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UNITE Weekly Organ of the Communist League of America (Opposition)
VOLUME VI NO. (WHOLE NO. 212 NEW YORK, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 17, 1934 PRICE CENTS Austrian Workers Fight Historic Battle LEON TROTSKY United Front on Austria Cops Slug Workers Show Proletarian Will Plow resolutions approving the action of the Austrian proletariat In Austria Protest In War Against Fascism AUSTRIA NEXT IN ORDER by In fighting determinedly against Faseism are already plentiful. Inter nally disrupted demonstrations of protest against the bloodly terror of Dollfluss have already disgraced the workers movement in New York. In Demonstrating their solidarity (Almost a year ago, on March 23, win resort to a general strike. But any concrete sense the American working elass has thus far done ex with their heroic Austrian com.
1933, Leon Trotsky wrote an analy. his too is an empty threat. We ceedingly little to demonstrate the concern it must feel for the fate of rades, 000 militant workers par.
The eleventh hour has struck in monuments to an unmolested growing over to socialism. At the sis of the relationship of forces in nave heard it more than once in its brother class, now courageously defending the interests of the worla aded to the Anstrian Consulate at Austria.
Austria and the problems of the Germany. general can proletariat. P. Wed. Feb. 14, where they with a superb heroism which has Brenner Pass, the artillery of Mus.
working class confronted by Bonapot be produced out of one vest partism and Fascism. This study, pocket. The workers may be led to There is no time to waste in bringing aid and comfort to the work were joined by thousands of others. evoked the grudging admiration of roliui legions points down menae Wulle obviously not applicable to a general strike, but to do so one ens of Austria. Messages of sympathy and encouragement, Mally power several hundred police, mounted and even the capitalist press abroad, the ingly upon the civil war in Austhe present events in their entirety, must fight and not play hide and ful mes demonstrations of protest and solidarity, even material resist on foot, brutally charged into the Austrian proletariat is fighting de triu, ready at a moment notice to crowd again and again in an effortsperately for its life. And what lire into the ranks of the proletarnevertheless retains an essential seek with reality: a call to battle ance can be sent from this country to Austria. The fact that a govern to stop ne of the most militant de deathless pages it is writing with lat. At the North it is threatened From the validity in so many respects as to must be issued, one must organize ment censorship exists and that the usual facilities of communication monstrations ever seen in its own blood! What a thrilling by the Hitler bands.
Invest the extracts which we reprocor the struggle, arm for the strugare closed, does not make such collaboration. In this momentous struggle Carrying red flags and banners, de spirit of selfless sucrifice, fearless West looms the threat of Berenger: duce below with a particular time. ste, widen and deepen the channel Impossible. There are technical means available for carrying out every nouncing Fascism and pledging solness and determination it is dis arms of the international coun: liness which will, moreover, be of of struggle, not confine oneself to desirable action. Only the will is necessary.
idarity with their comrades on the playing! What militant in the cer revolution to occupy any part great value in facilitating an un the legal forms of struggle, e. the derstanding of the turbulent events Cramework dictated by the Armed The time has come once again when all efforts must be directed barricades in Austria, the workers ranks of the working class all over of Austria over which the red flag now weurring before our eyes. enemy. And first of all, the party toward bringing about a united, miltant, powerful mass participation in kept their lines solid and marched the world does not feel his blood will toat.
Drunk with the knowledge of the around the block where the Con pound furiously, and his pride rise Ed. itselt must be permeated through the struggle against Fascist reaction. Only such a united front will ensulate is located.
at the thought of being a soldier resources upon which he can draw and through with the idea that unable the American workers to make to the Austrian struggle the contriThe demonstration which was in that international army whose uot so much for his own preserDespite the experiences of Italy less it engages in a decisive battle, bution which it should be their pride to make.
originally called by the YPSL, vanguard battle the Austrian workvation is for the crushing of the and Germany, the leaders of the it is lost.
To bring this and about, a united front conference is necessary at was supported by all Left rebels the repulsive dwart who is wingers are now fighing!
Austrian social democracy do not It is quite posible that the Cennon, The Communist party, the Socialist party, union, every workers and was a splendid united The honor of the proletariat, be momentarily clothed with the auth.
understand the situation. In order cral Committee will actually issue other working class organization should partielpate. Despite the many front action, marred only by the et smirched by its established leaders ority of the Chancellorship is seekmust fool themselves. This thes a call for general strike, after important differences among them and to united front can be permit forts of the Stalinists to disrupt in Germany who last year dragged in to escape obscurity by intamy cannot do otherwise than by tool the opeu (that is to say, the deted to obscure these there is a basis for joint action in this all import the Socialist marching lines. Mem it in the mud of capitulation and to the luurels of a miniature Nap: cisive) blow has been dealt. Butant matter. The active support of the fighting Austrian workers, the ceeding in getting leaders of the by the nameless immortals on Auch of Callitet.
