
NEW YORK, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 2, 1934 PRICE CENT Call 30, 000 Cab Drivers in General Strike Brand Lies Scabs a Flop at Big Companies Already Tied Up Grand Central Strike Has On Union Casino de Paree Joins in Strike Cut Menus Contracts To Bone sident EDITORIAL dealiose etw vicious black. «Daily Worker» Hits Hotel Strike With Slander and False Charges Boss Press Persists In Fighting Strike lon.
The strike wave launched by the ber of men on strike at only ten were six thousand men in th union, Strike breakers are pretty general strike of the hotel and rest thousands. That this is an headquarters and the strike halls ander Thousands are pouring into union restaurants to join the big strike Among the latest miserable lot. They take the job aurant workers in New York bas obvious and deliberate hotels and CARL COWL.
from a good union man and they spread to the taxicab industry. statement, will be a clear to all to sign up.
parade have been the Columbia are unable to do the work them30, 000 cab drivers went on strike workers who have seen how they University Club, the Blake and selves. The striker geta stabbed today. The last straw which leted about the strength of the hotel in the back by the scab. And the loose the accumulation of bitter strike.
CWA Workers Rebel the Grand Central controlled by employer is unable to obtain progrievances was the diaposition of All the big companies are tied the Bosset Restaurant, Brooklyn, the hotel Show Complete List of boredant service from the strike Wallegtone Stories by Diners Show Amalgamated Demands Lincoln Joined the walk out on lected so far, estimated at between Boro. Dorporation. Keystone, Fivelarivers out on strike against exploiHolel Men Bluffing they are crippled.
ed to come out in the morning, Thursday.
Paul Coulcher, racketeer and pre go to them as part of their gross Admit tbacho have been throughout or rebellon against ma worker at the Seymour RestLocal 16 of the income. But the men demand It Old timers began to take on militant aurant reports that the head waitIn a renewed attempt discredit has been supplying strike on the ground that their pay, which other strikes say this is one of the tre breakers. In return be the general strike of the Amalgamhe got a con averaged from seven to ten dol greatest demonstrations of solidar form among the CWA workers of er persistently refuses to Aro one Reports coming to The Militant lars for a ten hour day, six day ity in the history of the industry. the city. At Dyker Heights Park of the bus boys and several wait from sympatizers of the striking ated Hotel and Restaurant Work. tract giving him the right to colDotel workers made it plain that the lect dues.
ers Union and to sow demoralization in the ranks, the Daily Worker alive, and that the tax was really meeting of the United Taxi Drive militant protest against being docking for the general strike. The But there has been trouble becoming out of thelr tips.
sympathy for the walk out in this creat hotels of the city continue in Union of Greater New York, ed half a day pay without explantweep Local 18 and the Casino de is concocting alarmist stories about (a crippled condition, as far as restParee. The scabby Walters spill. The strike is spreading like wild every cab was ordered off the street. ation. When they massed outside restaurant is gaining every day.
is a secret sellout agreement be auraut service concerned. The steady campaign of the capitalist tween the union and the hotel men.
ed so much soup that more than tre. Even the capitalist newspa. At the time of the strike vote thereroice their protest, they received latest to settle with the Amalg press to convince the workers that In these stories it is contended four hundred of them have been pers have been forced to admit no consideration from officials. The amated.
that the general strike of the Am In and out the night club since this. The New York Evening Journal their strike is hopeless culminated The following are the demande latter sent for Police Emergeney yesterday in a statement by Cald algamate is not being conducted the strike. Now the boss threat admitted on February that. they In flagrant violation of the of crippled of the striking drivers: squads to disperse the workers. The ce at the Grand Cenof the Depart well, spokesmen for the Hotel Men Local 16 unless he can get strike tral Terminal, for example, that The entire tax to the workers in the Army Basel feial abor, cooks from the wager, hours and working condiin Brooklyn, al war veterans, met ment of Association, in which he declared drivers.
tions. This is completely false. breakers from them that will on carcely one cab was available there and adopted a resolution of protest Italian Fascist ship, the. Vb chat the strike is over and no hotela Before the general strike started, a the job. His patrons are com generally there are five hundred.
detailed list of demands for all the plaining that since the strike The scene at the Pennsylvania Sta The hour day week (48) quite the countries ing taken to unite all CWA groups seab at the Hotel Ambassador.
their soup and fishes have not been. tion was worse, if anything. This workers in the industry was workwho have grievances, and to bring The Amalgamated Food Workers On Tuesday night there were au ed out by the various shop organi giving them the service they all condition prevails at all railroad No firing for low bookings about concrete expressions of soll has sent a letter of protest to quota at several hotels in bonor of xations of the union, ratified by a used to which is tough on the boss and steamship terminals in the city, Elimination of political and darity among all striking and un Francis Perkins, Secretary of LA To protest Atoosovelt birthday in showing general membership meeting, print and fine for the strike.
