CominternCommunismEnglandFascismGermanyHitlerIV InternationalItalyMarxismNazismSocialismSocialist PartyStalinismStrikeSyndicalismWorkers MovementWorkers Party

SATURDAY MARCH 31, 1934 THE MILITANT PAGE International Agitation THE BETRAYAL OF THE AUTO WORKERS CWA Delegations March For Deported Youth Everything is left up to a three corn in Protest at Washington At Expert Deals but it and the other ceremoni del Teachers railroades, emines, estel. Thinusha te hoorkers chea Attempts to Split op die onder heater met het met de recente the Amalgamated nel broad hates of the exploited workers the Hotel Workers cialist site. The publicity both lima to Pledge Fund to ord Sustain Militant The new strike wave of revolt against the ex recognition ploitation foisted on them by the once trusted NRA ered board made up of an automobile manufacturer, The Dutch government, feeling of Laren, however, was informing the threatening automobile strike. Tht entire caplhas received a definite check by the calling oft of an of bureaucrat and a professor who was the growth of an international pro Attorney Stockvis that the four talist class of the country is delighted with Rooseonce Sideny Hillman economie expert and is now Mass delegation of 900 CWA, kins, under questioning by the test movement against its police were already in Germany!
an experienced strike breaker.
workers and unemployed from New workers, made clear that the Govservices to Hitlerism in denorting Eye witnesses have testified that of the Automobile Chamber of Commerce and full velt skill in conducting the negotiations on behalf No provisions are made for adjudicating contracts York, Camden, Reading and Balti ernment intends to go through with four German political refugees to the four comrades were turned over of satisfaction with the work of Messrs. Green and regarding hours, wages and other matters. All that more demonstrated in Wasbington ending the CWA on April 1, put Germany, is surrying to cover its to Godring secret police by the Collins, their labor lieutenants in the automobile happens is that the of turns over its mem on Saturday, March 24, presenting only a fraction of unemployed on tracks. By radio and press state Dutch police. They were in chains field.
bership lists to Mr. Wolman (wno promises not to their demands to Harry Hop relief work at pauper wages averments it is denying its guilt. The at the time!
tip of tne bosses representatives) and the bosses agree kins, Federal rellet administrator. aging 20 to 10. a weekend facts are clear, however, and the Those who have joined the pro it was regarded as likely that it would spread to Had the strike begun, writes the Times, to rebire those on the list who have been fired for Through snow covered streets and save the majority of unemployed protest movement is growing rap test movement include the follow scores of accessories plants and to the steel industry.
union activities. The recent hotel strike makes in a buil and rain storm, the work families home relief at still lower idly.
With the hungInternational In ers marched from Union Station rates or nothing.
it clear how little such promises are worth.
Communist It would have affected the rallroads, lumber, glass The four workers turned over to League: Dutch Socialist Party and textile industries particularly, for these furnish addition, the open shop is guaranteed and the com more than two miles to Hopkins er program of the New Deal ex.
pany union given a firm base.
office and back, partly along Pennposed, the workers must fight for Hitler police were delegates to an Dutch Independent Socialist Party, a large part of the automobile industry with raw sylvania Avenue, chief artery of a workers program.
International conference of workers Revolutionary Socialist Party of materials.
An Old Lesson Taught Again Washington.
The Washington delegation was youth organizations called at IAren Holland, Socialist Labor Party of Instead of this enormous strike wave being loosed, The workers got nothing and will get nothing Holland, Feb. The conterecce Germany, German Social Democrat there is now a temporary lull. On the heels of this from this settlement. For this job Groen certainly refused to see the delegation, but the Associated Office Professional Earlier in the week, Hopkins had arranged by a Joint Committee of was broken up by the Dutch police Party (Prague headquarters. settlement, the Buda workers who were already and the 18 foreign delegates de Italian Soclalist Party, League of striking against fierce exploitation gave up the light government, it has made its most radical swing to bad backed down. When the commergency Employees, the Associaported. All the latter had passports the Rights of Man, Norwegian La for the moment.
