BourgeoisieCominternCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyEngelsFascismGermanyHitlerIV InternationalImperialismLeninMarxMarxismOpportunismParis CommuneProudhonSocial DemocracySocialismSocialist PartySovietStalinStalinismStrikeSyndicalismTrotskyURSSUnited FrontWorkers MovementWorkers PartyWorking ClassWorld War

TIL LILITANT SATURDAY, MARCH 10, 1934 PAGE Aftermath of the Madison Square Garden Affair Towarb the New Party Internationalism and The Corporations Win the Fake Elections The Intellectuals Revolt Against Stalinist Hooliganism putting the cart before the horse. Pourth International soes hand in prior to the elections, workers had wheb, et Sortermal Labor Board such struggles. We agree with the piece (Continued from page 1)
tion. The company pledged Its weeks. Finally the workers return that the men will be re engaged as full support. but added tersely (Continued from page 1)
tionary lubor international built up ed to the jobs as u result of Inter soon as our operation improves.
Labor It of course had its way.
While Hathaway continues to ed or forgotten since Hitler came Stalinist policy in the third per. national pecularities of these part by actually functioning revolution vention by the National shont that the has nothing to power. lod.
It is uot necessary to adduce ad. to apologize for with respect to In other words, although you had the downfall of the international This Idea, which is very similar would be accorded the right to their aitional examples to show what the the disruption of the Socialist beard all this a thousand times jes; it is the expression, rather, orary parties of various countries. Bond with a guarantee that they United Front from Below which they represent. Stalinism and to that expressed by Gitlow, takes choice of ynion organization. The role of the Labor Board is and in meeting at Madison Square Gar before you signed the Open Letter, understood that what the did But this much is clear: they have the company lost no time, but set a date what direction its power is to be apden, some of his party supporters we tell it to you again and one at Madison Square Garden was a Social Democracy are bankrupt on active internationalismo a world scale. new party which agenda for the present, and gives no for election of representatives oplied. In every labor dispute on are not so sure.
emerges to challenge them must surance for the formation of the the company union plan. The record since its creation it has in. group of 25 intellectuals lastPassos, do not remove your name, isen, a crime against working class word more. threat. If you Dos disgrace to the name of Communbegin with this principle condemn new international in the future. bor Board ordered a postponement tervened to forestall acton by the week addressed to the and crawl before us, we will denounce unity. an objective aid to ascism.
ntion and then translate it into crit Just the contrary. The new parties, of elections. It was refused by the workers, until the most opportune the New Masses an open letter on you too! You too will have been They have done more: they icism of the concrete activities of ect to themselves, and replacing in company. The Labor Board next moment for strike has passed, or else the subject. After condemning the suddenly transformed from a com Idared the foul slanders that have will American party, hazy about it ance would develop on different the elections. That sort of assist. tions with a view to demoralizing Austria and the United States, these and, no doubt, even a Zionist!
own international position, would lines, adopt contradictory programs ance was similarly rejected by the nel dividing the workers ranks in intellectuals describe the actions of Passes, the Hutchins, the Colemans, be obviously incapable of such a loh many questions, full victim of company, which went ahead witb advance. In every Instance it has the at the Garden meeting and trick. The New Masses hopes, by wethers and bootlickers on the Obviously this is a cheap political and the whole tribe of Party bellnational isulation, and experience the elections under its own and connived directly with the capital attribute to it the disruption of a mixture of flattery and threats, intellectual front. They have dar.
