Bolshevik PartyBolshevismBourgeoisieCommunismCommunist ManifestoEngelsEnglandFascismLeninMarxMarxismSocialismStalinismStrikeTrotskyUnited FrontWorkers MovementWorkers PartyWorking Class

PAGE TUIE MEILITANT SATURDAY MARCH 17, 1934 termined on the whole that this and it will be availuble also for strike was to be one in which we close sympathizers of our movement were not to become the end to who are especially interested. By MARCH OF industry, and the bosses, despite the would settle with individual shops.
any boses associations, that we the time this Militant issue reaches Amoug the latest additions to the tions and lud made a study of the the readers, No. of the new series New York Furriers paper agreement, cannot supply it This appeared to be the approach of League are the branches organized position we take. All of them had of the International Bulletin wil EVENTS Situation with members. its own forces are the leadership to the question at in Winnipeg and Salt Lake City. been very active within the official be off the press. League branches very insignificant. It is reported the beginning of the strike.
that it has no more than two or The former starts out with a mem party, where a couple of these com und others interested should forward the Editor of the. The Leadership: The Executive bership of 41, the latter made a rades held important positions. Their their regular orders. It is ten cents AFTER THE CWA WHAT?
Ta thall besin my letter with a short three hundred members, including Board dominated and practically more modest beginning. Yet the activities had been centered with a copy and will be forwarded only The CWA was Roosevelt creation summary of the conditions in our the Lovestoneltes who are playing controlled by fellow worker Posner, Winnipeg comrades inform us that the party units, within the by cash payments made in advance for the ostensible purpose of wardtrade.
so prominent a role in its ranks.
the leader of the strike. The majtheir numbers do not give a real in securing support for the striking The great majority of the fur Preparing Strike for June ing of degradation and degenority of the Executive Board and picture of their strength, since they Utah miners and on the university NEW YORK REORGANIZATION eration of starving workers by the workers have been unemployed for The Industrial Union is preparing officials of the union are Indepen. have amongst them several mem campus. At the latter place they many months. Only about 3, 000 are for a strike in June. The fur mar dent who have allowed Posner to bers of many years standing in the succeeded in organizing broad communist League in greater New dependent spirit of the workers was Until about months ago the granting of outright doles. The inworking, most of them part time. ket is tooded with police. The conduct all of the negotiations revolutionary movment. They add student movement which is now York functioned as one branch. to be upheld by the payment of The unemployed have no prospects utmosphere is tense with the ex. practically alone. Independents of that they have from the very outset functioning very actively.
This was obviously not the best wages for honest toil, just as in for work before the month of May. ceptation of bloody Warfare.
the type of Goldsweig, Berman, many good contacts in the city Our cothrades, when accused of way for a Communist organization the private system of wage slavery.
meantime It is difficult to predict what the Sercbyand others. minority The Canadian branches are now Trotskyist tendencies, were given to function. It limited our activ. In actuality the CWA was coldly tamilles sufler hunger and starva response to the strike will be. Oplnot une Pickson) on the Board, sup taking the initial steps toward es the monumental task by the officialities within the contines of the calculated to scotch the struggle for tion, such they have not known belons on the matter vary. Some ported by a fraction in the union, tablishing themselves as an auto narty bureaucracy of making a down town section in Manhattan, to nemployment insurance that threatfore at any time. Only those who think that the curriers will not re and on the strike committee. nomous section, continung, however, thorough study of some of its most the neglect of the working class ened to establish the workers right know the poor reasons the furrlers spond to this strike as they have Policy of the Leadership their close relations to the League rabid anti. Trotskyist literature. residential sections in Brooklyn and to live, their right to a lien on gov.
had in the past few years, can real in the past. Most of them have The policies of the leadership In Canada our movement, the same They did, and that itself became the Bronx.
