BolshevismBourgeoisieCominternCommunismCommunist PartyCuban RevolutionEnglandIV InternationalImperialismLeninLeninismMarxRadekSocialismSovietStalinismStrikeTrotskyURSSUnited FrontWorkers MovementWorking Class

HAS MHEANT SATURDAY MARCH 2A, 1934 OrganizedLabor Organizing the Home Greek Womens Club Australian Youth Relief Workers Organizations MARCH OF EVENTS Under the NRA sentation struggle.
ofing outfits.
Shachtman Tour 919 New Subs! The Greek Workers Club Protomu KIA now has its own head.
quarters and reading room at 888 Company Unions Gain Under Eighth Avenue, Manhattan (between the NRA About three months age group, the worken the int call for 10th and Alst Streute. Despite the existing conditions, of the party without question. MANHATTAN HOUSING. survey of collective bargaining of workers in the Emeregney Home organisation, they immediately call.
which are favorable for organizing No critical thought is allowed in East side, West side, the firetrape under the NRA was made by the Relief Bureau, under the pressure ad a meeting of the PROVISIONAL the youth, we find that the major less it is in accord with the party of Manhattan have taken their toll Industrial Conference Board. The lot intolerable working conditions COMMITTEE and there laid their noon to midnight every day. Food sty of the young Australian workers decisions. The unit meetings are a resiste en lives of wonen and the survey showed that Company Un and miserable wages, called a plans for capturing the organize and refreshments are ions made bigger gains since inauguration of the NRA than the ers for the purpose of laying the gram to present to the organiza. are invited to drop in any time.
the open meeting of Home Reler work. tion. They also drew up a pro duy at the counter. All comrades The small section of the youth lengthy reports and theses are dis working class mothers and children.
which is organized, is chiefly cen cussed, and the same amount of ac. aroused to realization of their awunions of the workers, and that in basis for organization.
tion, which however never saw the tered in the bourgeols sports organ tivity is expected from the young ful plight, havo demonstrated dividual bargaining still hold the As a result of this meeting an In light of day, since it was so far dominating place in the Americanitiative Committee was elected and short of the program presented by Next Sunday night, March 28th, izations or other sporting bodles worker recruit as from a party mem against these conditions brought about by the landlords greed and at scheme of class relations. the Employees Associa the Initiative Committee. Arne Swabeck will leo which pretend to remain neutral, ber.
YOUTH SECTIONS have demanded enforcement of the canvas of 3, 314 companies, em tion was formed. For two years Before the INITIATIVE COM Lessons of the Austrian Events.
ture at the Headquarters on The such as the and factory teams.
ploying 2, 685, 740 wage earners, es prior to the formation of the As80. MITTEE was disbanded, it had won Admission tree. Questions and dis: Even the Australian Labour Party much talk within the party of or misery to build up circulation, the For several years there has been law. And in good old muckraking timated as 27 of the total numciation, the members working the recognition of the Administracussion.
which has the support of the majorganizing a youth section in ber employed in manufacturing and in the Home Relief Bureau, although tion as well as a 25 to 50 increase ity of the workers in Australia, has fraternal organization.
every New York Evening Post investigates mining, showed the following per constituted as a UNIT, Dever called in wages for all Home Relief workand exposes the landlords responsiThe Club intends to hold regular only recently establised. drafts a few of their none tool: centages Individual Workers. The extent of their ac of 64 of 78 dismissed porter watch conduct an agitation among any open meetings of Home Reliefers. It also won the re instatement lectores every Sunday night and to Younger Sets. However, these numerous comrades into a fraternal ble, none other, of course, than the the younger Sets are essentially social organization, and these represent elite of society, the wealthiest fambargaining 1, 181, 000 45. tivities constituted in tesning wild, men as well as a few minor con Greek workers to enroll them clubs, which occasionally pass re the youth section. They busy them lies, the Stuyvesants and Astors Employee reprefor solutions of confidence in ultra Left leaflets distributed by cessions. These concessions, which the Unemployed Councils, calling were granted by the administration active participation in the RSS Lang the leader of the LP, and few circulars; possibly recruit al Jack selves around their office, issue a These old tenement houses paid Collective bar for a general strike, etc. No address in order to forestall further organi.
sell buttons during election cam few petty bourgeois elements who with the exorbitant rents squeezed for themselves many times over caloing 1, 164, 000 40. was given where workers couldzation, however had the opposite paigns. They are neither more nor haven the courage to join the y. out of the poor. But the landlords Labor union Announcements of other activities communicate with them. Every effect. Within a month 3500 work agreements made 241, 000 thing was done in a very secretivelers were enrolled in the organize will appear in subsequent issues or less than sporting and electioneer and that is the sum total of ve ever an eye for the main their activities.
