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UNITE THE MILITANT VOLUME VII NO. WHOLE NO. 213 NEW YORK, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 24, 1934 PRICE CENTS Weekly Organ of the Communist League of America (Opposition!
Heading Straight For Collapse of Austro Marxism Coal Yard Workers Win Another World War In the Vienna Struggle Strike in Minneapolis NRA Attacks Hotel Strike Shoe Union Forges Ahead W88 Horrible Spectre of a New Imperialist Holocaust proletariat has proved to be no und enfeebled.
The eple bravery of the Austrian lat ranks were being demoralized Menaces the Whole World match for the murderous bombard They talked big. They threatenThe recent march of events con nuvy. Meanwhile the prices De and the workers are their tour actions were taken against the Militant Battle Brings a Speedy Victory To Drivers jures up again and again, and in securities having direct relation to they were driven and finally cor this way they succeeded in checking ever more menacing proportions, war industries soar on the stock ex nered. The last rifle shot sounded the uneasy masses who wanted to Minneapolis. After a whirlwind strike battle which electrifled the the horrible spectre of a new imper. changes in anticipation of huge pro the death knell of the once mighty night the hyena of reaction before Vandalism!
whole city and tied up every coal yard tight as a drum, the coal drivers Lalist holocaust. At the present its to be cleaned up out of the com Austrian Social Democracy. at became too powerful won complete recognition of their union in two and a half days.
moment the war clouds appear mosling slaughter.
Now that the smoke has lifted, But while they talked about a Early last week the Rivera The Minneapolis Labor Review of February 16 says: densely packed in Europe. Wil If the war would be fought to the crimes of the leaders of the general strike, they did not take a Lenin mural was hacked out of The workers of the city were thrilled, both organized and unorthe outburst begin there! That no tinish without inner movements (1. social democracy stand out in all single step to prepare for the wall on which Rivera had ganized, at the masterly manner in which the struggle was conducted one can predict. It is certain, how e, revolutions a state of their grewsome enormity. Not all That is way we charge the lead painted It in Rockefeller Radio ever, that the sanguiuary massacre exhaustion would result such as the efforts in the world can succeeders of the Austrian social democracy City Ilall. Thus was carried to.
Picketing of the coal yards was carried on continuously during of the Austrian workers brings the Europe has not experienced for two in covering the facts by referring with treachery to the proletariat! its logical conclusion the Yandal. the strike and there has never been a better example of enthusiastic war question much better to mou hundred years. American Industry to the fighting done by Otto Bauer dozen articles would not be hair ism bogim last May when Rocke efficiency than displayed by the coal driver pickets.
subfeller peremptorils ordered Rive week ago Minneapolis was not paying much attention to the the artincially created national and would set us all before the al past policy they drove inexorably to which Austro Marxism has era to discontinue working on the coal drivers. Today organized and boundaries the sparks are liying in cernative: either a relapse to pure toward the catastrophe and sacri as are the simple words of its lead mural because he objected to an militant they are a mighty factor in Minneapolis. With united forces an atmosphere already excessively agriculture for our own needs (Am faced the Austrian proletariat, just er, Otto Bauer. Let every militant, image of Lenin face appearing the industrial world.
and fighting determination the Coal charged with rapacious imperialiserican grain forbids any other as surely as did their German con the socialist workers above all, en in it.
The same paper reports a mem Yard Workers gave a decisive ansconuicts. In the language of cap. cind. or social revolution. freres a year before.
grave in his mind the revelations Various artists have begun orable meeting of the Central Lawer to the coal bosses who had talust diplomats it is no longer a Thus wrote Engels in a letter to Fatal Polley made to the press in Bratislava, protest movement, withdrawing bor Union, that heard Miles Dunne, ignored their demands, claiming question or whether the war wil Sorge, Jan. 7, 1888, foreseeing the come, but when und Where it world war. The Inner movements chained the proletariat The leaders of Austro Marxism whence Bauer Ited after the crusa their work from an exhibition member of the coal drivers strike that the Union did not represent to the ing of the workers.