The boss press estimates the numinsurance racketeers. employed groape throughout bor.
the act of the ed in leaflet form and given the solidarity with those who employ Eliminate police persecu.
aud support scabs, the widest distribution. Whon the fortystriking tion.
autel workers held a great militant eight hour strike ultimatum was demoustration before the banquet sent to the hotel owners, these demands were presented in the same list system.
notels. What was coing on inside No double shifts.
is revealed letter with the form of agreement the following state.
to recognize the union. They were Recognition of the Union.
meut of a diner, sent to the three hotel associations week has passed since the call was issued for the general strike The irresponsible and malicious Stalinists in the New Yorker dared so red in the face that thought be saw Oscar at one point getting and to each hotel individually.
of the hotel and restaurant workers of New York. In that period, formulation in the agreement ing the with selling out ments the Daily ignored. Indeed, cause of the sloppy way in which for union recognition which speciscores of the largest and most powerful hotels in the city huve been fled that there should be no in tied up by the Amalgamuted Ilutel and Restaurant Workers Cuiou.
workers, is only the Intest and was already in the It pub course, the skilled hands which usucreuse in hours and no decrease in Iu spite of the disruptive tactics by the leaders of the industrial most flagrant attempt of the Stalin lished a manifesto by the New ally serve the rich banqueters were wages, did not express the minke ist orgau to break the solidarity of Lorker strikers supporting the outside on the pleket line. As a and remains the greatest danger to the strike, the Imum demands of the union, which Culou. which the strikers.
were dealt with in the list of con men who walked out bure remained solid.
crete demands. This was undoubtHaving failed to win a following Jan. 30 that 16 houses were ready was stalued. And it wasn stained The bosses press in reporting in the industry on the basis of their to come ont at the call of the with the wual delicacies of the The big demonstrution around the leading hotels, followiug the edly a bad formulation subject to Tuesday Madison Square Garden program and organization. thew. Of course, they have not Waldort, elther.
misinterpretation and was deliber oping muss meting at Madison Square Gardens, revealed a millI never saw much ated misinterpreted in the Daily taney or spirit and a readiness to light with unbrokou ranks which is stration that followed it, once again and the Food Worker have fallen there were never any such houses a plain wood or course, there was Worker agitation against the unthe most favorable index to the strike prospects.
ers strike for decent conditions and tion of those who have the work press, to discredit the strike in the in the Waldort, but it was certainly Strike Committee Unanimous Now, however, the strike has entered a new stage of development.
union recognition.
ers The problem that urises before the meu is: To consolidate the forces The meeting and the demonstra. confidence. As result, the leges of the strikers. It has told pot the te At the last meeting of the gen srtike, assailed viciously by Waldorf cuisine.
had made history. not only for lying capitalist press, has also had The Daily attacked the Another per bait dozen of the the many types of lies.
Lion eral strike committee the whole that have been assembleil, to spread the influence and power of the Mrs. Elinor Nov.
question was given thorough consideration and a unanimous dealstrike to houses which have not yet walked out, and to integrate these the hotel workers, but for the work to face a barrage of attacks by the for lack of militancy. For exam. ack, wout to leading hotels on Tuesday afternoon sion was taken to draw up a new new forces into the union.
meeting of almost 10, 000 workers in The Dally led up to its latest at Strike pickets paced up and to find out what was available for form of agreement without the ob And here the fundamental question is: the morale of the strike, a single industry is rare enough in tack with a series of articles inima dinner for eight people. She was jective clauses and specifically proNew York, but even more signitle Ical to the strikers interest. From of the struck hotels, while leadof the men in it, or their union. How is it to be kept up, and strengant was the amazing mass picket the outset, the Daily has falled ers of the Malon cold that service was going on as viding that not only any general usual. As late as five o clock how: agreement with the employers, but thened, how are the ranks of the strikers to be welded into a smoothline after the meeting. Marching to print statements of of maneuvered backs of ever, several these hotels had also temporary shop settlements working, hard hitting machine cu pable of buttering down the resist for two hours demonstrated before Alals. It has supported the split the workers to sidetrack any mlno menus ready, although usually should provide for definite Increases ance of the hotel meu?
almost every major hotel in the ting polley of the stalinist Food litaut action which they are printed hours before this in wages and decreases to hours. mile Workers Industrial Union. The op at the Waldorf Astoria hotel might devel: the strike!
