BolshevismBourgeoisieCapitalismCentrismCommunardsCommunismDemocracyFascismFranceIV InternationalImperialismItalyLeninMarxismMussoliniParis CommuneRussian RevolutionSovietStalinismStrikeTrotskyURSSWorkers Movement

Weekly Organ of the Communist League of America (Opposition)
VOLUME VII, NO. 11 WHOLE NO. 215 NEW YORK, SATURDAY, MARCH 17, 1934 PRICE CENTS Taxi Strikers Battling THE PARIS COMMUNE Wholesale Layoffs on All ForUnion Recognition Projects Begin Court Denies Habeus Writ To Bellussi «Paupers Oath» Forced on Government Employees Government Inquisition for The Workers Big May Day Militant of the drivere work envers monde et le Cannon to Speak 500 Unorganized 4th International Meeting in beste se With the recent struggle of the national government of France. The berolc Autrslan workers, and the government which had come to militant demonstrations of the power on the basis of the popular French masses before our eyes, the republican revolution in September Labor Board Conspires With Bosses to atstorical significance of the Parla 1870 at the termination of the Break Strike and Impose Company Union importance. When on March 18th ned to disarm the revolutionary we commemorate the seventy one Parisian workers organized in the days of workers rule in Paris we National Guard. The workers re4, 500 taxi drivers and mechanics at the same time pledge ourselves sponded by abolishing the old oftlhave struck again in New York to eary on the Innumerable strugcladom, the bureaucracy and the City. One mouth after the general New York City. The latest fad Col. Walter Delamater, Local gles of the revolutionary tollere forstanding army and making the Naof the government, the question. administrator, announced an imstrike of taxl workers, the employ ees of the Parmelee System, one of class emancipation. We gain in tional Guard, which was open to aire issued to all CWA workers, mediate layoff involving 54, 000 men, spiration for our battle from the all workers, the only military force designed to throw the OWA in y. the project along Riverside Drive the largest taxicab fleets in the Communards of 71, the Russian in Paris. The executive and leglo.
city, have found it necessary to State into the hands of the Home has heen reduced to a skeleton Revolution of 1906, the glorious lative functions of government were Relief Bureau, is now clearly re force, and the order is under way strike to prevent a company union!
Bolsbevik Revolution be un in the Commune.
from being forced upon them. They vealed as nothing more than a trick. to knock off every big park proheroic January days of the German This revolutionary act was in are fighting for recognition of their All along the line the workers haveject outside of Central Park. This Spartacus in 1919, the courageous open defiance of the existing dembeen led to believe that there would specifically concerns the thousands union, the Taxicab Drivers Union of Greater New York. They want Deportation to Fascist battles of the Bavarian and Hun. Jocracy which by universal suftrage be no mass layoffs, and that the working in Highbridge and Inwood.
old projects were to be continued This move had been carefully an end to the black list, reinstatement of all men discharged for union Italy Reaffirmed sacrificing struggle of the Austrian or Versailles. Let the worshippers Questionaire Pries Into under a new agency.
prepared for. The mechanism was workers in 1938.
of bourgeois democracy who give 11, 000 Get the Gate simple. On paper, all CWA workers activities, and improvement of their Private Affairs working conditions.
Through all these events, and lip service to the struggle of the Beginning Monday, March 12, behave been given the right to organWord has just been received that countless others, we learn the brutal Communards reconcile this antithe application for a writ of habeus and murderous character of fore the questionaires had Intolerable Conditions even ine. In offect, organization on the capt democratic action with their own In an effort to break the spirit been turned in for The Intolerable conditions in the corpus in the case of Bellusst: talist role. To defend the profits fine spun theores! Their fore run or the unemployed, the Roosevelt examination. job was forbidden. The first step employed in breaking any spirit of which has been pending in court of the few, to keep the workers inners, such as Louis Blane and his administration through the local of industry have Impelled the taxi agitation was the use of a transworkers on to the round of struggle for several months, has been dealed. sublection, to perpetuate capitalism, kind, self ayowed socialists, were fices of the OWA is forcing a Pauter slip. Alt suspected workers The order for his deportation to the modern slave. holding class reactive in the camp of the reaction per Oath on all CWA workers unfor the creation of a strong union were transferred, mainly to Rivercapable of defending their interests, Fascist Italy, which had been pre sorts to the most violent means atlars Versallles government.
