BolshevismBourgeoisieCapitalismCominternCommunismCommunist PartyCuban RevolutionEngelsFascismGermanyHitlerIV InternationalImperialismLeninLeninismMarxMarxismNational LiberationSocialismSovietSpainStalinStalinismStrikeTrotskyURSSUnited FrontWorkers PartyWorking Class

SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 1934 THE MILITANT PAGE American Soviet Agreement The Movement In Mexico of the United States have been fint of concluding when necessary wignatures were affixed, in the silMilitancy Shown In Taxi Strike Who Was Bishop Tourian?
dominated by petty shopkeepers, professionals, rabbis and priests, the is the main bulwark for Soviet defense. Further cota (From the Bulletin of the Inter The Significance of Russian torious working class and weak ments are unnecessary. Mexico City. There is no lack of Revolutionary Events As Islands, and who would never be the nationalist Communist League. ening the international bourgeoisie. activity or sigus of activity of the Recognition by the same this was the agent among The workers have nothing in com. Bolshevik Leninists in Mexico City, the Stalinist bureaucracy, after havmon with this murder case It Is In fact, Judging by the number of Seen by Our Own The resumption of relations be the working class sent by the govUnited States ing killed the Chinese Revolution struggle between two counter rev. posters, signs, etc. on the street the Correspondent ernment.
tween the United States and the Soviet State marks, of course, a and precipitated the German proleMarxist Education.
very important stage in the presentBoth the United States and the tarint into a catastrophe, is redne olutionary groups desperately trying Internationalists are as active of the group, and where he worked Poverty stricken, baragsed by the to Stalinist all the police had to do was plek government, our comrades in Mexico party situation, chletly characterized by alarming situation created in the ance of power among the capitalist as their objectives to restore their him up and send him to the Isles work on. They are developing all The first day in town noticed a de Tres Marias on this information. sides of their work. They are edu.
the question of supremacy in the Far East by the Japanese offensive powers. This has nothing in coma role in the Soviet Union, Pacific Ocean. Since the center of In this sense the new American mon with the strategy and tactics KAMIAT. statement of our comrades on the When showed this to a Stalinist cating themselves in Marxism. They world relations shifted from Inland Soviet agreement is certainly one of revolutionaries Montevideo Congress, printed and party sympathizer he stated, Oh, are doing work among the masses.
One of the most direct consequpasted all over the workers Hoas to the great ocean routes, not of the most important factors in sec the police don bother the Trotsky. They are internationalists and 80 lion.
only has an advantage accrued to international polities of this epoch. ences of the new American Soviet JUST ARRIVEDI ites. said that didn believe are preparing Boycott Hitler Then in my walking through the him countries which dominate such What will be its future repercus agreement will be in effect, to inIn a little while you will see Campaign. They are also planning crease the servile anti proletarian town saw painted in a great pum the truth of this statement.
routes, but still more a to set up an apparatus for legal spirit of the Stalinist bureaucracy, ber of places Viva la Oposicio de The story itself was a delirious work. They are organizing syndieamong the various imperialist Indisputably, a powers for predominance over them has every right to utilize for the capitalism, its most open abandonworkers state its submissiveness to international THE BULLETIN OF THE RUS Izquerda Communista with sleklelle. The truth is the contrary ofates (unions. They are going to was inevitably developed. Here benefit of the proletariat the dit ment of the road of world revoluSIAN OPPOSITION has just ar. and hammers. also noticed a all the statements Machete made. carry on the Boycott Campaign in again the forecasts of Marx and Lerences existing among the various tion. Did we not have a proof of rived from Paris. The feature position on the 7th of November all cut the workers wages he organ group and then in a united front mimeographed staternent of the opOur comrade did not help the boss two ways Arst, a statement by tho Engels respecting supremacy on the bourgeois groupings, even to the this submissiveness even before the deals with the 17th Congress of over the working class sections of bred the workers against this cut in corm. The statement will be printPacific Ocean and the development the There are impor. the city.
wages. For this he was throwned and distributed by the League la defensive understanding contirmed to the letter.
with ence of the Comintern during the tant articles by Leon Trotsky, There is another sign of activity out on the street jobless.
the bourgeoisie of one color against Cuban revolution? still more: some and pasted on walls all night, and Alfa and others. There are also of the Internationalist Communista.
