BolshevismBourgeoisieCapitalismCominternCommunismCommunist PartyEngelsEnglandFranceGermanyHitlerIV InternationalImperialismLeninLeninismMarxMarxismMarxism-leninismOpportunismSocialismSocialist PartySovietStalinStalinismTrotskyURSSUnited FrontWorkers PartyWorking ClassZinoviev

PAGE THE MILITANT SATURDAY, JANUARY 27. 1934 Lovestone Discovers Esthonia Drive Starts for For the Fourth International New Intern the themselves or (Continued from last issue)
Russia constituted a menace of seriPropaganda Pledge is ous proportions to the Soviets. The In 1925, the British govern has weakened considerably in the am informed that the letter to a Member of flects merely their yesterday. We, Communists Internatioualists (Left ment made one of its periodical Car Defendedby Stalinist uspulsion of these armed forces.
last period. Its membership, it is Opposition) have considered and In line with the proposed exten claimed, has fallen to four thou the Independent consider it a great mistake of our the residence of the Comintern in no sense was this a concession bysion of activities of the Communist sand. It is possible, even very proallies, the SAP and the Osp, that Attorneys Moscow and its propaganda which Labor Party this report is exagger Russia it was Ruslu indubitable League of America in all felds of bable, until now they have not broken had as an aim the overthrow of, victory, work, plans have been carefully laid ated. But the general tendency openly and decisively with Tranor bringing about by force of a Where is this situation duplicated for the early issuance of the long does not seem to me improbable. Il mael and with the London Bureau change in the political or socialinent is prepared to accept, and ac in France, England or, most of all, awaited theoretical review of the will say more: the leadership of the agreements with mass organizations in general. We do not doubt, how.
order of the whole or any part of cepts all the obligations bound up in the United States? Are the de Left Opposition. This political re bears a considerable share even headed the worst reform ever, that the hour of such a rupthe United States. pardon us, we with international relations. If the crepit Russian dukes and princesses view, which will be issued once a of responsibility for the weakening ists are inevitable and obligatory tore is near.
mean the British Empire. its English goverument proves that we che forces on American soil whose month, is to be called The New In of the organization before which all for a revolutionary party. Lasting The London Bureau territories or possessions.
Zinoviev, are misusing our diplomatte connec organization for the overthrow ofternational the conditions opened up and political alliances with reformist What is the position of the the chairman of the Comintern, retions, our diplomatic rights, our the Soviet Russia bas cause to fear?
diplomatic apparatus, that this or or even the White Guard Ukrain zine is more imperative than ever An early appearance of this maga want to hope still open up a wide leaders without a definite program, Entering the London Bureau plied publicly on May 20, 1925: perspective without concrete duties, without the it becomes by this very fact an ally If a worker barely awakened to participation of the masses them. of Tranmael, that is, essentially of demand during the famine period ternational obligations, then we are Infinitely more powerful counter seneration and collapse of the theormation, without distinguishing as worst type of opportunism. The the SAP and the OSP it becomes When they put forward that that oficial bersetoviolates the ir: sans in this country: Preposterous: today because of the complete de political life seeks a mass organi selves in militant actions are the the Second International. Through they received from the Soviet Gov. prepared to agree to everything de revolutionary and imperialist forces etical views of ottical communism, et either programs or tactics, he Anglo Russian committee remains a sort of an ally, or semally of ernment the reply they deserved. manded of us in this respect.
