Bolshevik PartyBolshevismBourgeoisieCominternCommunismCommunist ManifestoDemocracyFascismGermanyHitlerIV InternationalImperialismLeninLeninismMarxismSocialismSovietStalinTrotskyURSSUnited FrontWorkers MovementWorking Class

LETTERS from the MILITANTS Pioneer Publishers PAGE THE MILITANT SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 1934 waiting. overheard the supervisor telephoning for police. He was tell The Unpleasant Task of Piatnitsky ing the cop at the other end of the andere die beste van vorher and How Lenin Is Used to Help Him BEREDELSER ELLER SELECCESELEIFERECE bad already arived and many more were expected. The workers were was just readng Piatnitsky I wish to refer. riatuitsky opens Workers Must nos con el escenes to be used front of the departamentos el desertoverom others from au case of shortage, was tatly turn tients wait to see the doctor, very Chelsea, we formed a unit.
Later that afternoon was hand Germany, published by the Commun and quites Lenin definition of a Unite as One ed down.
often for as long as four hours. The Member of Section Committee ed a sealed envelope to Managers are required to call the place is too small to accomodate was made a member of the unit the Parlo Department in deliver to list International. This piece of revolutionary situation in the fol Marine Park, Brooklyn, Damn omice rreyuency by telephone all the people that come. If you buro and the section committee. tan. When got to Manhattan apologetics is pretty sickening, es owing way: pecially the impudent way in which For revolution it is essential, Down in this remote and God for Lor additional merchandise, special come early enough to get a seat on was one of the most active memfound out that was discharSore Platnitsky talks down to tbe suffer first, that a majority of the work saken part of Brooklyn, where instructions, etc. as the stores are the uncomfortable benches, you are bers of the unit, which as a whole was hired. went to the Centraling workers of Germany. But In. ers (or at least majority of the 4, 000 workers are herded not equipped with telephones the lucky. When, finally, you do get in was a very inactive unit as all the Bureau which had sent me the spe want to point out one thing in par conscious, thinking politically the wage cut axe nas fallen almost amagers have to stand the cost ot to see a doctor, the examination is, anity were cial delivery letter to get an explan ticular: active workers) should fully unof necessity, a superficial and basty without warning. From 15 toey duty themselves.
In the meantime, kept pesteringation. Xo funds: project held up This pamphlet has the unpleasant derstand the newessity for revoluInspectors from the State Labor one.
collapse tion, and be ready to sacrifice the fact that every worker suportment come in from time to the basement has two filthy wash literature agent for de scroll skylist are giving thousands or others. task of explaining away of the of Germany in the face their lives for it; secondly, that porte a family on his salary. and omie, cutetully note all the infrac rooms. have been here many literature but they couldn even the capitalist press now reports of Hitler attack. It has to answer the ruling class has to spend a good chunk of it just. 10118 of the labor laws and depart. times. Always, have found the refer me to any wames of patophlets that CWA workers are being fires the questions: Why was no better government crisis, which attracts in a state of for loafing. First capitalisin makes defensive struggle put up by the wren, the most backward masses clothing. As one worker put se ceping these investigators quiet the sinks, and indescribable sith. On Monday, Nov. 13, there was comoalleroscowork remeh it here to German proletariat? Why did not Toey re simply taking the milk into politics. wenkens the gov.
away from my kids.
sot muca. Meanwhile, washroom It is drafty and cold. The odors, a section membership meeting to you unemployment insurance. Fin the lead in organizing sach ernment and facilitates its rapid Along wito the announcement conditions remain disgraceful, girls and extreme discomfort of stand. xoxburs. At this meeting the Cally it gives you a lousy, fake job: a struggle? Why did not the overthrow by the revolutionaries.
that 1500 men are going to be laia vontuue to work more hours toan ing for hours on end in drafts, in his talk said that Trotsky was and then it fires you for loafing. force the into a united How Piatnitsky Elits Lenin out within a week, the Ott utlowed by the law, for wages maken one sicker after leaving against the theory of building so front? Instead of answering them, This seems clear: a majority of Cials are looking for any sort of such less than required by NRA. than before entering, clalism in one country and that however, it concentrates on another the workers must be for revolutionexcuse to give us the gate. Tracy, The pharmacy general undercurrent of resentconnected with Stalin was in favor of it.
question: why did not the cary struggle even to the death; the the weld loreman, wanted a gang or read a quotation from Stalin make a revolution in Germany last government crisis mit do two meu lad or wbom be accused of meat is apparent in the majority of the Out Patient Department is just lenuing a delegation to park head surts, but this is less obvious than as ill kept and dirty. The rows Foundations of leninism (the year?
