AnarchismBolshevik PartyBolshevismBourgeoisieCapitalismCominternCommunismCommunist ManifestoDemocracyEnglandFascismFranceGermanyHitlerItalyMarxismNazismSocial DemocracySocialismSocialist PartySovietStalinStalinismStrikeTrotskyWorking Class

Red Baiting and Jew Baiting Open Letter to the is SATURDAY, JANUARY 27, 1934 THE MILITANT PAGE Flag to fly over the White House, and hundreds of our people to be HI Billy Hitlerites shot down by the American Jewish For the New Party Chekka in the streets of Cleveland, Detroit, and Chicago, before we will awaken and arise to a man, smash Jewish Communism in this land of Patrick Henry as Musso liul smashed it in Italy, as Hitler smashed it in Germany. Ed. Note This is the second try, entering into competition with mortgage Jews, assessor Jews, for(Continued from page 1) gram These are, as you know, of the program of the new party of a series of articles devoted solle Gentile shopkeepers who are els conference Jews war debt Jews, and wherever Fascism has reared of the working class whose final party, have in mind one which seeks harmful to proceed with hole for As on the European continent, try a genuinely revolutionary party those who, in speaking for a new we consider it futile, and even to a study and exposure of the ou the radio. it likewise budding Fasclist movement what we have done to your econ sugar Jews, clothing Jews, packing. lits raison etre anti working class Boal is the establishment of a class to reconcile, or to oscillate between, mation of a new party without havreveals known as the Silver Shirts of omie and financial system already. Industry Jews, railrond Jews, pub. ldestroy the revolutionary and laboring of such a party the central and one side, and Marxism on the other, cation of a revolutionary Marxina less society. We consider the found petty bourgeois socialism, on the ing first laid down the solid founAmerica. plus our pet XRA scheme for make. Scity Jews, Cubavi leverer Care of movement to perpetuate the exist. most important task of every true that is, social democracy and Com program ots online activities It was a popular impression being it costlier for you to do busi. Xatlons Jews, Colonel House brand ence of the cuduver, cu pitalism. It revolutionist in the United States munism. Par from dignitying such of a program, and the activities of Into the saddle of power that as they demonstrate individual Jews, Washington editor Jews, Bow Tuming and raging about Jewish indit you have the same aim in ary. we would consider it an ele. the creation of a new parts distinct Adolph Hitler was a clown and his smartness, te worm and even ser inte en went there Loews are swarmins bankers, moneylenders, the writer mitd. There are grounds, there mentary duty to fight against it 10 from the existing contest tean berlust was said that he had no program, nations and keep bulldog watch over Hosannas are sung for Hitlers dozens of Silver Shirt magazines effort can and should be made by truly revolutionary serious the interests of strengthening Stied in the eyes of the working Marxian class. In our declaration, printed bitter at the world and enger for starts within them for checkmating lists; epithets are heaped on those the industrialists, the factory oW forces and energies towards bar you have in mind a conception that 1933, we outlined our conception of at the two blood and more than a grain of truth in this The battle cry for the doomed Berlin. This story revenge. There was our international racial program. who protest the sava go deeds iners, the exploiters, the slave drivers monious accomplishment of the task harmonizes with ours, we see abso the programmatie basis of the new drummed in the mine and the mill. Natur Itbey bave set themselves. Two or lutely no reason why we should not party.
Hitler madness and terrible and there will be more jobs, pro Silver Shirt, whose brain action ave no sympathy whatsoever, wud in view would obviously be militating it. Quite the contrary, there is state that your position is not enOn this score, we are obliged to Fascist monster that rules Germany Greut pains are taken to prove ing several coples of Liberation will be eliminated not by Paling against their own common in every reason why our efforts in this tirely clear to us. Without any inley but today.
that the government is dominated until he thinks that his salvation on ment. and especially the Jewish terests if they were to pursue two direction, as well as those of anytention of anticipating in this comof Hitler success by Jews, that the Federal Reserve heaven and earth, materalistically banker is a good mark for the cbiel. Ithat objective.