der the threat of immediate disside. This can partly explain the against him, Despite the splendid fight they put viously prononuced its disposal. Those who dare The Commune had proceeded to charge. questionaire which must up in the recent general strike, they remains in force and Bellusal is in threaten its power are met by the pave the way to a classless society. be sworn too before a notary public militant spirit of this Riverside. knocked off work and marched down vered back to work through the el. over to Mussolini hangmen fense.
betoken the tendency of a govern employers, others living in housein mass pritest against wage cuts Efforts are now being made to forts of La Guardia and Panken.
The Rise of the Commune ment of the people, by the people hold, union affiliations, etc. etc.
because of cold weather.
The wages they earn are extremely secure the right to voluntary departThe Paris Commune of 1871 arose Such were the abolition of the night An army of snoopers from the The Pink Discharge Slip low and the hours endless. An NRA ure to another country and to raise Bellussi as a reply (Douage the provocation of the City Welfare Dept. is also being Extensive plans are being made However, this move was ineffec survey reveals that last year 83. funds to pay comrade mobilized to follow up the questionthe editorial board of the Miliof the drivers received less than 12 passage in the event that such pernaire by delving their snouts into tant to get out a special May Dave and the bosses resorted to br.
the initimate afairs of all CWA issue this year and to ensure it was given the right to fire anybody aged 66. hours a week on the day being made to secure Bellussi reworkers, wives and familles, other distribution on a far wider scale no cared to. All he had to do was shift and 80 hours on the night lease under bail of 1, 000 pending relatives, fellow roomers and than we have ever achieved before to present the worker with a pink shift. Such are the conditions which the final disposition of the case.
Since he bas been confined in all the bosses want to perpetuate.
past masters of snooping, the City possible the cooperation of all the stant stream of drop. prefaced The company union, against which for more than seven months, with branches of the League and all by the simple word insubordina the men are fighting, the Drivers out the which had charge Brotherhood of New York, is play of his case, lifting a finger to secure for rellet, has been Improved up ing the reactionary role of strike bis release on ball, it is obvious that the deep interest in all aspects 500 unorganized printers respond Deal.
on by these supporters of the New week we will report in detall some The insubordinates were carefully of the plans for the May Day issue. pleked and then the axe descended.
breaker. It insists very loudly they will do nothing to provide ball of the question of the Fourth In ed enthusiastically to call for Here we wart to emphasize two The present mass that it is not a company union, but for him now. Independent action ternational, manifested again by unionization from the newly formed The forgotten man Is being re essential points: lay off slipe bore the words: Discharge due to Its actions are more convincing than must be undertaken to provide ball, the overflow crowd at the Cannon Independent Printing Employees, membered and with a vengeance. May Day greetings to the new excess quota; orders from Wash its pleas. Its president, a certain protect the legal rights of comrade Lovestone debate, has prompted the Thursday night, March 15. For Not only the forgotten marbacow party of the Fourth International ington (which means Roosevelt, Mr. Irving Robbins has declared Bellusst and prevent his deporta New York Lucal of the Communist two hours, men from every craft in uncles and bls aunts his fellow and its banner bearer, the Militant. who has been that the Parmelee System 18 the tion to Fascist Italy.
