CapitalismCominternCommunismCommunist PartyGermanyHitlerLeninSocialismSocialist PartySovietStalinismStrikeSyndicalismURSSUnited FrontWorkers Movement

GR THE MILITANT SATURDAY, DECEMBER 30. 1933 EDITORIAL Transport Tie up Hotel Workers Drive Notes of the in Philadelphia TowardGeneral Strike Sympathy Strike Week th It lect the fight, but there is one who never tires, peces milk drivers who are the strongest shown not only by the vicions con of the workers and relieve unemable rebel, white haired and aging in prison, who cares and higher wages and through the codies (64 hour week struggle, and specifically a general surrender to the captains of indusbe the driving force of a real strike. The Amalgam.
Strike the Hotels ated itself is the driving force! It would be fatally NE of the bright spots in the rising labor movewrong to shift attention from the fundamental task ment is the sensational rise of the Amalgamof organizing the unorganized hotel workers into the ated Food Workers and its militant challenge to the union to the field of negotiations, discussions and ro(Continued from Page Continued from page 1) derstand, however, that these are big New York hotels which have been completely uu. criminations with other organizations which have a organized and immune, to labor troubles for many basis in the hotels. The mechanism for a strike is appeals of Senator Wagner and Dr. cussed and approved definite wage head or further advances of the ter, very quietly Challenged section Ta of the NRA wat week. He held years. Within the space of a few months time, first of all is membership in a UNION. hundrea of the taxi drivers and the trans official demands of the union, spe election in the mills of the thanks to the strong sentiment for organization in joint committees and United Front Conferences portation. Workers for action, the cifying in detail the minimum rates bortocals have been coming for weirton Steel Company (a subal the ranks of the fiercely exploited workers and cannot be substituted for it.
local union of the competent leadership in the union, the Amalgamated otherhood declared for a strike of of varying degrees of skill and reward with particularly militant diary of the Nation Steel, of which As the hotel and restaurant workers move to all transportation workers in Phila sponsibility. The union demanda strike of protest against the codes, pany union men were delegated as general be is president) at waich 49 comhas bounded forward to a commanding position in the situation and is the indicated medium for the ward a show down with the rapacious exploiters delphia ou Friday, December 22nd. Include: who coin their lives into dollars ope warning cau Nine unions with the additions of Full recognition of the union in which they have claimed to have representatives their own choosorganization of general strike to smasb the infamaus NRA code and enforce the workers demands. not be repeated too often. That is. Put no faltblusponded. The following were intor the lowest paid workers in the and of the Federation of Hotel and go, the Labor board and General The action of the union in putting the preparathe NRA, distrust every move it makes, rely on your cluded. Brotherhood of Transporta industry.
tion of the general strike now definitely on the organized strength and the soldarity of your fellow tion Workers, 11, 000; Railway Ex Specific minimum wage scales for union type organization recently chreatened press Drivers, 3, 000 Teamsters, higher pay for the more skilled extating fraternal clubs and proworkers alone!
agenda, after the arduous preliminary work in spread But Mr. Weir, the papers tell us, ing the message of unionism and gathering the forces There is no doubt that many hotel and restaurant 3, 000; Milk Wagon drivers, 2, 000 workers.
Tips to be entirely separate from Geneva, Vatel, Helvetia, etc. The read David Coppernela for the of the workers together, raises the prospect of a workers belleved in the NRA at first and expected Bakery wagon drivers. 2, 000 Launbattle that can mean much for the labor movement that Roosevelt would really do something for thein. Cleaning rivers, 75; Plano Movers, minimum working week of 40 Federation at once repudiated any aundred and arst time.
ho genere as well as for the workers directly to They have reason to know better now. After the ay 500. Thousands of transport work hours, consisting of days of connection with a strike, although better with each reading. be reproval by the NRA of the shameless hotel and restaulers stood in th volved. Shut off from unionism for so many years, for hours out: bours cach.
it appeared to vacillate a little marked.