ernment funds otbained from the ize the sufferings of the fur work peeu disgusted in the factional butu Posner is very individualistic, act us in the United States, has exper. help in their own development. When we grew sufficiently in num bourgeoisie for the purpose. Rooseis They formulated their replies to bers we proceeded to divide the one velt is now unlonding the burden of Ington it was brought out by all want peace. They want a breath. forming the strike committee or the especially the case in Toronto, where all the distortions and slanders and New York Branch into three one relief. Nor do the states and local sides concerned, that in recent years ing space. These sentiment will not membership. fighter, but using a our membership has taken a lead. false political concepts contained in for each Borough, Manhattan, communities show any sympathetic the turriers worked an average of shake the Industrial Union in its method that has gotten him in hoting position in severalystuportant ant material. The inevitable ex. Brooklyn and the Bronx. This was desire to shoulder the burden dropno more than seven or eight weeks determination to call the strike. It water with the membership and local working class activites. Their pulsion followed, and at that same unquestionably a step forward, and ped by the foderal government.
in the year.
will undoubtedly go through with following a polley that should be mass meetings bring turnouts of up moment the comrades constituted increased our recruiting power. To The government has taken great Chamber of furriers live wundred active workers in its ranks. Under nis induence, the original Due to increased membership and They are now making active pre organization on the basis of Borough experience. Only those who can authorities. When a furrier gets a chat the fudustrial Uatou is con hours a week was changed to 40 some time ago reorganized in mana held in connection with the national take the next step in making our relief. The entire sham and pre Hotel de sinds himself compelled to ducting it is evident that the work hours by the Executiye Board, with. territorial basis within the city and tour of comrade shachtman. The organization a more efective weapon tense of the liberal program of work below the scale and long hours ers do not care to participate in the cut asking either the advice of the divided into several now actively formation of the Salt Lake City in the class struggle. As a result Roosevelt is contained in the pauy el cabelo he chaotic conditions in picket lines and demonstrations strike committee of the membership functioning branches. With Toronto branch together with the develop of activities we developed in the per oath. as the questionnaire to tbe sbops, Netther of the two chat are being arranged daily.
of We must recognize the fact that as the main basis, the uplons is in a position to regulate am stating to you the situation all members of the Associated im comrades are in a position to main Pacific coast were the important have been able to set up branches, has been rightly dubbed. This outthe conditions. They are engaged as it is. hope that you will remediately signed up, writing their tain their own organizers and to factors which helped make possible aside from the one in Brownsville, instead in a bitter struggle among uct to this problem through the names in on the agreement as fol plan their own permament publica such an extended tour.
where the Brooklyn Branch had its be desired in the way of capitalist rageous document leaves nothing to themselves, blaming each other for columns of the Militant and expressolws. name of lab. de tions. Later we shall report in headquarters, also in Bay Ridge and preying and snooping for the purpose the existing conditions.
your opinion.
signate the Associated Dental Lab. detall on the further developments THE INTERNATIONAL Williamsburgh. We are also in the of avoiding relief and involving the Another problem that we have Fraternally yours, oratories and Dental Committees as of the Canadian section. KAMENETSKY.
to contend with is that of contractBULLETIN process of organizing a new branch unemployed worker in the reddest my representative. This amounts The Salt Lake City branch arose in Harlem. This will give us a total of red tape. The widespread proIng. The contractors take most of (Ed. Note. Next week Militant to practically recognizing the As out of the expulsion of several com. We have previously informed the of six territorial branches in New test that has ensued must be organthe work out of the shops, work for will contain a special editorial on soclated, for any argument bereat. rades from the official party because Lengue branches that the Interna York. In the forthcoming issues of ined to roopen in a most powerful cheap prices, and help undermine the Furriers situaton. ter with an individual lab must be of their Left Opposition views. tional Bulletin is now appearing in the Militant we will report the func manner and on a new plane the conditions. For years the union has taken up with their representative, some of them had formerly come a new series. The English edition tioning of the branches and the fight for immediate relief, unembeen struggling against this evil the Associated Dental Laboratories. Into contact with League publica will be published in printed form, activities they are developing ployment insurance or the providing without success. on the contrary Strike of New York When the deadline of April comes of jobs for those willing work the contracting evil has been growaround, the date on which the new Ing. The sweat shops have been Dental Mechanics wage scale is to go into effect, the growing at the expense of the bigM. Olgin has shown his usual ger ones, which find it more profit On Wednesday, March 7, the Den men will find themselves up against able to contract out their work. In tal Technicians Equity of New York The Executive Board and our lawan organized force of the bosses When the Communist haste in coming to the defense of Party Austrian Socialist leaders are tee complaining about the Garden reactionary Stalinist Communism.