bers of the Communist League suc needless defeat, is being retrieved Oleon he must needs add the reputu Blinded by an ing the proletariat.
this would mean that after leaving smashing of Austrian Fascism, for the crushing of counter revolutionary and together tria blood soaked barricades. cxaggerated sense of his own perBauer places the blame for the the stage, one calls upon the masses intervention in Austria these are no sectarian matters. They are the and averted a serious clash between defeat in Germany upon the comfor a naked protest, or manifesta concern of the whole class. He who prevents unity on this question the marchers. Following the desuered at the working class for its when the horrible massacre he has munists. We are not the ones tollons of impotence. Just so did the burles a knife in the backs of the heroes of Vienna.
monstration one section of the work. defeat in Germany, who would not ordered is ended, and it he succeeds defend the German Stalinists! ut liberal opposition call upon the peowhose their chief crime consists in their ple not to pay their taxes after the The Communist League of America stands ready to do its utmost to ers marched down Fifth Avenue see that it was only a bitter epis. In exterminating the purty bring such having given the social democrats monarch had told it to go to hell.
united front into heing at once.
and dispersed at Union Square. ode in the ceaseless battle that will leaders toleration made possible Stalinists marched to the Work end only with the emancipation of his tenure of office from the outset, the possibility of preserving their As a rule, nothing ever came of it.
ers Center. Socialists held a brief all the oppressed? The proletariat ihe name of Dollfuss will disappear the moment will have arrived when intluence upon the basic part of In all probability, the workers will meeting at the Rand School and flini mwell so ha fathom the German proletariat and of not respond at will to the belated HOTEL STRIKE then dispersed.
when once they begin to draw from to the same oblivion as that of loading upon it the tactie of debas and hopeless appeal of a party althem, what immense reservoirs ofron Pupen und Schleicher who euing and fatal capitulation, despite ready smashed.
courage and endurance are theirs Joyed a similarly brief notoriety.
all the crimes and betrayals com But let ns allow that the Fasciate Strikers Take Militant to tap, how lofty are the heights Heinmed in though they are mitted by the social democracy. In will give the social democracy time BULLETIX of heroism they can scale.
Kreater numbers, the socialist essence Bauer policies are no dit enough to call for a general strike Just as The Militant goes to press comes the report that the Hotel The special hotel strike numbers Clad in old rubber jackets, rag masses are Aghting with an obdurferent from the policies of Wels at the last minute, and that the Men Association has rejected the agreement which, according to the of The Militant sold about 1500 cop sed trousers and broken shoes. the acy and defiance which is without Stampfer. But there is a distinc workers will respond solidly to the needs of the Regional Labor Board, they had previously accepted. The ies at the strike halls. Strikers revolutionary proletariat has never equal in recent times. Driven from tion, Bauer will be unable to shut call. What then? What is the struck hotels all during the clay hai been refusing to take back the praised its attacks on Stalinist dis theless held out till now with only one position, they appear the next the responsibility upon the Austrian goal of the general strike? What strikers according to the teroes of the agreement. Now it is reported rupters and Right wing elements. rusty rifles, some hand Stalinists, who have managed to must it achieve? In what doom themselves to complete im must it develop? How should it forms they are insisting on the notorious merit clause under which the active The Militant was the only paper and a few score machine guns. their machine guns, ritles and to give substantial space to the Thele fortresses are their homes of pistols are proving the equal and potence. The Austrian social dem defend itselt against military and militants among the strikers would be blacklisted.
ocracy is not only the leading party police repressions, and against the Great Indignation seized the mass of strikers at this double cross strike, and to defend from the be brick and glass. Their trenches even the superior of the enemy barricades. artillery because of the limitless of the proletariat, but is the strong Fascist pogrom? Wiseacres will of the hotel bosses. The general strike has been declared or again in of the rank and fle. Strikers bought Their auxiliary troops are their courage and solidarity with which est social democratic party in the reply that it is impossible to ans tull force, and at this writing the strikers are sweeping through the it, pasted clippings from it on the women and children.
they are fighting. Without the suworld as regards the population. Wer such questions beforehand. That notel district in a stormy mass parade.
strike hall walls, and quoted from Arrayed against them are all the perior milltary equipment of the The political responsibility lies up is the usual subterfuge of people (The following editorial was written after the acceptance of the it. The Daily Worker spoke of the torces of reaction. Field pieces, reaction, Dolfuss and the merce on the Austrian social democracy, who have nothing to my, who hope agreement by the membership meeting. The new developments give no strike only to try to disrupt it. howitzers and even naval ordinance arles of the Heimwehr, who march solely and entirely. All the more in their hearts to get along without reason to change the viewpoint expressed in the editorial but, in our Right wing strike leaders spoke have been moved up to demolish in much better on a ration of fatal will prove to be the consequthan on a ration of bullets, would (Continued on Page 2)
At the present critical juncture plain only of The Evening Post, because briet and merciless bombardments are proved a sorry match for the cuces of its present policies.
