CommunismDemocracyGermanyImperialismSovietStrikeURSSWorking Class

UNITE Weekly Organ of the Communist League of America (Opposition CENTS 1789 The problem is to build on other country can well afford to because his life had been threatened it is true, now realize that einem der viaducts and on doorsteps by coat Yakima County several thou abattering economie et of the the extralegal activities of the Phila. Food Workers Strike and wages, adequate pay and rensOn the Waterfront were beaten te burned. Three has falled as a factor to cause reply and overproduction only suf applies for a cheap bed at the In board ship. There are supposel Howard, all young negroes are rehit the food industry. During the Roosevelt thrives on promises, more in the of L, has been putting veeks they fually came to some cracked wide open the administra sined to help them. The objects grilled about his credentials as when necessary of which when year old Mississippl girl The same with Wilsonlan solemnity, he speaks Industry. Up until now it has not clerks, and also the truckers a place of relief to four million capitallat property and, at the samelen name, religion, what companies The existing paper anons are all spirited away by the sherit la promises and still more promises up militant fight to organise this clerks, the grocery and delicatessen Progrant designed to give jobs. In reality is to prevent individual a bona fide nes man, when and where and were the old man is the sole old gator the bees This was last Wednesday. The tensions and its publicity tricks theme, to insure the capitalists AD salled on and finally, the cleralscredited amongst the sea. men to Angleton, Tex He is accused their fellow men or by comblastiaatting up magnificent batue Teamsters Unlon business Rent Civil Works Program was an empower. This is the dominating mo breath.
are no longer oflenseits ht to be promised the fruit then that the them from starving to death, unt tace its death crisis in the spring on his clothes, that they have a bunch of fourteenth street sail Das been sentenced to dle by ColVOLUME VII NO. WHOLE NO. 205 NEW YORK, SATURDAY, JANUARY 6, 1934 PRICE CENTS Nothing for Workers Court Threat to CIVIL WORKS AND THE NRA Free Yakima Increase in Lynchings in Roosevelt Message Labor Witness. Throughout the erials maw way the problems and taking of thelle employment has been one of the latest perforate property from te Defendants most complex problems of capital protect Reported for 1933 Preparations and belug, made by tam. As the crials passed from but not least, to protect capitalist dividual acts of robbery and, laat the Terzant Defense Committee and months into years the ruling class properts from the threat of expro plckets who had been Salled in AN 32 orchard strike President Demagogy at Congress Opening Hides o atormer les detend Samsetz er Khaki shirt member who followed every phase of the probpriation by the working class. This Yakim, Washington, tince August Bourbon South Leads in Mob Murder, Sheriffs Ruling Class Plans anti Fascist, and who faces a per ored to check this rising tide from tention the most alficult family 300 vigilante farmers who had Assist Gangs Jury charge because of his admis finding an outlet into the class cases as well as by a consideration beaten them with pick handles, have With millions listening on the countries. In the final analysis this son that he gave false testimony struggle.
of all other social factors in the been released without trial, accord The ghastly practise of lynching and their sworn in deputies and the radio, President Roosevelt opened is settled by the use of arms by before the grand Jury.
At first they denied its existence. Kiven looul situation ing to information received by the has increased 180 per cent over the ardent endorsement by the Governor third Congress Wednesday with the the peace loving paeldst, In face of organizations are used in burube temporaris hengemetode. Det halt non receiving publle ald. came on the eve of the regular session of the Seventy war. Again the Wilsonian Democrat, An workers and working class Then the exploiters claimed it was the record for 1983 shows Mareh American Civil Liberties Union. The number in 1932, according to the of California of the murderers of Next to be the peak month with four and prosecution agreed to drop the anual review made publle by Walthe two alleged kidnappers.
