BourgeoisieCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyFascismMarxismSovietStalinStalinismStrikeURSSUnited Front

THE FRONT Revolt in the Blockers Union Money vs Men 15.
In Shachtman Tour the PAGE THE MILITANT SATURDAY FEBRUARY 434 meeting will be called near the is plenty of militaney and readiness for struggle. The conscious minority must now without further Capital and Labor in the rains, muling in or leveling land Park to organize for the battle for ing and building the unemployed delay push the task of strengthen Reactionary Clique Struggle Threatens Split 10, 000 Demonstrate in the bricklayers buying bricksou better conditions and the contiwa: organization. The demonstration he workers in the Blockers Toca. made a big noise about his radical er like bemoed nature to the plan dedi Hotel Strike New York the sogey ground, with the melting tion of the Snow making the work absolutely worthless. Two months ago when Marine Park as the beginning of a campaign to 42 of the Cap and Millinery Inter ism, has shown his colors in this tries, the hotel industry expanded Last Thursday, February turn the paper or skeleton organi national Union are in arma crisis and has become a supporter period of the 1920s. The effects of demonstration of 10, 000 workers of an attempt was made to organize the and and the tits (such as pay every week, unthe CWA workery for better condi.
Works Employees and the workers autocratie lealership. The revolt This colorful combination of the even as early as 1928. at the very varlous groupings of the Roosevelt ion scale) and in general the right Marine Park OWA Marine Park, Brooklyn, Unemployment League into real reached its height Monday, Feb. 12, black Goldin clique, the red Unt height of the prosperity flush.
sham of planned recovery took to organize, Mr. MacArthur, a succeded in forcing from the workers suc maks organizations of the WA and at packed meeting in Bryant Haulted Front and the section of Zarit. the eight year period from 1920 to place in Union Square. Ou th local other unemployed. when resident Zaritzky was notky former henchmen, are trying 1928 the number of available rooms line of march, for the first time, Hervisor (wow up on charges of officials a chance to make up a intimidated half day pay they had been cheatpermitted to proceed with his ap How under the battle cry of work had increased 50 percent (from Joining with ditch diggers, brick padling the payroll)
He said you can hell out of pointment of officers for the local. ex democracy to mislead the block 070, 000 to 1, 621, 000) whereas the layers and all the other categories the process, Results of Clique Struggle ers to go through with an election less than 13 percent (from 914, 850 of Civil Works laborers, were the organize against the Government When the workers received their The NRA does not The present ferment of the block of officers over the head of the Into 02. 016. and the number of include the Iny check. 11. 20. they discoverpreviously im toune untoucbables CWA.
er in the culmination of a protract ternational, this Monday, Feb. guests by about the une percent od they had been docked a half the white collar office workers.
Where Will Revolt Lead?
el struggle that has been going on age. In other words, the percentThey added zest to the spirit in When a demonstration was being day pay, altho a promise had pre between the racketeering clique of age of occupancy had declined to organized to demand The revolt of the blockers against 67. though it is understood in the air pay three viously been given them that they MacArthur would not be clocked for going home Goldin, who headed the local tm Zaritzky abuse of the fundament the trade that 70 percent occupancy The must go on? No weeks in arrears, Mr.
1982, and the autocratic Zaritzky al rights of the membership has is necessary for profitable operalayoffs! Thousands of workers howled and stormed, threatening early in sub zero weather.
bureaucracy heading the Interna reached a point now when the next tion. During the same period, fail.
shouted these slogans, the streets left the job to demonstrate at the in almost every section of the park, the immediate firing of anyone who Spontaneous strikes took place tional. In 1982. Zaritxky reorgan. Immediate step will decide whetherures increased yearly from 59 in ringing with protest against the on March first, comrade Shacht. Ized qcal 42, and imposed upon it it is to become the lever that will 1921 to 112 in 1928 infamy of the present scheme of offee. Nobody went! The prospect despite the fact that the mass Kring. The police lutheir of being fired with no organization which are widely seperated, were is the second national tour under wenehmen. Goldin, with a number International. or it will become a lunch room and kitchen employees Fungs, man begins his national tour. This an appoutes leadership of his own shake his autocratic rule in the Wages in 1929 were as low usual Hessian fashion attempted to as yet strong enough to shto not aware of their common action taken by the league this season of blockers following him, organized purely local movement of defiance in the whole comtry and suss for by laying out what they thoughtbllities of militant protest every shack te demand their full pay. one itfrom Hatters Tion.
