CapitalismCommunismDemocracyGermanyHitlerImperialismImperialist WarInvasionLeninNazismSocialismSovietStalinStalinismStrikeURSSWorkers MovementWorking Class

r GE THE MILITANT SATURDAY, JANUARY 20, 1934 War Sparks Fly in the Far East Furlough Protest by New York Teachers de in THE SILVER SHIRTS of the thc The Sixty Cent Dollar Roosevelt methods or cooling the people vins skill showered down upon the Amertean workers, the nece imperialisin pues chiens claws Them co tonelated matte, ho, winking was the anguestioning of his tos a division in the ranks of the proThe Expulsions in Local EDITORIAL the needle trades, and not only there. The Great American Skin Game history Left wing which stands on Arm ground and follows (Continued from page 1) order to strengthen the Soviet Unican recognition of the Soviet UnHEN Roosevelt said in a speech on the radio a correct policy can make the labor fakers pay dearly clarations to the contrary, the ion? Is this a sign of a friendlierlon undoubtedly tends to accelerate The imper the Japanese war plans. that all the steps taken under his administer for trespassing on the rights of the rank and has come particolari e attitude Hot al.
tion fit consistently into a general program, he was Why is it no solo this case? What enables phasize that in the actual and now lalist government at Washington But this will also show the more Dubinsky to override the local with impunity without much more open maneuvers and understand the Japanese intentions clearly why we should not be de righe in one respect. Even if some of the shots miss (Continued from page 1)
fearing a revolt in the other locals? The answer is preparations for military conquests at the Soviet border as well as the ceived about the peaceful intentions ported. Lefkowitz, legislature agent fire, there is no doubt or their aim and purpose that is, to litt American capitalism out of the crisis at Their connection, directly or indirectly with the in of the world, American imperialism the intended American invasion of granting recognition. It is plainly the crusade against the left wing the expense of its imperalist rivals abroad and the dustrial Union, lays them wide open to the accusation plays the dominant part. It is al China.
at matter of ruthlessly advancing in the union made the report. He workers home. Every item of the program that they are working in the International only for ready laying the basis to become Far Fast Tension Increases signed to work in one or both of these directions, the most direct Interests of Amer apologized for La Guardia; LA usually both.
the purpose of splitting off little sections. This is the greatest aggressor. At breath Both aim at the further partition ican imperialism. It brings the Guardia received the delegation the known policy of the Stalinists. For this purpose taking speed it is moving forwarding of dismembered Chint and the danger of imperialist war as well as cordially; he had inherited a bad The monetary policy 18 the latest Illustration.
they maintain their paper organization.
to the point where the ordinary im further subjugation and exploita the danger of an attack upon the situation; he didn want to cut Despite conflicting interests in the camp of the exSuch a course is fatal for the Left wing mill perialist pillage and thievery cou tion of the Chinese masses already Soviet Union much nearer, teachers pay: he would do it only plotters, the general interest of the dominant section tants in the International. It is impossible to work pled with increasing political in med white by the imperialist rob When resident Roosevelt recor as a last resort; if he did, it is served at the present moment by lowering the gold content of the dollar. The co cent dollar is calcul effectively in one union in the interest of a rival. tervention becomes transformed into ber bands. The Japanese war lords nized the Soviet Union the capital. wouldn be much, only a week or ated to give American capitalists a weapon in their especially a discredited rival that has no real basis conquest by other means by means show their growing inclination to ist press of the country drew a two; etc. And Lefkowitz went of to exist. This, to the workers, means more splits. of the most ingenious war imple strike northward against the Soviet clear line of demarcation between to Albany to lobby Lehman assault on the world market the cheaper dollar reduces the price of American goods in terms of for. Such a course only compromises the militants and That is the only correct explana and before the latter can strengthen the former lendership of Lenin.
and they have had enough of that for the present. ments modern industry can devise. Union at the earliest pexible date the present Stalin leadership and stronghold: The teachers were stunned by eign currencies and cuts under the foreign comprovides the reactionaries with all the pretexts they con to the Roosevelt naval construc its industrial structure by means of petitors. At the same time the new monetary policy need to break the Left wing crystallization and tion progarm for an American Navy closer trade relations with the Ini the chief enemy of October.
American imperialism remains Lefkowitz speech and his action.
It was clear to them after the exreduces the real wages of the workers and lowers the remove its representatives in the union apparatus. second to none By September ted States.
cost of production a necessary measure to streng ARNE SWABECK.
perience of 1932, when similar The hopeless position of the Left wing in this last year at total of 39 wir ships, to In questionably this tits right in methods were employed by the uu.
then the competing power of American capital in the case, which robs it of the possibility to organize a cost 238, 000, 000 had been contract with the Roosevelt policies. It world market.
