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SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 24, 1934 THE MILITANT PAGE Oneal Discovers «Trotskyism»
MPLS. LABOR NOTES Stalinism on Austria enin Bavaria on this theme!
Socialist Locals Come Out For The Fourth International Minneapolis. Immediately fol strated the inadequacy, the hopeless Comments Refute Course in Germany lowing the lay off of four thousand futility, of the begging tactics of the on Rome. Nor was it CWA workers the Public Welfare local leaders in all previous strug But the Austrian workers had lite itself. This does not disturb weekly column of the socialist or matter or only theoretical dispute result of Communist ideology and Department was besieged with angrysle, their dickerings with employ.
Save The New Leader. It is kept than they were over a decade ago methods that Aragona boasted crowds of unemployed demanding ers through politicians and lawyers drawn a lesson from the German the equanimity of the stalinists: alive by the oracular commentaries when Oneal engaged in debate in that he had remained within the led the arrest of one demonstrator tu court cases and injunctions com so much the worse for the factsfood and fuel. Dear riot follow their emphasis upon legal defense events, a lesson that every worker must learn. They chose to die they still persist in their theory!
of the editor, dr. Jan. es Oneal, the New Star Casino in New York Socialist party in order to prevent at the Court House, when the ex ing out of the strugle, their tallure tol dghting on the barricades rather The fact that the leaders of the Every week, Cassandra croaks and proclaimed that he would never the revolution; or that Turati rantreme temperature of 20 below zero maintain mass picketing consistentthan to be tortured in the Fase Austrian Social Democracy by their warning to one or another group in join an International which bar to the King in the hope of staying had drives some 20 men to the rely when experience showed that as ist camps.
whole course since the World War the flock which threatens to stray bored Noske and Scheidemann oft Fascism by a coalition; or that from the barren pastures fenced in There is today a far vaster store of Baldesi was ready to lief lines for emergency orders often us it was used gains were Who penned this unquestionably have paved the way for reaction enter the byrthe blesh priests of the socialist factual material by which to judge arst Mussolint cabinet. Despite This spontaneous demonstration made by tho workers. Labor has correct lessons from the German and Fascism is indisputable. Their shephers who has had such unre there was more than though even in the early period of their party coal orders along with some food of organizing its forces, creating about from the rooftops that the croo was a result of their programlieved bad luck in the past fifteen then, and using sufficient power to force German workers should not have matic bourgeois democratic viewyears would shut up shop and go fought, that the Communist party As in historian or early colonial do not bear the responsibility for to the relief lines of thousands of each given situation.
existence, the Italian Communists orders without investigation.
The cause of this tocking back its demands upon the employers in and not have a majority of point: Dollfuss was the lesser evil into a business more suited to his lite, Mr. Oneal has delved as meti the crimes of Italian reformiam.
the sus compared to the Nazis. The talents. But not Mr. Oneal.
CWA workers lies in the fact that workers behind it, that armed reMinneapolis Mooney Conference Local Denver for 4th International lan mind would permit. Whenever culously Into facts as his un Marx The Case of Hungary the wages they were receiving were Marks Time sistance to the Fascist mob would permitted Dollfuss and the Nazla to consolidate their forces. Their In the New Leader of Febraury he has occasion to touch upon the case for Oneal, because it was never familles. Hungary is just as poor a inadequate for men with large The Minneapolis Mooney Council have been putsch! None other threat of a general strike it and 10, 1934, the smallest available istory of Communism and prole an example of Communist methods.
