AnarchismBourgeoisieCivil WarCominternCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyFascismFranceGermanyHitlerIV InternationalImperialismItalyMarxMarxismMussoliniNazismSocial DemocracySocialismSocialist PartySovietSpainStalinismStrikeURSSUnited FrontWorkers PartyWorking Class

THE MILITANT SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 17, 1884 PAGE Austrian Workers Fight Points The Way To World Proletariat True to the worst traditions of the proletariat before thg decisive quarter in 1931 which ended in a mare (Continued from page 1)
man noose was slipped around his Hitlerism, referring to die Vanguard of the Austrian proletarthe machine gunners of the Kanneck, and the whole party leader Austro Marxism, whosetimsel of our all of them the socialist lead massacre. His conduct then did bring if Hry, rather than to lat will step forward resolutely on ership allowed Dollfuss to take not prevent him from dying a mar.
Marx apartments mowed down by cout tails of Dolltuss ship which hung pathetically at the verbal radicali embellishes without themselves taking action. Ityr at the hands of the Fascist dore live as gagged and driven sers or this road.
until they So it is to these shining chamDollruss artillery, and the high were contemptuously kicked away deadening passivity, the party leadTo cap this characteristic record, a few weeks ago. The personal Nazidom. They could not aviod the priests of the social democracy who. But nevertheless called the genership which taught the masses that the party leaders who apparently courage of this or that leader of battle, they picked up the gage the pions of the revolutionary prolebegged for months to be made parteral strike! They are wevertheless they could not proclaim Austria a issued the general strike call chose Austro Murxism in the present civil mltinte the straitjacket forced upon tarian cause, to the barricade fightbers of the same Dollfuss What leading the masses on the barri socialist republic because the Eur a moment not only dictated by the war will never absolve the leader them by their leaders was relaxed. ers of the Austrian working class, is there in common between the cades!
opean balance of power did not enemy, but one when the means of sip of the responsibility for the The working class, they realized that we extend the hand of Warmest heroes of the socialist Schutzbund Illusions. Illusions!
permit it, kept the masses in check carrying it out effectively were con policy which played the game of anuot get ass porc for a villa in comradely solidarity. It is before who emerged from Illegality to In its moment of crucial need, to the very last moment. One by siderably reduced. The call was the reaction.
Switz rlang. Individual leaders them that we lower our own banner smash Dolliuss, and the Bauers and the Austrian proletariat was left one, they allowed the reaction to issued only after the Arbeiterzeitung To: scale workers in this cau. and do in respect and admiration. It is kenners who lamented impotently in the lurch just as disgracefully as deprive the masses of their insti. headquarters had been seized by country who, disgusted with the for them that tutions, their class weapons cry out to all And it is because the workers the Helmwehr and the paper sus record of the social democracy, now must remain and Sight to the bitter ment in this country, with all the but raised no finger when the same it was in Germany!
Ker sections of the working class moveDollfure ordered the dissolution of where were the leaders upon Dollfuss was permitted to dis pended, automatically depriving the ang so rasly to the reports end that the keeneet weapons must power at our command: common between the barricade figbtsponsibility where were they all abund without a tremor. Dollfuss masses a whole. The result? Deutyrl on that cre, revenl a senti both the SOC demueracy and the ly. for work of solidarity and aid to the Schultzbund? What is there in whom rested such a tremendous resolve the socialist republican Schu party of its direct contact with the ot Bauer on this barricade and be in their back. In Germany. Forge united front, now, instantook Floridsdorf, Linz and Steyr tais time? What were they doing was permitted to suppress the count Theme wie er in verband the ment which is more comprebensible official Communist party proved the Austrian working class Others efficacy than commendable. But it is their bankruptcy to the hilt. In have fought as good a hattle, as de to tolerate for another day the en cisive struggle whose inevitability leadership doing more than mailing of the strike.
sentiment which experience will the present events in Austria, the voted a fight as they are fighting. But the leaders are fighting on not tolerate. We have no reason prout is given over again. The but none a better one. Others may croachments upon their lives by stood out so glaringly and unmis nim a mild bleat of protest. DollHitler Ause was permitted to censor to conte barriedes!
ard Deutsches whose policy of tol seizure of power? What were they miscate issues of the central daily we permit our sulves, tree, to boleve that and group the statuist party erambled away even have fought more successful eration alone made it possible for doing to absorb and communicate newspaper of the socialists, to force does the decisive Importance of this restes Loebes de Bares and before it came to the decisive test. light, but none nobler one.