IN THE NEXT ISSUE in leadership in the fight against real fight against the arbitrary actions of the bureau ed for; construction began imme hokls the prospects of speeding up the pay cut of that year, that anThe Roosevelt technique combines a ruthless ag.
erat, in another horrible example of Stalinist bank diately under the aegis of the New American exports to the Soviet held over till next week on RecountInder the urging of the left wing Several important articles are other sell out was being prepared.
gression in the service of the imperialist masters ruptcy in the trade union movement. Alse it is Deal. That is also the explana market and, above all, the prospects with the most elaborate deception of the masses. The another warning of the necessity to make a clean tion of the discovery by General that the Japanese war lords may face limitations they refused to leave and shouted NRA, a trap for the workers and a death blow to a Isreak with it before the Left wing can begin serious afcArthur, chief of start, that the break their teeth at the Soviet NOTE for Li Guardia who refused to large section of little business people, is put through work inside the International strength of the American army is border. After that the possibilities The discussion article on the NRA speak to them.
as a Magna Charta of the people. Huge naval ap The loss of the executive board in Local by a far below the ordinary margin of of American mastery in China would which ix concluded on Page Two of The Stalinist Inspired Class Room propriations and deliberate preparations for war are mere order of the bureaucrats is a serious blow. But safety.
increase. In this sense the Amer. this intel by Harry Brand. Teachers (ironis, rival organizaaccompanied by a sudden flood of tear jerking pacl if it leads the left wing workers to examine closely The Game of American Imperialism tion of the Teachers Union, also fist oratory. Sermons on the forgotten man pre into the reasons for this defeat and to discard the Those who control affairs in the came down to the demonstration.
cede and follow the attacks on real wage stand tactics which made it so easily possible the lesson United States pursue their own Although they came in the name of ards, as denunciations of the money changers 80 will be worth all it cost and more. Every new ex aims toward the Soviet Union and united fight against payouts they along with new concessions to the big sharks perience leads to the same conclusion: The condition in relation to the Far East. No one played a disruptive role. They definance.
for the revival of a genuine Left wing in the needle should be deceived ly the alleged manded equal right with Roosevelt has helpers in this game. The official trades unions is a complete break with the suicidal peaceful intentions of Soviet recus (Continued from page 1)
this to Whom or Whnt shall we Teachers Union, which had organlabor leaders testify to his friendship for labor and policy of Stalinism.
bition. It was enleulated on guin netween the world of the light look for authority of commitments in the demonstration, to send in bail him as the heaven sent champion. Liberals swear ing access to the huge Soviet mar and the shude. He lectured to like the following. delegation to see LA Guardia, in by his fairness. And, to our shame, the representaket. But as far as the American mice gullible Christian ladies and Omnipotent, Infallible the name of their organization. And tives of the Soviet Union certify to his pacifist ingovernment is concerned it was also gentlemen on the results of The Puschst movement needs the their delegation attempted to force tention, hastened by the unbridled advance clairvoyant and clairaudient com myth of the impeccability of its its way in to La Guardia, presentno effectiveness of of the Japanese in Manchuria. thrilling leader, of his ing in this respect is no small part of his value to the ruling class of America. Barnum, who made a life the dollars in the pay envelope to be fewer; they are 0, 06 square miles, land rich viding them with a convenientes the moment. Pelley has orders: Led Left wing group in the unlon 80 cent dollar takes now a place. It is not enough for into a jutey morsel covering some them ont of all rationality and pro structions (leaving aside terror for testing teachers.
Outside the leaders of the Staliniat time business of fooling suckers, was a clumsy amnow also to be smaller almost by hall.
ateur beside the presidential expert in the great On top of the direct wage cuts which have so ropulation of 40, 000, 000. Recent re possibly Pelley also received returns his muychism, which gives him the urged the teachers not to have any American skin game.
fearfully reduced the income of the employed workports from the Far East reveal that which were. not so spiritual. power to prophecy, through his com faith in their delegation and to go ers, there is now to be added an Indirect wage cut of in the North China market Ameri devastating proportions. The unemployed, half sul can trade is now below 15 of the that the Chief to be was likewise core to give the right instructions We have every reason to believe munion with the dead, and there in to see for themselves.