when itter White, secretary of the National The honors in the mob murder tures of the New Deal are per military reorganization and the treasurer of the defense committee, after a long period of many months, over five million families were learned that the defense was ready Association for the Advancement competition for the year 1983 go to manent features of American recon building of war cruisers, Informs to rally to Weln ald. Our fight with resistance every inch of the placed on a fifty cents per day aver to put scores of witnesses on the of Colored People. Translated into the state of Alabama which leads struction, old methods had to be the world that the United States not yet ended, says Mahler. way, atd the capitallats admit that are last winter at the present time stand in behalf of the accused. actual figures this means that 28 the country with five lynchings to replaced by a permament readjust ready to cooperate at any time Weln took the stand to save Ter charity and local and state rellet with al the new measures taken for Proscutor Sandvig found himsle men were the victims of the sadistic its credit. The bestial ruling class ment of many of our ways of think in practicable measures on a world zal, knew he was in danger of must be replaced by a national pol their benefit. they are doing good in a tight place as the trial ante fury of barbarle murder mobs in of Alabama, it will be remembered, social and economie arrangements. utom of armaments and the lowering admitted that he told the grand They continue to fight against con addition to this large number one number of persons involved, and the year.
not. compared to 10 lynchings last has earned special recognition The tasks facing Congress, Roos of the barriers against commerce! Jury Anthony Flerro was killed by sidering unemployment as a social the rellet list, there exists that many witnesses which would need Highly significant Is this alarm Scottsboro boys. It is quite adept evelt contended, are as great as The United States, which can pro a man in a brown sult, such as problem and oppose social insur growing army of destitute individ to be called on both sides, it was ing jump in lynching In face of the ut supplementing legal lynching with those which faced the Congress of duce armaments faster than any Terzant wore, but swore he did this ance. Many far sighted exploiters, als below this level who sleep an obvious that the proceedings would fact that the fourth crisis has set mob. Georgia and Louisiana follow a. of the close second with four ench. six ture designed better to meet there in this diretion and even Khakl Shirts The majority, however and they for a handout by day. Above the complaint from the taxpayers about population on edge with the Am human belugs, doubtless begroes, of erican Individuallatle type of pound possibly share croppers were zation. He felt well satisfied out altering any designs for imper: Teramos detene, not yet turned continue to try every form or e stin larger number of families, with few days before the scheduled grom Lynching as the castle Lynched in South Carollua and Tezwith the cooperation of Congtes in Lalist aggressions by military meansin, are asked to send it at once to ergency rellet possible in order to the bread earners out of work, which trial date the Agricultural work. The protectors of the public mor Desire respectively. California and meeting this situation.
Roosevelt congressional speech the committee at 94 Fifth Avenue, avoid facing the issue of unemSrlsts precariously one way or aners Industrial Unlon, of which the ality. the guardians of law and Mississippi lynched two each. Flor In typical demagogie style, he is another step in his demagogle New York City. The committee, ployment Insurance.
othersome familles are broken defendants were members, held a order have been silent or active da, Maryland, Missouri, North Carthen proceeded to enumerate the accampaign to enlist the American which includes delegates from the Title Two of the Recovery up and dispersed in the homes of protest meeting in Yakima attend partners in this gruesome sport, ollna and Texas bring up the rear compilotments of the NRA. Por workera for wage slavery and im American Civil Liberte Unton, we provided for a publle works program their trekared Talny dry savings! ed by 500 workers, nt which the ot noclety. Legal dictions of democracher The Bourbon Southeastell getting his ballyhoo about the need pcrialism, remain intact until Weln is clear and the expenditure of over three others have become house workers clear to the community. This apocracy and the due process of the will be porte from these reports, seh for Increased purchasing power of billion dollars. The method of and Janitors in exchange for the pears to have been an important to have been ripped to shreds by holds front rank.
the masses, Roosevelt claims a dehandling the problem of unemploy necessities of life.
crease in unemployment of several millions, uniform standards of hours ated into two fold policy. The government adopts those the prosecution is the filmaines of the tacit and not so tact support The A AP reports that given to the lynch mobs by sherim the lynch moba spent the outgolog the one hand the public works pro measures for the problem of unem year in a very humane manner: onable profits as achievements of gram was to take millions of the ployment which benefit the ruling Thirteen of the lynch victims were the NRA.
