Bolshevik PartyBolshevismCapitalismCominternCommunardsCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyEnglandFascismGermanyIV InternationalImperialismImperialist WarMarxMarxismParis CommuneProudhonSocialismSovietStalinStalinismStrikeTrotskyURSSUnited FrontWorking Class

THE MILITANT SATURDAY, MARCH 17, 1934 AGE Organizing the CWA The League Against War and Roosevelt 12 Points White Collar Workers Fascism in Action at Newark Against the Workers ors Party Shachtman Tour The American League Against lowing report: That the Conference rectly contrary to the following War and Fascism. like all the sim should not seat the representatives statement signed by Annie Gray, Speaking before the NRA Code unemployed American workers calls At the most critical moment in The meeting broke up with no plans Dar counterfeit united front for of the Communist League because Karl Browder, Roger Baldwin, Authorities, President Roosevelt for a reorganizntion of labor power the struggle against the ending of for organixing or action agreed mations under stalinist party dom they were not a bona Alde organiza for the National Bureau of the said: The real truth of the mat in relation to machine production.
the CWA, the Associated Office upon Jinaton, has been cracking up badly tion, its membership consisting of League: ter is that for a number of years This can only be expressed by the Professional Emergency Employees, From that day, February 20th, since the famous affair at Madison expelled or followers of expelled The League has used its efforts in our country the machinery of reduction of the hours. As far as the white collar CWA workers until March 11th three critical Square Garden. Large numbers leaders from other organizations in the past, and will continue in democracy had failed to function. the ruling exploiters are concerned, union in New York City, has been weeks the Lovestoneites absolute have been rushing to leave the were anti Soviet, slandered and the future to avoid conflict and dis. It is no accident that the President the workers interests have nothing deliberately split two ways by the ly refused to call Council meetings fraudulent body and join the still scurrilously vilified the Soviet Unruption among the forces fighting and the NRA officials do not report to do with it. They are making stalinists and the Lovestoneltes, or membership meetings, or in any larger numbers wo stayed away in ion and its peace policy, and there against war and Fascism, whether to Congress but instead present the forced retreat to safeguard their each faction now claiming to be the way move the masses into action, the first place. Among these who fore could not support point five members of the League or not. 12 point program of the NKA at the own rule. At the present juncture we have Agreements have been sought and Public Hearing while Roosevelt this forced retrent, as to do anything in the interests of on the resolution and the Committee were quite a few prominent peo This astounding report was will be sought to promote the and Johnson deliver their speech pointed out before in the Militant the workers. Each held a meeting by madliputting the 1ssues in most ple and professional non partisans brought in with no attempt to prove greatest possible unity and to prees on policies and aims of the NRA on the question of the six Hour Day claiming to be the Council of Dele misleading terms, not even givins who originally served as decora in any way that the Communist vent disunity. The League is not to the meeting of the Code Author with no reduction in pay, has also gates. Despite efforts for unity the names of those on the Commitresulted in a political defeat of the made by progressive group with tee, so that members thought they lions on the National Bureau to League of America for valid reasons and will not be dominated by oneities.
cover up the control should be excluded. John Perry of political party. No majority on Speak to the Captains of Industry working class. There is a world of four delegates, both factions a fused to come together. Eachmittee of Eleven. Until the phony Roger Baldwin, head of the Amer the Essex Peace Society polnted out any committee now does or will re They speak to the captains of difference between concessions ican Civil Liberties Union and au that if they excluded organizations present any political party.
our economie system, lining up put through by the capitalists and blamed the other for the split, and referendum caine through the around reconciler of irreconcilables, which criticized certain aspects of both declared they were glad the loventoneltey refused to make any bas, however, thus far stuck to his Soviet policy and economy, his or. The vote followed and recorded support that can bring the neces those forced by the workers.
Senate and The reduction of hours under the split had occurred. The Lovestone move.
place on the Natonal Bureau. He ganization would also have to be the exclusion of the delegates of sury pressure on the House for any rubber stamp legis NRA calls for wage increases. Up Ites further declared that they would March 3, the Stalloists called has issued a public statement, Joint excluded. The league program, the Communist League. The thir, lation required for speedy action to the present this has resulted in never again let Stalinists into the rump Council meeting. The Stalin y with Earl Browder, to the effect he continned, did not demand com teen dissenting votes represented in the whirl of deepening interna a reduction of the real wages of organization.
ists, determined to split, constituted that everything is on the square plete agreement with Soviet policies, practically all the non. organ tional antagonisms and conflicts of the workers. Concealed under the The was organized themselves the Counci Wed in the organization that there Sat Silver, representing the Interizations present, with the exception world capitalism.
