CapitalismCominternCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyEngelsEnglandFascismMarxismStalinStalinismStrikeTerrorismTrotskyUnited FrontViolenceWorking Class

AGE THE 15 LITANT SATURDAY MARCH 1934 REVIEWING Letters to che Editor THE NEWS Another Opinion on the Furriers Situation Shachtman on Tour MARCH OF EVENTS is And our bind the workers trade union machine when they are offered a better program and a better leaderslilp This, in our opiulon, is the nub of the question. The rank and tile NEW CASTLE return three healthy punches from of furriers, hating and despising New Castle. On Wednesday eve some young steel workers of the Ext. Note We print below an The writer does not consider the the violence of worker against worsening, March 14th, comrade Maxguard, Tammany Hall other letter on the turriers situ of as a fetish, but no one er, do not leave the Stalinist Union Shachtman spoke to a group of After recovering from his dizziThe of Bureauersey Tammany Hall, which has bo lation with a reply appended. will deny that the vast majority of because they have no confidence in thirty advanced New Castle workness the General dictated a change come too discredited and too ex. The first letter was published in The new wave of strikes sweepthe workers who are employed in the the treacherous leaders of the Inter ers on the need for a new revolu of tacties: two female comrades pensive to be an effective tool for the Militant March 17 and an needle industries, are members of national and their Lovestonelte tionary party and a new Interna were sent to the entrance to ing the country alarms not only the ruling class of New York, has editorial reply appeared in the the of labor unions. Even if camp followers. They have a good tional. In the course of his address disrupt the speaker with their the capitalists but the of been shaken and investigated to issue of March 24. Other contri it were true that the has memory. They do not trust the be showed very clearly how the pol yells. The meeting started, and bureaucracy as well. For in the such an extent that we can get a butions of raonable length win the majority of the furriers and to saccharine promises of democracy icies of the official Communist party the chairman announced that ade present situation militant action of salt picture of the inner life of the be printed regardless of the point my opinion a very disputable con mado now so glibly and freely by lisadership and the Social Democray cuate preparation had been made to fire and get out of band, thereby practical working forces of a of view of the writers. tentionis it the best policy for the isolated takers and their rad. tic leadership had paved the way currantee order during the lecture, becoming a threat to the labor lion capitalist political party. The respectable front has not been in to the Editor of The Militant: from the general organization of Terrorism is an abominable evi many. In Austria, where the moi outwitted and a teat punched, ribe to the boses. Let the proletariat vestigated The following items may however serve to illustrate is still raging in the radical press, santuation when they could do bet conscious militant worthy of the non existent, the entire responsible offer to allow threo representatives ony of their opprestoran Toren eto how the respectable and the dis and oceans of ink will be spilled ter work and gain more power in rame will fight against it. Buits for the Fascist victory must belor the official Communist Party agonies they have endured, and the Aus to enter. The delegates entered, battle will take on undreamed of ne putemplete the whole leprous body settled. Everyone acquainted with even though the latter is conserva suys the furriers eling to the Star these two parties have shown their who suddenly decided they were no what a strike, starting in the autotrian Sinco followed by a few more Stalinites proportions. The bosses are fearful known as Tammany functioning the social composition of the work tive in some respect?
for the financial interests of New ers who work in this trade must Democracy in International they really wanted to go over to political bankruptcy in these events, longer unemployed workers but motive industry, will quickly spread York.
often wonder why it is the furriers With all the just criticism any the International, a single mass it becomes necessary to take steps quite able to pay.
to the steel plants and to the rail.
lot to be desined to become the one may have against the Right demonstration would sufice to ac toward the formation of a new in Dealing with the Disrupters roads. And how much would it When John McCooey, fat and vanguard of the proletarian revowing union, na one can deny that complish the transformation. International and new parties througt.
wealthy Tammany leader of Brooklation: the furriers where each and every member can express freely the absence of such a demonstra Jout the world, which will adhere tol During the meeting a minimum of take to bring the miners to their weak heckling was tolerated from feet?
at this bunch of hooligans. The ques struggle is errried stories of his charity to the dependent contractor. And this running the risk of being ostrucized ground for the assumption that thesion of the address, the speaker an unusual. During the discussion treacherous, reactionary leadership but sav. of With it poor, his loyalty to his friends, his middle class element boomed love for his wife and family and daily In the Staliaisc press as the United Front. Is it possible for International. The indications are audience. Following the question. the old game of conceding time to basis, acts at this juncturacturas or abused by the zealots of the mass of furiers want to join the wered various questions from the period the Stalinists its craft structural his reverence for the church. Just cream of the revolutonary move a member of the Lettopposition to all to the contrary. We must gove period the meeting was adjourned. the speaker but this was not tol serious obstacle thios muitaine action one case of how the press played mont.
stand up in a Stalinist controlled on ourselves accordingly and reerated. When the six who had first By its policy of delay and fake Its part in glving a halo to TamIt is a habit wità many people organization and question policies spect the attitude of the majority YOUNGSTOWN STALINISTS many.