Two things emerged clearly from fore9 sisting on the relief Hists muste suffere drastie cut total at Tientsin as compared to the master of ceremonies in the at the right time. Thus, for in. tbla. lemo probation of we However Roosevelt manipualtions with the mone trade account for more than 10 seances.
in the purchasing power of paltry relief allowances. 12. in 1929 while the Japanese great sucker game known as stance, in an elitorial called told the problems posed by a millECENT events in Local of the International Dreng Ladies Garment Workers Union bring a burn tary system may work out in other respects, the de of the total.
valuation of the dollar cannot fail to have the imbulletins, catled readings. packed ation, Vol. V, No. 20) which is a polley of the union administration, ing question of trade union policy to the fore. The Silver and make it possible to discredit its mediate effect of depressing the real wages of the ed? It is pilfering sniping, intimid were manfactured by Pelley In which direction is Japan head with this rychical hocne pocus, warning to the impatient entire executive board of the local has been removed and Shirts who want to go into action conservative and even treacherous workers.
ating and terrorixing at the Soviet bis associates and retailed from office after a trial by the General Executive the other hand at against Jews, bankers and Comteadership. On Board of the International and the individual memEvery form of Inflation works this way. But border. Its military forces are twenty five cents a throw. The New munists immediately, he makes the when the teachers were confronting Roosevelt move cheapen the dollar strikes at the pointed toward the maritime pro Liberator is jammed from cover to bers of the local board are barred from holding office solemn statement the class enemy and needed the unity workers with exceptional force because it does not vince of Vladivostok. But But no matter how this clara the Stalinist directed Left wing for two years.
stand alone as a single measure; It follows and is event it will also pursue the objec. combe.
any cover with this metaphysical buntion is interpreted, from either foe roup in the union and its counter Such violent Infringements by reactionary of tled up with other measures in the New Deal protive of further intrenchment in or supporter, there is a Higher im part outside the union appeared in ficials on the autonomy of Left wing locals are an old kram which will obstruct the instinctive movement China. There it will encounter in year 1932 Mr. Pelley had a new tully in the past instructed the these facts the teachers whould take It seems that somewhere in the port, a Deeper Voice that has faith the role of rupters, of both story in the labor movement and have to be expected. to raise the money wages proportionally. Under the the main the opposition of the Uni revelation in one of his not on Chiet just when, and where, and note.
The labor agents of the bosses would not be true to NRA codes wages have been fixed at a low level on teil States.
their mission if they did not resort to such measures the basis of the old dollar values. These codes procommon trances to change his field how to move. He has learned to The Versus Japan against the militants. What is new and instructive vide the employers in advance with a form of legal of operations to the social world. trust that Voice and act upon it.
in the Local affair is the ground given for the reChina is today the most coveted whether this was caused by a fall and when he has so acted in the sanction and governmental authority to resist any demoval. The members of the local executive board that ing off of receipts in the old racketast he has committed few blonmand for wage increases to compensate for the de booty. The fewer countries were charged with allegiance to the Needle Trades preciation of the dollar.
are left in the world today into a lust for power at any price, orders. But when he has allowed Industrial Union. They were accused of working in be the International under the instructions of the Stalinat his word and trusted him as their friend are due export capital profitably. that is, manner of General Goering. who the Infinite, no to speak, he has had Ist union. On this ground, with the help of such for a double disappointment. When they draw their colonies and dependent nations, the spent about one year in the Stock to retrace his steps at great cost evidence as the stalinist leaders supplied, by their and sacrifice to the whole great an concrete acts as well as by their known policy, the ralsed such hopes, will begin to sound like a mockery, jugation and partition of such na dict, is not easy to say.
silver movement.
local board members were found guilty and removed And then, when the workers begin the una voldable tions. It is a life and death mat. It is not illogical that an Amer The Higher Import (Continued from page 1)
from office.
fight for a readjustment of the money wages, they winter for American Imperialism to scan Fascist movement should The violation of the democratic rights of local al find that the NRA, with all its codes and complicated tion and partition. Hence its atten Spiritualist crank. Pelley says he sent, that others may learn to feel dented having claimed to be a Profind these fields for greater subjugn started by a religious freak. The Chief admits, for the pre zig on September 28. Soedermann organizations to choose their own officials is an issue machinery, stands in the way. The masses thought ion is now turning more directly heard the word in California, a this Higher Import and hear this fessor or even a medical doctor, which ought to rouse the rank and file against the reactionary usurpers. Under normal conditions such tion. This was an unfounded idea. In the next per The Japanese imperialist diplo AlcPhersons, Holy Rollers, Yogi men to himself the state which is known for its Aimee Deeper Voice. But he reserves affirmed he did not and could not an issue can be one of the most effective means of iod there will be even less ground for any illusion in mats and military leaders under and a hundred other kinds and de whether the new prophet has heard told this story: right to judge make a medical examination, and struggle against them. This has been so in the past this respect.
