AnarchismBolshevik PartyBolshevismBourgeoisieCapitalismCivil WarCominternCommunismDemocracyEngelsEnglandFascismFranceGermanyHitlerLeninRadekRosa LuxemburgSocial DemocracySocialismSocialist PartySovietStalinStalinismStrikeTrotskyURSSViolenceWorkers MovementWorking Class

unconOn the Eve of the Congress The of Convention are Masses Shake French Regime the PAGE THE MILITANT SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 1934 Disagreements within the trolled bureaucracy must be settled Bolshevik Congresses Once and Now Another Victory for Lewis from above, by the Leader who is but the personification of the ap paratus.
But if it is not a question now of the withering away of the state ut of its highest intensification, chere should be deep social contra The impending congress of the first of all by getting rid of the ences also disappear.
Jictions which give rise to this process. In what direction must we (Continued from page 1)
week. Yes, but on this point also, the Progressive Miners Union in ruling party of the Soviet Union control of the party and establisbIn reality no one of the rulers ook for them?
is being called upon to give its ing the cult of the Leader.
erators organization, addressed the Lewis hastened the assurance that Illinois, which lays claim to 30, 000 of the believes in such approval of the political leadership.
the economic plan and the work of a feeling of embarrassment and plan, calculated on a full and com of the Berliner Tageblatt. Radek of conciliation? Are they intendeed the delegates not to raise false and Nova Scotia. But the IndepenIt is impossible to read without a perspective. The second five year author of these lines in the columns significance of these declarations, the attitude of the union. He warn up in Washington, West Virginia, Polemizing in 1982 against the convention. But what is the real there would be no truculence in members. New unions have sprung the Comintern, in accordance with sometimes shame the Soviet press plete liquidation of clas distine. lexplained to us with his usual play to secure peace and harmony in the hopes back home that such desires dent union in the anthracite, beada formula prepared in advance, where in each column, in each artitions, does not foresee at all aulness that socialism means the mine camps with a filled puy en: wish to cripple the foustry or em not differed essentially in its methcould be obtained. We do noted by Cappetini and Maloney has However, these aree closely later ele, each telegram and report of a mitigation of government coercion, nationalization of the means of provelope and a full dinner pail for barass the federal government orods from the The soconiected spheres present a number meeting, the Leader is honored nor a decrease in the budget of the auction and distribution and noth the miners? That is not the mo the recovery administration, he called progressive leaders of of burning questions which the con und praised in the very same un. The ruling bureaucracy ing more, and that if working class tive.
the gress cannot and does not want to changed and universally obligatory does not prepare in the least to children do not get enough milk. The eringing pledge of these in cording to Lewis. In glaring con bureaucratic methods of expulsions said Tbere must be no strikes, ac Illinois union have adopted all the answer. Not because these ques expressions. Even a journalist like give up its commanding positions, this is explained by the scarcity of dustrial statesman before the coal trast to these assurances, however, and frame ups of the Lewis machthe workers state but because their critical with regard to the Soviet with ever new and more material cialism. Despite all its captivating that there will be no fight for im that never in history have any servery presentation is incompatible bureaucracy, found it necessary to guarantees. Coercion, even within simplicity this theory is radically proved wages and working conditons gains been recorded by the with the interests of the ruling bu point out the insufferable charac the formal framework of the party. Lalse. Socialism presupposes not tions made by the miners so that univers except by fighting for them of the rank and file coal miners has However, the indomitable spirit reaucracy ter of these standardized panegyrics already has such a harsh charae only the nationalization of First of all: why wasn a regu.