this manner the manufacturers have City called its 800 members out of yer made a concession to the As marched into Madison Square Gar worse.
As American correspondent for been liberated from the responsibil the Laboratories a generall Inside the That the officials are badly Pravda he hastened to wire Moscow ity for the conditions of the work strike. The call applied to the en sociated which may prove to be a den a few weeks ago and disrupted ere, fand do not have to deal with dire Metropolitan area, including bver the then back at work cor Austrian Pascism, It stirred up a these days. In public, sol course, ploit is evident.
Beginning with Madison Square Garden. His story Inside the things are lively scared by the results of their ex. on the occurrence of Feb. 17th at the buton directly.
New Jersey.
Both Unions Impotent Thursday morning found the the more paper recognition of the best of hornets who are daily rallexonerating the and making the St. Nicholas Arena meeting sev appears in the Prayda of Feb. 18th everyone repeats the official phrases eral weeks ago, they have been in a statement that betrays the utI mentioned already that neither great majority of the labs in this union, while they have been given ing new bumps on its skull.
a leeway of three weeks in which to Within the the reaction to a martyr of Hathaway. Some working day and night to explain ter inability of the official Party to of the two unlons can meet the pro region without men to carry consolidate themselves as an organ the Garden disruption has been members go even further: they are the Garden aftale to members explain away its anti working class blem. They are both powerless with the work.
ization. In this whole business the sweeping. The rank and le, many circulating a fairy tale that the and friends. Hathaway has done disruption of the socialist meeting.
The International, although baving Facts about the Strike Executive Board has The demands: For recognition of not dealt of whom had been growing increas. leaders, fearing to address the more exhorting in the last few Olgin states that the socialists bean agreement with the manufacturers, does not have the confidence of the union; the forty hour week; 15 Frankly with the membersbip, claimingly discontented with the old meeting they had called, had them weeks than ever before in his lifegan vicious attack, we. whereapon its feet by bitterness against the and that the was laboring to plied at the Garden was such a Hathaway marched to the platform of its traditional treacherous policy 65 top (skilled mechanics. with The Bosses Organizations disrupters. The old guard calm the meeting. But in private huge success that he has not yet to refute the socialist charges.
and the gangster methods it em. Ja sliding scale for classifications in There are rumors to the effect is more firmly in the saddle today all this pretense is dropped. All stopped trying to explain to every. Come, come! Olgin will have to ployed in controlling or in combat between.
ting oppositions. The Industrial The industry: a handicraft with that the whole strike was arranged than ever before in recent years. but the most fanatical realize that body that it is not a disgrace.
work in better agreement with the on Wednesday These members who have been the disrupted the Garden How successful these meetings eaders on the line Union, ont the other hand, having the hardly any machinery or mechanic and prearranged 1100 night between Posner and other agitating for united frout action meeting and all are depressed or are may be indicated by one fact.
