BolshevismBourgeoisieCapitalismCominternCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyEnglandGermanyHitlerIV InternationalImperialismLeninLeninismMarxismRosa LuxemburgSocial DemocracySocialismSocialist PartySovietStalinStalinismStrikeTrotskyURSSUnited FrontWorkers MovementWorkers PartyWorking Class

THE MILITANT SATURDAY, MARCH 31, 1934 PAGE One Year of Roosevelt NewDeal International The Left Movement in Poland and ou That.
of The Right Wing and Labor Party them to obtain refinancing and in the drop which followed the early the path of war. That we can rest with them and are carrying on Inside the Camps Article II codes to be adopted was that for are available are being manipu Notes According to recent documents, ble means to suppress it. Every omic and political questions. In The program comes from the the textile industry. In that Indus lated. Facts and figures are turned and resolutions of the Comintern erltleism was considered and brand that way we won the sympathies of American people, said President try wages had always dipped the upelde down, inside out, and particularly to Platnitsky arti ed the work of renegades, and every the Communist and non party Roosevelt in his message to Cong lowest. The code provides for a squeezed until they bleed from cles the Communist Party of Pol critical member expelled from the workers who follow us to this day.
ress on the New Deal, January, 3rd, forty hour week, the magnificent every pore. Yet they cannot hide LITHUANIAand (C. is the best Commun party. The seizure of power by We also have contacts in various The 1884. And why not blame the sum of twelve dollars in the South the enormous numbers on the un Lithuanian opposition 18 ist party in the Comintern from Hitler was communicated to the groups in reformist organizations.
Ameirean people. They have been and thirteen dollars in the North. employment market. With the growing stronger and gaining ad which all the sections can take 67 membership as a mere piece of We have oppositionist organizaberents among Lithuanian workers ample. One might really believe news and no discussion blamed for so much anyway. Being the first code adopted, it NRA in operation and the suspesas well as among the student youth. the veracity of this statement be question was permitted. In the have about 300 members, equally this tions in all the trade unions. We It is quite clear that the Amer tended immediately to become a son of the anti trust law, there ican people to use that term, that standard for wages and other pro in motion a greater concentration few student propagandists lead cause the founders of this party same manner the resolution of the young and old comrades. We have Is, the exploited and exploiters alike visions, from which other codes industry anl a greater central workers study circles on political fought with Lenin against Carism. Comintern on March 5th, 1933 on two weekly papers, one in Polish in their overwhelming majority, proceered with as little variation zation of finance, all at the expense economy, history of the revolution Under the leadership of Rosa Lux the united front was conveyed to and another in Jewish, which are suported the New Deal program. as little variation as the exploiter of the workers. What was forary movement and history of the emburg the old Socialist Party of the membership as a mere com issued in 5, 000 copies. It is sig.
But as it swings into operation on could get away with.
merly spent by big concerns for opposition. On the 16th anniversary Poland was a model of revolution munication. The bureaucratic party pificant that our papers are better a large scale, the attitudes toward Now we can add to this wage high pressure sales and for adver of the October revolution Lithuan, ary proletarian internationalism. In apparatus, which has made every sold than the party It begins to divide on class lines standard the combination of Intising purposes tends to go into so lan Bolshovik Leninists published spite of the theoretical differences criticism impossible, brought things The Polish Opposition has issued Issues of labor unions versus com creased commodity prices and the called scientific management and an illegal leaflet to the workers. between Lenin and Luxemburg the to a different end: the disconteneta a series of Left Opposition pampany antons arise. Code regulations devaluation of the dollar. As a con elimination waste, which in reality In December the Lithuanian com. Socialist party of Poland stood members have grouped themselves phlets in the Polish language: The tle the workers to the crisis level sequence unbearabe conditions have means more speed up and further rades printed a first tissue of their closest to Russian Bolshevism. Not together to build an opposition. Key to the International Situation of wages. And, besides that, the become the lot even of those work elimination of labor power neces periodic illegal organ in the Lith only the leaders but also the proThe Opposition What Next? a pamphlet by Troteconomics of the New Deal with ers fortunate eonugh to have a job. sary to the productive forces.