lar party congress convened in three the leader and the leaders (local of civil war. Moreover, in all the ability of the latter to satisfy all check off on the dues payments. The most brillant pages of Amer. has revived and today repreThe conection between delfing ter as it never had during the years means of production but also the tion of the union and collect the by using the powerful strike wea remaine. It is due to their vital ity and fighting ability that the years and eight months? Under leaders are deitled within the official speeches and articles the Luman needs. Precisely because of the operators of the Pennsylvania tcan labor history carry the story sents perhaps the strongest union the most onerous conditions of unimits of a detinite territory) and perspective of a further intensifica this the old primers stated that captive mines, that is, the United of the vallant fight of the con in the country. There derground struggle and emigration, be violation of the statutes, the tion of the methods B01 the dictator socialist society is possible only on States Steel Company empire, show miners. But they also record the great latent forces hidden within from the years 1908 to 1907, four abolition of criticism of the sum. ship is pictured. This crying dlver a certain level of development of cd Lewis that they could beat him innumerable betrayals perpetrated the smoke filled mine fields. There congresses took place in Brussels nits, the convocation of congresses gence between two perspectives, the the productive forces.
London, Geneva. Stockholm and at arbitrary intervals, after even economic and the political, demonat his own game of vote stealing. by Lewis during the administration is no reason to believe that the polagain in London. The years of re more arbitrary cleansings. abso strates irrefutably that the ruling arew from this proposition the re geoning. They had told the It is true that social democrats intimidation, frame ups, and blud covering almost two decades. icies which prevailed at this InXRA action and of the complete declineutely evident. All these phenotn bureaucracy obviously does not actionary conclusion that the Rus labor board to keep hands off while, o 1925 he made his The Insurgent Unions dianapolis convention mark the inof the party that set in, interruptedna in their entirety mean the li know how to make both ends meet son proletariat must not take po by these methods, they carried the proposal to drive 350, 000 minerscontrars. The spirit of rebellion infamous auguration of a new epoch. On the the regular succession of congress adation of the party as an active cheoretically.
es. Only in 1912 did a Bolsevik political whole that checks, elects wer in general. They came to the elections in their mines for the from the industry. The scourge of will again assert itself. The econconference gather in Prague, equt and renews its apparatus. The first Young Soviet theoreticians, it is same conclusion for Germany of establishment of their company on unemployment and the increase of omic pressure upon the miners will valent in Importance to a congress question which arises before the true, have attempted to present the 1918 as well and through the officers ion. Lewis did his best to betray machine mining aided this nefarious call forth their resistance against No sooner did the revolutionary Congress reads: where and why did matter in such a way that the so of Noske brought this admonishment the miners who struck for recog: plan. Where once upwards of 800, the continuons and increased en movement revive (1912 1914) than he Bolshevik party disappear?
cialist growth of the country and forcefully to Karl Liebknecht and nition of the Now he 000 coal miners worked in and slavement. This resistance will rethe war broke out.
the liquidation of the classes lead Rosa Luxemburg. But the conclu promises that there will be no aronnd the mines, there are now duce the deceptive conciliation and In April 1917 a new party con Bureaueratic Dictatorship and before our very eyes to the mitiga sions of the social democracy are strikes so that he may thereby ob 100, 000 men employed. Many re pence proposals to nanght. In the ference is called, similarly equal in Social Contradictions.
