AnarchismBolshevik PartyBolshevismBourgeoisieCapitalismCommunismCommunist PartyFascismHitlerIV InternationalLeninismMarxNazismSocialismSocialist PartySpainStalinStalinismStrikeSyndicalismTrotskyUnited FrontWorking Class

AGE TLR MELITANT SATURDAY MARCH NEWS Letters to the Editor GoldinClique in Blind Alley criminated the or Militant Builders 789 Subs!
LIS 88 32 Sincerely, Was Catholie)
12 8 은 8 6 of the Nation which they condemu So hotly Of course, did not charge a well out and the whole spirit and purpose of my criticisms was diferent: wanted the strike Unscrupulous Policy Endangers Unity in Blockers Union Lay Offs immediately and told we can make Another Preparedness and has already seryod 18 years As watched, various thoughts be lost so it could deuounce somepercolated through my mind. his body. Indeed, they might have been 85, 000 workers have been laid of straw busses lere drive the workers Parade in Frisco tory, Marx, the State, Capitalisin. lifted from the Militant, and it was the Blockers Local of the millinery within the contines of one craft in New York. The rump elections in long i8 their revolt is localized in New York State from the CWA unusually hard. Luck of clothing Church, Proletariat, Nazism, Chris because rolls in the last two weeks. 24, 000 adds greatly to the misery of many. Dear Comrade: unfold The Militant criticized Union were finally held on Mon. the industry, the attempt to set up wish to record, as best may, tianity, Barnum all were more are due for the pink slips this kuckets run rampant all over the those leaders in a forthright man Feb. 26, according to the wishes a rival union would be a criminal Friday. The role of the capitalistik. Workers are given to a little of the mingled feelings oring in miniture before me in this ne quite different from the slan of the corrupt Goldin clique in adventure certain to end in catas.
press has been one of misinforma derstand that it wouldut, hurt to various moods surging through parade, and then: The CWA carry.
peculiar to the Daily Worker and ited Front Committee. By this in the elections the blockers votCWA, tending with their blurbe to other. Foreign workers are dis witnessed, after a lapse of almost is the significance of this effect react the 18th st. union) that called more, this partnership played itsed for the Goldin clique as an extion from the very begining of the buy some tickets of one kind or mind and body yesterday when ing poluted shovels! wondered si decously disruptive attacks combination with the Stalinist Un trophe for the workers a happy feeling. by stateaguinst. It is a very scars, u repetition and duplication ed on others who were watching ments or moniesba tundreds or some walk to work. Busses should of the former attempt to whip the the same thing the proletariat be resolve elements the proast card and revealed its complete pression of Indignation against the Zaritsky machine. But the blockmillons being spent on the unembe suppliud to connect with other country into the viu staging a Pre coming the gravediggers of capital Brussive elements in the strike com bankruptcy.
mittee. The lumping together by Genuine Revolt Against Zaritskyers also remember the kind of demthe Daily Worker of Cannon, ployed. Every duy differeut tigures of transportation. Wages paredness jurade through the im. GEO. ELLIS.
The Militant and an independent The total number of votes cast is ocracy they enjoyed under a Goldin are issued. Each day swells the are cut and more are to come. Or leart of Suu Francisco.
ganization is absolutely necessary stood, watching the murch, just sums of money granted to the CW in order to stay on jobs and win about a block distant writer, with Field, Caldis, the Right reported to be close to one thou administration. They remember from the Aftermath of the Have the CWA workers actually rebetter working conditions, us other point where watched the prepare wingers, Ham Fish, Woll, La Guar sand. This proves that the revolt well his gangster methods of inagainst Zaritsky machine was gentimidating militant workers, his use ceived these generous grants, or CWA crews have already done. ness day parade in 1916, and was, Garden Affair aia, Herrick, Weasel Duffy, is the uine and deeply rooted among the of police to keep them out of meethas it been a houx, a stinking piece good old habit of seeing every blockers. But this revolt was mis ings the favoritism he practiced in Lorele Tully able to contrast the of capitalism baggling as to how thing outside its ranks as one redirected and led into a blind alley, the distribution of jobs. The workLwo events, calculated to make our To the Editors of the Militant: actionary mass a worker should starve, either with katriotic and respectable citizens Dear Comrades: Goldin and his henchmen elected ers tused the election as a vehicle the ald of their relier agencies or Inwood Park should like to make one point to office find themselves without any to express their protest. But they war minded. suppose that you are interested minus their pittances.