struggle Without exhausting the question repeated internal convulsions and pices, As a result the company could official union positions. When the the Austrian workers. They con to give a shadow of justification assurance that they are the honest ist agents in labor ranks holding working class action in support of to bring Dos Passos back and thused dispense with the Daily Workers in a single article, the mistakes or splits. The program of building the the International section of the perties first, then the international, announce a great victory for the workers take matters into their own clude with this paragraph: stutement of the may be utopian, not to say nou Marxist. company union plan. It clained hands and go on strike the role of to its denunciation of the remain intellectuals and in daring to do The genuine revolutionary internathut over mine thousand workers the hubor board is usually the one ary 16th sys: Anyone who splits The Daily Worker of Febru ing 24 co signers. In truth, from so they have begun to be the most enumerated as follows: a revolutionary standpoint the simbonest intellectuals of all those who voting of making certain promises or guar New Parties and New Internationaltionalists lu the whole world today, had mrticipated in the las in the period of the world war. There was of course, new way of autees to the workers which it has time helps the Fascists, injures sent attitude among all these in turned their faces away from conthe ranks of the workers at this ilarities of origin, record and pre have, during the last few Single Task years, It is a life ascertaining the correctness of neither the power nor the intention the valiant struggle of our heroic tellectuals, including Dos Passos templating the rottenness of Stalin1.
and the now international, which cleuth matter for them to get these figures, but the intimidation to enforce after the workers have brothers in Austria, and is a con. as he himself would probably be sm because they would not The building of new parties are not too numerous.
take the are inseparable bound together in together now on an international methods pursued by the compans returned temptible enemy of the aworking the first to affirm) are more signi the responsibility of carrying criticthat class. We who write this letter fcant than the differences, and the im into action. This much, at There is now before congress a separate tasks, and the building of new international and to work for or workers made affidavits national parties is put in the test the formation of its national sec heads of departments had forced bill providing for the creation of a watch with sympathy the strug. history of their relations with the least, is a significant development weeks tions. The task of building the them to vote. For several gles of militant labor and order. The statement speaks aid movement is very much all of and a welcome one.
ol whichif adopted will become statement of the These 25 cannot remain where Daily Worker.
and adds: The primary coutribu berend with the task of forming new been entertained royally in the tantamount to compulsory arbitra. And it is with horror that we see Intellectuals and the Party they are. They must go forward or separate country club quarters almost every tion. This bill is introduced by the Communist Party play the tlon revolutionary workers in any national parties in the international night under sponsorship of company Senator Wagner, and It has the part against which it itself has the collapse ot 1929, they and hun. They have now dealt their Awakened to the horrors of Capl back. They have left reformlam and the Socialist Party behind.
an effective International is bylam today cannot allow any seperation officials. But the most ef backing and support of the officials warned.
country can make toward building countries. Genuine first building an effective revolutionary tion of these two aspects of the feetive intimidation was naturalis of the American Federation of TAconstituted by the fear of the men This Open Letter, whose contents to the class struggle by the sweep tice of the united front from bedreds like them were drawn close blow against the theory and pracmovenient in their country. Also frame problem.
of losing their jobs if they falled hor. William Green, John Lewis low which had such tragic effects Organization Methods Our absorbing concern is with tbe Is the Fourth International to to vote. This feit had been very of the miners union, and William Lust be endorsed by every enemy of mass movements.
of Fascism, is evidence of a new have me contact with militant in Germany and clsewhere. This Anxious to colossal job on our own doorstep.
building a revolutionary party in unitate the methods of the Stalin much heightened by the shut down Berry of the Pressmen Union are attitude among the intellectuals labor and the revolutionary move the New Masses admits, is the issue members of the present Labor the rooted in the American Comintern, with everything decided of the mills in the Weirton plant Board and are a party to all its on the periphery of the revolution in some action without too much for that blow and capitulate to the who in recent years have gathered ment, anxious to join immediately at stake. They must now apologize soil. etc.
Simultaneously three All this has a certain realistic with uulform tactics imposed every trongest.