sbot to death and two of the bodies Fight Against Heavy Odds to Organize Industry Peltor list. The reduction of hours classe But they twist the quoutton Inercise of Unemployment burned. Elgbt were hanged and The Increase of Industrial anemtwo of their bodies Philadelphia During the last would in the future so have to work at reduced real wages. The though they are trying to solve the ployment of over one half million du couple of weeks a wave of strikes osht the Pean Frult Company for early date that the publle works majority of the unemployed as well government had to admit at a very problem for labor benefit. The death, two were Seamen Subjected to Vicious Treatment banged and shot, one was besten and shot and one was beaten, shot power of the masses due to increas at Budd Wheel Company and also walk out. After the fruit for enable a goodly number of bourgeols explanation correct. York are subjected to were sometimes even on a crease of the water dur per te beredens bed the Taxicab strike, the strike walked out the mest men should programele Talled to accompleted the most one phone completamente resteren The unemployed seamen of New tractors. They are forced to work and strangled. Comrade head of the meat union Why the ship.
According to press reports the of company unlom under the NRA above strikes in the house of the do we have to go and back them up barrel. All but halt a billion of bourgeola charity and roller, which Seamen Institute, Every naman knows that there Lynch mobs are beginning the New all these facts watch dy in the militant of December so. But he we are the strongest uncan, all the body to the rise one waya Element face of Roosevelt optimism, were failed to mention the strike which want is to use us for a front.
Carefully omitted.
Federation of Unions ficient amount of food and necesstitute dormitory, the first questo be three watches on deck on all Like Wilson, liberal Dem last four weeks the recently organ sities to keep the wage slaves from tion asked there by the clerk te American ship, and no work at ported to have confessed in MemAfter the strike had gone four ceratie forerunner, Franklin Ized Translt clerks unlon, which is Wheathilde open to the tra starving to death, are not really deHave you got money? Then he side of that, except where and pole. Teata ee to attacking 17 agreement Last week the fr fruit tion inaugurated the Civil Works rope and faggot and, Inter, social expropriation of born, etizen or not, mother mald judge!
gangs to get to work negro, Johnny Dade, has been of the protection which the State been touched by organized labor.
can give against exploitation by The Fruit Clerks Union came out for a federated unlon. Stripped of its high sounding preabundant supply labor takes a deep smell of the applicant of. The Penn Fruit Com and that their agreement the extent that no one would listen of an slaying and the serie guage, but meaningloun phrase, Bypany which the futon had been before heat they to be represent winter, which is the worst pet for dire at all unemployment mensured Before closing the deal he does fotning or dghting with any of Bad taken action presumably 10 exploitation Roosevelt means misus. dghting for union recognition has Penn Prult for the last month and for the umetnlerede tot sive them The Civil Works Program will be initted some of the recent salt bureaucratie cele dominated by young man, Walter Hepplo, Ing the workers to a point where the of the Retall Frult deal to smash next day, Thursday, his men would spring prodta Ls the aim of Roosevelt. sands of dollars, telling the work union was battling and that when sulate American gifte along the ruling explotters look forward to itsurely los depressing to more they all my the same thing. This nese man and mining maguate who value to the en those million workers, deducting the. The on the.
of the best fighters of the marine governor prethod tinct that millions are depends the union is a racket, ete. Also they signed they would sign for ny Teaven less than att dollars warm weather and the hoped for atter they have staved Away ten of Industry have gone through it, and cer Penrose, Colorado Spelnica bus!
ent on a few for their livelihood they have tried to frame the lead three outfit holds no future for the sensent telegram to the latter for the winter for the brend win revival. If the revival does not the stinking bulls thrown ahore known for its band shaking policies County that the grant Clemency real backbone of the strike.
and into this dump.
many sell outs in the past. Balancing Production and on striks the Fruit Clerks union day, out of 30 men in the unlon, NRA.
of lynching.
came to the meeting of the Philatoar walked out from the store at The Civil Works Program. He fundamentally. It has only post on top of it.