Now taat affairs with the Sopiet If, however, we are told that all Soviet Union! They are identical cause of the teachings of opport will naturally Join the Labor Party for ever the classic example of such the Fourth International. This is Government are more favorable propaganda must cease in the So with precisely that regime which tunist polities by the Right winglism and exasperated by the betray. worker disillusioned with reforma demoralizing alliance.
not all outside of the London Buthere can be no doubt as to the viet Union, that is tantamount to Litvinor praised so unstintingly as (Lovestone Brandler, et al. Ouly uls of the political and trade union to the masses are the trade unions temporary alliance with the British One of the most important bridges rean the finds itself in a they would receive from the Un all conse to be a Communist party in his speech at the recent Soviet years has held to the fundamental Leaders has attempted more than where one can and must work with communist Party, that is with the ion of Soviet Socialist Republies Here is a question of whether we Congress! And these forces are principles of Marxism Leninism. once and is partly attempting even out accomodating to the leaders in Third International. Are not there if they decided to advance such. shall continue to exist or not. It not covered by the reciprocal un The press and literature of the Late How to Join the Communist party the least, on the contrary, strucs somewhat too many Internationals behind which he sees the image oting irreconcitably against them, for one party? Can the English Question: Why did Litvluoy a concerns the main question of our dertakings of the Litvinov Roose Opposition throughout the world the Soviet Uuion. But where is openly, or under cover, depending worker make head or tail out of cede to an insolent demand put relations with the capitalist worldvelt pact. The Comintern is.
has carried out these asic teachforward in 1983, was com by which we ar surrounded.
More important even than our ings in the face of all obstacles. the worker who will join the on the circumstances. But besides this contusion?
the trade unions there are number. At the Paris conference the If Chamberlain says to us: All tirst point, is this: temptuously rejected by the Soviet The monthly magazine, The New will impel him to take this stepless ways of participating in the delegates said that they did not government not merely in 1825, but manist party shall cease to be republes were then still permeated munist League of America has in The Question of Banner daily life of the masses in the lose hope of attracting the Cominin the most desperate period of its existence, the famine period, when Communist party. then we It seems to me that the leaders of factory, on the street, in sport or tern to participation in the build Russia back was to the wall and answer: Faites le citoyen Cham ated by the first whiffs of national Higher scale than hitherto, of the the have as yet not given ganizations, even in church and ing of a broad revolutionary Interthat national. Nearly a ball year elapeit was reudy to make any reason. Derlain. Do it, citizen Chamber. Independence they had obtained af study and discussion of all clear answer to this saloon, under the condition able concession to obtain suttilent ain!
ter decades and centuries of langu fundamental problems facing the cardinal question. Working mass the greatest heed be paid to whated since. Is it possible that no aid from abroad to keep alive? Question: When Chlcherin called isbing under the heel of czarist revolutionary Communist movement. cs are not interested in shading the masses feel and think, how they answer came yety How much time propaganda the main question of tyranny. Even the tidal wave and details but in great events, react to events, what they expect do the leading comrades of the Angio Russian Trade Agreement It is desirable and necessary to clear slogans, far seen banuers. How and what they hope for, how and need to understand that the Soviet Russia of April 16, 1921 oreign Soviet relations, involving proletarian revolution did not encomments as follows on the Anglo the existence of the Communist tirely succeed in washing away the set out the first issue of The New does the matter stand with the why they let themselves be deceivComintern is incapable of making kussian Trade Agreement which party and the republle itself, did he prejudice, fear, hatred and suspicion International with the greatest about a bander? Not well. ed by reformist leaders. Observing one step forward, that it is com really mean it, or was be in reality these people felt of any Moscow speed. The Militant is to be trans say this with great regret. But it the masses constantly and most pletely ossitied, that as a revolutionbad just been signed the revolutionary ary party it is dead? If the In their preliminary draft the slving the Trotskyists and other regime. government of Great Cormed much further into a mass must be said. To suppress or em thoughtfully, British attempted to bind the Soviet auti Soviet demagogues a basis of Russtans. The bourgeois democrats paper and the necessary theoretical bellish the facts would be rendering party must not, however, adapt it. Pwants to continue waiting for articles and poor service to your party self jussively to them. chvost miracles, that is to live in hopes on Government to restrain Russian Sperations for their reactionary pro of these lands, more often than not material, lengthier citizens from hostile action or propaganda against the Soviet Union 11 the service of a large western documents are to be published in The broke away from sun. on the contrary, it must the Comintern, or to remain outpaganda against British institutions. Herberg so pleasantly puts it? power nought with all their strength the columns of The New Internathu labor Party.