great majority of the organized cal devices. Approximately Board with the PI have been discredited. disgusted. Even those who at first Because of the rebellion among the ENGLAND workers in its ranks, cannot meet men employed. About 250 men members of the Executive the united opposition of the bosses working in shops employing tive and the Associated. They met with such Socialists as Matthews tell for some of the Daily Worker intellectual sympathizers, the The workers of London, fearful Prior to the NRA the Industrial one, two, and three men laborator Sternberg Laboratory and the man bave been sitting on united front doubts now that they see the looks National Committee for the defense on their democratic rights and on Union had the upper hand in the ses, in close contact with the bosses who runs the Associated) ou comises to the team leaders, are o workers and trade unionists. of Politcal Prisoners at which Hath their working class organizations. We made a mistake. is the univ away could once again explain what have turned to the one party they trade. The International could not Fake United Fronts Crack Up ersal private formula of mem. Ja glorious deed had been done at trust. the Labor Party. The Lon succeed in shaking the hold of the Associated Dental Laboratories. strike. Added weight is given to the Garden. This committee is sim don municipal government is now One immediate result has Industrial Union despite the sup the organization of the big bosses, this by the fact, we repeat, that the port it was getting from the other that is, the big laboratories. The Associated Dental Laboratories were the cracking up of the various fase we are informed that a Party unit 80 scared is the Party, that instend ity. Knowing its own record, the Some are even openly rebellious. ply a vest pocket atrair. Bat controlled by a Labor Party majorneedle trade Internationals. For a force which broke the strikes Up until now also the labs under its control was never a real united front of a resolution to the Central Commitgether, it is picking out the safe surprise by this vote of confidence.
whlle wo thought that the problem 1028 and 1920.
Association of the small labs has de arte ang atinge wat abadlerocis un Tenth st. New York, has sent of calling the whole committee to tabor Party was itself taken thing was settled and that nothing woula merciless opponent of the elements and calling them together as though the gaping holes in the the masses. It was a committee bring the International to life any shop. The Metropolitan Labora not to sign up!
Posner, and the Members on the set up by the and a handful International Workers secretly to hear Hathaway.
Vienna workers apartments had no more. The NRA, however, changed tory Owners Association. Organthe situation and we are now comized some nine months ago, and led Board who supported him or kept of liberals including Roger Baldwin, Mood of the Workers meaning, the leader of the Labor fronted with a repetition of the wy one Stodell, with a shady record trick. trick of the Associated in a few Socialists. Now Matthews Party in London, Morrison, proSchool Notes Clearly the is still reeling ceeded to outline the reforms, par.
from the blow it delivered itself at cleularly in housing, that would with the aid of the bosses, police of 1928. The reason for the forma. having their labs sign and designate and Fox have pulled out and de the Garden. To the revolutionist, and courts, forced the workers to tion of the association being the the Associated as their representa spite a touching appeal by Browthe Communist Manifesto has been mood of the intellectuals may ra.
The Class of comrade Abern on however, this is not enough. The soon be inaugurated.
Without question this vote has register in its union.
dirty deal banded to the small lab live which has caused a crisis in der, Baldwin and Gray, that body Shady Role of Lovestoneltes owneds by the Associated. It con have to remain in force until theilarly, there is a wide open ritt in next lecture will be on the Four disgust with the workers movement land. It is one answer to Lord the strke. The strike will now is headed for decomposition. Sim. changed to Monday nights. HIS pidly degenerate into disillusion and great national significance for Eng.
The Lovestoneltes have joined trols number of men employed in with the International in the pre the industry. Fighting the Assocl Metropolitan labs are forced sign. Had the Executive Board at Marley Committee. All over the to the American branch of the Lord Social Systems.
unloss they are brought on to firm Rotheremere ballyhoo for Fascist sent struggle. As a matter of factated tooth and all in this strike.
least brought these facts er ground. But of primary import dictatorship. The first reaction of Comrade Swabeck will The Mechanics Union they are in the vanguard in this struggle on the side of the Interna The union: Organized some eight membership, we would today bethusiastic support of its rankena: next Wednesday, March 21st, on the is the mood of the workers. Driven the workers in their struggle against tlonal. The Industrial Union, with or nine months ago by a handful clear.