Worke Program has solved nothing and taking all the insulto and become headway lately, and many In face of the farmers revolt dolphia Meat Cutters Association: 52 Market St. The other men all other government mesures deal. poned the showdown. It has to al Roosevelt consoles Congress and the also a newly organized unton, Indefused to come out. Plekets were ing with the problem of unemploy negative way, further educated the particular nowadays in picking the without showing any reculte that According to the of 118The shipping agencles are very they y have ve been so long on the head Unemployment Increase American people that the experi pendent of the posted at all the als Penn Pruitment, to so organized that the rellet, unemployed as to what kind of a operating start (erew. One must be a menslive them on youres made publle by William Green ment of seeking a balance between asked their support of the strike stores, coeding Why then the farmers effect that since die spelete the ment cutters, Saturday the head of the meat nation through process of select a crazy economic system we have. to get a job as able seaman and work for revolts? Not a word from the who also worked for this concern. Continued on Page 1)
workers were thrown out of em HUGO OEHLER.
Nekateherde the leves e the months. com. former offers; and works very desperate mood and are look lembor. The layofts. for to even mention the revolt is ways are also considered before aning with anxiety toward a militant wild the report, to shatter his entire hokum about In Impresoning Eugene Debe and has a chance. The latter are organization. Whether nach an or turing, where over 330, 000 at thely the eld given to the masses of farm on democracy in Wilson country. despised mainly for the reason that canization will come and take the Jobs. These factory lay offs are While the Princeton University pre they are too wise to the tricks of Initiative in the coming struggles much larger than to Franklin Roosevelt recently ble for spoils to Europe found Amson ardent protestations, was sending hundreds of the old man and his mates and of the seamen, depends upon the year for which we have records: Roosevelt offers more promines. Ho As refuse to do ory of his predecessor, Woodrow posizion, which was unorganised as yet. The Commun depression. national plan (bis emphasis) unare hela them assistance and help to lay continues, represent over half the for publle works will be be covered by then current in this country. The needs were lucrative enough. Con abated down to the lowest possible empty ober to November, which was in all disputes, the camest endeavor to bad no no reason to been toledance Street profits and the return on condict oals to find that the viel o be entangled. The Lalism, thereby Jeopardixing Wan tot his idealistic solution of the MARINE WORKER. Jabout 680, 000.
told that there exists an unneces: settle them without recourse to bankers were content to sary expansion of productive facil ar to End All Wars ism scorned his paeltism, demanding proposes to reconstruct American velt claims he tas attempting to per both the Allief and the Entente The The munition makers The atrocity stories became more their share of the spoils they had of events. How did it work? What gereat powers. The people did not creased in intensity. The Huned that the ignominious Treaty of Verproductive capacity cannot be at were the results of paellan when want war and paid to particular were destroy los civilization, etc. are waren Having raged for two years the forts to win support la Argentina Royal Dutch counts on the full sup enating from English or German rulers of the nation, interests, the real deepened all the Pomperlahatle war between the South American cre successful, the Paraguayan gen port of British Imperialism, which of the masses, their existence of the United States?
wage slaves; that permanent to the abolition mar. bhord Even the militaristic Theodore tomato bralen ble bereiden the return troute concestons, like the the power ton of the Gran Chaco nominal ruler, who began to fume continues The complicated Inter bone of contention be War Two Years Old themes. hotels and factories ship or man to barbarism, an inflamma Septricte. the Netlog prostornadjuditing disputes between Wilson was hallel in Europe as the theach other det villeartering made up of an extensive cay dates from Spanish colonial times, the and Paraguay, September 231914pro was no to bel The The Joker in the Pence Polley conference, disarmamentDong We have not the smallest respon: dlatinet help to him This clever representative of Am. gruteren van een on the ware Then he returnt to America. draesed on for so long a time with Chnco great undeveloped areas, and tual warfare on large scale did claimed as sodoend, literally. principal reasons why this war has along the Palcomayo River. Both casions to the late 1920 frontier The Downfall of Wilson cision was required of him and volced by pressi, pulpit, educators, one possible way out of the crate porthod of making the la At the expense of other capitalet dent, Woodrow Wilson, espoused righteously indignant, he could re and others, declaring that he had The capitalist class wanted none The Seventh Pan American Con their real interest to the Chaco is not commence until about two years these ideas He kept Us Out of War. making a shambles out of Europe, Europea e modele se realizam out of the medio per la very loliaiThaideo was unable to do anything to tor the interests of British and Am. saw sort of lighting the been going This college professor, erudite, a Pacifiem Loading Into War strength at his command, that Am hostilely raainst him. The packiem settle the Chaco dispute. In part ertean oll companies.