talk of a money wage increase a six months ago and won recognition nesday meeting, deposed all officers is no danger of domination by one national Labor Defense stated that of some who had left the hall prior Under the NKA the further cen leveling of process for the American from the state officials in a success and committees and elected their political party. This statement was exclusion on that basis would also to the introduction of the Commit tralization of government and in workers has taken place. There has putting the emergency workers on a stonettes wanted they convoked the The next day, the Newark Comenberg of the Retail Shoe Clerks As mind is the twenty eight votes Kotz order of the day does it present a little bribery here and there when of lof the Communist League of Amer us with the alternative of Commun ever the rulers had to turn a sharp minor victories were won and a de. the Commitee was created by the instigation of Norman Tallentyre, stated that his organization was in hand received after nomination temor Fascism. This is a problem corner.
monstration on January 24th of Council and limited to executing a professional Stalinist utility func. anxious to cooperate in a genuine to the Revolutions Committee.
of the not too distant future. The Senator Wagner Admissions 2, 000 white collar and professional Council decisions, it expelled the tionary, at present representing the united front, but was definitely op Some right or nine members of task of the rulers of today and Senator Wagner admits this. He men one of the first in the coun rump Council. Sunday night the National Bureau of the League posed to bureaucratic domination the Executive Committee of the their NRA office boys is to answer says: Real earnings of the indivitry against a 23 hour wage cut: rump members came to the meet. Against War and Fascism, chucked by one organization. He insisted League Against War and scism the immediate problems of the cap duals working full time are slightled to the growth of membership to ing called by the secretary, and out the delegates of the Communist that the Conference censure the pledge themselves to demand at the Italist mode of production in orderly less than they were last March.
2, 000, the high point of the organi found only themselves present; the League. It will be interesting to Credentials Committee for bringing next Executive Committee meeting to canalize the class relations. The Further: Some of the minimum zation. This was, however, nothing Lovestoneites had meanwhile con see what Baldwin does about the in an unjustifiably discriminatory the inclusion of the Communist latest moves of the Roosevelt nd wage provisions under the codes are compared with its possibilities. voked the rest of the Council else rollowing letter, addressed to him report against the Communist League of America. They will fight ministration are designed to serve lower than the standards actually There are 40, 000 CWA white col where.
by a group of delegates to the League. He went on to state that against bureaucratie domination this purpose.
prevailing in the industry. And lar workers in New York City and few progressives got together Newark Conference of the League: it was such actions on the part of We, the undersigned, protest thin The 12 Points Ballyhoo the skilled have had hours reduced eagerness for organization is evid to try to save the unity of the or OPEN LETTER TO BALDWIN the Communist Party that resulted exclusion policy and urge that you The NRA ballyhoo about the 12tvut no pay increase.
ent everywhere. The failure of the ganixation, but without success.
Newark, in fiascos such as Madison Square taken definite stand on this matter points means nothing more or less. Right now the capitalists are organization to grow is due to bu The mistake of all progressive and March 13, 1934. Garden.
Fraternally yours, when bolled down, than an increas turning another sharp corner. That reaucratic control and factionalism, militant elements lay in their fail Dear Mr. Baldwin: Mr. Tallentyre, representing the Irving Rosenberg, Retail Shoe ed offensive against the small pro is the reasons for the 12 point pro.
and the consequent incapacity to ſure to organize sooner. Some pro On Sunday, March 11th, the New National Bureau of the League Clerks Association, local 708, ducers and the working class. It gram and the special talks on polley activize the membership gressives came together only in the ark Branch of the League Against Against War and Fasciam rose and of is an old trick to speak of peace by the President and the General.
The Lovestopeites captured the last stages of the split, too late to War and Fascism called a asserted that he did not see the Sam Silvers, International Lawise, it is an old trick to speaking the crisis. Johnston let the cat when preparing for war. And, like Industry under the XRA is not solvfint temtative apparatus and, in prevent it. This organization is Conference of all political, social, sense of including organizations bor Defense order to eling to it, kept the mem now proceeding rapidly and, since religious, youth, etc. organizations with whom you have fundamental bership out of organization activity the split is now an accomplished and all individuals interested Esther Sellers, American Work about the workers needs and the out of the bag in the speech before in differences, which cannot because small producers interests when the the NRA Code Authorities when he and responsibility. Control was fact, will concentrate its efforts in the fight against war and Fascism of its nature contribute anything to dominating exploiters are going to said: We know something about kept in the hands of the Lovestone the official organization. TheThe Communist League of America the League. At this point Mr. Leo Roberts, American Workers take another pound of flesh. what is toward in this countryParty ites and a few Socialists and non. Stalinists will quickly reveal them was among those organizations Rosenberg insisted that Tallentyre One of the most effective ways of the worst epidemic of strikes in our politicals allied with them. No selves, as in scores of other splits, handing in its credentials. be seated, and declared, That it Louis Nagy, Hungarian Work drive out the small producer is to story. Why suffer it. There is a Organizing Committee was estabas incapable of leading the split of The Credentials Committee, com was a disgraceful display of preers Home place restrictions on free competi way out. Play the game. Submit lished. Organizing was left on a group to any healthy development. posed of all Communist Party or judice on the part of Tallentyre, in. All the above are duly accredit tion. When the large producer, op to the law and get it over quickly.