The problem is tirst of all one of the leadership of the won and cltystretching out half Avenue, protesting instead of helping mill wbere government officials and At Plerro Mrs. Novack was told opted unanimously on the following the policies which it pursues. Their capacities are tested and at the agatust the refusale of President tout elements in the BW. has lenders were preparing that there is no a la carte monu three points same time retected in the morale of the union and the strike. Au individual shop settle was a most unusual event it the them. At critical moments the Roosevelt. they issued explicht each course, nothing fancy. The ments made in the course of the all it is the leadership which, by the confidence which the runk and city history.
Dally has ignored Important devel orders to the strikers not to stage The bosses press, however, min opments in the strike. Whenever dessert was fee cream. Theodore, strike are to be considered as tem. tile bas placed in it by its support, bears the burden of the responsi. demonstration.
porary and subject to readjustment bility for buildiug up the necessary tighting morale, for holding the Imized, distorted and even suppress the strike suffered a blow, the Daily The Jan. 31 Issue also character ordinarily four dishes on each che head walter, admitted that this was not usual, that there are in accordance with the terms of a ed the news of this demonstration has featured the bad news. When ized the union gertaral settlement. These indivilines of the strike, for spreading the walkout movement to the other In the Herald Tribune, the march ever victory was won it played velt, protesting bireram to Roobercourse. Madame must forgive us dual shop settlements are also to hotels and restaurants, and possibly to other branches of the industry and include specific provisions for inHow is this to be done! There is no tiraculous recipe. There New York American mado It 2, 500.
crease in wages and decrease in The Journal made it 4, 000. The minimized the strikes strength. to prevent an demonstration during ten menu. They had give up a typewrit.
are only those policies and steps which have been tested over and over hours as well as recognition of the tablolds gave it 5, 000. The uberal the membership union.
again in countless labor battles.
World Telegram suppressed any Any general settlement with First: a policy of militant class struggle, wbich does not couceal terence to the 10, 000 at the strike tion, 3, 000 were present; the Daily previous wight. The issue also con actually cook. George, the headadopted the general strike resolu organized a fake demonstration the could not be sure what they could the of lera liberal e lazer blaining the sitby the General strike committee ents. To tuspire the men with the feeling of class solidarity, with Erening poe som heng suhe Her Garden radio of Jan 30, there were leaders feasting with Sec. Per nation on of the strikers before being signed.
a reliance upon their own strength, their own power, their own in kind word for the strike editor said 000.
some days ago, said a almost 10, 000, the Daily of Jan. 31 kins in the Waldort while telling The captain at the Park Lane the freezing plcket outside not to said there would be no a la carte All temporary shop settlements must be approved by shop a contemptuous refusal to crawl before the bosses or the bosses presa editorial of vincibility means to disregard capitaliste Babille opinions onder metus eller attack ingerid a strike breaking On the other hand, the Daily has make any noise.
its persistently exaggerated the strenmenu. They could not serve more Hiberal competitor from whom It gth of the Stalinistunton. The and sneered at the mighty protest dinner course was white fish!
The capitalist papers minimised than one or two dishes. The main The fact that all these actions in any shape or form.
were taken by unanimous vote and Every attempt to represent the uuton as an inoffensive body which it pushed the number of workers to in Bryant Hall was attended by ort and other leading hotel, organ ing room was closed altogether.
without any mclent indstion is in itself means no harm to anybory, must be promptly repudiated. The union is the picket line down to 2, 000! Byl about 500 people, most of whomized and led by the AF. durio coom were few and simple. Here at Dishes available in the small dining tack of the Daily Worker was slanorganized as a fighting boly. Its aim is to win the lights of the work wanimously playing down are were not hotel workers. The Dally the de melbesema hicise tra ordinary workerte report on Jan. 31, that 600 strikers the band emotik berehday pear tree But derous and without real foundation The attempt to represent the offic for both sides of this fight. victory for the one is a defeat for the class history, the bosse press once they brown to where to be the bally had never occurred, that the nothing to do with the strike, but ials of the union as engaged in a secret conspiracy to sell out the other. The sooner every worker understands this simple truth, the again dealt vicious blow to the tbat on Feb. the figure was boost occurring! The Daily of Feb. W. leaders had prevented it from could give no other explanation.
ed to 1, 000.
At Park Central the headwalter workers. refuted by the facts Armer will be their determination, the less attention they will pay to interests of the workers.
But not only did the press minwhich might have corrected the said he had not noticed the strike, During the first days of the strike, mistake still aid not say a word but Mrs. Novack spoke with a guest themselves, in the given case, as the barking and calumules of the kept boss press.
imize the numbers in the picket minorities of strikers in three hotels about the demonstration, the most who said that the waiter at her well as by the well known practisee The public oplolon about which the leadership of the union must line. They reported nothing about were tricked into the by sensational mass picketing Now cable did not know what a demiof the Amalgamated over a long concern itself is the public opinion of the membership!
period of years.
the splendid spirit of the march Stalinist bunk. One after another York has seen in years.
tagse is.