things. a) draw even the most quarters to tua out why our payer petty bourgeois attitude to androws of shelves have an inch arst edition in which he unmistak Now it is indisputable that, in backward into politics, and (b)
was auld up. But only one man ward their working conditions and of dust on them. Bottles are keptably declares that socialisin cannot the last analysis. German capital. weaken the government and faciliwas tired, aut later reinstated. May moyers. When the bosses on their open and are not sterilized before be built in a single country taken Lam willingness to use Pasctam to tate its overthrow. But why the be tue fact that 100 meu had any rounds talk about the enorm they are filled with medicine and by itself.
preserve itself could be answered threedots toward the end of the marched down from the other side us protits they make and then given to the patients.
Becomes Counter Revolutionist.
only by a proletarian seizure of quotation? Was Lenin 80 long.
of the park to park headquarters with woetul expressions on their These terrible conditions are not asked for an explanation of this power. This, however, need not winded that a big chunk of his de bud smuutuing to do witn it.
One old wurker collied from CDs, Buy We wish we could do exclusive with the Bronx Hospital. quotation. Weiss the got up THE SOVIET UNION AND THE necessarily have occurred in any initioned to be dropped? No.
the cold and all or us were almost more for our employees very few throughout the city. Municipal hos or his ideas but his personality and They exist in many hospitals and attacked Trotsky, not bis theory FOURTH INTERNATIONAL given month of last year. It is confere is the last part of the passage ceivable that had the and without omitting thirty seven little Irodeu Wur when we were obite the girly seem to be aware of to mareu all the way across the be bypocrlical nature of this sympitals and dispensaries are espect then be sailed into me. He said By LEON TROTSKY the working class put up a better words Platnitsky overlooked: eius in the face ally notorious offenders just one that was a counter revolutionist www. vero wan. er During the last few weeks the tight, the balance of forces which The ruling class (must) be in blast in order to Not until the girls understand more consequence of capitalist pro and everything else under the sun.
Pioneer Publishers tried hard to prevailed under Schleicher might After Welss made his speech, a state of overnment crisis, which Be cuecked in.
at they can expect nothing belpriteering always at the expense of instead or directing the single Cute to come across aud caecx ul rom their bosses will they be the workers even to the point of was given an opportunity to defend publish comrade Trotsky New have been shifted in favor of the tracts even the most backward myself, when all had done wapamphlet on the class nature of working class. In other words. Ses Into politics. It is a sign ole to direct their resentment into endangering their lives.
of Fascism would not have been imme. Of every real revolution, this rapid us two gou uit the bus, the gangs spite Luu to walk across and back again. organized attempt to improve to question a statement of his. the Soviet Uniou. In asked him to answer ty question great financial difficulties, we in dately crushed, but would have coafold, or even hundredfold.
out been held off from power for a per: crease in the number of representaStill, the foremen aud busses are beir conditions.
fearful as the devil or agitators An Expulsion at first and then take up the questionally succeeded in bringing it of my activities, asked why there we are, however, in kreut lebr. lod by means of mass struggle fall lives of the toiling and oppressed and organizacion. Before tue mu High Speed had been nothing wrong with me Branches and individual comradesing short of the seizure of power passes, hervofore apathetie, who should rush their orders without by the proletariat. The nelzure of are able to carry on many mu bunued out as nuny eur Pig Sty of a until had asked this queston. polition delay. Cash with order will be of power might have occurred at a light which weakens the governBoston. Last January became Weiss then called for a vote to somewhat later Jute when, as a rement and facilitates its overthrow a relww nauds out Alcatlets. Hospital actively interested in tbe radical expel me for counter revolutionary great help.
sult of that mass struggle and part by the revolutionists.
a wawe in one case, the fore( Lert novement. attended all sorts of activities, saying that had been tal vietory, the ranks of the clasa Conmunism, Toiler edition, page men try to grab him in order to Selae him and get hun locked up. che corner of The original Broux Hospital on vetings, lectures and forums of the sent into the league to undermine IMPORTANT OFFER had been further consolidated aud 66. purcer, just verore we got uur pulton Avenue, was abandoned as and liberul organizations of all de hands.
169th Street and O. CRO, SP, it. was expelled by a show of DAVID UDELI.
The Pioneer Publishers, besides the enemy further weakened.
