AnarchismBolshevismBourgeoisieCapitalismCominternCommunismCommunist PartyFascismFranceGermanyHitlerIV InternationalImperialismItalyLeninismMarxismMussoliniNazismSocialismSocialist PartySovietSpainStalinismStrikeSyndicalismURSSUnited FrontWorkers MovementWorkers PartyWorking Class

UNITE Weekly Organ of the Communist League of America VOLUME VII, NO. 14 (WHOLE NO. 218 NEW YORK, SATURDAY, APRIL 7, 1934 PRICE CENTS All Together Against other to content Committee Organized to Aid Appeal to the Young Reaction on May Day Anthony Bellussi Workers of the World Deported Youth ere but the plan was the devotion. In Grave Danger in the ranks of the workers In Hitler Germany restity to the anti working class spent in New York Bela tributions to maid She expenses or The Cuban Laborarlous organizations and countries Movement END OF THE NEW YORK TAXI STRIKE Dreyer, managing editor of the Union Pharmascist, official publication of the Pharmascists Union of greater New York, bas recently conference of representatives ist International (Y. are faoLast year May Day demonstra time and place of march, banners appeared before Magistrate Gold After a protracted struggle, An and 9th Street. Admission is 50 of independent proletarian youthed by these forces and these dan.
tions were held under the slogan of slogans, speakers, etc. and that it stein on a charge of criminal libel. thony Bellussi, militant anti Fuscents. The speakers of the evening, organizations was called for Febru gers. Their dependence on reform.
solidarity with the German work be signed by the Joint ropresenta He is accused by Roy Denise, cist and active trade unionist of in addition to Comrade Bellas, ary 24th to 26th at laren, in Holism and Stalinism has condemned ers and against advancing Fascism. tives and published in all the work eastern representative of the Retail Wilkes Barre, Pa. has won the will be James Cannon of the land. The object of this Conference these two organizations to impotSince that time the herole fight ofers press.
Clerk Interational Protective As right of voluntary departure from Communist League; Maste of was to draw the lessons of the cataence.
the Austrian workers and socialista That included in this program sociation, of and also or the United States. To assist him the American Workers Party: Quin strophe in the German labor move It was to find a way out of this was drowned in blood and now be an agreement to confine the dem ganizer of the American Pharma in financing his trip, the sole meth. Howe, editor of The Living Age: ment, of the crisis of the interna situation, and to prepare and organmurderous Clerical Fascism with onstration to one against Fascism cists Union, organized by him siod of saving him from being turned Herbert Solow of the Provisional tional labor movement, and, partize the consolidation of all revoluits program of black reaction rules and war and for a militant united months ago in opposition to the over to Mussolini by the gov. Committee for Non Partisan Laborcularly, the proletarian youth movetionary forces of the International in Austria. Ominous signs of the fight against every manifestation of Pharmacists Union of Greater ernment, a Bellussi Anti Fascist Defense; and Carlo Tresca, editor ment.
proletarian youth that there assemadvance of Fascism are to be seen ascism in America.
New York.
Dinner Committee has been organ of Il Martello. Important new fen Unemployment and super exploi bled the representatives of Inde.
in France, and to a greater or less Against any repetition of the dis An article, exposing the anti ized. Sentenced to deportation to tures of the general fight against tation evils which at the same pendent revolutionary youth organiextent in all countries in the capl. grace of Madison Square Garden!
union activities of Mr. Denise, ap Fascist Italy, Bellassi is now en Fascism and reaction and on behalf time are contradictory and supplezations and groups of Holland, Bel.
talist world.
For the United Front of the peared in the March issue of the abled to escape from the clutches of political refugees will be taken mentary are both the consequences cium, France, Sweden, Norway, With the victory of Hitler Union Pharmacist. Mr. Denise, 10 of the Mussolint regime which has up by several of the speakers. At of the terrible world economic crisis Germany, Czechoslovakia, Switzershould have been apparent, even to workers organizations!
the blind, that reaction would push For the defense of all workers his attempt to stile criticism not for years desired to punish him for ter dinner adimnsion to bear tbe which effects especially the prole Land, Roumania, Greece, Spain, Unionly of another organization but his working class activities in Italy, speakers will be 15 cents.