We print them planned for Radio City. The pro committee, declare that anyone who the workers in the yards.
will begin.
uid occur. Revolutions broke out anchor of the constitution which bere, extracted from the interview test is being joined by persons of doubts that the American workers From Wednesday morning until Tec United Press reports a for before the world war reached the dragged it ever deeper into ne granted to Mr. Gedyre, divergent interests although the will fight for their rights is sadly Friday evening, beb. 7th, 8th, and midade concentration of Italian Point of complete exhaustion. But swamp. They taught the workers correspondent in Czechoslovakia of political sympathies of some of misinformed. He said that all del, the strike Committee had comtroops along the Austrian borders. nly one remained victorious, that faith in capitalist democracy as the the New York Times (February the artists for the social content egates should report to their unprece command of the machinery of Henri Iserenguer, Lead of French of the Soviet Union. The others basis upon which a new society 18, 1984)
of Rivera art are the main spring ions that the coal drivers strike coal distribution in the city. 80 Senate Foren Allairs Committee, were defeated. The world of their protest.
had been a very successful ono.
prole could be erected without disturb Since that date the date of the errective was the tie up, that coat puolely proclaims the necessity carlat has suffered new and terrific anees, peacefully. They pursued Hitler triumph in Germany. our The Strike was conducted by urders for Hospitals, Orphans dispatching armed forces to Austria Dlows. Meanwhile American indu a course up to the last minute of party has made the very greatest Shachtman Tour New Haven General Drivers Union No. 574. Humes, etc. could move only upon MASS MEETING. to steguar her fudependence. stry is already able to assert its supporting Dollfuss as the lesser exorts to come to an agreement The committee representing the welcten permission of the Strike This may merely symptomatie o superiority, both in peace and war. evil. despite the tragedy to which with the government, because we DO WE NEED NEW COM strikers before the Regional Labor Cummattee, the union furnisaing general suution. Auch more therefore the prediction of Engels the German proletariat had been knew what the end would be other MUNIST PARTY IN AMERICA Board, which negotiate the settle uriver and picket guard who were cminous, however, is the spreading still liolds good. For the future brought by the same policy.
They wise. Either the Nazis were bound at ment, consisted of William Brown, uld Union wages by the delivering of Fascist reaction at breathtak there still remain the two alterna allowed the proletariat to be dis to triumph in Austria or some such WORKMAN CIRCLE CENTER CHAT Hall, Miles Dunne and Carl company.
ing speed and etorts to annives. Only this much should be a remd, the Schutzbund to be dis terrible bloodshed as bas now hap 72 Legion Avenue, New Haven Skoglund. Roy Wier, organizer of The Coal Drivers and Yard Workhilate the working class movement added. The possibility of social solved, the Socialist press to be pened was bound to come. THURSDAY, MARCH 1st, P. the and attorney John Lucal 144 of the Int.
and crush its spirit of resistance. revolution is, of course, not con confiscated. They whimpered at Banking on Dol uss ADMISSION 10 CENTS Goldie assisted in the negotiationsr organized into General Drivers War is a continuation of politics lined to one continent. Dolfuss heels while the proletar In the tirst weeks of March our Auspices: New Haven Br. as members of the committee. uispuyed a well organized, mobile, by other means. olition between leaders were still in close personal uuting picket line that stormed imperialist powers knows no other contact with Dolituss and frequenturer and opposition, closed 65 truck language than that of the maraud ly tried to get him to agree to al yards, 100 coal ofices and swept constitutional solution. At the end capture of poils. Armies, for ue streets clear or scals in the of March he promised our leader, titled by the latest developments in urst taree hours of the strike.
Dr. Denneberg, personally that at bat gases, and composed of millions of Need Militant Policy to overcome Crisis in Ranks the beginning of April he would Amalgamation Rolls over Reactionary Opposition curs in the strugle, long foreseen by humanity, are marching up in arthose active workers who took the ray to engage in a new death battle reform of the Constitution.
The fourth week of the for redivision of the earth amongst New coal drivers of Minneapolis, where This promise he never fulilled, The new amalgamated independ drawn from the new union, a resulted in the organization of the Coal York hotel strike the ravenous exploiters.
witnessed the fighting leadership welded to for at the beginning of April heent uniou of shoe workers, born at of the good work of Nolan who ard Drivers and Yardmen, le carerul preparation for action The mask or armament Cumplete violation on the part of gether an invincible sghting union passed over detinitely to the Fase the convention held in Boston last travelled there at union expenseuud the roluut mass picket line.
fallen. In place of it there is now the hotels of the agreement to re that smashed its way to victory in ist camp (although he concealed it December, has proceeded steadily for that purpose. Of 13 locals in The careful work of preparing, League of Nations, created, in the agency of their shop delegates. also negotiated with the NRA. But to speak to any of the Socialists. tion against serious obstacles, ob succeeded in withholding from a culmigu in the various yards an open race for armaments. The state the strikers through the three days. In Minneapolis they from other countries) and refused forward toward a completed organi Haverhill, Mass. district, he has be patient day to day organizationThe Regional Labor Board of the they didn rely on these negotia When he said he could not see stacles that were successful in the new union.
language of capitalist diplomatic NRA at the same time came out tions. They relled on the picket the existing leaders we offered to blocking previous attempts at an a statement circulated by and suctions of the industry, the the uevotion of a number of militant hypocricy, as un instrument to pre into the open as the chief strike line and militant action and forced send him other negotiators. He ity in years past.
serve peace between the nations, has breaking agency.