It was through this statement at great risk, lest the pro govern The United States of kidnappers, the bourgeoisie of another color. Stalinists have preached non violaThis is the great attention and that made contact with the group. ment Trotskyites are pleked up by bandits, mapists and important letters from the Soviet amount of space given them in the went up to the shop where the the government they are so devoted pickpockets. But this tactie, rightly defended by tion of American property in Cuba has given the world an amazing Leniu and all revolutionary Marx. in order to avold the intervenUnion. It is indispensable for stalinist orgau, the Machete. Every comrule was supposed to have donely serving and sent that govern example of what miracles can be ist, is comprehensible only on con tion of the American fleet. As Russian speaking comrades. Get issue of this rag is Alled with rabia bis counter revolutionary work and mont to the Island. But our com realized by a state of confirmed cition that it serves to lighten the though the national liberation of it now! There are only a few frothings, lies, slander, provocation, asked where could find this man. rades here are internationalists in rascals. These confirmed rascals. work of the social revolution, to oppressed peoples could be carried copies on hand.
denunciation this is their Ideol.
The workers did not manifest anytheory, and in fact and are will the capitalists of America, in ac speed its coming to weaken the out without expelling the imperialogical campaign signs of Indignation when saia ing to suffer for their internationalcomplishing their miracles that international bourgeoisie, to reen ist oppressors!
32 pages 25 per copy Stalinist Provocation was his friend. On the contrary, ism if necessary.
is to say in plling up treasures, de force the positions of the victorious Once again the workers must be All orders should be addressed to The four numbers have seen of one worker volunteered to show me The comrades here have veloping themselves technically in working class.
someshown that the and the such an extraordinary manner, ac Now, the tactics of Stalin Bains of the October Revolution Rne Spiegel, Co The Militant, 126 this paper cach contained lengthy where he lived and accompanied me thing that is unique in our interna attacks. In one attack, they gave there. He did not curso comrade clonal organization a group of cumulating enormous capital, have Litvinov are to the revolutionary, can be saved only by the force of East 16th Street, New York City. the name of one of the leaders of or abuse him, but ratbor spoke children organized in a Red Pioneer reached a situation in which they Bolshevik Leninist tactic what the the international proletariat, the of him with affection and admira Group. These children learn about must spread their miracles out negative is to the positive. All the joint action of the proletarians of tion. This worker, by his intelll she class struggle both from books side their country and even well revolutionary sagacity in the strat all countries. The ripening of the zent class conscious conversation, and in participating in the battle.
outside their continent. They must egy and tactics of Lenin bas, in proletarian revolution is not assistshowed that not a faker, or govern. They orgaulze demonstration of secure domination over the entire the strategy and tactics of the Stal ed by carrying on, as doe: Stalinist ment agent had worked for some the ebildren for free books and world. Especially in the war and inist bureaucracy, become a swin aiplomacy, a labor of preserving (Continued from page 1) ing. Now, you were told to stay time beside him but a class con papers.
post war period, American capital dle of the workers. Instead of re the balance of power among the sympathizers, the backmen broke off the street today. Get your sious revolutionist ism has grown most rapidly, out enforcing the positions of the vic international bourgeoisie.
Demagocy of Government into wild daughter followed by great dannel car into the garage and Young Internationalista stripping all its rivals and competiThe government, a master in dem tors. Its own territory being tool applause. The hackmen understood. keep it off the street. made contact with our comrade, agogy (it is in reality a Social DemWilliam Gandall, the chairman. cop rushed up holding his narrow to hold its wealth and ac of the union, assured the strikers blackjack in his hand, and ordered who at present is working in a lit ocratic government) has, with a tivity. Amercan capitalism can no the marchers to keep moving, but the shop. After showed bin your loud blast, Inaugurated Socialist longer content Itself with an isothat no settlement had been made die line held its ground. Dou letter and had talked with him, be Education. They do not with all lationist policy. Its economic ex Recently an pansion demands the subjection of blabop. Leon Tourlan was assassin labor. Archbishop is concentration members. He informed them to start trouble. The cop retreatArmeniau Arch. wag before the threatening hand of without the consent of all the sun. use that, buddy, if you don want save me the following information: their Soclaltst education. give the We have in Mexico City a group workers chlldren adequate school other countries, demands that it as ated in an Armenian church here ing anti Soviet forces around the further that a meeting of the dieed.