Larian youth.
ted States and Australia.
forward in other countries. The organizations and press!
also of oppositionists in his outit, Bellussi spent ten months in jail Tickets may be ordered and This youth, however, has not re But the Dutch bourgeoisie, reputneed of the hour then was a united For workers right of free speech, has applied for help to the capital before his case could be settled. tables reserved through Elinor Rice, acted to the blows of capitalism by led to be one of the most liberal on front of all labor organizations, po free press and free assemblage. ist court.
At Arst the pretended Inter treasurer of the Bellusal Anti revolutionary means. On the COD the Continent, is so afraid of the litical, economic, and fraternal, to Against war and for the interna Upon cross examination by the est in his tate, but when Bellusst was last Dinner Committee 161 trary. The crudest form of capital revival of the proletarian youth crush the growing Fascist danger Lional solidarity of the workers lawyer for the defense, Mr. Denise refused to repudiate his friendliness East 83rd Street, or through list oppression, Fascism, threatens movement that, on the very first day in their home countries and to give For the overthrow of capitalism. admitted something that throws a to the Communist Leagne of Amer the City Committee of the Commurto attract to Itselt a great part of of the Conference, it brought about aid to their brothers elsewhere.
For the dictatorship of the proglaring light on the character oica, the LD. lost its enthusiasm atst Teague of America, 128 East the youth and to submit them to the arrest of all the foreign parti.
Decaying capitalism with по this Individual. He refused an for the cause of this anti Fascist. 16th Street The League Urges a two dangers. heightened exploita cipants and, after two days of imother way out of its crisis is reletariat!
offer made to him by the Pharmas In the end the fight had to be car its friends to support the Bellussition and imperialist wars. The prisonment, expelled them. Four sorting to the arming of murderous For the socialist society!
cists international organizations German anti Fascists were carried bands for the crushing of every NEW YORK CITY COMMIT. to publish his refutations of the ried on by the friends of comrade Anti Fascist Dinner Committee in two Those who cannot pos claiming to represent the interest to the German frontier and given semblance of independent working TEE, COMMUNIST LEAGUE charges made in the Libeloan tº Bellusst with the aid of the Amer every way.
After sibly attend are arged to send a lot working class youth, the Young up to the mercies of the paid butchclass organization. Faced with a ticle and also their offer of winning the right of voluntary de contribution to the Committee for Socialists and the Young Communes of Hitler divided working class It marches platform before the membership of Parture, Bellussi was released on the fund to finance Bellussi trip.
forward everywhere. The heroism Deeply conscious of the enormous both organizations. However, the ball, ball money being provided by. Comrade Bellusal appeared at of Communiste, Socialists, and trade fact that Mr. Denise has chosen the the American Civil Liberties Union. the Spring Festival of the League Importance for the world proletarunion members in Austria, in Italy capitalist platform in preference to at Irving Plaza last Saturday and and in the prison camps of Hitler the workers platform can only His last month in America be given rousing reception. ConConference, the representatives of courage and readiness to struggle makeup of this great labor organ plans to sail for South America bis journey were made as follows: izer.
before May The members of the emburg in order to continue the ConFein. 00 united could smash the Fascist This case is of great interest to Dinner Committee are Roger BaldLieberman, 00 Lerence.
The present Conference calls upon menace in one country after anall the advanced and militant ele win, Louis Budenz, James BurnBeardsley, 1. 00 other No further news can be learned ments in the labor movement.
At ham, James Cannon, Elliot Becker, 00 Through La Prensa, Spanish the working class youth of the Another May Day, the day of of the fate of the four German tempts of reactionary elements to Cohen, Max Eastman, Herman Sterling, 00 dally printed in New York, we are the actions of the Dutch bourg are world to support protest against labor solidarity, is at hand. Shall comrades deported from Holland to stile criticism and establish a cen Gund, sidney Hook, Rose Karener, Jimmy. 60 apprised of the arrest of the whole oisie.
it reveal to our enemies a working Hitlerite Germany by the Dutch sorship on the radical labor press Muste, Elinor Rice, James Saul, 25 leadership of the Labor Federation class unable to unite its forces in capitalist government, which broke by means of court action must be Rorty, Herbert Solow and Carlo Dollinger, 00 of Havana. The police surprised a clares that no step, however reaFurthermore, the Conference de face of the Fascist butcher? That up the international youth confer fought bitterly. This case again Tresca.
