AnarchismCapitalismCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyFascismGermanyHitlerMussoliniSocial DemocracySocialismSovietStalinStalinismStrikeUnited FrontWorkers MovementWorking Class

PAGE THE MILITANT FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 2, 1934 Hitler: One Year After orkestra Brand Union Contract Lies The Wrecking Crew at Work Captains. 10. 00 clearing off 97. 00 Bnsboys one Ateni Lunch. 20. 00 Cook 20. 00 20. 00 Official Censorship of Union Press. 75 Hits Hotel Strike With the whole of Germany oppostpone the decisive struggle, it national Communist party. Towards Extra Chef de Partie per hour, Minimum hrs. Continued from page 1)
pressed under the iron heel of Fasc can make the road costlier and hard this end all militant workers must (Continued from page 1)
for hours work, One Merl Stendy Work Days ism, Adolph Hitler celebrated the er. The decisive problem is the re bend thelr efforts. By this means workers, mostly Amalgamated Houses, Clubs, Cabarets, Catering minimum hours. 00 Maximum hours Captajns. 18. 00 first anniversary of his appointment asembling of the truly revolution Commis for hours work, bloody barbarous regime of the meinbers in another column it is establishments minimum hours.
as Chancellor of the Reich on Janary forces for the construction of German Naxis will be crushed and more than 150 Amalgamated mem Demands for Wage Scale of Kitchen 00 Waiters. 00 uary 30th a new Communist party in Ger. the way pavel for a Soviet Gerbers. were insulted and ignored by GENERAL PROVISIONS Kitchenman, Vegetable man, Busboys. 00 One year of bloody rule. the many a Hection of the new intermany.
union officials when they came to No split watch EXTRA WORK Pantrygirl, Dishwasher headquarters to demand destruction of the Communist and Pay by week for hours work One Meal Maximum hours unity with the Stalinists. The Social Democratic parties, the wip3. No charge for meals on minimum Captains. 00 00 truth is that only mem ing out of all trade unions For all restaurants of the hours. 00 Walters 00 00 bers in that crowd were halta workers organizutions, toe persecusame class, the same pay Commis Extra Hours for regular men. 00 tion of the Jews, the suppression dozen professional Stalinists sent in All departments to have the hours maximum per week, each Busboys.
of all CNS: the Natiouulistextra boar to be paid to the times Sue Whole Das Maximus h1:00 to howl for unity. The bulk of the in the campo same price 150 were stray Needle Trades InCaptains The house to supply the cooks regular hourly pay.
the master 10. 00. 00 Disruption and strikebreaking is the contribution vf the Stalwist dustrial Union members, Broux 5, 00 Waiters 00 Alonarchists, tbe Catoolic Center, uniforms Demand for Wage Scale of 00 Busboys. 00 elements in the Protestant church leaders to the hotel and restaurant workers strike. group of irrellousewives Council No charge for laundering ultants Dining Room members, and other non and the storm troops. tens of sponsible bureaucrats playing with the workers luterests as lightly as stalinists. They interrupted the Outside Catering Maximum hrs.
Wages GENERAL PROVISIONS Class Class touuties others in prisous and fails u child plays with a toy, they are parading under the guise of the dis work of the strike committees et sous chef.
Stations to be rotated 00 50. 00 Uniforms to be supplied by Basboys. 00. Dlvody oppression and 45, 00 employers and also to be kept on banquets, Fifty cents extra tatou chat is the present set up in vrought into the botel strike, not to belp and cooperate with the Amal Lending to be meinbers un chef de Nuit. 40. 00 35. 00 in a clean and sanitary conds for set up and Fifty cents extra for the year one of German uscini.
questions revealed what they cher Garde Manger. 40. 00 35. 00 samated accepted by the overwhelming majority of the strikers us really were. They were told that Chef Butcher. 40. 00 Huerism in tue Saddle.
it those who sent them really bad Chef Entremetler. 38. 00 35. 00 Tipping Establishments Out of town clubs, per day and Wita unparalleled rapidity, Hitler ceir representative but to spit the ranks and sow confusion The ood Workers Industrial Union started out on its career by shuold make a formal request to the chet Potager, If inde a union and wanted unity, they Chef 33. 00 Non Tipping and Non Commisfare within hours extra pas per Rotissier 38. 00) 39. 00 sión Establishments has consonated his power. At hour for traveling over this time.
