fronts against the concerted pockets of paupers, the Recovery police commissionars are particu1. 00 monthly of the working class and the small oned. The General Electric, the drive of the capitalists to pauperA Miner Tarty could arrange to push their larly amenable to the language Fri. April 18th Los Angeles.
United States Steel and the Bitu ize the working class.
paid for 10 months in advance.
Sat. April 14th Los Angeles.
favorites into jobs while which such corporations can talk. litigation division will be es have announeed wage increases.
minous Appalachian coal operators Brooklyn Sun. April 15th Los Angeles.
heads of starving familles begged In brief, we see bere one of the 00 monthly in vain for the chance to work. means by which the capitalist class Edith Sher Rourgeois Nightmares Wed. April 18 Salt Lake City, through the Department of Justice. The bosses press openly admit that of a surety, promotor Farley chose exercise their rule through their Downtown, a poor time to extol tbe honesty of own state and their own tools in Kujawsky. 10 Thurs. April 19 Salt Lake City. The cartels being created need not this action not only has prevented The bourgeoisie cannot sleep well in strikes of those effected by the pay nights. It sees spectres every Utah.
It is acutely aware of the his political friends. Spathos its apparatus.
25 weekly be almed at the small producer and increase but has had a soothing ef where. Tamas. 25 weekly Fri. April 20 Denver, Colo.
at the outlaw strikes that are sure Loct over wide areas on other work crystal sation of the clase struggle The Police and the Taxi Strike The Convention Forecast Sat. April 21 Denver, Colo.
Harlem Sun. April 22 Kansas City, Mo to develop in the coming perioders in the same industries who have in one country after the other into such cleur ut forms to inaku The Grand Jury and a group of Browder hailed Stalin as the Cochrin. 10 weekly The revision is primarily aimed not yet received increases.
Tammany and other politicians iron. willed, granito Mon. April 23 Kansas City, Mo principled, Beecher The agreement between the coal possible only one of two choices sy. 10 at establishing machinery for labor weekly backed by the entire capitalist steeled and loved leader (everyone Clay. 10 Weekly Wed. April 25 St. Louis, Mo.
Tues. April 24Kansas City, Molaisputes. Industrial relation boards operators and the call the next step in social evolution. press are all hot and bothered be rises, shouts hurrah for Stalin and Marsh. 25 weekly Thurs, April 26 St. Louis, Mo.
will be established to the extent for the seven hour day, the five day the road to communism or the road to fascism. Hence the uneasties cause, so they say, news reel plesings the International. Browder PREVIOUSLY REPORTED Fri. April 27 Staunton or Gu. necessary in the different indus week and the five dollar basie wage, and the nervousness manifest on tures show cops turning away when tells Stalin famous story about tries in order to confine the work covering the Appalachian area Brooklyn Sat. April 28 Springfield, national scale. The Hearst press husky striking taxi drivers got the chatterboxes. All rise and cheer ers struggles in the strait jacket Such action not only prevented. 25 weekly lespie, best of the company thugs and for the leader. Every other Paul King of class collaboration machinery bitter national strike struggle but utilizes these fears to prepare a scabs. We don know what the chatterbox repeats the Sun. April 20 Davenport, Ia. famous Subway Worker 00 monthly In Cotton, bituminous coal, rail. also is a forerunner to an increased new anti red drive by means of Manhattan Mon. April 30 Davenport, Ia.
news reels actually show; we do story with examples from his own road, garment and other industries, inflation and price rise that will the series of articles on American. 50 Tues. May 1Chicago, Ill.
Weekly Communism by that arch reactionknow that strikers, wounded and district. resolution halling the Wright Konikow such boards, or labor representa wipe out pay increases. 25 Wed. May 2Chicago, Ill.
Weekly ary, Easley, of the Civic Federation.
beaten by thugs, scabs and police correct leadership of the with tion on the Code Authorities, al5. Beardsle 00 weekly Thurs. May Detroit, Mich. large section of the capitalist were to be seen dally at strike head Stalin at the head is carried.
ready exist.
THE MILITANT Victor. 50 weekly Fri. May Detroit, Mich.
class never accepted Roosevelt quarters in the taxi, as in all other (Everyone stands and cheers for Each Code Authority will ap Entered as a second class mall strategy of liberal treatment for Weber Sat. May Detroit, Mich.
Stalin and sings the International. 50 weekly militant strikes.
point a Labor and Consumer repre matter November 28, 1928, at the the workers even temporarily. They. 50 weekly And, more than that, we know of The tragle defeat in Germany 18. Gordon mentative. They will have no vote and Post Office at New York, Un feared that Roosevelt policy Kling and have experienced police clubs, covered up by the reference to the 150 monthly RUSSIAN BULLETIN will attend meetings on invitation, der the act of March 3, 1870.
might stimulate and encourage ra.
cracking down on the heads of heroism of the victims of their pol. 10. Bleeker These representatives will have ac Published Weekly by the ComHarlem peaceful, marching unemployed. Welcles. Self criticism, with varlather than discipline and control munist League of America. 50 weekly have been news reels which clearly tions. reference to the open let 11. Smith We are glad to announce that we to make statements, which means, 126 East 16th Street, New York, tion of the bourgeoisie has bidea showed such unprovoked attacks, ter. Bureaucrats speak against 12. Teacher 00 weekly were successful in securing small when boiled down, that the labor Vol. VII, No. 14. Whole No. 218) its time to open the attack against but we have never heard of a Grand bureaucracy of lesser bureaucrats. paid in advance for 16 weeks) number of additional coples of the consumer representatives will be Russian Opposition Bulletin No. window dressing for the machinaSaturday, April 7, 1934 Roosevelt. The present blast Jury being called on to investigate. The lesser ones admit their errors. 26 EDITORIAL BOARD against Roosevelt takes the form of weekly 38 30 containing Comrade Trotskystions of the exploiters against the Martin Abern James Cannon an attack on his brain trust. It nor of any effort by any public Greetings are sent to Stalin while 13. Brandmarck authority to stop such attacks. all stand and shout, Hurrah for 14. Saul 10 weekly Articles On the Eve of the Con workers. They will act as the Mar Shachtman 15. Ramlo Maurice Spector is fitting that this blast should be. 10 weekly gress, Where are the Limits of agents of the capitalists in the class The case of Senator Thayer, acting Stalin!
Arne Swabeck opened by Wirt, founder of the 16. MM 00 for the power trusts for a price weekly Fall? Summary of the 18th collaboration machinery.
Subscription rate: 00 per year factory school system at Gary, Inas shown by his own letters alveol (Written before the convention. 17. Egstadt 25 weekly Plenum of the ECCI and others. The new order that revises the 50 per half year. Canada diana. Ho mistrusts liberalism Dryer 2015 the key to the investigation of the We venture the above as a thumb 18.
weekly Write or call for your copy at NRA means that the class relations and Foreign. 50 per year; and would prefer and prepares taxl strike violence. General Mo nail sketch of the proceedingc. 19. Lip bits 25 weekly the Militant office, 126 16th St. in America are sharpening and 76e for de months the way for outright fascism. BILL tom, ak of the big taxi compain 50 20. Shulman weekly that the bosses are preparing Bundle rates one cont pe copr. JACK WEBER Shachtman Tour weekly Harlem Brons