That was cor counterpose their judgment to their side of the main historie currents, prejudices.
its own members will inevitably rect. If the wanted to be To our readers we wish to an come the revolutionary lever it was to ignore or minimize the importIt would be particularly wrong lone confidence in it entirely from the final text. Thus The dozens of remaining questions suspicions in the minds of the mase.
The latter were told that the nounce at this time the happy news impossible that the handle of this ance of parliamentary work.
Swedish Communist Party, the mooted question of propaganda can safely be held back until the es of that there is a mass of bitherto un tever be left in the hands of course, parliament cannot transform Independent Communist Party. For The same fate awaits the Swedish resolves itself into a mutual agreement on the part of the British and Soviet governments respectively to What the Comintern Manifesto Urged and What It questions by Leon Trotsky, Chris und bourgeois carceristy. Complete capitalism into socialism, or im fear of making an error it abstains tian Rakovsky and other promta and unconditional political and or tariat in rotting capitalist wciety. precisely this is the greatest error.
o prove the conditions of the prole from all decision, not realizing that refrain from conducting outside of Forgot to Urge.
ent leaders of the Russian Opposi ganizational independence of a rev. But revolutionary work in parla in general, there are not a few their own borders any propagauda tion, and other leaders, as well as olutionary party is the first prere ment and in connection with parlia politicians who consider expectation directly or indirectly against the in On the very day that the Lit. Once it is mentioned as being a material by Lenin, Marx, Engels, quisite for its success.
sititutions of the other. This condivinov agreement was made, the party to the frantie armament race; tion was accepted by the Soviet Executive Committee of the Com a second time, it is mentioned as one and other teachers of scientific so But while breaking away from great help in training and edu dom. Do not hurry with the Government at the outset of the munist International issued an ela or the powers helping the Kuo Mincialism. These are to appear in the Labor Party it was necessary Degotiations.
borate manifesto, urging the Amer Tang campaign against the Chinese the columns of The New Interna immediately to turn towards it. Or cating the masses. One courageous Fourth International, they say, now exclamation of Macciovern refreshed is not the time. It is not a matQuestion: Why did the Sovietican workers to overthrow the cap Red Army AND NOWHERE tional, beginning with its first num course, not to make court to ber. Well known writers of the leaders, or to pay them bittersweet stupefied by the pious, hypocritical ing the new International but of its and stirred the workers deceived on ter of bureaucratically proclaimin 1921, after the Esthonian, Lat italist government of this country. ELSE!
vian and Polish Treaties regard as wrote Herberg in the Workers Age The Japanese imperialists, the movement will contribute regularly compliments, or even to suppress has speeches of Lansbury, Hender uninterrupted struggle for its pretheir criminal acts, no, only charlson and other getnlemen of Hisparation and building.
impossible the demand that Russian of December 16, 1933, in bis attack Hitler regime, British Imperialism to The New International. Not to Communists be restrained from upon the Left Opposition and deare frequently referred to and The projected New International acterless centrists, who imagine Majesty opposition of Hunkeys. hurry means in practice to lose carrying on uuti British capitalist tense of the Stalin foreign policy. clearly condemned. BUT will be a 32 page magazine, publish themselves revolutionaries, seek a Unfortunately, having become an time. Perhaps the new Interna propaganda, whereas it now consi. The November 15, 1933 issue of The Roosevelt regime is not even e monthly, to be sold at 150 perroud to the masses by accomodatindependent party, the turn tional will not be needed, perhaps ders quite possible the demand that the Communist International which mentioned cops. The subscription price is ing themselves to the leaders, wed not towards the trade unions and a miracle will happen, perhaps.