As it di Posner has caused, sie, is adopting resolutions against Knights of Labor, the of back into the arms of reactionary team dictatorship of the club, is leaders, they are today antagonistic to rally to the defense of democraof united front action with the and the not only to the but to the tic institutions and to place them suppression of any oppositional about 700 members on the eve of the doing things, a discontent which might be harmful to the strike and The workers in the trade unions vewpoint, plays into the hands of strike. mixed membership, cow the union. We must not be used the Garden meeting have been sim Carter will speak on the Founda. listen to Left Opposition criticisms Communists afford to ignore this which participated in organizing On Sunday, March 18th, comrade very idea of a united front within the hands of a working class any militant group. They gladly party. Nor can the internationalist the International taining many members who were in The International is so far on the previous strikes, as well as many as a tool by the Associated against ilarly affected. number of meetto of the Young Communist Inter of the and are learning to dite fact. They must know how to lead the workers in ings called in the garment trades ational. This class will begin tinguish between our comrades and struggle so as to show up the utter this progressive defensive. There is no work in the inexperienced in any struggle. De the Metropolitan Fight for the Union at P. All other stalinist hooligans. But they YEN! WE WON WEAKEN to be abandoned because of the classes start promptly at P.
by New York groups have had promptly NOW. THE EQUITY IS THE threats of non Party workers teatful of taking any action that inadequacy and betrayal of reformSTAKE WE ARE FIGHTING FOR! break them up in revenge for the may involve them in a repetition of ist leadership. In the open strugThose of us who have gone back Garden disruption. Last week the are able to add to our courses for cost the CD. creat deal only their immediate alms, step by step We are glad to announce that we the Garden affair. The latter has gle that is bound to develop, the The Now York local of the Com whole matter was up for discussion to work are going to stand in back Militant printed a letter Yrom this term class in elementary hard work will change that into e along the revolutionary road to munist League, at a joint member and action by a membership meeting of you, as we promised. Our word worker showing how the mood has Russian which will begin Sunday. sain for the revolutionary power, a road that is clearly visible on that! We must keep the strike altered: when member in March 25th, at P.
ship meeting of all the branches when the strike began, ment.
Registrations are accepted at With the commencement of the machinery well olled and running sulted a member of the Left op on the historie scale only to the held on Sunday, February 18, er strike the petty bourgeois career like a clock. Because the battle is position in a New York shop, the school headquarters, 126 East 16th Communist. The vote Indicatos trom membership in the organiza: Kaldis came out in ist characteristics of Field and not over yet. BUT IT WILL BE Workers forced an apology from the st, New York City.
that the workers have been aroused MILITANT tfon. This action was taken after Turning their backs on the League SOLID!
full bloom. WON BECAUSE WE WILL STICK Stalinist.
to the need for resistance against reaction. This mood of struggle Comrade Wright class on the protracted discussion of the Hotel members and all other class con PLEDGE FUND The bosses have signed an agreeSympathizers Alienated must be encouraged by proper in History of the Bolshevik Party strike, and the conduct of Field and scious workers in the union, and ment. But it we do not enforce Among sympathizers the ef is given every Friday night at ternationalist Communist leadership.
Kaldis as officials of the union, to paying no heed to the demands of t, it will remain only a scrap of foct of the Garden tactics has been Last week we reported the WEBER.
which three membership meeting the League for a militant class paper. They want higher prices, profound. In addition to the OpenThe first three lectures dealt with first pledger, Paul King, mem.
were devoted, with almost the en struggle policy in the conduct of the and we have no guarantee that they Letter to the signed by 25 in: a) the pre Marxist currents ber of the Brooklyn Branch. Tottre membership participating in OAKLAND BOOKSHOP AND strike, they chose as (2)
allies and will grant the higher wages on tellectuals hitherto friendly to the the First Congress of the day we are able to report nine the discussion.
FORUM other names. All of them are counselors the most conservative April Our worry should not be stalinist party, there have been a and (3) the Iskra Period.