uanian language under the name letarian masses of Poland have besky on the Amsterdam Congress Lenin Kelin (In Lenin Steps. hind them a glorious past of rev.
its general inflation schemes hit the For the working class as a whole, The Real Aim of the New Deal The Opposition was created two with the declaration of the Left Op workers below the belt. It increases and that includes the unemployed There should be little doubt left the issue contained the following olutionary struggle. To that can years ago in Poland. Without for position, Lenin Left Communism the money available for those who millions, the total inlome remains in the minds of the thinking work articles: An editorial on the Lath be added the conditions in the counsetting the international character with an introduction by Trotsky, own the means of production byvastly reduced.
ers that the New Deal represents antan Wasciat overturn of 1926; an try favorable to a strengthening of their struggle, the leaders of the declaration by the Left op forcing the rate of exploitation of unemployment and Reduced Hours series of measure to save the fourth International. The De and is still the weakest link in the all the national and local que congress, a pamphlet on the Fourth the of the Communist movement. Pol the Opposition raised demands on position on the Parts Anti Fascist the workers upward to the lowering of their real wages. The to the other aspect of increased 19 dislocatel during the crisis. The claration of Four. warning to chain of capitalism.
tions. They did this because they International (which was confiscatworkers come face to face with the purchasing power of the broad economic part of these the Stalinists on the provocateur had no desire to break with Effects of Crises measures character of thelr publishing the the ed. The Fourth International and realities of a stronger monopoly masses by the spread of employment does not aim to improve the con names of our comrades; Workers longer and had a more catastrophie wered these demands by expelling ed)
and a pamphlet on the Bund.
All of the post war crises lasted party. The party bureaucrats ans the Soviet Union (also confiscatcapitalism functioning under go through reduction of working ditions of the workers regardless Correspondence; on parliamentary elect in Poland than in other counthe best members. That further 20, 000 copies of these pamphlets ernmental regulation and support. hours? In administration circles of what temporary advantages they Aid to Big Financiers much has been made about the may offer. In the objective results cretinism in Austria.
tries. The agrarian crisis is so sharpened the contradictions in the have been bought.
shorter work day. Each reduction of these measures the workers face In the discussion which took serious that the frequent demon. party.
The question of the Fourth InterThe very first steps in the new or hours made in any code regula a reduced level of real wages, an place on the question of the Fourth strations of the peasants bear a The aggravation of the situation national, which was under discusvoice was near revolutionary character. More in Russia and the selzure of power slon for five months and disclosed the big financial overlords who had won was widely advertised. But, as intensited speed up system, and International not one suffered so much from crisis and it turns out, only a few codes 80 creased rate of exploitation. Mass raised against the new orientation than 40 the population consists by Hitler have shown the Oppost serlous differences in the organizadeprivation. Hoarding and exporta below forty hour weekly maximum unemployment remains in perma. We have now in Lithuania. 20 as of national minorities and of these thon that the struggle is not limited tion, is now about to be definitely tion of bullion or currency Were and many remain above the forty nent form, and the workers are Live members of the opposition or 80 are Ukrainian and White Rus to local questions but must be declded. The leadership of the or prohibited under presidential emer hour maximum.
brought face to face with a stronger are workers. The work has to be and are striving for national libera. We solidarized ourselves with the membership have taken a firm posl.
ganization, the majority of whom slang who hate Polish imperialiem broadened to the international field. ganization and the majority of the As compared to 1920, when the monopoly capitalism.
Banking Act reopened the closed average work week was forty eight course, is the real aim of the New carried on under the severest contlon. Poland does not lack in cadres Left Opposition and decided to tion for the Fourth International.
ditions of big banks and authorized their is hours, this would even have some Deal.
suing new preferred stocks to ob significance, but when compared to means om reorganization of the influence of the Lithuanian op could be realized if the communist on the basis of the interests of the nationalist Communists will soon be The Stalinites have begun to feel activity.
and reserves for real revolutionary educate our members in this spirit. The official entry of the Polish Op Piatnitsky prognoses We struggle against the Stalinists position into the League of Intertain additional capital. Following average working hours of the first store and increacs capitalist profits.
have therefore leaders were fully aware of their workers and in all the daily econ consummated.
on the heels of this came a wboleave months of 1933 in manufactur In the program as a whole are em opened up slanderous campaign tasks and employed a correct Leninseries of legislation.