The Militant under this heading. Vain attempts have Why? Because Their report says, the most and under hand, manner. Later they tion.
striking result of this survey is the began signing the leaflets with the Watch for them.
made by there is no basis for such youth or chance, in this case the unloading Just as soon however the PRO relatively small proportion of er name of PROVISIONAL COMMIT. VISIONAL COMMITTEE, which the Young Communist League Ausganizations. It is just as hopeless of an investment that no longer pays tralian section of the Young Com as forming youth sections in strike eral host during koosevelt vacaployees found to be dealing with the TEE, giving the address of the of managed to get themselves elected munist International to organize committees or defense committees employers through an organized latice Workers Union. Needless to to the most important posts in the the youth at various times, and it is some of the organizations that are clons, comes forward magnanimousis bor union. Employee represen. say these tactics had a very disast organization (by votes) in the city tation company unions ed) appears rous affect on the workers who be committee. by virtue of their comthese attempts that we shall en supposed to contain youth sections to offer his many tinder boxes to deavour to deal with in this article. are the Minority Movement: Unis to be fair. two thirds or to have made considerable progress came very wary and suspicious when ing in as a bloc, took over the reins Since the claims to be ted Unemployed Councils; League quarters of assessed value, immethree in the large companies. It is later approached by the Association of the Association they started a the political vanguard of the youth Against Imperialism; diately titty other landlords follow clear that individual bargaining has Seelng the tremendous response Vicious factional campaign against section of the working class, and etc.
not in any way been eliminated everyone who dared disagree and maintains that it is based on Marx. On the basis of what is mentioned ing burst of generosity one need only suit. To understand this overwhelm.
by Section a of the Recovery Act Schedule oppose their policies. This cam. In the contest for popularity Daign tok the form of vile character The schedule for the tour, in adal expression of internationalism, and merience of working in the remember that assessed values are between the two methods of collecassassination and name calling tion to the eltles already covered, only by comparing its Australian we have come to the conclusion that car higher than present real values; tive bargaining, the employee repre which disgusted and drove away the is as follows: section with other sections can we the Young Communist Lengue which that the high land values in ManhatSat. March 24th Minneapolis arrive at a correct estimation of its sets itself up as the political van rier to the rohousing of families in sentative plan appears to have won non partisan elements. At every the initial advantage.
meeting of the City Committee an St. Paul Minn. work.
guard of one section of the working the slum district; that MEMBERSHIP Sun. March 25th. Minneapolis.
other representative from one of the Green Admits the NRA Cannot whereas class; is simply a Juvenile Commun. dwellings have increased in all the numerous paper organiations Mon. March 26th Minneapolis.
Help Real Wages From what we know, there is no ist Party in a mutilated form.
Tues. March 27th Minneapolis country in the world, except other boroughs, they have decreased the SUGGESTED ORGANIZATIONAL by more than tive thosuand in ManThe March issue of the American Sixty five more new subs came in appeared and demanded to be given Federationist admits that the NRA last week bringing the total up the floor either to ask for contribu.
Wed. March 28th Duluth, Mion. Soviet Union, in which the FORM tions for a march to Washington or cannot help the workers obtain an 919 and bringing us within 81 sube for a United Front (C. style)
Thurs. March 29thhattan in the past five years; that is in any way strong numerically, Fir, March 30th Winnipeg. Can. or near the size of the Party. Its of what we consider a superior creased with the lowering of im The following is a brief outline recruiting for the slums has de Increase in real wages and that the of our goal of one thousand.
Sat. March 31st Winnipeg. Can. membership is continually luctuat method of working among the youth migration. The mouths of the land.
against one thing or another.
trend of real wages is downward The subs received last week: Sun. April 1st Winnipeg. Can.
Of course the Federationist does not ing and Boston Br.
16 Disruptivo Tacties no ideological level.
Mon. April 2ndThat the youth question be takenlords water for the cash to be admit that one of the many things In Australia, numerous young up by a youth department set up handed out by the for slum Oakland Br.
12 Discussions on these questions, Tues, April 3rd Williston, workers have been attracted to the within the party.
the NRA was designed to accom Berensmeler although important in themselves, Wed. April 4th clearance. On top of this the City plish, is a real wage reduction of Chicago Friends of were nevertheless irrelevant to the League, but it has never managed Thurs, April 5th Portland Ore to retain any but the careerst ele organizing youth clubs on sladilar Landlord, with the aid of CWA work: Sach depts. to have the task of offer to tear down free for the the workers with a little resletance the militant Club 基 Immediate problems facing the or Fri. April 6th Portland, Ore.
and as few strikes as possible. Green ments and a few sincere comrades. lines to the Spartacus clubs, emers, all firetrap. tenements Parker ganization. And when workers saw Sat. April 7thwhich This le mainly due to the fact that bracing social and educational ac should have been razed years ago and Company, as agents of the cap Sukut that the meetings never even get Sun. April 8th San Francisco.