of 47, about 25 active. The major racilities or free books or paper, sume political hegemony in New York Armenian National Church Council ferent fast groups for that same Then the cry went up To Broad sty are young, none of them work thus making the loudly proclaimed The only European country which it is perhaps worthwhile to re says the declaration. What do evening was scheduled to discurs way, clean up Broadway. Broad for the government, all are work compulsory education illusory. Our had thus far escaped American con real certain facts pertaining to the you expect from an archbishop who plans for amalgamation of the tour way, was cleaned up cleauer than. How diferent from the Stalin. Planeers are educating the struggle trol is the Now American capitalism, by means of the this case, especially the Friends of kin (a former oll magnate 10 the Soviet Union.
The hackmen became impatient night; while the cope kept chasinging of the group the following night. these grammar school children in recent agreement with the Soviets, Tsarist Russian now in Paris. With the many speeches and poured up and down trying vainly to disI accompanied this comrade on the group have more than once seen has welded one of the last links in The archbishop was stabbed to own church in London to re cut into the street to attend the perse the dozens of backmen groups the meeting night. We entered the inside of the jail of the Mexican the chain which binds Europe to it death by a few members of the concile the parties. Four central mass meeting at Madison who kept surrounding all indepen. room, then went upstairs. Every workers and Peasants government as a dependent. In effect the doors Tashnag party, a reactionary of Tishings were elected to the Na square Garden. It was evident, dent cabs, ordering all passengers one who entered was first seen from so the government describes itsell. above.
It must be understood that the of the have by this canization composed of Russian nal Council when asked by the that the march was not prepared out, and tearing of the doors of all The tirat thug noticed about work has many shortcomings. This agreement been opened wide to Am. Armenian counter. revolutionists opposition why, the reason was erican capitalist exploitation which having an its aim to restore the riven as a means of reconciliation. There wasn a single poster in tough independent drivers. Be the comrades was that the majority is inevitable, granting the condiright, except for an impromptu color of your badge ain no differthereby obtains a Merious prop at bourgeois nationalist republle in In the same number of Panvar piece of cardboard on an end of ent than me, bud. they said to were young. mean really young. thons. The comrades flad it dificult a moment very important for it. the area which is now Soviet Arm. a letter is printed by Hoc (an Arm a stick, marked Bronx. which them. Four riot squads were call. 17 to 22 was the majority. There to buy books and read, they are But the chief political meaning of cala and to extend that territory enlan version of the dated was wildly cheered, wherever ed out; many of the workers were were a few older workers, obvious expensive. The illegal paper, the the recent Amerienn Soviet agree at the expense of Turkey. August 7th to the archbishop. bobbed up during the march to hit with blackjacks on their backss unskilled laborers, one of whom Izquierda (Left. has difculty ment relates to the question of of the coming out due to the high cost The archbishop was a member of It quotes the Armenian Church the Garden. the cops didn dare smash them brought the Intest copy Paciile supremacy.
the liberal democratie party which Council as saying: It unfortun But in the very inuprovized char over the head. But after it was Machete with a slanderous coward or stencils and papers.
attack upon us in it.