OPEN FORUM Lover of the Jeffersonlan rhetoric owning general Were Iulied into fulae But now it was impossible to ab. Sinto the war and had prosecuted that while Imperialism dom Jersey has a virtual monopoly over the same torta that were being The workers and the people to ele wie per le portable nation at Wilson, that had led America this faltare may be due to the fact The Standard OL Co. of New side caining any decisive advantage.
WAR DANGER IN THE aristocracy in whene territory and security. They had nopped up to tontony hongerina tor Germany had confully, was now outlved. Inated at the congress it was Brit. the Irametse oll deposits of Bolivia arst few weeks of fighting are un FAR EAST Intersts. Congres repudiated. WiWILL JAPAN ATTACK THE us out of the war then raging on that Repudiation of Woodrow the people of this country would be storm of the European content. Fact and Wilson Involves repudiation of the cowards and traitors, indeed, called him ab SPRING OF 19347 life later disproved this campaign policy of neutrality and a they did not lend a hand to drive Wilson died a broken man, imperialism emerged from the oll over a mountain range more win victory after victory and then nition of the Soviet Union on the tralteya policy towards the Eur. atsputes. But even us the people endeavored to keep America. ont of a new dvision of the world terri Britain, still far from defeated. The opean condiet li se he had not were thinking that their intellectual the war was not at an end, howtories and a further annihilation Ls by pipe line to some had to be almost completely sus Japan?
Speaker: was associated with the middle the growing influence of Wall St. cesalble to ocean steamers.
JACK WEBER class, the southea planters includ events were at work that locked the apostle.
Pacifism stands at the beim aralu. In ed, whose economic interests at the Wilson of the fence. To Make the World Safe for Another Wilson, many Wilsons will plans. Argentina, while formally the Chaco itself but this is a mat less forest. There have been close Alme were wound up more in the The British government barred Democracy.
Another and to read into a war, working for peace in the region, haster of secondary importance, as are since the war commenced, which 19 Sunday, January 14, ket.
International Workers Scho economic gravity proved stronger Brittah 126 East 16th Street tumn Wildernes Sca, New York ICty PACE tination declaring their cargoed safe tor democracy. This was oration of the late Woodrow Wilson. forts to win support in Argentina peins to block the interests Paraguay a scant 700, 000. The outbreak of the mad sram contraband. Despite all of W1. Do deterrent to the administration GEO. CLARKE perlallsm. It Secretary Hull ef Stanard ou. In this of course the (Continued on page this is not slavery. this is not en lers of the strike, la perttealar the The meat cutters who worked for Ber of an average family of four. take place they will drive through twenty years of their lives aboammen. The LS. Is too well behalf of the people of El Paso ploitation. It is inherent in mod era civilisation and American Insti organizer, Eddle Greene, who is the Penn Fruit now took Tote is to The Civil Works Program was aanother emergency measure tution!