boly just grumbled in of Splitdisintegrationand annual wage workers was and! CUTI would be a proper route the The major in charge rushed of count to coast and covering the bloody warfare in the show, with subsequent destruction at the hands 101 and 1, 081 respectively. These marchers. At the offices of the When the wage cut camne the same hurriedly to park headquarters and must important industrial centers both cliques competing for the re ot Zariteky superior forces: the Higures taken from the Census OWA at 28th St. the lusty shouts of There was no organization to Ind returned with the information that throughout the country. period cognition of the bosses by giving control of the International mach Burean statistics of 1929 refer only the thousands of workers rang out we would be permitted to come in of two months and a half has been up one after another the conditions ine. The latter must be the out to hotels of 25 rooms or more, op their denunciation of the CWA or us, except for a few workers who learly and make up the time lost. allotted for its completion with at the blocker had won through years come if the blockers follow the tolerated all year around. The whole affair should make it least one public meeting at every of struggle.
ficialdom. At this point the police vented their personal feelings at Since the above figures were galeadership this damnable charity work of of Goldin, Wollman, thered wages have fallen twenty.
tried to stem the march, but failed. lube government. Mr. Dutch Schultz Very clear to CWA workers that stop over.
Now, that the Zaritzky leadership Brickman, sint, and Co.
The workers marcbed at the Ave percent and more. Nor has and his cohorts grafted pennies organized mass action is the only It is the aim of this tour to of the Millinery International has Zaritzky has appointed the ad the NRA helped any. Quite CWA offices twice.
and dimes from the workers by the means by which they can defeat bring the league merge on the come to terms the Michael Green ministration of the local Goldin contrary. Wages of waiters and While there are a few CWA or policy racket, und his honor the the plans of the administration to most burning questions confronting on heading the United Hatters, and his allies are proceeding with waitresses which were 20 before ganized CWA workers are members mayor did right by the working squeeze down on CWA funds and the American workers to much wid Goldin was left out in the cold their own clections. The day after had fallen to 15 August 1983.
And there are officinl government that the Association of Civil Works Employees at 32. 12th st. lus clasy lwy suspending it for a week. eventually tire every worker from er circles that heretofore. irst One of the terms of this agreement these proponed elections, the block figures. Agronp of skilled workers the job.
Mr. Schultx is operating ngain ini and foremost amongst these ques was the merger of the two blockers will find themselves with two cooks who were making an averthe best chance for gwwth. All the collusion with the genteel Tammany tions stands the one of assemblingers locals. At the meeting on Feb. Net of offeers. This will mean an age of 40. 88 a week when they speakers, including of course the boys who officiate as the Foreman The officials in charge of the park the forces for a new revolutionary 12, Taritzky came to announce his other protracted guerilla Aght and took their jobs, were making 30. 04 Stalinists from the Relief Workers with the honorable mayor dispens are prepared to go to any lengths party. This will be comrade Shacht piutee for the merged blockers a contest in each shop with all the in October 1983. At the same time, League, howled for unity! If there atton. These boys have organized They hesitate to make mass lay the Marxist answer to the question. uncertain terms against Zaritzky control of the other crafts.
Zaritzky side: bours and the amount of work to is to be unity among the CWA work it on better lines and no arrests oft s, because they know that this Do We Need a New Revolutionary abuse of their fundamental em Agreement with the bosses, and an what characterized and charcterizes the be done have increased.
ers, the elimination of superfluous take place The Along with excessive investment organization must take place, and On below zero Friday, a Negro to make them fight back.
will enrage the workers sufficiently Party in America. Where more ocratic rights, to elect their own army from unemployed blockers the hotels is the high degree of conthe fusing of these groups into the foreman caught cold and died the than one meeting is scheduled he officials Goldin is now taking full from which to draw recruits, not centration of capital. There are main stream. The majority of or next day. number of workers On Saturday morning, a windy will also deal with such subjects advantage of the sentiment among to speak of the treasury at his dis 26, 800 hotels in the country of ganized CWA workers are members dial unable to buy decent warm icy day, when it was torture only as: Is America Headed Towards the workers, poral, and the backing he will un which about half are small buelof the Association of Civil Works clothes on 13. 44 week, and to to hold a cold shovel in your hand. War. The Future the New Among those who joined up with doubtedly get from the other needle nesses (less than twenty five rooms. should concentrate, and that built uport a family worker sacri e prosperous looking care of the Deal. and The Soviet Union Un Collin in the hypocritical cry for tradex International unions. The many of them operated only season workers democracy in the union, hopeless fight of tal 43 and its ally. In the remaining half, tho it into a mass organisation for the othing his kids am bnlying Project, drew up in front of a gang Comrade shachtman is well qual are Brickman and Sint who have consequences are still fresh in our per hotel, workers in each for tight to come. rout. Is there any money left for section 3, and after a whispereded to answer the questions on een partners in crime with Zarit memory.