As far as the of officials the signers of this letter has, as far clined to call Tactional squabbles, from below. the organizers of front sound, but it does not at the real where, with leaders imposed from mill belonging to the same com ities which every new party must above, ete? This question is asked why at its Clarksburg plant were are concerned. in practically every as we know, drawn from his critic. tbey approached the and its defeat or they must move forward have learned isms of the And the the auxiliaries.
confront the realities of world in some alarm from two different opened, fatking in new workers a lahor dispute they The Rebels Destiny who have few days before the elections. Au almost entirely on the support of revolutionary inevitable couclu economy and world politics and the points of view. Some such governmental institutions sion that a new revolutionary party less, but all as sympathizers, fellowAll served, some more, some to timer ground world crisis of the labor movement, learned to despise the methods of workers had been kiven clearly to The first need is a discussion of (American imperialism lives in the degenerate Stalinism instruggle anderstand that they must vote or rather than upon the fighting work must be founded their statement travelers, outsiders. The Stalinist the question of the united front and fers ranks. This is the weakest of has its own importance.
world, not in the 48 states. It is a guinst it want to establish satele their jobs.
reeds to lean upon. The employers aceepted their services, cynically the united front from below. The Impossible to build a revolutionary guards; others, it must be said, are het best see to reported since that have shown themselves able in every secretary (E. Cohen) and several faces and sneering at them behind a discussion for its own sake; unAmong the signers are a former sed them, flattering them to their Left Opposition is interested in such ury. that is a Marxist, program Stalinimas an excuse to avoid anythe Jalior Board made plans for a case to use these governmental of the most active members of the their backs. It made no effort to less this question is clarified, no party or to draw up a revolution inclined to raise the bugaboo of taking the world realities as the discipline, uniformity of principle rake election took place in Decem Toses. In the first place it is their tee for the Defense of Political Pri weaknesses. It had no thought of possible. Quite frankly. we also in any single country today without kind of centralized organization, context in the courts. However, the agencies to serve their specific pur lexecutive of the National Commit. criticize frankly their errors and militant unity against Fascism is point of departure. That means, and control. We have definite opin ber and nothing has been heard or government and nothing else couldsaners: the secretary of the Prisondrawing them closer to the move. believe that an investigation of the on the subject and will stand it since. The Weirton Steel Co. on be expected. The extent to which tionalist from the moment of their up for them in the Fourth Interna. Torced its company imion plan, and that can be counteractedi dependers Book Committee (George Sovement by comradely polemics. In factissue will reveal that the errors of the new parties must be interna ack. the former secretary of the it preferred to keep them at arm P.
matter are neither inception, and even in the procesional and in the conferences lead the orders of the Labor Board re entirely upon the power that the Prisoners Relief Committee (Dans length. Why should intellectuals la temporary. local nor accidental mained so many empty buasts. In labor movement can developic Rubin. All these organizations like Jove Freeman, Moissaye Olgin, phenomenon. they have roots which of their formation, and have a deug to its formation, tinite international orientatiou. Thc The luternational Left Opposition the first place they constituted only tion. The questions of collective are ansiltaries of the control Sam Den, Jerome, William Patreach deep into the itself, international position of any party for it world program and publie pretence of protecting the bargaining. of union organization, led Here, too, is to belterson, prens into the Party new which arise from the most basic and of compelling the employers to is todny the primary test of its rev. for uniformity in fundamental in workers rights aires. Ils concept of the Fourth The National Labor Board had accexte to the demands of the work to and James Rorty, the secretary intellectuals with five times their theory of the Stalinist chless of the olutionary character.
Marxism Is Not Foreign Product International in the concept of the better Inck in the case of the there are not matters of politel for Foster and Forel, the men stay outside, furthermore, they theory of socialism in one country.
As long as the new and of the Soviet State the live in America, speak the languwe stand for intenial democracy inhia. Following its intervention They are matters of class struggle. dential campaign. And here are in the Party all is as it should be:lca invites there and all other in To be sure, the new rty must Workl arty. But, along with that. Bud Manufacturing Co. in Phila discusing or ordinary business proudest boast in the 1932 Presl. may continue to believe that within The Communist League of Amerthe of the country, feel the moods, the parties and in the international. in a strike, It directed the com The sooner the workers and reinstate all and psychology and traditions of the The jurties attillated to the Fourth many to ence and to serve the Party, jour ent? The Stalinists feared not.
