BolshevismCapitalismCommunismFascismGermanyHitlerImperialismLeninMussoliniNazismSovietStalinStrikeURSSWorkers MovementWorking ClassWorld War

WORKERS THE MILITANT OF THE WORLD UNITE Weekly Organ of the Communist League of America (Opposition Published weekly by the Communist League of America (Opposition) at 126 Bast 10th Street, New York, Entered as second class mall matter, November 28, 1928 at the Post Office at New York, under the act of March 3, 1879.
VOLUME VII NO. IWIIOLE NO. 2061 NEW YORK, SATURDAY, JANUARY 20, 1934 PRICE CENTS Fascism in America! Capitalist Budget of 10 Billion Dollars PELLEY SILVER SHIRTS War Sparks FlyinFar East; Powers Arm the California Board and clumseye me Denies Parole to Warren Billings Debt to Exceed World War Figures; America (Ed. Note: This is the first of tatlous statement, printed in large pres. In that year and month in Wall Street Plays Its Own Gome in Recognition Pays High Price for World Dominion a series of articles devoted to a type, Edited by William Dudley the state of California take note study and exposure of the bud Pelley.
of the stateho made two discov and Prepares for Coming War in Pacific ding fascist movement known as President Roosevelt message to ism. The Chief erles which he makes known to us the Silver Shirts of America. Hitler is known as der Fuehrer, in the December 1980 March 1931 Speaking before the Soviet Con that end. Further on in his re the Seventy Third Congress calls Government and industry took a There is a Fascist movement in Mussolini as Il Duce and our own number of his magazine the New gress on December the 29th, Elt ein port he added. It must not be for a budget of ten billion dollars big step closer together under the America. It is small. It is incon William Dudley Pelley. the Liberator, the forerunner of Libera off said: Inasmuch as she herself thought that all capitalist governXRA. This trend will be extended spicuous. It lacks popular prota chler for the coming fiscal year. Pour under the proposed budget plan. genists. It has no spokesmen in the sanizer, Inspirer and leader, who the same institution The chief, who is the or tion and incidentally published by is deeply interested in the preserments are aiming at war. For olilion dollars are to meet maturing An attempt to turn back to a con accredited capitalist press. It is is endowed, according to his owu vation of peace, America has be many of them, that is far from begovernment obligations; six bildition without government inter unknown to most American work admission, with magical, paychical Truly Miraculous come by contact with our union one ing the case, which is why we who Under the headline, The Dead of the most powerful factors for earnestly desire peace are cager lion for the current expenditures. ference in industry is hopeless. The ers. It does not possess state pow. powers to communicate with the are Alive and Organized. be repeace and is cooperating with us to and ready to cooperate with genuThis means that the bankers of the Interest of many sections of the er and is not represented in any deas and the beyond means of counts his miraculous discoverinely pacifist countries and seccountry will be able to invest over sacrificed to the general Interest of GROWING AND IT DISPOSES OF came to his present pre eminence First, have become convinced Kerensky Ministertry, where we find them. New BUT IT IS clairvoyance and clairaudience. ies: capitalist class will have to be governmental office.
tions of public opinion in any counone and a half billion dollars each the class as a whole.
month for the next six months in FXANCES, FREELY GIVEN FROM by a peculiar yet quite logical road. by my own investigations and exYork Times, December 30th. Among as sound a proposition as can be This 10 billion dollar budget has SOME UNDIVULGED SOURCE. Up till May 1928, Pelley tells us, pertences that there is no such thing Reveals Jap War Aims tries the United States is apparfound under capitalism in its periodi many angles which we will follow Fascism in the he was a newspaperman. which as Death that life once created of decline.
up when it becomes more than an lently to be counted.