tion and weakening of purely state no lees Pulse than those of Radek. tain the check off volts against the Lewis regime mine fields are excellent prospects importance to a congress. Four Functions. Some people believed The theory of Kautsky, Otto Bauer, No Strike Assurances bave curred, and insurgent unions for new and more serious rebellione months later, at the end of July For social development in gen them. Louis Fischer, is one of his Leon Blum and others assumes an But the convention went on re have been created. There is today and for much more serious conteste 1917, under conditions of semi 11 eral, for proletarian dictatorship in generally not very fortunate excur extremely harmonious evolution cord for higher wages, for the six an independent union in the an against the treacherous Lewis malegality, the Sixth party congress articular, a course and norms of stons into the realm of theory, tried of social forms: having reached the hour work day and for the five daythracite claiming 50, 000 members: chine assembles and sets out the political jure renson cannot be prescribed to present the merging of the Com necessary maturity, the productive premises for the October uprising. It is naive to say that the Soviet missarint for Trade with the trade forces invite Messrs. Socialist lend Eight months later a new party state is not a dictatorship of the unions as the beginning of the ligers to power. Everything takes congress is called upon to solve the roletariat merely on the basis that uidation of the state. In reality, place within the frninework of dem Brest Litovsk disagreements. The he given form of a dictatorship we have only a merging of two buocracy with full comfort for all the following five congresses are con loes not correspond to our priori reaucratie apparatuses. The new participants. In reality, the prin(Continued from Page 1)
will tame the masses. This flerce ed by Piatnitsky at the recent 13th vened at regular intervals of a conceptions. But if reality cannot statutes of the party, which are cipal characteristic of historic deyear, and each of them marks an se judged by ideal norms, it is just to be ratified by the 17th congress, velopment is the constant disruption important bourgeois politicians were reactionry was co author of the Plenum continues its sectarian, disbureauimportant epoch in the development as inadmissible and no less dan make a decisive turn towards the of the epuilibrium between the part or stavisky swindling appar Treaty of 1912. He is an enemy of cracies togetche manage to keep of the party and of Soviet policy. perons to elevate the Soviet reality merging of the state and the party productive forces and politics, in this reform and democracy, and a profes half the working class immobile Each congress is preceded by a into an ideal norm. The historic. but how? by a final and formal side the productive forces them The long pent up discontent of sional Red baiter.
while the other half throws away discussion unfolded with complete failure of the comintern is caused replacement of the party as well as selver, for example, between indus the masses now began to break It in doubtful in extreme, its energy in futile forays.
freedom primarily by the fact that it pro of the mass Soviets by the single try and agriculture, between the loose. Its dramatic expression was however, that Doumergue will suc So apparent in this that the bourSuch was the regime prior to the Eisely, the Soviet bureaucracy, as a question of the whithering away the weight of the proletariat, bere to storm the Chamber of De of the oppressed French masses. The World Telegram remarks that claimed the Soviet state, more pre bureaucratic apparatus. It is not social weight of the bourgeoiste and the temporal thousandsberet care ceed in stiding the rebellious mood geoisie indulges in complacency.
declaration of war against Trot he international proletariat as well but on the contrary, of its further proletariat and the real force of itstion in the ince ile la Concorde was the liberal New York World Tele zation now than in the somewhat skyism. The 13th and 14th con is the Soviet state itself need noth bureaucratic concentration, It is party, etc. Contradictory historic organized by reactionary elements. gram, this wide popular revolt and similar riots which resulted in the that gresses already took place after ing more urgent unham no wonder that the ruling summits conditions forced the Russian pro The Royalist groups led by the violence first, al. Camelots on Rol. an organization tion is made. An event of this However exaggerated this state which revolu short lived Red Commune of 1871.
great delays, necessitated by back ered Marxian criticism.
severely rebuked the careless young letariat to take power stage bureaucratic maneuvers. The The barsh character of the dicta theoreticlans for attempting to draw though from the point of view of led by the sitions of the nobility kind is never forgotten. It lights ment may be revolutionaries can 15th congres was called, contrary torship in cansed by the need of political conclusions from the 119 sensible socialist accounting it which the liberal French Republic wew flames of revolt which, even draw small comfort from the recent would have been infinitely more has decade after decade permitted though smothered for a while, are record of the French The to the party statutes, more than suppressing the resistance of the nation of the classes.
two years after the 11th. It was verthrown ruling classes and to the withering away of the party advantageous for the proletariat of toplot openly its own destruction ikels toute counter with greater problem in France today is one of necessary first to smash the opposi undermine their economic roots. In the socialist sense of the word the United States, England, or desired by a show of force to bring intensity later.