First, the securities Act which ing industry, for full time workers bodied the active preparations for against them, not stopping even be ist line. Unfortunately their tac established federal supervision over and part time workers put together, turther imperialist expansion. For core making public the names of thes are not Leninist but Stalinist.
sales of investment securities. Then were 34. weekly. Thus the code that, tranquility of class relations the leading Bolshevik Leninists. For And since the tested leaders of the instance, the Stalinist illegal press movement have been eliminated, mortgages on the plot of helpintained so far could not appreciably aspect of the New Deal program. Aurora (No. 3) published an ar capable of giving it leadership the ed upon a new and higher stage of of class consciousness, and worship came the project to refinance farm regulations of working hours at is required. But this is another in the student party Organ, the and those at its head now are 10 Today, in America, we have enter Lovestoneltes minimize the elementa the farmers. It was well known increase employment. With the to be dealt with separately. Meanticle: Trotskyism the that there could be no more farm Civil Works schemes at an end, the while one important lesson musgaard of the counter revolutiozesults are not very gratifying. It the class struggle. With the sharp the elements of spontaneity.
foreclosures because such would unemployed army, according to all sink deeply into the minds of the This article, outside of the :can even be said that in Poland ening of the class struggle, the true usua) there is not a party in the real nature of classes, and political part Menshevik theory preached by MarThey have revived the boary hurt the bankers more than the reliable estimates, will remain workers: Preparations for further imperial slanders of Trotsky carries luforma sense of the word, but party apes or tendencies stand out in ever tynov the theory of organization farmers. The bankers had already about as large as before.
too much farm property on their Statistics on unemployment have ist expansion as a means of issuing tion on the activity of the Lithuanhands, so it was much better for become exceedingly scarce since out of the crisis lead directly on an Trotskyltes. They have paratus which is completely isolat. Isbarper relief. In the light of sharp process; the theory of the sponal led from the masses.
legedly the most backward workers ening contradictions, most revealing taneous growth of the revolutionary Trade Union Debacle What caused this ruin of the put forward by parties or tendencies growth of class consciousnes. To terest on the farm mortgages. Nert. Hush of business revival, artificially assured, is taken fully into account Trotsky line directed against the We can only give some of within the working class. Let the spontaneous followed the Home Owners Loan stimulated by the various NRA in the New Deal program.
newabeck. Lithuanian peasants since they stand the reasons here. The 5th Congress apply this touchstone to the per the Lovestoneites are chewing once us day, on a different historical level, Act to secure the interest payments schemes. Now whatever statistics for the dictatorship of the prole of the Protintern to the bankers on outstanding mort tariat, ignore the peasantry, etc. Polish party Instructed the spectives put forward by the Love again the thrice digested cud of bulld its own trade stoneltes.
gages due from small property In the same spirit. In conclusion, unions. That was grist to the reMenshevism. They counterpose the owners. Then, the Bank Insurance as stated above, they mention by formist mill.
Of course the party What is the task facing the rev. Menshevist concept of the spontan.
Act which established a guarantee pamo as a traitor a leading com did not succeed in bullding its own olutionat today? According to the cous political development of the on bank deposits. It also provided for expansion of credits and author Minneapolis. Today there rade in order to draw the attention trade unions. Two examples. 1) Lovestoneites: to agitate and pre class to the Leninist concept of the are The boys thought of their families to this traitor of the Lithuanian There are more than 80, 000 Polish pare the ground for the formation vanguard, organized as a party, perization to the Reconstruction Fin. 1, 522 camps in this country back home, destitute, starving. The police. Thus, the Lithuanian com miners in Silesia. They of a Labor Party. What is the meating the working masses with ance Corporation to invest one with over 300, 000 recruits. By sum. putsch was over almost as soon as rades find themselves between two are organized in Christian and re historie need of the present moment. class consciousness.
billion dollars to strengthen the mer many more such camps will be begun.