of Action has for several months than the Stalinist editorial writer when legality was violated by Dolltype in the most obscure corner an tarian revolution, however, he be This is sufficiently indicated by the terent organizations of unemployed a failure to During the last month several dif been more or less dormant. After of the Daily Worker (Feb. 14, 1934) Puss was a logical outcome of their yesterday fulminated constitutional program. Instead nounces the not unimportant fact comes a disseminator of myths. To mere fact that the Hungarian 80 started among the CWA workers manes due to the United attract appreciable who only Front against the counter revolutionary of putting it on this basis, the bu that Local Denver has endorsed the party, therefore, he lectures us follor power between the Communists Unemployed Council of the ofteal it by the stalinists in co operation ty to say that the Communist Party tire question on its The trim below tactics imposed upon Trotskylsts who have the audac raucratic Stalinists turn the Springfield (III. resolution to with lows: bead. Their (if that is what the group around Communist Party was given a new with Walter Frank, who was going of Germany, which had a parlia whole emphasis is placed under the draw from the International and join the Fourth (Trotsky) Inter judged at times by the movements socialists the dictatorship was name however. There were Blue ruthlessly fight (by slander) the should have fought would mentary strength of six millions purely secondary consideration of defensive the personal cowardice of the in national.
abroad may be granted, but that proclaimed after the conclusion (in Eagle Clubs, Citizen Worker Ass n, labor fukers the conference settled struggle against Ilitlerism! dividual leaders of the Elsewhere we learn that, at least Communist ideology and methods ball a minute. of an agreement etc. New branches of the Minnea down to monthly meetings, where Austrian What happens to in New York, branches of the so bave been wise and have this bookish Social Democracy.
rather cialist party are listening to speech the working class is not true, as and Kun group. In the council employed were formed, along with Prank would chide the Trotsky retreat of the Stalins, served between the socialist leadership polis Central Council for the Un the Party would chide Frank, and strategy of revolution (or By such methods the Stalinists Heckerts are alienating the Socialist workers.
es on Trotsky and the Fourth In Bavaria, Italy, Hungary and Ger of five which actually directed the two CWA Job councils.
ites for not attending meetings and Piatnitskys? These generals instead of clear cut explanation of ternational. At all events, the many show. The Bolsheviks judg affairs of the Soviet republic, the This latter movement is a genu they were not notified of. The bave clearly. branches as far apart as Springfield es wrongly and paid the penalts socialists had the majority! The ine united front of workers organi Mooney letter of Nov. 18th came without majority of the workers stupid wastings us to the activities and Denver have adopted resolu Germany. The labor Party in Eng was deeply concerned about this c11. Winch in turn organizes the uns au there. All criticism and polem armed struggle against Fascism munist Party. And yet they shout tions in favor of the new revoluand miscalculated its duty in office union with the perfidious social employed, co ordinates the efforts of teal sections were deleted, only the war impossible, futile and counter with added emphasis for a united tionary International woulun and all the penalty. The Social democrats, was unswered by Kun all separate workers organizations list paragrapits about the Motion revolutionary dicate that there is a distinct irists in Germany and Italy had not with a deceptive assurance front with the Socialist workers.
as yet a weak current in the ranks only their own choice to make but the Communist position in the powstruggle agamet unemployment. The etc.
that on a common minimum program of picture, the petitions, his birthday, After the German defeat, the Am. What hypocritical gestures!
and his signature. Cazanov erican Stalinists were quiet for a The Daily Worker of Feb. 14th of the Socialist party for a clean that choice was also limited by ernment was adequately guaran Central Council is made up of de of the Left Opposition produced the tew daya Pravda had not yet given carries an appeal of the Central break with the Second Internation what the Communists decided to tel. As to the role played by the legatos from mumerous local tons. originul letter in complete form. them the We Today write Committee of the Communist Party do.
Into the breach rushes Mr. Oneal.
Austrian und Czech social dem. from the cooperatives, and from consternation ruled, the stalinista voluminously following the Pravda of the for a demonstration In his column of February 17, he Social Democratie Legends ocrats when the counter revolution three labor potkat groups, the were virtually absent from this editorials! The Social Democratic chat day Wednesday) before the send both workers of Austria, abandoned by Austrian consulate at P. It writes If by Communist ideology and crushed the Soviets perhape Oneal Farmer Labor Inr. the Socialist meethg. Decision to resolution has been adopted, nethods are meant the ideology would like to spend a couple of Party, and the Communist League. letters to Mooney and ask informa. their leaders, are carrying on the appeals to all workers, particular This movement by its program tion.
struggles with by a few (A few. Socialist and methods of Lenin, Trotsky and paragraphs on the subject.