FRUSTRATED asked to discuss had who criticize the general policy of of the organization without run in the choice of unions.
For several weeks the function time, Shachtman began to summar plans to harness the proletariat spoken or refused to take their progress with the aid of the me to find excuses for the ning into danger of being steered Al Smith, Senator Copeland, Gov. policy of the Stalinists in the furat or have a howling mob set Nobody will accuse the Militant Party who have been shipped into supporter began to yell that and hold it in cheko. The intend to NRA machinary, the bureaucracy The Criterion of the Mass arles of the so called Communist ize and reply. Then one foolish substitute for the real battle on Farley and others of their kind the majority of the furriers behind celved this medicine one time or tions. But we do not determine our violence against Individual memile stalinists joined the chorus with the industrial field the sham battle turned out in silk hats and long them. Very similar reasons are another.
faces and posed for the press pho brought forward daily by the apol surely hold no briet for the like asnd dislikes for the lead the second meeting of the recently bine Quickly a smallest on se bediese They made an imposing front.
tographs at the McCooey funeralogists of Fascism because the Mus Lovestoneites, because in my opinionership and its methods. We choose organized League Against War and Workers guard approached the disolsinis and Hitlers too claim that they possess all the bad qualities a party by its program, its methods Fascismo, which stalinist domina carried that Shachtanan should conrupters. motion was put and The Role of Roosevelt they have the backing of the large of the Stalinites and none of their of work and the quality of its lead tion dooms to a still birth, these clude the lecture without further partiat arbiter in this game played President Roosevelt sent a dig Roosevelt becomes the me vetrowe nana con majority of the people below sood ones, belus that they mal wasslership, regardless of whethernet poni samo functionaries did another Trek discussion. And the General and at the expense of the workers nofedcum cete siccomes family nem but how do they reable lury to sucak, even through thot back a magoriíy or mainostekere the prelasky haiting while condemnine Job bis army marched out complaining Roosevelt, who was hailed last thus rounding out and this casewhen the doorInternatically workers. For the second Matthews the expul that the Nallys and the gangsters could do of suppression are in the hands of the adventurous policy of the Slal entirely different criterion is nec common anti Communist Partssent. To the workers, young and against the tool and die makers in the Fascist state. The fur workers inist International. Tbelr policy in essary. practical work.
are being faced daily with the same the trade unions is always designed of the organization, not the program Garden affair. At this meeting our meeting this paid thug slanude to the present one: Without Here the mass character stand on the recent Madison Square old, who had volunteered to defend their struggle that formed the prel McNally and associates robbed situation.
to maneuver with one group or an and leadership, is decisive.
unfortunate inmates of the Home Terroristic Methods other, as long as this will help if the masses elect to belong to did not bolleve in free speech for the evening.
they openly announced that they der became the good night joke of doubt President Roosevelt recent The Stalinist Needle Trades them to achieve their purpose, to a conservative union in preference the counter revolutionary, social.
communication to General Johnson, 986, 000. Instead of a surgeon and Workers Industrial Union was able sain power in order to convince to a radical one we are obliged to Fascist Trotskyites.
In concluding we want to record interpreting the NRA labor clause surgical ward, a sailor with a through the use of terroristic meth Stalin that they, and not the offi co with them, support their chosen Three days later Max Shachtman that Shachtman exposure of the in line with automobile producere Jack knife performed operations. ods to intimidate the workers and cal stalinist party, have the lead organization and work within it for delivered his lecture on Boss War bankruptcy of the Second and Third views, bad consirerable psychoGangsters and silk hats cost monopolize the fur market, the ership of the American masses. And our ideas. By the same token, when or Workers Revolution. at Cen. Internationals was so thorough and logical effect in breaking the backmoney, 80 dispense with surgeons members of the Right union have still maintain that in the furriers the majority decide in favor even tral Auditorium. handful of annihilating that no one made any bone of the strike. Roosevelt, McNally and his kind also deliv been met with riots staged by Stal situation they did the most platus of a stalinist unlon and the case Communist Party supporters came serious attempt to defend the So Workeste hamstringing the railroad.
bring their message to the workers, ity in the Industrial Union was of such a choice we are obligeders Gray and Gates. When the Stalinists could do was yell: There is the negotiations that favors The administration of Welfare with the consequence that workers closed to them, and being a political to support the Stalinist organiza audience voted decisively to put an can be only one Communist Party the reretention of 10 wage do have been beat insulted.
