BourgeoisieCapitalismCominternCommunismCommunist ManifestoDemocracyFranceGermanyHitlerImperialismImperialist WarLeninLeninismMarxMarxismReform PartyRussian RevolutionSocial DemocracySocialismSocialist PartyStalinStalinismStrikeUnited FrontViolenceWorkers MovementWorkers PartyWorking ClassZinoviev

THE MILITANT SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 24 1934 PAGE The Waterloo of Pseudo Radicallsm Vital Questions of the New Party events wbich bastened coe political evolution of the into the the rise of Hitlerism. not unimportant contributor to this rise was the sister organization of the American Socialist party in Germany, is, in every sense, the Second International as a The Program of the Vienna:the Socialist Millenium whole.
in Bauer the Collapse of Austro Marxism Victory In Minneapolis Coal Strike The idea that the greatest im without showing conclusively that If the seeks to remain neu revolutionary program which mediate need of the working class the parties already operating in the tral in the conflict. why does it does not establish the bankruptcy bounds, who glory is the extermin the capitalist press appreciates the came models for city planners Except for the Fascist blood gle for socialism. It is only because houses which the Times says beeverywhere is a new revolutionary teld are fundamenally outlived or follow a polley of siding with the and perfidy of the Second Interna: ation of the militant proletariat, services International und a new revolution Injurious to the interests of the conservative as against the progres tional in the imperialist war and acclaim for the unbounded heroism maintaining bourgeois of Austro Marxism in throughout the world. Rents were sive forces in every contest. ary jarty in every country, is be worklog class.
civilization astonishingly low, and it was only or in the post war revolutionary storms of the Austrian social democracy that they now reproach Dollfuse natural that these blocks should ing accepted by ever wider sections Following the classic example of how has it Invariably remained and it must. might at least re has been universal. casual read. Yesterday he was hailed as a become strongholds of socialism.
and cord the fact (and the why of it)
of the radical labor movement. The the Communist Manifesto a revolu neutral while progressives decision of the Pittsburgh conven Lowry purty must make its pro militants fought the reactionaries of the second terrific collapse ander of the new sappers is led to be modern David. The New York. And further Under Socialist rule tion of the Conference for progres grammatic debut with a criticism of when it has always wholehearted treachery of the Second Internaconservatives Times makes no bones as to its mo in Vienna utilities were taken over sive Labor Action to launch the society in which it lives and which ly supported the official labor lead. tional in Germany in 1863, and the have made common cause with rev tives. Shepherd Stone says in a fen and in general income from taxt American Workers Party ou July it aims to overthrow, and conclude ership. e, the same reactionar irreconcilability of the revolution olutionaries in tribute to the im. ture article on February 18tb. tion was employed for publicim working ary party with that International. Many have ho doubt been confused 4, 1934, is additional proof of the with a criticism of all the parties ies?
class. Bourgeois Praise of Austro Marxismprovements and social welfare. 8oIrresistible power of this idea. of any importance, and above all, The fact is that by its whole in its foundations and ideas. An or by the sympathetic treatment ac When the Hapsburg monarchy cialist legislation provided for the Because we Internationalist Com of their basic conceptions. Not, let corrigible nature, the 1s not ganization which has proved to be munists are for a new party which us make clear, a criticism of every and cannot be neutral in the trade so potent an instrument for the decorded to the Austrian workers by collapsed in 1918 and Austria becitizen from few months before came the ball Instead of the bat his birth until bis burial. Health, American capitalist Journals. That all came within the scope of munion a revolutionary program and for of every distinct current unites the waximum possible forces little sect with ten members, but unions, either with or without quo vastation of the world labor move society is no more than skin deen in the European game, Socialists housing, wages, unemployment dole, the tation marks, any more than can ment, cannot be so off handishly this united front of extremes in and Christian Socialists (the bour revolutionary action, we huve com Labur movement.
the other political groups in the dismissed by the program of a rev. will soon be proved.
seois Catholics) cooperated to salcipal government.