opinion, only add emphasis to it.
it was the solitary capitalist rag the model apartment buildings The Austro Marxists say If we speaking on every issue is necessary. Editors of The Militant. not to knite the strike steadily, and which the Viennese workers were serried ranks of Austria proleare deprived of liberty, then we interfered with Militant salesmen taught to regard as Imperishable ariat. And even as natters stand, compromise settlement of the general strike of the New York the outcome of shall tight to the end. By such titanic battle is subterfuge they want to gain hotel workers negotiated through the Regional Labor Board was acby no means determined in advance time for their vacillations, when in cepted by a vote of the strikers at a mass meeting on Thursday Februat this writing.
Thut the embattled workers have reality they are losing the most pre ary 15th. Already, however, there are reports of violations of the agreeclous time for the preparation of stood their ground even for so long u time is still more impressive in defense. After the enemy deprives The agreement provides that all strike breakers are to be discharg.
consideration of the tremendous them of liberty, it will be a hundred times more difficult to fight, handicap under which they launch BULLETIN As we go to presa, ed, and all strikers put back on the job. The rehiring of strikers is to ed their revolt.
Many Catholic workers were as Austria is not Germany. Here accompanied by military and police auct of the Stalinists in disrupting employed until all strikers have been put back on the job. The arrangeIt was the murder. of an Austrian tounded to read in the capitalist to one need go fur afield in seeking des renset prolet the proletarian press briday Madison Square Garden ments for the reinstatement of the strikers in their jobs are to be made enemy prepares and acts while the meeting held in solidarity with the With the hotel manugement by shop committees consisting of delegates Archduke which provided the signal press dispatches from Vienna that the Achilles heel. No need here to for the world war of 1914 1918. To the Catholic Storm Troopers (of spend time in mathematical comsocial democracy bides its time and heroic Austrian workers. Called from the shop.
Within two weeks after the men have gone back to work the Re day France as well as all other Dollluss Patriotic Front) joined putations which are to establish whines. The Vorwaerts also re by the Socialist party and various respec capitalist countries is girding Its the troops in shooting down work the ratio of responsibility Petit en umgera bre. trade unions the Garden was stomat Labor Board is to open hearings on the question of workelnes con: Loins for a new imperialist war. ers, and that Catholic priests made Lively borne by social democrats peated times. Woe to Fascism, it ventures packed with about 22, 000 workers ditions, hours, split watch, etc, with the Hotel Association of New York Burope will not go to war monstrated the value of such the suists could not run the meeting no ers are to be represented by the union. Such are the terms of the axorke. Austria, but already the French gov their focks to volunteer as killers. of Communism represented by the What astounded these Catholic Intter reached that limit of absurd orie. The party which proved in they employed all means to disrupt ment.
It can be taken for granted that the Hotel bosses will try indicate that Austria may again pro workers? The marriage between ity which was equivalent to its total capable of giving battle when it it!
every way to violate and sabotage the agreement. Everything depends vide the signal for war. The for. Fascism and the Catholic Church disappearance from the political held in its hands almost impregna Clarence Hathaway attempted to now on the firmness and solidarity of the strikers in enforcing the mation of a Right cabinet by Dou has long been consummated In Ausscene, unaccompanied by the slightble positions and powerful resources take the platform to speak to the agreement.
mergue, as a result of the disturb tria; for the only quarrel of the est convulsion will crumble into dust when it is masses assembled. Afght started.
For good or ances of last week, has led directly church with Hitler and Mussolinievil, the While the main objectives of the great struggle complete recognt to a new tension in the internation that the church be given a high democracy was tantamount to the social completely expelled from the legal stalinists shouted: We want Hath. tion of the union and definite wage increases and shortening of hours al political situation.
away. Chairs were flung from have not been attained in the first test of strength, the conditions of the enough place in the Fascist state political expression of the working By their seemingly dreadful but the balcony. Throughout the hall The Doumergue Cabinet has plac was clearly settled the very day class of Austria. Upon its leaders, in reality pathetic chorus or If we fights broke out. The Staliniste settlement provide a basis for the maintenance and development of the led the control of foreign affairs in that Dollfuss announced his Fase and exclusively on their shoul.
ders, rests the responsibility for the ure attacked. the Austro Marxists who had shouted Communists and union and the actual achievement of its claims in the next perlod. The the hands of a directorate of tourist plans.
reveal their genuine suffering, they Socialists! Unite and Fight! hotels were hard hit by the strike, as the concessions they have agreed Doumergue himself, Barthou, Flan It was last September, at the cele must be judged accordingly.