the whole country anul 33 in each with rising prices and our pay cut conference with the foremen the behalf of the League. Our view. xky in 1532 during the reorganiza The Right Road for New York.
Inwood Park inst end of increased to meet the men were told to line up for dis point is well known to many militon of Local 42. These individuals, There is only one remaining road To further justify their wage rive in commodities?
charge slips. The reason given tant workers. They will form the themselves are guilty of violating for the blockers to follow. It is cutting, the bosses and bankers have thousand workers are employ. number of contacts have been was that we had refused to work active kernel in building up the the wykers rights, by accepting ed here on the Asbitt. Doing the made, which should soon enough But this ding deal was too many to meetings and there should be little ultimation produkt pients when the sure of this revolt to force Zarit smaller profit costs of deprecianecessary to utilize the entire presresorted to manipulating their aczky to call for an early election. tion of buildings, etc. have been work, such as digging ditches for basis for an organization at Inwood away with every man still working will be successful.
Fishing In Troubled Waters The protest movement must be in falsely raised to an absurd degree: What is to prevent bim trom com The League itself is in it state! The united front Stalinites too tensified and spread into the other one being costs have been ing back to try this trick again, of growth with a network of branch are trying to fish in the troubled locals of the Inernational to pick padded. All this in order to show and this time successfully? Onlyles throughout the country. Several waters Working in the interest of up onr battle cry for a democratic excuses for wage cuts against workthe organized action of the work new ones have been added recently the discredited Industrial Union ally run nion. There is sufficienters who in many case have spent ers themselves OF WHICH EVERY in the Western states. This makes they exploit every occasion to discontent among the milliers of eighteen years learning their trade CAPITALIST POLITICIAN is such an extended tour possible. The weaken and split the International, all crafts with Zaritzky Autocratic) chefs for example.
AFRAID. CWA workers must learn tour can be it now high point in This United Front group has be rule that can be ignited into a money for wages, they have plenty But while the houses have to the lessons of unions in industry winning new adherents to our come part and parcel of the Goldin powerful movement, to do away of money to tight workers organiza and ORGANIZE TO PROTECT viewpoint mod gain new members clique of racketeers. These masters with the abuses of Zaritsky and his tion for better conditions (the war Those pickets who dumped two THEIR JOBS.
for the League. In addition, and of split and disruption are trailing henchmen. Goldin, Willman, and chest has been estimated at some seven ton loads in front of North have the bankers Western Yard No. on the first morning of the Strike: this goes without saying, the very behind Goldin, supplying bim with Co. are merely playing into the 600, 000. They hind them. It Prospect Park successful Militant subscription the left phrases. The leaders hands of Zaritzky, by dragging the who control them The action that warned the rest of campaigo, now well under way, of this so called United Front, blockers into the trap of deal is against them, against miserable the Companies what to expect should and its climax in new read. Gustav Wollman Wollman have blockers local, court proceedings, erd, following the example of the Following months of the degraders being added to the list in every themselves had a taste of the kind competition for the good graces of Waldorf Astoria men, are now strikThat hour running tight up ing nonsense which was city, visited by comrade Shachtman. of union Goldin can give them the hosses, and the further lowering under the leadership of the West Broadway to keep a loud of coal from being delivered work. in Prospect Park, the new All Militant readers will thus be Goldin is the very one who expelleding of the miserable standards that Amalgamated Food Workers Union.
to ex Sherif Brown greenhouse.
park commissioner Moses with the able to help materially in making militant workers from the local prevail in the trade.
assistance of Federal Brains bad this tour a new forward step for during his rule keeping them out Maintain United Local these lines, for ght against put the majority of the 13. 44 leis the League.
of meetings with the aid of police We warn the blockers to main. Zaritzky abuses and Goldin misThat lighting young worker who seized a cop by the throat ure class at constructive work. The following is the schedule for und gangsters. We have not forgottain a united local under any and leadership. That was the voice of and made bim apologie (before the crowd) for calling In this constructive work. the the national tour up to Chicago. ten the kind of democratic elec. all conditions, not to be misled by the United Ilockers League. This him a vile name dictum laid down by Harry Hopkins The additional dates will be re tions Goldin gave us. We have Goldin and his henchmen, who are group of militant workers, through that no machinery be used is carported in subsequent issues: not forgotten the gangster rule of out merely for their personal gains its leaflets, and at the mass meetThat in this strike, mass picketing ried out to the letter.