Nolan officialdom suggester with workers to the idea of the UnionMrs. Herrick, the NRA to act.
sunk into disrepute eren and Leather an honest desire to cooperate in this must be given FIRST place in amongst chairman, excused the hotels, derefused sharply. As we could not The United Shoe As was to be expected the Food see him again we tried to negotiate Workers Union has been represent bringing together several unions on my cousideration of this or any its not needed right now. The dis nounced the union and urged the Workers Industrial Union the through other people. Honestly, weed since January 16th by the Cobasis of more complete barmons. otuer strike.
armament conference, in the words strikers to apply for work as in special trade union organization of left no stone unturned.
young of its last remaining faithful the official Communist Party (Stal. We offered to make the greatest men learuing the lesson of tighting friend. the sleek Arthur Hender The union officials, taken com inists) seized upon the critical concessions that a democratic and existence by the convention. It is unfon) be rejected and that a de Composed in the main of son, is in pretty bad shupe. All the pletely off guard by this turn of position of the strike during the soclulist party had ever made. Hnally approved and adopted by all ing Committee be dissolved and. soudarity in their first labor struggle, the Coal Yurd workers have capitalist powers, large and small, even. although ii could have been past week to sow confusion and We let Dollfuss know that if he locals, and officers are elected. All in order to obtain ultimately have armed to the teeth. But most predicted and explained by any demoralization, to circulate every would only pass a bill through locals that were represented at the amalgamation to which all may. the ranks many older men who powerfully loom the gigantic war worker with an elementary under kind of rumor and slander and, in Parliament we would accept a convention have approved the con subscribe. we offer the to brought to the Union and into the preparations of the American Iman of the class struggle, lost oneral, to bedevil the situation in measure authorizing the governstitution, or have submitted minor lowing: that the constitution of usht valuable experience, suppleInstead perialist colossus. Wherever the cheir lieuds entirely.
of every way possible. This wrecking ment to govern by deeree without amendments, except those noted be the shop Workers Protective Union meating enthusiasm with calm judg.
war clouds may begin to unleash concentrating their attention on crew is running a hard race with Parliament for two years, on two low. Soon after the close of the be accepted with amendments. ment, and therefore striking abilthe young their torrents, wherever the powder die task of improving the strike the Regional Labor Board for first conditions only that a small Par. convention, reactionary officialdom amalgamation to be confined to the aty. The older and magazine of capitalist contlicts may organizaton, educating and steeling honors in the game of breaking liamentary committee in which of the former two principal unions National Shoe Workers Associa workers found their places together the government had a majority, proceeded to do all in their power tion; Brotherhood of shoe and Atlan the powerful drive and sweep of be ignited, one thing is certain clue strikers for a further struggle the strike.
Quick Action Needed the United States will play a major and providing means to feed them, should be able to criticize deerees to block the move: Maban Co. lied Craftsman; Sboe Workers the offensive.
Field, Kaldis and Costas, the of In the present critical situation, and that a constituional court, the of the old National Shoe Workers Protective Union and the Salem In The Cruising Picket Squad role in it.
Aicial leaders of the union, explain which has been aggravated and to only protection against breaches Union and Nolan Co. of the old dependent Union. This in the face Some o the best proposals and it is in anticipation of these fur exl the situation as a breach of a large extent induced by the of the Constitution, should be re Shoe Workers Protective Union. of the most overwhelming vote in many of the most courageous acts ious armed contlicts that the Unl Laith. during the week pussy footing of leader stored. Dollfuss refused.
ted States prepares. Coldly and deley have been running back and ship herole efforts are necessary to In our parliamentary commitMahan Waterloo support of the principles of the new came from those workers who unknew liberately it pursues its course toorth from the Labor Mahan met his Waterloo first and constitution that the shoe werkerstil a few short weeks ago Board to re form the ranks of the strike. It tee in October, we anounced that a little about strikes or union memwards Imperialist war. Its enor Mayor La Guardia and from Acan yet be done, but there is not general strike would take place has been forced to capitulate. Nolan have ever known!
