BolshevismBourgeoisieCapitalismCominternCommunismDemocracyFascismIV InternationalIndividualismLeninMarxismSovietStalinStalinismSyndicalismTrotskyURSSWorking Class

PAGE THE MILITANT SATURDAY, JANUARY 20. 1934 Lovestone Discovers Esthonia Pioneer here to see more on Defended by Stalinist and you. Publishers WORKING IN MACY MODEL RESTAURANT No in The Obligation as a Gaglaw in the commenting on the pledges made to Propaganda Pledge is bute sorely: Friends, softly. You Roosevelt by Litvinov in return for who are so good at explanations, be struck the Stalinista a stiff and tell.
following questions which your ing blow. By his promise to wipe Attorneys alibis leave somewhat obscure. In the last two issues of the Miniout the Comintern as a factor in Soviet Poliey at Genoa tant you certainly read the appeal In the summer of 1931, the waitresses as a result of this to the house. American political life, Litvinov1. Herberg declares that not to all comrades and sympathizers Macy opened their new restaurant Hystem is not against the organiza None of the girls is allowed meals we asserted had pledged the Soviet It became incumbent upon the Com Stalin but Lenin and Trotsky put was one of tion which imposes it upon them, as part of her salary. But if a republic to something It had never munist Party of the Soviet Union to through this reorientation in for to help build up the Pioneers into on the sixth floor.
te public relationnelline at inaperialist revize its Torecen as well as con elen policy which Chicherin voiced a great Warxian publishing house waitress. We were all given in themselves.
a position as but against the extras, workers like girl comes in early enough sbe 18 bourgeoisie. By this, tourishing extie course to conform to the new at the Genoa conference, and that we explained that one of the best telligence tests, and thorough phy. constant rivalry between them to coffee. Those who have this muniMeanwhile, there is aallowed one roll and one cup of Comintern had not, it is true, been situation. it is on the basis of this funda ways of doing this is by buying our sical examinations.
suddenly dissolved. Litvinov had Explanation No. One, therefore, mental viewpoint that Soviet dip certificates. The sum you spend other organizations of its kind, does leaves them physically and mentally until they go off duty. Those who Macy s, unlike beat each other to the orders which ficent breakfast have nothing else merely we quote from our com is that the foreign policy of the Solomacy has operated for more than on certificate is not very large give a thorough physical examina exhausted at the end of the two hour come in a few minutes later, unless ments given formal and, so to viet Uiton is not and canuot be the a decade and still continues to oper. The benefits you receive in exchange tion. Every girl hired was strong rush wriod.
they have had breakfast out, also ment to u process of political liquid 1921, becuuse of the change in the list statesmen demanded of the Rusers certificate entitles you to a 40 and physically fit. In spite of this. In the summer months the restau have nothing until they go off duty.
ation of the Communist Interna. Djective situation. We withhold man delegation as a condition for discount on all books and pam the work proved too hard and gruel rant is stifing hot, and the kitchen, Macy Mutual Benefit.
tional which has been going on un comment for the moment on the as recognition and material assistance phlets published by us in the pasting for most of 18. Approximately of course, far worse. have seen to which Herbers that the Comintern be suppressed and to be published in the future. 125 waitresses were hired when the more than one girl walling in the pulsory deductors. certain per which is not initiated but ouly makes of the date at which world in Russia. on May 11, 1922, the This is something of real value to restaurant opened. Six months kitchen for her orders fall over in centage is taken of each monthlete crowned by the latest act of perfidy capitalism regained its stability, Russian delegation replied: the student of the revolutionary later there were about 25 girls rea lead faint.
maining, who were employed at the pay dues (Macy Mutual No Bus Boys at Washington.
and merely record the fact that lie The memorandum demands that movement.
Aid. This mutual benefit works same time ANI At that time we challenged the explains the Litvinos policy a Russia should suppress upon ber ter This is not all. In addition we There are no bus boys. Waitress in a mysterious manner.