To our knowledge, the outstand is only a more euphemistic name cannot die to extinction, that there That the Japanese militarists are It is estimated that the public estimation. The relation to waring Pakist organization in the Unt for the pald agents of the kept is one continuous stream of con making large scale, Just the day before this report feverish pre was given President Roosevelt pro debt will rise to thirty billion again, preprations, taxes, the middle class ted States is the silver Shirts of sciousness using many lives for er parations for an attack on the claimed at the dinner of the WoodIf the President budget is not and the workers will be analyzed America with headquarters at Asbpression, of which physeal bodies Workers Fatherland, the Soviet row Wilson Foundation: It there chopped to pleces in the house and in subsequent articles.
ville, North Carolina. The literain a mortal world are the lowest Union, and are awaiting the proper Core has seemed clear to me as Senate. Those who support ture and form of organization of moment to strike the blow which president that the time has come to President financial program are this outfit, the men in the leader Second, have become convinc will start war, is predicted by Ma supplement and to implement the inviting a comparison of the re Senator Davis Makes a ship and the people in back of it, ed through the training of my pay for General Yakhontor, chief of declaration of President Wilson by covery deficit with the World War give us the impression that the 811chical faculties, confirmed by mes operations, doring the World War, the further declaration that the dedeficit. The recovery dettcit is Speech for Hour Day ver Shirts are no fly by night sa sages received by other paychical of the Tenth Imperial Russian Anite policy of the United States estimated to reach 10 billion dol.
thering like the late but unlamentpersons and steadfastly proven by Army and Secretary of War in the from tow on is one opposed to armlars. The expenditures connected We have heard recently a lot of led Khaki Shirts of Philadelphia. It current events, that the outstanding Kerensky cabinet, now in Tucson. ed intervention.
with the war, not considering war intolerant talk about shortening the not handled in time, and handled The California State Board of master brains of the ages the lead Arizona Pacifism to Sereen War Aims debts reached the total of 41 billion honrs of labor. believe that the properly, they may become a grue Prison Terms and Paroles has den ers in religion, statecraft, science dollars.
He characterizes the huge millhours of human labor should be some menace to the labor and revied the appeal of Warren BIJ and art who have ennobled human tary budget of the Japanese Cabinet salue, are of the kind which can Both statements, if taken at face The Price of World Hegemony shortened as much as possible. Elght olutionary movement, to the workings, railroaded with Tom Mooney society by living in it have not as the laying of the gallows trap The above is just the vulgar eco hours is too long to work in a blasting class fortresses yet to come.
nomists way of saying that the furnace, a tin plate mill, a glass American Fascism, in the guise of rarade bomb explosion and Cosphere. More than this, they have that will catapult the nations serve only to deceive the working flagration.
price America must pay for world factory, or a coal mine, If six hours the Silver Shirts, has borrowed ite prisoner with him for 17 years, for handed themselves together in eventually into another world conneryBut they should not be is eonngh.
hegemony is very high. It cost over vast sublime Lodge of Supernatural statement is trne.
stock in trade of propaganda, vitu parole. This is Japan answer to Am 41 billion to obtain the dominating For President Roosevelt the pur Thirty hours a week is too long peration, sulphur and brimstone The Parole Board did not render Wisdom for a concrete and benevolposition in world economy. And to work to a warehouses with damnation from the Fascism that its verdict primarily on the grounds ent earthly purpose. Under the erican Recognition of Russia. Au uwe of his declaration is clear. It now, as the first expenditure, which goods which we do not sell too goose steps on German streets in of Billing guilt or innocence in the dynamic generalship of Christ, they that the Far East needs now is an is meant to shield the actual pre is by no means the last, it has cost long to work to raise corn to burn Brown Shirts. Its creed is not a supposed crime of 17 years ago but are contributing their massed intel other Serbian assassination to ran Mrations now being made for the over 16 billion, in the struggle too long to work to raise wheat to new one; rabidly unti semitic, arch. rather on such a basis that once ligence toward the early establish the smouldering tinder into a roar coming furions imperialist conflicts ing cauldron.
in which the United States will set against the other imperialists and teed pigs only to convert them into reactionary Communist baiters, vio aguin reveals the underlying cause ment of an entirely new social or Japan munition factories are ont for definite conquests on the working class of America, to soap and fertilizer; too long to lently nationalistic, they have been for the continued imprisonment of der, that shall permanently abolish maintain the world position.
work to plow under every thira aptly termed hill billy Hitlerites. these famous class martyrs in the Ignorance, Depression, Poverty and operating at full speed. Plans are large scale.
being rushed for the building of Coming from Litvinoff the declarIn addition to the public debt furrow of cotton.