Thursday, March 1st. New Haven terror with which Goldin mantain not to be misled by the irresponsi ings, gave the proper warning and became a reality. Dot an empty slogan.
Some are sent to Coney Island Workman Cirele Center, 72 Legioned himself in office.
ble adventurism of the so called pointed out the correct road for the to screen the sand on the beach by Ave.
Another small figure in this shady united front.
blockers. We are confident that the The sight of a hall full of sleepy men hand. Truely here is an eternal job Friday, March 2nd, Boston Mass. combination is one Max Rose. This in this revolt of the blockers blockers will realize that this is the for all Jumping to their feet, shaking the sleep the unemployed. Others Otisfield Hall, Cor. Otisfield and responsible person, who played there was only one voice that spoke only real for them to follow.
with picks, shovels and wheelbar Blue Hill Ave. Roxbury, Mass. around with the Left wing and even clearly for a militant fight along BLOCKER from their eyes, responding eagerly to the rows (in mechanized industrial 8:00 never ending demand ten pickets bere!
ized America) are at work, pecking Sat. March 3rd Boston, Mass. wenty pickets there!
away at frozen earth and rock Sun. March 4th Boston, Mass.
making roads, flower beds, ditches, Labor Lyceum, Auspices: Young cady line of workers ticking up to etc.
Circle League, 4:30 join the Union then leaving to swell Hard miserable work in abomin. Tres. March 6th Rochester, Chicago united front con Maverick Lloyd of the Women representing Workers Committee, the picket lines.
able weather, carried on by poorly Wed. March 7th Rochester, terence held here in the Abraham Peace League who also could not Local 21, and seconded by an clad, ill fed men for 18. 44 a week. Thurs. March Sth Syracuse, Lincoln Center on February 10 and be present. Her letter called on delegate, was voted down.
The fact that few very few, farmers tried steam shovel and a truck coula Fri. March 9th Syracuse 11 resulted in the organization of the conference to organize the The credential committee reportto scab by selling wood for easy cash although efficiently and well do more work Sat. March 10th Syracuse, a Chicago branch of the American the human Instincts against war. med delegates from 151 organizawood is plentiful and the farmers needed the than the whole crew. But no mach Sun. March 11th Buffalo inery is allowed for this is Roose Mon. March 12th Pittsburgh, Pa. The whole thing evidenced the fact Both letters were roundly applaud. Lions: velt made work. In other Tues, March 13th Pittsburgh, Pa. that the Party has as little concepted by the 75 Stalinist Rudience Communist Party: Fraternal and words it is capitalist punishment Wed March 14th. Newcastle Pa.
Peace and practically set the keynote to Cultural societies, Ladies tion of what constitutes a united the enttre proceedings. There fol Society s: etc. The The cheer that went up from the coul workers for the crime of being unemployed. Thurs. March 15th. Youngstown front as it had during the height lowed Rev. Waltmire who present not under only people when they learned that the Ice Wagon Drivers. Fri. March 16th Youngstown, Olof the third period.
direct party in spite of their officials, had decided to Sat. March 17th Cleveland Ohio recounted the horrors of War and control were ourselves, the Lovego out in sympathy.
Wage Cuts The call was issued by a group Gebert, Communist Party stoneites, the Workers Committee Sun. March 18th Chicago, Ill.
Mon. March 19th Chicago, Ill.
of individual liberals, pacifists and District Organizer who spoke in Locals, Juniou Wobblies and sevTues. March 20th Chicago, III.