No watch later; meantime it has been adrant code one of the very worst of all, with its side the strike Leadquarters, and the biggest Industry in New York for that is what for the hotel and restaurant business 15 remained 54 hour week and similar odious provisions in favor enthusiastically cheered the strike No charges fo: meals, uniforms vertizing for extra workers The steelmaster, a rugged Indivor laundering New Year Eve.
idualist who came up from the stronghold of super exploitation which helped to de of the bosses it should be clear to every thinking call.
ranks in the old American way.
worker that no help can be expected from this to make the bosses agree to abidement of the union will be marked a call The next stage in the develop Prefering for General Strike press the standards and undermine the organizations The Amalgameted has made its has every cause to maintain bis quarter. Just the contrary. The whole NRA scheme by the Labor Board decision the increasing popularlaztion and position car with regard to the to the administration. and of all the other workers.
equanimity. The next step is up that In invading this field and establishing the arm was butched to head of the independent action of (from the strike leaflet) the driv agitation for these demands, which of pubiicity as basis of a union there the Amalgamated Food Work the workers, all them with false hopes, dampen downers are in conflict not only with will be put in the center of the thratened protest strike.
ers has rendered a signed service to the whole movetheir miltancy and harness them for a long time to the bosses directly, but also with organizing activity, and the pre unconditionelles opposed to theme is self evident from all past ment of organized labor. In the projected strike it the old conditions. The proof of this, which has been the governmental NRA itself. This paration to enforce the demands by codes, and as long ago as Nov. 21 experiences.
will be entitled to the solidarity and support, which amply provided already in the experience of the must be fully realized by the strik general suike Action.
at a mass meeting passed a rewolu.
guard mass meeting has been called tiom denouncing the codes and stathotel and restaurant workers, is driving them toors and all workers as a This is not the urnt and we don are needed to ensure success.
against deception.
for Thursday evening. Dec. 28, at ing that the workers were prepared believe it will be the last instance unionization and to concrete preparations for a strike Many already understand. They p. at the union headquarters, in defense of their conditions to of the utter contempt with which That is the only way to success in the struggle to say, we ll die of old age or starva 916 917 019 Eighth Avenue, to put use the effective weapon of the pig business regards the ever so To wrest concessions from the big New York improve conditions and make life more bearable for tion or both waiting for the NRA the demands of the union before the general strike. All our organizing solemn agreements concluded from hotels is no small undertaking. It cannot be ac the cruelly exploited workers of the hotel and restau. to do something. The strike call hotel and chich are we intend to make the general in Washington. The National Steel workers and work is directed to this end and me to time by the code authorities complished without a real battle, and the battle can.
rant industry of New York.
itself speaks of the strike as labor explain the dot get a good start without serious preparation and only weapon now.
necessary to obtain them, strike a real one.
made more profit in 1931, according a fair basis of organization beforehand. In proceedThe strike approached but did not Supporting Taxicab Drivers The Confidence in NRA As opposed to the bosses de to reports, than all the other steel ing from this point of view, and in moving step by Mooney Appeals Again Every worker will have to realize mands, embodied in the codes, for companies put together. That is step along a consistent line gathering forces, build.
become a general strike in trans that these demands will not be perpetuating and aggravating the persuasive enough argument to ing up the union, popularizing the idea of general strike action instead of reliance on the NRA the VEARS pass, the case of Mooney becomes an old of the embattled taxicab drivers. The botel and restaurant men them in the industry, we set up the work cul paper ultimata which serve as portable on he was called in support conceded merely by asking for them. miserable conditions which prevail counter any of the General forceY story, the movement for his release ebbs and But it is not that alone. The in selves are well ous demand of the industry: higher wages and nents abound in the ranks of the Amalgamated has already stamped itself in the minds and pre ing class solution to the problems a vell for feeble action. Such argu flows and ebbe again, militants grow tired and new dividual unions have their own pared to resist of thousands of discontented hotel slaves as an orFrievances and demands. Thus the For inproving conditions. This is shorter hours to raise standards rugged individualists.