The secret different and serate paths towards other gronp holding similar views, munication the imperatively neceswith his followers, in part, rested and the Treasury is under the and spiritually, rests with Pelley He is thereby committed to nothing should be exerted in common, sary preliminary and comradely in his ability to invoke real or im thumb of the Judan swarm. Notice anti Semitism.
detinite. He Your declarations speak of the Without in the least holding any discussions on this matter which aginary foes who were blamed for all the variety of Jews on the in The issue is sharp how much time his master clamp down, whin. In this country. organizationally suit in creating an abortive sect 188, refrain from declaring that in wriggle out any need of a new revolutionary party narrow prejudices which would re we propose, we cannot, neverthe of. to side promise their heads to crazed, sem gotten to the point that Jews and longer are we going to permit Bar. ing mean the Jewish bankers, and politically independent both of divorced from the life of the masses many respects your position on the bittered people.
demnation this is the Fascist Wives of Jews, Gentile fronts for agent of Russian Communism in Morgan but his competitors Kubn, the degenerated official Communests, Instead of a vigorous, active to us to be marked by an ambiguity new party appears credo. The positive program is Jews, statistical Jews, financial America according to the feverish Loeb and Co.
The Choicest Invective ist party By revolutionary militant party of the umystery or at best vague pro Jews, analytical Jews, budget Jews, brain of the Chief. to direct the vanguard which can only weaken the new Next to the Jews the choicest in party, we understand a Communist which has no interests separate and party before it is fairly launched.
Pelley Silver Shirts are found tomatic Jews, immigration Jews, and Gentile United States of Amer. vective is saved for Soviet Russia, and not a bureaucratic caricature class as a whole, we neertheless lay believe that there is still an ade bruin trust Jews, politics Jews, dip foreign policy of these Christian ed upon a striking emulation of Congressional Jews, patronage Jews, fac? Must we walt for the Red rabarderers citathroats, thieves, with a fundamental Communist pro Ithe greatest stress on the question quate opportunity to submit such their German prototypes. On one of these and other bouquets questions to an objective discus of the pages of their rag, Liberation. Russiou, in which neither side atteinplus (this is a peculiar way of saying, The Railroad Brotherhoods sian Communism, says Pelley, in slavery) all of the so called panpose its standpoint upou aces saving America are dethe Armtorg and Barney Baruch, die hard conservative banker, Was side, that we are addressing our cried taboo. These include thel Constitutions Reek with Gaglaws lightening of the farmers taxes, and is the liaison otticer through Strike Wave in Waldorf Astoria proposals to your committee whom Communism Assembled and united on a sound infiltrated the abolition of the presidential electoral college, the rest of prointo the United States. The Chief and lasting foundation, the various hibition, the elimination of usury, VI.
Now brother Firemen and Brake gets purple in the face shouting revolutionary groups in this country (Continued from page 1) led the meeting to order, and how which uim at forming a new party, government ownership of public The Brotherhod Constitutions Roek men do you realize what the above against the Recognition agreement utilities and. The abolition of the With Gaglaws laws mean? Do you realize that with Russia which he claims in his Astoria. And as the negotiations the secretary of the union, would constitute a serious and subsystem of production for profit! No! As a general rule when we find you can only express yourselves con delerium has tortured and murder between the union officials and the Field, concisely and briefly report stantial force. Unecessary dividThese are only delusions, says the sug laws printed in the constitution cerning your organization with the ed over 1, 670, 000 persons. The management of the Waldorf Astoria ed to the men on the situation and ed aud apart from one another, Liberation scribbler. And those of a labur organization it indicates permission of your President, Rob Chiet does not think that commun for the reinstatement of the dis the inevitable course ahead, nor their efforts might prove detrimentwho do not think deeply are led that its leadership is reactobary, in ertson or Whitney, as the case may ism in this country is or would be charged worker took place each will there be a word regarding ul to the movement for a new party.
worker understood more and more Cannon address to the workers. We need hardly emphasize to you into the pathways of delusive Socompetent, and overpuid. In other be? Read the law carefuly in your much of a menuce to civilization clearly that this act on the part of These are Items of no interest to how urgent is the need for such a clalism, if they belong to the intel words, the leadership has become own constitution. Study it, and as (read: capitalism) except that it party in the ranks of the American ligentia, and into the clutches of bureaucratte. It also shows that you do, ask yourself this question is directly aided by Roosevelt Boomer was a direct provocation. the editors.