of the October Revolution and for masses, etc. In this sense the new International must be real parties, promptly, and withont discrimina prepare themselves accordingly, the neyed to the class battle front in Consequently, they sooner they will be able to enforce Kentucky, encouraged the defense of the Soviet Union, Alabama, party must be American. It standing on their own feet, living their own rights without relying on Washington, members of a their doubts, tears, prejudices and radely discussion of the question of Michigan, them to stay out playing up to all the only workers State, to a com must be a power in the country in their own life and selecting their the pretended impartiality or Np National Student League delegation weaknesses, perpetuating in order to be a real support of the own leaders. If we consider it import of the labor Boards them the united front, Iu Its historical, to the agitators and the characteristics which their past theoretical and immediate practical new International. But that does possible to build revolutionary partit should adapt itself to lox stamped upon The respects. Such a discussion may the take place either by meeting or in national narrow mindedness of the tically that the international can The Pioneer Publishers has a limited of articles in the Daily Worker revolutionary movement and for the the pages of The Militant Here (Continued from page 1)
stock of the following important Fight, the New Masses, etc, and of intellectuals. The has devel. these intellectuals will find neither masses of American workers. Mars become awer only if Its compon ism is not a foreigu product; it isnt parts the national parties are economie demands of all the work books: pamphlets bearing Imprints of party owed a whole system of opportunism the flattery nor the cynicism, neither the theory of the class struggle in really functioning organizations in ers without distinction of race or NEGRO LABOR IN THE organizations.
vis a vis its captive intellectuals: the nauseating blandishments nor every country: it is native to the full sense of the word.
nationality, in defense of all the UNITED STATES Discussion a la it complacently fails to rally masses the nauseating slanders which are By Charles Wesley Which International!
every land of capitalist exploitation.
foreign workers, especially threatYesterday all these were among (election campaign, Scottsboro the stock in trade of the In The new party will have the task The programmatie statement log the chauvinism and the PROUDHON SOLUTION TO the honest intellectuals who ac struggle, anti war struggle) and in dealing with fellow travelers and of making the theory of Marxism of the leaves its own in anti semitism vi the Fascist group THE SOCIAL PROBLEM cept the leadership of the anstend shoves forward a dozen poets sympathizers. They will be asked understandable to the awakening ternational orientation undecided. ingx.
By Proudhon der comrade Stalin. Today? Hell and artists whose names, printed to take nothing on faith, nor will workers of America and of applying Or, at any rate, its position is not a. The immediate organization of LONDON ESSAYS OF REVOLT hath no fury like a Stalinist spurn on the front pages of the capital they have to prove, as the New this theory in their struggle. Only clearly stated. Four currents are the workers militia for the defense By Jack London ed. Today we take this from the list press, make good reading in the Masses now demands, that they on this foundation can a genuinely to be recognized in the internation of your beadquarters, your meetCOMPANY UNIONS New Masses reply to the Open many Intellectuals began to adapt were born with a silver hammerrevolutionary party be constructed al fielt: The Second, the Third, the inex pour demonstrations, your By Robert Dunne Letter they are Zionists Academ superior offices in Moscow. In turn and sickle in their mouths. Where Such a party can only be Two and a half. Centrist) and the fighters. The least Fascist attack OUT OF THE PAST iclans butterflies, Lovestoneites, themselves to or even to adopt Stal differences of opinion exist, they thorough Commun hould call forth a thundering reply party of internation Fourth (Revolutionary Trotskyltes, By Postgate Musteltes, generale Inist methods assuming attitudes will be expressed by us in candid ist. The Is against the from your militia.
yearning for armies, lacking in inof condescending superiority to and comradely fashion.