The Silver Shirts claim to be a San Quentin and Folsom dungeons. War. Pelley emphasis. several new warships. New Pope The size of ations quoted carry a devastating there are the private debts. The This is the statement none other national organization. In Libera Anti Social Activities the army will be increased. The disorientation to the revolutionists National Industrial Conference than Senator James Davis oftion, their weekly organ they pub Billings. says the Parole Board, As can be seen from this superBoard estimated that private debts Pennsylvania, reactionary and coglish au organization chart which is a second term prisoner and was stitious clap trap, refurbished from militarists are doing everything in who have not yet learned to disfor the trst crisis year of 1920 in the College, Harding and Hoov. divides the country into nine in active in anti social activities. Pre the childish sdiocy of the dark ages, their power to arm the country and tinguish between the politics of the to train it for war.
stalin regime and those of Lenin reach the figures of a 124 billioner administration. good state corporated units and claim. previous statements, emenating from Mr. Pelley was no ordinary sky Russia is doing the same. Even leadership. We need rocall only dollars, with interest over billion ment for the six hour day but the tend or boast to bave tens of thou Leading spokesmen of the boss class, pilot. At one blow Pelles became The corporations alone had a prin same man as Secretary of Labor sands of members. Liberation is a point to the fact that anti social a pope in his own rights, the direct the United States will finally be one paragraph of the resolution adcipal indebtedness of 75 billion. deporting foreign born mill twelve page magazine printed on activities refer to the militant or agent of God and the intermediary forced to ented into this race for opted at the Rolshevik party conmore armaments. And then it will gress on May 9, 1917: Our party This indebtedness is no problem in tant workers and breaking strikes expensive paper. Beneath the mast ganizational work carried on by (Continued on page 1) be only a matter of time. will explain to the people with paperiods of prosperity. But when a for the shortening of hours. head of the magazine is the ostep Mooney and Billings in the Califortience and preciseness the truth that crisis continues into the Afth year nia labor movement prior to Amwar is always bound up indissoldbly it becomes a major consideration erica entry into the war. This with the policies of certain definite of the whole capitalist class and The Mystery of Van der Labbe Parole Board statement is strikingly similar to remarks of capitalist classes, that this war may only be calls for government ubaldies terminated by a democratic pence through various forms to uphold the to the that if If the government powers of at least tottering economic structure. The convicted the charges vast expenditures through the some of the belligerent countries In are handed over to the class of the and other agencies are de Few people believed there was example, had stated that his be some other charges for indictment proletariat and semi proletariat who signed to accomplish this end.
any chance of Goering permitting havior seemed to resemble that of would have been found.
Tom Mooney, rejecting an offer About a thousand teachers reThe 1934 1935 budget calls for a Marinus Van der Lubbe to escape a person subjected to steady doses Tracing the steps of the German are really capable of putting an end hale billion for national defense, the gullotine for any length of time. et scopolamin. This drug little tor parole, has long ago placed his sponded to the call of the Teachers Nazis in taking over the trade unto the bondage of capitalism. Imperialist Designs Two billion so far remain undeslg. But many were surprised by known except to specialists in cur reliance on mass movement and Union of New York City to demonions, William Green, president of Not withstanding Litvinocs de. in ing morphine addicts, and to their mass pressure to force a new trial strate at City Hall against La Guar the American Federation of Labor. Continued on page 4)
while share will be spent by the which he was done away with. The patients, of whom only one, Goer or an exonerating pardon, Billings dia one month furlough plan for in a recent statement called for an war mongers. The budget also calls thical Nazt statement that he ing, is a member of Hitler Cabinet. om the contrary, recently put this all city employees which means a intensification of the boycott of for about a billion dollars to be was sane when executed, the official According to Wolf s, the Profes Calth in legal action. This decisions and per cent wage cut. The expended in the form of interest.