League to arrange a special lecture the typographical industry listened roomers, any one that ever loaned All branches, sympathizing organl night and day to have all CWA men hammering away swellest company in the world. We The deep dissatisfaction and re by James Cannon on the subject intently to speakers from the him a dollar for whom hezations and individual supporters Gred. haven got a single kick. sentment of comrade Bellusal at the The Program of the Fourth Inter at the Stuyvesant Casino mass worked a day all are to be remem who wish to testify to their sup Mrs. Herrick Bats for Bosses shameful treatment accorded him national.
meeting called to discuss the code. bered and investigated.
port of the Militant in its historie afford to pay the wages of CWA Washington says that it cannot This lecture will be given at Irv. The speakers, Clarke, Tom The questionnaire states The Regional Labor Board of the by the is expressed in sevNRA with Mrs. Eligore Herriek eral letters recently received from Ing Plaza, Sunday, March 25th atlash and Gordon of the Execu poor person that shall sell or ex producing a big May Day Issue by Tuesday papers announces that any struggle can aldus materially in workers, and Mayor La Guardia in him. P. Questions and discussion tive Board of the E, outlined change supplies or articles furnish sending greetings to the Militant for the city cannot afford to pay them chairman, has very graciously con Under date of March 8th he wrote will follow the lecture. Admission conditions in the industry, subjected him for relief. or dispose of publication in the special Issue. The any rellet. Between sented to conduct a poll of the em to The Militant: them both ployees to ascertain which union than as cost of the space for the greetings they wash their hands of any roI was informed to day by the expected, and those who wish to and called for immediate action by directed shall be qulity of a mls will be one dollar per Inch. Everysponsibility for the unemployed mllthey wish to represent them.
There is however one stipulation. Merely lost my case. also received in advance from the local office of Assembled printers to take advant are in a different category under make it a point of honor to have tears, send them off to starve.
immigration authorities that had at that the drivers go back to work. visit from comrade Roberts of Philathe League, at 126 East 18th St. age of the code provisions. Each the law from democratic politicians. his greeting in the May Day issue.
But the strikers feel that they have delphia who gave me more informaThe lecture of comrade Cannon speaker polnted out that any already indicated clearly through tlon will deal with Order extra bundles of the the fundamental Lorecment of the code to the advanHave you a car? Have you anlay Day issue and send cash with their action which union they re Why didn the lawyer take me questions of principle and revolu tage of the printers can only be by Insurance polley? Does any mem. the order. We are so close to the Tough Luck for Bright Boy gard as their own. Nor has there to court? It seems to me that he tionary strategy of the present epoch effective untonization. high point of the mass meeting the address of your local union? cloth in finances that we will be Five years ago Thomas Edison Due bus workers, in which intimida does not care one way or another. and outline the program of the revtion by the bosses eliminated any. Hoping you have all the informa olutionary Marxists for the recon. was the thunderous applause greet License plate of car? Evidently able to buy paper and print only as possibility for a genuine vote by the lion in regard to my case and that stitution of the world movement. ing the remark of Gordon, President they are in search of the car which many extra papers of the special named a committee to select the brightest boy in America to be NILA you can have me released on bond Among the questions discussed will of the that this meeting Hoover placed in every garage. The sue as are paid for in advance.
plebiscite to taxi drivers. The so that may be allowed to depart be: Further perspectives of the Ls an answer to the unton oficials road of the unemployed to the boast. The rate for this special issue to educated at Edison expense in the all hope that he might follow in the ed Roosevelt prosperity at 18. 44 one cent per copy. We urge scheme of Mrs. Herrick, who re voluntarily and keep out of the Imperialist epoch; the balance sheet who say the unorganized do not week is through the pauper oath branches to put in big orders for great Inventor footsteps. The boy the ot the post Lenin period; the im want to foln the unions.
veals her true colors as a bosses hands of Mussolini, remain, Comradely yours, pending war and the concrete 50 new applications were recelved the New Deal and the Capltallst we will begin to report the orders. ship in the Massachusetts Institute Need more be said to characterize this important special issue and to selected. Wilbur Huston, 18 get the orders in early. Next week Seattle, Wash. received a scholar agent in every situation, could not BELLUNSI.