not only Russian Communists but has just arrived here contains the The most important phenomenon 50 per year for the United Sta humouring them and re assuring the Labor party, not to the masses This policy which seems to some American Communists in Russia be manifesto referred to. reading in capitalist world politics and ecotes, and 75 for Canada and for them at every step of their friend altogether, but to the Communist people very realistic is the worst restrained from carrying on anti of It shows that Herberg over reach nomies today the vast NRA eign countries. We are now en ship and loyalty. policy of this party which had during a number type of utopianism, spun out of pasproBritish capitalist propaganda? Why od himself a little!
deavoring could not what Herberg calls the Nowbere, literally nowhere, are gram 1s not even mentioned. ensure an early appearance of the the swamp of opportunism. One bureaneraie dullness and absolute acles. If the Swedish Independent conventional phrases of a Para the American workers urged to America to graph Four be conceded in 1921 overthrow the bourgeoiste here. In against Japanis even mention mined to issue the magazine soon. masses not through the favor of even the German catastrophe taught realistic superstitions, it will weaked.
in England. fact, with two trifling exceptions, Reply to Lord Curzon the UNITED STATES IS NOT The Cuban situation is not even of The Militant will want to and ers, because opportunist leaders re of the Comintern should bear the between three Internationals. On September 7, 1921, Lord EVEN MENTIONED IN THE mentioned not by a syllable. will give all possible support for present not the masses but merely sume inscription as the entrance to Events Will Confirm Our Slogans Curzon wrote an insolent note to WORLD MANIFESTO OF THE Here all comment is truly super. The New International. Like all their backwardness, their servile hell: Laselatte Ogni speranza But the masses s0 object some Russia demanding (again. the sup COMMUNIST INTERNATIONAL! fluous!
working class periodicals, and es Instincts, finally, their confusion. Leave all hope behind. pseudo realists are afraid of a new pression of the Comintern in Rusopposition, so tematikos financial sert sive. revolutionary traits that strive by Place of kul Pne defects of the rest internatio absolutels a natural politie sia, complaining that government members like Lenin, Trotsky and. firm of Lovestone, Herberg and Bolshevik regime was no different port will be needed. We are count to find their political expression. wing of the Labor Party (theore masses fear of a new party and Stalin were actively engaged in its Hackman has replied to the one than the czarist; both were despotic ing upon immediate donations, to the tomorrow of the masses Istical vagueness, lack of a clear proof a new International is a reflec work of undermining the territor already put.
Muscovite centralists whose aim day, for The New International, as most clearly counterposed to their gram, of revolutionary methods of tion (one of the reflections of the les and possessions of the British to a strong organization) when it has great catastrophe, the terrible de was to impose their regime upon well as pledges from supporters yesterday in the struggle of proCound poses weke later, the so. and vlet Vice Commissar of Foreign Af.
Nevertheless. Latvia, Estonia, wipe out their just gained independ Wy to The New International. More Instinctively working masses are al sibility for the incurable failings of masses their bewilderment, their fairs retorted: Lithuania, Poland!
than subscriptions are needed to wars for unity. But besides class the comintern. It is clear that in disbelief in themselves. How long The Russian Government desires Is it not significant that the only The Bolsheviks attached an im maintain a 32 page magazine of the instinct there is also political wise this situation new revolutionary these moods will last depends mainto take advatange of this occasion countries mentioned by the Love these even if not all dominating. kind projected by us.
dom. Harsh experience teaches the workers will not join the ly on the course of events but to to affirm once more, as it has frestoneites are those which once form significance to the slogan of selfReaders of The Militant will be ism is the prerequisite for real un leave it, baving lost patience. It not bear any responsibility for the workers that a break with reform sooner will many of its old members a certain extent also on us. We do quently done before, that the facted part of the Russian Empire and determination of nations even to that the Third International, for now border directly on the Soviet the point of separation. They never appraised regularly on the progressity which is possible only in revolu demi reformist, petty bourgeois course of events but we answer perfectly obvious reasons, chose republic? An honest revolutionist considered it, like Wilson, 28 altoward The New International ma tionary action. Political experiencedicals and pacifists leave the fully for our own attitude. The adRussia as the country in which its interested in clarifying and teach piece of clever hypocrisy. skrewed Meanwhile subscriptions can now more firmly, logically convincingly journey. But it is a different mat. the masses consists therein that we gazine.