free lance basis, without plan. Tho The Lovestoneltes in the official or youth members brought in the fol (asmuch as his assertions were diled delegates)
erating with modern machinery and Johnson warns the exploiters to Council of project delegates was ganization must be forced to brenk a high rate of exploitation of his so easy with their Company Unions not activized, and was manipulated their bloc with Socialist and rene GALA PARIS COMMUNE AFFAIR labor power, is placed on an equal and tells them to deal with Green, by the Lovestoneites. For the tionary elements or confront the «Reforming the CELEBRATION basis with the small producer, with Lewis, and Comapny. The thought most part, the membership merely solid opposition of all the class conSOCIAL AND DANCE a lesser degree of exploitation is unsaid but understood that the pald dues and came to an occasional scious elements in the organization. Already there are signs, not as with hours and wages the same agents of the capitalists in the ranks at 126 East 16th Street (anu even rarer) project or member.
The secretary of the progressive many as we would wish but never the small producer will be driven of the workers are far better to deal SATURDAY, MARCH 17th ship meeting theless some signs, that our critic group is Herbet Abel, 1525 Madison to the wall faster than if the pro with in the worst epidemie of Prizes This state of bureaucratie con Avenue.
Dance Contests ism is having an effect in reformcess is left to unbridled competition. strikes in our history than leaders EMERGENCY EMPLOYEE.
Waltz and Lindy Contests ing the Lovestone at trol, with the membership Inactive Reducing the Hours of strikes who represent the workand all informed, made it possible Schedule Cannon Lovestone Debate.
Entertainments and Refreshments permanent army of millions of ing class. HUGO OEHLER.
for the Stalinists to disrupt the The schedule for the tour, in addi. The world shaking events in the. Hot Jazz Band. Having failed to get Marine Park tion to the cities already covered, interval, the terrible blows suffered Door opens at P.
workers into the Red Relief as follows: by the Communist Parties, and the Speaker: Workers League, the stalinists Tues. March 13th Pittsburgh long deliberation of the I, reTwo weeks ago a general shift AL GLOTZER who has re.
moved into the de Wed. March 14th New Castle.
Marine sulted in not the slightest sign of cently arrived from Europe (Continued from page 1)
herits the revolutionary traditions termined to amalgamate it with the ing of CWA workers Thurs. March 15th Youngstown. improvement in understanding or of the Communards. The Russian with a full report of the InR. or to split it. They pro Park occurred. Groups of men Fri. March 16th Youngstown. polley compared with the thesis of ternational Youth Conferwork of journeymen bakers; the workres absorbing the lessons of this ceeded as usual: Stalinist delegates were transported by truck to rariSat. March 17th Cleveland. the 10th, 11th and 12th Plenums ence and of a visit to prohibition, under penalty, of the struggle forged the Bolshevik party, were produced on phony member ous other parks. This was a manSun. March 18th Chicago. The 13th Plenum accomplishes the Trotsky.
ship lists, or without having been cuver to first seperate and then Mon. March 19th Chicago.
employers practice to reduce wages organized Soviets, established the feat of out. diving all other Plenumg elected by members, membership weed out certain workers whose Teus. March 20th Chicago. of the Comintern, and establishing ADMISSION 20 CENTS by levying upon their workpeople Iussian Commune, the dictatorship meetings were packed with outside militaney had made them obnoxious Wed. March 21st Chicago.
lines under manifold pretexts a of the working class. The spokesa record for low theoretical level. Stalinists, and slanders were cirto the browbeating straw bosses.
Thurs. March 22nd Chicago. Herman in the Workers Age, WILLIAMSBURG MASS MEETING process in which the employer com men for capitalism openly Inherit bines in his own person the parts the traditions of the bloody assesculated against the Lovestoneltes Most of these groups were told to Fri. March 23rd March 1st, 1984.
Friday, March 23rd, 1934 (stealing of funds, making them. report back to Marine Park the next Sat. March 24th Minneapolis Take your choice.