There is no news Interest to working class, how valuable a factanarchistic Communism if they be the interest of the officials and the Who benefits by this law and what closest advisors; and many is the the bosses of course thought to long to the so called proletariat interest of the membership is not can be its aim and purpose? impression given in the official organ choose their own time and place them in the minor detall such as the or is time and how little we can Well, then, asks the sane worker, the same. Something divides them. Iun defense of these gag rules the that Roosevelt himself might be a what is wrong with the system we if this were not the case why would ordinary brotherhood official will good standing member of the Polit union to deal it a death blow after bis few words of comradely greet fore, of all that has been stated live in?
it be necessary for the leaders to try to make us believe that such bureau of the Russian Communista series of maneuvers, at one stroke ing to his fellow workers for their above, we present for your conslThe choice of time has been more genuine working class action that deration the followiug proposals: The answer, recounted below, is smuggle laws into the constitution laws are necessary to protect the Party.
quite worthy of the lowliest intel to stitle the expression of the mem membership against their enemies Pelley is 100 anti Soviet. so or less their own; but the workers evening. Worker Gilles choked. To select a committee from lect in Mattawan: bersy from within the organization. It much so that he denounces his fel in no ambiguous manner have de not because he is not used to speak your organization to meet a similar foreign virus has been instill In order to show the ordinary we were crooks and enemies of the low jingo, William Randolph Hearst, clared that they will not be segre ing, not because he was overcome body from our ranks for a preliminworkers ed into the body of the nation, member of the railrond brotherhoods organized railroad Within the blesh of the citizenry what kind of laws he will find in would much prefer to operate Japanese Yellow Peril. The Silver Sles theirs is a common goal and no words that are suitable to ex the purpose of determining the excrawls the viper of materialism. his constitution, we will here cite amongst a gasked membership than shirt declares that Japan has been theirs is a common battle in this press that which can be expressed tent to which joint action for the And the behavior formation of the new party is poshis fellows sible.
Jews and Jewishness are noted for the current constitutions of the two expression, and we think the ordin against Sovletism when she plun stands completely revealed in its of worker Gilles and materialism. Nor is it strange that leading crafts among the 21 Rallary crook will agree with us on dered Northern China and bombard most brutal and reactionary form was and will be a million times As a next step, to make those this. company stool pigeon ored Shanghai. plan is recounted The struggle that will unfold in more eloquent than any this gigantic fact should resolveroid Unions.
speeches, arrangements which are considered itself into national factors with the Constitutional Restrictions any other agent of the employer whereby ring of steel was to be the next few days will embrace tens or articles. One had only to be necessary for the broadest and most Jews at the root and at the bottom Ou page 337 of the Locomotive working inside of a labor union who drawn about Jewish Soviet Russia, of thousands of workers. In all preseut at this meeting to under democratic discussion by the membership of both organizations of of every major corruption and de. Firemens Constitution (B. of wants to fool and betray the work and that ring was to be tightened the large hotels and restaurants in stand immediately that this was bauchery of our Christian nation we tind the following provt ers in order to benefit himself is until the Murder bund under Stalin New York, it bands play at dinner body of organized workers part and their respective views. As an inand Constitutional form of govern wion in Section 10: certainly protected by such laws as was to be strangled from exlstence, time, or lunch or breakfast it will parcel of the larger army of thou. dication of what we have in mind, ment. The printing and distribution we have quoted above, where the on the East was Japan, on the West Le to empty tables and empty floors, sands that is swinging and will we would mention at this point the In Germany the Jews were ac of circulars of a general charac membership can only speak with was Poland, Germany, and Czecho as was the case in the Waldorf swing into a solid front against the exchange of representatives ot the permission of one man, the Presi. slovakia. which latter Astoria bosses in the industry.
membership meetings of the two cused of having sold the nation ter shall be restricted to the nation birthright to the Allies: In Amer Grand Lodge, provided that sub dent.
meant, of course, France.
Workers Act As One Man The workers have their organiza bodies; the convening of joint memick the Depression. was the re ordinate lodges, or officers of leg There are a growing number of Japan was to commence the fight The spirit and action or the Wal tion. It speaks and acts only with bership discussion meetings; the ault of a vast JEWISH banker islative boards or general griev railroad workers who feel that the for the preservation of constitution dort Astoria workers is not an them and for them. It is prepared. publication of an internal bulletin conspiracy. How true to type! ance committees, who desire to worst enemies of the workers in al civilization and the continued isolated or an episodie manifesta The workers in the hotel and rest for which we are jointly responsible The ostensible cause, claimed send out circular letters relative side the unions are the high salaried reigo of orderly governments in tion it embodies the spirit and aurant industry will write another and in which discussion articles on the German Hitlerites, for the to co operative enterprises, politi craft officials who intest the rail Manchuria. Hitler was to be lifted the actions of the overwhelming page into the history of working programmatic and practical probsweeping ruin of the middle strata cal activities, or any other mat road wat ons in swarms. And these into power on the West, and out majority of the workers in the in class struggle under the banner of lens of the proposed party may be of the population was the treaty the of Versailles perpetrated by the ship, may do so after first secur signed to protect this element from midable antagonism to communism lusions on the score, they were and aurant Workers Union pago To invite other groups having Jews, and the foreign yoke main ing the approval of the Interna being exposed by the progressive throughout Continental Europe. Cer will be rapidly dissipated. which no worker will be ashamed a similar objective to participate in these arrangements and discus tained by the Jews. In the United tional President or his represen minority in the unions. So you tain equally significant and vital in the Waldorf Astoria the work of States, according to the Hilly Billy tative.