concentration, labor movement. Neutrality in olutionary party, unless the intermenced a discussion with the reThe Reformist Utopia vage the ruins of the Empire, It is out of no sympathy with despised Marxists who barricaded hele American we will in this article contine our the trade unions, like its cousin No national aspect of the proletarian. the working class that the brass themselves in their tenement houses ism reached its piunacle in Vienna of Thus the utopia of reform socialworkers Party, with the aim winnents to the third chapter of politics in the untons. has always struggle for freedombie dolore teelt. check press bemoans its bitter face last week saved Austria from Com and here too it ended in a horrible establishing the extent which the statement: The In been a pleasant mask behind which cated to second, or third, or tentb Austria. Not many days prior agreement exists, and collsequently, alequacles of Existing Parties as reaction fought against awakening place, or into an obscurity from to the Austrian blood test when the munism in 1919. At that time pre debacle. The achilles heel of the united action and eveatual fusion lustruments of Revolutionary class consciousness and against a which it is to be hauled out on friction of social convulsion had pulkandists from Moscow and from Austrian workers was the lack of is possible.
Change. The parti referred to class struggle policy and leadership annual holiday celebrations burst into a menacing flame in Budapest, which was temporarily state power. The treachery of its The Decisive Question under Communist rule, preached the leadership lay in their harnessing In this discussion, we pursue to Otticial Communist (Stalinist) part as neutral in the trade unions as deal in the statement thanked their lucky stars that But the activities of the Socialist the time was ripe and the prolenarrow or sectional interests. Our les are the Communists. Directly and which lends itself too easily to such The International Approach indirectly, the Socialist party is a conception. If it whould prevall France had been saved from the leaders prevented a bloody conflicttarint ready. Between the Comprinci tight for the fundamental by between proletariat and bourgeoisie. mune which lasted but two months, ples of Marxism (carried ou for In the case of both parties, the prop and an ally of every reaction the results would be little less than riotous Commune, dominated over dive years in this country and proulem cumot be approached from ary, burcaucratic class collabora fatal. The true revolutionist of to the mob.
Last week some of the men who and Red Vienna. the socialist The Capitalist Press one country. The tionist group in the American trade day, despite the nationalist reaction had rescued the country from Com milennium there was this differten years internationally) excludes tue ungle of The capitalist press was the cir munism were dying because of their ence: state power. That is all the such a conception. What is decisive ankruptcy or social democracy and unione in its struggle against the which has intoxicated and poisonedan field marsball and recruiting Marxism (sle. for us in our attitude towards auyStalması iu this or any other coun progressive and revolutionary whole sections of the labor movedifference in the world. The capiother group is not this or that oury derives from the tatal explosion forces. That is how it should be ment, is like the true revolutionist sergeant for the imperalist mass Need we explain further that the talist press is thankful to dividual in it, or this or that is used in both instances when their stigmatized.
first and foremost an murder of fifteen years ago. They destruction of Austro Marxism and Co. because they did not folaction in. mention made of the interestedionista revelled in the sadistic White Ter meant the loss of a steadfast ally low the sure road of the proletarian gaged. Our first question is: Mutu, were testeu against decisive international connections of the soIf this truism is stated so em or of the post war years.
The Wrangels and the Kolehaks to the democratic and liberal capt revolution.
as your programy here is ours. escuts. It is only from this angle cialist party? Even for a party phatically here, it is because it is talist class in Europe and America.
their How clear is the difference in Only when, by open confrontution, chat the criticism of them can be whose absorbing concern is with all but emphatically (and far from were proclaimed beroes in Under the cloak of democracy and tactics and results between Comsharp if comradely mutual critic generunted; for the United States the problems in this country, the correctly) stated in the document Althy pages.
International is isan, an agreement hus beeu arrived uly the specite manifestations Second worth of the The deficiencies Indeed wherever the proletariat in the guise of a gradual peaceful munism and social democracy!