speed: can the real revolutionary femte the statúte did not and state is in the main achieved. The state coercion, and signifies the ap. ever, ubesed the Mensleviks, not the one intes the tent the nose non ho a more rapid and intensive devel powerful revolutionary party more Central Committee decided. 11 ihis basic task of the workers ittes in general, therefore also of Had the Russian proletariat, how: Forget in color the tent this they be pod en France, however, there will be nationalist Communists, organize tous note rata ne such right 10 second five year plan will merels proach to an anarchistie soclety and seized power in 2017 and not na. Bourbona comment ne pienu bleventually spment of French Fascist trends. rapidly than the fascists rally their eru gers. This decision was car conference alrendy decided this sime. If it this that we see in Russia would have been doomed to what the Royalists did not count aire Senator Coty, is preaching an Bility cannot be doubted. The task ried not without inner friction in decision is now repeated day in reality? If politics has disap the fate of China.
the apparatus itself: it was difficult day out that the task of the second peared in the It has dis.
the thousands, workers hastened its enormour body of discontented the coming of Doumergue to to explain openly why the Bolshevik ve year plan is not only the llq appeared for the masses only. All However, the disproportions of to the Place de la Concorde to join petty bourgeois readers. Half power, it must be added, has its imparty as a ruling party was denied nidation of capitalist elements and politics is monopolized, centralized, the belated and jumpy economic and in the demonstration. Among them dozen Fascist grouplets contend for portance for the Under the right which it enjoyed in classes in general but complete personalized. It would be the great caltural development have not dis were many war veterans, tired of the honor of becoming the vanguard Stalin, the workers state has plac. underground the liquidation of causes which engend est naivete to thluk that the con appeared in the dictatorship of the the ingratitude of the Third Rep of reaction. Money will now flowed its trust not in the forces of inright to control its apparatus and er class distinctions and exploitastant delfilention of the Leader is proletariat: they have merely tak ubile. But these masses did more them from the coffers of the ternational revolution, but in paces to give it instructions for the fa tion as well. In the conditions engendered by personal bad tastes en on an unrecognizable form. The than join the demonstration. They comite des Forges more generously and treaties with bourgeois govern1950) however, was convened noto create, state power will have purely psychologie explanation ex develop now in a nationalized form From an expression of Royalist repress tries to center attention on that Hitler triumph was not an two years after the 16th (January nothing more to do. The struggle plains nothing. In reality the del but they still pass the stages left action, its potce was changing to the demands of the Royalists, laugh unmitigated evil from the revolu1098) but two and a halt years gainst external dangers would re acation of the leader is a necessary far behind by the advanced capital that of the oppressed masses of the lug them off as silly and outmod. tionary viewpoint, since it threw after, that is, alreads in violation quire, of course, also in a social clement of the present political re ist countries especially if reckoned country to become a thundering proc. Fuscism, the reaction a la mode Poland and France into our arms.
en weetened the 16th and the 17th con sanization but by no means inter workers are dented the possibility follow, despite the liquidation of economie collapse and relentless to trust in such a situation to in the saddle of France, and behind resses three and two thirds years al government coercion, not a re of re electing and directing their classes. the social contradictions exploitation. From the organized the common sense of the French him the steel trust, whose haudy mouths that the Central Committee he causes disappear the consequ necessary to solve state problems. great theoretical confusion of the groups, the government had little of 1789. the parliamentary opposl ergue Foreign Minister, the illuruled by usurpation, not merely in leaders.
to fear. But in the close packed tion of the Socialists, for the head. sory nature of Stalinist diplomacy fact but according to the letter of Socialism, that is soetety of mass which boldly went head on ing ofe of Fascism would be ass again exposed.
the statutes as well, not a voice EDITORIAL harmonious production and distri. against armed and mounted sold futile and deceptive as it proved Once again it is demonstrated of protest was raised in the party.
bution, presupposes at any rate that ery, there moved a different spirit to be in Germany. The Socialist that only the revolutionary proleFor two reasons. 1) no one beall the children should drink milk from of the reaction.