Doltcuss to beur down, step by step to the masses the tremendously im it to print Dollfuss propaganda, ract, and second, to express doubts, Welsescu let us include the Hec The Socialist party proved to be that brings new sinspiring berlangers Wat is there in common between edy? What were they doing during tuss WAN permitted to abrogate the and rumurs. What is decisive is proved to rise to a stature even one an accelerator. It is now in a state tenacity of the workers, and the the tigaters battle song is the all the previous, jewellel moments constitution no dear to every social, not the heroic conduct of this or inch highe. than the German pre of utter collapse, and in falling this Jackal work of their foes, will only They are made not of once powerful party merely drives deepen the conviction already em Internacional. and those leaders which Dollfuss garnered as they statesman, and to rule by de that individual leader, but the poldecesyrr.
who not so long ago sat by silently tpped through the shackled hands spotle emergency decrees, without icy of the leader which in the fun sterer Int of Identical political the bulk of the 2nd International bedded in our minds that the prowhile the Austrian Imperial and for the Austrian proletariat in the action being taken. The Helmwehr damental sense the into.
letarians of Austria are true sons Royal Hymn, outlawed the rev. past year?
leaders were permitted to infiltrate course of his party. One has but Ir the musees Vire called upon Austria stands out as the second of the sacred cause that the flash olution of 1918, was legally restor NOTHING! Nothing but allow one commanding post after another, to recall the tragedy of the recent to act, it was only after they could great sign post in one year polnting from their firearms lit flame that ed? What is there in common being Dollfuse to grow more arrog without action being taken. Those case of the social democratic police no longer be restrained. The first to the imperative need of new rev will burn in perpetual purity along tween the court martialled insurrecant, Starhemberg to grow more per thousand and one steps taken by clue of bo helped the half perspicacious correspondent toolutionary parties and a new Com side of the beaconlights of the Paris tionary who cried shall Aght emptory, the Nazis to grow strong all the Bonapartist trall blazers of Nazis to victory by permitting the come along will and has attested munist International!
and Russian Communes night.
Dollfuse to the end! as the hangler.
Fascism to hamstring and paralyze notorious raid on that working class this brutal tact. With the Tomorrow or the day after, the 1 1934 Priests Bless Fascists Reactionary French Government in War Moves Austria Next In Order any to apof HOTEL STRIKE In of Ger army an intervene in the Austrian smash you, says France to (Continued from Page 1)
Italian regimes. Continued from page Continued from page 1)
of many, unless you come to terms conflict may be, under the present struggle. The transportation first called to the Chancellorship in So, too, the controversies between mands an immediate solution questions surrounding Germany troops from France to Austria must and join me in attacking our com fighting, and who consequently shy conditions general strike will close away in cowardice and superstithe ranks of the bourgeois parties, May 1942, be went to bis favorite Nazis and Catholics over theologic right to arm herself. The Right Involve either the violation of Swiss mon enemy.
of church and spent the night in pray al doctrine, such as Cardinal Faulpress in France applaud the new neutrality or the crossing This is the key to French intertion from questions of military re the state apparatus and the Fascist er. The next morning he announced uber criticisms of the Nazi con imperialist government for its as German territory. In case, national policy today. The firm sources and methods.
bands, and in this united front of his soul had ben called The general strike French intervention in Austria tone toward Germany, the aggres.
ruleception of a Nordic Christ, Is treat gressiveness.
only the the bourgeoisie, the preponderance Austria. Each morning before goinged in the American Catholic press of While Hitler talks peace, he pre would be not only a means of stav. sive attitude in the Austrian que mobilization to bottice he prays for hall an pares for war. The Doumergue ing off a rise of revolutionary tides tion, are above all an ultimatum to forces, but still not war. To util will fall inevitably into the hands hour and he calls his speeches dir as a break with the Nazis.
determined to throughout Europe, but a demon Germany stop provoking u, Join Ize the general strike successfully of the most extreme and determinseems Butiy inspired.
need but compare these doctrinal government a threat, al clements, e. the Fascists.
the Church to make Austria basculerarchy says about ascism it mature. At this time such inter French imperialism is still a power at the expense of the Soviet Une. to confine oneself only to the When face to face with the general Even before Dollfuss promise to quarrels with what the Catholic interfere with his plans before the stration to German Fascism that with uslet us settle our differences as a demonstration ion. It is the rapid pressing of mobilization of forces, without en strike, the counter revolution will ference can probably be managed to reckon with.