Stalinists to prove their contention Washington by u now twelve year ritory all attempts to aid revolu will supply you with books of other Improvements Under the NRA es must clear and set their tables dues are deducted very soon after that every single one of these old revision of Soviet foreign policy. tionary movements in other coun. polishers at a 20 reduction, But now 11. Macy is operating They may not enter the kitchen with employment, but in order to receive articles in some form or other, has tries. If, however, by this formula Now comes explanation No. Two the In a couple of days a new pamunder the XRA and conditions are an empty or half filled tray. If the benefits you must have been morandum means to forbid phlet by comrade been part of the numerous recogni ur we are dening with resource of the activities of political parties, or to be off the press. The name of all; they are worse. Wages are other table that isn can always six consecutive months.
going not the same as in 1931 not at your own tables are cleared, an with Macy Company for This rule Sick employees under the ment has signed during the last ten yrat aerobutius and jugglers Isian delegation cannot accept suel JOX AND THE FOURTH INTER each girl, and the iis of restric in more important at Macy than may receive two thirds of their years with the leading powers of eituer. Without a bull being dropthe Ten Commandments, and is salary each week during their 111 Europe. Lad their collective mouths bed, iterbety retires and his place a probibition unless the activities in been silled with hot water and als taken in the very best issue or question transgress the laws of the SATIONAL It will sell for no tionis grows longer and longer.
more than ten cents.
rigidly enforced. Girls are often ness, starting from the Afth day of Each waitress is hired to work a forced to walk across the entire their illness, or part payment of country.
bone stuck in their throat, they the Age by Hackman, whom we This pamphlet will be followed certain shift at rates which vary restaurant to find enough could not have been less vocal. They quote above. Two weeks bave Question: why did Russia refuse dirty their hospital and doctor fees. No supplemented their silence by send elasel between issues aud another to concede chose few Conventional by two more: Maria Reese open with the number of hours of work, al bes to allow them to enter the payments continue longer than six months, no matter how sick the Ihrusex (Herberg) to the great letter to and comrade Shacht that is a girl working from 11:30 Kitchen ing bands of hooligans to break up is hauled out which directly powers, which could have given itman pamphlet on Soviet Diplom tuntil P. five days a week reour mass meetings on the subject contrautets the first oue. We have ceives a sulary of 50 for the enThe waitresses are not the only employee is.
of Russian recognition.
tire week, and wives utcient proor, Hackman in return greatly needed material acy.
Sick Workers Not Rehired.
average commis ones who suffer in this restaurant Attorney for Stalinism concludes his explanation, that the aid amil political prestige, which sion of total of 50 for an Part of the tray girl job is to If an employee is sick for four Yet it would be misguided sents suviet mbon, under the leadership were far stronger and in an intin entire week work. Girls working bring silver and water pitchers to days or less, she receives nothing ment to pity the Stalinists in their Lenin in 1920 and 1021, signed itely better position to press for conJUST OFF THE PRESS!
from 8:30 to 4:10 get 10the high the tables. These trays weigh from from the If and when she embarrassment They neither de agreements precisely like that which consions than a country like Esth est scale. The working hours are 25 to 40 pounds. The tray girls are recovers from a long illness she onia?
IN JEWISH serve nor require it, for tbey have Lithor has just made with Rouseshort, but they are the busiest supposed to be 17 years old. My cannot be retired at Macy Poliey of Tenth Soviet Congress a professional champion. Not un velt. The new situation. the reTHE FOURTH INTERNATIONhours of the day. As a matter of guess is that some of these kids aro body is ever rehired after a long like the ambulance chaser who in vision of the foreigu policy which At the Tenth All Russian Sofact, in those two and a half hours even younger. The average stay at Illness. just one of the great store flicts his legal services on the vie. Herberg establishes for 1921, is not viet Congress, Kamenev declared AL AND THE SOVIET UNION each waitress works hard and Macy of tray girl is between nadvertised specials.
two and three weeks.
uses as much energy in some work tims of misfortune, the head of the just ignored by Hackman, it is den publicly and officially: Today, the (The Class Nature of the The intense rivalry among Lovestone group is always on the bed and ruled by him!
when more than a year and a half Soviet State)
ers do in a whole day, Fainting spells and illness among employees of the restaurant because scene with a ready drawn brief in What is Hackman suflicient have elapsed since Genoa and the Under Macy system of no tip this group of youngsters are more of the conditions under which they defense of his unfortunate, unwillproof The Lovestoveites have dug Lague, we can say: Not only can by LEON TROTSKY ping but of charging a service fee frequent even than among the walt work makes difficult any expression ing but not entirely ungratefuldeep. To save the tarnished repuwe not go a single step farther in In this pamphlet comrade of 10 per cent of the amount resses, of solidarity among these workers.
client, Stalinism.
ration of stalinism, they must needs concessions, but we will henceforth This wage reale is subject to no They are played off against one anTrotsky discusses the problem the check, the girls in Macy are not even make the concessions we The Daily Worker, writes one of and some precedent for aragraph offered. believe that not only our that has been uppermost in the tipped on the average of six cents adelltions much as commissions. This other in the selfish interests of their the unretained members of the firm Pour, friends but also our foes know quite minds of all revolutionary work Her customer, whereas the general is all they can earn. Carrying wa employer. The claborate spy sysin the current issue of the Workers and in the quest, the Lovestoue well that we are realpolitiker, and ers, since the Left Opposition average in other restaurants of this ter and silver used to be their only tem, about which another article Age, has as yet made no attempt to discovered. Esthonia!
job, but now, under the NRA they might be written, is ever present proclaimed the need of the type is 10 cents per customer.
when we assert this here, then only are forced to show their patriotism in the entire store.