open support of the bosses. Here is the old lesson mittee of 24 came in, Hopkins detion of Civil Works Employees, in good order visaed by the Dutch bor Party, England. Gon of Sabotage and Treachery taught again: the government is a class government, clared he wanted a private confer Emergency Workers in Adult Edugovernment. The papers of Kurt eral Confederation of Trade Unions The Militant has repeatedly pointed out that any the existing government is that of the existing ruling ence, with no reporters present. cation, Tenement House OWA EmLiebermann, Franz Bobzien, Hans Association International Juridical rising movement of the workers against the NRX class, the anto bosses and their follow capitalists. This was indignantly refused, and loyees, and the Workers UnemCommittee and capitalist exploitation would meet the sabotage that they had entered Holland not Against Hitler Fascism. In the and treachery of the of bureaucracy. This from Germany but from other counnited States protest statement forecast has been strikingly illustra the season and a chance to prepare to fight future in. When a worker supporting Also in the delegation were represtrike movements.
family of seven on CWA wages cutsentatives from CWA and unemby the auto is being circulated to which the mobile settlement. The workers in the industry have tries where they had been living Communist League of America, the been for years discontented with their working and ditions cry out for improvement. The bosses win how anyone was expected to live on ter County, Baltimore, Reading and as exiles from Hitler Nazi state.
For there will certainly be such movements. Con to 13. 44 a week asked Hopkins oyed organizations in Westches When these four comrades were organizations have subscribed.
Amerlan Workers Party and other living conditions. For years the of made no Pa. and Camden, concede nothing freely. Thele recovery program is that wage or the still lower wages Berks County, arrested, they were assured that effort to organize them or to help them fight for based upon ever sharper exploitation of the workers or relief proposed after April New Jersey. The four main de they would be deported to Belgium.
Deputy Speevliet (Revolutionary Shachtman Tour better conditions. Not until rank and file discontent Talk about a 30 hour week is so much syrup to help Llopkins answered that millions of mands raised by the Joint CommitSan Francisco reached the boiling point and began to find a chan down the bitter draught prepared for the workers by workers in private industry had tee are: Continuation of CWA at Socialist Party) of the Dutch parliament demanded of the Minister TOWARDS NEW KEVOLU.
nel of expression in Independent unionism (Me Roosevdit, Green and Collins. Sooner or later the been liivng on less for generations. living wages, with a minimum of chanics Educational Society) did the of workers will have to fight or starve There is every Exposing the Now Deal Program 20 a week; Extension of CWA to include all unemployed workers: of Justice the release of all the TIONARY PARTY IN THE roluctantly come into the picture. With the funds indication that they will fight.
delegates and freedom for the Ger TUESDAY Evening, April 10, 1934 and powerful apparatus at its disposal, it organized When they do so they will meet the fierce opposl. portance of local struggles, Hopkins union wages on socially necessary Inadvertently revealing the im public works program at trade mans to leave via Belgium.
tion not only of the bosses but also of the govern gave the direct lie to the New York work, especially Federal housing LABOR COLLEGE HALL automobile workers, put its mercenaries at their torneys Stockvis and de Reuter, rehead, and began to speak in their name.
ment and the if bureaucracy 1254 Market Street Now that oficials, De Lamate and Daniels, for workers; Federal unemploy.
tained for the comrades, also inThe temper of the workers grew shorter and shortthey made their deal, Green, Collins and Co. are who had claimed that orders for ment insurance at the expense of formed the government of this deer and the of bureaucrats loosed a flood of against strikes in word as well as in deed.
mand. Three German comrades had demagogic strike talk. Only in this way were they means that in all likelihood the new strikes, bitterer wage cuts and abrogation of sick employers and government at living been removed to Amsterdam jail a able to hold the workers in line. The situation was and flercer because postponed, will be an outlaw pay came from Washington. Hopwages for all workers for whom where they were finger printed and whom work is not made available.
ripe for the conduct of a militant strike. The workforced to sign a statement that they The Task of the Militants Tail to the Socialist Kite Foul Blow at the era dn the industry were ready for it, the bosses were were being deported to Belgium as The place of the revolutionary in the auto field Norman Thomas was brought in political refugees. They pointed orders them. Throughout the country, in today is with the masses of workers. The greatest by Socialists and Lovestoneltes as the leader of the delegation and egates were in Laren jail and were Detroit ready to march shoulder to shoulder with the was the lack of a class conscious core in touch with thus it was made a tail to the soassured that these would be sent to auto workers as soon as the struggle would begin.