Italists in our ranks, carry out this the has established itself tivities New York Local around to discussing the first point Mon April 9th San Francisco. as the Communist Party of Youth. by the landlords. Yes, charity does task through the NRA class collaPhiladelphia Br.
on the agenda, due to the intrusion Tues. April 10th San Francisco which drives out elements The youth dept. would pay at oegin at home!
boration machinery.
whold Davenport Br.
of delegates from other organizaWed. April 11thThe Federationist Bays: In gentention, to anti militarist work, or though class conscious, are not yetganizing the children, and all other CUBA tions who insisted, with the help of Thurs, April 12th Los Angeles. prepared to be so active, or to ac such phases of youth work.
eral there has been no increase in TOTAL es the Stalinist officers, on dissipating Fri. April 13th Los Angeles The situation of the organizations real wages. The codes will not The complete record up to date the time at their disposal, they recept discipline, as a party member The political lead should come of the Cuban workers, the trade unSat. April 14th Los Angeles.
safeguard real wages.
The gov. collows: fused to come to meetings and bewould be. The sincere young rev from the political party, thus doing ons in particular, has become des Sun. April 15th Los Angeles.
ernment monetary polley points to New York Local olutionaries, who are prepared to away with duplication and con perate. Mendieta, the 888 came fonctive in the organization. strong ward diminishing real wages.
make sacrifices, soon become discusion.
Minneapolls Bt.
108 The insanity of these tactics can Shachtman Tour man, the puppet speaking with the Green and Company do not howl KADRS City Br.
48 best be appreciated, when it is realSan Francisco gusted with the political passivity on the question of a new voice of Wall Street is atempting to because the wages of the workers of the and want to soln we are of the opinion that the work carry out the mandate granted him Boston Br.
32 ized that the majority of the work MASS MEETING the party, will be reduced. They howl because Pittsburgh Br.
32 ers are from the white collar strata of the could well be man. by imperialism. He aims to they are afraid, if the capitalists do New Castle Br.
with INTERNAL AFFAIRS OF THE aged by a Youth Bureau within the break the backbone of the Cuban a definitely petty bourgeois TOWARDS NEW REVOLU.
not give them a greater share of Brown 20 Fourth International working class by th smashing its background and no previous organi TIONARY PARTY IN THE collaboration in the Code Authority Chicago Friends of zational experience. The non par TUESDAY Evening, April 10, 1934 The League reflects all the inter We hope that you will print this organs of struggle on the economic bodies and the Industrial Relations the Mutant Club 16 tisan eloments seeing that vital proat nal diseases of the party. Bureat as a discussion article in the Mincront, the trade unions.
Board, they will not be able to keep Oakland Br.
12 blems affecting the organizations The Cuban Revolution, the achcracy is rampant. We find that in tant or the youth paper Young LABOR COLLEGE HALL in check the rising discontent and Philadelphia Br.
12 dividuals possessing no political Spartacus.
ievement of the Cuban masses, is at were relegated to the waste basket strike struggles in the making.
1254 Market Street Davenport Br.
12 for discussions on the United ability, are elevated to the leader. Submitted by Australian com stake in the present struggle. Only Hamilton 12 Discussionship because they are willing to Front with the Rellet Workers Questions rades of the International. Com the working class, leading the peas12 Teacher ADMISSION FREE League and the Unemployed CounInternational Workers carry out the instructions of the munist League. ants and the oppressed masses, can Chicago By.
save the Revolution by carrying it 12 cils before they were even suffici forward. strong united front of School Notes Youngstown Br 12 ently organized to participate ef the workers of town and plantation Parker tectively such actions walked Berengmeler Two New Courses Are Being Started must be cemented by the building out of meetings in disgust. Several Simington precincts withdrew from the organs.