So it is not the crisis which weakpublishing Marxian book, is en Ignores Real Issue ens the government, but the strugou em ug us about to cut, warunt for use not so long ago. Its scriptions.
ed us to 80 right home aiter we new quarters across the street are did all the reading could Gud deavoring to supply the militants All this Piatnitsky ignores. Pointles of the once apathetic masses got it, an uot to hang around spacious, modern and expensive time for and soon found with Marxian literature and im ing to the historically indisputable who are able to carry on a polland talk to anybody myselk o get into. The very latest scienwavering between the and be The Jew Baiters in portant books of an informative axiom that only the dictatorship of tical figlit because of the existence The meu, to protect them cutie apparatus is installed and the Left Upposition leaned the Chicago character at very low prices. the proletariat can stave oft Fase of it crisis. Now the point about This time we have succeeded in ism whenever the latter threatens, the threedots becomes clear. If a organiza son. There are already private rooms are lovely to behold. rrection of the and hoped getting two very important books he argues that a revolutionary sit revolutionary situation did pot two organizations in the field. The Nothing was forgotten except and wished that it was the right or to the Editor: which every worker should have. uation did not exist in Germany. exist, it was just because these is entirely unnecessary; it will only de Out Patient Department.
anization because it was the otticon use the workers and handicap In an oldulapluated, dirty, cul party, it was a member of the Geo. Clarke on the Fascist Silver LUXEMBURGS Your articles in the Militant by We offer two hix volumes ROSA that therefore power could not be mannes were not carrying on such LETTERS, a welzed, and that therefore Hitler a tight. And whose fault was that workers must tigut to make both pital, workers who do not make of the any sort of campaign. Al wooden house next to the old hos Comintern and it has the backlus Shirts are very good but incomplete. bestutifully bound book with Rosa could not be stopped. Hence the if not the vanguards, the s?
groups uuite, and they should de The Chicago Pascist lok with portrait, anul THE LETTERS OF right to do nothing. And Piatnitsky whole pamphlet being mand: ONE ORGANIZATION, ONE uough for food and rent, and un No Answer to Questions the Silver Shirts is the profession SACCO AND VANZWITI, cloth in case you don believe it, be written in order to avoid this ques BAGET, ON ENEMY. employed men and women, crowd in At the begiuning of June when al patriot Harry fruigwho runs bound, BOTH volumes for ONLY warns, the Ecce has said it and tion, naturally he does not hesitate Lrom morning to late afternoon, the German events were still fresh the patriotic racket called the Am 00. For certificate holders, 25. you better believe!
to amputate Lenin a little bit lest this is the only quarter of the old asked the Bostou District Organ crican Vigilant Intelligence Federa: Add 15e for postage.
hospital that was forgotten. zer questions on the united front, Lion with free rent offices in the All this is fishy enough, but the the rottenness his bureaucratie We are glad to inform our num. worst 18 yet to come. Tlow does argument becoine suddenly appar Shoppe Under a snored. because it is not a source socialism in one country and several Tribune Tower Building of Chic erous inquirers, that we have on Piatnitsky prove that there was no ent.
of profit. Code The alternative theory that The house has two floors and satisfactorily and as he was busy ako.
Jung is the Chicago anti Jew and Lenin book IMPERIALISM revolutionary situation in Germany REVOLUTION Partly by referring to facts about Piatnitsky couldn find room in volume for 75. the concrete situation, facts pulled this 61 jage pamphlet with its closemanufacturers and retaulers of stk mainly for registration, and has cold ask him for some anti Trot Chicago Unton Langue Club. One Branches and certifiente holders out of their context, twisted, fab ty packed type for thirty seven adHenrietta Shoppes, lue. a basement. The first floor is used there wasn much discussion. But leader and he holds secret Fascista STATE AND home and lingerie, bave approxim. Several small rooms labeled, Eye skylst literature and some of his backers is the young moron 60e.
ricated, inisinterpreted. But large. ditional words by Lenin out of the alely twenty stores in New York Dept. Dental Dept. etc. The stalin works, which he provised clement Studebaker, whose father ly by quoting from Lenin. And it middle of a sentence.
great to give me.