The Parade of 1916 in the attitude of the workers to here for which had to space in power. The workers who partici will not follow Goldin any further.
The Process of tapering off is Stalinist Bloc with Goldin In the Press, is Feb. 15 was apregister The parade, its formation and the Communist Party after the the Nation. The Daily Worker kicks pated in the elections to up quite a fuss about the failure of their protest against Zaritsky Prior to the elections and in the proaching, the scriveners of the lo HOW in full swing. One ball line of murch, its general charac. Madison Square Garden meeting the strike leadership to provide abuse of their democratic rights. election campaign the United front hearts out, shedding a tremendous de country. have already felt tie ler ud purpose, and possibly some beld in sympathy with the Austrian relief. leave it to The Militar will not follow Goldin in the next committee was merged with cal papers, bowled their sorrowfullon workers on the wall over tears over their cavy blows of the Roosevelt tap of the marchers in its ranks, were workers which the Communist party to report what the progressive group logical step: the setting up of al Goldin clique no completely, that aid on this matter. On my own rival union. The fears as to what would happen ring machine. The bludgeons about the same as in 1916, but there broke up.
sure was loticeable something differ The day after the meeting had behalf, however, wish to blockers have in all its literature it did not have should the CWA fold up and silently calling. The fruits of tivo years et apart from the putrade itself a discussion with a group of work that carried on a constant agita before, and they have learned the this corrupt outfit. The election state gone throngh this experience once a single word of criticism ngainst steal away. It was a question with of the worluyou, something ducking, something parers in my shop. Three of the work tion vis a vis Messrs. Field them, as to who should pay for the struckle civil and public works. since struggle for bread, for the were allel to a tiu type of the formerers were Socialists, and about five Gitlow against their negligence on and meaning of it. They know, that as teatlet of the calls for the election of its lender Waldman for organizer, but left the posts of was the Government at Washington Heuns of life, is now u the way event, a striking absence of en were left wingers who sympathized the relief question. offered to back to the thusiasm, a sort of purely mechan with the Stalinists. During the dis help set up a committee of strike the other two organizers for the that was doling out the miserable muuks. No more money is destinedical effort on the part of both cussion the Socialists tried to find Sympathizers to raise relief, but for Goldin clique to fill. Two days afjobs and paying the 13. 44 a week, to low for CWA any one or marchers and publie notwithstand reasons why the Communists acted days was given the run around.
ter the clections the first signs of they felt that the CWA should con tinue, until the weather was balmy their damned alphabetical organizing the effort of a few to throw out as they did. They claimed that the When a committee was finally set disagreement in the partnership beLions, unless we tear it from them, their chests here and there called the meeting on such np. Induced friends to glve con came evident. The report of the and when the weather was balmy Before the mass of workers are In 1916 the event found 90 of short notice that the Was unsiderable time to help put over the elections, printed in the Stalinist Jobs would somehow be available.
Jorgan the Freiheit, concludes with the tuid uit on any project, the usual le public dotting their hats us able to participate in the United job. They found that the whole Everybody learned to ralled approach of the union leaders to the following phrase. between phrase weasonal work. In the procedure is first, to lud out who Old Glory passed anyone falling front. The Left wingers them this question was such that no efZaritsky and Goldin there is no dis active among the workers, to to do so was liable to be enguged against the calling winter it is snow, in the summeragreement in principle, they are It must be sunshine. It the state anul the militants: they are the first. argument, and possible scrap. Lascists and betrayers of the Aus fective work could be done. Wheel the working complained to Field about this conducting a struggle for power.