the end of January 1983 he became splittiug the Amulgamuted in 1929 without any just cause whatsoever. which would submit 30. 00 Wages Bartenders 35. 00 a week minimum pendent. 35. 00 Cuancenor. Un Anarch 5th the wespite the fact that freedom of expressiou, the absence of political dis to the membership for action. But otherwise. 32. 00 27. 00 Class Class Bellboys, Chambernuaids and other Germaus people range de canceramination and progressive tactics were part and parcel of the Amai stuen este pedig a reported wled his very chet Poissonier, it in Assistant bead Hotel workers 20 a week minimum purus plebiscitos with the susamated, hundreds of militant workers were maneuvered into a pit by gravely as a demonstration of dependent. 38. 00 33. Walters. 35. 000 Wage Scale Demands of otherwise. 35. 00 calleu uemocrauc mandate of the be bigh priests of the official Comunist party (the Stalinists) whose. members. Not that the Daily Ist Commis Saucier. 35. 00 35. 00 30. 00 Captains. 30. 00 Cafeterias and Coffee Pots 32. 00 Waiters and Walt proceeded to main job is to discredit communism.
people se immediately did not know better the previous 1st Garde Manger. 35. 00 32. 00 resses. 20. 00 30. 00 Wages inegulize the Communist party by Class For several year the. succeeded only in demoralizing the issue (Jan. 26) reveals the 32. 00 Commi. 20. 00 of the midnight unity delegatkin Hors Oeuvrier. 35. 00 time pretext soon the soch union situation and by their acties, cawed workers to hold back from. It was clected at the Bryant Hall 1st Commis Entre 20. 00 1st Grillardin. 30. 00 CAFETERIA Chef 45. 00 25. 00 Captains. 50 Cook.
35. 00 The traue umows were the next at temporarils, nobody expected that they would build anything in its The Daily of Jan, 31 contained a 2nd Commis Saucler 25. 00 27. 00 per hour. Minimum hrn 35, 00 victims of liters dictatorship. On de the long editorial It charged the Other Commis. 25. 00 Saladman Counterman 24. 00 Watters and Wait 80. 00 22. 00 resses. 000 Busboy 20. 00 Sy is the soled, then the and its bureaucratic regime, has remained a shadow of a union, out to the very same coluinn it condennelcher Tournant. 38. 00 UUEL were 35. 00 per hour, Minimum 24 hrs Pot washer 20. 00 tuwus or lue uuion were coutiscated destroy not to build. What else could happen to a Stalinist uuion, whose the leaders for trying to get the Commis Tournant, Husboys. 75 Kitchenman 20. 00 several moncus later the untos policies are thoroughls destructive, where oficials are appointed and not Board to negotiate with them, and all depts. 28. 00 25. 000 per hour. Minimum hrs. Dishwasher. 20. 00 factory councils subtered the same lected, where any worker with political opinions diferent from those to get the board to negotiate!
Establishments Employing One Meal Dinner COFFEE POT Captains. 54 35. 00 uf the leadership is persecuted, hounded or expelled out of the ranks?
Would it be wrong to talk to the Breakfast chef in Counterman 35. 00 Waiters and Walt 30. 00 charge. 40. 00 with the militant working class No sooner bad the Amalgumated recovered from the effects of the wonder where went when the pare resses. 00 Pot washer 20. 00 Banquet chef in crusu, mitter took steps against disruption in 1929, healed its wounds, solidified its ranks and embarked Park Hotel and the Maison Royale Bonillardin. 25. 00 35. 00.
per hour. Minimum hrs Dishwasher 20. 00 bis aues or the NutionBest camp. The als were upou an organization campaigu, than the professional splitters of the in the midst of the strike. Did the Kitchen Man. 20. 00 22. 00 iutegru. eu wath Hitler storm. suddenly discovered that they stood for. unity. do it without talking to the bosses?
22. 00 The Railroad Brotherhoods troupe. Tue Nationalists were either Jul spite of the sth Street Culou walodorous in urd, the true Or is it wrong to talk to the Re Chef Legumier. 25. 00 wou over to toe Wascist party Left wingers and progressives in the Amalgamated took a position in use militant tactics to force the 20. 00. 20. 00 sional Labor Board? Then why Casseroller. 22. 00 26. 00 all omel posts. Alter one yeur,. avor of genuino unity. At the height of the organization drive, the Board to act, as the Daily suggests 1st Communard. 28. 00 22. 00 Hitler has full control over the en Amalgamatel offered to open its doors wide to every worker atfiliated The truth is this: the saia 1st Commix Butcher 30. 00 27. 00 tire neid unchallenged by any seri with the Industrial Chios, proposing to adult bim without the slightest bosses. told this to the Region. Oyster Mun. 25. 000 25, 00 095 corce.
What it took Nussolini and his discrimination, whether he came in by hlinsel or in the form of units al labor Board. It turned to the chef Patissier 22. 00 55. 00 in previous articles ou the rail the president of the Brotherhood.