ganization that means business, not bluff and ballyquits and never surrenders, and that is the Indomit reinforcement to the strike and speditions which they have attemustenbe get these things without the part of the nd maiustration is hoo. 2be steady stream of new recruits into the ployment. cau. In most cases, the next step ou union bears testimony to this. These demonstre, on tons of confidence in the unton presage a widespread ries the burden of the case on his own shoulders. union recognition. They have been which is really hours, concealed strike.
response to the strike call when it goes out.
The challenge to the NRA code and the hotel this issue of the Militant is another reminder of this are now stirred into action by the charge for meals, taking wages out make every effort to obtain the the needle industry. There the code The letter from Tom Mooney which is printed in organizing all summer long and wagen is cute brougha reintroducing It is important and necessary to point is the latest development in magnates in whose interest it was drawn up leads fact. It is an appeal which no militant worthy of practise of the milk companies of tips, etc. but by their efforts greatest possible unity in action of authorities, after arbitrating the with iron necessity to a strike. There is no other the name can read without emotion and without singling out union militants and to promote company unions in one the labor organizations in the in great New York strike last fall way but by a show of strength to convince these resolve to take up the fight again in his behalf.
people who refuse to hear or heed the bitter griev Only a few weeks ago Mooney passed his 51st applies to the laundry drivers and with unions, attempts to discrimin action for the purpose of enforcing workers, have made public ances of the workers. The demands gained and the birthday more than a third of his years bave been of Transportation Workers, an. ate against active unton men, etc. these clasa demands, including not come rulings which practically turn organization established in this way will be all the spent continuously in prison. To our shame his dependently organized union which Here and there, particluarly in only a well prepared and powerful the tables in favor of the employees.
more secure. There will be no ground for the alle birthday passed without a wave of public demon entered the of as a second houses where the Amalgamated is general strike movement but so called subnormality clause sion that anybody gave the workers anything. It strations and tumult in the street. To our shame Local at the conclusion of a sucwell organized, the will be clear that everything gained is the result of the fight for his release has again become a perfunc cessful strike a couple of months thrown out a few concessions or protest actions to prepare for low the establshed minimum to s, even reit. It is essential, however, that slow workers. What other effect organized struggle and it will not be easy to take tory, routine affair. It must not remain on this ago, is using the strike to further scattered wage increase shorten every suca step should be a serious can this have but the granting of a strengthen its organization, arrangements of the gains away again.
plane. We must gather all our forces and energies Betrayal of Bakery Drivers hours. This has been particularly part of a definite program calcul loophole to the needle bosses by together again to make the labor movement ring The bakery drivers union has true since Montele workers ated on the basis of the real forces which they can abolish the minimum in The general strike of the New York hotels will with his name, to make the demand for his libera. once more been betrayed. Three went out solidly on strike, cooks, available and have behind it the wage altogether? Another ruling organizations the same industry gives the Southbe an undisguised fight between capital and labor tion a living and burning issue of the whole work months ago they went on strike waiters, busboys, Ushwashers, etc. full weight of the ern and Western employers the under modern conditions. The New York hotels ar ing class.
and were misled into returning to under the banner of the Amalgam concerned. WORKER.
ated. The workers generally unright to pay their workers from 30 The Mooney case is not an extraneous issue; It der promise of Lavorable action by not one horse concerns they represent a huge contheir jobs under old conditons, to 10 per cent lower wages than in centration of capital closely tied up with the banks, is fused together inseparably with awakening revolt the National Labor Board. For two the East. What other effect can and in some cases directly controlled by them. This of the American workers against capitalism and all months the National Labor Board reestabthis heve but the entop? the policy is anti union from start to finish. The Amalgamated union, on the other hand, is a modern gle. His spirit is the expression of the aspiring months the Bakers Club (the Assotype of labor organization, Industrial in form to in struggle of labor for life and freedom. And just clation of the bosses) have been New York. general meeting of their organizations. The printers At a meeting of ruorganized workclude all workers in the Industry, militant la polley as he symbolizes by bis dauntless rebel spirit the un busy demoralizing the workers by organized printers took place on plagued them with questions, reers and union me, an of and relying on its own strength.