Bleecker, 00 meeting of the Plenum of the Fedis the question for every worker inence at Laren last month. Accord Illustrates the need of a genuine The Bellusal Dinner will be beld Collection 45 eration while in session, placing all geolsle of Holland or any other tionary, whether taken by the bour.
whatever organization he may being to a letter received by the Milunited front for non partisan labor Friday, April 20 at 7:30 at of the members under arrest. country, can prevent it from carry found to ask himself now. itant from Dutch comrades, there defense. It is high time to form it. Stuyvesant Casino, Second Avenue Total 12. 20 Among these is Sandalio Junco, one ing out its International tasks. And War preparations go on at alis grave fear that they may have of the most prominelt labor figures it addresses the following call to feverish pace. Japan openly pre been killed by Hitler police. The of the island and one of the pares for an attack on the Soviet Dutch government is attempting to standing leaders of the Bolshevik. the world working class youth: Union Europe is a powder barrel hide its guilt behind the pretence Leninist Party (Cuban Section of Beware of the danger of Fascism!
awaiting the spark. Conflicting im that the four young workers were Fight Its abominable demagogy.
the League of Communist Internaperlalist forces have made a sham not political refugees. It has, howtionalists) which has been extreme and understand its real role as the bles of several countries of South ever, been established that all had The second general strike of the struggle developed in the unlon. Contradictions Come Out ly active in the herole struggles of Fascism destroys both the organmercenary hangman of capitalism!
America. The United States, while fled from Germany months before New York taxi drivers has ended The Stalinists who came into the cutting of hundreds of thousands coming to Holland and that they in a second defeat for the workers union through the merger of thels did not appear in their full impor doubtedly determined to crush the rights of the working class. It sub The contradictions in the union the Cuban proletariat.
of unemployed from the relief rolls possessed visaed passports in good and victory for the bosses and paper Taxi Workers Union, formed tance until the strike reached its The Mendieta government is un izations and the social and political and refusing to make any attempt order.
reaction. None of the demands put a bloc with Omer and Green of the peak and stopped growing. When counter revolutionary Trotskyists mits the working class, and especi.
to provide unemployment insurance, la at the same time spending bil half of the four victims of Dutch has been won. The collapse of the of former members and sympathiz polities the impact of the strike which they are actively participating conditions like those of ancient wide protest movement on be forward by the Taxi Drivers Union Workers Socialist Party, a group lit landed in the bog of capitalist and the labor organizations in ally the youth, to working and liv.
Hons on naval, military and aerial Naul cooperation has sprung up in strike that is what it was comers of the Socialist Party of Great breaking efforts of all the capital ing and playing leading role. The high degree the contradictions of slavory. Fascism intensifies to this May 1st is a crime. To admit chist, syndicalist, trade union and auto workers, has strengthened the canzer and leader of the second lines in the union to be drawn very blow at the revolutionary vanguard possible at any time terrible ex that a united front demonstration even liberal elements. In this chances of the company union strike. In this Aght the bloc re sharply. In the main the line was will cripple the workers in the against Fascism and war cannos movement the International Com which the auto bosc are seeking celved, at least, objective support arawn over the issue of radicalism sharp struggles that are now being plosions, destructive wars be formed is to admit the tri munist League (Bolshevik Leninto foist on the taxi drivers here in from the Tammany elements in the and its responsibility for the difri waged.
woble continents.
umph of black reaction and the de ists( is playing a full share. New York.
unlon who had their own axe to cult position of the strike. First Veteran Militant It is necessary to see the whole struction of all labor organization.
In this country a similar protest Workers of New York, delegates to this May Day Conference, you movement has been begun. state combined forces of the companies was dislodged from leadership. lot red baiting go to the Boeialtat those arrested to be named in the these dangers on every sector, and The strike WAS defeated by the grind against La Guardia. Gandall honors in the reactionary business Comrade Junco, the only one or extent of the danger. It is neces sary to begin the struggle agalust pispatches, is a baker by trade and must not and cannot admit such an ment is being circulated among all who imported gangsters from Chi Orner became president of the Man Party which seized on this moment as long boen prominent in tbe on the basis of the broadest united outcome.