teaches all the better and faster, the we can only wish them a happy vantage of the advance guard over executive committee resides Rusing workers not nothing more. They sin being the only country that al delphia lawyers fawning and grovel. Jalone proved that it was realizable be sent in to The New International, and clearly the revolutionary parts ter when discontented workers quit illuminate theoretically the march interprets the experience to the the party, lows fuli liberty for the spread of us before the stalinist dispensers he Bolsheviks granted complete in together with donations, Mail all donations and subscrip masses.
of events and foresee its future Communist idents, as well as per of privilege and pelf would bare dependence to all the former protions for The New International to Lesson of Anglo Russian Committee stages. The formless, passive longsonal liberty to Communists and put and answered the questions: The International Question vinces of the czar, even if they ing for unity will receive blow also the fact that certain members Why was the Soviet Union ready instantly fell under the domination THE NEW INTERNATIONAL The Leninist method of the uni. The causes for the enfeeblement after blow. The rottenness of the of the Russian Government, in their to make an agreement with the reactionaries e o Martin Abern, Business Mgr. ted front and political fraternize of the are seen with special second and Third Internationals capacity as private individuals, be ormer sections of the czarist em Bolshevik Policy on SelfStation D, Box 119, tion with reformists exclude each clarity and precision when the pro will be revealed at each step. The long to this executive committee pire on ber frontiers which she re Determination New York, Tother. Temporary practical fighting blem is approached from the interferents will confirm our prognosis are no more to be taken as a basis used to make with any of the big Moreover, the Bolsheviks were in.
for declaring that the Third Inter imperialist powers, nearby or farett decisive importance in our epoch. sáry that we ourselves be not afraid national point of view which is of and our slogans. But it is neces national and the Russian Govern off?. ent upon exerting every effort to OUT SOON! SUBSCRIBE NOW!
Having broken with the Second Into unfurl our banner right now.
ment are identical, than the fact Did Russia have more to fearrove in practise to these border to ternational, the approach. Lassalle used to say that a revoluthat the Second International, con from Latvia than from America. coples that Soviet Russia alone ed the Third but did not join it. clonary needs the physical power stantly in session at Brussels, and from what standpoint was Esthonia eally guaranteed their independThe is simply hanging in of thought. Lenin liked to repeat including among the members of its so much stronger than England that ince, that she would not seek to the air. Meanwhile, every thinking these words, although in general executive committee the Belgian she was able with comparative ease mpose ber form of social organizaworker wants to belong to such a he did not like Lassalle much. The minister Vandervelde, may prove to obtain something from Russia ion upon her neighbors. The ex.
the identity of the Second Interna. which England, with her armies, sting fear of Russia Fast size and An Organ of Revolutionary Marxism (Published monthly by the National party that occuples a definite Inter physical power of thought consists Committee, Communist League of America. national position: In the unbreak in analyzing the situation and pertional with the Belgian Govern Davies, industries and wealth, with strength in comparison with their able union with co thinkers of spectives to the very end, and havment.
her threats and ruptures, was never wn, was dispelled among these Max Shachtman, Martin Abern, other countries he sees the confirma ing come to the necessary practical (The author of this reply to Curable to obtain? Did Russia grant ittle nations essentially by the perEditor Business Mgr.
tion of the correctness of his own conclusions, to defend them with zon was none other than Maxim Lit uch a treaty to Lithuania and re 1stent demonstrations Russla gave Feature articles in each issue position. True, the enters conviction, courage, intransigeance writers in the American and incuso It to England because she hop her principle of non violation of vinov. by Trotsky and other leadthe so called London Bureau. But not fearing some one else fears, ternational labor movemet. Question: Why, although this oc ed to get more material aid food, heir territorial and political 10ers of the Russian Bolsheviks.