The in at on the programmatic questions, cau be established. Thus, social something more than one casual of the program in this respect, as has striven to power, wherever it evolution from capitalism to social bombarded tenement houses is it possible to talk seriously and emocracy is equivalent to coal and one accidental reference. After shown by the stand taken towards has challenged the rights of pri im the Bauer s, the Adler s, and Vienna stand as demonstration of retorn fruitially about unity and fusion. Lion governments with the bour all, it does live, and breathe, and the stalinist party and the problema vate proverty it has found the Jack the Renner stayed the tide of the the futility of trying to Program is of fundamental im. soliste: the American social dem. prispite the atmosphere. The courts of the International, require com en enes barkings denna. corder at the for the Heimwehr to thrust it far thousands of proletarian. corpse out of danger.
are dumb witnesses to the fact that portance because buy it the party is wracy, with all the will of the article. MAX SHACHTMAN.
Austria is no exception, the gradualism of the Vienna lackJudged essentially by program and world, has not yet bad the occasion curt parentheses, as one Vienna The Symbol The Austrian workers were not not by action, because it is the join a coalition. tighting an offensive battle. They. Red Vienna was the symbol forleys meant the gradual arming of By failing to deal with the two former that determines and guides were defending their institutons Austro Marxism. It was bailed the counter revolution and the notthe action.
Drupal labor parties from this and organizations. While we have by its supporters as living proof so gradual annihilation of And it is precisely in the domain angle, the statement not nothing but praise for this superb that it was possible to attain a flower of the working class. Red Vienna is now red only in of the program that the founders only presents an inadequate and (Continued from page 1) they have betrayed their real class fight against the Fascist monster great maximum of socialism with of the new revolutiouary party have partly fulse. criticism of them, but interests, they have betrayed the yet it must be said that both the out violence, without depriving the worker blood. The pride of ina tremendous advantage over those uue which characterizes bis danger that if the government imposed International, and the idea of the party and the Institutions defend capitalist class of its wealth or pri ternational socialism has become who preceded them. The Third our approach to the problem of in Puscist constitution on the con social revolution. They have woted by these workers bad become avileges. without acting as com its everlasting shame!
iu cernationalism.
try, Ifa government commissar Interuational, when founded They built apartment 1910, was able to take all the events, The Socialist party, it says, is were appointed in Vienna, or if our small benefits for the workers dur brake on their revolutionary strug manists. should the actions, the isolated phenom not a purty of revolution, but of impurty or the trade unions were dising the war, it is true.
ena, the ideas, the meu and the erectual reformism. Yes. But no solved we would strike. Our party be the last to refuse to recognize Hotel Strike these what was accomplished to protect four movements that went before it, subrecerence is made to the essential stuck to the last to the working class from many a Ject them to the pitiless tire of characteristic of present day social points, threatening wrong. But they have for the cool yard (Continued from page 1)
The Dissatisfied Masses workers and (Continued from Page 1)
Marxian criticisin and strain theism: its renunciation of the class The dissatisfaction and agitasold their birthright for a mess of drivers then the Board, with little Inspiration and Example For residue through the screen of gen struggle id, consequently, acceptpottage.
tion of the workers against the delay, came forward with a decir of pollyanna optimism. We reUnion Workers Ipeat: heroic action and a resultance of class collaboration.
eranization. The distilled sharp came into conflict with the The methods used and the mansion that actually saved the face of turn of policy are absolutely nec In departing from the program conservative policy of our party was condensed into the basic pro grammatic documents of the new of class struggle and revolution, the committee grew as the government Party Executive Committee partner in which the organization work the bones. And not only theiressary. The genuine militants in International and the forming Com socialist parties have degenerated provocations increased. The work cularly because it abs become more was carried out, stands as a model aces. vote in the separate yards the union must understand this, and more it.
munist parties. This uot only gave to capitalist parties of labor, orl ers said the government was awak linsitution. The conviction has grown take up the vast work that lies just Into the hands of the coal yard in our opinion concentration is itself more powerful militar.