Gres; the Stalinist provocateurs and tormist trade unions. The party According to the Lovestopeites thel banks and make it posible for them established. have just returned After proposing to divorce the At noon a handful of boys came the Lithuanian police. The pro recruited bat 300 of these workers fight for a Labor Party.
to respond to the credit needs of from a visit to several such camps back to camp with frost bitten ears vocateur work of the Stalinites in its attempt to build its own trade in the Workers Age (March 16. Workers politically from the capitalthe country. in Minnesota, and would like to tell and cheeks. After bandaging the must be completely unmasked before anlons. To be sure these 300 were ing this perspective: one by other Martynovs further propose to ists by means of the Labor Party.
1934) two articles appear proclaim Jonas, Vaughan, Lavestone and all But, as they many wailings and the Militant readers what observ. injured parts, the camp medico ob the Lithuanian workers.
lamentations have since proven, the ed.
served, The bandages will be a GERMANY were demoralized by their impot. Connor who deals with the Labor make the workers class conscious by bankers cashed in on the dough but most of the boys at work in Min. warning to the rest of the men. Agitation for a new party which ence, and the broad masses remained Party in Fort Wayne; the other by means of the same Labor Party.
to lend unless they could see some from Kansas. The government makes protect themselves. What a sooth gained ground among the Com and reformist trade unions. 2) Fol with the Labor Party in general. can be made in building a revolutalled to respond. They refused esota forests have been imported Now they will take more care to at first met with certain dificulties under the Influence of the Christian Jonas Vaughan who deal It is obvious. that no progress thing profitable to ues their money a fixed policy of sending the young ing philosophy!
workers far from home in this way while at the campe had the ocratic workers. In the general workere strike in Lodz the reform. Jonas Vaughan on the other hand, have first BECOME politically con Government Money Flows the potential rebels and deserters opportunity to talk to many of the chaos in which the German working its built a union with a member approach the question was theoretscious as a class. is equally ob.
Government money began to flow will think twice before they run Boys should like to report that class movement found itself after ship of 10, 000. This is the largest iclans.
easy and all the pilfering pirates away, with a long trek back to the many were militant, class conscious Hitler coming to power, the remunton vious. that the tactics of the in existence in Poland. Both the activist and the theoret revolutionary parties have failed to were gathering to get their sbare farm staring them in the face.
workers; but such is not the truth. nants of the former working class The party forbade its members to iclans argue for the Labor Party accomplish this (our italics. Ergo, of the loot. The Reconstruction Finance Corporation was also au days a week, these boys receive come direct from farm homes. None roads and are standing face to face to create small trade unions in each markable premise, to wit, because needed.
For working hours a day, five The boys, almost without exception, organizations are searching for new join this union and instructed them from the same premise, a very re most obviously, the Labor Party is Insurance companies, who gobble of which is sent home to their parever stood face to face with his exchaos the Left Opposition tries this tactie were soon demonstrated the workers politically theorized to aid the hard pressed thirty dollars monthly twenty five has ever worked in a factory, has before new realignments. In this factory. The disastrous results of ot the immediate need to divorce In tbe period of civil wars and up the small savings of the gullible ents. In this way many Kansas ploiters across a picket Hoe. and with success to create nuclei. At the recent congress of the capitalist class (Connor. because sand and first time lecture from the revolutions one must for the thouInvestors. Rallroad companies and families are removed from local re found no evidence to indicate that of the new coming party from the Warsaw metal workers, to be sure of the necessity for the political to the American Brandlerists the other monopoly enterprises got lief. This peculiarly ingenious plan any boy had the least understand. cadres of the Communist party, the bureaucratically prepared by their heavy share until this orgy