Reports appear in the organizations opposed to FascismIcago to supplement the home sup hattan local, tho largest and most to take its undercover campaig struggles of his own industry in Croat.
on the basis of which united pro ply, the police who drove scab cars important of the three units of the its guiding groups in New York akin to the test will be made to the Dutch and rode in them to provoke at union The Bronx and Brooklyn hana the Bronx local pelased al mo particular and in the general labor presentera der sie do organizations the movement.
presented at the of Lux.
Fascists in Europe. Nazi open air Bovernment. demand will be tacks by pickets, the yellow press locals remained under the influence tion calling for a fight ag Communist Party when it was first emburg therefore propose to all or meetings, largely attended, are be made for public guarantee of the which tried to frame up bombings of the Socialist Party elements.
ing heta lite event terork abrown right of safe conduct and asylum on the union, the Mayor and his while the strtke was in tho as Gilbert was a topped from his head organized and was forced to flee to sa nezation of working class youth, shirts, Khaki shirts, Silver shirts, for all political refugees. The most relentless IdeologiRevolutionary Socialist Mrs. Herrick and Golden, the so tion of the Socialists in the Bronx took his place in the negotiations chado torror. While in exile he oc country. Nazi bands are organiz Parts and the Independent Social. cialist Party which sabotaged the and Brooklyn locals worked to pusle a City Hall Orner popularity cupted for a while the secretary palestina physical struggle against ship of the Carribean Secretariat of the RILU and participated in 1st and Against war, against chauvinThis rising danger must be crushed. attorney Stockvis to proceed red baiting campaign in the union, organizational strength outside of militarist propaganda, One united front May Day demonto Germany to investigate the fate and the mistakes of the leadership. the union to throw behind the The collapse of the strike gave a several International conferences against the militarization of the strike, and involved in the bloc with great stimulus to the centrifugal After returning to Cuba, Junco was stration against war and fascism of the four delegates.
Politics in the Strike the stalinists, had to lean on the forces in the union working through expelled from the party following youth, will strike terror into their hearts. Unser Wort, organ of the InterOn every one of these points latter for support. The Stalinists the political contradictions.
The a series of conflicts with the irre rights of the proletariat and its or It will send a surge of joy and mil national Communists of Germany, there is much to say: from each tried to rally outside forces behind unlon now hangs by a thread. The sponsible bureaucracy. For the defense of democratic itancy Into the breasts of workers reports that one of the four German lessons to be drawn for the future the strike but succeeded only in indluence of the Communist Party The Labor Federation of Havana, ganizations.
throughout the land.
delegates, Heinz Hose, is a member strikes of the taxi workers and the giving another demonstration of is almost all and that is a good while in reality a provincial federFor reductions in the working We propose: of the League. Hose was formerly workers movement as a whole. Bethelr isolation That this conference elect a la member of the Rheinland West cause of the limitation of space we stream of the labor movement. Socialist and Democratic parties throguhout the island, and most of wage cats from the main thing. But the influence of the atlon, has considerable influence Lours of proletarian youth without representative committee and pro phalia district bureau of the 80 want to contine ourselt here to one Their united front conference of has increased and that is a bad the democratic, militant and non5. Against forced labor of youth.
pose a meeting with a similar com cialist Labor Party (S. LPG which outstanding point of this remark working class organizations to sup thing.
mittee from the united front may has now folned the League in its able strike: the extraordinary po port and spread the strike was the Stalinist unions of the island are as the workers State. For the defense of the Day conference called by the Com entirety. The remaining three del litical nature of the situation to usual mass meeting of stalinist Future Lines Associated with it in its mass actlyIties. It was the Labor Federation Signed: munist Party egates are members of the the union and its relation to the outats and frlends.
Thé solution Iles on the road of of Havana that maintained the Union of Young Socialists of That a program for a united Tammany and the Socialists Building a broad left wing of all general political strike against the Holland May Day demonstration be worked For years he New The Nazi Program York taxi progressive elements in the union. Machado regime in August of last Revolutionary Youth Union of out covering all the details of the Tammany tried to use the strike The task of building a left wing year, at a time when the Stalinist drivers have been the prey of rackHolland organization of the demonstration. It means Nazl determination eteers and bourgeois politicians as a club against La Guardia. The in this union is a part of the larger controlled National Confederation Young Socialist Union of Germany to carry through the labor place. The thinking of many of them present Grand Jury Investigation problem of building a new left wing of Labor capitulated to Machado, stood closer to that of the under into the tallure of the municipal in the trade union movement. That ordering the workere to return to Young Workers Union of On Father.
