CommunismCommunist PartyGermanyHitlerIV InternationalSocialismSocialist PartyStalinismStrikeWorkers MovementWorkers PartyWorking Class

UNITE THE MILITANT Weekly Organ of the Communist League of America VOLUME VII, NO. 12 WHOLE NO. 216)
NEW YORK, SATURDAY, MARCH 24, 1934 PRICE CENTS Toward the Fourth International The New Strike Wave Revolutionary Youth Meet In International Conference Another Step on the Road to the Dutch Police Deport Youth The Automobile Workers Revolt Delegates to Germany!
It open anden met een countered one ed National Tour of Mass Delegations nad escaped trom a concentration est in the settled to restore and backline proletariat hoteles les contre le te voegen het hele Shachtman Builds On CWA Work organisatge litade arrested the us for the New Party Go to Washington of of reaction.
prolio any the manager of the tower in a well attended meeting or cobervative workers what the most recent selon manier van protest New York Taxi Drivers Continuel Militant Fight For Union Lining Up For Big dere she Labor Lyceum having an attend hetente de moment and Hopknitet: May Day Edition constituted an encouragement to a strike. a Last year they believed a promise now they struggle for the rights and demands which the proceed to Independent action. The greatest danger The International conference ofrades were held in the Laren police New Deal promised but did not glve, are heralding to the strike movement now comes from Roosevelt revolutionary youth organizations, station. The four comrades, Kurt the advent of the new strike wave which will most directly. His strategy of delay is the strategy of for the purpose of discussing the bosses. Now is the time to strike. The workers New International present international situation and Goldstein, members of the Socialist Likely swing hundreds of thousands, 18 not millions will make a great error if they allow the action to the tasks of the youth, was called Workers Party of German, and of rebellious workers into aggressive action. The worst epidemic of strikes in our history. which Gen be delayed while the bosses continue their prepara(Ed. Note. Albert Glotzer, the the name of the Internationalist for Saturday, February 24th, at Heinz Hose, a member of the Inter eral Johnson foretold and tried to head of, is knock tions and the edge is taken off the strike spirit in autbor of the following article, Communist League and the Socialist Laren, Holland, to last for three nationalist Communist League of endless negotiations at Washington.
has just returned from the Inter Workers Party of Germany. The days. Many delegates from Europe Germany, were handed over directlying at the door.
The new strike movement will be deeper than The forces are lining up along the whole front national Youth Conference hela plenum agreed upon an agenda for and America were present. At 10. 00 by the Dutch police to the Hitler Last year s, more militant and more difficult to pacity for the greatest labor struggle since the post war at Luxemburg, Belgium which he the conference and decided to issue on Saturday, this conference police.
days; possibly, as General Johnson predicted, the attended as the representative of a manifesto to the International was raided by clty and state police. Democratic Holland has been with empty promises and patriotic demagogy.
worst epidemic of strikes in our history. In this the Spartacus Youth organizations working class movement denouncing the orders for this disruption came guilty of the same crime wbich once will encounter flerce resistance from the industrial Impending struggle the masses will confront a differof the United States. the actions of the reactionary Dutch from the chief prosecutor in Amster earned for imperial Germany the overlords and their mercenaries, and this, in turn, ent attitude on the of the osevelt administration, the NRA and all the rest of the governmenal The International youth conterregime and calling upon all organi dam, acting under the direction of contempt of the masses of the world. Will call forth great resources of working class cour ence, called by the youth section of nations to volee their protests. the minister of justice. Passports Just as Bismarck and Bulow turned age, endurance and sacrifice. The impending class machinery. Once the strike wave takes on real scope the Independent Socialist Party of were inspected. About twenty for Russian revolutionaries over to the battles will mark an important step on the road to and militancy, once it becomes clear that the old On Wednesday, February 28th, game of ballyhoo and promise does not suffice to stop Holland for the purpose of discuss the conference convened. The coletgm comrades were arrested, a. Czarist Ochrana, so the Dutch gov the class awakening of the American workers and, the strikes, the iron band will come out of the velvet ing the International situation and lowing organizations were represent: legedly because they had no residerament has delivered young Ger consequently, to their political organization.
the tasks of the youth, was dispersed by delegates: ence permit. After being question man revolutionaries into Hitler The emergence of the automobile workers as the glove. The Government will demonstrate very quick.
ed two hours after convening by the ed at the Laren prison, a majority hands. That means they have de vanguard of the impending struggles invests the entire ly whose side it tales.