ments of the liberal Miss Perkins to go! Without the leaders, with or at least, have one hat knocked trian workers and Why this sudden discovery? When means anything, it means that jobs out steering committee, without war. The percentage seemed to me class general. took the point state of affairs he had no time to The Club Plan sub drive took an we pointed thus ont long before, and how is the lack to be taken the knowledge for lighting back, for those within any observation at the meeting they were to sit at the listen to my proposals for reorganother lea upward since our last rewe were condemned as renegades in the last month fell off Where chose who have the experience and yesterday to be just reversed, and lot view that if the Party came to liseuss the matter with me or to work.
port. The list below tells the story. by these same people, Jf there is leading the CWA workers iuto the loust, appeared as if ashamed to be meeting and listen and be orderly. ixing up. Stalinist Argument trenches, they feel, then, the Job seen doing so, acting somewhat sim am not aware that the Daily The complete record up to date is no difference in principle between The capitalist press does not say will be easy, the workers will take ular the little animal usually One hot headed Stalinite got ex Worker or the 18th St. union dia as follows: Goldlin and Zarity, then on what and it cannot say: its role is not their pink slim grumble a little found with the organ grinder who cited and asked who was. An anything constructive on the ques New York Local 384 basis olid the Staliniats arrive at Minneapolis Br.
their decision to support Goldin?
of keeping up a sham, to chide and quietly so home. At luwood in somewhat furtive manner, other worker gave her the information of relief or on any other ques Kansas City Br. 48 The answer to this sudden discovery Washington for the bad job it is turk last Monday a dozen workers, quickly dor his headplece and astion that was a Trotskyite. So tion. Their howl wat is time the project quickly recovers.
she shouted counterrevoultionary entirely one of spurious indignation. ittsburgh Br.
will be found in the election results doing for the unemployed. we active in organizing The local digultaries leading the repegade. and with a mouth full of Brown 20 While the Stalinist united front know its role, and knowing it we were banded the pink slips. One of HERBERT SOLOW. Boston Br.
16 played fair with Goldlin, leaving for should not be taken in by their jovem insisted on being told the march in a large comfortable auto saliva spit me in the face. was he mobile were the Mayor (Rossi, no stunned for a moment that dia The Daily refers to me as Hamilton 12 him two out of three paid jobs on lat and hilarious news from day to reason for his dismissal, and city Administrator not know what to do. By the time a former editor of The Menorah was told, told that he 12 Teacher the ballot. Goldin double crossed day.
troublemaker They are very (Cleary, Catholic) and Archbishop had recovered, the workers had Journal. do not know whether or Chicago Br.
12 them, nominated and elected his From the very beginning the much not that is supposed to make me concerned: troublemakers Hauna (also Catholic. Followed taken ber away.
Youngstown Br.
own complete slate of officers, giving Various Army and Navy sections, authorities of the CWA promised us mean FIGT! Organization! The usela a raft of fraternal organisa of the workers came over to me and my attack on Zionism, which ser.
The next day a committee of two blush, but it does not. recall that Chicago Friends of the Stalinists only two out of 15 Jobs at our trades.
First we began do not want that.
Militant Club places on the executive board. Now, to dis ditches days a month, at On Friday, Murcu 2, at 52, tions, wiuding up with about 150 asked me to please go down to lunch eral years ago led the Editor of the Davenport Br.
after this rough deal they got from 40 dollars then when the Govern. Broadway and Academy, near the 200 OWA (on toot) carrying pointed a few minutes earlier, and to come Menorah Journal to force me out, Marcus Goldin, it suddenly dawned upon the ment took it over, we were given inwood Pusk project, a inuss meut shovels, and said to be receiving up not later than 12:30. went, was reprinted in the Freiheit, Yid Stalinists that Goldin has no prin 12 days a month at 60 dollars. ing will take placu iuder the ausse per, for marching! and when came back they told me dish organ of the as the Ruby ciples, that he is only fighting for which was cut down two months plees of the Association of Civil No Bomb This Time that some of the workers in the praiseworthy expression of an peun power.