WHY NEW COMMUNIST of legislator, judge, and execution. sinators of the Communards. They er, and Alches the money to boot. do not attempt to hide the murderselevs pald Jobs, etc. Such out day, but each group reports that INTERNATIONAL?
St. Paul Minn bave many workers are missing, never Another measure of this class was ous character of the suppression of rageous tactics could never Sun. March 25th Minneapolis. Shachtman Tour Mineanpolis Prominent Speaker the surrender, to associations of the Paris Commune. They defend worked had the organization been came back, were fired during this Mon. March 26th Minneapolis. MASS MEETING Auspices. Communist League of Am. workmen, under reserve of compen the use of all means which per previously healthy. But the bushifting back and forth.
Tues. March 27th Minneapolis.
Williamsburgh Branch reaucratic control of the Lovestone. Since then workers have been Wed. March 28th Duluth, Minn. Do We Need a New Revolutionary sation, of all workshops and factorpetuate enpitalism.
58 Manhattan Ave.
ies, no matter whether the respecItes gave the Stalinists an oppor fred dally. The reason, according Thurs. March 29th Party in America?
ADMISSION 150 It is not through peaceful methtunity to disrupt under the slogans to the foremen, is loafing and Fir. March 30th Winnipeg. Can. PYTHIAN HALL 431 So. 4th St.
tive capitalists had absconded orols that these bloody oppressors preferred to strike work. Karl will be overthrown. The American of democracy, militancy, and spread lagitating. Any worker expressing Sat. March 31st Winnipeg. Can.
ing the organization.
his disgust with the conditions is Marx. The church was separated master class will undoubtedly emSun. April 1st. Winnipeg. Can.
SUNDAY, MARCH 25th8 SPECIAL NOTICE from the state, the pawn shops ploy the most violent means to conThe cure for the Stalinist attack, labeled an agitator. The bosses Mon. April 2nd Admission 15e in advance, The full page article by com were abolished, plans were made inue their bankrupt robber system.
at this point, as earlier, was activi And the Red. scare one of the best Tues. April 3rd Williston, 20e at the Door rade Trotsky in last week Milil for cooperative production for the American labor history zaton of the membership for a in their bag of tricks.
Wed. April 4th is repleto Auspices: Minneapolis Br. tant, with its devastating sum benefit of the real producers, the with instances of the use of the vigorous campaign of organization Gang Bis rife with sples. Thurs, April 5th Portland Ore. Tickets on sale at Zack Book mary of the 13th Plenum of the workers.
on the basis of a militant, class worker, complaining of the meagre armed forces against strikers and Fri. April 6th. Portland, Ore. Store, 505 Hennepin Ave. has evoked a demand struggle polley. But the Lovestone pay. 11. 20. said he had seen Sat. April 7thMistakes of the Commune workers demonstrations.
for its re publication in cheap ites declared the unlop could not be checks made out for 15. 00 distri Sun. April 8th San Francisco.
The Party the Instrument of OPEN FORUM pamphlet form. One sympathiz Under the conditions these plans bullt until the Stalinists were buted to various individuals, and Mon. April 9th San Francisco.
Struggle er has offered to contribute 10 were never executed. The Versail driven out. An offer by some mill demanded an explanation. The Lessons of the Austrian Tues. April 10th San Francisco for this purpose. If 15 more les government launched a military We must reply by forging our tants to form a progressive bloc Those checks are for the rats.
Eventa Wed. April 11thcan be secured we will proceed attack on the Commune and the own Instrument of struggle, a rev.
was refused. Instead Thurs, April 12th Los Angeles.
at immediately with the publication foremost task was that of revolu olutionary party which through the stoneltes formed a bloc solely on the was the admission of Ruggiero, the Issistant Supervisor Fri. April 13th Los Angeles.
were battles of today can lead the workLabor Lyceum 1426 6th Ave. No. of this brilliant article as a small tionary defense. Mistakes issue of fighting the Communist Government agents (Federal Sat. April 14th Los Angeles.
Party, recruiting for thelr bloc all check up men) prowl around the Speaker: MAX SHACHTMAN pamphlet. Send contributions to made by the Communards, such as fers to the decisive class conflict. In Sun. April 16th Los Angeles.
PIONEER PUBLISHERS the failure to commence a military the present epoch, when all the maSUNDAY, March 25th the Right wing and reactionary park the entire day.
10 84 Fast 10th Street offensive against Versailles, the terial conditions are ripe for a 80elements. The stalinist disruptions radio police car is often station. THE COLLAPSE OF AUSTRO Auspices: Labor Lyceum Open For.