Dutch pollee, acting under the in Internationalist Communist League, to the police headquarters at Amjall, concentration camp, the terror ergy and power. The machine proletariat, the most The Youth Secretariat of the of the young comrades were taken livered these revolutionaries up to labor movement with a new force of incalculable enAll the forces of the capitalist order will be lined up against the workers. These include not only the on February 24th, noem, delegates representing the youth sections of sterdam and deported to Belgium dungeons of the Nazis perhaps to powerful and dynamic section of the class, bitherto Government from top to bottom, but also the entire (Continued on page 4) two days later. Four German com. Ideath.
representing Independent socialist unorganized and quiescent, 18 bestirring itself and upper stratum of the official labor leaders. In breakand communist youth organizations This is not the first case. Only organizing for action. No wonder the politicians and ing through the net of the NRA and coming directly from over Afteen countries of Eur.
a short time ago an anti Fascist who the conservative labor leaders scurry like rabbits in to gripe with the capitalist masters, the revolting sterdam, and in a body proceeded camp was driven back over the Ger gets into mass action the relations capital and stricting barriers of he of structure and the to the town of Laren, one hour man border by the Dutch police. labor, as well as the Internal situation of the labor treacherous policy of its leaders. At the crucial mo It is not alone the International movement, will undergo a pronounced charge. trade ment these leaders will fight the strikes openly. Many away. The police entered the con ist Communist League and the So union movement dominated by the factory proletariat of the strikes will be branded as outlaw movements ference while it was in the stage of cialist Workers Party which are would be too wild a horse for Green Co. to ride.
and will have to proceed independently.
foreign delegates and drove them affected by this shameful persecu The NRA machinery, as such, failed to satisfy the In this prospect of stormy struggle of the massaway by bus to the Laren Jail. There Mass delegations of CWA workers Lion. Every German enemy of Fasc auto workers or to hold them back. It required the es, with enemies assailing them from every side, with the delegates were divided into two Reports of prepartions for Shacht. from New York, Chicago, Pittsburgh, ism, every exile, whatever bis pol direct intervention of President Roosevelt to effect a the government taking off the mask and the labor groupe, one remaining at the Laren man moetings in the leaders showing their true colors in this stormy the movement the working class of Americe will find it Jall and the bulk of the delegates cities all the way to the Pacific den will converge on Washington, atrocious act, should be a warning Wednesday. The breakdown of the NRA in powerful blow to its prestige. The ex self, clarify it alms and march with seven league transferred to the investigating const vie with the reports of sac saturday, March 24th and unite into the international working class situation is boots on the path toward revolutionary action. The German Delegates Landed or to atlonal tour. Outstanding is the king and Roosevelt.
ecostul meetings already held on the presenting their demands to Hop Taking place in democratic Hol. press determination of the automobile workers to land, it is a signal begin at once, strike for the enforcement of their demands signal formation of a revolutionary party which could ald Hitler Police fact that he has, amongst the many Hopkins Instructions to State without delay, to resist this march 1x03 a profound change in their attitude toward the and guide this process is the most important task of glst NRA.
the hour.
Four German comrades who re other important activities, spoken lief organizations, the mained in the Laren Jall were sumupon invitation before various work which appeared in the press March Workers of all countries, all antimarlly handed over to the Hitler ers organizations. In Dorchester, 20th, make clear even to the most Fascist parties and organizations increase the cnances of both to win against the bosses.
despite the active intervention of the shoe workers club listened toernment program will be if the against this accomplice service to Hostile to NRA comrade Sneevilet of the Revolathe viewpoint of the League on workers do not stop it. Between the bloody Hitler regime. There general strike of the theltionary Socialist Party of Holland trade union questions. In Tonaw 1, 500, 000 and 2, 000, 000 persons will must be brought upon those respondrivers oceurs during, the preparaand a member of the Dutch Parlla unda a tine meeting of the be on work relief, Hopkins says, sible a pressure so powerful that ment. The delegates transferred local Unemployment League, with which, translated into practice, such crimes must not and cannot be The taxi drivers of New York city are striking back at the grow dependent owner driver, for whom minimum, and its other provisions complicating factor is the incon of a local code for the industry he code provides a twelve dollar under heavy guard to Amsterdam about one hundred in attendance, means at most one out of four on repeated.
