BolshevismBourgeoisieCapitalismCominternCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyEnglandFascismIV InternationalLeninLiberalismMarxMarxismPrivate PropertySocialismSovietStalinismStrikeTerrorismTrotskyUnited FrontWorkers PartyWorking Class

be iu That is the rub. Essentially these before a senate investigation com lear that this may bring retaliation letarian interests. To the present necessity of building a new Party in ranks of the new party qualitea tration of the merely intellectual statements are all motivated by the mittee and tell why they had evaded Itrom the workers, but fight mightday representatives of the working and a new International. It lovitea intellectual elements. To join a wife; the hope of inding. in alliance Discussion Article isuns and Jeffersons consistent rev.
olutionaries whom we have to save from the misluterpretation of the bourgeois professors. Space does not permit me to go into an explanaThe Technique of Serving the Exploiters and fooling the Masses, tion of the Great French Itevolu2. Program for the Intellectuals The Demagogy of Roosevelt Program exploitation do not yield them with. The Big Interests and the Codes alles with the American Revolution.
tion, its similarites and dissimilar(Ed. Note. This is the second iganism, and some phrases in the ground has been discovered than On the first anniversary of the out a struggle.
We are not unmindful of the fact Sutlice it here to state the following of two discussion articles by one article. We trust that other ar concrete activities within New Deal four thousand gentlemen rosident Roosevelt declares that that the big fellows, the steel trust, Lacts: there were really two revolu) of the signers of the Open Letter ticles will follow, and honest dls struggle organizations.
in control of Industry and finance social conditions had previously the automobile corporations, and cons within the ecope of what is to the Communist Party on the cussion. From them many intellec Does that mean that we must orWashington to be bat been pormitted which allowed vast others like them, resisted the indus known as the Great French lev. Madison Square Garden affair. tuals will emerge with a clearer, ganize intellectuals into private, angued and cajoled. We must con sections of the population to exist trial codes of the New Deal. But olution that of 780 ledelse 98 position that it sees the problem of standing, the essential basis for true thousand times no! No sincere It is the credit of the Left Op more fundamental political under separate intellectual organizations?
ure increase in wages and shorten lowed a mul distribution of wealth the modifications they desired, to ed by the petty bourgeois Jacobins the intellectuals who are in a state revolutionary action.
revolutionary party will repeat the ing of hours. said President Roose and of power. In his book Look insert their company union clauses Car Revolution of 1776 was not fol. or open or suppressed rebellion Discussion Not Enough completely impermissible practice velt. Verily, that must have been ing Forward. he says: believe and merlt system clauses, by which owed by a revolutionary Jacobin against the Communist Party as a But the major part of the probof the Party in organizing Intellec spoken entirely in defense of the hut the government, without be they could more securely maintain wave, but by reaction, for the con serious challenge to all working class tem still remains. Discussion alsº committees, leugues, etc. as forgotten manat least so it ap coming a prying bureaucracy, arent counter action by the workers. The document of the counter revolu keys to the revolutionary future. dot enough. The bedrock of ABSeribs of the revolutionary can their power of exploitation and pre stitution was, broadly speaking groups who believe they hold the permanent politicul boules. These act as check or counter balance demiBefore the same gathering Gener this oligarchy (the low hundred Even now the apparent pressure pution. The Jacobins thought by The article in the Militant offers program for intellectuals must al Johnson argued against the com. corporations and fewer than three upon them to give up their company cleared the ground for the bour the aid of the Left Opposition in practical, concrete work with and tellectuals with a host of diseases: world have served only to infect infor workers on the class struggle pany union. But he mado his uoxeu banks which control our unions presents the substitute of seois order, were trying to reprerearming in the service of the protront. Concurrently there must be snobbish condescension political reasons perfectly clear, We know. conomic life) so as to secure in reliance upon their own agents in sent the sanseulotte. It was exact. Letariat these intellectuals whos. discussion of the Marxian theory sophistry, cynicism, and ignorance he said, something about what is. tiative, life, a chance to work, and labor ranks the Greens, they this contradiction internal might otherwise Jose contact with and its application. free discussion, isolation from workers, self distoward in this country the worst the safety of savings to men and Lewises, and the Berrys. as a make up plus, of course, the fact the militant working class.