has a double merit, then, in Roose ing of the economic forces at work social democracy and the trade socialist officials, there was not the capitalist class. Jonas Vau conscious worker is a class consel the separation of the working class from of Marxism. politically of credit expansion, through the veltian eyes. By making one mem in the world which were condemn unions. First of all the causes of a single Communist delegate. Anaghan. subsidies and loans, reached ber of the family support his paring him to an empty futureless defeat are being discussed. at the railroad workers congress, ous worker. Workers do not become the stupendons sum of six millonents and brothers and sisters in the life. They, and their fathers, had Parallel with this a discussion where the Communists had the ist would argue not for a Labor the process of the class struggle by From such a premise Commun. politically conscious as a class In dollars at the end of 1983. style to which they have become ac slaved on the farm, had been losing with the SAP (Socialist Workers majority two years ago their de Party but for a genuine revolution themselves, not even if they all The suspension of the gold stand customed, it preserves the domestic ground every year in this struggle Party of Germany) is being car legates did not form an independ. ary party. Beginning with the ComJoined or voted for a dozen Labor ard and the dollar devaluation cli self respect. Likewise, the for existence. Then came the New ried on, a discussion which first of ent maxed the series of inflationary worker himselt receives a tidy bit Deal, with its shabby offer of six all takes up international questions were so fearful of being known as have proclaimed the necessity of that historical organ by means of group. Their few delegates munist Manifesto, all Communist Parties. The revolutionary party la schemes. They were all designed to of pocket money. For working 40 months of camp life; and, poor as The SAP, as is known, is by its Communists that all the reformist separating the proletariat politically which the class becomes class con raise the commodity price level at hours weekly, he receives the mund the work was, these boys jumped at origin a centrist organization which resolution were adopted inanimous from the bourgeoisie, e, the orsclous. The workers as a class do home and thus to reestablish the ficent sum of 26or slightly over the chance to escape from the has undergone an evolution towards ly.
profit inducement for capital invest cents an hour.
wretched gray existence on the communism. The SAP signed the The Internal Regime in the Party ganization of the proletarians into not first become politically consciments. In addition they also be one of the camps at which stay. farm.
Declaration of Four for the new Income preparations to facilitate the ed for several days (in the Chip. was particularly interested international. The unification of the ously with the lots of the party in. ABC of Marxism that this task cun a revolutionary party exists which Mass discontent crew simultaneitical party. and it is equally an movement; Just the contrary, only if competition of American capitalism pewa National Forest) was located the attitude of the recruits towards German opposition with the in the world market. Such is the near an Indian reservation. After war. Would they go to war if Am would have been an important stageing crfticism from the membership vanguard into a revolutionary party toric task of mobilizing the over SAP fuence in it. Instead of encourag be achieved only by organizing the does not fall to accomplish its his picture of one side of the New Deal every meal, a throng of dirty, rag. Jerica should become embroiled with on the road to a new party. But to find in operation. An enormous flow of red Indian boys and men would a foreign nation? Yes, almost to the discussion showed that the SAP party bureaucrats used every posest divorce the workers from the cap under its banner can progress be basis of the mistakes, the only the revolutionary party can whelming majority of the workers easy money for finance monopolythrong themselves at the kitchen a man, they would. There noth still has some Rightist tendencies.
Institutions with the resulting in door, carrying made in building a revolutionary large cans Itallats politically.
and ing doing back home, they say. Therefore, a deepened discussion a break with reformism and against flated credits and rising price level buckets. They were waiting to re Might as well fight as rot on the must precede unification.
joining the Stalinites.
But the Lovestoneltes are not of movement.