Ing menace of company unions. The a strike against the fleet owners is are of a similar generous nature. three Germans, two Norwegians, voiced its approval of the message CWA now will continue.
Panken Ernst settlement of the an opportunity to reap a golden har he attitude of the taxi drivers totwo Americans, one Frenchman, two presented by comrade Sbachtman The rates will be at a minimum February strike left the men with vest. There are enough independward the NRA is one of hostility.
Belgians one Swiss and one Pole. by insisting upon another engage of 30c an hour provided that weekout recognition of their union and ent cabs in New York City to break the Regional Labor Board, which were deported to Belgium, after re ment on his return trip. In Chelly, earnings shall not exceed the maining for two days in prison sea, Mass. he spoke to a meeting of budget. employment is limited to In the former strike the actioned so weil agaiust the hotel the fleet owners to proceed with union attempted to prevent the instrike, is trying to intervene by arwhere they were severely the organization of company unions. dependents from working. In the ranging converences to settle the examined, photographed and finger ance of 120.
mates that wages in large cities Of the. printed.
It the democratic Dutch me meetings so far were held in Canbighest wages will be about 12 The biggest and most spirited which in theory are to have the sented the men with an ultimatum: out a sort of compromiso arrange its willinguess to attend the conferEither sign up in the company ment. The union is trying to organences, but the fleet owners have not.
act they had thereby prevented the 300 WIB followed by a banquet net. Ing majority of the unemployed, If special May Day Issue. It will con. union, or get out. The men struck. ize the independents into the union The men should be on guard against me thought that by this dastardiyada. In Toronto a mass meeting of week. And for the overwhelmThe 1ssue of April 28th will be tain special material appropriate for Demonds of the Union actually convening of the confering some funds not only to belp they can get it Home Relief and has come to an agreement with any attempt on the part of Herrick ence they were to be rudely discover expenses of this widely ex. der pauper conditions, the cw and for its special siguid cance this struggle, the union called a general three dollars day each Into the on them which they played on the on After eight days of an indecisive them by which the independents pay und Golden to play the same tricks confined comrades prepared for the initial steps toward establishing our workers could have chosen no more year in view of our efforts to build strike. The estimates of the retreasury of the union.
botel strikers and other workers.
reassembling of the deported dele Canadian section on an autonomous propitious time fore marchi palen ihe Fourth International and a new sponse vary from 27 to 46 thousand There is yet no sign of an attempt The impending strike of the auto United The main demand is recognition of on the part of the union to spread workers is of the utmost importance ence. Luxemburg was chosen as workers gates and the holding of a confer basis.
In Montreal over a hundred Washington. The New York deleca: Communist Party in the the union and abolition of the black the strike to other sectors of turns to the taxi drivers. Not only is the ita meeting place. On Monday, Feb. meeting.
attended Shachtman committee of the Associated Office! We want to feature a long list of List. Economie demands have been portation. In our opinion this is a issue of the right of workers to orruary 26th, the deportations were Professional Emergency Employ revolutionary greetings to the New put forward and are substantially necessary step which should be carganize in their own organizations effected and on Tuesday evening a The main subject on the tourees, Association of Civil Works Em Communist Party of the Fourth In the same as those advanced in the ried out without delay. The work the same, but both have exactly the plenary session was held by the de covers the new party project. The ployees, Emergency Workers in Adternational and its bunner bearer, last strike, providing for a minimum ers of the Fifth Avenue Coach Comme enemies in the most direct and ported delegates under illegal con tour is part of a concerted drive by ult Education, Tenement House The Militant. We expect that all wage of 22 a week on the day shift, pany are smarting under the tyran immediate sense. The Parmelee ditions at Luxemburg.