dying struggles of the workers, so also does the bar Aring the active unionists from the December 17, 1933 at Germania counting their unsuccessful at official wno is aiso serving on one job.
Hall. It was called by the Indetempts in gaining admission to the of the NRA Cumpiaint Boards told never tackled the big hotels. they se baves confined till the true story of the class justice of today. The breaking, the NRA and all its einen Feature was the presence of posed to honeyed words and Duck chiselers bad worned their way The of industry themselves to smaller unitse little cafes, cafeterias did considerable clear into the NRA itse. Beibg and night clubs leaving the big and powerful con of slavery, exploitation, bunger and injustice. The Within two days of the general couraged the new body with warm wriggling and squirming. It can all hepped up by the propaganda cerns and the workers enslaved by them pretty much fight for Mooney is the workers own sight.
of grants the bakery drivers a 44 presentatives of Rig Six and Press. speeches of these of Le appeared to be quite outraged by alone. Antiquated craft unionism demonstrates its inadequacy and the whole theory of the partnership more heavily on the masses. They feel every more week minimum pay, obviously an opportunity to express their and presentante prodotto communion that can administration which standa of ospital and labor goes to pieces when large scale intensely in their own daily lives the iniquities of prompted by etorts to break the views Numerous applications for in the minds of the assembled four square for et system the profit Aggregations of capital are confronted.
the hateful regime; their grievances bring them into unity of the workers. Without any membershly were fled with the printers.
system of capitalism which upThe Amalgamated Food Workers arose as an inde closer sympathy with all who suffer oppression and agreement on the part of the boss committee after the speeches and In reply to the discussion Gordon holds the free for all grab and may injustice. They can become one with Mooney who es, the uplon officials called off their discussion pendent Industrial union in a field that was deserted properly exposed the pretensions the best chiseler win, cannot help symbolizes their rebellion and pays for it with a the drivers, who see no indication and unoccupled Just as similar organizations must These workers listened with at and deception of the of being swamped by them.
and will take shape in other big Industries which living death in the California prison. It is our task on the part of the bakers to recoger of the Organization Committee. one of them who said that where to haston this fusion in a renewed fight for Tom nize the award of the union, are ber tention and enthusiasm to mem representatives, stating in reply to the craft unions are unable or unwilling to organize.
While the American workers may Mooney.
It is not a dual union but the legitimate organizademanding action. In fact not all Gordon, who described the there was a Will to get into the not as yet have come to the realltion to serve the needs of the workers. The foreof the drivers went back, hundreds wretched conditions in the trade, Pressmen Union or Big Six any nation that it is up to them as a most and fundamental task in preparation for the The remarks of Mooney about the Chicago Con this Thursday the time on the taking union and non union printers and ion not onl had the will but the dawn hands and run industry for the are still out despite the union order the disastrous competition between one could enter. that the new un class to take the works into their general strike is to build and strengthen the Amal gress and its aftermath are painful to read. It is another strike yote.
gamated Food Workers.