ago to 18. 76. More workers are works Employees, protesting the Two circumstances were notico sbor had held a meeting and that honest Intellectual. also recall Hardy Suckden Concern for Principles losing their jobs, greater unemploy. aring of these 12 workers, and to able. The first: The march was they came to the following deci that the John Rood Club, qulte re Goodman This sudden concern with princiQ. Parker ples on the part of Goldin Stalinment is in sight, but the capitalist take up the further organization ulled off at 1. Saturday after ston: that she either apologize to Luctantly it is true, once adopted a press, in line with the CWA author against the tapering or of the noon; the street (Market St. ap me in the presence of the whole unanimous resolution sustaining me Kotz ite partners of the United Front ities and the Washington adminisCWA. All CWA wast realize that pared uot much more populated shop, or that she leave the shop and a dozen other writers who had Hurwitz Committee will not be taken seritration, show themselves in the first there is litle time left to dally than or any ordinary Saturday at. The worker apologized.
complained that John Reed Club Buffalo Br ously by the blockers. The work line trenches against any of these around! Now is the time to unity trucol. The second noticeable of course this worker lost out members had broken our strike Ils ers have seen how these Stalinist ameliorations.
our ranks against the plans of the comparative event was the absence by her method of discussion, and so against the Menorah Journal. Fogel uemagogues gave their unqualified Gendelman support to Goldin at the mass meetThe CWA will not last to May 1, Roosevelt machine, to counter these of any preparedness day bomb. did the influence of the Left wing.
the end is already in sight through layoffs with demonstrations that for which former event an innocent hope that the workers will learn Hoffman ings and in the press. At no time the winter we did all sorts of non will make our genial politicians post card, calls on the OWA office, and spitting them in the face they that by calling the Trotskylte names Mill in the entire struggle was there a sensical work, having absolutely no quake: now is the TIME TO OR requesting that he be put back on will not bring about the revolution PLEDGE FUND Philadelphia Br.
distinction in policy or phraseology social value; today we have pink GANIZE. ROSS.
Salt Lake City Br.
between them and Goldin.
the job. They tell him that he is that they are fighting for.
slips and the home relief again. number of our members and Toupin Zaritsky in the meantime, issued not tired, but that he no longer sympathizers, impatient at the We must again raise the slogan Sukut a decree ordering all blockers to of Unemployment Insurance Separations works for the CWA. That he has WORKER IN AN occasional skipping of an issue and Dwyer register in the reorganized blockers only been separated. The sep SHOP.
and interested in helping to over.
wage a real fight for it. Steinbach local and to exchange their memHow are the CWA workers being aration is from the miserable come the difficulties have expresM. McLeod bership books for new ones. This St. Louis Br.
slips and told to stay home, until an from this he has been separ: The Daily Worker and weekly er monthly som to assure means, that all those who fail to Hillside Park Murphy ocmply with the order will be de they send them a post card to apated.
the regular appearance of the Koehler prived of their jobs, and will no At Hillside Park, Long Island, a pear before some committeo. But At 79th St. and Riverside Drive The Hotel Strike MILITANT.
longer be considered members of very large crow is at work bring this is just a farce. The workers many have been separated. al Dear Friends. Toward this end we are start Carlson the International Union.
ing it to completion. It is a wind never receive a card nor does he over New York as in the rest of The Stalinists have been thrown The Daily Worker of March sing a PLEDGE FUND. The Fund swept place and on these days bit meet with any committee. He the country, separation is the will be administered by the busiTOTAL 789 into complete confusion. On the terly cold, frozen cars, fingers and finds himself out on the street and word. We must not allow them to contains an article attacking the ness manager of the MILITANT recent New York hotel workers Only 211 subs to go and we will one hand they had a falling out with feet belng very common. If it is without a job.
do this: we must fight back, strike. In this article am menseparately from the general funds reach our goal of one thousand new their partner in misleadership, Golraining or snowing we are laid off! The worker then, without the tioned as a member of the Trotof the organization. In this subs through the Club Plan. Can ain. To register in Zaritsky resky group. am glad to save you manner wo hope to establish alwe do it in two weeks? We think organized local, on the other hand, the embarrassment, should you And guarantee of the regular appears. We are counting on all those would nican a complete capitulait such, of disowning me.