Nazi autopsy, add nothing to our osr examination revealed no of the Parole Board has made it demonstration took place on Mon German goods and services. While Claes Budget understanding of Lubbe strange sign of mistreatment or potson; he quite clear that legal scruples do day, January 15. It marks a new condemning the suppression of the The budget that calls for an out behavior before, during and after adde that Van der Lubbe behavior not concern the American ruling step in the leftward trend of the free trade unions, the social demclass. He will not even receive the trial. The sudden execution. msut be simulated.
lay of ten billion this year and six however, begins to be quite com Learning from Stockholm that the parole on the basis of juridical administration which hitherto German Jews, Green had not a billion next year is a class budget prehensible when one recalls that Professor was unknown to medi. Pointe frowned on such action.
word to say about the reign of ter. Deadly Parallel! Mooney and New York. Weekly mass meetA delgation of three went inside or against the Communists or the of capitalist subsidies, with crumbs on two occasions in the court cal or university authorities, there, Reichstag fre frame up. Ings of record breaking proportions to see the little Napoleon. After recent for the working class, depending room, Van der Lubbe underwent interested parties outside Germany Billings rot away in the San Quenupon the pressure the working class sudden transformation.
reached blm by telephone at Leipt and Folsom Bastille while Sun: some time they came out and re Even the exposure by the capitalist are packing the vast auditorium press of this infamous trial finds of the Amalgamated Food Workers can exert in demanding relief from He generally sat slumped in (Continued on page 4) lynchers. Continued on Page 1) no reflection in Green statement. Union to hear speakers reaffirm the The actual role of the German necessity for a general strike as the low wages and unemployment. In chair, his head between his knees stead of social and unemployment in a position which the New York trade union, leaders is well illus most effective means of struggle to Insurance, the capitalist government Times correspondent described as trated by a quotation from the May improve their conditions. In addiplans an extension of its present almost impossible for a normal hu29th Reports of the Internationaltion to officials and shop delegates methods of handling the working man being to maintain for more Labour Office (Page 272. of the union the meetings are reguthan a few minutes, and he gener Clear the decks for the biggest subscription cam riptions The Leiparts and the Grasslarly addressed by Ben Gitlow, ally answered questions with a paign we have ever conducted other Sixteen billion dollars dumped mumble, it at kil. On two secas4. very week the Militant will print the remanns may hyopcritically declare Cannon, Louis Budens and into the internal market is a worth ions, however, he stood erect, his doubled in recent months. Now we are going after The circulation of the Militant has nearly cord of results. This campaign is especially design their devotion to Hitler as much as prominent militants.
While an overwhelming proporwhile stimulant for capitalist eyes alight and in a clear ed to stir individual comrades into action. We want they like, but it is better that they tion of workers in other branches breathing spell. At the same time announced that he alond was voice new records with a special price inducement. to establish direct contact with all who participate should be in prison.
it is an attempt to find a market sponsible for the crime. Was there of the industry still remain unorMilitant and hope to see the names of many Here is the proposition. Those are the actual works of for capital investment. The ques not the possibility that if he had ganized, a successful erganizational 25 cents for a six month sub in clubs of four. Builders in the weekly report.
Dr. Ley (the head of Hitler trade drive is going on in the big hotels tion of capital Investment is the remained alive for any length of Four prepaid sub cards, ench good for a key problem of American Imperial time after the trial, he might, in month sub, can be secured for one dollar. We want the active Builders to belp in the union organization. promotion of the campaign by explaining how they Green quotes these words without where the kitchen and dining room departments report 70 to 95 peranother moment of clarity, have work so that we can pass the experience on to others. comment cent unionization. With thousands made some disclosures which Goer to your friend and fellow workers.