the League. The problem of the CWA Employees, and the Workers the branches in the League will send and 25 on the night; maximum ay of the company which has im company is owned or controlled by Conference Reorganized new party and our views in regards Unemployed Union. Mass meetings such greetings in their own name hours, no discrimination against posed a company union on them and Cord Motors, makers of the Auburn The Original conference was init to it are being presented to the Am. and rallies have been and aro be and that the organizations sympath negro drivers who are allowed to through the use of ples prevented and Cord cars. General Motors tated by the Independent Socialist orican workers by comrade Shacht Ing held throughout the city and etle to the League will do likewise. arive only cabs which by their them from voting for an independ owns outright the Terminal cabs Party Youth of Holland. With the man in the public meetings. scores of thousands of leaflets dis Individual comrades, sympathiz tinctive markings are recognizableent union in the recent NRA elec and controls, through a welghted events in Holland, It became clear In St. Francisco and Los Angeles tributed.
ers, and friends may also wish to as having negro drivers, tions. The 18eue for which the taxi mortgage coverage system, the Rathat the conference would have to big prepartions are under way to In order to leave and return the send such greetings. The comrades Picketing has been organized at drivers are fighting is the same one dio cabs.
completely reorganized. The utili: the Arst same day and spend as much time who solicit greetings should care the garages and squads are out on for which the Fifth Avenue Coach The strike of the auto workers plenary session decided that the League speaker to cross the con as possible in Washington, the Joint fully explain that where a comrade the street to prevent scab cabe company will struggle tomorrow. Will shake the auto Industry to the conference, while having its origin tinent. The balance of the schedule committee has chartered special does not wish to have his name ap from trying to break the strike. The An appeal to them must find a warm ground and increase the chances for In Holland was actually a new con on the outgoing part of the tour ap train. The fare is round trip pear in print his request will be spirit of the men is militant and response. Serious and energetic of a successtul outcome of the estar ference, and resolved to hold it in pears on page two.
ANOWA workers are asked to come complied with. In such cases we they are clear on the central issue forts to pull them out on the same strike. The two struggles are really and raise funds to send other work suggest that the greeter use another Involved; a working class organiza issue have more than a fair chance one. The workers should be united ers from thelr job. drive is be name or initials or simply some sig tion controlled by them, or a como success common fight would in fraternal bonds of solidarity.
pany union.
funds from trade unions and other The greeting rate are as follows: workers and fraternal organizations One inch, one column One Dollar: ed to sell the paper on this The doings and goings of Samuel secretly departs by himself, char to pay or supplement fares of the Two inches, one column 60: should be carefully organized now.
Ingull, formerly of Chicago, more ters the freighter Malotis, and away lower wage CWA workers.
Five Inches 00; For two column You will need much larger recently resident of Athens, Greece, he sails.
The Staliniat controlled United greetings the rates are double. In number of papers than you take About 00 New York City high In this struggle it was assisted by and decidedly well known to cer Such flaunting of Greek regula Action on CWA responded to the dividual names 25.
now. Please send in your order for school teachers, fully licensed, but the conservative administration of tain United States utility stock. tions could not be tolerated by the Washington call by going into comMay 1st, as always, will be the the additional copies as soon as you compelled by an economy seeking the Teachers Union which contributholders, has flared excitedly on the Greek government. Where the expetition with it. At a mass meet occasion for demonstrations, pa can and MAKE SURE THAT IT IS Board of Education to work as sub ed funds and sent a speaker to a headlines of newspapers these past milionaire disappearance was dising March 19th at Stuyvesant Cas rados, mass meetings, lectures, ACCOMPANIED BY PAYMENT statute at a lower rate of pay than mass meeting. The administration few days. It seems that on Wednes covered wireless was dispatched to the previous face for the forums, and social afairs. The FOR THEM as our financial situa the regularly appointed teachers, of the union, saw in the factional day afternoon, March 14th, 1934, to the captain of the ship ordering stalinista, the Federation of Arch. opportunity for the distribution and tion is still such as to make it Im were turned back in their fight for division of the unemployed an op the 74 year old gentleman surreptinis immediate return. An airplane Itects, Engineers, Chemists and sale of The Militant will be excep possible to undertake the printing permanent Jobs by a decision of the portunity to strike at the tlously slipped out of his Grecian with machine guns was placed in Techntelans, receded into the back tonally great. From the political for a larger issue unless it ta pata Appelate Division of the Supreme which is hostile to it and to which home. Although reported slck in readiness in case the captain should ground and the Unemployed Coun point of view it is a first class op for IN ADVANCE. The bundle Court on March 18th.