ism a Catholic Fascism, the Church well. At a meeting of thousands of merely by military demonstrations This does not necessarily mean this policy of making Hitler into the enging in battle that is possible bu ewanpelled to take all its force had received sutticient concrete ex catholic youth of the Berlin bish within the borders of France and that the Doumergue government is super Wrangel of Europe that is the only within strictly defined histor on one ord in order to break the Neukoellin with Germany chtet significance of the coming to cal conditions. whenever mattersominus danger with a single blow amples of the Catholicism of the opric, last Augustin the sending of firm diplomatic notes, heading for war Steinman, new order. The army barracks and stadium, Vicar General touch an important but still a par an so far as the general strike re.
difference, the Need of United Struggle. tial task; when the enemy wavers mains only a strike it inevitably banners are a striking example. In representing Bishop Schreiber, spoke should the Doumergue government where there are between two rivals power of Doumergue accordance with a general order of Hitler and Hitlerism in the fol sind such tactics insufficient, it has an irreconcilable a pretext for bolder moves ready stronger does not waste time threat Meanwhile, within France there and walts only for a push in order dooms itself uuder these conditions the possessing to defeat. In order to snatch victo band.
signed by another plous Catholic, owing terms: Minister of Defense, Karl Vaugoin. Our Chancellor has been Dowers. Differences being irreshift to the right in the Cabinet has classes are still left with a wide tory the strategy of the strike must Austria.
There is civil war in a crucitix must be hung in every pointed by God. There must be no Writing on its hanners a collection concilable, he strikes as soon as be for the moment taken the wind out Geld for retreat and maneuver. grow into the strategy of the rev.
and a picture of the Virgin Mary the State; the future Relch will em of the peace of Europe, preservation spite disagreements and difficulties, working class, having demonstrated the time when all the contradictions the level of resolute actions, reply must be embroidered, painted or orace both. Outbolic youth will of Austrian independence, liberation a possibility reconciliation, as opposition to Fascism by się have reached their highest intensitying with a double blow to every printed on all regiinental tags, au welp the Fatherlund to rise again of Austrian humanity the French threats serve a purpose. wil nificant one day general strike, is and when every serious conflict puts blow. In other words, under the surveying the aftermath of the on the agenda the question of power present conditions the general strike battalion and company guidons. It to greatness and glory. New bloody riots. It awaits the govern and the perspective of civil war.
was under these Virgin Mary ban. Xork Times, August 8, 1983. cannot werve as a self sufficient ment next important move.
ners that the troops marched The Fascism the Catholic The general strike could prove to means for the defense of an imHow successfully it will be able be a sufficient means for repelling potent democracy, but only as one against tbe workers bomes.
Church in Austria, Italy, Germany The main reason why Catholic Spain all Europe will not be adto answer that next move depends the counter revolutionary overturn of the weapons in the combined workers are astonisbed at the role vertised in the American Catholic (Continued from page 1)
on developments within the working only in the event that the enemy is struggle of two camps. The strike of the Catholic Church in Austria press, so long as Fascist sentiments ated Food Workers that it led and organized the great struggle of the class. Not only Germany, but Aus unprepared and is that the American Catholic presa remain unripe here. Not that there year. Nobody but a charlatan can condemn the union for the failure tria, too, provides a lesson for the forces and experience (the Kapp plemented with the arming of the workers. Germany patsch. But even in the suppresses most of these facts, as are no revealing signs of the way to win a complete victory in the first battle in addition to the power French latter workers, the disarming of the Fasethey do also the facts about the real which the American Catholic bier rul forces of the employers they were other factors which worked against Fascism too power without sers case, after having repelled the ad ist bands, the removal of Bonapartrelations between Fascism and urchy will go. At the recent Catb the success of the struggle and finally compelled the union to accept workers began their historie and only restored fundamentally that the material apparatus of the state.
the venturistic onset, the general strike asts from power, and the welzure of Catholicism in Germany and Italy. vlic Conference on Industrial Pro the compromise settlement.