The Fight at Lowell. bership. One of the outstanding mous capital resources must find Guardia to the Labor Board in much time left. This must be said any one of four things, but only and his clique, however, are still In Lowell, Mass. the bosses of teatures of the strike was the new Helds of exploitation, not only cruitless active. The St. Louis locals of the Dodge, Perry Bliss recently an Cruising Pleket Squad.
efforts to straighten openly. There is no greater menace these things, should occur. You This idea as a means of issuing out of the out a tangle that has been pur in such a situation than the preach know these conditions. They were having some 2000 organized work 18. 00 per week. The cutters re great role in the strike. The genShoe Workers Protective Union, nounced wage scale for cutters of came from the ranks and played a crisis, but also as a means of reposely and deliberately created by ducing the shure of the competing ihe very people they are appealing (Continued on page Continued on page 4)
ers in that territory, have yith rused to accept the reduction. The eral strategy of the Strike Commitpowers in world economy. lavoro. The variation of this routine 390 bosses suggested that inasmuch as tee was to concentrate the pickets able decision in this contest it will flying trip to Washington to there was a Aght for Jurisdiction at the largest and most dangerous seek through the force of arms. see General Johnson only made the between two unions (one would beyards, leaving more or less skeleHence the feverish strengthening the ex shell fragment of the Nolan ton line at the other points, picket at this moment of what are called whole business more ridiculous. Critical Situation officialdom. their factory operate captains to inke the necessary the forces of national defense. The certain demoralization in the temporarily on open shop principles shifts as occasion demanded.
United States today leads all the ranks of the strikers has resulted, and when the fight was settled they There were more than 60 yards other powers in the open race for and nothing else could result. The promised to recognize whichever to cover scattered over an area of armaments.
strike situation has become ex wins. Needless to say this was unten miles square To guard the St.
The greatest navy in the countremely critical. drastic change animously rejected and the bosses Paul line, where more than one buntry history has been voted by the of policy is imperatively necessary informed that they must deal with dred greedy coal operators awaited house of representatives in passing in order to re form the ranks and the one and only union the Vinson Naval Replacement Bin, prevent a catastrophe. The millA Lecture By existing an opportunity to force their workthere the United Shoe and Leatherers to scab, was a task of no small providing a program to cost 475. tant left wing elements in the unWorkers Union. This the bosses proportions. That few St. Paul 000, 000 to 570, 000, 000. Coincident on, who have made a sharp break refused. All right. said the work drivers tried to run the blockade with this program approval was with the leadership over these ers spokesman, let Nolan make is a living example of the Ape secured for bullding of 1, 184 new fundamental questions of policy, is your shoes!
solidarity that exists. Here the naval aircraft. Announcements for rushing forward aggressively along Doubtless Nolan considered this Cruising Picket Squad found its the expansion of the Army Air this line. The fate of the strike seriously for the next day news work. From the moment of its inCorpe is awaites. The sky the now depends directly upon the re(GRAND BALLROOM)
papers publicized Nolan announce ception, when it was taken up eager limit. sald Representative Hastings sults of their fight.
ment to all unemployed shoe workly by the Strike Committee as well of Oklahoma in the House debate The strike is a class battle. It ers who were members in good as the whole membership, In the on the naval program. This pro it is conducted on this basis great standing of the Protective Union early hours of the strike, no stray gram may cost a billion dollars. reservoirs of workers energy and that jobs were available in this scab had any chance to get through.
But that is only half the picture militaney can yet be brought into shop and urged them to go and get Car arfer car volunteered for this them. But the workers ranks held work.
according to figures marshalled by play for the salvation of the strike Mfanned with five to seven Representative Bierman of Iowa. and the union. Power is with the solidly, the shop remained closed. pickets they supplemented the main According to him, Congress and the workers, but it must be organized The next day the boss sent post lines, making them virtually coal are already appropriating and relied upon. That is the task QUESTIONS ADMISSION 15c DISCUSSION haste for a representative of the Light. 1, 089, 000, 000 this year for the of leaders. Take a lesson from the (Continued from Page Continued on page 4)
For Communist League of America says: af IRVING PLAZA HALL THE REFORM AND Communist League of America 126 East 16th Street, The Crisis in the The Way THE 3rd INTERNATIONAL 15th Street and Irving Place UNIFICATION (Left Opposition)
154 Watkins Street. klyn.
IS BANKRUPTChairman: SIDNEY HOOK of the Out?
313 63rd St. klyn, Communist Party COMMUNIST (THIRD)
Pioneer Publishers 81 Bas! 10th Street, The Collapse Of «Austro Marxism»
MAX SHACHTMAN IRVING PLAZA HALL 15th Street and Irving Place Wednesday, Feb. 28, at p.
DEBATE Communist International