Italian Fascist bunds tour years to with his whole union. The staliuket leaders replied to this proposal with strike 18 it means of fighting for Sous cher Patissier 42. 00 37. 00 road anions we have pointed out He shall conduct the Oficial Pub accomplish and then only after an intensitied campaign of vily maneuvers and underhanded sabotage, the workers interests not to the 1st commis Patissier 82, 00 and discussed the aim and purpose lication in harmony with the gen29. 00 bloody screet tights and coutlicts. From the time the wulkuat began in the Waldorf, the mover of the ment in the capitalist press that it Tourier. 30. 00 in the eral policies of the Brotherhood as 30. 00 97. 00 behind the sceret Hitler has accomplisbed in montas. Industrial Union bave bad nothing but a strikebreaking effect. retings; the lonework. lis such are ontlined by the President and ations administered to newly ad. In the same section it provides Toe young latan Communist Party, despate Mussolini desires, For every handbill issued by the Amulgumated, it has issued coun one of many boss lles. And the Chef Glacier. 40. 00 35. 00 mittenDiembers, and the constitus that the editor may hire the help 25, 00 tional provisions which prohibit needed in the magazine office, all could not be suppressed or made cereallets printed on the same kind of paper in the same type, calculat Daily accepted it at face value the Head Baker for illegal until 3926. Trade unions, ed to deceive and confuse the workers.
Lodges and members from printing of whom shall be subject to the apHotels. 15. 00 strike and circulating their ideas and proval of the President. Note how independent of the caricature base2011 Baker. 38. 00 For every meeting called by the Amalgamateu, the lead Ist unions, were being built years Commis Baker. 28. 00 opinions on organization matters carefully the magazine is guarded alter Mussolini e victory. The Italers have called a counter meeting using the same despicable trick with MASS MEETING Night Baker. 10. 00 without the permission of the Pre against any criticism of the Adminian workers fought militantly che leattets in an attempt to mislead the workers as to the identity of IN SUPPORT OF THE HOTEL Night Commis. 30. 00 xident. In this article we willistration.
against the consolidation of Fasebriefly discuss the complete censor in the Locomotive Firemens con ism.
che real leader of the strike.
STRIKE Coffeeman. 22. 00 23. 00 xhip of the Brotherhood magazines stitution we find the following on 22. 00 by these labor chiefs. Within page 50, Section a. Workers Left Leaderless Fortunately for the strike and the labor movement generally the Pantxygirl.
22. 00 im has not succeeded in its game.
An entirely different picture this full circle of pag laws the of It shall be the duty of the Monday, February 5th, 1934 Dishwasber. 20. 00 20. 00 cia bureaucrats in these 21 rail Baltor and Manager to take Wbere it has had any supporters in hotels, as in the New Yorker, SPARTACUS HALI 313 53rd st.
Germany! The workers with ton.
full Coffee Shops, Cafeterias, Grills gue in cheek are compelled to the has doue its all to sidetrack the workers from the massAttached to Hotels trenched against their membership motivo Firemen and Enginemen shout: Hest Hitser! Depressed and es striking under the banner of the Amalgainated.
Brooklyn, NY Commis Saucier. 30. 00) The present brotherhood leadership Magazine, under the general superdownbearted, taey are still passive Commis Banquet. 32. 00 is fully conscious of the life and vision of the President.
Ou the day the Amalgamated issued its general strike call, decided and inactive. Hitler victory was Questions Adin. Discussion Busboys. death nescosity for complete stron Practically all of the Brotherhood easy suling for him after years ol oy the unanimous vote of thousands of members, and distributed tens of per hour, Minimum hrs.
gulation of all rank and file expres constitutions have similar provitreachery by toe social Democracy chousands of leatlets to thut ellext, this without single and criminal blunders on the part motel organized, issued a separate call for the general strike. Again, it sion to keep themselves in office. sions. Under this set up it is not They know that as soon as their an easy matter to reach the memnag lawe fall them their rule is over. bership in any one of the railroad The workers were lert leaderless printed its general strike leaflet in the same kind of type. The only during the offensive of Fascism ifference was that it gave its own address for strike headquarters!
Censorship Laws Cited. unions with any criticism on the (Continued from page 1)
Below wo will just cite provisions administration present bankrupt against toeir organizations, living Seeing through this new trick, the masses of the hotel and conuitions and very lives.
The union has a right to demand, fourthly, that every member tutions to show how the President when our officials cannot be critic All this dispute the empty and restaurant workers tlocked to the Amalgamated and enrolled under its display a one hundred percent loyalty to the Amalgamated. The 18th few unorganized workers were caught in the confusion, misbureaucratic boasting of the Stalin banner.