course pursued in the past. They still hope that things will be left showed what they meant by this to demonstrate, and if the union holds its ranks firmly and presses ain and Tardieu. Doumergue is a bration of the 250th Anniversary of The international social demin peace, that things, God help us, slogan! Miseducated and misted, forward at every polnt, the establishment of a powerful unlon in the bitter reactionary, professional the slege of Vienna, in the Helden ocracy, which experienced its secwill not go beyond mutual threats the Stainist workers conducted industry under the banner of the Amalgamated Food Workers will be a Red baiterande imperialist. Tardiea latz before the former Imperial ond catastrophie Historical bank and waving of Osts. What this themselves in a shameful manner. certainty.
is the chief political agent of the Palace, that Dollfuss, flanked by ruptcy in the capitulation to Hitler means is that they are chloroform Thousands of workers, thousands Here everything of course depends on the strength and militan French steel trust and armament three scarlet robed Cardinals and which, with the aid of the no less ing the proletariat to facilitate of trade unionists, Right and Lett, of the workers and their reliance on that alone. The agreement negoti. Poregs. Not Poincare himself industry, headed by the Comite des their Brother In God, the Papal ignoble conduct of the Stalinist Fascist surgery. genuine prolet saw what happened. The Stalinated through the NRA can become a trap for the workers, a means of more bellicose than this quartet.
18 Legate from Rome, announced his leadership, left the German prolearian politician, on the contrary, ists showed the workers whom they disarming them and of paralyzing their organized struggle, or it can program of a Catholle Fascist State tariat paralyzed with bewilderment would be duty bound to explain to are trying to win over wbat a farcel open the path for a further development of this struggle and the accom.
An Aggressive Tone. We will build up. declared Doll and prostrate is now trying to rethe Austrian workers that their their demands for free speech and plishment of higher aims. The agreement in itself ends nothing and eign Minister, met Hitler rearming Catholle German State which will fares of Austria civil war. The Whereas Paul Boncour, as For. coss, bowing to the churchmen, furbish its arms in the light of the class enemy, himself, has caught between the paws of his workers not tted by stalinist ata settles nothing. The relation of forces will decide. The ending of the activities with a flood of talk about be thoroughly Austrian upon a cor eternally discredited 2nd Winterthe tory; that no other way out remains cipline left the hall cursing the strike does not end the struggle against the rapacious exploiters; it only legal questions, the new quartet porative, authoritarian basis. With tional, which nineteen years after for him except to destroy prole Stalinists.
changes its form. If the workers understand that and maintain their shows a different attitude. In reply this guarantee from the head of the first one, inflicted a second 1914 tarian organizations that in this What ammunition for the Right solidarity and aggressiveness in the next stage of the struggle, they can to the German note of January 19 the new Fascist state, it is no won upon the German working class, matance there is no escaping the wing labor fakers! What an inestablish their union on a permament foundation and confront the bosses asking questions regarding French der that Catholic priests 50 from is now seeking to restore its ex mortal struggle; and that this strument in the hands of the so henceforth as an organized power.
armament and war plans, the Dou house to house recruiting volun ploded prestige by a parasitic asstruggle must be prepared for in cialist leaders! The uninitiated sociation with the heroism of the accordance with all the rules of worker will nfuse this action with against heavy odds from the beginning. The New York hotels represent sive tone, using some phrases that a pillar of the Church. It was pride The light of the hotel workers for organization has been conducted mergue Cabinet has taken what the teer killers.
aggres. Dollfuss himself has always been Austrian rebels.
revolutionary strategy and tactics. Communism!
In vain! History will never perOtto Bauer has been hinting that denounce such disruptive tactics as powerful angregations of capital. Not since 1918 has any union arisen sound almost like an ultimatum. fuly reported in the Catholic pamatsko in the event of a direct attack on anti Communist and anti working that was able to challenge them. It is to the glory of the Amalgam France refuses to disarm and de pers of Austria that, when he was What there in commoa between the part of the enemy, the workers class (Continued on Page Continued on Page Continued on Page Continued on Page 2)
For Communist League of America Says: at IRVING PLAZA HALL THE REFORM AND Communist League of America 126 East 16th Street, The Crisis in the The Way THE 3rd INTERNATIONAL 15th Street and Irving Place UNIFICATION (Left Opposition)
154 Watkins Street. klyn.
IS BANKRUPT of the Chairman: SIDNEY HOOK Out?
313 53rd St. klyn, COMMUNIST (THIRD)
Communist Party FOR 4th INTERNATIONAJ, Pioneer Publishers ADMISSION 35 INTERNATIONAL (Opposition)
84 East 10th Street, Disrupts Garden Meet French Gov Priests Bless In War Move Fascist Guns for the liquidation of rigbts will be wews comes of the disgraceful coube committed in not later than two weeks and no new men are to be DEBATE Communist International