thom political justificatiou for ex more accurately, petty bourgeois ily, was wearing down our spirit upon me that revolution in Aus head. The coal workers section omers who had LOST the Strike necessary especially on two practiistence and an unmistakable physio Labor parties, standing on the fountria can come only against the will of the transportation industry, has lessons of the strike. It must be Relief. Mobilize the strikers Here is one of the most important cal tasks: gnomy, but immediately invested dution and operating within the and was choosing its own time to of the Executive Committeo which gained its Arst objective. These discussed again and again in the to collect funds. Organize a tak attack us. Excitement rose to a them with a vast superiority overamework of capitalist democracy will always be a hindrance to the workers have tested their organized Union. There must be no mlsun. day. Put five hundred strikers on all the old organizations which Ir the American Socialist party fever pitch during the last weeks.
strength, almost alone, in a sharp derstandings. The way to avoid the busy corners, in the subways sought to continue as if nothing is small and weak today, that does neither the war, the collapse of not signify that a social basis does comrade coming from Lins warned! What wished to prove was and successful engagement with them is through full and free dis and at workers meetings and gath Last Sunday night in Vienna revolutionary movement.
the Second International, the kus not exist for it (or its successor, or me that the workers of Linz were that only over the heads and against the bosses.
ering places with collection boxes slan revolution, por the post war surrogate tomorrow, in the form, highly indignant and alarmed over the of the Party authorities in in the course of preparation, and cussion by the membership.
The nex phase of the fight for to raise money quickly. Organize revolutionary movements had0c suy, of Labor or Farmer the Heimwebe action and had de Austria on a real revolutionary up during the fight, many obstacles better conditions in the coal induse big squad of strikers to canvas Labor purty) to serve as the main clared that if any further action heaval in Austria come, that only bitherto unsuspected by the aver try will open up in the near fu union meetings. Open a real kitchen surred.
versary of the founding of the Com is the sheerest self delusion to im arms they would defend themselvessible to use the force that must be light. careful study of these anion organization has come to the squads out to collect food supplies On the eve of the tifteenth anni pillar of bourgeois democracy. It were taken to deprive them of their by disregarding them will it be pos age rank and file worker, came to ure. When it is considered that and really feed the strikers. Send used to overthrow the rule of force weak points, with a view to correctmunist International, much the agine that because the American for the sake of the Republic. was alarmed to hear of the upon which our government rests. ing them, will be of extreme im. coal yards for the first time from stores, sympathizers and is small in numbers now, the be same task has to performed.
Though he has since the workers neighborhoods. Circularturned portance for the future. The union Minneapolls, the workers in Even less than in 1919 we are handeology of social reformism in this spirit, and after discussion with apostate to his own words, they can be only as strong as an alertards and on the tracks have nove every workers organization with dicapped this time by the need of country can either be ignored or my informant we both decided that rise from their pages again today and determined membership chose reason to take second place in mat an appeal for funds, get out collecstarting out with nothing. great passed off with an occasional sally. urgent messages must be sent to ters of organization and militant tion lists raise funds at once by deal has been lost in the painful it is true that we hold to the view the workers to keep cool. ar to nail to the pillory of eternal to make it.
shame the perfidious leaders of the First of all: No barrier must be ed one of the best struggles that the latent energies of the strikers defeats suffered by the working that the American working class ranged for them to be told that Austrian working class.
class. That is true. But just as need not necessarily pass through if we in Vienne could submit pa placed in the way of recruiting the the city has seen in its labor history. themselves for task. The membership to full strength. THE rbe very nature of the work in strike depends relief now. The victories teach us, generally speak o protracted a reformist stage as tiently to an arms search in party should did the English or German Grounds headquarters they must try to do ing. what to do, defeats FUEL OIL AND GASOLINE DRIV which they are engaged gives them force to collect it doesn need to AD NAUSEAM ERS AND HELPERS are the next a responsible and powerful position be hunted for. It is right in the us what not to do, what to exist for the belief that, given a the same. Apparently the mes cumpetent revolutionary party, avoid.
section to be organized, here there in the trade union movement.
sage arrived too late.
period of social reformist influence It is by these methods and with FROM THE DAILY WORKER must be no delay. This approach union headquarters. Let the leadSettled Questions REPORTS OF THE 17th CON connects up the campaign which their power. They have forced reThese workers have demonstrated ership organize it.