struggle against it; the defense of at the mass meeting.
fool the strikers into surrendering the only effective tighting weapon in alding comrade Bellussi All those who wish to co operate the Soviet Union and the struggle resolution presented by Gorsystem winch spawned it, In addition to branches, however, of Technology and specialized in while against the stallnlst bureaucracy: don, calling for the opening of the Mobilized by their organizations individual subscribers should take chemistry, his favorite study, gradat their disposal the strike.
there is yet time, are requested to the attitude of the American rev books of the La unions and the Indignation of the CWA work it upon themselves to spread the nating with high honors last June.
The Strikers Demands communicate with The Militant. olutionists in the events of a Soviet drive to unionize the entire indus. ers is crystallizing in demonstra message of the Militant this May Returning home, he was unable to At the NRA code hearing the American alliance in the impending try, was greeted with a forest of tions, mass meetings and organiza Day. For one dollar you can secure and employment in his chosen line bosses bave proposed a 12 a week war; Fascism and the labor move raised hande unanimously endors tional Jampaigns. The Association a hundr May Day Militants. Why so took the first job he found open, ment in Europe and the Marxisting it.
minimum wage and a 54 hour week.
of Civil Works Employees and the not order a hundred for free dis ordinary hand labor. And m conclusions from the German and In other words they want to codity Unemployed Workers Union, among tribution in your shop or neighbor lucky to have that kind of a job.
the Austrian experiences; the incip.
the Arst to react to this new threat, hood or at workers meetings?
CENTRISM AND THE ent Fascist movement in America young Huston says philosophically.
ditions which had driven the taxi are pushing a campaign of organi Address all bundle orders and Ho has plenty of time yet to justify FOURTH INTERNATIONAL workers to strike. Against this the zation while carrying on the strong greetings to: the faith Thomas Edison put in bim.
The New York organization of the timely and important arti est protest against the questionare The Militant. Exchange cle by Trotsky on the sub and the mass layots.
126 East 16th Street. 23 a week for day work and 25 Oh yeah!
clal efforts to make this discussion ject of centrism and the pro. week for night work, 48 hour The national tour of week, and three eight hour shifts.
comrade of the program of the Fourth In. cess of regroupment in the interThe Taxi Drivers Union has wisecessful meetings have been held in and to bring out the largest crowd Shachtman is well under way. Suc ternational an outstanding event national labor movement appears in this issue on page ly decided to seek the support of several elties, beginning with New of the lecture season.
the labor movement in its fight. It has called a conference for Sunday. Buffalo and Pittsburgh, and trom Haven, Boston, through Canada to The silk workers of Paterson have work as fixing a smash caused by tion of silk workers along Indus March 18th, at 11 at the there proceeding further westward.
been given a wage cut.
taulty looms and bad silk. The trial lines. Such a union will not Manhattan Lyceum, and has issued The tour will extend all the way to The sorrlest feature of the wagecontract, however, calls for the pay come into existence until a militant call inviting all trade unions and the Pacific coast and take in Salt cut is that it actually came aboutment of ofty cents an hour for fix teft wing is formed in the Paterson workers organizations to send dele Lake City, Portland, San Francisco, through the votes of the workers ing a smash. Very few shope my local to drive and fight for the silk gates. But besides that, it is neces. Los Angeles and Denver.
representatives themselves who were this.
workers. Such a Left wing would With the addition of sity five Kota maneuvered by the bosses on the Against a solid, militant resist vitalize the sary to extend the strike as much National Scope of Tour new subs the drive registered a new Los Angeles Br.
as possible and get more garages Industrial Relations Board to vote ance, the tactics of the bosses would The wage cut must be fought; the bigh record: 854. The completo re Hurwitz for it In order not to break the prove fruitless. But the union bosses must be made to understand into it.