decision trust; Juvenilo Machivollianism. epidemic of strikes In our history women, rather than the safety of more effective means of keeping the that there were not the material The Militant offers concrete criticism and democratic. would rather deal with Bill exploitation to the exploiter, safety masses in subjection.
requisites for such a transfer of proposal which not only constitutes upon proposals and plans are au coadylsm. This does not mean that Gartenlebronberis, do e Gredy. ot manipulation to the manipulator, on the whole the demagogy woven power that caused the downfall of outer en period na terme els activities for worklog class onds are needed define economic struggle or and a host of others could name, who would speculate to the bitter distinct purpose. It is under its Long ago Plekhanov correctly or future activities. The Garden but can serve as an essential basis both the core and goal of any rev. Iganizations in their separate pro olutionary program.
Pessions. Unions for teachers, than with any Frankenstein that end with the welfare and property cover that the real measures to estimated the Jacobins. writers, etc. yes. But no more inyou may build up under the gulse or other people.
salvage the badly dislocated capite incident, the Militant asserts, has And the fact is, though the Partytellectuals clubs.
In moment na kupelet from me and a Wall Street Not Really Disturbed 1st wystem of production are being bourgeois purposes closely connect the signers of the Open Letter seem lectuals want to work. The chiet Private property and the petty deeper roots and consequences than sneer who shouldn t, that the intelMass Organizations a Necessity wealth of experience their inter And so we have the New Deal policy and amongst its executors, the programs of even the most ex inger its full implications, it main Left Opposition and similar groups problem is the building found The only healthy solution of the the law and in this modern day, it ance the oligarchy. Moreover, bas is very likely a mixture of various. The Party of the Mountain fullary conclusions as the fundamental channels for this impulse.
such revolution is that they offer organizational mass organizations. Here the intel.
lectual can work with workers. This economic peace.
was not a whole section of this by the traditional radical liberalism contradiction between its petty bour socialism in one country for the ligent to make the easy answer, and desire that attracted him to the Fear Collapse of System grew of capitalist pirates headed by which becomes so indignant at the geols conceptions and its endeavor disastrous. united front Erom the Join our group. although no doubt revolutionary movement in the first Morgan summoned to appear effects of socal injustice when they to be a representative of the protactic. and the immediate it looks forward to including with place, the desire to escape the frus fear of decay and collapse of the cax payments to the government?
capitalist system. They mean to that is perfectly true. But it is one and main against the abolition class, these contradictions are for intellectuals to meet with members revolutionary party one must feel with the only vital, productive class, do some serious patching of the dress the investigations up in radi soundness of capitalist economy, but cialism is nothing but the theoretic this and on other topics, and it of olutionary, and we believe that the poll and a renewed creativeness.
kind which will reinforce its basis. Ical sounding demagogy in order to and greedy men who have brought gonism of interests between the the publication of their opinions, and would agree tbat they are fellow lectual no doubt will find political consolidate its most essential parts catch the uninitiated. It would be it out of gear. But another, and courgeoisie and the proletariat.
want to save it from the few bad expression of the unbridgeable anta fers its columns to intellectuals for great majority of the intellectuals In a mass organization, the inteland strengthen its whole structure quite another thing to attempt to far more important one, is the bard: This, at times, can be accomplished uislodge Wall Street from its econ headed current of aggressive capt careful in explaining what he tor mutual criticism. No doubt travelers, sympathizers, intellectual guidance and education, not in absmost effectively by means of appar mic power.