Ioland Penitentiary cooperated with group with a desire to function in tion without relenting for one mo end to some Althy disruption by and that is ours duction. Roosevelt, who mobi a trade union, what else could they ment in our irreconcilable hostility Gray, the latter declared: You And the selling drugs Youngstown izc6 the nation gangsters in resources to grafting on prison food. From each do but to join the of union, to Stalinist ideas and methods.
thank all the bolster up finance capitalism and where no one is asked if he is in think you re going to hold a meet branch wants to according to his talents.
Consistent Principle agreement with the latest theses of The revolutionary left wing can see about that! To everyone pre friends in other organizations, who beating down the living standards ing here tomorrow night, but we ll workers, our sympathizers and to raise profits for the bosses while Manuilsky?
protect of the working class. To expose of fakers gave the en LEON KOENIG.
be reconstituted in the labor move sent this meant that an official re gladly helped us to dorsement of labor to Tammany menti only on the foundation of presentative of the Stalinized Com. meeting against hooligans and dis. Roosevelt means to expose the politicians and did not lose thereby principle, and its consistent appli munist Party threatened to break rupters. In return we assure you entire fraud of clase collaboration Editor Reply cation. If one is to leave the dom up the meeting at which Shachtman that we will come to your assist pracaced on the workers The gansters manned and terrorSant organization among the fur was scheduled to lecture the next anice when you are threatened by Almost over the top!
similar hoodlums, regardless of The Philippines We are glad to publish the above rlers because it employs violence night.
ized the polls and acted as strike whether they are of the Fascist or breakers when needed. The gambl.
Seventy three new Club Plandissenting opinion on the compli and terrorism, and go over to a Stalinist Hoodlums Mobilize Roosevelt has just signed the bill Ing. alky, and red light concessions subs came in last week, raising the cated problem of the furriers, and smaller organization because it is On Friday the Stalinists mobni. Stalinist variety.
were theirs on a percentage basis total to 992 and bringing us within other contributions to the discus presumably more civilized and dem ized a gang and went to the hall checked again! The united forces now. It is strange that we leave Stalinist hooliganism has been granting complete independence to the Philippines ten years from Just humble workers in a noble eight of the goal of 1, 000. sion will be welcomed. Our remarks ocratic, what is to be done to the one half hour ahead of time. But of those defending workers demThe subs received last week: on the question are put forth as a building trades, the United Mine on arriving they found to their disocracy have won another victory!
our rejoicing till then? Meantime аттау.
Minneapolis Branch 20 point of view, not as an ultimatum Workers and many other similar may that a workers guard was al For a United Front Workers we prefer to watch how the United New York Local or a law. Generally speaking, the cases? The left wing is up against ready on hand to keep them out of Guard!
States will most likely not disNew York finest saw to it Youngstown Br.
only way to arrive at an intelligent gangsterism, more or less, in a great the hall. So the hooligans headed YOUNGSTOWN BRANCH tions in these Islands of the militarmi. ntle its naval bases and fortificathat squawkers were properly disG. Kotz collective judgment of trade union many conservative mass organiza by Dallet and Gray waited for reposed of, clubbed reds who exREPORTER.
Chicago Br.
problems or any other problems tions. If that is taken as a ground enforcements and re enforcements ized Pacific. The Philippines are posed the racket, etc. Uniformed of the class struggle for that matter for splitting, the new left wing came for the workers guard! See merely stepping stone to moro members of the same gang. Hollod is by free discussion, exchange would soon find itself isolated from ing our forces growing stronger as distant shores for Amerioan mLos Angeles Br.
of opinion and comparison of ex. the trado union movement. Such the minutes passed, General Dallet geoisie hopes to solve its internal periences. When this is prohibited a precedent should not be set in ordered his forces to make a sally at Nachtmanimpasse, its desperate need for exSupplies to the City were pala New Haven Br.
for several times over. Conces Davenport Br.
or prevented we get not collective the furriers situation.
the door. The General took a poke panded markets, by challenging along were handed out to friends.
judgment but ultimatums and in The Furriers and the of at the door guard and received in Japan for domination in China. The Payrolls were padded. Special TOTAL structions and disastrous blunders Philippines are the most trifling privileges to transit and other cor The complete record up to date every time. The turriers will not! The vast majority of workers pawns in the bigger game of imporations brought in the swag.
employed in the needle trades as scelved and often fanatical workers, follows: get out of the blind alley into which whole are members of of but workers just the samewhose perialism. The United States, in New York Local 404 Schedule the maneouvering for position, Minneapolis Br.