Belgium too. reactionary Board of EducaThe Role of Roosevelt Auto Workers Union, an invention of the drew Washington and throughout the At that very moment the mayortion official and a rabid capitalist At the critical moment, of course, when the bosses off into its ranks some class. coscious elements who country centered on Nonnan Thopress joined this week in denling the could no longer hold the men in line, when the prom thereby lost that contact. It muddled the situation The combined activities of the leipating organizations.
mas, with no mention of the parand was itself impotent. When the of misfoulest sort of blow to the teachers Le to lead them into the fight made by the of This of leaders postponed and called off the strike, the Daily Field clique and the Stalinist dis served to defeat one of the purposes man, chief medical examiner for the vened. Mr. Green is saying in the news reels, The Worker called on the auto workehs to act over the rupters working in the interests of of the demonstration namely to public schools, made the announce President dominated the entire proceedings. Acting heads of the of bureaucrats. Nobody moved. the Food Workers Industrial Union popularize the various organizations The task of the militant fighter is to penetrate have culminated in attempts to to the unorganized unemployed and the 36, 000 teachers of the city were strike leaders to Washington. There Roosevelt and the of and the Mechanics Educational Soci split the Hotel and Restaurant relief workers as fighters in their either emotionally unstable or in Johnson, in constant touch with the bosses, chipped ety. The latter union was unable to develop a branch of the Amalgamated Food Interests. The bodies respon.
sane. The capitalist papers away for five days at the program of the of clear independent line in the recent situation, but Workers.
sible for this also did all in their pounded upon the announcement Meanwhile lesser bureaucrats in Detroit kept the it probably has a future as a rallying point for Thriving on the demoralization power to put a damper on the milLast week we printed a special avidly, playing it up in a hair workers in line with promises of something good militant elements.
which folliwed the defeat of the itancy and enthusiasm of the dele appeal to our readers and symruising manner, splashing the front coming out of Washington The answer of the class conscious militant to the hotel strike and capitalizing on the sates while in Washington.
What finally came out was one of the rawest combination of capitalists, government officials and justified resentment of the mempathizers to join us in our effort to pages with headlines like FIFThe task of the hour is to stabilize The Militant by pledging TEEN HUNDRED TEACHERS deals ever pulled by this Administration. Roosevelt of bureaucrats who put over this swindle bership against the conservative strengthen the organizations the a definite weekly or monthly sum. CRACK POTS. The attack upon calls it a pioneer effort in humain engineering on a settlement is clear: We have barely begun to fight and bureaucratic administration of the the In responso, we received the follow the teachers could hardly have been basis never before attempted. The anti labor When there finally breaks the broad and powerful the Field clique, the Stalinists and the Workers Uneming letter from Brooklyn, in addi better timed, coming as it did at a World Telegram comments on this remark with strike wave now shaping up as a result of the growing gained the upper band at a memployed Union by drawing into their tion to eight new pledgers from the crucial moment in their fight against skepticism, pointing out that the workers have not disillusionment of the masses with the NRA, the bership meeting and deposed the ot ranke inasses of workers and fight Bronx. a threatened salary cut in the form even won collective bargaining agreement or union auto workers will be in the forefront of the battle tides. Removed from leadership ing for militant leadership and pol Please include me in your of a payless furlough contained in Feld immediately attempted aicies.
the La Guardia Lehman Economy Militant Pledge Fund for 00 in the development of the movement 500 at Cannon Lecture Split BI.
monthly. The Left Opposition The obvious intent of the Plan Early Publication of in Great Britain. In addition, a subIn this criminal adventure, as in press, in treating the story as a Press has certainly been an stantial bundle order has arrived eye opener to me in the past few months. Enclosed you will course, to discredit the teachers and strike, Field is adapting himself to subscriptions Africa, as well as most conservative clements find One Dollar.
thus weaken their fight.
City Subway Worker. Storm of Protest Marxism Out In May enced a great desire for a theoreFollow Successful Meeting actions which brought about his We feel confident that there are This miserable strategy received tical organ of revolutionary Comexpulsion from the Communist munism, which The New Internamany more of our readers and a swift death. The storm of protest In the past few weeks, since the tional confidently expects to fulfill. Last Sunday night before highly incapacity to submit to any kind Comrade James Cannon spoke League, he demonstrates again his sympathizers who feel keenly the which Altman exposure aroused need of supporting the Militant. We torced him to retract the substance announcement in these columns of Comrades and sympathizers are teptive audience of 500 at the Jof proletarian discipline.