Socialist workers. The conscien locals which declares that the Labor the Communist International which possessed for Germomax rouge more per pe licy is laas position to unite Two weeks later another meeting and devotion. writes Pravda (Feb. cious stalinist Worker Tis attracted a monstrous Insolence the organized and work was to be. If it appears that the leaders by the apparently militant tone of monly known as the Second Inter. Oneal is talking about. If he is to compare, let us sy. the miscallers with the employed and bring the Left Opposition delegate, and called the general strike, that some the call The Socialist worker of disservice to the working class or a cover for socialist treachery, it miscalculations of an Ebert or force to bear on the bosses and More material; statement of Stal Ithis must be overlooked. Tbes at these professional splitters. For the world, beginning with its sup should not take more than a few Noske, or fourteen years later, a their administrators in the Ctiyinist led Secretariat, bragging of do not like the facts, because they the Socialist Party, and several of Wels and a Stampfer. We will not Government. It has projected a achievements, tho reply Mooney do not fit their theories. So they in its sympathetic organizations, bad port of the nationalistic and imper. sentences to explode it.
affront our readers by elaborating conference of all CWA workers that they vuit. the resolution to rent others. The Social Democra already made publie its call for a ialistic ambitions of the bourge The revolution groups, not yet filatel, to work reply to Mooney that disbanded the tie Leaders Are Alreday Coming to demonstration for the same day at olsie before and during the war of was not led by the Bolsheviks at Stalinism Is Not Communism 1914 1918, followed by its attempt all, but by the Independent Socialout a prograla of common struggle National Council of Action. Terms with the Dollfuss Govern the same place at P. Not (altogether too successful) to reists under Kurt Eisner, later mur. Mr. Oneal is disturbed, and pro on the CWA front. At the last regular meeting was beld, a ment runs the subhead of the a word of this is mentioned in the store order and harmony to the disdered by Count Arco Valley. Into perly so. He is not dealing here me te inca polega ne ide its discussion ensued during which Daily Worker report of the Praxda stalinist appeal! No attempt 18 rupted capitalist economy in the the Isner cabinet entered, upon with Stalinists, you see. He can name to the winneapolis Central Fratik put up a weak defense for editorial (Feb. 14, 1934 Special made to appeal to the New York defeated nations, and this at the the urging of agents of the Berlin not foist upon the Trotskyists the Council Workers, now the his former juisition in supporting Edition. Without any proofs be City Central Committee of the so expense of the proletariat. Chancellery, the notorious social onus of any of the idlocles and the correct policy of the official ing offered!
cialist party for a united front de sent a crimes of the bureaucracy which bat: fought straple of the party in the Mooney movement. He their monstration. of evolutionary socialisten andere bouquet of towers to count Arco. aisgrace the good name of Com upholsterers in Minneapolis for Unrus xaving the face of the con class, the Austrian Communists, are strategy and tactics democrat trade unionists in the front ranks of the present stalinists behaved in a shameful At the demoustration itself the withstand the advance of Fascism Bavarian revolution was drowned the trick of dangling before the ed for the time being by an NKA present. At this gathering the struggle. The small Austrian Com manner. The misled Stalinist workwas completely absent. munist Party bas given thousands ers shouted Socialists and Com.
which destroyed all the reforms and in its own blood but not because alseemtente Socialist militants the latter Board Decision. To say it Party advantages that labor unions and of the Bolsheviks.