courageous fight under the The American capitalists are not blems held in Detroit, no less worst situation which obtained on the Once again we repeat, if the esyet desperate enough to try Fase person than Dr. George Herman Foremost among these factors operating against the strike is to be possible conditions, eve of the conflict, and consequently cablishment of a Soviet regime canThe French workers will be in gave the enemy the opportunity to not be realized without the selzure ism, and Fascism hated by most Derry, president of Marygrove Col counted the disruptive splitting activities of the Food Workers Americans; therefore, any minor rege, delivered the usual Fascist the private trade union organization of the so called Communist no better position to defend them utilize the experience of his own of power by the Communist partyditterence between the church and rant about the causes of the crial Party (Stalinists. The leaders of this clique set their own sectarian selves unless their present disuutty defeat and to prepare better for and we admit that this is altogether Fascist government abroad 18 being that few International interests above the interests of the mass movement, spread slander, sow is rapidly overcome The French new attack. But the general strike excluded by the unfavorable correhailed in the American Catholic Jews hold a strangle hold on the ed confusion and disorganization, and did everything they could to up. Socialist leaders are hopelessly div. turns out to be completely insuficlition of forces in the immediate ided against themselves on allent even for defensive purposes incuture then the restoration press as proof of the divergence be world supply of gold, thereby en dermine the unity and demoralize the fighting power of the workers.
poluts except one: avoiding all ser the event that the enemy is power democracy, even temporarily, is altween the two. Thus, a quarrel in abling them to determine the do The NRA, in the person of Mrs.
Elinore Herrick, acting chairman lous preparations for the decisive ful and experienced, all the more ready unthinkable in Austria withItaly over allocation of certain sintes of nations, etc. Dr. Derry of the Regional Labor Board, acted from the start like a direct agent conflict which must soon take place. so if he leans upon the state ap out the previous seizure of power tunus last year was so interpreted. speech was not quoted in the Cath of the hotel bosses and overlooked no opportunity to attack and sabot. What is left of the French Commun paratus, or even has at his disposal by the social democracy. If the but the real relation of the Papacy olic reports of the Conference. In to Aussolini is revealed by such the present temper of America, tbelse the strike. Even after the pressure of the strike itself had forced Ist Party continues the sectarian Its benevolent neutrality. No mat seading workers party is not preLacts as that, in the Concordat, the Catholic hierarch finds it more her to negotiate a settlement with the hotel owners she came out with line of the united front from beter what the basic reason for the pared to bring the struggle to its Church pledged that every Bishop pedient to push forward the Father a public attack on the strike as unjustifiable, unwarranted and im low. Thus the action of each sec conclusion then the general strike, in Italy would take the oath of alyans and the Father Couglins. But proper. The illusions which many of the workers had held in regard ton of the working class both of OPEN FORUM by sharpening the situation, can llegiadce to Mussoliul govern the Dr. Derrys are the real core to the impartiality, or even the Friendsbip. of the NRA for the cause whom had to protest against one only hasten the crushing of the proment an onth which not only or the Church throughout Europe of labor lent effectiveness to the direct services which Mrs. Herrick private action. Unity was sacriEVERY SUNDAY P.
would not have been granted, but today, and here, too, when the time rendered to the hotel bosses. The union leadership, which had as its Alced to the private interests of each THE COAL STRIKE The Austro Philistine will catch was never asked for by previous comes. AQUINAS. Brat duty to put the workers on guard against this deception, failed party. The true Communist has no up these words in order immediatemleerably in this respect.
Interests apart from those of the Its Lessons and significance ly to deduce reasons in favor of moderation and cautiousness. further weakness of the strike was the conservative, buronucratic working class. There can be no Speaker: DUNNE For, is it permissible for party policy and methods of the official leaders Fields, Caldis, and Costas. By doubt that it is to the Interest of FEBRUARY 25th, 1934 to take upon itself the grandiose its clique methods, which separated this leadership from the living the whole working class of France rek Involved in the revolutionmovement of the class conscious, militaut workers, by its cowardly and today to strike together at the re1530 Franklin Ave. ary methods of struggle? As if the The list is still rising. Since we closed our records for last week capitulatory attitude before the NRA and bourgeois public opinion, and action initiated by Doumergue.