Exactly. And Lenin was very numbers of writers will avail them allies of the revolution, not full tract, theoretical form, but on the in selves of the guest, or should we dledged revolutionaries. Indeed, they job, in the struggle. He will it be ent concessions, presented in the terms of glamorous demagogy. Keep This, of course, is not at all in Ision ready to crash ali opposition terpreted Jacobinism to be; he de say fellow traveler privileges of the have never claimed to be profes unds there revolutionaries not only the workers at a level where they tended by the investigations. On which stands in the way of a great ned it was the transfer of power Militant columns, as this writer has slonal revolutionaries. That some wise and experienced, which ho will grow in time to Party calibre not, but willing to lead him and can endure exploltation without to the contrary, we shall be able to er capitalist empire. That is the to the revolutionary oppressed class, hastened to do.
for that is the essence of Jacobin The Militant article, with its of we firmly believe; there is material teach him not by terrorism or mechconvulsive revolts. Work closely prove that in every respect Wall current which, in the final analysis, ism.
hand in hand with your agents in Street has been strengthened, and determines the policies of the New ten severe but always comradely here that time and experience could anically or by faith, but by patient, labor ranks, the respectable labor its power and all it stands for has Deal. In this sense its main fea The Struggle of the Masses criticism, sets the seal of a good temper into useful theoreticians and comradely discussion and criticism, leaders, and discard your company been consolidated, by the advent of tures are of permitting him, also a full vote in a permanent character Our predecessors, the artisan and example on the promise. No doubt cadres.
unlons lest you actually pave the the New Deal President Roosevelt and will count in the shaping of poor farmer, though weak in organicou will permit sa criticism. Per. Indeed, this is an important rea. making decisions. In the process, way for new and more serious said in his anniversary address the future economic developments. Zation and not coustituting as clear haps we are a little shell shocked son for having an organized program be will become not only an increas strikes and for militant unions. No one is opposed to sensible and But as the realities of life remove cut a class as the proletariat of on the subject, but we think you for activities for intellectuals. The ing useful member of his mass orSuch was the real character of these reasonable profits. This means its demagogic smoke screen, the today, accomplished the revolution, might indulge a little less in mere revolutionary movement needs their sanization, but he will be developed udmonishments.
that profits are to be rationalized working masses will become entire and tried to make of it a social routine invective. We dislike the work above all, but secondarlly it so that in many cases he may consi To say bluntly that these state In other words, the right of exploi disillusioned. That process berevolution; it was through their title of your article. The Intellec needs them, the best of them. And der and be quallfled to take a fur.
ments are motivated by fear of the tation is to be stabilized on a basis gan already during the Arst year pressure that even such democracy tuals Revolt against Stalinist Hool no other training and testing cher political step.
decay and collapse of the capitalist whic insure it against too of the New Deal.
as we now have was established.
But more important than the need system may seem entirely unsub violent disturbances and shocks. ARNE SWABECK. They acomplished this in bitter of the political stantiated. Are not the authors of struggle against the bourgeoisie. It THE BRITISH HUNGER MARCH kuture is the erying need of the the New Deal enjoying the confid. itt titties 76 tsis tits heritage of the struggle of working class Itself for such as ence of the vast majority of people the masses (the people) that we organizations. There are tremendOn Saturday, February 24th, 2, 000 confine the main activities of the ous immediate problems facing the from all walks of life? Is not the accept. Once more refer to the hunger marchers from all over the marchers to the vicinity of Parlia working class; the defense of classPresident still extremely popular Preuch Revolution and how Marx. country moved into London and at ment but they also obtained the fun war victims, relief to strikers and even in the humblest of working ists interpreted bourgeois achieve the same time 400 delegates from flood light of the press for them their dependents, the fight against class homes? Does he not seem to trade unions, political parties, co selves, a very necessary thing for war and Fascism. Only mass or Listen to Trotsky: operatives, etc. assembled in Ber Maxton and company.
sperate hopes: Undoubtedly this On the Resolution of the National Youth Committee ganizations built on the sound basis In general the bourgeoisie, In mondsey for the Congress of Action.