Fourth International: The proThese workers to answer the hysterical charges of The Soviet Treaty with Esthonia because time is working for us, be The stated hours of work may by cleaning tables, setting them up, need the message of unionism badthe anti Soviet demagogues, with blem of the Soviet Union. Are be from 11:30 to 2:00, but if a cus and taking orders, just as any waity. Outside help and advice are On February 2, 19. 00 (that is, a cause our position is being conso Trotsky himself in the lead. It is we to build a new party in the comer comes in at 1:59 the waitress ress, but without any commissions sorely needed.
incapable of making any serious year before Herberg world capllidated more and more, and the de Soviet Union? Do we proclaim must stay until the customer leaves. These particular commissions gol MACY WORKER.
that there is no longer a prolereply because it is so sterile and Talis bad regained its stability. composition in the camp of our foes be reaches deeper and deeper.
All the girls are thus forced ideologicaly servile, that it cannot, the treaty of peace was signed tarian dictatorship in the u. do actual extra waitress duty for Question: If Chicherin refused to even defend its own position. Havween Esthonia and Russia. Are we for a new revoluabout a half hour or more each day.
ing thus recorded the mental incom. article 7, Section of the treaty is concede the suppression of the Com.
tion to depose the rule of StalinThe Railroad Brotherhoods petency and irresponsibility of the be found a paragraph similar to intern at Genoa: and if Kamenev!
ism? Also other questions havDiscipline and Penalties defendant, he establishes his own Litvinov Paragraph Four. On olemnly announced a year and a ing a bearing on the subject. The girls are held to the most 11 role in the case: As usual, it is August 11, 1920, the peace treaty hall later that not even the Genoa 32 pp 10 for single copies rigid sort of personal discipline left to the Communist Opposition between Latvia and Russia was concessions would be offered any Bundles of or more cents Every morning they are inspected.
to explain the policies of the Soviet signed, containing an identic para longer; and if his thesis is correct order from They stand at stifte attention in line Union and champion them against graph. The Russo Polish peace that as Russia grows stronger she UNSER KAMF while several trained disciplinarV.
ficials, the very ones who robbed 1ts enemies and its doubtful friends. treaty of March 18, 1921 even de will make a still smaller and less 126 Fast 10th St. New York, ians look them over. They are reclares that each of the Contracting important number of concessionsAll of the railroad unions who the organization, ruled that in ob How do the Lovestoneites proceed Parties undertakes not to create or why do Livinor Stalinin 1933 quired to have well cared for nails, use the ritualistic and secret work structing the flotation and levy of to explain, or rather to explain protect organizations which are (when Russia is declared to be on with the proper shade of nail polish. and nearly all of them do also the Loyalty Loan and Assessment away, the Stalinist policy with reformed with the object of encourage the very threshold of a classless OUT SOON!
they must wear a certain type of use what is commonly known as the he had intended to injure the or gard to American recognition, and ing armed contlict against the other society. make precisely that con SUBSCRIBE NOW! shoe, their hair must be finger obligation which is administrat. ganization and had therefore, violparticularly the notorious Para Contracting Party or of undermin. cession which she stubbornly refuswaved, no less, and their uniformsed to the newly admitted member sted his obligation.
graph of Litvinov November 16th ing its territorial integrity, or ofed to yield in 1922 must be immaculate, all at their when he joins the union. And when this is just one of the hundreds letter? Very simply. They offer subverting by force its political or MAX SHACHTMAN. THE NEW own cost, of course.
there are several new members in of cases which could be cited to you a choice. They present two dif secial institutions Continued in the next issue INTERNATI The Macy restaurant clientele beitiated, practically the entire time show how the obligation works and ferent alibis. And cach explanaAn Organ of Revolutionary Marxism lug of the refined type that does of the meeting is taken up in ad how it is used by labor oficials to tion is diametrically opposed to the The attorneys bave won the case to their own complete satisfaction (Published monthly by the National not approve of a great deal of make ministrating the obligation to each hold the rank and Ale in check. That up, the restaurant management for member and rehearsing the rest of is precisely why all labor officials One of the two ought to work, Committee, Communist League bids the use of lipstick. The girls the secret work.