ance of the MILITANT. Militant Builders in the list above tion; would mean no Each week the MILITANT will At the same time, should like and those who have not yet swing that their polley proved to be bank carry a list of the pledgers num into action to put the drive over the rupt. What is more if they come Boston On Feb. 22, David Udell, buted leatlets but had merely held rest him. The lawyer ar to point out that, while undoubtedbered consecutively in the order top back to the International Union of the Boston branch of the Left them, allowing people to help them gued that Cohen was not distribut ty the Daily Worker would have in which they are received.
with a demand for democratic elecOpposition and a member of the selves. One of them added that he ing a leaflet but a school catalogue, yelled sell out no matter what the The first to pledge is comrade tion, Zaritsky can always throw it Young Communist League (Stalinis a good Christian. was born inland wound up by pleading for lent outcome of the strike, many criticPaul King of the Brooklyn Br. up to them that they had already ists) named Cohen, were arrested this country, and that Socialists are ency on the grounds that Cohen is isms they make of the Right wing New York Local. Next week we beld their elections The course of the and Socialist party meeting held to pro stalinists in the court mocked the misled. Both defendants were Field fight well have been lifted hope to be able to print a few.
Goldin, as we pointed out in the test against Austrian Fascism. The Socialists after their trial, accusing found guilty and fined each.
from my article in a recent Issue last issue of the Militant, weakens course and outcome of the case are them of belly crawing and snivel. Another Stalinist tried the same the genuine struggle against Zarita clear revelation of the degener. ling. Burke invited them to be at morning denied that he had distrisky machine rule.
ate character of the International the dell Cohen trial and witness buted leaflets or that he knew any.
The United Blockers League Labor Defense under Stalinist rule. real workers defense.
thing about the He said that Sun. March 11th Buffalo The United Blockers League. the Comrade Udell had been distribut Burke took Udell to the somebody had rushed by and thrust only group among the blockers which ing leaflets advertising the meeting office to go over the defense with the leaflets in his hands; be then We have just received the erst towns and sugar plantations. How Mon. March 12th Pittsburgh, Paforesaw this very clearly from the which comrade Max Shachtman of a lawyer; on the way he told Udell pocketed them and did not learn issue of Rayo (flash, ray. official ever, serious internal difficulties Tues, March 13th Pittsburgh, Pa. outset and warned the blockers New York was to address: Coben stories of previous trials and the their nature until his arrest. He organ of the Bolshevik Leninist have arisen in the Guantanamo sec Wed. March 14th Newcastle Pa.
was distributing bulletins for the Dis record of making real was found guilty, tined and Party of Cuba, section of the In tion of the party, the members of Thurs. March 16th Youngstown only group remaining in the field, against this splitting course, is the Workers (Stalinist) School. Imme. Communist defenses. Udell wait agreed to pay diately after the arrest comrade et the office several hours but Udell and Cohen decided to an is an eight page tabloid and con differences as to the character that Fri. March 16th Youngstown, o capable of an effective struggle Konikoy of the Left Opposition no lawyer appeared. He was tola peal. Apparently expecting an actains important material.
the party should assume. At the Sat. March 17th Cleveland Ohio tically run class struggle union. The called a ball commissioner by phone to go away and enll up the next quittal, the was at this The leading article entitled Be Lett Opposition on Sept. 14th, 1933, Mon, March 19th Chicago, Ill. in its ranks Left wing and progres.
National Conference of the Cuban Sun. March 18th Chicago, Ill.