Send in your dollar today and sell the cards later The Builders Column during this campaign is to be Green statement should be utilof workers already enrolled a steady OPEN FORUM ing would rather not have heard collectively edited by the comrades in the field. ized as a starting point of a move stream of new members pours Into even by a Nazi Jailer?
Or, if you lack the dollar to advance, collect the EUROPE AFTEN ONE YEAR Cour 25 cent subs and send them in all together with There are no prizes offered in this special cam. ment in the trade unions against the union. Suspicious Incident paign and no goal is set at present. The special Hitlerism. Not a boycott of GerIn some of the larger restaurants the dollar.
offer will hold good for only a limited time and we man goods which has little effect the workers were forced to join OF HITLER This question calls to mind an This is a special campaign to increase circula do not want to guess what the result will be. We on Fascism but a complete con Local 16 of the of at the incident which occurred during the tion quickly at the bare cost of producing the extra intend to set a goal, however, and to reach it. The omle and industrial boycott of Nazis threat of losing their jobs. At the Recently returned from an exten Leipzig trial and which, as far as copies. We are counting on the enthusiastic cooper mark we set will be determined in the next week or Germany, should be the slogan of Casino de Paree, an exclusive know, has never been reported in stion of all the old Militant Builders and a host of sive visit to Europe and Germany America. On September 27, two on the basis of the response to this appeal and the militants.
Broadway night club, 60 waiters the new ones to make a success of the campaign. Before the votes of the active builders. With your first The demand for free, non Fascist, were locked out when they defied Speaker: ARNE SWABECK Official. cordinated. Wolf Tele starting out, please note the following points: graphie Buro reported that on the batch of subs at the special rate send in your pro non government trade unions should the bosses by joining the Amalgam1. No bookkeeping, no credit. Cash must ac posal for the goal of the campaign.
previous day one Professor Sod company all orders.
International Workers School be supplemented by the demand for ated. The officials of Local 16 atVarious methods can be used in piling up the the freedom of all workers organl tempted to send waiters from the ermann of Stockholm had examined Prepaid sub cards. The special 25c prepaid subs. The one that seems most feasible to us, how. zations, social democratic as well other Broadway Clubs to the Cas126 East 16th Street Van der Lobbe in his cell. This subs are printed on postcards ready for malling. All ever, is for individual comrades to put a dollar or as revolutionary. Above all at the ino de Paree. The waiters, aroused the first visit of an outsider to the that is needed is to fill in the name of the subscriber more into a revolving fund during the drive. Invest present time it is urgent to raise by the treachery of the of SUNDAY, JANUARY 21st, 1934 prisoner, was regarded as important and drop it in the mail box.
the money in prepaid sub cards, sell them at 250 each the demand for the immediate re bureaucrats, refused to skab as because of widespread suspicions P. The special rate can be obtained only in clubs and buy another bunch. Keep the dollar working lease of Torgler, Dimitroff, Tanev many left Local 16 to join the Amthat the latter stupor was artific of four or more. The regular rate of per year till we bring the new campaign to a successful con and Poport and their safe conduct algamated. The locked out walters ally induced. Reliable doctors, for and 50e for six months remains on all other sub clusion.
across the German border, are picketing the Casino de Paree.
Teachers of Green Urges DEAD MEN TELL NO TALES slooney and Billings couldn be Big Meetings in policy of the conservative union cracy and the persecution of the Hotel Union Drive Clear the Decks!
class renew sixSpeakers: JAMES CANNON JOSEPH CARTER Editor of Young Spartacus LENIN, LIEBKNECHT, LUXEMBERG MEMORIAL Friday, January 26, 1934, P.
IRVING PLAZA HALL Irving Place and 15th Street ADMISSION 150