Olty. Three of our girls are em cliole proper. where the was utility magnnte. Also the Bay a PIONEER PUBLISHERS is to one of these quotations that. HARRY STRANG.
ployed in each retail store; during majority of the patients are sent, The following week attended a Ku Klux Klan has or did have its CERTIFICATE. It only and busy seasons, five or six. The fact the basement. Here are eight or meeting of the Dorchester unit.
office in Jung office. You have entitle you to 40 discount on onr that the firm is operating under an uine little cubby holes none of again asked for anti Trotskyist Lit to have the password to get to publications and to a 20 reduction NKA code, and will tolerate no hem is larger than ten feet square erature or the names of some books Jung office. He is organizing on any book published by other attempts to change its rules and real o importantly named, Depart or pamphlets on the subject. WAS Fascist units, members of which publishers Some time ago, number of a strict rule to bar from memberJewish workers took up the ques. ship any person who is disclosed every girl bired. Sales girls are the floor and walls are stone. Rowstion of Trotsky But with lot all Jews, and each member is tion of organizing a Jewish club in upon investigation to be or to have supposed to receive a 15 minimum of wooden benches are placed in friend of mine, the comrade from assigned a code number.
Our School in Brooklyn ish club that would base itselt on constitution further provides for for 48 hours, 35 cents an hour in Investigate this racket and exthey work part time, and time and pose it, as it is one of the worst and at the same time be free of tee every six months, initiation to two thirds for overtime in the country.
The Brooklyn branch of the In all mechanical party control, grew be 25 and 25c monthly dues, with These employees tind out in a Fraternally.
ternational Workers School an up as a result of the widespread fire cents for unemployed. The the very soort time that one of Before we say another word about the sub drive we want to apoloR.
nounces the opening of a lecture anyone who dared as much as show chosen to be October Club of expulsion and discrimination against name of the organization has been Arm most important rules is: course entitled The Present and a dissenting voice against bureau Brownsville and has its head.
never pas workers what they really size to the Minneapolis Branch. In last week listing we omitted the Chicago, Future of American Communism cratism.
earn. Overume is paid at the re xty Club Plan subs sent in by the Branch. That, of course, also af to be given at the Militant Hall, Steps were immediately taken toters at 154 Watkins St. and gular rate of 35 couts per hour in lected the total. The sixty sube are included in the listing below.
regularly every Wednesday.
154 Watkins St. The first lecture organize such a broad Jewish club. The October Club has a variety stead of toe 58 cents called for in Besides the sixty Minneapolis subs we omitted we received, since Hotel Scab Agencies will be given by Arne Swabeck, Now after a short period of exist of cultural and educational activity tee NRA code that the Henrietta the last inne went to press, 257 new Club Plan subs. The odd tigure is recretary of the Communist League ence, the club has a membership of as well. Sometime ago a lecture stoppes were among the first to accounted for by the fact that one Militant Builder brought in dve of Fall Through of America, on Monday, February inore than 20 and about that many was held under its auspices with Sigu.
Juhe Club Plan subs. The at 669.
Sixth Avenue blood sucking em 12, 8:00. The subject of his doubtedly Join very shortly. condition of the labor and Jewish Extra Work Without Pay The New York Local took another long step toward realizing its ployment agencies were sadly dis lecture is What the Did say overtime is paid at 36 goal of four hundred new subs by adding 112 to its total which now appointed when the expected rush movement looks like today. The base itself upon the general prin coming to power. An enthusiastle cents per hour seould have said the sul part of overtime that is staads at 316. The Kansas City Branch shot in 48; the Minneapolis of applicants for striking hotel and lectures will be given every Mondayciples of the class struggle. It audience was moved to long and Datu to the girls is paid at that rate. Branch added 28 to its total; Pittsburgh added 20. The record follows:ialize. Personnel managers of ho be on The Communist Parts work olutionary struggle of the working for this coming Wed. January 12, restaurant positions did not mater evening. The second lecture will will support all phases of the rev. heated discussion following it. Now rur. long time before Christmas, New York Local 318 tels who interviewed job seekers at is and regularly on Saturdays and Minneapolis Branch 88 the different Sixth Avenue tions and the defense despite their pleas and preseneles ng class vanguard or brake on the class such as strikes, demonstra Jihe club is arranging a lecture on of revolutionary movement of political Democracy in the Trade Unions and busy evenings during the year, girls Kansas City Branch 48 prisoners regardless of the political the Situation in Local 9, no fees for the jobs and sleeping are allowed only 15 or 20 minutes Pittsburgh Branch views they hold. Every member with Sylvia Bleeker, long 32 Accomodations in the hotels could will have perfect freedom of ex active trade unionist, lecturing. All for Lunca and supper, but they are Youngstown Branch get only a few men.
pression ducked for two hours. They are a adherence to whatever workers are invited to attend. Ad. Dwyer tendency in the labor movement he mission is free and questions and Fearful of the results that hiring required to work later and report of seabs might have, many of the The Soviet Union or she wishes. The club makes it discussion will follow.