Concepts of Internationalism Nexsand and the Third, but does not The workers defense bodies, the They are all cloth bound and oftegrity and humility, Hamlets, egot workers (they must be tricked Into Whether these intellectuals re2. The statement of the nuntion the other currents. It de Workers Alliance Committees, bas uniform size. The price is reduced ist. Narcissists, etc. etc. militancy, encouraged by cock main sympathizers, fellow travelers, tends to it the concept of inter clare its readiness to remain in ing themselves the exploited to be a volume plus extra for of them all, the New Masses and bull stories about the growth of or become an integral part of the nationalism to joint actions of sympathietie contact and engage in mixex, utilizing the force of the postage.
hopes to save from the ruin only the German since Hitler. revolutionary movement, depende All Five Volumes Postpaid.
strong national parties Action, or aussions with all who are in militias, will extend their aims and one John Dos Passos. Him alone writing. clearly non revolutionary largely upon themselves. But the course, is the highest expression of terested in that problem, and especl their rights. Their mobilizing by apparently on the bunch that of pieces for the liberal press. oh Left Opposition will do all it can the international organization of ally with those parties which like localities, by districts, in the entire PARIS COMMUNE the 25 he has been least concerned the workers don read that sturto prevent their disgust with Stalinthe vanguard and everything leads ourselves cannot accept either the nation, will lay the bases of your COMMEMORATION with careful, critical study of anyway. permitting themselves ist tactics from turning into a disto that end. But the role of inter Second or the Third International power.
Social and Dance theory and tactics will it address other forms of juvenile Machiavel gust with Communism, to rearm in nationalism is no less weighty in today.
Against the Chiappist municipal at 126 East 16th Street as a Comrade. One may well differlianis suitable to the inner polithe service of the International proIn the course of discussion, both council, the workers of Paris will the preparation of the actions and SATURDAY, MARCH 17, 1934 with the New Masses view that Dostics of a petty bourgeois newspaper letariat there intellectuals who havin the development and training of in the joint committee and in the oppose the Workers Commune!
Speaker: AL GLOTZER Parc novels are proletarian or art circle or university, but having experienced their first skirmishthe national parties. At the present reas, we hope to convince the Against the rotten parliament, you Dance Contests. Prizes literature. It is perhaps enough ing nothing in common with theles under a bankrupt lendership moment, with the whole internation. that it is absolutely necessary will oppose the Workers ParliaMusic By Prominent Band to say that they are incisive ex tactics of the Marxist.
might otherwise lose contact with al organization of the vanguard in to take a wrecise attitude on this ment!
Entertainments and Refreshments posures of the futility and rotten Many a lesson in such attitudes the militant working class and the a state of crisis and demoralization. gnention to declare what kind of a WORKERS!
ADMISSION 200 P. ness of bourgeois civilization, and was administered them by Earl revolutionary movement this side of the question acquire new International is needed and to On February 12, you have forced BANQUET that there shines through them not Browder, a past master of questionAuspices: Agree with us that the new party your orgnizations to come to an an exceptional importance.
Communist League of America little of the vitality of the class able maneuvers, lies and hypocrisfor the benefit of the International cooperation in the should place itself on the day of its agreement in many localities. There PROTOMAGIA CLUB of the future, the proletariat. By les. Little wonder that in nine (Manhattan)
of the are local committees for the Workwork of charting the new parties birth under the banner Spartacus Youth Club these books, by his work as treas, cases out of ten the intellecon SATURDAY, MARCH 10, 1934 and the new international, mutual Fourth International.
ers Alliance, for vigilance, Initia urer of the National Committee for tual sympathizer was one who dis8 exchange of experiences and ideas. Nuh an agreement, which would tive joint action, etc. In the 4th.