This Week In 1916, when Lenin and Trotsky country Independently then they of Soviets, the weapon of defense tion limited to the arena of his of the workers. The united front Steinbach Elementary Russian: This 18 zation and others, although organ. were struggling to reorganize the can have no strong motives for own state, will be cramped by the of the oppressed has the immediate Marcos course for beginners to be given ized, have refused to join. collapsed international labor move standing by the workers of other interests of the labor movement aim of defending the democratic by comrade Weber. The first of his own country, and he will rights won by the downfall of MaheThe depths to which these sterl ment, Alexander Troyanovsky, now countries in their socialist strugJ. Ruby session will commence at P.
ing revolutionists will not go to Soviet ambassador to the gles. An International built on lose all interest in the Internaado, in particular the right to or Pupus next Sunday, March 25th.
win their objectives is difficult to published in Zurich, Switzerland, a such principles must fall apart at tional and internationalism. The xanize and strike. The Hardy workers Public Speaking: This course imagine. This can best be Hlustrat pamphlet entitled Do We Need An the first transition from words italies are Troyanovsky Geen are now on the defensive but, de 1s exclusively for Left Opposition led by the fact that although they international? There he vigorously about international solidarity to International solidarity would Kot spite the Caffery Mendieta machinaIsts and members of the Spartacus then remain at best an ideal for tions, the struggle has not yet terthemselves take every precaution to Assailed Karl Radek and his dis deeds. Los Angeles Br.
Youth Club. It is intended to train hide the fact that they are Com ciple, Lenin for their theory that If the workers of the various the remote future. For the unitM. Hurwitz minated. Mendieta can still be prespeakers for our SPEAKERS BUmuniste. even going to the extent only socialist revolution ing of proletarians of all coun vented from consolidating power could countries are to reach the social Buffalo Br.
ROAU. The thirty members who of denying it without being press defeat imperialism, called them ex 1st order through different doortries we would have to await the completely if the masses can be ral Ellie have been assigned are requested to ed for a statement of beliefprint tremists and deserters of the class ways, without being forced into socialist revolution, after which lied in the struggle for democratic Fogel be on time next Sunday, March 25th attacks on other Communists in the struggle, criticized the Zimmerwald joint socialist struggles to break there will be no more proletarM. Gendelman rights. But this struggle must be at P. The course will be con.
Daily Worker, giving thelr political and Klenthal Conferences for being down barriers constituted by ex lans and the International itself directed along the road to Soviets. Hoffman ducted by comrade Weber.
and organizational am Ilatons. And Insufficiently Internationalist, and isting international conditions, wili no longer be needed. 12) Mm then they daro call other workers offered instead a program, formu.
then, stretly speaking, there can Deny Necessity of International THE JAPANESE ENGLISH Salt Lake City Br.
All other classes are well under stool pigeons. The Administra lated, according to Troyanovsky be no talk of workers solidarity If we visualize the social rey. TEXTILE NEGOTIATIONS Toupin way but each lecture is self containtlon, no doubt, is very grateful to statement, by Kautaky.
and of a common goal of the olution as the individual task of In the war of currency depreciaH. Sukat od, thus permitting those interested There is no need to go into all workers movement in the various them for this information.
individual national partes and re tion for the purpose of extending Sukat to attend Individual sessions.
Needless to say they have been that old dispute. History has recountries (p. gard as impossible a class strug foreign markest, Japan started the Dwyer too busy with thelr factional activ. tuted Troyanovsky If nothing else An International Scientide Society ele against imperialism waged in earliest and gained the most. She McLeod Trade Union Strategy and Tactles ity to do any real work in the orhay, and now he takes off his hat the spirit of International solidar gained the most because her foreign Comrade Swabeck will present St. Louls Br. Under such conditions, the inganization. Since the INITIATIVE every time Lenin name is menL. Murphy ity, then we must deny the neces trade forms so large a percentage of ternational would inevitably be Interesting material in bis next two COMMITTEE bas been disbanded toned. There is space, however, to sity of an international and adher economy and since inflation Koehler lectures: vocate the division of socialism made her goods dirt. cheap in world and they bave had control of the quote a few important passages transformed into an International Genten The revolutionary struggle in organization nothing bas been ac from Troyanovsky pamphlet. Ac scientifo society dealing with into a series of national socialist markets, she was able to drive all Carleon the labor movement.
complished. Many of the problems cording to our author, Lenin questions of the labor movement, movements disconnected from competitors out of the market. The The movement for the elght maintaining Information bureaus, on which the INITIATIVE COM. theory of Imperialism led to an ateach other. 32. TOTAL 019 hour day bulk of Japan exports are textile and, Anally, calling MITTEE had begun negotiations titude of offering no resistance to occasional Clearly Troyanovsky did some goods, cotton and to a less extent Wednesday P. March 28th Can we reach the goal 1000 with tho Administration, such as imperialism, to the exploitation of congresses with solemn proclama pretty lavish interpreting of silk. The cheapness of Japanese and April 4th.
tions of the principles of socialism Lenin. The national reformist at cotton goods has resulted in an am.
week? We are counting. pay for sick leave, which was pro one country by another, or even to mised and come proceedure for the domestic reaction growing out and ovations veterans of the titude Troyanovsky attacked 80 azing loss of business for the British History of the Russian Bolshevik What do you say. collective bargaining with the adot Imperialism. Ho continued socialist parties of the various cialism in one country. perfunc textile mills. The largest Empire Party ministration, have not been pressed thus: countries. Such an international tory Internationalism, separation of market, India, was flooded with JapComrade Wright will deal with WHITHER ENGLAND There also remain the other points Troyanovoky Accuses Lenin cannot be the international of workers along national lines, etc. anese textiles until the outcry of events that every class conscious unified will, a real common strug.