Ever since Field and Kaldis be elements and carried out a corre about price adjustments. We de wholo series of private letters by members of the Manhattan Efforts of workers in Oakland to came officals of the unfon their sponding policy kow towing to the mand that the contracts go into smaller groups and individuals. Ap The March 18 and 23 lectures will branch of Local New York. Each establish a forum where the variconservative policy, bureaucratic NRA and bourgeois publia opinion force on April as per contract. parently the Daily Worker has no treat of the 2nd Congress (the Con. has pledged for a period of three Jous currents in the labor movement attitude toward the unton member on the one hand, and engaging in Be prepared! Too many mistakes intention of printing these letters, gress of the split) and 1905 respec months.
may be presented by their respecship and clique practices brought treacherous intrigues and open at have been made by our leadership although few of them are as frank ktively.
The following are the pledgers: tive organization, have been sucthem into conflict with the worker tacks on the class conscious mill in this strike already. It is per in condemnation as the Open Letter. The instructor, due to his knowl. Paul King 250 weekly cessful. The address is 1020 BroadCommunists who were members of tants in the union, including Leaguotectly Just and equltable that we de. The effect of this suppression has edge of Russian, has had access to Kling 60c monthly way. Room 20 21.
the union and the League. The members, on the other. Their con mand fall information before things been a further rise of discontent. many hitherto untranslated docu3. Bleeker 500 monthly leading committees of the League, duct throughout was detrimental to happen not that we have to ratity The Daily Wonke on the Open! To understand the period of the Everyone Welcome Wright incidentally, ments.
50e weekly both the New York City Commit the union and the strike and dis a thing after it has been done. Konikow 250 weekly Bring Friend has not yet commented tee and the National Committee, at crediting to the League. The League Boys, the strike and the union Letter. The New Masses did and, gestation of Bolshevism is to have Beardslee 00 weekly Marx Lenin Bookshop: Works tempted by every Communist as a bona fide workers organiza come first. We ve started this as The Militant pointed out last a truer insight into the present era. Smith 00 weekly Marx Engels Trotsky on sale or or8. Sterling means to adjust the disputes ontlon had no cholce but to throw thing, and we re going to finish it week, tried to defend the Garden They reveal a fundamental similar25 weekly der and other Revolutionary a Communist basis and to correct them out of its ranks.
WITHOUT UNION, WE RE hooliganism of the by insult ity, though on different historical Victor 25 weekly the false position of Field and That this action was taken in the SUNK! The bosses can do anything ing the authors of the Open Letter. planes. Both are periods of Intense 10. Weber. 50 weekly Class: The History of the Three Kaldis. Numerous meetings were midst of the strike by a general they want to with us if we are not The Freiheit has since published its polemle and ideological confusion.
We hope that next week wel Internationals.
devoted to those endeavors, but membership meeting with full un organized. That why every man own comment. Although the New Many of the problems now agitating can list a good many more names, Instructor: Barney Moss without sucess. Field and Kaldis animity, is testimony to the Com. must remain at his post, more deter Masses poured Imprecations over the workers movement were victor.
and that some of them will be Every Monday P.
tried to use their strategic positions munlst character of the organiza mined than ever. The dispute the questioners of the be lously fought out by the Bolsheviks our sympathizers and readers of For Information. Regarding Alllin the union as a club over the tion and to the obvious fact that within our ranks we ourselves can havior, the Jewish organ of the in conflict with the other tendencles the Militant who, we know, are ance: Write: League and to set themselves above Field and Kaldis were completely settle. Don let them split u. calls them well meaning. It on both the ideological and histori.
just as anxious as our own mem LAYCOCK stood at the breaking point and the allen elements who had wandered There is too much at stake!
detends the behavior of the cal arena. The same conclusion bers to sustain the paper.
TOM KELLY ita discipline. Relations with them into the Langue by mistake. HERBERT CAPELIS. chiefly with the argument that the the Marxista tank now.
Book Shop Art Store been bers, closed called all a are to Expulsion of Field and Kaldis Classics