see, brother rails, If the real offend roles, all delineated at the time ers moved and acted as one man.
Hitlerites, 1929 was the Jewish De. On page 112 of the Railroaders against your interests In order that this period shall in the were to be played by England and Leaving a picket line at the hotel, luge for the Gentile petty hour. Trainmen Constitution (B. of Runione are lonticethen you are staly Liberation, December 3, they came in a body to the head THE MAGAZINES be continedrimerely to discus seoiste, which is perpetuated by Section 154 reads as follows: out of luck with such laws in your 1933. Pelley has all he can do in quarters of the union. There was Any circular emanating from constitution, trying to conceal his chagrin beno hysteria. The workers knew the Washington Jewish Oligarchy.
tical work which must be carried This is the ancient scape goat trot this lodge, or any member there The sole object of all caglaws, cause the brigands assault on the what they were doing; they were on at all times in the class struggle, The January issue of The Amerwe propose that immediately, with detract attention from the real burn circulation among the members is to protect the few who want to commenced. And how he rages ganization they had helped so wellnewsstands and in bookstores. Unment is reached on every disputable ole che Brotherhood, shall require profit at the expense of the mans against the Recognition because it to build would act only as they der the editorship of Henry Hazlitt point, the closest collaboration ing issue capitalism.
Bluntls stated, here is what the the approval of the President of the same is true in the rallroad might help Soviet Russia.
Jew scalping Chief considers the the Brotherhood trefore belng put brotherhoods. These gas rules pro Let us conclude on the same note 800 workers was e divine embed sreen covers as Upton Sinclair two organizations in those fields in insidious plan of the traducers into circulation. Provided, this tect all these unnecessary and use we began this installment. Thement of the tremendous power of dubbed it, is taking on a more seri which a sufficiently common view (Jews) of this Christian form of section shall not be construed to less officials in the railroad unions universal features of Fascism ap the workers in the industry as ous character government.
interfere with the right of subor and prevent the intelligent minority ply even to these United States, whole. And at thelr meeting. no already exists. We have in mind The Jewish Plot a la Pelley dinate lodges, after proper lodge from poluting out to the rank and The middle class is duped, drugged volce other than the voice of the In the January issue this is specifically the great possibilities Aile bow foolish and expensive it is and deceived but like all addicts it working class was heard. We need more Hebrews in the action, to issue calls for union achieved principally by two artitor joint work of the two organiUnited States to perfect our plans meetings for the general welfare for the railroad workers to be div does not realize the damage until ided into twenty one separate labor morning after. GEO. CLARKE.
The capitalist papers will not re cles: one by Trotsky How Long xations in (a) work in the trade and strategies for the utter despot. of the Brotherhood. Any member port this meeting. They will not Can Hitler Stay. and John Stra unions. b) the struggle against 19m of Protocolism over your de violating this section, shall upon unions. The gag laws, obligations, report how organizer Caldis call chey Against An American Third, anti labor persecutions, the manisecret work, and the censored magatexted free institutions. So whether conviction thereof, be expelled.
Party. Trotsky article is a pol festations of Fascism which are alyou like it or not we are going to The Locomotive Engineers (B. of unes prevent the progressive ininINTERNATIONAL WORKERS SCHOOL emic against the Stalinist thesis ready visible in this country, and bring them in. We will distribute. have a similar guglaw in ority from explaining to the work that the Fascists are Caliphs for for the defense of class war victhem far and wide over your Am section 86, page 81, of their constiers that this divided arrangement (Winter Term)
an hour as the official organ of the tims. c) work among the unemerican nation. We shall see that tution. Practically all of the other is highly detrimental to us but very The International Workers School is about to enter its third Comintern put it. Basing himself ployed millions. Cooperation 10 they are set up as shopkeepers in Hall Unions have similar provisions beneficial to the brotherhood of year of Marxist education for the revolutionary workers of New on a Marxist analysis of the class these fields would not only be fruitcities and towns all over the coun: designed to muzzle the membership cials and the railroad companies.