stand this perfectly well. They scriptions of religious nuts who are correctly or has been adviced by a Dutch Journalist was allowed never fail to make it clear. They patronized by degenerated middle false spirit. That as far as the to visit Van der Lubbe on behalf of in control is to give us, the labor never fall to mention the role of class elements, retired farmers of same has gone up till now It needs his family. The authorities invited the United States in the same breath Kansas and Iowa, etc. etc. Not a little democracy. It and when Soedermann to go along. He acfairs of the NRA and industrial Soviet Union. Their statements to have made 65, 402 converts and perstitution attains some power and terest in criminal paychology. On The of has issued its an ifled by the fact that this has not control. Such Green basic abound in belligerency. General collected (ahem! 120, 000 in cos influence, then heaven help any sil emerging, he remarked that Van nual business review which claims compensated for the shorter hours three gains for the workers under nor the rise in prices. The report argument.
Araki, the fire eating supreme lead mopolitan New York alone in 1917. ver Shirt that dares challenge the der Lubbe looked all right. The er of present day Japanese affairs, Just think of the fortune he made in inspired orders of the Chief prison officials and Wolte or both the NRA. At the same time the also Informs us that wage gains The report warns the capitalists declared recently before the Jap the provinces, the backwoods and. translated this vague statement statel. ent criticizes the NRA for have been made by low pald work that they had better get busy andanese Supreme War Council that the hinterland.
Who backs the Silver Shirts, of a layman into clean bill of not giving the labor leaders greater ers but that workers with a higher not let the government take the China is being supported in its anti But the Silver Shirts were start where do they get finances! The health from a qualified medical exOF report says that the gains report fails to say is the follow. howtowe Green and Company lion dollar wheat and cotton loan so the Pugelt jargon was taken of America are the active civic or soedermann speaks the truth when by the code apparatus. The lower living standard. What the whole initiative. Roosevelt knows Japanese policies by the United ed in the post depression year, 1932, inscription on the back side of Lito pert and Professor.
There is no way of telling whether have been: greater employment, ing: That the rise in noney wages so why not you, the capitalists? The the ganization of the League for Lib. he disclaims responsibility for this shorter hours and increase in pay. coincided with a reduction in real report warns against currency in as proof. There is no telling what lock, stock and barrel from The statement adds that the work wages due to the increase of prices nation but has praise for the other America will do. declared Arakt, German Minister of Enlightenment. eration and that both Liberation wit of Nazi swindling. But in any ers are better organized to handle of the essentials. Further, the forms of inflation being carried out. When her navy is definitely super The Jews. Jewish bankers, Jewish and the Galahad Press, Incor case it is clear that the Nazis wantJournalists, porated, which publishes their problems and share in indus number of high paid workers for the report ends by begging the lor to Japan atter 1985. In the Communist, Jewish trial control than they were lasted to a lower standard of living capitalists and their government to same speech the general conjured etc, ad nauseum are responsible magazine, are subsidiaries of the der Lubbe condition. And a dend year.
outweigh the number of low pala sive labor representation on the the sepetre of concentration of for all the nilments of society from Pundation for Christian Economman tells no tales.
the red army in the East. The Japthe time of Adam, and especiallyes, Incorporated. It should be quite But the four men tied with Van The three gains are qualified with workers who obtained a slight in mechanism established with eacanese foreign minister, Koki Itirota, at the present time. Unless this obvious that these are only dummy der Lubbe are still alive. Despite code adopted. The of leada few ifs and buts which do not add crease.
clarity. No conclusions have been the main point, however, is eners desire to extend the present two days after he assumed office, rest is wiped out root and branch corporations shielding some big fin their Requittal they remain in the on September 14, declared: The the world will go to the dogs. We ancler or industrialist. more clutches of the Nazis. The world drawn by the statement regarding tirely missed or covered up in the methods of class collaboration used United States should keep her hands will deal with this philosophy in than one issue of the modern alchproletariat must continue the fight the relation of the working class to of report. Granting for by the NRA.
of eastern affairs.
the NRA. In fact many bank re the moment that some of the work Role of Labor Leaders in Japan Moving against Soviet Union tiele. For the present let us see talks of prominent men in the busi der Lubbe.
all its ramifications in the next ar emists Silver sheet The Chief to save them from the fate of Van. HENRY STRANG.
ports have presented labor probers can register a small gain in lems with greater clarity bcurs, wages and employment, even They were allowed in the first Mr. Pelley mess and lay world who consort with In this furiously developing ten what happened to him and tell him state secrets but Basic Problem Untouched though the rest of the class has committees which were established sion in the Far East the part play. spiritualism.