misshapen form of Stalinism and is pro boss would be mild, coma Where are our yesterday all of fearless fighters to this struggle, munists unite and tight! but time Communism, order to pared with what he striking uphol knowing all seeing, all powerful, ghters who are leading political action have mined in de it was not the Communists labelling tens of after time their leaders disrupted of Tom thousands of workers in heroic the orderly procession of the decades. Therefore, it is urged that but the social democratie head of righten back his ranks from the sterers called it. The decision was and all proud defenders struggle, writes Pravda. That monstrators. Fist fights between the party withdraw from the the Italian trade unions, Arag path which leads to a revolutionary hit the striker Bo back to work Mooney. and join the Fourth Interna ona, who quit the meeting of their position. He must therefore fum with the stabs that the labor board More disgusting conniving, more Communist workers are active in Socialists and Stalinists were bare tional.
National Council (where for five ble around in his memory for the could not order closed shop or And what would this mean? days and nights the Right wing had tattered legends about the fallure CC open shop. Teither could thoughtless muddling, of our organ the fighting is undoubtedly true:lly avoided. After some time, through Mr. Oneal is not easily leceived. been trying to find some way of of Communist methods. even order that piece work be abolish. Jizens of defeats. more work, more but that the non existent Commun Ithe intervention of a member of Party members should under calling off the two weeks old oruuder Lenin apd Trotsky.
We do not think that those milf of the industry. and provided for rended to repair the damage done without leaving a trace by the Doll of tbe Socialist and Stalinist steer stand that the Fourth International cupation of the factories) in order by the cynical Hathaways, and de Cuss government months ago, ising committees met and agreed to the code wages, and election of is project of the Trotsky Communio proceed secretly to Turin to meet tants in the Socialist party whoshop representatives for collectidesinors. The local Mooney Confer out of whole cloth.
generate politicians like the Bob leading the struggle is a lie made the demand of the Stalinists that ists and that it means that the so with Prime Minister Giolitti. It stand in the revolutionary vanguard bargaining. On the their banner be at the head of the the by the very fact that they have six Labor Leaders. six employers, Board were clalist Party should affiliate with a was these two who stabbed ence decided to meet again and What happens to the theory of parade with the Socialist banners.
new Communist International. The Italian movement in the back at properly put the emphasis on the tbe But even this was not sufficient for it the Stalinists.
resolution conceals this important the moment of its lugbext uscent, key problem of the day the Inter and a liberal pro labor lawyer asiake up the work to win Mooney social Fascism Like all Various of their leaders, includ.
Oneal Distorts Facts that a Factory Council Law would Oneal oracular admonitions. They smashed more illusions about the cense Committee or whatever other goes up the chimney with all their recommended by other rubbish. The fact that Social Mooney.
Democracy and Fascism are free down the line of march calling on ing Norman Tallentire, ran up and But who is Mr. Oneal to cast alle proposed to parliament and car are obviously past that stage. And NRA and the New Deal among the Centers trade unionists of this region than stone? He not only conceals facts ried which it never way. Two the ranks will swoll of those who any other single act of the admini concilable is once again proved by the Stalinists workers to break their of no lesser importance, but alas. weeks after the factories were see that there is an lines and get near the beginning of he distorts several more. The cleared, the big Fascist offensive amount of yellow in Oneal gutter stration so far. It solved none of the fundamental problems involved the parade! Here again ftat fights merits of Communism versus Social was launched which ended with the ling sacred flame. in this strike and lock out situation.
were barely avoided.
The workers are going back to The Stalinists repel the Socialist work to vote for their representa (Continued from page 1)
dollar sell out, so their newly placed workers by such tacties at a time tives and their demands, although Coordinating Committee of the confidence is noteworthy when it is a dire class need that under a handicap which may break United. Joe Greeten was sent and encouraging pleture is In the New York district a less a united front of all workers or there the fine solidarity they maintained found on the conference scene a As previously described, the shoe rally behind the her presented. ganizations be formed which will In the era of the third period. from Moscow was instrumental in The line they pursued Austrian the united front policy of the Stal forcing the recalcitrants to accept was no less disruptive than it was throughout the long weeks of strugthird party. Informed that are workers were in gle right up to the Labor Board dethree principal working class. Time presses.