1ssue 76 new subs came lu, making the total 646. New York advanced by its factional maneuvers and intrigues against the most advanced Phrasemongering Auspices: Communist League of Austrian proletariat bas the freeWhere in this situation is the dom of choice! As if millions of toward its goal of 400. With 40 new sube last week, its total now stands militant elements in the union, the Field Caldis leadership weakened the Communist International? Pravda America (Left Opposition)
at 366. Chicago made a small beginning with subs. Other branches morale of the strikers, disorganized the ranks and paved the way for prints windy editorials of congraworkers can depart for thelr villas Minneapolis Branch. in Switzerland like Otto Braun! As have not yet notified us of what they have done or intend to do. We their acceptance of a settlement far less favorable than could have been tulations to the French and Ausit a class can duck mortal danger think that with their active participation we can push the total up to one thousand new paid subs. Accordingly we set the goal of this drive cained with a better leadership.
Their method of negotiating the set Irlan workers and speaks of the similar call in France sometime without incurring any danger!
As their the victims of Fascistsed Eur.
at one thousand. bersblp meeting was in line with their whole course throughout the ignores the fact that both in France meantime, the Communist League ope, with its perspectives of new The record to date stands as follows: and Austria the current struggles of France proceeds to build the new imperialist wars, will not surpass strike.
New York Local 356 Jone hundredfold the sacrifices of all The bix fight of the Hotel and Restaurant Workers Union is sti Were opened at the will and at the Internationalist Communist part revolutions, past and future!
Minneapolis Branch moment chosen by reactionary section of the Fourth International.
ahead and the great task is to preserve the union and bulld it stronger torces, that the workers are at the As the Party of the Third InternaKansas City Branch and on a sounder basis. This requires an unrelenting struggle in the moment fighting a clearly defensive tonal decays that it is losing mem Buy a PIONEER PUBLISHERS Pittsburgh Branch 32 Arst place against the disruptive activities of the Food Workers Indus struggle. It instead of solemnly bers dally has been confessed by CERTIFICATE. It only and Brown trial Union elements who seek to complicate the difficulties and exploit Jubilant pronunciamentos, the none less than Platnitsky of the entitle you to 40 discount on our Teacher them for sertarian purposes. These professional disorganizers of labor, would issue a simple statement in and militants in the French publications and to a 20 reduction Youngstown Branch whose path is nown with injustified splits and tragie defeats for the favor of a genuine united front It seek for a party which fulfills on any book published by other workers, now seek to complicate the difbculties of the Amalgamated and might contribute something to con. their needs and aspirations, the In. publishers. Ruby exploit them for the benefit of the discredited 18th Street Union. Averting that defensive into an ofternationalist Communists will speak Papeus Atensive fight.
similar struggle must be carried on against every tendency of anarchistic ever more loudly in their own voice, THE MILITANT The Communist League of France, compelling the formation of a uniM. Hurwitz demoralization.
like its brother sections throughout ted front. Under its impetus the matter November 28, 1928, at the Entered as a second class mall Sukut The conservative bureaucratie clique of Field and Co. cannot be the world, has learned not to wait French proletariat will be able to Post Office at New York, UN8. Hardy an ally in this struggle of the responsible class conscious workers in the upon the for such directives. move forward to smash the war der the act of March 8, 1879.
Chicago Branch union. On the contrary the fight of the genuine militants must be in Germany the call for a united plans of the French bourgeoiste, to Dwyer Published Weekly by the Comdirected against them with no less emphasis. Most important of all front came from the after Hit protect by its own strength the 80M. Steinbach munist League of America now is the firm organization of a genuine Left wing in the union based ler was firmly entrenched in power, viet Union, whose borders can MOLeod (Opposition)
after the realization of the per hardly be guarded by on the mlitant class conscious workers, which will take up the fight to poses for which a united front famous non aggression pacts, and to Litvinov 126 East 16th Street, New York, Goodman enforce the agreement in the shops, to build the unlon, steer it on the should have existed had become a initiate the struggle for the French Vol. VII No. (Whole No. 202)
St. Louis Branch path of the class strucgle and provide it with leadership that will be remote posibility. If the and the world wide socialist rev. SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 17, 1934 Murphy worthy of these tasks.
lives up to its past, we may expect Wolution. Koehler EDITORIAL BOARD Martin Abern James Cannon Gentan Does the Dictatorship of the SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 18 P. Max Sbachtman Maurice Spector Carlson Proletariat Still Exist?
Arne Swabeck International Workers School National Secretary Is the Soviet Union still a Subscription rate: 00 per year TOTAL 126 East 16th Street, New York.
80. 50 per ball year 26 for Commim Langue of America Worker. State?
28 Law in blocks of four or more 645 Subs!
89 48 20 12 12 wabeck 446