clear from these remarks, as has been pointed out Labor Fakers in Action by the employers. He pointed out doors of the above antons But it nevertheless gropinsiy doing some in these columns many times, that those who mono As soon as the American Federa combining to speure higher prices ganized taking the job into their NRA won do thing for them un polized the leadership of the Left wing labor movetion of Labor Executive Board be from the ARA code now under disonly be accomplished by the unor already with increasing clarity that Concentration on this fundamental task of or ganizing the workers into the Amalgamated does not ment in recent years are able only to disorganize to came cognizant of the sweep of the cussion more than half of the own hands through the pressure less they themselves get together disrupt and to destroy. The blight of their influencs strike and the enthusiasm it arous printers in this city are unorgan of the new of course, prevent cooperation with other unions in in formations of their own and see the indus. ry and, in our opinion, the Executive Board is felt even in the defense movement for labor prised it came to the aid of the boss ized and ignored by the of Additions were made to the Or that they get woatever they can of the nalga mated was right in declaring its readt oners, and the Mooney case is not the first examples. Lieutenant Daniel Tobin, unions, which through their probl ganization Committee which will out of it. They no doubt notice of their capacity to sacrifice the interests International president of the bitive initiation fees, their ness to mgage in joint actions with the of closed proceed with the stupendous task of with growing apprehension the fact Teamsters Union came out with membership books and long periods gathering all unorganized that out of 3, 000, 000 Blue Eagles unions in case the latter are really prepared to act, that is, to call a strike of the workers under their organization is an urgent need. This is widely felt of the union, Thomas Brien, that ea corporations to a huge section Independent Printing Employees camiseterince and legitimate non partisan defense bis wire to the local state organizer of apprenticeship have become clos printers under the banner of the issued to the boss class and how. jurisdiction. Such a proposition can very well re PRINTER. tional Recovery administration an main as a standing attitude provided it does not leta issue out into the open more prominently. There is sion was asked and none was given with an appeal for organization nounces only 58 fty eight. withto Illusions among the members that some nebulous drawals.
much to be said on the questions raised in Mooney to call a general strike. This and action as the only effective combination or instrument outside the Hotel and letter. In next week Militant we shall return to stable the back was had its effect. method for the wnorganized to ima Letter from Mooney Restaurant workers branch of the Amalgamated can the subject again.
remain out on strike, four having that it was the intention of this gone back. The taxi, milk, laundry union to work as closely with thu (Continued from page 1)
MINNEAPOLIS OPEN FORUM men now constitute the backbone of other union men and their organizeLECTURES tions as possible and to work for Sheet for the film, THE STRANGE Sunday, January 7th at P.
It is imperative for the speedy the establishment of one union in CASE OF TOM MOONEY. If this WHAT HAS THE STATE LEGIS.
success of the strike that of the the industry.
Motion Picture should be shown in LATURE DONE ABOUT RELIEF Lecture by Albert Goldman The great wit of the bourgeoisle, and his fellows as the friends and taxi men as well as that of the The floor was thrown open for all of the motion picture houses other unions that the strike on Speaker: HEDLUND George Bernard Shaw, has discov. defenders of the Soviet Union. Shaw be discussion and printer after printer of this country, my continued im SOCIALISM IN THE SOVIET extended to a complete general tle got up on his feet describing condi prisonment would be impossible, January 14th, at P.
ered a new love. Before the war and his friends are only petty bourup. The strike must go to the tlons urging the need for organiza ir you are member of any or IS THE ROOSEVELT PROGRAM It was the Fabian Society, the pink and when they get tired or scared UNION workers subway, bus and tion and counselling courage and ganization, move for the appoint BRINGING RECOVERY?
est of all pluk organizations. Dur of the red get up, they ll change it when and How It Will Be Achieved out not only the drivers but the Printing Employees independent of a committee to call upon street car; and, if need be, to call determination for the Speaker: WILLIAM KITT The pire. Recently his love was the Barbusse, Romain Rolland, Lord Ing the war he served God and Em. for black, brown or blue. Henrl Sunday Eve. Janwry 7th, 8:30 inside production workers as well. present took heart and hope when managers of all the motion January 21st, at P.
picture houses in your city, show.
LENIN MEMORIAL MEETING Soviet Union, whose hotels at last Marley, and all the rest will very To date neither the Socialist members of Big Six and the ing this press shoot, and urging had hot water, and whose trains probably disappear long before the party nor the Communist party Pressmen Union No.