The Psychic Transformed who dare not reveal their names for GROCERY CODE The report says that 1, 800, 000 sunk lower, the fact remains that to muffle and beat down the first ed by the American government laborers have been put back to this gain is a cheap price for the strike wave. They did their job should not escape our attention. It The transformation was Mr. fear of retallation Intimidation and Affecting over one million workWe bereke But they do not stake a capitalists to pay to keep the work well and are reserved a place to has very special objects in the so Pelley, the Psychic became Mr. Pelbace ma il from the Jewish Pressers, the retail food and grocery code what weekly wage. We know that ers in check while they distribute prevent strikes and to break them. viet recognition in relation to this ley, the Fascist. Chier. Psychic and the Jowish bankers.
recently signed by President RoosePelley Praises Ford velt, provides for starvation condithe great majority of those who billions for their own class at the the capitalists needed them for this situation. It goes without saying ism became the underlying philosreturned to work have been placed same time. The NRA and all of job and allow them to continue in that the Soviet Union on its side ophy, just as Aryanism and Teuton The March 1981 issue of The New tions. maximum 48 hour and 6out the minimum wage rate. Others the internal measures for recovery. This position. The of re has much to gain from American re. Gods are for Hitler and his Hitler. Liberator has high praise for Henry day week, with many employers with earnings far below the blanket code lion dollar budget, are for the bene these privileges in the govern concerns the American government. pose for. the Chiet. One page doing, without maudlin sentiment, wages from 10 in cities of minimum. Pour and a half million At of capitalist class. Naturally will grant such an extension when eastern Soviet ready to defend it. is devoted to this pychle seance tire spirituality deploying through of more than 500, 000. are offered have been given temporary under the Civil and Publle works a few crumbs to the working class the need for it is clear to them, that The Soviet Union seeks no con medium bunicombe We wish we out society by way of mass produc the food workers in the latest code programs. The report falls to ex in order to he left in peace to and is when the class storms break out quests in China. But American im had space reprint some of these tion industry. And further, under the NRA. Here is a real perialism does, and it will contend revelations, for they are indeed, re every employer in America, Eng case for union organization.
plain that this is just another form a way out of the crisis. The more turbulently.
of work relief. These millions were of leaders help the capitalists in To the of leaders policy it will contend with the other man Ignorance can sink, in this principles this afternoon, and to with the Japanese for mastery as velations of the depths to which land and Germany adopted the Ford taken off the rellet list and were this game.
of class collaboration should be powers the CHICAGO INTERNATIONAL own late day and age, to say nothing of mained there, the world economie compelled to work for the equival Green Appeals to Capitallats counterposed the workers struggle sphere of influence and lay hold on their unconscious humor. Above depression would be ended tomorrow ent of relief in order to carry them The of report devotes for the organization and recognition the vast Chinese territory.
LABOR FORUM each of these revelations appears morning to stay ended.
2257 North Avenue through the winter. The basic couple of paragraphs to the wage of shop committees in every estabproblem of unemployment under the slave; the rest is a warning to the lishment. Shop committees, in contary leaders, as is known, are pre indication of its content: The Japanese diplomats and mill this gem which should give some It is well know that Henry Ford Every Sunday Afternoon, P.
capitalist system, the return of the capitalist class. Not a warning that Junction with trade unions, fighting paring for an assault on the Soviet Out of the vastness of Cosmos less vicious hater of organized 1018 a vicious anti Semite and a no JANUARY SCHEDULE workers to Industry, has not been the of will lead the work on the basis of the class struggle, border. They envision the Soviet Un the Psychle Antennae tune in on a bor.
solved. The basic problem is not ers in struggle against the capital constitute the apparatus which lon becoming strengthened by Am Voice. If the Word was made flesh Time, events will bring the real Jan. 28. Germany: An Evaluation even touched.
ists, but a warning that the capl should be counterposed to the class erican credits and are undoubtedly and spoke once to men, how much backers of this mystical, inciplent of the Present situation from Reduction In Real Wages talists had better to careful lest collaboration apparatus defended by anxious to strike before this takes stronger may be its pronouncements but barbarian Fascist movement to a Socialist Viewpoint.
The hourly wage increase is re the workers get out of control. And Green Co.
place. But does the United States when the handicaps of the flesh are the fore. Yes, and possibly more. Lecture by Arthur McDowell, ported to be cents, and is qual the best way to keep the workers HUGO OEHLER. extend recognition and credits in perished? If we cannot believe Nat Chairman, Young Peoples GEORGE CLARKE Socialist League Mystery Shrouds Fascist Killing of Van der Lubbe be LABOR LEADERS AND NR. u eta is legg gthen