New York failure to take over the national clalist transformation of society, MARXISM bank and the hurried transfer of it is the revolutionary party, unpart of the most backward and re led in front of the supervisor of Shaehtman Tour Mineanpolis power from the Central Committee iting the most advanced and exactionary elements, but not only dia Alce, and one or more cops are in the office all day. Lecture by Max Shachtman St. Paul, Minn. of the National Guard to an elect perienced militants. bound by a the Lovestoneltes not fight the redThe discontent of the workers has National Socialist Institute, Chicago HOUSE PARTY Entertainment Shachtman Tour THE LESSON OF THE ed Commune. These mistakes, while common program and steeled in balting, but members of their bloc 3222 Douglas Building AUSTRIAN EVENTS directly the consequences of the a common struggle which is the 4648 West Lake Harriet Boulevard and made anti red and flag wavine organization. The workers talk of Tuesday Eve, March 20th at pm. SATURDAY, MARCH 24th at p. DEUTSCHES HAUS, 444 Rice St. mine, the followers of Proudhon came from crueuses to meetings created a favorable opportunity for at practices of the parties in the Comdecisive factor.
Auspices: The absence of such a party in speeches. Thus they interpreted the need to organize, but there is Friends of the Militant Club All Militant readers are urged and the Blanquists, were funda Germany resulted in the victory of Monday, March 26th P.
the policy of the Lovestonelte lead. not yet an organization active on tbe feld.
to attend.
Questions ADMISSION 10 CENTS Discussion ership.
mentaily, a reflection of the back Fascism; in Austria, the bloody wardness of the conditions of capl. slaughter of the militant workers The Militant is distributed by me Backed by this Right wing bloc, to a few workers, is passed from Admission 15 Cents talism for successful working class the Lovestoneites forced through a hand to hand and the articles are Committee of Eleven to run the or discussed. They are also tacked The Question of the Hour!
THE MILITANT revolution. The Paristan workers preparatory to a full Fascist regime.
of 1871 were artisans, journeymen, Fascism, the most violent weapon of ganization until the adoption of a upon the walls of the shacks and Entered as a second class mall and employees in small factories. ist countries. At the same time imcapitalism, is growing in all capitalconstitution. The Stalinists claimed toilets.
matter November 28, 1928, at the sound revolutionary party, the imperialist war looms as an Imminthat this election by the Council dispensible weapon for victoriouslent threat to the entire world. Workwas packed by the Lovestoneltes ganization of all workers.
There is a crying need for an or Post Office at New York, Un.
der the act of March 8, 1879.
working class revolution, could onlyers Russia, the inheritor of the the fact is both had fraudulent dele. Only the mobilization of all workPublished Weekly by the Comgates. The Lovestoneites also puters in one strong organization, the munist Longue of America duction, large scale industry and military attack.
through a resolution against one: Association of Civil Works Em (Opposition. Lecture by through varied experiences of class The true continuators of the herosided united fronta, e. against 126 East 16th Street, New York, ployees, can prevent the wage cuts, struggles.
any united front with Communist Aring and mass lay offs, the program Phone: Grammerey 9524 ic traditions of the Paris Commune organizations.
Courageously the Parisan work have one and only one course to Vol. VII, No. 11 (Whole No. 215)
of Hunger proposed by Roosevelt SATURDAY, MARCH 17, 1934 On February 20th a membership throughout the demobilization of ers fought for the defense of their follow to take their place in the meeting was called to ratify the the CWA.
Commune. The forces EDITORIAL BOARD IRVING PLAZA HALL against creat movement now being carried them were too Committee of Eleven and the ant Martin Abern James Cannon great. Thousands on for the construction of a world Max Shachtman ted front resolution. Both sides Maurice Spector were killed on the field of battle. party of revolution the Fourth In15th Street and Irving Place WHITHER ENGLAND?
Other thousands, men, women and ternational which can inspire the Arne Swabeek proceeded to pack it. While work children were captured, tortured ers cried out they were being fired, Ploneer Publishers have just re. Subscription rate: 00 per year SUNDAY, MARCH 25th. 50 per half year. Canada P.
and what should they do, and why celved a supply of the English ediand murdered in the most brutal workers in struggle, give them guidfashion, ance and leadersihp, insure final and Foreign: 50 per year: Admsision 15c didn the organization take sometion of Whither England? by emancipation of the working class, Questions and Disscussion 95 cents per militant action, Lovestopeltes and Trotsky. Price 76c for six months.
Hoirs of the Communards and with it the whole of humanity.
Stalinists debated the united front. copy postpaid.
Bundle rates one cent per copy.
The militant working class in JOSEPH CARTER.