The experiences up to the time the working class can be com, this spirit that the Bauers preGRESS OF THE Picketing. Connect the disleads from section to section and cognition of the union while on pensation of relief directly with the Third International was formed pressed into a comparatively broer pared the Austrian proletariat, over He (the apeaker) concludes gives what assurances can be given STRIKE, a victory of po mean proservice on the picket line.
were sutticient to settle in the mind span. But one of the main pre con whom they wielded an undivided with the cry Long live the world in advance that the gains made in portions, in the present state of the and systematie plcketing combined Real once and of this desirable aim lies in a clear decisive battle which they of the dispute between reform and revolu cat recognition of the essence of and lost. What does it matter Zinoviev hailed Stalin as sacrificed.
tion, social democracy and Com social reormism and a readiness to unlike so many of their German pro true Leninist and preserver of the ed a bitter lesson. That they are Ice Wagon Drivers while in struggle, won the loyalla settlement, and nothing else can.
The Open Shop bosses have learn support of the rank and file of the Instead of subordinating the actions munism. In the new movement, deal it vigorous and effective blowstotype, a few Bauers or Deutsches Union.
far from idle is well known to every and other advantages must be or subordinate the negotiations to the This of the strikers to the negotiations, did engage in the actual Aghting? Gant of the revolution, there was no longer any need to wherever it takes root.
debate a whole series of problems As the party of petty bourgeois The fact may be a credit to their leads to greater tasks.
Stalin wide awake worker. The example ganizationally consolidated, by actions of the strikers. On his line of the whole police force ranged welding the drivers unions into a the situation can be changed in 24 and questions which had agitated democracy, its alliance with the personal courage or political Intelthe pre war parties. They had be trade union bureaucracy, lies in the ligence. But the Bauer interview olution, thought and action. The great Stalin, glant of rev. on the side of the bosses in the more solld unit. Those who oppose hours, morale can be restored and come settled questions for Marx. very nature of things. The Social lays bare what was dever success.
futile effort to break through the progress in this direction must take the strike can take on new life. Joseph Stalin, great loader of picket lines with scab coal, has their place with the forces of re There is no other way.
ist party, says the statement, fully concealed: the leaders of the the party of Lenin.
Not being a political Hamlet, who takes cognizance of the workers Austrian social democracy wanted only one meaning for the Union and Stalin given thunderous ovation. each member of the action.
Union. Be To the Leaders. Quit chasing is worthless Just because no ques industrial struggles only to the ex. anything but a struggle; they left Stalin irreconcilability con prepared! Be prepared! BE MUCH That this can be accomplished at after respectability. Stop crawl.
BETTER PREPARED! for the next one stroke, no responsible and ex. ing before the Labor Board and its true revolutionist engaged in build or publicity services, but in every the road of the working class; they The inspirer and organizer oftest.
perlenced worker will contend, but chairman, Mrs. Herrick. Answer ing up a new party must also cast other way seeks to remain neu: lifted Dolfuss into the saddle so our victories, the steel giant of the Every member of the Union as any undue delay in advancing along the insults of this strike breaker in up a balance of the past period, take tral in the conflict of ideas, objee that he might cut down an unpre revolution, Stalin enjoys the limit well as those workers who will be this road will be costly for the manner worthy of the leaders of Inventory, and settle in his own tives and organising principles pared working class.
less love of our party.