United Blockers League embraces commissioner carrived another com the lawyer, Cohen and another stale mode no agreements for bail. Again ware of Adventures. makes aftere, at which it was decide to change Tues. March 20th Chicago, sive workers, who proved in the missioner, called the came inist arrested on a similar charge. comrade Konikov put up bail for cul study of the present political the name of the organization to the Wed. March 21st Chicago II.
critical moment to be able to adin. Comrade Konikov offered him when he called up he was told the comrade Udell and also for Cohen, situation in the island, warning Bolshevik Leninist Party of Cuba, a check to cover the ball bond for would not handle his case, the Stalinist.
against the present putschistie at the Guantanamo comrades held out Thurs. March 22nd. Chicago, IL Vance a correct program, who did not discredit themselves through both Udell and Cohen, the Stalinist. No explanation was offered.
After the trial Cohen, the Stalin tempts of the Stalinists who, in for the creation of a broad work shady alliances with any of the The commissioner refused When his case came up Udell took Ist defendant, said that the pite of formidable decline in ers. peasants and students 1950THE MILITANT cliques, who steered their own clear the check, but acoepel a bank book a militant, class conscious line. Al had fought on technicalities in order their Influence and prestige since clation as against a narrow Bolprovided by another comrade. Kon though given little opportunity to to take advantage of the opportunLast September, are now calling for shevik party. The Guantanamo sec Entered as a second class mal consistent course of relentless strug.
ikov then paid the ball for both talk, he brought out that he was itles offered by the bourgeois ele seizure of power. Another antion has since functioned Independ matter November 28, 1928, at the ele against both the clique of defendants with cash. arrested not for distributing leaflets courts. He promised that at the actical article draws the balance ently and ignores the directives de Post ofice at New York, Un Goldin and Company and that of der the act of March 3, 1879.
Next morning before court open but for distributing leaflets for a next trial the will make a sheet of the Grau San Martiore: the Central Committee Published Weekly by the ComWe urge the blockers to take the ed, Burke, Boston lender of the workers organization. He pointed Communist defense. Interesting simd and of the communist Party Other articles contained in munist League of America only possible way out: To heal the offered to defend Udell along out that capitalist politicians are enough, Burke who had boldly policy which led to the massacre of first issue of Rayo deal with the wounds of the breach in their with Cohen. Udell accepted, plac. never molested for distributing leat invited the Socialists be present. Sept. 29 when Mella funeral was recent anarcho syndicalist putsch 126 East 16th Street, Now York, ranks, to reunite the local, to group ing his defense in the hands of the lets (uring their political cam. was himself absent from the trial supposed to be the signal for an in Spain, the recent Stalinist trade Vol. VIL No. 10 (Whole No. 214) themselves in the united local around Burke also offered to defend pigns.
Thus the has again provinsurrection.
union masqeurade, the Fourth ConSATURDAY, MARCH 10, 1934 the United Blockers League, demand four Socialists arrested carlier In The Cohen case, defended by the en itself to be a thoroughly partisan There is an important report on gress of the National Confederation democratically run elections and the week for distributing leaflets. came up next. Those who organization, a creature of the Bolshevik Leninist Party in Oriente, of Labor, a resolution of the BrazEDITORIAL BOARD The Socialists refused. Burke man had mocked the Socialists now not interested in the fate of work. the organizational activity of the Illan Lert opposition for the Fourth Martin Abern James Capnon spread the right to the other locals aged to get a postponement until proceeded to ape them. Cohen arers who dare to criticize the Stalin Eastermost province of Cuba. Our International. comrade Mar Sbachtman Trotsky Maurice Spector of the International, Zaritsky and Arne Swabeck This machine will be swept out of Feb. 26.
sued that he had been on a step ist regime, and quite willing to com comrades have been able to build article on Hitler the Pacifst And power only by the united efforts of The Socialists offered a technical not on the sidewalk, and that there promise principle Subscription rate: 00 per year order to try up an extensive organization with a call or a Latin American Conferdefense, saying they had not distri fore the police had no right to ar to get a man off from fine. 50 per half year 25 for units in most of the important ence all the left wing Milliners.
Left Opposition groups. 26 issues to blocks of four or more BLOCKER.
Comradely, Gentan THE IN THE CAPITALIST COURTS Shachtman Tour The Cuban Bolshevik Leninists