Pour weeks ago before they went strike. Unanimous to strike. There to prop up the breakdown of the Public Works Program to tbe Civil wants and a shirts on their bodies of the Whethe Reppin there may be a danger whether they should go out o necessary supplementary measure The extension of the originallmore than otel often with no with the shipowners and with its to shoes, ranged its revival.
ing the most menacing sections of spokesmen of the American bosses were in manufacHow Pacifism Led Us into Wa er Instead of an analysis of what is any normal this aldent envisages for the not distant future paid glowing tribute to the mem Jericu in a pitted Wilson to commodity as definitely and to kill and be killed for the hu. expected things not ordinarily active seamen, who are themselves larger also than in any year since from a sailor, der which annual appropriations on the anniversary of hlbe the dove of price and the ther. Irrevocably closed. The bankers manitarianism of Wall Street The conditions on board are in Int League of America should give These factory lay offs, the report birth. The greatest virtue of the mometer of the anti wer sentiments were sore. But the Allied war prots, his paelson continued untolerable. Repair bills level, bare for the work, which is so increase in unemployment from Oct current revenue.
boast! On the one hand we are method of handling Internationala foreign war in which the turuing in favor of German ImperWitson went to Paris full of hope the job usually done by sbore conItles On the other hand, Roosevelt arms. This method, which Roose food and commodity exports to their huge loans to the Allles. torious bandits of Allied linperialeconomy by increasing these facil. petuate, was tested to the cruelbiedealluk wompons to all the belli gruesome. Preparedness talk in won. Wilson caultulated. He siga gold death Chaco Imperialist Battleground laed because of the impoverishment espoused by the chief officer holder attention to the atroclty storlesemete. The con brought pre wounds of the war. receiving in repablie, Bolivia and Parapnuy, forrals are due for a major surprise. hus therefor for several years aided readjustment is only possible by a the slaughter of man by ban. Be Roosevelt could support the polles at the barbarism of Prussian mat Geneva, selleterination of terruption without. British and American Oil Interest Paraguay in her long standing The Chaco social change, social revolution leving as it does that armed con of neutrallty. He expressed the pre tarism. That Wilson was a pack several stone which were meatests involved, the existence of vart has been which for years frontier dispute over the area.
The dispute over the Gran Chaco simple fact runs ainst Roosevelt stion of lus savage Instincts caused bably nothing that we could have licose threats and warnings to Gerlocracy went wild over the treat the extreme difficulty of military plain, an area of thorn forest and and has on numerous occasions class logic.
It is a of peace by a lack of adequate education, one would have helped Belglum. many. Ou the contrary. pacifism American democrat. He was re operations in the region, are the the swamps jungle bottoms and threatened war. On several oC spirit eversting The war Wilson was in his element. No debe reflected the frustrated hopes part of his lie, was elected to his agent, George Creel, who wamed in God; the Bocbe WAS trampler American Impectallam had other ish Imperialism protegee Pamproper, although these have beerenptured and re captured during the SOVIET UNION IN THE a hopeless Tetonary. of the Congress. While Ambase of the Andes and the piping or which the Bolivian forces would What Will Be the Effect of Renslogan. In all truth, however, Willbe evil days, whick the black bordes threatening peelfism did not dle with him. The the Pan American Congress with than 11, 000 feet high is too expect would be time for the Paraguay Conflict Between America and originated in the environs of impresident beeded none of the Inspirerer. It had merely become belli of the Rower of the working clas The recent success of the Partherefor outlet for Bollylan old lng the rainy season, operations war stories, and documentary gerent now. Its alogas Wu war hang heavily as if there had beror Bunyit army indicate this, although point on the Paraguay River, scouting parties would dle of thirst serialiste is bases. His Heeled are seems to bear that out, to end all wars and Wuson was been a war to end all warslin Argentine may yet defeat thelr There is reputed to be some oll in the grassy desert and the waterduring the dry season dependest domescle them to the forelin Tall shipments to Germany Ortal The President, who bot long be with other slogans perhaps but within reality given moral and material also the other natural resources of terrible toll when one considers Caid reality and the center of allies and to make the thles North too proud to fight. plunged into Ats, before bad boasted that America was under the same more pro support to Portay. In this the the Chaco, such as hardwoods, Wilma ih. Is we shall see the Date of Peace Ideas by or Central power ports astion of the war to make the worla This is our message, our commem. served the interests of British im Shell ou Company is sparing oticipating (Bolivia: 1. million