for the things the workers need ceive the scraps from the meal. Al land. Should an emergency arlse, Armed with correct policy, the In July of last year the German the opinion that the proposed Labor In 1920, the Leninist Comintern The slow moving Index of 784 that could not be garnered by the and the Government throw rifles at German Left Opposition made commodities compiled by the Bu camp cooks for subsequent meals these 300, 000 young men, 90 of successful turn towards illegal work blows of the Fascist police. But the JONAS Vaughan deny that such olution in 1905, during the course reau of Labor Statisties has ad was given to the Indiansoup the rifles would be caught and drin under new conditions. It escaped comrades who were arrested or party would be revolutionary. It of several years the Russian Men vanced 23 and the more sensitive bones, crusts, vegetables all were ing could immediately start. At the decomposition and demoraliza forced to emigrate were soon re should only serve as a rallying sheviks proclaimed the necessity of index of The Analyst 38 during thrown in the greasy palls making present, the army start makes a ton of big organizations. Only in placed by fresh recruits from the polnt of all workers regardless of a so called Labor Congress which the Irst year of the Ne Deal. Since the most filthy, garbage like olla great show of the lack of military small towns, where our comrades former social democrats and Stalin individual differences. Of course was to replace the revolutionary farm prices, helped by the outright podridato be eagerly taken home discipline prevailing in the were widely known, were the groupe Lists. The illegal publications of the in the very next sentence, our the party of the working class all kinds ton, have risen more than those of and squaws and tubercular papoos court martial, etc. But let war ap the police. In the majority of large abls to the fact that this trejuvena selves by Insisting that such a party erica, while consciously carrying non agricultural products, it is quite es. Thus does Uncle Sam provide pear on the horizon: how the ple cities the German oppositionists is ton of the cadres did not at all at will become more and minore rown bourgeois policy, are propagateasy to get an idea of the advanc for his rst Families ture would change overnight. The sue hectographed papers and leaf fect the level of our propaganda olutionary in its outlook the ing among workers the idea of creating cost of living which means a word about the forestry work. department of war must be well lets. The weekly organ of the Ger work. Out of seven Regional or process of the class struggle. But ing Indefinite shapeless workers lowering of real wages to the These Kansas boys are not used aware of the fact that, if occasion man Bolshevik Leninists Unser grnizations casting at the time the let us pass in silence this vision of unlons instead of a political party.
workers to the bitter weather of northern arises, they have a third of a mil Wort In 1934, after the disastrous deStandardizing on a Lower Level Minnesota winters. One day it was lion young men in first class condi abroad since February, as well as grond, systematic uninterrupted tionary, will become more and more feat of the German and Austrian (Our Word) appearing Lett Opposition had to go under a party which although not revolu.
We have presented to us the New 27 degrees below zero. Eighty boys tion available for Aghting forces a number of other publications work is carried on in six of them och more essential aspect to the proletariat, and the collapse of the Deal program as a means of re decided that this was too cold and at a moment notice.
revolutionary. There is another and storing and stabilizing the purchas revolted. After breakfast they reThe workers have be Germany, have given great impetus elements repleialshed by the in question.
penetrating by various ways into to this very day. The loss of old Stalinst Comintern, the Lovestone ites can only repeat the perspectives ing power of the broad masses. But turned to barracks instead of climb come accustomed to having the to the spread of the ideas of the Aux of new. The fact that MARIA The Labor Party, not being rev of the Mensheviki in 1905, and of this is, of course, to be on a dising on the trucks which were to government take care of them. Poor Left Opposition, the correctness of REESE, former member of the olutionary, cannot achieve the poll. the laborites of England and Amtinctly lower level than the former convey them to the woods. Ten as the pay is, they are living bet which had been proven by living Reichstag enjoying a wide popular tical separation (or divorce) of the prosperity equilibrium. It hovers minutes later the officer in charge ter now than were they back home. events.
around the industrial code minimum strode in and paused in the center in the evenings in camp they have ity among the German workers, working class from the capitalist erica in 1920.
The task facing the revolutionist The spread of the ideas and the joined the banner of the Left Op class. Why then do the Lovestonewage of 11 to 15 weekly. Is this of the room.
not distinctly the crisis level of Any man not reporting for work tory, in military tactics, etc. Sub Opposition are by no means limited German workers and supplementary they represent the opportunist and genuine command property. com the attended classes in American his growth of the influence of the Left poeltion found a wide echo among itek propose its formation?
Because in America today is the building of wages? Is it not a wage level as this morning, will be fined 20, he ty they have been alled with the to layer of critically thinking edition of Under Wort carrying not the revolutionary wing in the historic need of the present moment low if not lower than that of 20 to announced. Just follow me back Insidious nationalistic 30 years ago?
to the office and ll take your Here the greatest danger lles.
ideology. Communists, but on the contrary the declaration of Marla Reese Wan labor movement. Like all opportunAnd a considerable echo among ho published in Noctor graphed form in ists they drag at the tall end of ternational Quito cleverly, the first of the names.
CARLOS HUDSON. clal democratle cadres standing for Germany events; and like all tallenders the WRIGHT,