Norway that of forcing down the standard rate of the working class moretect life and property Is Inspired Communist Loaguo can make a bedemands had been granted by the Youth Group of the CommunThose who are interested in of living of the German people, ment. That they have now made Tammany.
ist League of Struggle knowing how a government run by which in the lower classes espe: great strides toward thinking and The Socialists tried to make tac sinning now.
The taxi strike was of the utmost The smashing of the Cuban un(U. Father Coughlin under the guld cially is already low. The acting like militatn workers is an tional capital of the strike in the Bolshevik Leninist Youth (Inance of the Holy Father in Rome slogan, Work and bread, is to mean enormous plus for them as well as union by inciting the workers importance for the labor movement. ions would infinitely strengthen the ternational Communtat would function, can take a look at exactly that. plenty of work for the whole movement. Our hand against Communism and the Stal Had It been successful it could position of American imperialism, League. International new constitution has and pittance wages and the plain is extended to them in traternal Insts whom they represent to the bave Elven great impetus to the facilitating its attacks on the wage Communist Youth been drawn up. Laws are to est fare. Times, Berlin Cor solidarity for common struggle of the popularity of Order and the and encouraged the workers in the United States as well. The AmerBecause struggle against company unionism, standards of the workers of the Germany: Young Leninemanate from God the Almighty. respondent, March 28th.
ists of France: Young The Roman Catholic Church is to When La Guardia was campaign strong Orner Stalinist bloc in the sigantic transportation Industry to can workers must be roused to de Bolshevik Leninists of be specially privileged state supFascist Elections ing for the mayoralty he sent his leadership they were forced to carry New York to organize and struggle tend their class brothers in Cuba Belgium; Spartacus ported institution. An agreement agents into the ranks of the taxi on their agitation against the lead for the betterment of their condi Demand the release of Sandalio Junco And all Ouban class war prisYouth (U. and Canwith the Pope will govern the edudrivers to line up their vote for ership in the middle of the strike tions.
As the situation stands now it is oners!
ada. Marxist Youth Ac cational and religious training. Mussolini ordered the people of his new deal. Throngh Gandall, he by an undercover campaign.
tion ANI (Switzerland. There will be no freedom of speech. Italy to vote endorsement of his built an organization which served of these forces working without positive gains. The two THE PROGRAM OF THE Young Bolshevik Leninthe stage, the movies, the press, or Party and policies on Sunday. nim well in the campaign. It was through the strike and the unton strikes will enter into the annals Ists of Greece, Spain, FOURTH INTERNATIONAL the radio. Priests, professional Black Shirted Fascists watched the one of the four organizations which produced POLITICAL situation of the working class as splendia Czechoslovakia, and Ausmen, industrialists and govern lists and voters. Anyone who did Intor merged to constitute the in New York of great importance demonstrations of working class Speaker: tralla ment bureaucrats will compose the vote was looked up by a Fasclat present unton. Gandall became the to all future strikes. In fact with militancy. And if the union war. ARNE SWABECK Mot Dag Group (Norway)
Ave chambers of the state which guard. There was only one list of leader of the first general strike in the publication by the companies of vives, even without recognition, it 1330 Wilkins Avenue Federation of Young Comare being set up. The workers can candidates. Mussolini Despite February.
full page ads in the capitalist press will be an important toe hold for Sunday, April 16h at P.
munists of Sweden and the replies of LA Guardia at the labor movement in one of the work or starve, but in silence. This that thousands voted against the is the kind of state that stands murderous dictatorship and other Federation of Young SocialBloc with Stalinists tacking the companies the strike most important domains of Wall Admission 150 Ists of Roumanis behind the words of the dema thousands absented Discussion thewwelveel Following the scutting of the became a major political issue in Street vast empire.
Questions Unitary Federation of Young gogue, Coughlin.
from the polls.
irt Arths by Pinke and that anrw York Oy ETAMENE Arpice: Brons Branch of Workers of France strike ot