must all be answered in the afirma So far as the Bermondsey Con of union of all elements willing to tive. But it does not in the least The thesis of the National Youth private property was a progressive posed the peasant revolution with the unemployed marchers brought celve of anything substantial com of activities can enlist the forces the proper sense of the term, op From North, South, East, and West, gress is concerned, it is hard to con. Aght on a common limited program settle the question of what the New Committee contains the formala step historically as compared with all the power it had. Through greetings from their fellow victimsing from so loose a body of repre necessary for militant and success Deal is, for whose benefit it oper tion: It is essential in the educateudal private property. But when out the five years (1789 1794) the of capitalism and despite a bitter sentatives who merely represent the ful broad struggles. Today the ates, and the motivation behind it. tional and propaganda of the Spar the bourgeofsle try to put the word, peasantry rose at every critical yellow press campaign, the local fringe of the movement, the real working class movement is bam.
The Ballyhoo Technique tасия One of its brilliant critics has said Spartacus, American revolutionary their aims are realized; when the ing nende af between the feudat and had rallied to the aid of the marche machinery, beling safely left in the strung because no such organizathat it is suggestive of an adven traditions, bourgeois and workins bourgeoisie calls the proletariat bourgeois property holders. The ers all along the road.
ture on a rocking horse, that it is class, play a predominant role. who try to go one step further and Parisian sansculotte, pouring out Labour Party And Trade Unions. Congress of Action The responses of the puny sectarThe Congress declared for strike ian groupings to the increased needs unreal, and that it does not remove it is my opinion that this forma totally abolish private property their blood for the republic liberat the causes of social injustice. lation is confusing right from the the course rabble. it is the Marx ed the peasant from his On the same day, the Congress of action but before this line could be of the past years bave revealed feudal Standing alone, that is of course start, and serves only as a hindists who beg to remind these gentle chains.
Action passed a resolution calling successful it would have to be car their impotence. Yesterday, such not sollicient as a characterization. Cance to the education of the youth men that force has always been the repeat: It is this heritage of delegates pledged themselves to use bining political with industrial ac the League against War for work or maintenance and the ried out upon a national scale com organizations as the the The New Deal is not intended to My reference is particularly to the midwife of history, that the bour struggle of the masses everywhere every means in their power, includ. tton in the form of a political gen and Fascism were parodies of uniremove the causes of social Injus phrase bourgeois revolutionary geoisie accomplished their alms, as that we accept. And this heritage ing strike action, to smash the new eral strike. This requires not only ted front mass organisation. Under tice. Only the successful conclutraditions.
had the feudal lords before them will find its realization when the unemployed Insurance bill.
sion of the class struggle can reOne encounters these days many and slave lords before them, by The thorough permeation of the trade the impact of recent events they le move this. And here is the import references to these bourgeois rev. forcible means; and that they could now full own proletariat marchers stayed in London for unlons but also a powerful political today in rules.
ant question: What does the New Olutionary traditions. Demagogues not have done otherwise. And that sweep aside the now impotent and week and a deputation headed by party capable of leading the masses Deal mean to the workers? To un and reformists of all shades exhort we reserve the same right to ac historical scene. It is this message con called at 10 Downing Street in in Britain there is neither a party Build Mass Organizations Now!
the Maxton, MacGovern, and Hanning in a direct struggle for power. But It is not too much to say, we beunderstand this it must be examined the misery stricken workers and complish our greater alms. Does that we bring to the American work order to interview the Prime Minor a communist permeated trade un. Leve, that the test of all political in its economic aspect, from the farmers to find salvation by follow. chat Justly our including in the ing class youth. When we Ameri ister. But Ramey MacDonald was ton movement, and unfortunately groups who claim to know how to poder and class relationships, as well clonary forebears. the Madisons. revolutionary traditons. No, that American working class the mos dustries Fair and so the unemploy.
point of view of its function in so in the footsteps of their brocolation call to a study, bourses canize Marxism, we bring to the enjoying himself at the British In Bermondsey was a poor substituto. build revolutions lies in this prob es from the point of. opportunlty of Comintern Reply to LP.
most imperativo need of the work.