To the Editor of the Militant: trust that they will not delay their of his scientific findings. And in the forthcoming publication of urged at this time to send in their Tho Brotherhood of Culinary! The article in the Militant conresponse to our appeal and will the same period of time the Econ The New International magazine subscriptions and bundle orders, to Irving Plaza Hall, presenting in soon join the members of our or Jomy Bill decisively defeated an impetus has been given to tether with donations to help place broad outlines the fundamental Workers, the organization spons Icerning the Home Relief Bureau ganization in helping to sustain our for the fourth time in the y. the early issuance of the theore The New International magazine op arxian principles upon which the oued by Field, is craft union of Workers, while accurately describstate legislature.
tical review. The response to paper.
Se a sound foundation. The subscrip Fourth International is to be cooks announced chorym hur e pritoves ing tie rolo of the party in the That is how the matter stands announcement on the part of the tion rate is 50 per year. Sub Counded The lecture was arranged by the Besides adding to the demoraliza a word about the activities of the THE PLEDGERS now The teachers have won the branches of the Communist League scriptions and donations can New York Local of the Communist tion of the hotel workers and weak. Lovestonites.
Brooklyn first round. But they cannot afford as well as from sympathizers of the sent to. League as a follow up to the debate ening the struggle to rebuild heir weekly to rest on their laurels. The bank. Left Opposition has been very gra THE NEW INTERNATIONAL The Lovestonites play a special between Cannon and Lovestone held organization, the splitting manoeur role in the Labor movement and Station Bod 119 Paul King. 25 ers the realty interests and the Liying. Every branch has respondseveral weeks earlier, at which com vre of Field is a reactionary step their activities in the Emergency monthly other friends of education and ed, either with advance bundle or New York City, rade Cannon, speaking on the need away from the principle of Indus. Horse Relief Bureau Employee Ar2. City Subway Worker. 00 economy will soon be back with ders or subscriptions. keen in of a new revolutionary International, trial unionism represented by the Manhattan other schemes to cut the teachers terest is evidenced in a new organ Bellussi Gets 30 Days Stay annihilated the position of Lovestone Amalgamated.
Rociation is no exception. Wright.
standard of living.
of revolutionary Marxism, and his group, who have set them When the party captured the Konikow Now is the time to prepare the It has been decided by the Na The split, adding to the general controlling positions in the organ Beardslee 00 defense. The Teachers demoralization and resulting in the ization, and subtle maneuvering heen optional Committee to issue the first tion of the deportation order against selves up as attorneys for bankrupt Sterling till now has a breatning spell in the month of May. This definite efforts are now being made to se took up one tutter another the fun hotel workers from any kind of United Frontse with the Reller In his lecture, comrade Cannon withdrawal of large numbers of tried to draw Victor Weber. 50 which it should begin without de announcement of the dute of pub cure his release on ball.
An appli damental problems the working union activity, directly facilitates Worker League and the Unem9. Gordon ay and with great energy to or lication will no doubt meet with cation for the right of voluntary class has been confronted with in the game of the Stalinists who ner piloyment Councils the workers om 10. Stone 25 sanize the defense against the added enthusiasm upon the part of departure to a country other than its struggles in the present perioder had any other aim than to in phatically rejected thelr proposale.
11. Kling next assault. Today it has only those who are active in building Fascist Italy has also been filed of wars and revolutions. He point corporate fragments of few conservatives, seeing the 12. Bleeker some nineteen hundred members up circulation and support for The The ball for comrade Bellusal hased out where the socialist and Stal alamated union into the Food that the ont of a potential thirty six thou New International.
Harlem been deposited and his release is inist Internationals have failed to Workers Industrial Union. The tremendous pressure Stalinist officers were using to get and employed and fifteen thousand expected this week. Friends and meet these problems, and the solu best militants in the unlon, how them weekly unemployed teachers Number one inte the Relief Workers ever, remain equally hostile to the Cities that have responded are: comrades of Bellussi are working tion offered by the Fourth Internastalinist machinations and the con Lengue, utilized this to declare that 13. Smith 00 on the agenda of the union should Chicago, St. Louis, Pittsburgh, New to arrange an affair to raise funds tional.
14. Teacher 00 be a membership drive. The aim York, Yousstown, New Castle. Bos to provide for his passage. Details Speakers for the various tendenservative, craft union split they did not want to have anything of to do with any red organization, Bronx banner in every school in the city, esport, Cleveland, Los Angeles, San Militant And in general showed their averweekly pated in the discussion which fol. The tradition of the Amalgamation to communists.