Trotsky Works Popular At the same time as the United is composed of Turkish Armenians, ate that the holy archbishop was acter of the march, the workers all over, very, very few cabs were The first order of business was The book stores here prominently States, there has grown up rapidly Apparently having a passive Atti involved in that part of removing revealed their militancy and iron to be se non: Broadway, and mans the reading of this articlo and its display Trotsky books and they in the Pacife a young power, Japan. tude to the Soviet Union and oppos the Armenian national tag on Arm courage. As many as were able a besuwned and bxjeweled lady, had refutation. Then a class took place seem to have a good sale among By hold and tenacious attack, ing the Imperialist aspirations to enlan Day, July 2nd, since he al piled into the empty hacks. We to walk to a pubway.
in historical materialigan. This the students and intellectuals. the Land of the Rising Sun is try ward Turkey on the part of the ways in the past as well as in the might just as well ride in style for After participating in that clean was an educational meeting. have seen all of Trotsky work on ing to come forward as a formid. Tashnag. Hence the enmity be present stated that he respects the once in our lives.
up, this reporter, for one, realized, Persecution of Comrades display printed in Spain and Chile able antagonist to the United Statween the two groups which led to national tricolor. Hoc requests As the line passed across 42nd why tha strike has spread like a When the meeting broke up, one in the main. The tragedy is that denial or confirmation of the above Street and Fifth Avenue, the men prairie fire, and why there isn of the comrades in conversation with they are so expensive. sixty cen ter, and to take from it the place the tragle afliair.
which the latter seeks in the Far The contradictory attitude of the statement. Answer never received. stopped a passing independent a single big company cab on the me accidentally let the remark drop tavos, which is the cost of the East and especially in the vast at the expense of Turkey.
that he had done time on the Islax cheapest pamphlet amounts to near How do these facts correspond cruiser, told the passenger to get streets of New York today.
Chinese market. new world con acteristic. The archbishop when with the present characterization out and advised the driver to go for the first time in their lives, de Tres Marias. was amazed. ly half day wages for an unflagration would already have alle was Fascist to them after of the archbishop by the Stalintatar right back to the garage. On 42nd the hackman of New York feel, in Here was a youngster of barely skilled worker. It amounts to halt broken out, if Japan had not been his killing he became a Friend of that we leave to the Stalinist con Street and Exth Avenue, trattle the words of one of their speakers, 17, child, who had spent six a week wages for a young workable to profit in its attack from the the Soviet Union. They even call. rusionists to explain.
was tied up completely for about that they are not lice, or seum of months on the Devil Island of er. Marx s, Engel s, Trotsky and state of uncertainty still prevailing ed a mass protest meeting against It should also be remembered that ten minutes and the cop on the the earth, but workers, rendering Mexico. He had, besldes, been ar. Lenin works are loaned among the In the camp of its enemies and from the murder aftalr.
last summer the invited boat couldn do much about it service just like the worker in a rested innumerable times.
comrades until the print on the the internal and international wenk Panvor, the Stalinist organ in the archbishop Benjamin to deliver an either. Ever; passing independent big factory or plant. They are When expressed my amazement cheap paper becomes indigcernable ness of the As for the Armenian language, of August 19, anti Soviet speech from its platform. cab was hailed and stopped. All feeling their strength and unity, he showed me three other comrades and the book is in tatters.
United States, everything indicates 1933 carried a lengthy declaration (See Times, July 1st and passengers were ordered out. The know what they want, and do not ranging in age from 15 to 22 who The Militant also plays a great that they have had to take and still of the Central Committee of the Militant, July And yet the strikers pilel in and ordered the mean to go back until they get it. Bad also been picked up with him role in the edcuation of the comtake a cautious attude toward the Armenian Buro with tho most viel Daily Worker of January 12 in an driver to beat it back to the gar. spokesman for the Independ and had served time. Two were 22, rades. By dint of great labor imoffensive of their rival, tearing to ous denunciation against the arch editorial entitled, The age If he protested the doors were ents is reported to have said: Why one was 16, and one 15.
portant articles are translated and come to grips with Japan alone. bishop, trying to prove the similar convention. says that: The Jerked off. Sometimes the windows should we quit, when every night is was rather bitter when thought are read to the comrades. UnforRussia has also had to make con ity of Tourian and his party with is the main bulwark in the strug. sot broken by accident, while the New Year s? After what saw of of this party sympathizer state tunately, since none of the comCessions to Japan, thus heightening the Tashnag. cartoon is pictur gle against anti Soviet poison pro strikers angrily yelled out at them last night, think the Independents ment: The police never bother the rades know English, this can only American capitalism fears of its ed to that effect, Tourian protect sanda Not the but thel You guys were laughing, when will have some pretty good reasons Trotskyltes. looked at the child be done at all too rare occasions.