members in the coming period, whole movement. To follow up the striking workers. Let the world mind, and what is more important which these struggles so abundantsettle publicly in his own program, express or reflect. No large deepest sense of the term, left its world who is listened to as Stalin. Regional Labor Board. What er good, means for the membership to fighting for thelt rights, not begThe Austro Marxist school, in the There is no such man now in the should be vigilantly watching the advantage and achieve the greatest know that the hotel workers are all accounts which the class strug political purposes will ever be proletariat in the lurch at the Millions of fighters conquerors actly has been its role? It is well ready for further devoted work, to sing for them. Above all try to gle itself has settled beyond further achieved by the labor movement crucial hour! It shore the Aus impatiently wait to hear the man to note the fact that in all the ef. Stand ready for further develop convince the strikers by deeds that argument. No dispute over ques. lhis most powerful base, the in trian Samson of all his strength an who fulfiled Lenin bequest.
tions of principle and strategy enn dustrial struggle, will be left to that when his strength was tested forts made by the Union Committee ments. Ready at all times to crack you conceive of the strike as a class danger threatens Burning with enthusiasm the to present the coal workers de UNION the battle and lead it accordingly. Stop be ignored in this reckoning An tritt alles bineeweled or moveantys the pillars of reaction could tau congress rises to greet the great mands to the bosses, the Board was your treacherous maneuvers and unambiguous and only an agency to transmit an inrecord in this most important old so we solemnly repeat today the intrigues against the militant ele must be taken on all of them Long live Stalin!
solent reply and a flat refusal of the ments in the union and give up terrifie indictment of Austro MarxIt is here that the document is is further marred (marred? Not at The hall is hushed as Molotov bosses to deal with the Union. DurAGAINST KOOLGANISM the idea that you can silence them sued several weeks ago. Toward all Characterized by itsa be ism uttered in court by Friedrict speaks about the party successes. ing the most advantageous time of with strong arm methods. Remem.
su American Revolutionary Laborcy of siding with the conservative Adler, on trial during the war for about the Five Year The Spartacus Youth Plan and the winter season the Board to (Brownsville) unenimously Clubber this is a progressive and demconocratic union, not a reactionary, gether with several Labor officiels demns the actions of the disrupters bureaucratic one; it is the matte orientation by the American in every contest in a union for in Minister Stuerghk as protest Stalin takes the floor the Con were instrumental in postponing of the mass meeting in of defects which, we think, require wholeheartedly supported the word against the chauvinism of the offici Igress stands to greet the leader action under one pretext and an Square Garden called by the go to act like progressive and militant Workers Party. reveals a number fluence or control. It has always Therefore try al social democracy, the same Fried Long live Stalln! Hurrah! other, which gravely weakend and cialist Party and L trade labor leaders, not like bulldozing iclal labor leadership and Invarithe most drastic revision falls squarely on the shoulders of new revolutionary party can ably remained neutral while pro Fich Adler who today shares, as the Stalin concludes. Applause honor endangered the coal workers posunions. We feel that the blame Inbor takers not be formed certainly it cannot cressives and militants fought the penitent secretary of the Second in. Ing the leader, comrade Stalin, Inst od When in spite of these obstruc the Stalinist misleaders who are Fala important strength. without stalwart and pure and simple re ternational, the responsibility of od many minutes.
all the others. Our Congress will mobilizetive tactics, the justly angered and doubly to be blamed because they CERTIFICATE. It only and Buy a PIONEER PUBLISHERS justifying its existenec. It cannot actionaries.
Adler Indietmont around the leader, comrade Stalin. aroused workers STRUCK the are prejudicing the cause of Com entitle you to 40 discount on our Justify its existence as a separate Neutrality in the Unions As faithful servants the leaders (Molotov. All stand and shout yards, demonstrating to the boss munism among the working class publications and to a 20 reduction organization, at least not in the This passage is either wrong and of the proletariat strove to saye hurrah.
les and to all who wished to see that of America.
are of the more advanced workers. contradictory, or just plain wrong. the organization. But in so doing. Ad infinitum. Ad nauseam.
other the union did actually weak on any book published by SPARTACUS YOUTH OLUB publlahers.
the genuine et revolutionist. dictions for fire une ceint les colere meant and stud isputed in cele mele, Torough Long live stalin, creat lead the Coal Strike will not be partially local Drivers Unions. They have with mass demonstrations can force the Party.
Madison not the of