Organize the Unemployed Francisco, Oakland, Berkeley, Det lowed the lecture. This only helped ed as a militant and progressive in15. Bramdmarck. 25 The Lovestonites used this roacCanada Number two is the organization rolt and other places. In Greek Workers Club to bring out in bolder rellet the dustrial union retains its strength tion for their own sectarlan pur16. Saul of the unemployed whom the Board there has been an exceptional en 17. Ramlofr clarity that characterized the pro with the hotel and restaurant work poses. They aligned themselves of Education is trying to use as a al. Toronto has been in the foreboardthusiasm for The New InternationLECTURE 18. Mendelson 00 lever to lower the pay and worsen front in the advance work for the magia Club, 633 8th Ave. bet. 10th Sunday, April 1st, p. Proto. Bram as outlined by comrade Can ers despite the defeat in the strike. definitely with the backward elnon.
It is not the union that has been ments on the basis of red 19. Egstadt the conditions of the employed.
20. Dryer. third important point in the magazine, sending in seven bundle and 41st Sts.
Since the lecture we have re discredited but a clique of unworth scare. Keep the reds out! That that leaders. The vitality of the Amal was the slogan.
21. Lipshitz unton agenda should be the or orders. Bundle order responses have This Sunday, April 1st, Comradeceived numerous requests 22. Shulman 50 ganization of mass meetings to also come in from England Lon Albert Welsbord, sec y of the Com comrade Cannon glve a lecture gamated will undoubtedly enable it arouse the teachers to action in de son Hall, Cornwall, from Glasgow. munist League of struggle, will course dealing in greater detalus. Sunwave the present demoralia: not instigate this comparison but THE MILITANT This unprincipled alliance with matter November 28, 1928, at the the state to keep its hands of the Internations can be of special value workers welcome Entered as a second class mall and to bring pressure to bear on British comrades feel that The Now ternational as scheduled above. Ali the Fourth International and the pending election should witness the they certainly encouraged it.
Admission free. American workers which could not consolidation of the genuine proPost Once at New York, Un teachers standard of living.
set an elaborate treatment in one gressive elements on a program of the conservativos (they are not evening. In compliance with these rebuilding the Amalgamated union really reactionaries) on such an der the act of March 8, 1879. The issue of the defense of the Just off the Press!
Published Weekly by the Com institution of public education requests, we are arranging for a and the unification of the food issue should be condemned by series of six lectures to be held every workers under its banner. every honest militant. There are munist League of America should be taken into the trade Sunday evening, beginning April certainly enough issues with which 126 East 16th Street, New York, anton movement by the union 22. In the next issue of the Milito combat the incompetent StalinPhone: Grammerey 9524 which is chartered by the State OPEN FORUM 1st hacks without resorting to such tant we will announce all the parVol. VII, No. 13 (Whole No. 217) Federatio of Labor. We have not BY methods.
SATURDAY, MARCH 31, 1934 forgotten that what is now called PROF. JAMES BURNHAM therefore welcome the bugees EDITORIAL BOARD the free public school system was vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv Shachtman Tour Los Angeles tion of your correspondent that a Martin Abern James Cannon fought for and won by the working progressive group be formed on the Mar Shachtman Maurice Spector class in the twenties and thirties Boyle Heights Lecture FASCISM AND THE NEW DEAL basis of a really militant program.
Arne Swabeck lof the nineteenth century.
5c Sunday, April 15th, P.
Sunday, April 8, at P.
Here we can find a common meetSubscription rate: 00 per year On this rond the teachers have at ing ground on which to rebuild the 50 per half year. Canada a fair chance of conducting a suc 3c in bundle orders of and more International Workers School Association into an effective weapon and Foreign. 60 per year; Icessful struggle. On any other they 25263 Brooklyn Arenue against the Administration.
15c for alx months.
are sure to invite defeat.
PIONEER PUBLISHERS, 84 East 10th Street, New York City, N, Speaker 126 16th Street Home Relief Worker, Bundle rates one cont pe copy. HL MAX SHACHTMAN New York City Sensational disclosure tokes. of the «New International. stomtelecom descontos de barges are owned on International Program 21. bildes conduct themelet The Opportunists Theoretical Organ of Revolutionary from China. in briet. there is evia Lecture Course on the subject to the one moon perantare elements in Home Relief Workers Body be. 50 25. 25 10. 50 150. 30 will be announced in next week cies in the labor movement partici: Fields. 10. 10. 23 25 Accuse Stalinism!
on MARIA REESE Brooklyn.