633 Eighth Avenue the Defense of Political Prisoners belfeved much that Stalin, Browder TWO BIG MEETINGS putting the collective experience imply a solidarity on other principle isth, 19th districts, in Saint Denis since its establishment, and in and the said, buying himself Between 41st and 42nd St.
for and theoretical knowledge of the questions, could make the launching Puteaux, Suresnes, Corbeil, Poltiers.
other ways, Dos Passos has served freedom from casting in his lot CLASS IN TRADE UNIONISM YOUNGSTOWN WORKERS the of the new party in America, by the Strasburg, etc. Thus has beguna Narxists of all countries the revolutionary cause.
with the revolution by pretending Registration is still open for the disposal of each and every national Joint efforts of the and the method of struggle of the illustri MAX SHACHTMAN And what does the New Maswas to believe in the Stalinist line and has Survey of American Trade the revolutionary Will deliver the following havedo say to him? Only this: tbe the stalinist lies and by refraining Union Strategy and Tacties. with parts or group It Is precisely in Luftition, a realistic prospectus lenders of these fields that the real spirit of for the not too distant future. There proletariat, Marx and Engels, Lenin Lectures at Socialist leaders slander is (yes, from crticism.
Arne Swabeck, Secretary of the Internationalism manifests itself can be no doubt that such a party and Trotsky.
CENTRAL AUDITORIUM yes: the Socialist leaders are op The intellectuals are themselves Communist League. As instructor.
most prominently today in prepara would be from the start a powerful Our Communist League, struggl. 225 Boardman St.
posed to revolution. what we did not without guilt in this matter. This class, one of a series conducttion for the actions of tomorrow. magnet of attraction for the revolu ing in the ranguard under the ban CAPITALIST WAR OR WORK at Madison Square Garden was an por do we hold any special briefed this semester by the InternaHereln lies the great historic sig. tionary workers in America. ner of the Fourth International, apERS REVOLUTION attempt to throw the masses to for the 25 who signed the Open Let tional Workers School, is held every nificance of the work already in pro.
JAMES CANNON. peals to you to immediately oreo Why the unrest in Europe. What sether Chave such attempts everter. They have no doubt at times Wednesday evening. P. et 126 gress for the building of the Fourth to botin is the meaning of the Austrian NOTICE International tom, of all organizations.
elvil war? Why all the talk the platorm struck St. Clarence attitudes we condemn. They still In addition to an historical sur Can the National Parties pocketbook was lost at the You are strong. Victory is asabout peace and preparaHathaway the Pacifier (whom was carry with them many of the unter of the trade union movement, Develop Independently? Cannon Lorestone debate at Irving sured on one condition: Organization for WARI he trying to pacify and who is certainties which characterize the comrade Swabeck will analyze all Can the new parties ench develop Plaxa by the undersigned It contion, moro organization and alwaTHURSDAY, MARCH 15th at p. you cannot understand our tactic before, not one seems to have drawn union movement from the most reresponsible for their provocation. class of their origin. As we said the present currents in the trade independently, work out their own tahned receipts from the Dressmak organization!
AND Forward to the Workers Alliance. programs, acquire mass proportionsers Union No. 18, Union City, New Forward to the Workers Militia! WHY WE NEED NEW REV. gy (and how about the psychologs Third Internationals policies, ary. The students of the course unless you understand our sychol from his critique of the Second and actionary to the most revolutionand influence and then come to Jersey, and about 30 In cash Down with reaction and Fascism! OLUTIONARY WORKERS PARTY of the Socialist rank and dle and really revolutionary conclusion. For upon its completion will be arined Interna Finder please return to undersignol gether to form the Long live the Workers Power! FRIDAY, MARCH 16th at pm. non Communist trade unionists. all one can tell from their Open with a theoretical understanding of tional? This is the concept that or to office of the Militant.
appears to govern the ap HARRY ZAROFF. Executive Committee of Auspices: Youngstown branch. we are in favor not of the united Letter, they may still regard the trade union problems and a better proach to the question. The 829 Adee Avenue, the Communist League Communist League of America (0. tront but of the united front from Garden disruption an exception ability to participate fruitfully as stands for one compact revolu.
Bronx, Paris, Feb. 14, 1984. Tiekets Ten Cente, Unemployed Free below (80 nothing has been leam rather than as a regular feature of revolutionists in the trade unione Appeal of French not mean water towe, policies election, then we assert less empha Internationalists MORE BOOKS FOR YOU Scottsboro and other cases; authors had starteden them. The at