earner thun NRA hours call for, Ruby agencies are now pretending that to clean the store and rearrange they are not supplying them. The Papeun stock, but are not paid for these and the Hotel bosses have set up their own INTERNATIONAL WORKERS SCHOOL extra hours at all. Bosses Hurwitz employment agency on West 57th 4th Intenational (Winter Term)
explain that this is not really St. with little or no success Steinbach work. It just fixing up the store McLeod Arrangements have been made The International Workers School is about to enter its third with steamship companies to rush a little. Aching bones at the end Goodman by year of Marxist education for the revolutionary workers of New cooks and waiters to various botels of an 11 or 12 hour day refute the York City. It has issued its announcement of courses for the Win.
St. Louis Branch as soon as a boat docks. In this bosses conception of what real LEON TROTSKY ter of 1934 which extends from February 18th to April 31st The Murphy way Japanese workers have been following classes are listed: work is.
supplied to the Hotel Chatham. Koebler The most highly paid and responColleges and universities in New IN ENGLISH 406 IN JEWISH FUNDAMENTALS OF COMMUNISM Martin Abern sible positions this concern bas to Genfan York City and vicinity have been 7e in Bundles of or More (Based on the Communist Manifesto. offer in their retail stores are held Carlson sending students to the struck Order from Wednesdays pm to 10 pm. Beginning February 21st.
shops to work after school hours.
by girls who have been with them Parole and probation officers are PIONEER PUBLISHERS THE YOUTH MOVEMENT Joseph Carter for many years. These are the Total 569 sending jobless ex convicts to work 84 East 10th Street, Sunday P. to p. Beguning February 18th.
managers who in return for their This astounding record was made in less than two weeks. Our con. as scabs. The paroled men are SURVEY OF AMERICAN TRADE UNION STRATEGY loyalty to the firm, that is, work.
AND TACTICS Arne Swabeck ing too many hours for too little tention is that the Club Plan has not begun to exhaust its possibilities. afraid to refuse this dirty work out of fear of being send back to jail Wednesdays p. to 10 Beginning February 21st.
pay without complaining reporting Literally everybody can pitch into tbe work of spreading and building as perole violators.
THE MILITANT radical workers; reporting com the Militant through the Club Plan. Take the first step now. Fill out ELEMENTARY ENGLISH FOR FOREIGN SPEAKING Entered as a second class mail WORKERS Blake plaints of dissatisfied workers; in the blank below and become a Militant Bullder.
matter November 28, 1928, at the Build the Militant! Help circulate. Marxian paper for workers: Fired by the other words, underpald spies these Fridays p. to 9:30 Beginning February 2nd Post Omce at New York, Un.
girls receive 18 per week. They Order Plan hall your sub for one dollar! Use the blank der the act of March 3, 1879. THE HISTORY OF THE RUSSIAN BOLSHEVIK PARTY are abused by the bosses exactly below!
But Not Hired!
Published Weekly by the ComJ. Wright e the sales clerks are, and the munist League of America Fridays pm to 10 Beginning February 23rd pressure brought upon them is in THE MILITANT After two and a half month (Opposition)
REGISTRATION: The registration fee for each course is 50.
turn placed upon the sales clerks 128 Fast 16th Street, New York City, walt for a CWA Job. suddenly 126 East 16th Street, New York, Arangements can be made for payments at convenient intervals.
who work under them.
received a special delivery SaturEDITORIAL BOARD Individual sessions are 20 cents each. Those workers wishing to Fixing Labor Inspectors Enclosed please find. for. four is the minday, February 3rd to report for as Martin Abern James Cannon register for one or more courses can do so either by mail or by When the cash register is short, Imum) Club Plan half year sub cards.
signment the following Monday. Max Sbachtman Maurice Spector coming to the office of the International Workers School, 120 the deficit is deducted from the Name was told on Monday to report at Arne Swabeck the Municipal Building in Brooklyn Vol. VII, No. (Whole No. 211)
16th St. The office is open for the registering of prosgirls salaries. But when there is the next day. There was told to SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 1984 pective students all day long and every evening.
an excess, the money goes to head. Address.
report at Prospect Park for work Subscription rate: 00 per year Registrants can secure complete outlines for the courses at ten quarters. proposal made by a day later. At Prospect Park 0. 50 per half year 25 for cents per copy.
some of the girls te aceste a stand. City State had to wait several hours. While 20 19eues to blocks of four or Organize Jewish Club in Brownsville 569 Subs!
now 12 12 00 more