Speaker: COOVER told them that they show this Alm in their Held at: 1530 Franklin Avenue at last ran. And now It is Herr battle wh which decide whether the National Socialist Institute have made public any announce that they too were opposed to the theatre; assuring them that it It Auspices. Minneapolis Branch, ComHitler.
Horst Wessel song shall be sung in ment on the strike. The Is policies of the leadership of these is shown, your committee and all 3322 Douglas Blvd.
munlst League of America. Describing Hitler as a very Moscow streets by Hitler brown Cts. Unemployed Free union and, to a lesser extent of unons, that they were fighting for tion, will do all possible to secure ADMISSION FREE able man Mr. Shaw said he had shirts or whether the Interna Admission the genius to realize that Germany tionale shall be heard in Berlin.
Auspices. Friends of the Militant not to embarrass the of union, for the organization of the being shown that you wote manburied alive in this tomb of had been kicked long enough. New Mr. Shaw has shown these peoClub officialdom and to absolve itsele unorganized. They wished the new secure local publicity through the forgotten men for seventeen of the York Times. ple the road. It is useless for comfrom any commitments before the Union success and offered to fight press and other sources We cannot blame Mr. Shaw. He munists to blame them for taking workers. The has made no for it inside the of unlons.
Eighteenth Year in Prison.
best years of his life denied and always was just one thing abour. It; they are what they are. But all deprived of all that life holds dear.
other contribution than a miser. The presence in the meeting of July 27, 1983, began my eigh How would you feel if you were THE LOGICAL CONCLUSION geols, very clever and, at times, workers must watch with suspicion causticalls critical one, but none these leaders to the soufet union, erica does not concern Russia, and The CUJÚ. Butcher drivers sentative of Typographical Union that was acquitted of on the 24th as much for me as you would like The Communist Party of Am. able leaflet by the sterile Thomas Connell, Label Repte teenth year in prison for a crime so brutally treated? Won you do Shaw is perfectly right. Adolph who prefer such friends and de does not concern America. Trans the strike committee as has the Representative of the Print ocratic capitalist class is dem thers to do for you, if in a similar 18 a great mat for the bout geolste, tenders to the revolutionary proleport this formula of Litvinott to Independent Retall Laundry Driving Pressmen Union No. 61, gave with a vengeance Justice predicament?
For the workers Hitler is hell in tarlat.
Europe and you have: The Comers.
the new union recognition, however, do sincerely hope that you will preciation for any consideration you Accept my heartfelt thankful apcarnate munist Party of Germany does not The leallet issued by the local informal, almost from its Incep treat with generous consideration may show this desperate appeal.
The danger lies not in Mr. Shaw LECTURE concern Russia and the Communist branch of the Communist League ton. These of represen this most urgent appeal for help being a bourgeols, but in the will.
Party of Russia does not concern calls for a complete transport tatives, soft spoken, silver tongued, commensurate with your means and cards and best proletarian greettngoed of so called proletarian on the leaders to take him for something PERMANENT REVOLUTION munist Parties do not concern Ruw week with union wages and for sed considerable time of the meeting plead with you, urge you, im ings, am, else. And the danger becomes disby JACK WEBER sls and Russle does not concern polley of class struggle against explaining to the workers the great plore you not lightly, or throw it Comradely yours, Aster when the stalinist leaders o Monday, January 1st at P. The World TOM MOONEY 31921 the Comintern rely upon Mr. Shaw work they were carrying on and into the waste basket. Just think at 126 East 16th Street Thin Smolestaldniewiat Parties class collaboration. LEON GOODMAN. how easy it was to folnap tal of what it means to an innocent SAN QUENTIN PRISON he worked the remot sooney to a banner of stru considered the creational best Bor New York Printers Organize Union by nion. The Another «Friends of the Soviet Union CHICAGO POR UM et the