Inized Comintern was the united teh infallible line.
formerly when they were outside.
the Thirteenth in the Madison Square Garden Olsion. The betrayal of the presentative of the State Board of divisions: the Shoe Leather Work front from below. Reduced to its The theses of JOSEPH CARTER.
of. Labor Leaders, the Halls and Arbitration was invited to helpers Industrial Union, the Boot concrete meaning this policy was a Plenum atfirmed again the united protest the Stalinists, who were not sisted in this: they pwned and then we ll talk business call to the workers in the Sociai front from below: The 13th Plen invited, came down in the name or Wsons, sitting on the Board, con Gretten said curtly, Send him away Shoe Workers Union, and those unIst parties and the reformist and um of the calls upon all unity to make a united front from their rights as hlabora caders to don recognize the State Board any locals each under the aegis of the Without doubt there are many who We organized together with one or two ed, however, with a certain hope.
Right wing unions to leave their Sections of the persistently below. Under the direct incitement organize workers into a union and The state representative was sent the independent Brotherhood olor these Left wing elements and as more protests were of no avail. National. the Protective and would consider it a boon to be rid organizations, leave their leader to fight for the realization of a of the Party leaders they conducted get recognition for themselves beship, and enter into joint action united militant front with the so themselves as Fascists do at work tore a Labor Board as representanding in retreat by the boss and task has been to consolidate the and sets, that if the audit, tax reaway, then business was discussed, Greater New York. principal certain it is as that the sun rises with the Stalinists under the lead cial democratie workers in spite offers meetings.
tives of the workers in that indus the complete victory of the work organizations existing separately not complied with in time, it will mittances, and district elections are ership of the latter on a program and against the will of the treach. Their united front is a maneuver try their only right under sectioners determined in advance by them. The erous leaders of social democracy. to transfer their disruption from Ta. The provincial petty bourgeois there into one those of the former In Amesbury, Mass. Sweeney. Industrial. the Protective. the be used as an excuse to prohibit the Stalinists dressed up their con Democracy and for a United Front way they want to cover up their this territory, tay not putting too business agent of the old Protec. National and the Brotherhood onimations for general officers by ceptions did not for one minute appears is: Against Social weakness and bankruptcy. heavy demands upon it from labor. tive local, ignoring the existence in addition it was agreed that alter their ultimatistic and disrup trom Below.
Essentially the policy is the same so that it can compete with other of a new union, made a new agree complete auditing of the books and happily relleve all reactionary eletive nature.
That is the policy now. But disruption of all organizations and sections. This is truth, was their ment with the bosses for lower records of the old untons shoulaments.
On March 6, 1933 when the sit within this same FORM a change movements not controlled by the position. The effect is this, slower wages in the name of the Protec take place and be sent to the Boston Recently, Shore of the Coor.
uation was already lost in Germany has taken place. Two outstanding in the name of and under the movement into the unions more tive The indignant workers now office and, further, that old officials dinating Committee was delegated and Fascism go to New York to hasten along suspicious of Labor Leaders are of the United promptly repudiated should be ousted and new elections decimating the events demonstrate this clearly. sloan of unity.
the cut. The held.
the organizational consolidation organized working class the Comin in the New York Hotel Strike at The appeal of the Daily Worker the workers, and a more serious and him and refused tern issued a call to the Second Inter many appeals for unity of the of February 18 to the Socialist deeper attitude towards the whole bosses retreated. The workers won, None of these things have been and other matters mentioned.