At the Congress the and ing class today through them runs both in words and action, which is of Independence, the Constitution is that they utilized revolutionary vulgar lag waving speech. We do Intended to maintain illusions in the American flag itself. All this. means to accomplish their aims, not make the confusion of the youth The representatives then the endeavored to keep on good the road to a new party and the the workers minds. Each one of they say, belongs to the American with which the proletariat can have that is trying to free itself from the raised the question in the House of tern reply to the letter bas Intellectuals are ready, we aspects rogutres separate people. This is what they under nothing in common, sust as they bourgeois point of view foisted upon Commens and the boob talneds the opened up hostilities again. Signed teve, to Soin with all political betreatment. In this article we con stand. Away with the imported utilized the extravagant rhetoric fine ourselves to the demagogie es farxism of the Reds. There is a of the Declaration of Independence hin more confounded by speaking support of the Labour Party and by Kuusinen, this latest epistle from working class groups who will join To with them in a sound mass organisort of stufe, what with the latest masses for the revolution but that at best, this is a misleading phrase of the hunger marchers to address need not accept the 21 con they will take thelr places in the desired the approval of the mem become a sympathizing member of zation. Intellectuals do not ask for quent articles While the New Deal machinery Continental Congress. and the flag once the masses accomplished the an unfortunate wording, and ought creaks and groans as it is put into waving at unemployment and trade revolution, they sought to consolt. to be stricken out from the thesis, the House and also that the Prime aitions as formulated by Lenin but rank and Ale, and it and when they corections, the produse certain revoluunton conterences. Because of our date their permet constipated on which should be a guide to action. In Downing Street. Both proposal sisting the work of the and proud to fill them. They are not tionary flare attached to its basic it seems to me, our thesis should adoption of the Constitution upon mot confusion.
philosophy. It is acclaimed by strive more than ever to explode, the masses with all the fraudulent RAE SPIEGEL.
some as a new social order. by with the weapons of Marxism, this means we now designate as Tam ority and when Buchanan, Maxton, the Second International and the refought at Harlan, at Washington, others as disciplined democracy. Spurious Americanism for the Am many and at which our revolution WILLIAMSBURG MASS MEETING with episodes from his past career and come out decisively against allful gifts: they can write publicity and MacGovern taunted MacDonald tormist leaders of the trade unions and at Scottsboro. They have usePresident Roosevelt calls it an ertcan working class.
ary forefathers were masters in economic constitutional order. It Liberal Phraseology deed.
Friday, March 23rd, 1934 as the alleged champlon of the an attempts to create new internation and pamphlets; they can raise has even elevated to a basis of reWhat we emphasize is what Marx The liberal phraseology of the WHY NEW COMMUNIST derdog he replied by pointing to the als INTERNATIONAL?
spectability the method of abrevia. Jeffersons and Madisons is essen emphasized in 1849, when the Namoney: some of them can do minor Labor Party Conference and Trade tion of names by Initials, formerly tially the same as the Liberal tional Assembly passed the Faucher Union Congress those two bodies The leaders of the are organizational jobs. And they are Prominent Speaker considered to belong only to the phraseology of the Roosevelts. Just bill against the right of associahad also refused to allow de accused of being anti Soviet and to willing to learn.
Many of these intellectuals would Bolsheviks. We have now the NRA, as Roosevelt, in the interests oftlon, although the constitution guar. Ausplees: Communist League of Am. putations from the unemployed, and actually reflect the foreign policy Williamsburgh Branch the AAA, the PWA, etc. An ingen bourgeois private property, deludes anteed all Frenchmen the right to Ramsay finished his speech by loud of the British Government. They prefer to work in a mass organizalous middle class mind has suggest the masses with words, and tries organize 58 Manhattan Ave. ly denouncing the hunger marchers are also accused of holding backtion whose purpose is defense. Their ed the addition of a tax payer to cover up the class struggle, so the What the constitution, first of ADMISSION 160 as dupes of the Communist Party. the rank and Ale of the from interests and their experience hapHaving tried constitutional meth joining the Third International. pens to lie in the struggle for classSOS.