The class struggle policy is the only way to keep up the ranks of ens, their effective demonstration these groupe bolted and joined the The Daily has also accused As a matter of fact, the constlbefore each hotel, the purpose of After wandering for The Savoy Plaza hond walter of tation of the Amalgamated union the strikers and to add to them. It is here, we repeat, that the leadthe march, the applause of people three days in the Stalinist wilder leaders of rejecting demands offered 50 dinner without choice of specifically provides that at least ership will be tested. Our support will go, as It always has gone, to on the sidelines and the use of now, the New Yorker shop, the stal where the one and id dile for and that the strike aia not bother lahend.
those elements who show their colors in the fight. and to none others. The remarchers. Surthermore they wided oortress so tot soln the de. Daily of Jan. 27 reported that 150 guest bald Andinantie Then pany an official of the union when ever he meets an employer to disSecond in importance is the education of the membership. The bid the whole report of the marchw. Not even the four professional (Continued on Page 2)
COBS wages, working conditions or primary need iu this respect is the furnishing of complete and sysof workers under one The menu at Marguery offered other matters affecting the men in tematic Infomation to them. Daily strike mass meetings and en minor incident in a Sixth Avenue seven choices on the main course.
a giren shop One was a vegetable plate, four In order to give a fual refutalarged committee meetings are imperatively needed to fuse the ranks scab agency, where they say, some tion to the false assertions that of the strikers into a solid mass, to reply to the enemies of the strike windows were broken when worksaid a dinner for eight would have ers protested against scabbing.
the Amalgamated general strike bas regardless of where they come from, to fight back the Insidious poison This inconspicuous Incident was The Amalgamated, Art and fore That is the only question to be ordered definitely before alx not presented specific economic deasked o clock or they would never get it of the capitalist press and to combat tendencies toward defeatism. played up by the boss press as a most, is a workers union. No boss When you join the union mands, we reprint herewith a com desperate act of violence. Although es allowed.
Every effort must be made, thirdly, to destroy the myth of the inThe Amalgamated is an rendy, not even the vegetable plate.
plete list of these demands as they indus Service as usual?
vincibility of the employers. The workers can win the strike and to break strikes, made no arrests, membership electa or recalls officials usosa, belilope chambermalds, at the Pennsylvania Information It is a democratic union. The trial union.
u. Cooks, chets, Walters, These conditions were duplicated Coples of them in leaflet form are establish themselves as a power that must be dealt with other work the boss press blamed the strikers, as it sees fit.
There are no thugs pantrymen, distiwashers are all about the Pennsylvania from andistributed at the union headquart ers who are not yet in the ranks of the strike, can do the same as Striking Walters Make Hash of and bo tyrants in its ranko Wag Die for membersoup in the same other source reveals that in the org.
6th Ave. Agency wast the headline those who have already walked out.
There is freedom of expression, con No crart divisions separate grill for the last three days the only WAGE SCALE DEMANDS The big objective of the union, It should be remembered, is to Wrecked. said the Herald Teibune, The worker can speak up without them, It is not a dues paying, assess dessert has been ple.
build up and consolidate a strong militant union. The fight for better and it went so far as to say that fear of losing his membership book that or dues card.
ment collecting, oticias racket. diner at the Brevoort reports HOTEL AND RESTAURANT that the women hired for the dining WORKERS UNION conditions, higher wages and a shorter working day is inconcelvable the incident of the windows is a The Amalgamated woesa make room are not a great success at measạre taken by the Amalgamat. There is no political discrepant deals bebina the workers back. scabbing. After falling to get ang Branch of the Amalgamated Foodl without union organization and direction. Let it be borne in mind led Union to call the continued ex. tlon. Every hotel and restaurant Everything is open and above board of the famous French dishes which Workers of America most bitterly against the recognition demand. They realize that once attention. The Times reported the Democrat, Republican, Socialist orditions for the workers, les bours, diner turned to cheese. It took him The following be incloded: Categories are to Restaurants, the union has established itself in their businesa. the basis is laid olence in the strike. ignoring the There is no religious discrimina truggle waich is the only way they du Salut; the Waltress admitted at length as the first outbreak of Communist.
get of Grill Rooms, Oyster Bars, Chop for gaining one demand after another.
earlier use of thugs against striktion, do racial dlacrimination. Do can be obtained. Continned on Page. Continued on Page 2)
lers on several occasione you work in a hotel or a restaurant. that she had never heard of it.
It la YOUR UNIONI JOIN UP! Service as wual? Bunk!
that the st.
What the Amalgamated Stands Forever