Elections in New York Shops ternational for a united front of stalinist paper union with the Party for a united front is an at problem of union organization on Bortkis good work, Sweeney was done. Even the per capita tax organizations, repudiating on its the stalinists put their new tempt to cover up the stalinists the part of the rank and file in the promptly promoted to the post of money has been received from all latections held a couple of weeks face the united front from below. united front from below policy to entirely unjustifiable conduct at the unions Labor the locals except New York. Evident ago by the y. Regional Forthwith the journalistle hacks of work. They called upon all the Madison Square Garden protest. It The outcome to date has demon new agent of the United and will ly the Stalinist bureaucrats headed Board in 16 shops hitherto unor.
the Stalinist apparatus set out to strikers to strike under the lead means nothing. And it does not represent the workers interests, not by Biedenkapp fear for their con ganized, but several months on the the bosses. prove that the line of the Jership of the And under signify a change in united trol if new elections take place, and strike, to determine with which unmanifesto was the only correct line, this slogan they invaded the front policy of the Communist JUST OFF THE PRESS! In Lyons, Mass. the bosses of the perhaps they are losing so much in the workers destred to afiliate that this was always the line, that Party.
Goldseal Shoe Co. announced a wage time because of the problems this recorded for the United Shoe and any other was counter revolutioncut in conformity with the decision presented, viz how to carry THE MILITANT The recent united frontmaneu The Soviet Union on Leather Workers Union, and for of the State Board of Arbitration the elections agreed Entered as a second class mail vers of the Stalinists have given upon with the reactionary Boot Shoe WorkOn May the issued another matter November 28, 1928, at the rise to much confusion on the part and the last summer. The workers struck simultaneously risking control ofers Union of the of There In a short time the bosses gave in the old organization. However it is evidence of the most flagrant in manifesto reverting back to the uni. Post Office at New York, UD. of workers who thought that the farch 8, 1879. Stalinists unlike the leopard and restored the cut. The workers be, this much ted front from below. The same der the act of 4th International certain: There has timidation and okedness writers wriggled like again wou.
worms. The Published Weekly by the Com change their spots. They thought been plenty of time to effect these conduct of these elections inclydunited front from organization to munist League of America the Stalinists, cognizant of their The Manchester and Nashua, acts, and if it be true, as sug ing wholesale importations for the by (Opposition)
organization had unmistakably deweakness, had finally come round II. shoe workers have endorsed the gested above, that fear of the out day of the election from other fac126 East 16th Street, New York, to seriously promote unity in the monstrated Its superiority in LEON TROTSKY new union one hundred percent, as come of the elections is the cause tories in other towns. Protests have question of the Chicago reliet de Vol. VI, No. (Whole No. 213)
workers rank. The course of the have the workers of Auburn, Me. of delay, then it is a sad comment been filled with the Labor Board in monstration, the New York May SATURDAY, FEBARURAY 24, 1934 Stalinists in the Hotel Strike and IN ENGLISH IN JEWISH These workers were not organized ary on the character of that leader. Washington, but nothing can Day parade, the Mooney movement EDITORIAL BOARD in the Madison Square Garden proat the time of the convention and ship, whose policies have been so hoped for from this source Only and the united front with the So Martin Abern James Cannon test should show them that it is Te in Bundles of or More have no delegates there. Auburn bankrupt as to alienate their own future organizing activities of the Max shachtman Maurice Spector only a tactical shift within the cialist locals on the West coast.
Order from workers had a bitter experience rank and Ale.
new union hold a prospect of adding Arne Swabeck The people who had seen its fruits Subscription rate: 00 per year framework of the old strategy and PIONEER PUBLISHERS with union officials couple of Irritation in leading circles of these and other oppressed groups 84 East 10th Street, struggled against abandoning this years ago when an organizer fled the new union in Massachusetts at to the fold. 50 per half year 25 for that its essence is still the same: policy. No doubt heavy pressure 28 lues in blocks of four or more. disruption. STAMM the country after ten thousand these stalling tactics is not unmix SHOE WORKER ed when it wisted in other cente Jhard efforts, more time must be ex. Ist Party of Austria, wiped out the Communist League, the heads are Shoe Union Forges Ahead Here and There with the United Front wa ary.
could the the be