antagonist aggrandisement. ing the liberal democrats and Tash typical petty bourgeois organization we were walking the streets starv. to change their minds. who had contracted dysentry on the.
child, or his own life to such piti as an isolated national entity but knew were the best to follow at Unser Wort a Weekly able dullards. No capitalist, on as a part of the International.
that particular time.
Discussion of Youth Problems the other hand, would entrust the The small Unser Wort is now the Because, besides personal erection of a plant to an engineer only organ in the whole field of the experiences had the advice who did not master thoroughly the German working class movement comrades long connected with varlfundamental theories of technology that realizes correctly, earnestly, in ous phases of unlon activity, was Only in the sphere of politics, even a Marxian fashion the interrelation able to voice the workers demands revolutionary politics, ignorant of tactics and strategy.
of a na in a generally correct line. And deThe transformation of Unser Wort, seek a way out in the same direc quackery continues as pretentiously tional party and a new Internation In a recent discussion article working class fights shy of such spite my youth there is no one who into a weekly is a great achieve tion. Can they, in this case, refuse to argue against the scientific methal. Precisely in this lies the guar. read with interest the remarks of mechanically imposed leadership? had more of the comraderie, the sym ment not only of the revolutionary the establishment of International od. It is at times difficult to be antee of its success. In the epoch a comrade who bemoans the lack Our Industrial work must be pathy and the trust of the workers wing of the German emigration, not connections, elaboration of programheve that the Manifesto of the Com of dissolution, ferment, confusion, of concrete suggestions by the Na taken seriously and anyone entering than had.
only of the new party of the Ger matic and strategical questions, ex munist Party was written 86 years political half heartedness may sometional Youth Committee on how to into a specific field must enter it, Industrial activity should be our man proletariat that is now being change of political experience and, ago!
times register great successes which begin youth work and by what not with the intention of helping concentration and immediate per bullt, but of the Fourth Interna Anally, mutual practical support. The disputed questions, now split are of the greatest surprise to it method to proceed. He criticizes out when it is on strike and tip spective. But add this. Our work tional as well. The strength of already at the first steps of their ting the world working class move self and blind 14: but these success it and then attempts to enlighten pantly and peremptorially leaving must be taken seriously, spasmodic Unser Wort lies in the fact that it work?
ment, buve not an episodic, not aes are not trustworthy, they dis the comrades with what, when it when the excitement is over or jumps froin this field to that are serves at one and the same time na Some wise slow movers go eren tactical hot principled, strategic appear together with the political read, turns out to be equally, it even with the purpose of contacting worthless. Comrades must decide tional and international tasks. further and say: We do not want and, by this very fact, Internation conjuncture that gave birth to them. not more vague. He raises the the workers spasmodically at their on a trade and prepare to Some wise men who understood to split our ranks because of ques al character. No matter how great The successes of Unser Wort are cry Into the working class youth. homes, but he must enter it with years in it. Groundwork for the nothing of the character of our tions of the character of the Soviet the peculiarities of this or that of a different order; they are suc as the orientation for the more the intentions of spending years in revolution is laid in the trade unepoch and learned nothing from the state the strategy of the Comin country may be, they determine in cesses of method, system, Marxian serious work of the League and it. That is the crux of the situa ions. Let us then enter into them victories and defeats of the prolettern in the Chinese revolution, the our epoch merely the tactics and clarity there successes are sold. points out the necessity of organiz tion and can bear it up with very not by mechanically taking out a arlat, try to reason as follows: first policy of the Anglo Russian Com net the strategy of the working Friends of Unser Wort must spare ing cadres of youth on an economic concreto examples.