favors the obliagtion as well as the of America. sufficient proof and are ready to Explaining Paragraph are urged, however, to use rouge There was some excuse for the secret work.
rest their case. The Communist The first explanation for Para International, Hackman concludes, Max Shachtman, Martin Abern, to hide an inevitable pallor. The early pioneers in railroad unionism The Obligation Never Affecta Editor graph is given in the form of a did not thereby receive a deathBusiness Mgr.
uniforms and the white aprons, col believing that the obligation served The Officials learned disquisition by Herberg on blow. The world proletariat was lars, and cuffs, which are part of the organization as an added mens It might be well to add here that. Continued from last issue. The Fonndation of Soviet DiplomFeature articles in each issue it must be washed, starched and ure of protection. The same was although the of officials by Trotsky and other lead acy. In the issue of December 15, The contradictions within capital. Soviet foreign (aud domestic) ism which create unemploymentironed every day. This means an true about the secret work. Both brought the organization to the very ers of the Russian Bolsheviks.
extra hour of work cach night, were still, they change continually brink of ruin by fraud and mismanIn bietet situation is surely quite otherwise uvely enforced change in the Lenin ged individualism grown Important contributions on the which is somehow overlooked when and present conditions call for a agement, not one of them has been than in 1917 1918. To talk and act period more than one change, in it works against any attempted major problems of the American the pay envelopes are filled. far obligations and performing sec expelled for violation of obligation.
working class and the proletarin 1933 as in 1918. would not be fact.
The tiniest speck on a uniform is ret ceremonies, Workers do not belong to labor We do not deal with them planned economy under this system, ian revolution by well known Marxism, would not be Communism, here only because they do not af this includes the NRA. President sufficient excuse to levy punishment. Destructing Role of Secret Work unions and pay their dues there bewriters in the American and inbut would be the crudest sort of feet, one way or the other, the fun Roosevelt however will not so readThe terrible offenders may be petty bourgeois romantie sentiment damental problem of the relation stop the vast unemployment. The The fact of the matter is that ob cause of any obligation. They do ternational labor movemet. magazine international sign punished by being sent to work in ligations, as well as the rest of the these things because the workers alism.
ships between the Soviet govern American people up to now have rethe kitchen, for which they receive secret work in use in the railroad in growing numbers are gradually ficance for the International la The essence of the problem can ment, its diplomacy, the Comintern acted to conditions by changing bor and revolutioary Commun83 cents for the entire day, or else unions, have outlived their useful learning that it is to their interest be placed as follows. By 1921 (let and the world revolution, on one their government (By voting from they may be sent home altogetherness, and they now play a most de Ito act in an organized manner in ist movement.
ue remember the date! Not 1918 but side, and the bourgeols world on Republican to Democrat and Dem.
and lose their salary and commisstructive role. These obligations dealing with the bosses.
day. By now serve the Brotherhood Officials Instead of wasting our time in 1921 it had become clear to all the other. Herberg references to ocrat and then back to Republican) SUBSCRIBE TODAY! sion for the entire strange coincidence the greatest very effectively in gagging the mem repeating foolish obligations and that its immediate collapse was out help of Trotsky are a jesuitical at conditions, together with the con in Suhescripted us hetes 00 for seven reluctantly sent home to learn to hoods behind which their official importance of workers being talism had regained its stability and eign policy under Lenin, with the to the present administration in Send In Your Subscription Today! number of specks appears on the bers. The obligation is but part of secret work at our union meetings well of the question. It became clear tempt to fost upon the leaders of tradictions in capitalism have forcentrench Whealso that there would ensue a per the Bolshevik revolution the responed the ruling class to include some issues; 75 in Canada and other keep her uniform clean in the fu bureaucrats lod, longer or shorter, in which the sibility for the truly fundamental measures in the NRA which can toreign countries. Single copy Alture.
against the rank and cle. For in ther workers know it or not, they Soviet Union would have to live change in Soviet policy introduced serve in the favor of the workers teen cents; bundle rates 10 cents stance, to illustrate in practical belong to organized labor for the side by side with the capitalist by stalinism the change towards Ending the hours of work, and personal benefit and protection The restanrant has a seating ca way how the obligation is used by world, economically and politically. nationalist degeneration.