Street Union of the Stalinists is carrying out one of its typicalls membership expression in the Muge not have to defend themselves no ists. They cailed the Mueiler, tweaking the for the real union. But no sooner did those work. shabby maneuvers in this respect. On the surface, the Stalinists bave zime: matter how or what they do in of Von Papen and von Schleicher govers discover their error, than they turned their backs on the stalinist capitulated to the Amalgamated. Under the pressure of the sweep to and of the of constitu on, and defend, full and free exIn sectiou 12 2 (a) on page 7tice. good leadership will depend ernmens baschet. Now any work er can see what a real Fascist remunton and joined the Amalgamuted.
the Amalgamated, they have had to call upon the men following tion, we find the following us part pression of its membership. leadkime means! They characterized The Amalgamated is now the only genuine union and strike leader them to enter that union and carry on under its leadership. But this of that section, to wit: ership like we have in the Rallthe social Democratic party fol of the thousands of hotel and restaurant workers engaged in a bitter capitulation, we repeat, is only a maneuver by which these discredited It shall be the duty of the Editor road Brotherhoods who want to relowing their master stadscists who asht for better conditions. Fighting it are the racketeer controlled Local and Manager. to have full charge amin in ottice at all cost and keep splitters hope to transfer their disruption to the inside of the union.
of the editorial and business man. us divided and ignorant, lives in use socialist parases. Fascism anu 18 of the of and the Stalinist controlled sect ou 18th Street. relentless figlit against this wrecking crew is indispensable for agement of the Rallroad Trainmen, deadly fear of free expression social democracy are twins, they The Industrial Union is not concerned with the issues of the the preservation of the fighting unity of the Amalgamated, who con shouted; they are not antagonistic strike, or with winning it. Its main aim is to break of from the Am stitute the most sloister threat to the unity and success of the strike.
and incompacible.
ulgamated a little chunk here and another there. To accomplish this it Furthest from our minds is any idet of identifying the Industrial UnLife Itselt has answered thelr prepared to carry out the most pernicious and disgraceful policy. Its lon members with their leadership. Quite the contrary. comradely soupraeteret the cringing, bootiekolicials have discredited the union in the eyes of the food workers, Just and intelligent approach to these workers by the Amalgaunated is ing servants of capitalisen Socials they have discredited and disgraced the name of Communism. absolutely essential lu the two days since the last issue our sub campaign took another Let no striker be deceived: These are not Communists who sow The Stalinists cumot be disposed of by ignoring thero. Au of big Jump upward. Almost all of them were Club Plan subs.
Social Democracy had its troops in division and confusion in the workers ranks. They are agents and The total the mass trade unions.
fensive must be launched against them, their attacks answered, and now since the drive opened is 252.
Within these trade unions, Social victims of the corrupt Suallast bureaucracy, who put their sectarian in their tricks exposed before the workers. This is an offensive which The New York Local heads the list of sub getters. It now has 204 Democracy had a free rein The Lerests above the interests of the working class.
Stalinists organized their pure, rev.
can be organized and conducted primarily by the consolidation of the The Militant, representing what is best and souudest in Communism, of its self set goal of 400 new subs class conscious forces in the union.
olutionary trade unlous isolated from the workers. Despite paper repudiates these pretenders who parade as the Industrial Union. and sharp and urgent warning must be issued, Athly, against the The list stands as follows resolutions on work in the mass its record of disruption and strike breaking. We are confident that all growing reactionary tendency in the union. The reactionary tendency trade unions, no real work was con that is healthy in the ranks of the Stalinist union, will respond ina is the bosses tendency. The morale of the union cannot be built up New York Local 204 ducted. How could a revolutionary loyal and fraterual spirit to the call for unity of the Amalgamated union.
Pittsburgh Branch 12 by Red baiting, and every black voice that is raised by the reaction party be effective in such a develop ed industrial country as Germany Our strictures against the Stalinist union have nothing in common Youngstown Branch must be answered in a manner it will not quickly forget.
with no support among the organ with those who conduct a fight against it froin the reactionary point of This strike cannot be won by respectability The attempts to Leoser ized workers, in the trade unions? view, and there are not a few of these. We do not like the latter, have make the Amalgamated respectable in the eyes of the bosses and Steinbachi Papeun United front of all workers or an attitude of antagonism to the workers misguided by the frresponsible the government is an admission on the part of those who make them McLeod ganizations? Nerer a united front Staliniste. Quite the contrary. We are not like the reactionaries, that they have no belief that the workers can win by fighting. The with social Fascists, was the reply availing ourselves of the blunders and crimes of the Stalinists for a attempts are reactionary and defeatist through and through, and that Goodman of these self acclaimed leaders covert attack upon Communism and everything else that is progressive is the basis on which they must be met before they have assumed Total ers are being won over. the unl and healthy in the trade union movement. Quite the contrary. Our more dangerous proportions.