union card at the time of a strike we will build a national party and mitte, etc. etc. We want simply class. The importance of tactics, no efforts to insure the weekly ap basis into either the Spartacus During the recent Los Angeles but by working in the shops and then on a solid and safe foundation to help the workers of our country is, of course, great; in the Anal pearance of the paper, enrich its Youth Clubs proper or broad work dressmakers strike was secretary earning the right to a union card.
we shall erect the International. to carry on the class struggle. Thus analysis all strategy dissolves into content, enlarge its size, increasoers clubs.
of the general strike committee and let us not make the mistakes the This argument sounds very serious reason, for instance, tho Initiators tactics. But we cannot make one its circulation, facilitate Its pene How typically is the cry virtually in charge of the picket and had made circumspect, solid but in reality it of a new Workers Party in the corruet tactical step without a tration into Germany and make and as equally characteristically, lines. Why was able to do so and assume that going into the demonstrates Philistine short sight United States (C. A. Muste strategic compass 10 hand. We ready for publication, alongside of impotent!
much work? Was it the result of working class is the signal for takedness. The regenerating workers et. al. of the same opinion are the cannot orientate ourselves in the Unser Wort of theoretical month How are we to enter into the the sudden appearance of myselling over leadership.
movement does not begin history leaders of the Swedish Independent national situation, without estimat ly for the elaboration of the prin working class youth. How are on the scene and the equally quick The working class follows that anew; it has a colossal past, sim Communist Party (Kllboom ing theoretically the world situacipal questions our epoch, that we going to raise our youth slogans, approval of me by the strikers? No. organization that has identified it.
llar in its main tralts for all coun: others. the British Fenton, without drawing conclusions of the program of the Fourth how are we golng to build cadres? For year before the strikesele with the working class through tries. The proletariat of the whole ner Brockway and others. etc. It from the international experience International.
Time and time again the Young worked in the shops in the needle its day to day struggle in its beworld had been united for decades you will, the authors of the Ger of the working class, without outHearty greetings to the editors, Communist League has attempted trade side by side with the work half, follows that organization by the Second International and mou painpblet Begin Anew 00 lt. an futernational perspective, personnel, administration, readers to form youth sections in therers, experiencing their hardships whose members have built the trade union. After the world cupy even a lower place in this that is, without a program of a and friends of the weekly Unser own unions and as and struggles, understanding their prestige in their unions by virtue war the proletarian advance guard question. Can one imagine a doc new International.
Wort. TROTSKY. often have they failed. Failed be trials, encouraging their militanes of their years of long work side united under the banner of the tor who would say that he is not when deep thinking people say: January 24, 1934.
canse they forgot one important For a year carried on, to the by side with the workers in the Third International. Not only the concerned with the fundamental do not hurry, now is not the time factor: the working class will never best of my ability, the workers shops.
world crisis, Fascism and the dan theorles of anatomy, physiology and for the Fourth International. they NOTE TO BRANCHES have confidence in or follow the day to day struggle with the bones. All this will be the wedge whereger of war, but the decline of the pathology, that he does not want could with equal success say: Do Arrangements have been made by leadership of anyone but a worker Then when the neerl for a strike by cadres of youth can be formed.
Comintern as well have an inter to argue about the newest theories not hurry, now is not the time for Ploneer Publishers whereby branch and a worker in thelr own specific was apparent raised the cry and consistent and systematie work in national character. It is clear that on cancer, or malaria, but prefers the class struggle. Since it is not es of the Communist Lengue can trade. Does the comrade imagine carried it to the workers. On the your trade brings personal conunder the Influence of the very same simply to treat the patients of a question of the formal proclama obtain all literature published by that merely to enter Into the work. meeting floor was able to speak tacts and personal contact form common causes advanced proletar his locality? Not one thinking tion of the new International but Charles Kerr and International Pu Ing class youth Insures his position the workers language and propose the nucleus for your youth cadres.
lan elements in all countries must worker would trust the life of bel of the ballding of a new party, not blisbors at a 25 percent discount. in it or can ho understand that the such measures as I, as a worker. FLORENCE WYLE.
my of Real Achievement On Industrial Activity work up