The schedule on the way west is cord up to date follows: Buffalo Br.
crammed with meetings and other contract. great ferment has de must first be consolidated. To this that any attempt to drive the wages New York Local activities in the important cities.
384 Ellis veloped among the workers because day there are rat shope in Paterson below the standards already set will Spring Festival and Dance For the return trip the schedule 18 Minneapolis Br. 108 Fogel of this. All along they have been running or more looms per man be met and defeated. Again it Gendelman expecting wage inereases 28 the like the Maxwell. Why? With a should be repeated there is only Kansas City Br.
We are making all preparations now being made. That will cover 48 Hoffman bosses promised when the strike militant union leadership not a number of additional cities. But for the Spring Festival.
Pittsburgh Br. 32 a Jone way to do this, consolidate the Min was settled. so called gentle loom would run in any scab shop. union, turn it into a militant and good band will play for you. the important thing about this tour New Castle Br.
24 Salt Lake City Br.
men agreement was made at the But there been pussy footing and powerful weapon not only of de Various special features of enter is first, that it will cover a territory Brown Toupin time of the strike conclusion. In as a result Pennsylvania and other tense, not only to prevent wage cuts tainment are being elaborated, the not formerly taken in such tours.
Boston Br.
16 Sukut view of the unlon promise to or silk sections have not been organ. but to improve the conditions in the chief of these belng Chlef Little It is truly national in scope, which Hamilton 12 Dwyer ganize the rest of the industry theized.
moose in a recital of his native is made possible by the substantial Teacher industry as a whole. The union 12 McLeod bosses agreed to increase wages so long as these disastrous pollo. must demand the immediate insti.
growth attained by the League dur. Chicago Br.
12 St. Louis Br.
within 60 days after the strike and les are continued the workers will tution of the clocks, payment for The fortune teller we promised Ing the last year. Secondly, this Youngstown Br.
12 Murphy put clocks on every loom. Putting remain at the mercles of the bossessmashes and bad warps. Every shop you in our last notice will also be tour is an additional means of inF. Simington M. Koebler clocks on loom means that the present eut will not only be in Paterson must be a union shop with us creasing the League growth, of ex Philadelphia Br. o. Gentan every plek woven would be automa followed in the future by other cuts The American Federation of sulk We are also making all efforts to tending its influence, and of streng Steinbach R. Carlson tically recorded and so insure com in Paterson itself but will result in Workers must take the initiative to get a famous cartoonist to draw thening its position in the new party Chicago Friends of plete payment for the work donela drive against living conditions in organize all the other silk centers, caricatures of famous political char developments.
Militant Club TOTAL 854 The settlement was made on the underpaid and unorganized sections especially Pennsylvania acters.
Comrade Shachtman main sub Davenport Br. That leaves us only 146 subs tobaals of for 100, 000 pleks. Stall elsewhere. These in turn will be SILK WORKER.
Food and drink will be abundant. Ject is devoted to this problem: Marcus go to reach our goal of 1, 000 new no move has been made by the boss used as a club to beat down the good time is promised you all. Do We Need New Revolutionary subs the to.
Be with us this Saturday, March Party in America. His additional Ruby tour prepaid six months sub cards The silk cloth is still measured by and the industry in general. There Grammercy 9524.
31st at Irving Plaza.
subjects deal with the questions of Papeun for a dollar. Can we do it within the boss in his private office and is only one way out of this victous This is the phone number of the Buy your tickets in advance and American heading towards war, of Hardy the next two weeks? We think it thel chiseling on yardage still con circle, a strong, militant union 10 Milltant, The Communist League save money, and help us at the same the future of the New Deal, as well GoodMAD can be done. What do oor Militant inges. It goes without saying that Paterson, which would be the bul and the International Worken time. Tickets 86c. At door 400. las the problems of the Soviet Union. Parker Bullders say?
there is still no pay for such deaalwark of a strong national federa School.
20 8 8 8