Not a Revolution Madisons and Jeffersons, in thelr all, was to have constituted was ods without result, the leaders of war prisoners, and against Fascism. Conferences time, acted in a similar manner, the the rule of the bourgeoisie. EvidTHE MILITANT the marchers now attacked the rulThey would be interested to know Donald Richberg, the counsel for difference being that at the time of ently, the constitution could thereEntered as a second class mall ing class with vague threats of Meanwhile, the divisional area If the and other militant polthe New Deal, says that it is the Madisons and Jeffersons, these fore mean by the right of associa Post Office at New York, Un.
method. Such statements are in to perform. The fight for independ in harmony with the rule of the der the act of March 3, 1870. but all that happened was a demon held in London, Lancashire, York fruitful held in which to begin.
tended to catch the gullible worker, ence from England was stration in front of Buckingham Palshire, and Lyneside. All these con. In any case, we urge on the progresPublished Weekly by the Com.
ace and a further spout of oratory terences rejected affiliation to the that it consider this problem as or discontented with things as they sive fight. But what is even more order. If, for reasons of rhetorimunist League of America Third International while the pro gent and immediate. We should are. The New Deal could, of course, important for the proletariat of to cal decorum, it expressed itself in not be revolution in purpose, a day to remember is that it was the general terms, was not the govern. 126 Fast 16th Street, New York, NY at Hyde Park, after which the mem posal to form a Fourth Internation like to hear whether it is wlutag Phone: Grammerey 9524 bers went home by train.
al was also turned down. The pre to join with other political groups revolution which does away with artisan and farmer who in the main ment and the National Assembly Vol. VII, No. 12 (Whole No. 216) Peaceful Demonstration sent middle course position of the and with the intellectuals, on an capitalist property rights and the formed the Aghting forces of the there to interpret it in specific SATURDAY, MARCH 24, 1934 In contrast to previous hunger party found favour everywhere but agreed program for power of exploitation. This is the Revolution, and tried to make of it cares? And the Constituent AssemEDITORIAL BOARD marches this latest venture was a in Lancashire a resolution calling some other important need) In a only revolution witch means soinea social revolution The aim of bly decreed that the violation of James thing to the workers. Such a rev. even the most extreme Cannon most peaceful demonstration awak: for a return to the Second Interna non partisan, united front mass or bourgeois the text was the only adeaqute Martin Abern Max Shachtman Maurice Spector ening a considerable amount of tional was carried by 21 votes to 16. ganization, based on militant classolution is not engineered by the revolutionists were linked up with realization of its literal sense.
Lenin on the Jacobins sympathy for the hard lot of the The leaders of the have not struggle principles, democratically capitalist rulers themselves. They the institution of private property, Subscription rate: 00 per year unemployed but leaving them just yet revealed their attitude but the carried on and controlled?
are its bitter opponents. Nor do which Institution, of course, it is There are comrades who think 50 per half year. Canada where they were before the march Easter Conference of the party may Comrades, we await your auswer.
revolutions come about peacefully the aim of the proletarian revoluthat because Lenin said the Bol and Foreign 100 per year; started. The parliamentary leaders follow the divisional conferences in And your concrete proposals.
Those in powston of the capitalist tonary to overthrow, sheviks were proletarinn Jacobins 75e for six months.
of the Were the real victors favour of a waiting policy SIGNER OF THE property rights and the powers of The establimento capitalist that jantiate wrontling the Mid Bundle rates octe cent per copy the marok, for at my ae theor op om ment.
ballyhoo and demagogy, expressed They lay claim to the Declaration For what we emphasize, above all, plutionary internationalism, not seeing the Premier.
these peot, leaving the others to subse rich experience of late with this when they needed to mobilize the ons, bourgeois and proletaria Ibers of Parliament for a deputation the Communist International, the leadership in such an organization; of American revolutionary trade section of the Liberal Party. They Moscow contains nothing new.
revolution not in purpose but indemagogues had a progressive roletion only such associations as were matter November 28, 1928, at the other and more militant tactics conferences of the have been itical groups think this is the most defense lor Arne Swabeck