128 From Roosevelt telegraphing compulsion and terrorism has driv unions; the furriers should not be bread and butter and economie tu The schedule for the tour, in addi appears to retreat for the moment ture are at stake. The revolutionKansas City Br. message to the McCooeya down Jen them until they conquer the isolated from them.
Boston Br.
32 As a general formbla, both the ary left wing has the task of gain tion to the cities already covered, the better to attack later.
right to discuss and decide their to the old sailor cutting ulcers from Pittsburgh Br.
problems freely.
facts cited and the conclusion arning the sympathy of these Stalinist is as follows: the legs of screaming paupers with Tues. April 3rd Williston, The New York Post and Civic New Castle Br.
unassailable. But it hardly covers workers and of re educating and Wed. April 4th jack knife, each part Atted into Unconvincing Arguments Youngstown Br.
the concrete case. The fact that rearming them for the revolutionary Thurs, April 3th Portland Ore.
the machine and each depended on Brown The argument of comrade Koenig practically all the other organized struggles. That will be possible Fri, April 6th Portland, Ore.
The Post has been conducting the other. All bad their price, Chicago Friends of appear to us to be unconvincing de workers in the needle trades are only on the condition that our own Sat. April 7than investigation to determine the from high positions and millions the MMitant Club spite a number of indisputable in the of is a powerful program is correct and that we Sun. April 8th San Francisco.
state of knowledge of the masses refor the high hats down to Davenport Br.
facts which he advances. In the argument for the furriers union, right for it consistently and tenMon April 9th San Francisco. garding the names of their elec plug of chewing tobacco for the Chicago Br.
trade union question it is necessary as a union, to apply also for ad aciously.
911iterate tar. All served some unto follow a principle line in order mission into the of with Oakland Br.
Tues. April 10th San Francisco ted representatives in the city, state The Right wing union perWed. April 11thand federal governments. And the consciously but all served the Philadelphia Br.
to arrive at the right conclusion the same autonomy and rights as mits freedom of criticism and intulty, banking, real estate, and Thurs, April 12th Los Angeles. estimable Post editors have been in regard to tactics. If one departs those enjoyed by the other unions. ternal democracy. Hamilton scandalized to learn that the averFri. April 13th Los Angeles.
other corporations whose tools they from this method it leads to guese But we cannot see the wisdom of Teacher The only means that it has Sat. April 14th Los Angeles, ago run of person is abysmally 1gwere and are Parker work and contradictions in policy splitting the furriers for the sake changed its tune since it lost its Sun. April 15th Los Angeles norant of capitalist politics and Kotz at every step. From this point of of what amounts to a platonle unity membership. The record of this Success of British Wed. April 18 Salt Lake City, politicians. In itself this shows view it appears to us that comrade of the needle trades as a whole.
Los Angeles Br.
union is as rotten and reactionary Utab.
quite clearly that the capitalist gorIn reporting for the to the Berensmeier Koenig orrs in his conclusions on Connection with the other needle as any that could be mentioned.
Thurs. April 19 Salt Lake CityJernment is not theirs e. that Seventeenth Congress of the the main points he raises. unions in the of will have The use of paid gangsters against of the masses. Simington of the Manuilsky saia Steinbach The Stalinist bureaucrats rela much greater meaning when a its membership by the officialdom Fri. April 20 Denver, Colo. We refer the Post to Engels rethat Stalin inflexible, iron will Marcus sort to terrorism.
movement is set on foot to amalga and their treacherous betrayals of marks on this subject: There 18 Sat. April 21 Denver, Colo.
was leading the toilers of the world This is true, every furrier mate them all into a single organ the workers are black and bitter Sun. April 22 Kansas City, Mo. no country in which politicians to victory. One example was the Ruby knows and, as is always the case ization. The Furriers Industrial memories.