ted front only from below is havught to the death against the splitting and demoralizing moves of the tightening up in the functioning of the union is essential to the Other subs are coming in 100 at the regular rates but we list and ing great success. the Communist leaders of the 18th Street Union. is animated by the unsbakable con morale of the strikers. The committees must be properly coordinated; will continue to list only those on the Club Plan basis.
ing it claimed Thaelmann after the viction that the progress and victory of the Amalgamated Is bound up the shop committees must become living bodies drawing the workers The whole Club Ian scheme is the simplest, easiest thing ever de elections of July 1933 as the so ingoparably with a progressive course, with a class struggle polloy, with closer and closer to the unfou as a whole.
vised to distribute a paper to workers. single half year subscription cial Democratic party. Hitler a democratic regime in the union, with a militant leadershp.
Organizational efficiency, on the one side, and a morale building to the militant is Afty cents. That is cheap enough. But on the Club could not last for any length of Our efforts in this direction continue unabated, regardless of leadership on the other, can make the Amalgamatel a force that will Plan basis it is twice as cheap that is, it is only twenty five cents, protime. Such were the reports spread by the self satletied stalinist appar. the direction from which opposition may come. The true Left wingers smash through all the barriers standing on the road to vicotry!
vided they are lought in blocks of at least four at one time. There is atus.
and progressives, will tight under the same banner.
no maximum: you can buy as many more than four as you can afford.
By their policies they played into To rank and Alo members of the The Militant has this to say: MASS MEETING THE MILITANT the hand of the Social Democratie See wbat the union your party controls is doing! Masses of You invest one dollar in four Club Plan sub cards. Then you either Entered as a second class mall IN SUPPORT OF THE leaders and the Fascists. The 80matter November 28, 1928, at the resell them, one at a time, two at a time, bowever you can. If you recialist leaders were able to keep Workers have joined an independent union. This union called a general HOTEL STRIKE Post Omco at New York, UD. sell them you have your money back. You can stop there if you want control over their members; the lat strike which crippled a great industry. It brought workers on the der the act of March 3, 1879.
on there bestelmistoon de ce a chiste vemere streets in a mighty demonstration. And all through the days when it to. But you can do better than that. You can relavest the dollar in Published Three Times a week by tour more cards and resell them. In this way you will have a small Sunday, February 4th, 1934 able to utilize this sharp division carried on a progressive, militant struggle, the union controlled by the Communist League of America revolving fund at work increasing the circulation of the Militant. And within the working class. your party sabotaged, sowed confusion, slandered, and did its best Speakers: 126 East 16th Street, New York, When you wind it up yon will have spent nothing yourselt.
The working class of Germany, weaken the workers front.
Max Shachtman and Hotel Strikers EDITORIAL BOARD and the workers of the entire world, Build the Militant! Help circulate a Marxian paper for workers!
Why have your leaders refused to cooperate with Left wing elements at Martin Abern James Cannon suffered a serious and historical de feat. It is not a question weeks in the union? Why have they behaved disruptively, disgracing the very MILITANT HALL 164 Watkins st. Max Shachtman Maurice Spector Order for Club Plan half year sub cards for one dollar! Uno the blank. Refore the working class movement name of Communism. Near Belmont Ave. Brooklyn Vol. VII, No. (Whole No. 210)
will once again arise. The small Members of the ask yourselves these questions. All true THE MILITANT FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 2, 1934 beroic llegal Communist and revoluQuestions Adm. 150 Discussion Subscription rate: 00 per year 126 East 16th Street, New York City, tionary socialist groups functioning revolutionists among you should raise them in your organization and Auspices: Brooklyn Branch. 50 per half year 25 for in Germany are isolated from the demand that the bureaucrats of the be scotched before they masses. It will take time before do further damage to the hotel workers strike.
Communist League of America 26 Issues in blocks of four or more. Enclosed please find. for. four is the min1 cent per copy imum) Club Plan half year sub cards.
the workers once again organize their forces, their trade unions and Which Road Towards a party.
Name SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 8 Fascism Doomed New Party and a New Interantional Workers School Forum Address.
But struggle they will struggle they must Fascism cannot solve Secretary, Workers International?
Communlet League 126 East 16th Street, Otty State the cries of capitalism. can EDITORIAL Subs Rise 4 4 292 Gitlow