Party of France continues to work tariat of France can help restrain lieves that the apparatus congress to their heart content. If the Hence the launching of cavalrs to hold back the workers of the French capitalism from launching 18 enpable of changing anything in (Continued from page 1) sary improvements has opened cows are nationalized but their and machine gunners against the country from militant extra parla against the Soviet Union a Francothe work of the ruling summits the door to the Stalinist number is insufficient, or the demonstrators, hence the press een mentary struggle. And the Com Russian Polish army of intervention (2) if any one would try, in his to the dishonor of the workers to wreckers. The only way to elim udders dry, it is still not socialism, sorship and suspension of civil munist Party of France. having under the leadership of Adolf Hitsimplicity, to protest, he would im accept. An honest leadership inate this dangerous cancer is by because for lack of milk conflicts liberties. And hence the calling to learned nothing from the German ter, whom Leon Trotsky long ago mediately be expelled from the worthy of the name will have no making the necessary corections arise: between the city and village, power of Doumergue, the strong catastrophe or from the steady de characterized as the super Wranparty. The eleansing which pre need of being ashamed to organand then by dealing with the between the Kolkhoses. Sovkhoses man. who the bourgeoisle hopes, Icline in its own membership report Igel of counter revolution.
ceded the congress expelled tens of Ize its ranks even for such an outStalinists in the only way per and individual peasants, between thousands of people for lesser sins. come if the conditions impose it missible to class conscious mili various layers of the proletariat, the Committee of Thirteen which It in the classic period of Bolshev upon the workers.
tants: by proving in objective dis between all the toilers and the buism a discussion Insting a number cussion and above all in practise, reaucracy. Precisely these sharp strikers. The terms of the sell out of weeks preceded the congress, the But as matters stand now, the the superiority of the policies and constant conflicts which take on present congress was preceded by hope and prospect for a victory (Continued from page 1)
one cab. The five cent tax question are the worst imaginable. The conduct of the union leadership inevitably a social, and in their bureaucratic cleansing which remain unimpaired. It is necesto the misleadership of the 18th tendencies, a class character, de them and the companies did not affect them as it went into question of union recognition which against their pockets. They are likewise in has became the crucial one in the dragged out for a half a year. UnStreet incompetents.
mand the powerful intervention them.
sary, however, that the steps be der these conditions the congress differeut to the hours and wage strike is not even mentioned. The from above, that is, state coercion.
taken which have been indicated When La Guardia saw the tor question. In short they are petty wages and hours question is 19Por will be a ponderous parade of the in these pages on several occaFor our own part, we stand with sometimes, we see how bureaucracy.
those who seriously pursue such a about milk leads to a malicious desibility before his own bourgeois bourgeois individualists. Consequed. The accumulated tax money 18 Liberals and democrats sions. The rank and ble have shown a superb spirit, flawless course, and with no one else. And struction of dairy cattle, and this and potty bourgeois supporters and matly they were and are eager to referred to the future for distribu have frequently drawn a very su solidarity, a gratifying militancy.
forces the government authorities hamstring the morement.