Pioneer Publishers have just re on our program hich have to be This abandonment worker should understand thorough celyed a supply of the English edi. ronght for, such as etc. Was, as bas been plentifully the English capitalists brought the resistance gle, and a consolidation of the demonstrated, ly not Lenin Trothreat to close this market comto imperialism not only does away proletarians of all countries for day week and hour day for tion of Whither England by yanovsky attack was beside the pletely to Japan Japan retaliated 1nds the Dress Rehearsal for Trotaky. Price cata per all Home Relief Employeen.
with the necessity of the inter Joint intervention in Internation mark. Now all that is history. The by declaring a boycott on Indian tho October Revolution.
80 day sick leave through the national as an organization of in al affairs. In a time of interna USSR, having made terms with the raw cotton. The Years of Revolution (1806 copy postpaid.
working year with full pay.
ternational proletarian action. In tional conflicts no sign of life can sends ne Ambassador Tro The negotiations for a truce on 1001. month vacation to all em.
principle, it leads to an estimate be expected from such an internaPridays March of socialism as a national task to tlonal. Just where theory ends yanovsky, the old International let, a world scale continued in London SPECIAL NOTICE ployees with one year service and March 31st.
who, arm In arm with Kautsky, at but the Japanese, in the superior be carried out within the confines and practice begins, this internaand those with less than a year tacked Lenin from the Left.
The full pago artelo by som position, wanted to limit the truce tional will be impotent. Should of existing states by the working on, per diem basis, with pay in rada Trotsky in recent yn to British Empire markets only. The Fundamentals and Communism class forces of such states. The some energetic, decisive Internaadvance.
tant, with devastat Comrade Abern continues his Well, Ambassador Troyanovsky, result was the breakdown of the social revolution thus ceases to tional action be needed, then the Two weeks pay on dismissal.
mary of the 18th Plenum at the course with lectures on: socialism in one coun conference and the problem has now be an international matter, the true nature of this scientific soThe organization to have to right try now? Are you still as bitter as been taken from the hands of the has evoked a demand The Bourgeois Revolution and ronult of a unified International elety will be shown. 11. for its ro pablication in to review all caBOS of dismissal eheep the Working clan ever against it? What about an in capitalists into those of the dipThas demands can only be won struggle of the proletariat of the An international labor organi ternational whose congresses are tomats. Unquestionably the Jap The Martian Analysis of Cap pamphlet form. One wymyathiezation with such ideas will and merely perfunctory or never hela lanese will lay down political condiItalist Development.
er has offered to cratribate 10 by a leadership whose interest in the entire world, and becomes gont cannot educate the workers in the at all? What about breaking up tions for concessions in trade that Mondays March 26th for this purpose. It 16 more welfare of the Home Relief Work to be reached by the seperate efInterests forts of the proletariats of sep spirit of international solidarity, socialism into a series of national will involve the stand of England and April 2nd.
erate countries, independent of can be secured we will proceed to and not the second this end and cultivate them into members movements, limiting the horizon of in the imminent war. If Japan can Immediately with the publication of 13th Street.
of the future socialist society, the worker, postponing solidarity obtain England promise to checkof this brilliant article us small a progressive group is being formed the nature of existing interna GRammercy 9524 which must be bollt on the basis until after the revolution, and all mate the In the matter of ally.
pamphlet. Send contebutions to to fight for a class struggle polley. tional conditions. Thts to the phone number of the of the Craternity and unity of naPIONEER PUBLISHERS and against the disruptive activities the rest of It? And finally, your Ing with the Soviet Union against Meitant, The Communist League of the Staliniat leadership la If the highest gort of all our tlome. The horizon of the work question of 1916, do we need an Japan, the latter may hesitate no H 100 Hrast the the International Worten ditto Vet Metal and must bo who has accepted tige dopo International!
longer in her planned attack School. EL WORINE achieved by the workers of such the petty. Vole HARRY STRANO.
TROYANOVSKY. 1916 AND 1934 11