the scale of wages where it is satis to Fill out the sllp below and mall pacity of seren hundred. waltress the labor officials to cover up thel which they receive or expect to refactory. The workers must fight must make an everage of four trips. misdeeds we will cite a concrete excelve and not on account of any obligation they took when entering to maintain these and see to THE NEW INTERNATIONAL to and from the kitchen for each ample!
the union.
that the employers do not use those STATION BOX 119 customer or group of customers, member was expelled from the Whether the so called obligation mensures for their own benefit by and it there are any special re Brotherhood of Locomotive Enginever served a useful puropse or not creating company unions, by finding NEW YORK, quests, or mistakes, another trip or eers because he protested the flota in our trade union make up is not ways of dodging the shorter wort Enclosed please find. so. The front tables are about a lion and levy, by the of important for us now.
hours, and by making the minimum wage for the maximum. At the same for which enter subscription to the block from the kitchen.
Waltresses officials of a Ten Million dollar y concerns us at present is, that NEW INTERNATIONAL, for. take turns on the different tables. Loyalty Loan plus a Five Dollar the obligation serves the labor butime the masses should be made to SERIES NO. on the weeks when a girl has the monthly assessment for 120 months reaucrat as a vicious gag law to understand in a clear and simplified Name Vol. 6, No. to Vol. 6, No. 57 front tables, her commissions are on all those members who declined stifte the expression of the memJanuary 7, 1933 to Dec. 30, 1933 come the contradictions which exist Address negligible, because it takes so much to subscribe for the loyalty loan. bership. Every progressive railroad longer to wait on each customer at the member in question took the worker should raise these questions 57 Issues in capitalism, or check the crisis If slogans in reference to the NRA City State.
these tables. It is not posible position, that before such enormous and discuss them in the Lodge, Un.
are to be raised, they should come to serve more than a few. iribute was levied on the of ion Meeting, and Convention and out from this direction after intermembership by its officials the mem. there point out and explain the deThe Steady Extra Racket preting it correctly, as a measure bers were entitled to an itemized structive effect of these obligations of bourgeois democracy and not as THE MILITANT Recently there has been installed statement which would definitely as well as all other ritualistic work SERIES NO. SERIES NO. that of Fascism or the beginning of Entered as a second class man vicious system which places an show the nature and kind of bills in the Lodge or Division room. MoVOL. 1, No. to Vol. 4, No. 12 state capitalism.
Vol. 4, No. 13 to Vol. 5, No. 51 Nov. 15, 1928 to June 18, 1931 matter November 28, 1928, at the added pressure on waftresses. Girls the members were called upon to tions and resolutions should be in July 4, 1932 to Dec. 31, 1932 71 Issues JACK LONDON CLUB Post Office at New York, Un are hired as steady extras. They pay. The fact of the matter was troduced at every opportunity call76 Issues Labor Lyceum Bld der the act of March 8, 1879.
receive no salary, but get the ser that the members were assessed all ing for the abolition of all obliga Chelsen, Mars. Published Weekly by the Communist vice charge for each customer wait those millions for the personal bene tions and secret work in our un Editor Militant League of America (Opposition) ed on. They cover no regular fit of the officials and their of Lions.
Comrade: tables, but may wait on any cus officials themselves.
EDITORIAL BOARD Please insert notice in Militant tomer, and this is where the re The member who fought against WHY WORKERS UNITY!
that the is in need of radi. Max Sbachtman Maurice Spector that her customers won be grab unton by its officials was found Martin Aberd James Cannon gular waltress must work fast so this wholesale looting of a labor Speaker: 00 Money must accompany cal literature of all kinds, advising Arne Swabeck JOSEPH CARTER Series and Together each order.
your readers to send this literature bed by the extras.
guilty of violation of the obligation Friday Evening, Jan. 19, 1934, p.
to the Jack London Club at the Vol. VII, No. Whole No. 206) These extras are absolutely heart and expelled for the following above address.
SATURDAY, JANUARY 20, 1984 less in taking orders from the walt reasons: 1st, he had taken a solOrder from the Militant, 126 East 16th Street. New York City.
SPARTACUS HALL Executive Committee, Subscription rate: 00 per year resses. Orders from above, the emn obligation not to Indure the 313 53rd Street, Brooklyn, JACK LONDON CLUB. Forelga 50 cents per copy way. The bitterness existing among of 2nd, the of of Auspices: Bay Ridge, to on the NRA JI.