the chief characteristic of this Bu not bowing before prejudices of the magazine of international signi.
curred well within the Herbergian eredits, machinery, political prestige egrity.
reau consists, unfortunately, in the masses but basing on the objective Important contributions on the This and this alone explains why ficance for the international la second period of Soviet diplomacy. from the tiny, poverty stricken major problems of the American bor and revolutionary Communabsence of all position. It would course of development.
aldn Litvinov reply then as he Baltic country than from wealth the Soviet Government was preparworking class and the proletarsuffice to say that the Norwegian The of Great Britain must el, even in 1920 1921, to go to the did at Washington? Or a more per bloated Britannia?
ist movement.
Workers Party, which under the place itself right now under ian revolution by well known the tinent question: Why didn be re Not Ordinary Recognition Parts point of giving her neighbors tbe ableadership of the treacherous op banner of the Fourth International, ply to Roosevelt as he did to CurIt is not necessary to dig for to curances they received in the peace SUBSCRIBE TODAY!
portunist Thanmaal goes over more or it will disappear from the scene zon?
And the answer. Latvia and the creaties cited above. What postopenly along the social democratic without leaving a trace.
Chicherin on Propaganda other tiny Baltic lands obtained ble comparison to there between Send In Your Subscription Today! teen cents; bundle rates 10 cents road, belongs to this Bureau. Tran TROTSKY.
Subscription Rates: 50 per year in bundles of five or more. In 1926, as is known, England such treaties for fairly obvious those conditions, those treaties and mael and need the temporary January 5, 1934 demanded that Russia sign an agree reasons: the relations between the in the United States: 00 for seven Fill out the slip below and maulliance with the and with ment similar to that signed by Lt. The treaties were not ordin and the today?
Issues: 75 in Canada and other to: other left organizations to pacify THE MILITANT vinor in Washington In his forary recognition pacts; they served Our original views stand. Thereforeign countries. Single copy 26 their own Left wing and gradually Entered as a second class mall ign political report to the third to put an end to a state of war are no two ways about the question.
THE NEW INTERNATIONAL to prepare for the way vember 28, 928, at the Congress of the Soviet Union in existing between Russia and her The Litvinov. Roosevelt pactreSTATION D, BOX 119 to the Second International. Now Post Office at New York, Un.
May 1926, the commissar for foreign nelghbors During the period of mains an index to the degree to NEW YORK, Tranmael is approaching the harder the act of March 3, 1879.
affairs, Chicherin, a diplomat If you hostilities, all these Baltic lands which stalinism has abandoned the hor, Published Weekly by the Communist please, declared: had been the arena of activities for world revolution in its deterioration Enclosed please find. for which enter subscription to THE On the other side, the Socialist League of America (Opposition. The same idea (as held by Cur numerous active White Guard and to nationalism. Lovestone and Co NEW INTERNATIONAL for: Workers Party of Germany (SAP) Martin Abern EDITORIAL BOARD James Cannon and the Independent Socialist Party Max Shachtman son at Lausanne) is to be seen in other counter revolutionary armlee. remain the legal toadies of Stalin.
the declaration of Chamberlain. some of them claiming to be and all ism, its aspiring apologist, its most Name Maurice Spector of Holland (OSP) also belong to Arne Swabeck Cease conducting propaganda! of them aiming to be government anxiouk champion. Alas for Stalin Address. the London Bureau. Both these or Vol. VII, No. (Whole No. 207. What is propaganda? We stand of the whole or part of Russia. The Ism Its very champion cannot ght ganizations stand on the polnt of SATURDAY, JANUARY 27, 1934 before the main question of our for continued residence of these forces for want of a leg to stand on!
City State. view of the Fourth International. Subscription rate: 00 per year ofgn politial relations. Our govern. lon territory directly adjacent to. MAX SHACHTMAN.
Their adherence to the Bureau roForelga 60 cents per copy ence, The New International