Mon. April 23 Kansas City, Mo. form a more powerful and distinct with such methods in the end, the Union ought to apply for an British Party. But here it is in Papeun Siek Bed Repentance Tues. April 21 Kansas City, Mo. section of the nation than in North Manuilsky own words: If the terroristic tactics are employed of charter. It ought to signify Hardy One should not take too seriously Wed. April 27 St. Louis, Mo. America. There each of the two students of the two most aristo Goodman against members of the union as its readiness to merge with the In the sick bed repentance of the InThurs. April 26 St. Louis, Mo. great parties which alternately succratio cniversities strike horror Hurwitz well as against the rival organisa ternational into a single union of ternational fakers. When the devil Fri. April 27 Staunton or Gi ceed each other in power is itself Into whole of the English bour Buffalo Br.
tion. But the Stalinists are not the the trade afiliated to the of is sick the devil a monk would be.
Sat. April 28 Springfield, III. in turn controlled by people who geolsle by passing a resolution that New Haven Br.
originators of these degenerate, But under the present conch still less should one be deceived by lespie, IN.
make a business of politics, who they will not defend king or coun anti working class practices. As ations and relation of forces, indi the radical face which the Love Sun. April 29 Davenport, Ia. speculate on seats in the legislative try in the event of war, that is a Hollod matter of fact they are only slav vidual militants should not Jump stoneltes give to the union. They Mon. April 30 Davenport, Ia. assemblies of the Union as well as result of many years of anti war Ellis ishly imitating the methods of the over to the International. On the are only serving as come ons for the Tues. May Chicago, Ill. of the separate states, or who make agitation by our party. Stalin Fogel reactionaries who ruled the Inter contrary, they should put forward reactionaries. When these reacWed. May Chicago, Ill. a living by carrying on agitation Communists of all coun Gendelman national for years by methods of the program of unity and fight for tionaries and the bosses who stand for their party and on Its victory Thurs. May Detroit, Mich.
tries to fight and conquer. He violence and terror. Hoffman it inside the Stalinist unlon. behind them show their face It are rewarded with positions. It is Fri. May Detroit, Mich.
taught them. to patiently ac Mill The idea is unassailable and the will not be a liberal or democratic How the Left Wing Took Shape Sat. May Detroit, Mich. common knowledge that the Amercumulate forces and at the decisive Salt Lake City Br.
In the struggle against the gang workers will respond to it. It cor one. To enjoy democracy in a mass icans have been striving for years moment to inflict upon the class Toupin ster regime of Kaufman Co. the responds to their vital Interests and unlon the workers must conquer it to shake off this yoke which has enemy a crushing lightning like Sukut left wing originally took shape and shows them a way out of the pres for themselves by struggle.
The Gramm become intolerable, and that in blow. Sukut gained the allegiance and supportent chaos. In reacting against the mere application for membership in This is the phone number of the spite of all they can do they conHowever, Stalin will have to Dwyer Yt the great majority of the furriers. perverted functionaries of Stalinism the discredited International is too Militant, The Communist League tinue to sink ever deeper in this contend with the Episcopallan Left MeLeod Didn this experienhe prove qultelit should not be forgotten that their simple a formula.
and the International Workers quicksand of corruption. And Wing, the Baptist Church, the War St. Louis Br.
conclusively that terrorism cannot followers are workers badly de School.
nevertheless we find here two great Resisters League, and every other Murphy groups of political speculators, who pacist and Ghandist in England Koehler PROGRAM: alternately take possession of the Saturday, March 31st for credit for the aristocratic res. Gentan Chief Littlemouse in a recital of his state machine and exploit it by the olution. But maybe it was a united Carlson American Indian native dance IRVING PLAZA most corrupt means and for the front from below with Stalin at the Duncan dancer Lifshite most corrupt ends and the nation head. And who are we to take TOTAL 992 15th St. And Irving Place is powerless against these two great Fortune teller credit from Stalin for such a Next week report will close the Get your tickets now, only 35c in cartels of politicians who are o crushing blow to the bourgeoiste? drive. Let see how far over the Dance and Entertainment Other special feature advance at the International tensibly its servants, but in reality BILL. top we can go.
Good Areplace has bed Bull Frienta Tube Workers School, 126 16th St. exploit and plunder it.
992 New Subs!
16 6 Tour 18 Virtue 24 ៩ គ 20 16 16 16 12 12 12 11 11 Utah taught 9524 Gala Spring Festival