it is hostile. While it supported bed suffering from heart attacks, prove stubborn. The cables trom ells came forward. The stalinista portunity to strike a blow for the order rate for this issue will be the the indomitable Insull was not the Athens falled to mention whether shoved through a motion to boycott New Party. The machinery requir same, one cent a copy.
Several months ago the teachers te fight of Eligibles Association man to be kept down.
went to court to compel the Board refused to have anything to do the navy war vessels were mobllla the Washington delegation. Instead, to make appointments in conformity with the case of the With the police guarding the ed, but we assume as much. Any. the Unemployed Councils decided to building. he managed to make way the ship returned.
send its own United Action to with the law. Supreme Court Jus The Unemployed Teachers AssoThe Question of the Hour! tice, Wasservogel handed down a de ciatlon tried to rally mass pressure hls getaway is subject to various Washington a week later! This is versions. One story has it that he Now, it was believed, Insull rela typical continuation of the disrupcision in favor of the teachers. The behind Its legal fight. It held Board of Education appealed the number of mass meetings, organized escaped through the back door, while call would mean that the agents of tive activity of the Stalinists in THE PROGRAM OF THE decision and won ita case. The protests at another states he left by the front the United States Department of the unemployed movement during sessions of the Board door in disguise. One can have his Justice would at last get him. But the years of the crisis.
teachers are now making prepara of Education, and was instrumental The answer of all militant worktions to carry the fight further.
choice or develop bls own hypo alas! The Malotis had been recall in getting a number of organizathegls. We are inclined to thinked but not for that purpose. The ere is to support the Joint Commit.
There are some lessons which the tions to send protest telegrams to that the two versions are credible. ship returred, Insull papers pro tee On to Washington drive and a Lecture by teachers can draw trom the fight the judges who heard the case. Like Back in Chicago, Samuel had learn perly stamped, the prestige of the Join the delegation on Saturday, which they made. One of the most its prototypes, the Unemployed od that a front door disguise plus Greek government saved, the regula: March 24. Any time up to Friday Important is the fact that they con. Councils it succeeded, more than Insuli back door method could accom tlons duly observed, night, arrangements can be made ducted a divided struggle. The pro anything else, in demonstrating its ceedings were instituted, both by or Impotence in face of the serious is.
plish something, and why not in sailed away again.
to go, at the headquarters of the Greece?
For what port Inul saling Joint Committee, 22 East 22nd St.
IRVING PLAZA HALL ganizations of unemployed teachers, sue and its sectarian isolation from Insull was to have been deported It is rumored he wishes to go to EMERGENCY EMPLOYEE.
the High School Eligible Associa the main stream of the teachers trom Greece under the Undesirable Abyssinia. There it is said they 15th Street and Irving Place tion Influenced by the Lovestoneftes, movement.
Allens Act. There had been several want him as an advisor in the Buy PIONEER PUBLISHERS and the Unemployed Teachers As.
of these facts the teachers should postponements due to his alleged building of power interests In CERTIFICATE. It only and sociation which follows a Stalinist take careful note. The first prere SUNDAY, MARCH 25th, P.
sicknese. Instead of waiting to be Africa. The spirit of emulation has entitle you to 40 dlacount on our polley.
qulalte for a successful struggle to properly and legally deported in seized some of the Ahyninian of publiontions and to a 20 reduction Questions and Disscussion led strictly legal light placing to the unemployed, and unlty of the The Fligibles Association conduct secare rellet is unity, unity among Admsision 15c scordance with all the Greek re ciale. If it oan be done. In Chicago on way book published by other gulations, the ungratatal Intl why not in Abysinnle. publer faith in the procent of Justice. employed and unemployed. be The Strange Adventures of Insull day Court Hits At Substitute Teachers FOURTH INTERNATIONAL and JAMES CANNON