As a matter of fact, these yag.
York City. It has issued its announcement of courses for the Win forces at work in the present situarul in itself, but would actually tion in Germany. Trotsky both de facilitate the discussion on undelaws cost the railroad unions mil Ilter of 1931 which extends from January 29th to April 2nd. The lions of dollars annually in lots of following classes are listed. monstrates the falsity of the Stalin cided questions of program.
ist estimation and gives a prognosis While we consider that these proSee the Play that Has Stirred Thousands wages and working conditions be FUNDAMENTALS OF COMMUNISM Martin Abern of the defeat of the Nazi monster. posals are necessary preliminary cause of improper organization to (Based on the Communist Manifesto. steps in the work of forming a new get better ones, to say nothing about Wednesdays p. to 10 Beginning January 31st.
Strachey artfele is an attempt revolutionary party in this country the huge sums paid out every year THE YOUTH MOVEMENT to apply the lessons of the political on a firm and healthy foundation, Joseph Carter in outrageous salaries to a lot of history of the Britsh labor move we are of course prepared to con Mondays p. to 10 Beginning January 20th.
AT useless and unnecessary officials. It ment to the United States. His sider any alternative or supplemen3. SURVEY OF AMERICAN TRADE UNION STRATEGY strong points are his strictures of tary proposals which your Commitwas just such laws as these which AND TACTICS enabled the of officials to Arne Swabeck the failure of the British Labortee may find it appropriate to preTHE MILITANT BENEFIT SHOWING Wednesdays p. to 10 Beginning January 31st.
nearly ruin that organization withParty to advance the interests of sent to us. We are animated in our out being exposed nor expelled. It ELEMENTARY ENGLISH FOR FOREIGN SPEAKING the workers. The forces which views and our actions by a desire HERE IS AN OPPORTUNITY FOR ALL OUR was only the members, who had sufWORKERS Blake made for this outcome, Strachey to consolidate the efforts of all FRIENDS AND SYMPATHIZERS TO WITNESS ficient courage and understanding Fridays p. to 9:30 Beginning February 2nd admonishes, deserve close study by those who are striving in a common ONE OF THE SEASON BEST PLAYS AND to expose the officials, who suffe THE HISTORY OF THE RUSSIAN BOLSHEVIK PARTY Americans who are todaydirection.
AT THE SAME TIME HELP THE ONLY MARXIST PAPER IN THE COUNTRY expulsion by these laws. Wright supporting the attempt to set up a Fraternally yours, Brother workers, put up an or Fridays p. to 10 Beginning February 2nd.
gradualist third party.
National Commitee of the THE MILITANT ganized campaign both inside and REGISTRATION: The registration fee for each course is 50.
In conclusion he poses the ques Communist League of America outside of your meetings to Arangements can be made for payments at convenient intervals.
tion of whether It is not just pos(Opposition)
Civic Repcratory Theatre, 14th St. 6th Ave. these vicious gaglaws repealed at Individual sessions are 20 cents auch. Those workers wishing to sible that by far the best feature ARNE SWABECK, Secretary.
your next convention. Pass these register for one or more courses in THURSDAY EVENING, FEBRUARY 8, 1934, at 8:45 either by mail or by of the present American situation, articles in the Militant around to coming to the office of the International Workers School, 126 from the point of view of the work the phase of that nanseating thing, the railroad workers. Discuss these 16th St. The office is open for the registering of prosers, is precisely that there exists no social democratie reformism, and to Tickets at 30e, 45e, 600, 750, 00 are available at 126 16th St.
ttings wherever you can and there pective students all day long andevery evening.
social democratie third party tn pass direct from the domination of New York City or 154 Watkins St. Brooklyn, by help to relegate all gag laws and Registrants can secure complete outlines for the courses at ten America. Is it not possi capitalist ideas to the clear sighted thetr beneficiarles to the political cents per copy.
ble for the American masses to revolutionary struggle for Communfunk heap. E.
leap over a whole hlatorical phase, Ism MAG.
by sions. PEACE ON EARTH get do