Communists in their own name and the same vein offering no clarifica eral other groups. Nevertheless, The militant young pickets who stated that they were not represent tion on either war nor Fascism, the reporter for the credentials in the face of pistol fre and tive squad cars Along with the cut in wages put Wed. March 21st Chicago Ill.
over on the unemployed by 500 Thurs. March 22nd. Chicago, ing any organization. The opening full of cops dumped that load of coal, session of the conference which Joseph Knight, delegate repre committee stated without stammering that the conference represented a week politicians who think fifteen took place Saturday night was helal senting Local 34 of Chicago Workel, 000 organized individuals. This dollars too much for a CWA work Shachtman Tour era Committee on Boston. Mass with the signers of the call Armly introduced a minority report of the does not prevent the Daily Worker, Unemployment That the second and the third night er and his family, went the threat MASS MEETING in the saddle as arrangemeuts comof the Strike found the fuel oil drivers of even cutting of the miserable Resoution Committee. His two bowever, from reporting present responding to the pickets demands for no remaining 13. 44. And that threat THE SOVIET UNION UNDER mittee. They had decided in resolutions, contradistinction to 175 delegates with 70, 000 being re.
vance the number on the creden the majority (Stalinist) resolution presented. This enormous paper fuel deliveries. Many drivers refused to work.
STALINISM is being made good, Hundreds of thousands of Stial and resolutions committees and summed up Marxian analysis and strength does not fool anybody.
men at who should compose such commit.
The fact: That the entire police force backed have already been laid of The antics of the Stalinists made They program of action on the questions tees.
LABOR LYCEUM to be absorbed into industry, of war and fascism. The first re Rood subject for humor, in many the bosses, but that all the coul that filtered Thomas McKenna, executive sec solution established a correct re insatnce. For example, Beatrice Boston, Mass.
through the picket lines, could have been we are told. At the same time tigretary of the Chiengo Civil Liberation between these two which shields. the party theoretical delivered by ONE Union DRIVER in two hours.
ures released by Secretary of LA Sunday, March 4th44:30 ties Union and undercover Stalin the Stalinist resolution lumped to heavy weight in the District, unPerkins, show a decline of five ist, called the meeting to hundred thousand in Industrial em.
Auspices: Young Circle League That the Strike was so effective after the first He called on John Werlik, reprened. In addition to Local 34 the the Program of the American Leaorder. egther in a most confused man wittingly told the delegates that ployment during the month of Jan qay It required a Doctor prescription to sentative of the American Federa. minority resolutions were supported gue Against War and Fascism, uary Shaebtman Tour Boston, Massion of Labor but in reality rey Locul 21 of the same organiza which was placed under fire by get coal through the lines in case of sickness.
Starvation on the farms is inpresenting a small metal polishers tion, the Communist League, the the Left Opposition as well as by MASS MEETING creasing. Farmers forced off the local to chairman. Then Communist Party Oppositiou (Love Hackman of the Lovestoneltes, had hat the Union agreement to let Welfare Coal land by Roosevelt pro DO WE NEED NEW COM he elected himselt secretary of the stoneites) and the militant Work been formulated by the party as a go, the first day was violated by any number gram are joining city unemployed MUNIST PARTY IN AMERICAConference ers Club of the South Side. inimum program and that their of greedy conl owneIt was banned after on relief rolls. There is nothing in The chairman first called on Me The Communist League was re maximum program went much far that because of this double crossing.
sight for the released OWA work at Kenna to read communication presented by comrades Goldman, ther. It must occurred to ers except starvation or the bread OTISFIELD HALL from Prof. Robert Morge Lovett Satir and Giganti. Of these only many that no matter how minilines.
That the borxes had to swallow their Cor. Otisfield and Blue Hill Ave. who could not be present. The Goldman was able to get the floor mum this program was, it still insolent sander that the men can organize. By May 1st, all CWA work will Professor letter was full of sex to speak.
Roxbury, Mass When his allotted five 18 THE PARTY PROGRAM. It be ended. says Roosevelt. And in nal urges and cosmic urges as minutes were up and the chairman arrived at by agreement with they won stick. they saw UNION organizationthe parks, the mudholes and snow FRIDAY, MARCH 2nd 8:00 causes or war. Then he called on requested him to they saw them STICK More than that, they saw stop volce no one but themselves. It is depiles where the CWA men work this Mrs. Felsenthal, representing the throughout the hall urged that time signed to attract the Ladies Peace toem FIGHT statement is being discussed. There ADMISSION 10 CENTS Jewish bourgeois Women Federa. be extended. motion to extend Society but not the workers.
Park. In the next week or so, al Auspices: Boston Brunch tion, to read a loter from Mrs. Lola his time, made by Sach row Things the Minneapolis Coalyard Workers Won Forget Another United Front Burlesque money.