He advis. reap the harvest of fares that the tion. The men get absolutely noth: perficial analogy between Bolsher ority in the ranks of the Amalg. to de nationalize the cow, giving ited the men to affiliate with the went on strike. Terminals and Before this maneuver was put ism and Fascism. The late Serrati, houses enn be pulled out on strike There is no doubt that even more amated, we are ready to cooper back to the peasants as private of and made efforts to secure plers reserved to the company cabs over on the men they tried to spread former leader of the Italian Maxate with all the progressive and property. Only very recently the the intervention of Green himself, by contract were now inviting them the strike to other sectors of transImalists and a Communist during further. And this is just what and the movement extended still militant forces in the union who the bus are marching in the same directhe same reasons to transfer the of the of Philadelphia Taxt the pablic. The Independents of drivers and conductors of the Fifth the last years of his life, said to msut be done at once to assure me in 1914: To our shame, Mus tion because they like we are horses to life time use of the peas men Union was sent to New York fered to pay two dollars a piece a Ave. buses as the point of attack victory. But for this, the imsolint learned more from the Bolconcerned only with the advance ants. The real key to the puzzle as general organizer of the stirke. day into the treasury of the union The strike has already recordprovements in the organization sheviks than we did. It is not ment of the interests of the work of bureaucratic omnipotence lles in At the same time La Guardia if the union would agree to theired positive gains for the taxi men and direction of the strike are necessary to explain the irreconcilessential prerequisites.
ers and their strike. Especially there simple facts. We say, and called in Morris Ernst of the working ability of the aims which the two and the entire labor movement. It a labor strike is the last place not at all for paradox sake, that American Civil Liberties Union to The leadership is the decisive But the strikers saw through this stiffened the morale of the principal world currents serve: one in which faction monopoly or hotel if certain ancient religions, also be act as mediator. Ernst arranged a scheme. They realized that if the strikers, and it has helped there wants to perpetuate decaying capi problem. It must prove capable clique tendencies can be permit. cause of insufficiency of cattle, bas number of meetings. The frult of independents were out on the streets strike to the extent that it talist society by means of univerof organizing and coordinating ted. Their continued existence led themselves on the bull Apls, the his efforts was settlement which that would be a powerful lever in made it difficult for most And Impossal police rule, the other wants to the work, of drawing in all procan only prove fatal, because they religion of bureaucratic sovereignty said nothing about the recognition the hands of the bosses to break sible for some diners to reach the liquidate classes and states by gressive forces, of discarding all are an Insidious poison, bases itself on the cow not on the of the union, minimum wages or the strike. They sacrificed the money hotels. It has set an inspiring exam.
methods of the revolutionary dieta narrow and clique tendencies, of genuinely collective direction one that exists, but on the one maximum hours. In addition the and voted for no cabs on the ple of working class militancy and torship, thus liberating society and inspiring the workers with selfof the strike, a heightened note that is lacking.
proposed distribution of the accum streets. And forthwith they re will undoubtedly be an impetus to the human being. But in the course confidence, of sharpening and ex of militancy, serious concern The problem is, of course, notulated tax money was unsatisfac paired to the streets to translate other workers to struggle against of combnt mortal enemies fretending the demonstrations and with the organization of the work, exhausted by milk, it only begins tory. The men voted down this the vote into reality.
their intolerable conditions. And quently exchange weapons. The picket lines by heightening the sober approach to the prospec. with milk and bread. The contra settlement and demonstrated It is not clear exactly how the what is of paramount importance fact is that it in the struggle for morale, of instilling the workers tive outcome of the struggle aletions pass through the whole what they thought of it on the Socialist Panken got into the strike for the taxi drivers; win or loso power the Fascists have borrowed at the daily mass meetings with these problems, at the end of the system of economy and of social streets against the scab drivers and how he became one of its they will come out of this strike greatly from Bolshevism then in the knowledge and spirit which second week, now stand out, full relations. The question, however, But the nub of the boss strategy spokesmen. But one thing is cer with a union. We are also sure of the last period the Soviet bureau alone can make them a cohesive of promise that their solution is too complicated and requires a was the attempt to use the inde tain; he is a partner to the latest another thing. This strike of the cracy has familiarized itself with and battling army.
will mean the triumph of the special article. TROTSKY. pendents to divide the ranks. An perdidous sell out aranged by La taxi drivers will not be the last.
many traits of Victorious Fascism, Any failure to make the neces workers and their union! January 20, 1984.
Independent to the owner driver of Guardia, Ernst and some people on STAMM.
the The Significance of the Taxi Strike conducted the negotiations for the social has